84 Future Predictions



Numerology - 84 Future Predicitions

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Most people are familar with their Sun Sign, but few know much about the other planets, all of which have an effect upon our lives. By using the information in this guide you will be able to work out the position, and meaning, of all nine planets for any day between now and the start of 2020.

The planets move through the twelve signs of the Zodiac at different speeds creating numerous combinations, all of which have an effect upon you. The slower moving planets have a far more pronounced influence and can affect whole generations.

In Astrology there are twelve signs, and you are probably familiar with the basic characteristics of your own sign. This is a very generalised description, of course, as all of humanity is simply classified into twelve groups, but all the same, they do contain information that is very pertinent to you. This Starguide is the same. Without working out a personal horoscope using the date, time and place of your birth it is impossible to give detailed information. However, this Starguide will show your future trends, and be at least as accurate as the predictions in your daily newspaper.

How To Use Your Starguide

The numbers 1 to 12 on the circular chart on the cover represent the twelve houses of our Zodiac which the planets pass through in their orbit around the Sun. Write your Sun Sign in House number 1, and then go around the chart entering the other signs in the following order:

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

For instance, if you are a Gemini, you would write Gemini in the 1st house, Cancer in the 2nd, Leo in the 3rd and so on, ending up with Taurus in the 12th.

Now look up the Sun in the Tables of Planetary Positions for the date you require. For instance, September 29th shows the Sun to be in Libra. Check the chart you have just completed to see what house Libra is in, and then read the predictions in the section on the Sun in that particular house. For example, if you are an Aries, you would read Sun in 7th House.)

Let’s take another example, for instance, August 3rd, 1992. In the Table of Planetary Positions, Mercury is shown to be in Leo. Check your chart and read what it says. A Sagittarian would read Mercury in 9th House.

Follow through the other planets in the same way, and you will have a comprehensive picture for any day between now and the year 2020.

The Sun

The Sun is the largest and most important planet in our solar system, giving life, vitality and well-being. It is highly positive, hot and authoritative. Any house the Sun focuses on is important.

Sun In the First House. The Sun is always in the First House on your birthday, and this is the time of year when you are placed in the forefront. You will find yourself full of energy and keen to start new projects. It is a time for advancement and progression. However, guard against being too impulsive.

Sun In the Second House. The most important time of year for you financially. A number of matters relating to money matters will be important. It is a time for work relating to future security, but also a time for spending.

Sun In the Third House.A good time of year for taking up new interests as you will find it easy to absorb new ideas. Communication is important. It is likely that letters you write or conversations you have will be of more significance than usual. A good time of year to change jobs, and the best time for travel.

Sun In the Fourth House. The time of year relating to real estate, particularly your own home. You will have the desire to improve your home in some way, maybe by wall papering, or even adding on. The desire to use sunny colors will be strong.

Sun In the Fifth House. A successful time for all sporting activities, love affairs and artistic endeavours. A lucky time of uear, also, which is fortunate as you will be tempted to take the odd risk. Social activities, parties and other entertainments will be very enjoyable for you, especially as you will find yourself sparkling and making the most of every opportunity.

Sun In the Sixth House. The focus is on work and service at this time, and you will be called upon to do some detailed work. A new influence will come into your life at this time who could be watching your work closely. Hard work at this time will be well rewarded. People whose work involves helping others will feel inner sources of strength aiding them. Health and hygiene come into this period, and you will find yourself thinking of diets, exercise and possibly new sports to improve your health.

Sun In the Seventh House. An important time, bringing happiness through the success of someone dear to you. This could be your marriage partner, lover, child, or someone else very close to you. The success could be in

The Sun

the form of a promotion, a title or a win. A good time to meet someone new whose enthusiasm and joy for life lifts you up to new heights. This person will bring happiness and new interests. This is a time to examine all close relationships, and work with your partner on solving any difficulties. You will find that you can both do this dispassionately for your long term benefit.

Sun In the Eighth House. Interest in psychic phenomena and the occult will be high at this time. Money matters will be important and can involve other people’s finances. This could include legacies, mortgages, insurance claims and taxation. Your feelings will be strong at this time, and intuition very high.

Sun In the Ninth House. Your ideals will be high at this time, and you could feel vaguely unsettled. The desire for travel will be very strong. You may suddenly become interested in some serious study, generally of a philosophical nature. A chance meeting with a well travelled, interesting person will act as the catalyst to the exact nature of this study.

