7 Simple Steps to Prevent Cancer Newsmax


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  • There is no situation more difficult for a doctor than telling a patient that he or she has cancer. It is the last thing anyone wants to hear. In years past, such a diagnosis held the promise of a painful struggle with death.

    A total of 1,638,910 new cancer cases and 577,190 deaths from cancer will occur in the United States in 2012. In fact, estimates are that one in three Americans will be diagnosed with some type of cancer in their lifetime.

    Worse yet, no matter how organizations like the American Cancer Society and the Komen Foundation spin their messages, we are losing the war on cancer.

    In this months issue of Natural Way to Health, I will explain why conventional treatment has been a failure, and will provide seven steps you can take to prevent cancer.

    How Cancer Grows and SpreadsCancer forms when an abnormal group of cells

    fail to complete their normal life cycle and die a process called apoptosis. Instead, the cells undergo unregulated growth and multiplication. In effect, these cells never reach apoptosis.

    As they grow and multiply, the cells form a tumor, parts of which can break off and spread throughout the body (metastasize) from cell to cell, through the bloodstream, or via the lymph nodes.

    Many substances can disrupt the normal DNA of a cell and increase the risk of cancer. These include tobacco smoke, medical radiation, environmental toxicities, obesity, synthetic hormones, viruses, bacteria, parasites, and nutritional deficiencies.

    Conventional medicine would have you believe

    that chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are effective treatments for most cancers. Nothing could be further from the truth.

    Over the last 70 years, these conventional treatments have been a failure. We have spent an untold fortune trying to fight cancer with these methods and largely failed.

    One recent study startled researchers when they discovered that chemotherapy can damage healthy cells by causing them to secrete a protein that sustains tumor growth and resistance to treatment.

    This explains why chemotherapy may be effective initially, but then the cancer returns often with a more rapid growth rate and more resistance to chemotherapy.

    Unfortunately, while spending a great deal of money looking for new drugs to kill cancer, we have spent very little money and conducted almost no research on cancer prevention.

    A Better Approach to ResearchWhy have the conventional methods to treat

    cancer been ineffective? The answer to this question

    7 Simple Steps to Prevent Cancer

    In This Issue...

    October 2012

    Vol. 5, Issue 10

    The Main Precursor of Breast Cancer ................... 2 Make Sure to Get Enough Iodine ......................... 3 Case Study: A Cure for Statins Side Effects .......... 4 Avoid Foods With Synthetic Chemicals ............... 5 Dont Eat White Foods ......................................... 5 Watch Out for Heavy Metals ................................. 5 In the News: Free-Range Products Are Better ...... 6 Ask Dr. Brownstein ................................................ 8

    Dr. David Brownsteins

  • Page 2 October 2012drbrownstein.newsmax.com

    is easy: Cancer can only be treated with a healthy body, and especially an optimally functioning immune system.

    When functioning properly, our immune system is a wonderful machine. It regulates the function of the entire body and destroys abnormal cells and foreign invaders.

    If the immune system is working well, cancer cells will be destroyed by activated immune system cells, similarly to how they kill foreign invaders.

    What few people understand is that cancer cells are emerging in most peoples bodies at various times. In effect, it can be said that everybody has cancer at one time or another but doesnt know it because his or her immune system handles it and the cancer never progresses. This is the normal everyday workings of a healthy body.

    One of the great mysteries about cancer is why our immune system doesnt stop cancer cells from growing. It is almost as if the cells have a cloaking device that makes the cancer invisible to the

    immune system.

    The powers that be have spent 70 years of research aimed at killing cancer once it has been detected. But once cancer has been detected, it is too late for many patients.

    A much better way to approach cancer is to fund research that identifies the causative factors of the disease.

    Once the underlying causes are discovered, we can develop a plan to treat them.

    Furthermore, we should be investing our money and brain power looking for natural therapies that promote a healthy body and immune system because an optimally functioning immune system can prevent cancer from forming in the first place.

