9 Secrets of Longevity.docx


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  • 8/14/2019 9 Secrets of Longevity.docx


    9 Secrets of Longevity

    As Buettner and his team studied the Blue Zones, they identified nine common traits shared by those communities

    where people live longer. He was surprised that it wasnt only food and lifestyle, but also creating a most beneficial

    environment. Heres a look at these longevity-boosting traits, known as the Power of 9.:

    Move naturally. Do your own house and yard work, go up and down your stairs with your laundry, knead

    your own dough, Buettner advises. Incorporate more movement every hour.

    Know your purpose.Taketime to recognize your values, strengths, talents, passions and gifts, Buettner

    says. Reflect, and work on yourself.

    Down shift.Relieve chronic stress by finding time each day to nap, meditate or pray.

    The 80% rule.Cut 20 percent of your daily calories with proven healthy practices: eat a big breakfast, dine

    with your family, and begin each meal by expressing appreciation.

    Plant slant.Eat mostly plant-based foods, and small portions of meat no more than twice a week.

    Wine at 5.Drinkers live longer than non-drinkers. This longevity tip had one exception: those in the Loma

    Linda Blue Zone were Seventh Day Adventists, who abstain from alcohol.

    Family first.Living in a loving, thriving family can add up to six years to your life. Work on a positive,

    committed relationship and stay close to your aging parents and grandparents.

    Belong.Those with the most social connectedness tend to live longer, Buettner says. Be part of a group of

    healthy-minded, supportive people.

    Right tribe.Good friends have a positive effect on your longevity. Support them and adopt healthy behaviors


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    7 surprising things that make you live longer

    RealBuzz Thu, Oct 25, 2012 4:00 PM PHT



    Surprising things that make you live longer: Smiling in photographs

  • 8/14/2019 9 Secrets of Longevity.docx


    Want to add years to your lifespan and squeeze more into your life? Youre not alone. Researchers

    are constantly on the hunt for ways we can increase our longevity, and they have come up with some

    pretty surprising findings. To help pave the way for a longer life, check out these seven unexpected

    things that increase your lifespan.

    1. Smiling in photographs

    Next time someone asks you to smile for the camera, it may be wise to heed their advice if you want

    to live a longer life. A study by researchers at Wayne State University studied photos of former

    professional baseball players and found that the bigger their smile, the longer they lived. In fact,

    those players with the biggest smiles amassed an average of seven more years than those with none.

    It is believed that this is because big smiles in photographs reflect true happiness, which is beneficial

    for both your physical and mental well-being.

    2. Having "positive" initials

    While you may not give much thought to your initials, a surprising study by researchers at the

    University of California has revealed that having initials that spell out positive words (such as ACE,

    WOW or VIP) could add years on to your life. The study found that men with positive initials lived

    4.48 years longer while men with initials that spelled out negative words died 2.8 years younger.

    Having negative initials most significantly seemed to impact on deaths with psychological

    components such as suicides and accidents, although there was a noticed increase in longevity in

    almost all disease categories for those with positive initials.

    3. Getting married

    If youre lucky enough to have found the guy or girl of your dreams, research suggests that taking the

    next step and getting married could add years on to your lifespan. Being in love has many reported

    health benefits. In fact, researchers at the University of Rochester reported that a good marriage can

    be as beneficial for your heart as quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy weight and reducing high

    blood pressure. Multiple research studies and statistics have backed this up, showing that those who

    are married live longer than singletons, generally due to the fact that they have a higher income and

    experience less social isolation.

    4. Being slightly overweight

    While poor diets and obesity are bad news for your health, research has suggested that slightly

    overweight people actually live longer than those of normal weight, and significantly longer than

    those who are obese or excessively thin. However, David Feeny, who led one of the surprising

    research studies, has warned that this does not mean that normal weight people should attempt to

  • 8/14/2019 9 Secrets of Longevity.docx


    gain weight to increase their lifespan. Experts explain that although being bigger may add a few years

    on to your lifespan perhaps due to it helping to safeguard against the weight loss and frailty that

    often incurs in old age that does not mean that it will increase your quality of life.