Sun In the Tenth House. The best time of year for dealing with those in authority. The time to aim for a promotion or increase in pay. This is the time to bring attention to yourself so that you are noticed. You will find your work important, and your ability to express yourself heightened.

Sun In the Eleventh House. Your sympathetic understanding will be needed to help a friend. New social contacts will be made, giving the opportunity for longheld desires to be realised. You may find yourself part of a team working towards a common goal.

Sun In the Twelfth House. You will find yourself thinking about where you stand at this time. This is best done quietly and on your own. Do not be too hard or critical on yourself, and concentrate on your successes. This introspective period is important and you will emerge from it a warmer, stronger person.


Mercury is known as the “Planet of Reason”, ruling your thoughts and communications in all senses of the word.

Mercury In the First House. A restless period for you, in which you find it difficult to settle into anything. New interests come and go. Quick enthusiasms which pass almost as soon as they have begun.

Mercury In the Second House. Your mind will be concentrating on financial matters and how to make extra money. Listen to these ideas as some may prove worthwhile. You will also be spending money in this period, and afterwards will not know where it all went.

Mercury In the Third House. You will be inclined to attempt too much at this time. Try to do just one thing at a time and you will accomplish much more. Your mind will be full of ideas making it hard to concentrate on the more mundane aspects of your life. Your brothers and sisters, if any, will need your attention.

Mercury In the Fourth House. You may find yourself collecting for a charity at this time. Your domestic life will be important and your time at home will be busy. You will change familiar routines, not always for the better.

Mercury In the Fifth House. You will be happiest working on creative activities in this period. The activities of your children will also be important. There will be the opportunity of a speculation which may not pay off. Investigate it carefully before you commit yourself.

Mercury In the Sixth House. Your mind will be focussed on your work at this time. You may help some of the people you work with sort out their problems, and there is the possibility of increased responsibilities. This could cause worry.

Mercury In the Seventh House. There will be many dealings with other people at this time, and whilst most will be favorable, a few may not. You will be tempted to take the advice of others, and your partner may not be easy to understand in this period.


Mercury In the Eighth House. Interest in ESP and psychic phenomena will increase in this period through a chance introduction or something you have read. Insurance or bank matters will be important.

Mercury In the Ninth House. A good time in which to widen your interests, especially in the arts and sciences. The desire to travel will be strong and will prove very worthwhile if you are able to do it. You will find yourself enthusiastic and eager to learn.

Mercury In the Tenth House. You, or someone you know, could find yourself in the news. You will have a brief association with someone interested in politics and public life.

Mercury In the Eleventh House. A happy social time in which you will make new friends. These will be platonic friendships, rather than emotional ones, and you could find yourself happily discussing topics that you did not know existed a few weeks previously.

Mercury In the Twelfth House. Rely on your intuition at this time. You may have the desire to be on your own during this period, to work things out for yourself. Do not confide too much to others. Someone may need your help, and you will have to visit them as they will be confined in some way.

Venus is the Planet of Love and represents harmony, love and unity. It governs our social and love life.

Venus In the First House. Happiness and affection will come to you in this period. You will be flattered by the attentions of others and inclined towards romantic dreaming. Indulge yourself in this happy period.

Venus In the Second House. Luxury will be important to you at this time and you will be given, or buy, something special and out of the ordinary. Artistic interests will blossom in this period.

Venus In the Third House. You will feel an all-embracing oneness with the Universe at this time, bringing feelings of peace and harmony. You will be extremely cooperative and helpful to others, and this will rebound to your benefit.

Venus In the Fourth House. You will sort out your priorities at this time, bringing the realisation of the value of a harmonious home and family. Your social activities will center around the home and may even inspire you into tackling that fiddly decorating job you had been putting off.

Venus In the Fifth House. You will need glamor and romance in your life in this period. You may spend money on fashionable clothes or an exciting evening out.

Venus In the Sixth House. This period covers harmony at work and you may find yourself trying to improve your working conditions, or finding more congenial employment. Your intuition will guide you in making the right decision.

Venus In the Seventh House. A time for improving your relations with others, particularly with business or romantic partners. If single there is the danger of scattering your affections and forgetting the people closest to you.

Venus In the Eighth House. There could be problems with finances at this time, but fortunately Venus will help smooth the way for you. You may not find it easy to make up your mind at times and waste nervous energy in reaching for decisions.