    If the body has all the nutrients it needs, and it is not compromised by harmful agents, it is unlikely that cancer will get a foothold.

    The good news is that there are well-researched steps you can take to lower your risk of getting cancer.

    And if you already have cancer, or have had it in the past, these 7 Steps to Prevent Cancer will be of tremendous value to you, too.


    Dr. David Brownsteins Natural Way to Health is a publication of Newsmax Media, Inc., and Newsmax.com. It is published monthly at a charge of $54.00 per year and is offered online and in print through Newsmax.com.Our editorial offices are located at 560 Village Boulevard, Ste. 120, West Palm Beach, Florida 33409.The owner, publisher, and editor are not responsible for errors and omissions. Rights of reproduction and distribution of this newsletter are reserved. Any unauthorized reproduction or distribution of information contained herein, including storage in retrieval systems or posting on the Internet, is expressly forbidden without the consent of Newsmax Media.For permission, contact the publisher at: PO Box 20989, West Palm Beach, Florida 33416. CEO Christopher Ruddy Health Publisher Travis Davis Author David Brownstein, M.D. Contributing Editor Matthew Kalash Production/Art Director Elizabeth DoleTo contact Dr. David Brownsteins Natural Way to Health send e-mail to: askdrdavid@newsmax.com. Subscription/Customer Service contact 1-800-485-4350 or naturalway@newsmax.com. Send e-mail address changes to naturalway@newsmax.com 2012 Newsmax Media, all rights reserved. Please note that this advice is generic and not specific to any individual. You should consult with your doctor before undertaking any medical or nutritional course of action.

    Fibrocystic Breast Disease: Precursor to CancerFibrocystic breast disease refers to

    the condition when womens breasts develop a lumpy texture. This breast tissue contains fluid-filled sacs called cysts. Fibrocystic breasts can become very tender and painful.

    Unfortunately, fibrocystic breast disease is common, occurring in up to 90 percent of women. And the rate is rising: An autopsy study conducted in 1928 found a 3 percent incidence of fibrocystic breast disease; in 1973,

    researchers found an 89 percent incidence.

    Many doctors feel fibrocystic breast disease is a benign condition. That is not true. Fibrocystic breast disease is a precursor to breast cancer though not all fibrocystic breast disease will become cancer.

    There are dietary factors that can cause fibrocystic breast disease including ingesting too much caffeine or a deficiency in vitamins E or A.

    Furthermore, eliminating transfats from the diet (such as partially hydrogenated vegetable oils) has also been helpful for treating fibrocystic breast disease.

    My experience has clearly shown the efficacy of iodine in treating and preventing fibrocystic breast disease. Studies from nearly 50 years ago have shown iodine therapy has a better than 70 percent success rate in eradicating fibrocystic breast disease.

  • October 2012 Page 3newsmaxhealth.com

    1. Dont Smoke CigarettesThe National Cancer Institute estimates that

    lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among both men and women in the United States. Furthermore, approximately 90 percent of lung cancer deaths among men and 80 percent of lung cancer deaths among women are due to smoking.

    But smoking also causes cancer of the esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, cervix, and acute myeloid leukemia.

    In addition, cigarette smoking is associated with increased risk of heart disease, heart attacks, cataracts, premature births and low birth-weight infants, plus hip fractures and lung disease.

    The harmful chemicals in cigarette smoke include arsenic, benzene, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, polonium-210, and vinyl chloride. Tobacco smoke also contains formaldehyde, benzopyrene, and toluene all of which are thought to cause cancer.

    With a list of chemicals like that, why would anyone smoke a cigarette?

    Of course, the tobacco companies claimed for years that smoking cigarettes did not cause cancer. Only by congressional action and pressure did they finally admit the truth.

    Literally millions of people around the world have died as a direct result of smoking cigarettes.

