99 presentation final




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Objectives To help you initiate a smart preparation for the exam

To introduce you with exam psychology

To introduce you with exam strategies

To rectify your exam presentation

To ensure extra marks in English for you

Phases of the Presentation 1. Exam Preparation

2. Fighting Your English Exam Battle

3. The Days Before the Exam

4. The Night before the Exam

5. The Exam Day

6. Exam Psychology

7. Exam Presentation

1. Pre-Exam Preparation i) Motivation Your Brain is better than you think of

God has democratically distributed brains and everybody has one.

Stephen, Atiur Rahman-Man Can be destroyed but never be defeated.

From Cow Boy to Governor

I am a relentless worker!

My father called me a stupid!

God has democratically distributed brain!

Mental Set-up!

Pre-Exam Preparation ii) Mental Set-up & Piloting the Syllabus

Mental Maladies: Procrastination : ‘To be or not to be’

The Hardest part of an assignment is to start

Now or Never

Lower a bit the standard of your work

Learn to say know

Study according to a smart schedule

Piloting your project

Study just to fulfill your dream, not your parents’

(Failing to plan is planning to fail.)

Creating a Learning Environment

iii) Creating a learning Environment Reading Room Set-up

Reading Table Set-up

Decoration of Reading Room Wall

Not Using the Table and Bed

Learn the smart use of your cell-phone

Study in a well-lit room

iv. How to maximise outcome from your study

Restorf Theory of Maximising your memory recall

• You tend to recall from the beginig and the ending

• One can recall less from the middle of his learning topic.

• Solution: Break your study into small units

Revision Miracles

Revision Miracles! 80% lost after 24 hours!

Smart Style of Revision can maximise your recall

1st Revision: After 10 minutes for 5 mins.(day 1)

2nd Revision: After 1 Day (24 hours)

3rd Revision: After 7 days (1 week)

4th Revision: After 1 month ( 1 month)

Mind Map!

How to De-code Your Memory Enliven your memory through SMAHIN SCOPE of

memory code! S= Sensuality ( Feel, Touch …A touch can instill faith)

M= Movement ( Make it dynamic and have tea with you)

A= Association ( Link them with your permanent positive memory)

H= Humour (Make fun with info)

I = Imagination ( Float it through image… Imagination is better than knowledge)

N = Number ( Number force memory to stay forever).

S= Symb olism ( Transform it to implied different story )

C= Colour ( Stimulates memory system)

O= Order (Discipline)

P = Positive Image ( Memory tends to block the negative incidents)

E = Exaggeration ( Swell)

How to Fight Your English Exam Battle

Coping With English First Paper 1. Do you write down the questions in the Script?

2. Do you apply this fox-art in true/false?

4. Listing crux ? Are you a stupid?

5. Are you aware of these three mistakes in free-ending qns.?

6. Summarising: No detached sentence. No numbering required.

8. Six deadly sins in flow-chart! (diagram)

Stop irritating your examiner! 6. Rearrangement: Do you irritate your examiner?

7. Paragraph: Do you write an essay instead of a paragraph?

English 2nd Paper 1. Right Use of Verb: You can ensure 60 % marks only in 25 minutes study Rectify your answer with 3-Q methods (pie chart ) 2. Preposition: Just spend three hours now and relax in the

days before the exam. 3. Articles: Traditional rules memorising works best. Write

ans only 4. Phrase and Idioms: No Bangla Meaning (scanned slide) # Board Qns + Test Paper Make simple sentence by your teacher.

6.Passage Narration:

Are you aware of six check-points?

7. Tag Questions: So easy yet so poor score!

# List the confusing statements

# List the negative words

# Learn to make contracted forms (Spacing Prob)

7. Completing Sentence

# Proverbs & Saying

# List sentences from board questions and test paper and classify them according their grammatical rules

# Learn how to make clause and phrase

# Learn to make structural sentences.

# Have command over ‘Right Use of Verbs’.

8. Linking Words

# List all the linking words from board qns and test paper and memorise their meaning.

9. Transformation of sentences.

# Structural sentences: Learn to make phrase and clause. Memorise the sub-ordinating and co-ordinating conjunctions. Make a corresponding chart of conjunctions and phrases.

# Degree Transformation: Group the sentences and make a corresponding chart of characteristics.

Sentence (According to meaning):

# Corresponding chart

# List the opposite form of the adjectives and memorise them


# List 19 auxiliaries of tenses of passive voice.

# Give special attention to imperative sentence.

(Usually no interrogative sentences is given in the board exam)

# Learn to make passive of Compound and Complex sentences.

# Learn to cope with double objects.

# List the confusing sentences.

Composition Report Writing:

# Do you know the Five Essential Parts of a Report?

# Do you know about the forbidden things in a report?

Application/ Formal Letter

You mustn’t these common 6 mistakes

Dialogue Writing Five Common errors you must check in while writing a


Punctuation & Spelling

SMS & Facebook Language

Errors in contracted forms

Unusually large dialogue slot

Common Errors in the ending lines

Summary Writing The use of quotation/ inverted commas

The use of Personal Pronoun

Copying the text

The use of numbered sentences

Story Writing:

# Myth Vs. Reality

# 5 Fatal Errors (story of Heming Way)

Use scanned script

3. The Days before the Exam

3. The Days Before the Exam How do you count your remaining days of exam?

Deactivate Facebook and Cell-phone

Avoid TV room

Review your answers with some good friends in a group study.

Practice Quantum Sign

Talk to your teacher about your concerns.

Consider whether you have learning disability or an anxiety disorder

4. The Night before the Exam


The Night Before Exam Sleep:



Stress Management: Deep Breath

Prepare your tools and stuff

Review, not learn new things (base-ball player)

5. The Exam Day Hours Before the Exam



Wear a watch

Arrive Early( seating arrangement, lighting)

Avoid Nervous Students

6. The Exam Psychology

6.a)How do you manage your stress?

During Examination Stress Management (Exam is not everything in life)

Quantum Sign

Deep Breath

Positive Visualisation

Read Directions Carefully

Don’t Look around, focus on yourself

Budget your time

Take each question equally important

Don’t underestimate yourself

During Examination Never get tense seeing others taking additional paper

Tension regarding circulation of questionnaire late

Make sure you have sufficient time for the last question.

7. Exam Presentation

Exam Paper Layout

Errors in Exam Script Decoration Margin:

# Upper Side/Header: 1 inch

# Left-Side: 1.5

#Right Side: 0.5 inch

# Bottom Side: 1 inch

Where to put serial number of the Questions?

Which colour do you use?

How do you pen through a wrong answer?

Fatal Errors In Exam Don’t forget to get back to your skipped question

A blank answer is always a wrong answer(put a check mark)

Answering a qn. Twice

Transferring ans. Incorrectly from scratch

Ignoring the clock ( 5 mins left but 5 ans to write)

Thinking too much

Strategies to fight the Qns. Deadly Spelling/Punctuation/grammar mistake/

overwriting at the beginning

Content is King!

Strategies: Scanning the qn. Some qns. need more time

Some qns. need more points

Some qns. need more drawings

Some qns. need more diagrams

Strategies: Starting with more difficult qn.

You will get exhausted

You will get stumble at the beginning

You will get demoralised ,nd may lose much time to cover.

Do you adopt wrong strategies? Writing too much or too little ( A short answer

covering each points is better than long answer detailing everything)

What if you fail to answer in due time?

You drop your writing style

You drop proper paragraphing

Do you blackmail your examiner?

Question & Answer Session

Please, never copy in the Exam! I Hate Copying in the Exam. Do You?

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