Venus In the Ninth House. This period favors cultural and aesthetic activities. You will mix socially with well travelled, interesting people who will stimulate your curiosity into unusual areas.

Venus In the Tenth House. A time where you will be using social contacts for business reasons. This will work only if you keep everything on a light, casual basis. A too matter-of-fact outlook could destroy, or hamper, new interests.

Venus In the Eleventh House. An excellent time for all social activities. You will feel vibrant and alive - ready for all invitations. The best time of the year for forging romantic attachments.

Venus In the Twelfth House. A quieter time for you, when your attentions will center on people less fortunate than you. A vague feeling of unease could prove unsettling, but will be without foundation. You, or a close friend, may be having a secret romantic relationship.



Mars is known as the Planet of Action, Aggression and Violence. However, its strong power is normally directed into worthwhile areas. It gives great determination and drive.

Mars In the First House. You will have a strong desire to get out and do things at this time. Your enthusiasm will be high, and you will get results. Try and avoid arguments, however, as your abundance of energy may irritate some.

Mars In the Second House. A marvellous time to find something to help boost your income. A step towards self-employment could be made. Guard against financial setbacks by avoiding impulsiveness.

Mars In the Third House. A busy period for you which you will find stimulating, and exhausting. Try not to rush too much, especially when travelling. Be careful of mistakes made by others, particularly on the road.

Mars In the Fourth House. A time for activity around the home. You will find yourself doing all sorts of repair jobs, and a renewed interest in your garden will keep you busier than intended. You will be more than usually impulsive at this time, especially where money is concerned.

Mars In the Fifth House. You will be full of self-assurance at this time, especially where your emotions are concerned. Do not become too involved with any one person as romantic arguments are possible. Your children could cause problems, but this will be a reaction to a temporary forgetfulness on your part.

Mars In the Sixth House. This period centers around your work and there could be complications regarding the detailed nature of this at this time. You may have to work longer hours, causing strain and friction with someone close to you.

Mars In the Seventh House. An uneven period for you. You will find yourself being too frank and honest at times, unintentionally hurting people as a result. If single there could be a brief association with someone obsessed with physical sports. This obsession, plus their high opinion of themselves, makes this friendship brief. If married there may be frequent ups and downs at this time with both of you saying things you did not intend to. Try and keep calm and relaxed until this difficult period is over.


Mars In the Eighth House. A time to be cautious, even though your innermost feelings direct you otherwise. There could be problems with insurance, mortgages or taxation. The slowness of officialdom over these matters will make you tense and impatient.

Mars In the Ninth House. Your mind will be reaching ahead at this time, giving you new ideas and plenty of enthusiasm. You may be tempted to change jobs, and this is a good time to do this, providing the change means advancement and financial improvement. Study along philosophical lines is indicated, but may not last for very long.

Mars In the Tenth House. A very progressive period. Ambitions may be realised, or at the least, significant progress will be made in reaching them. Try not to overdo things as your enthusiasm will be pushing you along encouraging you to attempt more than usual. Make sure your family are not forgotten at this time.

Mars In the Eleventh House. A good social period with old friends reappearing, and new friends being made. You will find them more impulsive than you are at this time, so try and keep your own counsel, offering advice only when it is asked for. There may be pressure on you at work in this cycle.

Mars In the Twelfth House. Your energy level will be lower than usual at this time, and you may feel like solitary introspection or quiet activities. Interest in the occult will be high in some, while others will be tempted to drink more than usual. Someone you know could well be in hospital or confined to bed at this time. You will prefer working quietly by yourself rather than rushing out into a frenzy of hectic social activities.


Jupiter is known as the Planet of Benevolence, casting a soft warm glow over our lives. It lends encouragement and friendly assistance. It can also be very lucky.

Jupiter In the First House. A good period, with enthusiasm high. You will solve many problems that have been troubling you for some time. Nothing will seem difficult. You will be full of magnanimity and generosity, greeting everyone with a happy, smiling face.

Jupiter In the Second House. Your financial situation should improve at this time, but only if you avoid extravagance. Problems over money should be resolved in this period, too. A good time for improvement in all areas of your life.

Jupiter In the Third House. You will have a carefree attitude towards most things in this cycle. There is the possibility of short travel in good company. You will experience an unusual amount of good news. People will tend to confide in you at this time.