    2. Maintain Adequate Iodine LevelsIodine is found in every cell in the body; it

    is an essential ingredient for life. But we cannot manufacture iodine in our bodies, so we must get it from our diets.

    This essential nutrient is concentrated in the glandular system, which includes the thyroid, breasts, ovaries, uterus, and prostate.

    Iodine is responsible for forming the normal architecture of the glandular tissue. When iodine is deficient, the glandular tissue begins to change. The first step is the formation of cysts in the tissue. If iodine deficiency continues or worsens over time, the cysts can become more nodular (firmer).

    Continuing iodine deficiency can result in hyperplasia of the glandular tissue. Hyperplasia refers to the appearance of abnormal cells when viewed with a microscope. Hyperplasia of a cell

    is a precursor to cancer. The end stage of iodine deficiency is cancer.

    The good news is that both animal and human studies have found that iodine can reverse or halt this cell progression to cancer.

    Although the research has not been done with the prostate gland, I believe the same result will be shown in men; iodine deficiency disrupts the normal architecture of the prostate gland and can significantly increase the risk of prostate cancer.

    Current estimates are that one in three men has prostate cancer.

    A combination of iodine and iodide can help endocrine (glandular) tissue maintain a normal architecture and normal cell growth.

    Average doses for iodine supplementation range from 12 to 25 mg per day. However, damaged or diseased glandular tissue may require higher doses

    Continued on page 5

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    David Brownstein, M.D., is a board-certified family physician and one of the foremost practitioners of holistic medicine. Dr. Brownstein has lectured internationally to physicians and others about his success with nutritional therapies in his practice. His books include Drugs That Dont Work and Natural

    Therapies That Do!; Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Cant Live Without It; Salt Your Way To Health; The Miracle of Natural Hormones; Overcoming Arthritis; Overcoming Thyroid Disorders; The Guide to a Gluten-Free Diet; B12 For Health; The Guide to a Dairy-Free Diet; and The Soy Deception. He is the medical director of the Center for Holistic Medicine in West Bloomfield, Mich., where he lives with his wife, Allison, and their teenage daughters, Hailey and Jessica. For more information about Dr. Brownstein, please go to www.drbrownstein.com.

  • Page 4 October 2012drbrownstein.newsmax.com

    Curing the Effects of Bad Medicine

    Bruce, a healthy, 53-year-old maintenance supervisor, had gone to a cardiologist after experiencing chest pains and shortness of breath. The doctor performed a stress test, echocardiogram, and an angiographic exam. Bruce was told by his cardiologist that all of his tests were normal.

    This was confusing to Bruce. What was causing the chest pain? The cardiologist had no answer, but still prescribed two medications: a statin and a blood pressure drug.

    When Bruce asked about the statin, he was told, You have to take it or youll have a heart attack.

    Condition Continued to WorsenOver the next few months, Bruce began to feel

    worse and worse.I became tired, almost to the point of falling asleep

    at work, he told me. I couldnt remember names or even what had happened the day before. I was having terrible muscle aches. I brought these complaints up to the cardiologist, but he told me I had to keep taking the medications.

    Bruces condition continued to worsen. Then one day his wife, Ellen, was given my book, Drugs That Dont Work and Natural Therapies That Do.!

    When I read the section on cholesterol medications, I told Bruce that a lot of his symptoms might be caused by taking a statin, she said.

    When I saw Bruce for his initial visit, I asked him what he ate and how much water he was drinking. Bruces dietary history was similar to the standard American diet (SAD). He was eating a lot of carbohydrates in the form of bread, pasta, and cereal. Bruce did not drink any water. Instead, he drank six to eight cups of coffee and one soda per day. I dont like water, he said.

    Bruce was about 50 pounds overweight. I have been steadily gaining weight over the last 20 years, he claimed. I cant exercise feeling like this. I have no energy and my muscles hurt even more than they usually do.