    5. Having religious beliefs

    Multiple research studies have shown that believing in God regardless of which faith you adhere to

    could help to boost your health and increase your lifespan. A study involving liver transplant

    patients showed that those who had strong religious connections were up to three times more likely

    to survive, even if they did not attend church. Research results published in theJournal of

    Gerontology: Medical Sciencesalso showed that people who attended regular religious services were

    46 percent less likely to die during the six-year study. Experts believe that this may be due to

    increased social ties, less risky behavior and also the increased ability to cope with stress.

    6. Being a social butterfly

    Healthy living can sometimes seem like hard work and it seems to be rare that the things we love are

    good for us. However, if you want a fun way to boost your health, take note: research suggests that

    making regular plans with your friends can help you to live longer by reducing feelings of depression,

    stress and risky behavior, and encouraging you to look after your health. In fact, a study by Brigham

    Young University found that having a good social network boosts your survival chances by 50

    percent, while having few friends affects you longevity as much as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

    7. Laughter

    Whether youre having a giggle with friends or watching a funny movie, laughter is guaranteed to

    boost your mood and leave you feeling great. However, the benefits of laughter go way beyond that.

    Studies have found a multitude of ways in which laughter boosts your health, including lowering

    blood pressure levels, reducing bad cholesterol, enhancing the immune system and helping blood

    vessels to function better. A seven year study in Norway also found that those who laughed most

    often in everyday life were 35 per cent less likely to die during the study period. (Read more on


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    Amethyst () 37 minutes ago

    love this kind of article...

    and of course allow yourself to have time to be Lazy and unproductive sometimes...

    rest is not a luxury but a necessity...it can prolong life...=)


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    Lost_inlove 12 hours ago

    1. Smiling in photographs-100%

    6. Being a social butterfly-50%

    7. Laughter -100%...More


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    D3LISY(O)Z@ 5 hours ago

    I just love laughing all day long :)))))))) harharharhar

  • 8/14/2019 9 Secrets of Longevity.docx



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    Big Bird 12 hours ago

    maging masamang damo?

    3 Replies

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    Janine 3 hours ago

    Himala, walang "sex" na nakasama sa listahan. hehe

    1 Reply

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    Zeppelin 3 hours ago

    laughter is the best medicine


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    EUPHONY ANGELO 5 hours ago

    Ang loko... haha... ung kapit-bahay namin, ngumiti naman cia nung nagpa-picture cia... namatay naman

    agad... hahaha

    2 Replies

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    Erica 7 hours ago

  • 8/14/2019 9 Secrets of Longevity.docx




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    A Yahoo! User 9 hours ago

    making others happy in my own way ^_^


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    BB Ko 18 hours ago

    I love this kind of article... (^______________________^)


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    Big Dough

    16 hours ago

    even flossing your teeth and taking a bath can boost your longevity.

    dont smoke, and dont do drama. Just smile often and emmit happy vibrations.


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    Lordes 7 hours ago

    think of happy thoughts....

    1 Reply

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  • 8/14/2019 9 Secrets of Longevity.docx


    Magic Mike 12 hours ago

    sa mga signs na yan.. isa na lang ang kulang sa akin.. :D

    9 Replies

    o0Please sign in to rate a Thumb UpPlease sign in to rate a Thumb Down 0

    Azumi5 hours ago




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    Andrah 4 hours ago

    #1 & #7 - the easiest

    #3 - the hardest


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    LabLab 9 hours ago

    Being slightly overweight prolongs life? Great!!! Haha! At least this lifted my spirit up! :D


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    Own Ayalaland 26 minutes ago



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    D' Elect 4 hours ago

    avoid addict infested areas..avoid holduppers..avoid confllicts..skirmish..pakikipagtalo..hahaba buhay



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    Kid Beau 13 hours ago

    get into the feeling place of whatever makes you happy.