Jupiter In the Fourth House. You family and home life will be especially important at this time. This is an excellent time to move house, or to alter the one you are living in now. If renting, there will be the desire to move into something larger. A good time to invest in real estate, but take good advice first.

Jupiter In the Fifth House. A fortunate time for you. This is the time of year to buy a Lotto ticket or take a little gamble. Luck should be on your side provided you keep the bets well within affordable levels. Cultural activities will also appeal.

Jupiter In the Sixth House. Your working conditions should improve at this time, and you will get unexpected help from an unusual quarter. Cooperation with others will provide benefits all around. Your organisational talents will be in demand.

Jupiter In the Seventh House. A good time for single people to meet that special someone. Relationships that start now have a better than average chance of becoming permanent. Partnerships of all kinds are helped in this period. You will be able to influence others with your powers of self expression.


Jupiter In the Eighth House. All money matters are favored at this time. Problems with insurances or debts will clear up at this time, enabling you to start afresh with fewer worries. This could be the time you receive money long owing to you, perhaps an inheritance.

Jupiter In the Ninth House. A good time for travel, if possible. Success in study is indicated for students. A good time to become interested in spiritual matters, and an excellent time to make money out of something you have made yourself.

Jupiter In the Tenth House. You will have a strong sense of knowing where you are going at this important time. Business plans will prosper. A time for self-employed people to move further ahead, and an excellent time for people thinking of self-employment to test the water. Do not let too many opportunities pass you by.

Jupiter In the Eleventh House. An excellent social period. A wonderful time to make new friends and meet interesting and different people. One in particular could help you with a financial problem. All of these new friends will be people you can trust.

Jupiter In the Twelfth House. You may feel like keeping part of yourself back at this time. You will be helping others, particularly people who enjoy being secretive. You will feel like time on your own, and may deposit money in a secret place.


Saturn governs health conditions and deepens the mind, enabling you to focus on the problems of life.

Saturn In the First House. Saturn enters this position once every twenty nine and a half years bringing you into a crossroads in your life. You will feel rather unsettled, and have a number of major problems to resolve. These will relate to future plans and goals, and patience will be necessary in coming to any decisions.

Saturn In the Second House. You could be too cautious financially at this time, and there is the possibility that income could lessen. You will find yourself trying to save money, but finding it very hard to do so.

Saturn In the Third House. You will want to study and widen your horizons at this time. Long term study is advocated, and you will find being forced into a routine helpful for you. You will mature mentally in this cycle.

Saturn In the Fourth House. You will feel frustrated at this time as everything you undertake will take longer to accomplish than you originally thought. A bad time for any speculative activity for the same reason.

Saturn In the Fifth House. Saturn will restrain your emotional and social activities, and you may have to make a special effort to socialise. However, despite this, it is a good time for long term planning.

Saturn In the Sixth House. Your work will be dull and monotonous in this cycle, with long delays and frustrations. You could feel like changing your job, but this is not advised unless much better prospects appear elsewhere.

Saturn In the Seventh House. Problems affecting marriage and close friendships could arise at this time and be disastrous in not watched closely. As this period occurs only once every thirty odd years, it is worth being extremely cooperative and understanding whilst you are in it.

Saturn In the Eighth House. There may be problems relating to money owing to you, or coming to you outside your work. There will be delays and frustrations with such items as insurance claims, mortgage matters and taxation.


Saturn In the Ninth House. Your outlook on life will change at this time and you will look for the meanings behind things. An interest in philosophy or the occult could begin, and become a fascinating field of study.

Saturn In the Tenth House. You will have a lot of pressure put upon you at this time, and you will be forced to act more decisively than before. This is a time where a lot of progress can be made, but do not rush into things.

Saturn In the Eleventh House. You will help old friends go through a difficult period, and people from your past could reappear. Your own interests will change to a more spiritual level, making material pursuits seem less important.

Saturn In the Twelfth House. You will pause at this time to reevaluate yourself and your progress. A degree of soul-searching will go on, and you may not be very happy, though you will benefit from this period ultimately.

Uranus is known as the Planet of Altruism. It relates to unorthodox matters, disruption and change.

Uranus In the First House. Uranus brings sudden change, so there will be a major change in your personal life at this time. You will alter old habits and make new friends.