    I asked Bruce to do three things:

    1. Stop taking the statin drug.2. Drink two liters of water per day.3. Stop eating refined carbohydrates, including

    bread, pasta, and cereal.

    Statins Work, But Dont Save LivesStatins work as advertised: They are very effective

    at lowering cholesterol levels. However, they are also associated with serious adverse effects.

    Most doctors think that statins have been proven to lower the risk of heart disease in men and women. In fact, statins have not been shown to be effective at lowering the risk of heart disease in men who have not suffered a cardiac event such as a heart attack or stroke. This is often referred to as primary prevention.

    In men who have suffered a cardiac event, statins have been found to have approximately a 1 percent reduction in nonfatal heart attacks with at least two to three years of use. Many studies have found no benefit for secondary prevention.

    For women, statin drugs have never been shown to have any effect in reducing the risks of a cardiac event stroke or heart attack.

    Finally, statins have never been shown to increase the longevity of men or women.

    In addition to brain fog and muscle aches, which occur in up to half of all users, statins also cause memory problems. Why? Because 25 percent of the bodys total cholesterol content is found in the brain. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to realize that blocking the bodys production of cholesterol is going to cause adverse effects to the brain.

    In fact, the FDA has recently mandated that statin manufacturers put memory loss warnings on labels.

    My Brain Is Coming BackWhen Bruce and Ellen came back to see me, they

    had smiles on their faces. I am so much better already. My weight is just flying off and my brain is starting to come back, he said.

    Statins are dangerous medications that cause a host of side effects. In the next 5 to 10 years, I am sure that this class of medication will be revealed as the fraud that it is.

    There are much better ways to treat heart disease, including doing the basics like drinking water and cleaning up the diet. Doing the basics does not predispose you to getting adverse side effects and is inexpensive.

    In each issue, I will share with you the story of one of my patients and how sometimes simple alternative approaches can solve major health problems. Names and some details have been changed for privacys sake, but the problems and their resolutions are real.

    Dr. David Brownstein

  • The Deadly Secrets of Cholesterol MedicationsSpecial Advertiser Supplement

    H eart disease claims the lives of 1 in 4 Americans,1 so itsnot surprising that many people take the cholesterol pillstheir doctors recommend. Unfortunately, these pills are not safe, long-term solutions. In addition to a long list of side effects, according to a USA Today report, these drugs have killed and injured more people than the government acknowledges.2 My name is Joshua Corn and I am the Editor-in-Chief of Live in the Now, one of the fastest growing natural health publications in the na-tion. Please keep reading to learn why the conventional strategy for balancing cholesterol is deeply flawed. Plus, discover a safer, more natural option that Big Pharma doesnt want you to know about!

    Beware of Big Pharmas Cholesterol-Lowering PillsBig Pharma spends billions each year advertising pills aimed at im-proving cholesterol ratios. Unfortunately their efforts are turning us into a nation of lifetime pill poppers. By some estimates, 1 in 3 people over 50 are on a cholesterol-lowering drug, yet according to a grow-ing number of experts, 99 out of 100 people dont need to be!

    No Benefit...But Lots of Side Effects Cholesterol meds may make your numbers look good, but they do little to decrease cardiovascular-related deaths. In fact, a recent study found that less than 3% of people get any benefit,3 and the rest just get side effects like fatigue, muscle soreness,

    memory loss, headaches and nausea. Its just not worth it!

    Depleting a Nutrient Your Body NeedsYour doctor wont inform you of this, but cholesterol-loweringdrugs can severely deplete your bodys natural stores of CoQ10, a cellular energy producer that your heart needs to function.4 Low CoQ10 levels can cause fatigue, muscle pain and weakness all common side effects of cholesterol medications.

