9 Headline Templates That Have a Prayer




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9 Headline Templates That Have a Prayer http://www.infomarketingblog.com/9-headline-templates-that-have-a-pr...

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9 Headline Templates That Have a Prayer

Many A-list copywriters argue headline templates, and

swipe files in general, are a waste of time. They don’t


Most purveyors of copywriting material, on the other

hand, praise the plug-and-play simplicity of templates

for selling any product or service.

As in most cases with two disparate views (and

agendas), the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

Few A-list writers would consider submitting a direct

mail package with a swiped headline, no matter how successful the original. Not

even if the derivative headline were undetectable.

The A-listers may have synthesized the knowledge of hundreds of headline split

tests but they’re generally bound to the creation-from-scratch mentality that

their clients expect from them.

Almost without exception, the purveyors of copywriting material claim that

creating winning advertising is an easy process. All you need to do is insert your

details into a readymade template, smooth over a few patches and presto, out

pops a profitable ad.

Few of them have ever staked much capital on the advice they dispense, outside

of the “get rich in copywriting” niche. If it were as easy as they claimed,

everybody and his brother would have dozens of winning ads working for them

around the clock.

The truth is, writing a profitable ad that can be rolled out meaningfully is hard

work but far from impossible. And some rare templates are…

Virtually automatic at getting a prospect to open his wallet

Like the three-word core of a headline in the financial markets. It originated in

space, was heavily adopted in magalogs and has been going strong for 40 years.

And it’ll probably keep working for just as long due to its devilishly clever

psychology. My mentor learned it from his copy mentor and unfortunately, I’m

bound to secrecy on this one.

But, I’ve compiled nine headlines that have a chance of selling. And that’s the

litmus test. If they can sell, they can also generate leads, get your emails opened

or bring scores of bookmarking visitors to your blog.

Either I (or someone in my network) has staked his own cash on many of them.

And even though some of them are widely known, they’re not as fatigued as the

usual template fare. Moreover, many of them have a several decade track record

with numerous, verifiable ad insertions.

Remember, there are no guarantees. And what I or anyone else advocates is

irrelevant unless it’s been vetted in the marketplace. These at least offer a

fighting chance.

1) For golfers who are almost (but not quite)

satisfied with their game — and can’t figure out what

they’re doing wrong:

Writer: Mel Martin

Years: 1970-1973

Products: Written for John Jacobs’ book, Practical

Golf. A similar pre-headline was used for multiple

book offers.

Of all the headlines on this page, this is probably the

one with the purest, bottled selling power. It not only identifies and calls out to

the prospect like a siren but touches a nerve that sparks action. Though Mel

Martin used it as a pre-headline, it works effectively as a headline as well.

Before 2007, you couldn’t find a swipe of this headline if you tried. After the

posts about this and nearly two dozen other remarkable (and almost unknown)

ads of Mel Martin were written, numerous examples are all over the Web.

Swipe Examples:

For Internet Marketers who are almost (but not quite) satisfied with their

conversions — and can’t figure out what they’re doing wrong:


127 Winning Headlines


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9 Headline Templates That Have a Prayer http://www.infomarketingblog.com/9-headline-templates-that-have-a-pr...

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9 Headline Templates That Have a Prayer http://www.infomarketingblog.com/9-headline-templates-that-have-a-pr...

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9 Headline Templates That Have a Prayer http://www.infomarketingblog.com/9-headline-templates-that-have-a-pr...

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9 Headline Templates That Have a Prayer http://www.infomarketingblog.com/9-headline-templates-that-have-a-pr...

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9 Headline Templates That Have a Prayer http://www.infomarketingblog.com/9-headline-templates-that-have-a-pr...

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9 Headline Templates That Have a Prayer http://www.infomarketingblog.com/9-headline-templates-that-have-a-pr...

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