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    Etchua 22 hours ago

    I'm doing good on all... except the social butterfly. :D


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    Princess-Shai-Lie-Angel 11 hours ago

    Learn a Language & Smiling in photographs:-))



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    1. Barbie Forteza

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    7 surprising things that make you live longer

    RealBuzz Thu, Oct 25, 2012 4:00 PM PHT



    Surprising things that make you live longer: Smiling in photographs

    Want to add years to your lifespan and squeeze more into your life? Youre not alone. Researchers

    are constantly on the hunt for ways we can increase our longevity, and they have come up with some

    pretty surprising findings. To help pave the way for a longer life, check out these seven unexpected

    things that increase your lifespan.

    1. Smiling in photographs

    Next time someone asks you to smile for the camera, it may be wise to heed their advice if you want

    to live a longer life. A study by researchers at Wayne State University studied photos of former

    professional baseball players and found that the bigger their smile, the longer they lived. In fact,

  • 8/14/2019 9 Secrets of Longevity.docx


    those players with the biggest smiles amassed an average of seven more years than those with none.

    It is believed that this is because big smiles in photographs reflect true happiness, which is beneficial

    for both your physical and mental well-being.

    2. Having "positive" initials

    While you may not give much thought to your initials, a surprising study by researchers at the

    University of California has revealed that having initials that spell out positive words (such as ACE,

    WOW or VIP) could add years on to your life. The study found that men with positive initials lived

    4.48 years longer while men with initials that spelled out negative words died 2.8 years younger.

    Having negative initials most significantly seemed to impact on deaths with psychological

    components such as suicides and accidents, although there was a noticed increase in longevity in

    almost all disease categories for those with positive initials.

    3. Getting married

    If youre lucky enough to have found the guy or girl of your dreams, research suggests that taking the

    next step and getting married could add years on to your lifespan. Being in love has many reported

    health benefits. In fact, researchers at the University of Rochester reported that a good marriage can

    be as beneficial for your heart as quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy weight and reducing high

    blood pressure. Multiple research studies and statistics have backed this up, showing that those who

    are married live longer than singletons, generally due to the fact that they have a higher income and

    experience less social isolation.

    4. Being slightly overweight

    While poor diets and obesity are bad news for your health, research has suggested that slightly

    overweight people actually live longer than those of normal weight, and significantly longer than

    those who are obese or excessively thin. However, David Feeny, who led one of the surprising

    research studies, has warned that this does not mean that normal weight people should attempt to

    gain weight to increase their lifespan. Experts explain that although being bigger may add a few years

    on to your lifespan perhaps due to it helping to safeguard against the weight loss and frailty that

    often incurs in old age that does not mean that it will increase your quality of life.

    5. Having religious beliefs

    Multiple research studies have shown that believing in God regardless of which faith you adhere to

    could help to boost your health and increase your lifespan. A study involving liver transplant

    patients showed that those who had strong religious connections were up to three times more likely

    to survive, even if they did not attend church. Research results published in theJournal of

  • 8/14/2019 9 Secrets of Longevity.docx


    Gerontology: Medical Sciencesalso showed that people who attended regular religious services were

    46 percent less likely to die during the six-year study. Experts believe that this may be due to

    increased social ties, less risky behavior and also the increased ability to cope with stress.

    6. Being a social butterfly

    Healthy living can sometimes seem like hard work and it seems to be rare that the things we love are

    good for us. However, if you want a fun way to boost your health, take note: research suggests that

    making regular plans with your friends can help you to live longer by reducing feelings of depression,

    stress and risky behavior, and encouraging you to look after your health. In fact, a study by Brigham

    Young University found that having a good social network boosts your survival chances by 50

    percent, while having few friends affects you longevity as much as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

    7. Laughter

    Whether youre having a giggle with friends or watching a funny movie, laughter is guaranteed to

    boost your mood and leave you feeling great. However, the benefits of laughter go way beyond that.

    Studies have found a multitude of ways in which laughter boosts your health, including lowering

    blood pressure levels, reducing bad cholesterol, enhancing the immune system and helping blood

    vessels to function better. A seven year study in Norway also found that those who laughed most

    often in everyday life were 35 per cent less likely to die during the study period.