    Balance Your Cholesterol Ratios Naturally! Big Pharma doesnt want you to know this, but dozens of clinical studies have proven that red yeast rice, a traditional healing food used throughout Asia, is extraordinarily effective at balancing cholesterol quickly and with no side effects.5,6 You may not have heard about red yeast rice because few doctors have the time to keep up on the latest research, especially when a natural compound is involved.

    The Safest, Most Effective Red Yeast Rice FormulaIts critical to choose the right red yeast rice supplement because qual-ity can vary wildly. Do your own research, but Id like you to consider a superior formula called RED-Q10 that is unlike anything else on the market. I personally helped to develop RED-Q10 working with the Scientific Advisory Board at Stop Aging Now, a company I own that has been making premium dietary supplements since 1995.

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    5 mg of Standardized Pine Bark Extract, which supports your heart by strengthening your blood vessels and capillaries.You only need to take two small capsules of RED-Q10 per day, so its easy to stay on track. RED-Q10 is quickly absorbed, so youll start feeling better immediately, and youll wow your doctor at your next checkup! I personally guarantee the quality. RED-Q10 is made in the USA in an FDA-inspected facility, which I inspect monthly.

    Order Now and Feel Your BestOr Its FREERED-Q10 is a superior heart support supplement that really works! If it doesnt, its FREE. Even if youve taken every capsule, and even af-ter a full year, if you dont get the results you were expecting, you can get a full refund. It also ships to you for free! If you want to do all you can to keep your heart healthy, then RED-Q10 is a smart investment. - Joshua Corn Editor-In-Chief of Live in the Now and CEO of Stop Aging Now

    Footnotes: 1. www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/lcod.htm 2. www.usatoday.com/news/health/2001-08-20-statin.htm 3. Hippisley-Cox J, et al. Individualising the risks of statins in men and women in England and Wales. Heart. 2010; 96:939-947. 4. Rundek T, et al. Atorvastatin Decreases the CoQ10 Level in the Blood of Patients at Risk for Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke. Arch Neurol. 2004;61:889-892. 5. Becker D, et al. Red Yeast Rice for Dyslipidemia in Statin-Intolerant Patients. Ann Intern Med. 2009;150(12):830-839. 6. Heber D, et al. Cholesterol-lowering effects of a proprietary Chinese red-yeast-rice dietary supplement. AJCN. 1999;69(2):231-236.

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  • October 2012 Page 5newsmaxhealth.com

    such as 50 mg per day. More information about iodine can be found in my book, Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Cant Live Without It.

    3. Avoid Synthetic ChemicalsYouve heard it a thousand times before: You are

    what you eat. So if you eat food that contains toxic chemicals and hormones, what do you expect?

    It is vitally important to avoid animal products that contain synthetic chemicals, which conventionally raised animals are fed in order to speed their growth cycle. The problem is that those hormones (and antibiotics) make it to our plates.

    These hormones can be found in dairy products, meat, chicken, and fish from conventionally raised animals. But they are not found in organically raised animals, such as free-range grazing cattle.

    We use too many pesticides on our crops and pesticides are known carcinogens. Soy crops are sprayed with an inordinate amount of pesticides, and soy in one form or another is added to at least half of all products found in your local grocery store. The solution is to eat organic fruits and vegetables.

    Artificial sweeteners such as sucralose, which contains chlorine atoms, can competitively inhibit iodine in the body. This means that excess chlorine leads to a deficiency of iodine. Rats and mice fed sucralose were found to have increased risk of liver and lung cancer.3 This artificial sweetener has also been associated with lymphoma and leukemia.4

    The human body responds wonderfully when given the correct raw materials. Thats why you need to eat organic food that is free of hormones and pesticides, and avoid artificial sweeteners that are associated with a whole host of adverse effects, including cancer.

    4. Dont Eat White FoodsRefined foods such white sugar, salt, and flour

    lack the basic vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy body and an efficient immune system.

    Researchers have found that the ingestion of refined sugar results in reduced white blood cell activity for up to five hours.5 The white blood cells are the immune systems first line of defense against foreign invaders and aberrant cells.

