9. MGMT2110 Ch11 Communication Part 1


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Warm Up Exercise 

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-.  /, 0+*1 2"#$3 4'()*(( 56#27( +," 26',8 0+*74

9':" 2+ ;)6#,8"< #2 =>! #,4 26*( 2+ $#:" #

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K"6#@'+1( #,4 F#*("( +E F1"#?@" L"6#@'+1(.

M.  >6#1" 0+*1 '4"#( 5'26 26" )9#((.

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N6#2 '( F1"#?@'20A MC>2#8" D+4"9

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-.  &"O," !"#$"%&'( #,4 "GH9#', 26" E#)2+1( 26#2

',P*",)" '2.

B.  QGH9#', RS1'L*?+, !6"+10 #,4 RS1'L*?+, Q11+1(.

M.  /4",?E0 26" >6+12)*2( ',4'@'4*#9( *(" ', $#:',8

 T*48$",2( #L+*2 +26"1(.

U.  K'#("( V Q11+1( ', &")'('+, D#:',8W X'(2 #,4 "GH9#',

26" )+$$+, 4")'('+, K'#("( V Q11+1(.


Q26')( V &")'('+, D#:',8W F+,21#(2 26" 261"" Q26')#9&")'('+, F1'2"1'#. 

Z.  F1"#?@'20 V &")'('+, D#:',8W &"O," $#")&*+,-  #,4

4'()*(( 26" !61""C>2#8" D+4"9 +E F1"#?@'20. MCM

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!6"1" 5'99 L" &/bbQ]Qc! @"1('+,( +E "G#$ H#H"1(.


I)2 BB `!6*1(4#0a 5'99 L" *("4 E+1 0+*1 2"#$H1+T")2 $""?,8. !6"1"799 L" cI FXR>> $""?,8.


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>=KD/! #2 26" ",4 +E $'42"1$.

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  !"#$ &'()*(('+,

Discuss with your team members,

What does each of the following mean?

•  Why don’t I take you to dinner  tonight?

•  Why don’t I take you to dinner tonight?

•  Why don’t I take you to dinner tonight?


Why don’t I take you to dinner tonight?

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Rg"1 (2*40',8 26'( )6#H2"13 0+* (6+*94 L" #L9" 2+W

-. &"O," F+$$*,')#?+, V '2( H*1H+("(3 #,4 4"()1'L"

26" ",--)4;+%&,4 5#,+$...B. &'(?,8*'(6 L"25"", 3,#-%0 %4: ;43,#-%0)+$$*,')#?+,.

M. F+,21#(2 E+1$#9 )+$$*,')#?+, 4$*A,#B. #,4 26" 

C#%D$';4$.U. F+,21#(2 :,A4A%#:E )DA%#:E %4: 0%*$#%0)+$$*,')#?+, #,4 H1+@'4" "G#$H9"( +E "#)6.

Y. F+,21#(2 ,#%0E A#;F$4E %4: 4,4'$#6%0

)+$$*,')#?+,.Z. /4",?E0 )+$$+, 6%##;$#. 2+ "h")?@")+$$*,')#?+,.

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What is Communication?

",--)4;+%&,4 ;. 26" H1+)"(( L0 56')6',E+1$#?+, '( HHHHHHHHHHHHH #,4 HHHHHHHHHHH 

L"25"", 25+ +1 $+1" H"+H9".

N6#2 '( fII& F+$$*,')#?+,A

!1#,($'j,8 26" (",4"17(kkkkkkkkkkkkk

'( 26" "((",)" +E 8++4


transmitted understood

intended meaning

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N6#2 #1" 26" 5)#D,.$. +E

F+$$*,')#?+, ', #, +18#,'l#?+,A

-. kkkkkkkkkkk

B. kkkkkkkkkkk

M. Q$+?+,#9 kkkkkkkkkkkk

U. /,E+1$#?+,




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X"27( QGH9+1" E*126"1s

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B. J;#$+&,4 +E F+$$*,')#?+,

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explained quickly


not well thought

black & white,

 can be forwarded

more engaging,

express something

need to observe

no instant reply

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/. I1#9 F+$$*,')#?+,

Advantages•  kkkkkkkk

•  kkkkkkkkkkkk

•  >'$H9" 2+ kkkkkkkkkkk


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//. N1'S", F+$$*,')#?+,

Advantages •  e1+@'4" # 2#,8'L9" #,4



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Disadvantages•   HHHHHH )+,(*$',8


X#): +E kkkkkkkkk


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Body languageconveys:



Rj2*4',#9 >2#2"`#11+8#,)"3#881"(('@","((3 E"#1a


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emotional intonation/emphasis

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Case Study: An Underwater Meeting