7 Things Highly Productive People Do


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  • 8/13/2019 7 Things Highly Productive People Do


    7 Things Highly Productive PeopleDo

    You have more important things to focus on than, um, focusing. Get back ontrack with these tips.

    You probably dont want to admit itbut you love distractions. In fact, just like

    monkeys, you get a shot of dopamine every time something pulls you in another

    direction. Why do you think you check your email so much?

    Want to be more productive and get your focus back? here are no secret tricks

    here! do one thing at a time. "top multitasking#it$s just another form of distraction.

    %asier said than done, I know

    &ecently I sat down with ony Wong, a project management blackbeltwhose client

    list includes oyota, 'onda, and (isney, to name a few. 'e$s an e)pert in keeping

    people on task, so I thought he$d be a good person to ask.

    'ere are his tips for staying productive*

    +. Work backwards from goals to milestones to tasksWriting launch

    company website- at the top of your todo list is a sure way to make sure you never

    get it done. /reak down the work into smaller and smaller chunks until you have

    specific tasks that can be accomplished in a few hours or less* "ketch a wireframe,

    outline an introduction for the homepage video, etc. hat$s how you set goals and

    actually succeed in crossing them off your list.

    0. !top multi"tasking1o, seriously#stop. "witching from task to task

    2uickly does not work. In fact, changing tasks more than +3 times in a day makes

    you dumber than being stoned. When you$re stoned, your I4 drops by five points.

    When you multitask, it drops by an average of +3 points, +5 for men, five for

    women 6yes, men are three times as bad at multitasking than women7.

    8. #e militant about eliminating distractions9ock your door, put a signup, turn off your phone, te)ts, email, and instant messaging. In fact, if you know

    you may sneak a peek at your email, set it to offline mode, or even turn off your

    Internet connection. Go to a 2uiet area and focus on completing one task.

    :. !chedule your email ;ick two or three times during the day when you$re

    going to use your email.

  • 8/13/2019 7 Things Highly Productive People Do


    5. $se the phone%mail isn$t meant for conversations. (on$t reply more than

    twice to an email. ;ick up the phone instead.

    =. Work on your own agenda(on$t let something else set your day. >ost

    people go right to their emails and start freaking out. You will end up at inbo)

    ero, but accomplish nothing. @fter you wake up, drink water so you rehydrate, eata good breakfast to replenish your glucose, then set prioritied goals for the rest of

    your day.

    A. Work in %& to '& minute intervalsYour brain uses up more glucose

    than any other bodily activity. ypically you will have spent most of it after =3B3

    minutes. 6hat$s why you feel so burned out after super long meetings.7 "o take a

    break* Get up, go for a walk, have a snack, do something completely different to

    recharge. @nd yes, that means you need an e)tra hour for breaks, not including

    lunch, so if you$re re2uired to get eight hours of work done each day, plan to be

    there for B.5+3 hours.