    Many people snack on sweets several times per day, which can cause a near continuous suppression of the immune system. Over time, this leaves the body vulnerable to attack.

    Remember, only your immune system can cure your body of cancer. By contrast, chemotherapy has been shown to suppress the immune system, while weakening healthy cells and making them more susceptible to becoming cancerous.

    As an alternative to refined sugar, the natural sugar in whole fruits is unrefined and okay to eat.

    Common table salt has been bleached and processed so that all its nutrients are removed. Instead of table salt, it is very important to ingest adequate amounts of unrefined sea salt, which contains more than 80 easy-to-digest minerals. The vast majority of my patients have improved their health by increasing their intake of unrefined salt.

    Finally, refined oils that have been heated with hydrogen are not healthy. These include margarines, most vegetable oils, and any product that lists partially hydrogenated vegetable oil as an ingredient.

    Coconut oil and cold-pressed olive oils are healthy substitutes.

    5. Watch Out for Heavy MetalsFor 20 years, I have been testing my patients for

    heavy metal toxicity. After thousands of tests, I can assure you the vast majority of Americans have high levels of heavy metals, such as mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium and nickel.

    The No. 1 heavy metal toxicity that I see is mercury. In fact, more than 80 percent of my patients test positive for mercury toxicity.

    One big reason for the high level of mercury toxicity is that for more than 100 years this

    Continued on page 7

    Continued from page 3

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  • Page 6 October 2012drbrownstein.newsmax.com

    In the News: Reading Between the Medical Headlines

    Hashimotos Linked to Thyroid Cancer

    Researchers looked into the relationship between Hashimotos disease and papillary thyroid cancer in a study that included 2,821 subjects with papillary thyroid cancer and 653 Hashimotos patients.

    According to their report at the 2011 meeting of the American Thyroid Association, 58 percent of the patients with thyroid cancer also had Hashimotos disease.

    Compared to those subjects that had Hashimotos disease without papillary thyroid cancer, the Hashimotos/papillary thyroid cancer group had higher thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels.

    Another study found that a TSH of 2.5 mIU/L or higher was associated with higher risk of thyroid cancer in children.

    Though this association does not prove causation, it provides the groundwork for future research to see if Hashimotos disease is a precursor to thyroid cancer.

    Thyroid cancer is the fastest growing cancer in the United States, and Hashimotos disease is increasing at epidemic rates. Whats more, Hashimotos and thyroid cancer are both related to iodine deficiency.

    My experience has shown that correcting iodine deficiency as part of a holistic treatment regimen can help a patient overcome Hashimotos disease. When TSH levels rise (within the reference range) it can be a signal for future problems. Early action on this rising TSH level may prevent future illnesses.

    More information about this can be found in my books, Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Cant Live Without It and Overcoming Thyroid Disorders.

    Why Free-Range Animal Products Are Better

    As reported in the journal Public Health Nutrition, an analysis of plasma concentrations of vitamin D in meat eaters and vegans found that the meat eaters had a higher intake of vitamin D in their diets, and a significantly higher plasma concentration of vitamin D3 of 21 nmol/L.

    Animal food sources, such as meat, eggs, fish, and dairy contain

    vitamin D. However, vitamin D can also be manufactured in our bodies when sunlight hits the skin.

    A letter to editor Hartmut H. Glossmann of the Public Health

    Nutrition pointed out that meat contains higher vitamin D levels when animals are exposed to the sun.

    This means that it may be healthier to eat meat from animals that are given free range pasture to eat as they soak up the sun.

    Breast Cancer and the Glycemic Index

    Researchers studied the relationship between eating food with a high glycemic index and the development of breast cancer and published their results in the July 3, 2012, issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

    The glycemic index is a guide to how quickly food is converted into sugar after it is ingested.

    This can help people choose

    foods that will not spike their blood sugar.

