7 th Grade Girls’ Physical Education and Health Final Exam Review May 2013


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7th Grade Girls’ Physical Education and Health

Final Exam Review May 2013


Carbohydrates are your body's primary energy source, found in sugars and starches contained in food.


Foods such as oranges, grapefruits, cantaloupes, strawberries, mangoes, cabbages, and broccoli are good sources of Vitamin C.


Foods such as milk, cheese, fortified ready-to-eat cereals, oatmeal, and canned salmon are good sources of calcium that helps build strong bones and teeth.


You need at least eight cups of water every day. Even more is needed in hot weather and when you exercise.


MyPyramid is designed to help Americans make healthful food choices. It is designed to help each person develop a personal eating plan based on how many calories he or she needs.


The Nutrition Facts panel on packaged food tells you serving size, servings per container, and the number of calories in one serving. You then can determine the number of calories you are eating by how many servings you are eating.


Try "coloring" your plate with green, orange, red, and yellow vegetables at mealtimes.


Saturated fats are found in many animal products such as butter, meat, and cheese. Eating too much saturated fat may increase your body's level of cholesterol.


The only way to tell for sure that your weight is right for you is to see a health professional. This person will be able to judge whether your growth pattern is normal.


People with bulimia eat large amounts of food, then "purge' themselves. They rid their body of food by vomiting or taking laxatives.

Physical Activity

Physical activity is any kind of movement that causes your body to use energy (rock climbing, inline skating). Lifestyle activities, such as raking leaves, are physical activities that are part of your day-to-day routine or recreation. Computer games use little energy.

Physical Activity

Physical activity has a social benefit: Physical activities that involve partners or teams are a great way to make friends.

Physical Activity

To find out how physically fit you are, you would measure three things: strength, endurance, and flexibility.

Physical Activity

Swimming, bike riding, running, and walking are great aerobic exercises. Push-ups build muscle strength and are anaerobic exercises.

Physical Activity

Some questions to consider when choosing an activity include if a partner or teammate is needed, are there special skill to learn, is special equipment needed, where is practice, how much time is required, is there a nearby team, and how much will it cost.

Physical Activity

A good warm-up usually includes an easy exercise to get your heart pumping a little faster and blood flowing into the muscles. Running a race is too strenuous an activity for a warm-up.

Physical Activity

Your target heart rate is the level at which your heart and lungs receive the most benefit from a workout and should be maintained for 20 to 30 minutes.

Physical Activity

Bicycle helmets should be certified by the Snell Memorial Foundation.

Physical Activity You should remember the word PRICE

to treat a stiff or aching muscle P: Protect from further injury R: Rest the injured part I: Ice with an ice pack C: Compress or put pressure on, the part

using an elastic bandage. This will keep the injury from swelling. Just be careful not to wrap the bandage too tightly. This could cut off the flow of blood.

E: Elevate the injured part above the heart

Physical Activity

During moderate to vigorous activity, your body can lose a lot of water through sweat. It is important to replace this lost fluid.