Uranus In the Second House. Outside circumstances will have a major bearing on your finances, and any changes will be unexpected. Exercise caution throughout this period. Changes could be good or bad.

Uranus In the Third House. There will be brand new interests at this time, and your views regarding other subjects will alter radically. Anything unusual or out of the ordinary will hold great appeal.

Uranus In the Fourth House. This cycle occurs every 84 years bringing major changes with it. This will affect home and family life, and the change will be totally out of your control.

Uranus In the Fifth House. If single there will be new attachments with people who are unusual, or possibly slightly eccentric. You will become involved in some form of creative activity that will become highly important - and possibly lucrative - to you.

Uranus In the Sixth House. You will feel stifled by routine work and may make a sudden change to something more exciting. Your desire to change things for the better may not be appreciated by everyone.

Uranus In the Seventh House. There will be a number of emotional ups and downs at this time, which could prove disastrous to shaky relationships. Strong relationships are unaffected. If single you will enter into anunusual type of relationship.

Uranus In the Eighth House. Take extreme care with financial matters at this time as sudden changes could affect these for better or worse. Interest in the psychic and occult worlds will be high.



Uranus In the Ninth House. You will widen your horizons, significantly altering your outlook on life. A good time for travel, especially to strange or unusual places.

Uranus In the Tenth House. There are likely to be dramatic changes in your working life, possibly even a new career. You will have the desire to make this change quickly, but investigate everything carefully first.

Uranus In the Eleventh House. You will make friends with some unusual people with interests widely diffent from your own. You may well join a group engaged in humanitarian work.

Uranus In the Twelfth House. You will become involved in a new, very private interest at this time which may make you appear secretive to others. Be careful to remain scrupulously honest, as sudden changes could reveal anything unethical.


Neptune is known as the Planet of Divinity. Its influence is more psychic than physical, representing intuition and high ideals. As Neptune remains so long in each sign it is impossible to give more than a very general interpretation for each house.

Neptune In the First House. A love of humanity, a desire for travel, interest in music and high ideals.

Neptune In the Second House. Ability to make money out of creative pursuits. A strong sense of tact.

Neptune In the Third House. Impressionability, mystical or intuitive abilities, a love of nature and beauty.

Neptune In the Fourth House. Sensitiveness, an affectionate nature. A house near water.

Neptune In the Fifth House. A love of art and music, an unusual love affair, psychic friends.

Neptune In the Sixth House. Healing powers used to assist friends. Interest in health foods and writing.

Neptune In the Seventh House. A receptive nature, platonic friendships, high ideals. The risk of being deceived by someone close.


Neptune In the Eighth House. Development of psychic abilities. Complications involving money matters.

Neptune In the Ninth House. The search for higher knowledge, endless plans seldom carried out, the risk of self-deception. Interesting and educational travel.

Neptune In the Tenth House. Research and meditation, strange turnings in your career. A time when luck can turn literally overnight.

Neptune In the Eleventh House. Noble hopes and aspirations, new friends who may try to use you. Introduction to people involved in ESP.

Neptune In the Twelfth House. Involvement in mysticism. Your subconscious, inner mind is affected by others. Avoid contact with any so-called ‘secret’ societies.

Pluto takes almost 250 years to circle the Zodiac so is beyond the scipe of a guide of this sort. Pluto’s influence has its affect on whole generations of people, and can even influence world conditions. See where Pluto is in your Zodiac chart and see how Pluto is affecting your life in these areas. Pluto is the Planet of Transformation. It never does anything by halves. It prefers to wipe the slate clean ready to make a new start. Pluto wields enormous power which can be directed towards total destruction or complete reconstruction. Its evil side can create demonstrations, violence, murder, bombing and wars. The influence of Pluto is still being assessed. Whatever the final outcome you may rest assured that the power of this planet is enormous.


Pluto In House One. Affects your temperament and ego.

Pluto In House Two. Affects earning ability and possessions.

Pluto In House Three. Affects communications.

Pluto In House Four. Affects parents, home and savings.

Pluto In House Five. Affects creative expression and children.

Pluto In House Six. Affects work and service.

Pluto In House Seven. Affects partnerships.

Pluto In House Eight. Affects earnings.

Pluto In House Nine. Affects higher learning and spirituality.

Pluto In House Ten. Affects self-esteem and authority.

Pluto In House Eleven. Affects career, hopes and friends.

Pluto In House Twelve. Affects latent talents and secrets.