    The authors studied 11,576 women with invasive breast cancer, and determined the subjects food intake using questionnaires. The researchers found a significant association between eating too many high glycemic foods (high glycemic load) and an increased risk of estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer.

    When compared to the lowest-consuming glycemic load group, the highest group was found to have 36 percent increased risk of estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer.

    They conclude, a diet high [in] glycemic load and carbohydrate intake is positively associated with an increased risk of developing [estrogen-receptor negative breast cancer].

    According to the latest statistics, one in seven women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer. The most aggressive are the cancers that are receptor negative. This study found an association between eating high glycemic foods and the worst kind of breast cancer.

    Examples of food with a high glycemic index include white sugar, breakfast cereals, white rice and pretzels.

    Why might high glycemic foods cause breast cancer?

    Because they lead to inflammation, increased insulin levels and other increased inflammatory modulators that have been shown to be related to breast cancer.

    Furthermore, the intake of large amounts of high glycemic foods can lead to diabetes.

    Rather, choose low glycemic foods such as whole grains, nuts, vegetables, meat and eggs.

    Thyroid cancer is the fastest

    growing cancer in the U.S.

  • October 2012 Page 7newsmaxhealth.com

    substance has been used by dentists as a dental filling called amalgam.

    The second source of mercury exposure is from ingesting certain types of fish, mainly tuna, shark, and swordfish. Mercury has been linked to many health problems, including cancer.

    Mercury is also a known to suppress healthy immune function in both humans and animals. A compromised immune system leaves you open to recurring infections, colds and flus, allergies and rashes, as well as serious health problems such as autoimmune diseases, HIV, and cancer.

    It is important to periodically have your mercury (and other heavy metals) levels tested. If they are elevated, you will have to undergo a chelation program to remove them.

    A chelating agent is a substance that is introduced into your bloodstream, which then binds to the toxic metals and breaks them down for excretion through your urine.

    A knowledgeable holistic healthcare provider can help you safely and effectively chelate the heavy metals out of your body. Most people note an immediate improvement in their energy level and overall health when these heavy metals are removed.

    6. Avoid Radiation ExposureIonizing radiation, as used in medical

    radiological tests, is a known carcinogen. Tests that use this type of radiation include computerized tomography (CT scan), X-rays, dental X-rays, and positron emission technology (PET scan).

    All of these procedures expose the body to radiation that can damage the DNA of the cells. Damaged DNA can lead to the growth of cancer.

    CT and PET scans expose the body to particularly large amounts of radiation. Compared to a chest X-ray, a chest CT introduces 50 to 100 times the radiation dose. And CT scanning has increased dramatically over the last 10 years: It is estimated that more than 60 million CT scans were performed in the United States last year.

    Simply put, doctors are ordering too many CT scans. The New England Journal of Medicine estimates that over one-third of these scans are unnecessary.6 If your doctor orders a CT, ask if you really need it.

    In addition, whenever you are receiving a radiological test, you need to shield the rest of the body with a lead apron. Demand a shield from the dentist or radiologist. If they dont have one to offer, find a new doctor.

    7. Supplement Your Immune SystemI have been checking my patients for nutrient

    imbalances for more than 20 years, and can assure you that the vast majority of people, both sick and seemingly well, are nutritionally deficient. This leaves them at risk for diseases, including cancer.

    The nutritional content of our food has declined for a variety of reasons, including declining mineral levels in our soil due to poor farming techniques and the overuse of pesticides and fertilizers.

    The immune system depends on an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals to function. The most common deficiencies I encounter in my patients include:IodineMagnesiumPotassium Sulfur Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Vitamin B12 Vitamin CVitamin D Zinc

    How can we expect to be healthy and our immune systems to function optimally when there is a deficiency or imbalance of essential nutrients? We cant. Thats why getting tested and taking supplements is so important. But in many cases, the governments established recommended daily allowance for vitamins and minerals is too low; such as iodine, which is 100 to 200 times too low.

