8th Day



The book "8th day" is a childrens book that follows the imagination of a young girl and all the awesome things that could be done if only there was one extra day to the week.

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Illustrated by Katie Aguilar


Copyright © 2013 by Katie Aguilar

All rights reserved.

Published in the United States by Preffered Images, a division of Pacific Union College, Angwin, California.


Library of Congress Cataloging-inPublication Data is not available upon request.ISBN 000-0-000-00000-0

Illustrations by Katie Aguilar © 2013 by Katie AguilarBook Design by Katie Aguilar

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First Edition.

Dedicated to my daddy.

Special thanks to Henry Garci, Larry Peña and Ashley Adams.

“Daddy wouldn’t it be amazing if we had just one extra day?”

“We could go into the city.”

“We could go to the beach.”

“We could go on a picnic.”

“We could fly kites.”

“We could go skydiving.”

“We could go to the movies.”

“Or we could make our own movie.”

“We could go on a safari.”

“We could go to the pet store and get a pet snake.”

“We could plant a garden.”

“We could paint a mural.”

“We could look for buried treasure”.

“We could build a fort out of sheets.”

“We could go swimming.”

“We could make the world’s biggest cookie. EVER!”

“We could go roller skating.”

“We could visit grandma.”

“We could wash the car!”


“And what will this new day be called?”

“It shall be called Funday because you can only do fun things on this extra day.”

“Sounds like a good idea to me.”

The End.