    A holistic practitioner can order the appropriate blood, hair, and urine tests to determine your vitamin and mineral status. Conventionally trained doctors do not study this in medical school, and generally have little interest in these tests.


    1. American Journal of Industrial Medicine December 2010; 53(12): 1197-1206

    2. Env. Health. Perspectives. March, 2006;114(3):379-385

    3. Am. J. of Clin. Nutr. Nov. 1180-84. 1973

    4. N Engl J Med 2007; 357:2277-2284

    Continued from page 5

  • Page 8 October 2012drbrownstein.newsmax.com

    Dear Readers,

    I will try to answer as many questions as I can. However, because of the volume of questions, I cannot answer each letter personally. Please include your full name, city, and state when submitting. If you have a question for me, please email it to: askdrdavid@newsmax.com.

    I have been advised to take an iodine supplement. Can you suggest particular supplements?

    Walter T., Leopold, Australia

    Different tissues in the body preferentially take up different forms of iodine. What are these different forms? Iodide is the reduced form and iodine is the oxidized form.

    For example, the breast tissue has an affinity for iodine while the thyroid gland prefers iodide. Therefore, to get the best effect from an iodine supplement or a whole body effect, I would suggest supplementing with both iodine and iodide.

    When I started using iodine clinically, I found a poor clinical response from using either iodine or iodide alone. It was only when I began to use the two forms together that I experienced the best clinical results.

    Examples of products that contain both forms include: Iodoral (from Optimox), Lugols solution (from a compounding pharmacist) and Iodozyme HP (from Biotics Research).

    Are bromine-treated swimming pools safe to swim in? Sanford S., Seattle, Wash.

    The most common chemicals used to keep pool and hot tub water clean are chlorine and bromine. Unfortunately, both of these elements are part of the halide family, which also includes iodine. Therefore, swimming in chlorine and bromine can cause the body to lose iodine.

    You can combat this by increasing your iodine

    intake. Or you can use other methods to keep pool and hot tub water clear. At my house, I use ozone along with and copper and silver ions to keep my pool and hot tub water clear.

    The system to use can be found at www.superioraqua.com. I have no financial interest in this company.

    There seem to be a lot of varying opinions about how to detoxify the liver. What do you suggest for a liver detoxification program?

    Kenneth F., Dallas, Texas

    The liver has many functions, but perhaps its most important task is to filter out the impurities we come in contact with and help the body excrete waste through either the urine or stool.

    Unfortunately, we are exposed to an ever-increasing array of toxic chemicals, so liver detoxification is very important.

    The best thing that you can do for your liver is to eat a healthy diet free of refined foods, pesticides, and synthetic hormones. It is important to eat organic food.

    Next, ensure that you maintain adequate hydration as this will lower the concentration of toxic substances in your body.

    Finally, ensuring the liver has the optimal amounts of nutrients is a must. These include vitamin C, magnesium, milk thistle, and vitamins B1 and B12.

    I have developed a product called Total Liver Control which is designed to provide the liver with the proper nutritional support to increase the detoxification capability of the liver.

    To your good health,

    Ask Dr. B

    Please note: All information presented in Dr. David Brownsteins Natural Way to Health is for informational purposes only. It is not specific medical advice for any individual. All answers to reader questions are provided for informational purposes only. All information presented in Dr. David Brown-steins Natural Way to Health should not be construed as medical consultation or instruction. You should take no action solely on the basis of this pub-lications contents. Readers are advised to consult a health professional about any issue regarding their health and well-being. While the information found in Dr. David Brownsteins Natural Way to Health is believed to be sensible and accurate based on the authors best judgment, readers who fail to seek counsel from appropriate health professionals assume risk of any potential ill effects. The opinions expressed in Dr. David Brownsteins Natural Way to Health do not necessarily reflect those of Newsmax Media.
