7 Quick Natural Cures for Pearly Penile Papules



If you are one of many men who suffer from Pearly Penile Papules (PPP) then you know that the condition is not a laughing matter. Sure people and professional medical experts alike will tell you that it is not deadly or contagious, but does that really make you feel any better?

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2 7 Quick, Natural Cures for Pearly Penile Papules

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3 7 Quick, Natural Cures for Pearly Penile Papules

INTRODUCTION If you are one of many men who suffer from Pearly Penile Papules (PPP) then you know that the condition is not a laughing matter. Sure people and professional medical experts alike will tell you that it is not deadly or contagious, but does that really make you feel any better? Perhaps it can lighten the weight of your burden but it does not change the fact that having penile papules in your genital area can steal away your confidence as a man. It may not threaten your life but it may threaten your self-esteem and perhaps your romantic and sexual life. You might ask questions like:

o What will she think when she sees this?

o How will my friends see me when I am like this?

o Will I be treated as though I am stricken with some contagious STD because of how odd my penis looks like?

o Why am I the only one who has it and not my brothers or my


o Is this some kind of curse? Surely, some of most of these questions have already crossed your mind and yes, they are affecting you in more ways than one. Your sex life is in shambles and greatly limited, you cannot take a shower with your friends, and you feel less of a man.

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4 7 Quick, Natural Cures for Pearly Penile Papules

As such, the idea of pearly penile papules removal entering your mind is a very welcome thought. In fact, you might not think of anything else until those unsightly penile papule bumps lined up in your penis are removed. It can become a burning and obsessive idea. Thankfully though, there are effective solutions which you can do right at home. And the remedy you will need have always just been lying around in your kitchen or room. You just need to know which these items are and how to use them to cure your penile papules. And these natural penile papule removal techniques will prove to be a better choice than those laborious, painfully expensive, and complicated medical procedures. Not only will some of those procedures cost you thousands of dollars, but the potential side effects can be quite fatal. Elaborate medical treatments like CO2 Laser, Radio Surgery, and Cryotherapy can be painfully expensive. They also pose dangers of damaging your precious asset down there. And because this is talking about your penis, you cannot take any chances at all. Natural penile papules removal solutions have no side effects, are not expensive, and can be done by you alone. And the effectiveness of which can rival if not surpass those of the more delicate and complicated medical treatments. And because you can do the procedure on your own, you no longer have to face the embarrassment of having someone work on your penis. With natural penile papules removal techniques, you can have some privacy. Check out seven of the most effective and popular natural pearly penile papules solutions presented and here and select the one you think will work for you the best. Each method is proven effective and inexpensive.

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5 7 Quick, Natural Cures for Pearly Penile Papules

7 Natural Pearly Penile Papules Remedy

The Miracle of Toothpaste And you thought that white paste which you use to maintain oral hygiene is only good for one purpose did you not? You may not know but that same innocent-looking toothpaste which has been lying in your bathroom or cabinet long before you even had the papules can be used to get rid of the unsightly bumps on your sensitive area. Think of it as the miracle savior of your manliness. It is a cheap remedy so you can just forget about those laborious and complicated medical procedures which can cost you thousands of dollars. And not to mention, that those same medical procedures can result in unwanted side-effects. Alright, so how can your teeth’s best friend become your papules worst enemy? It has to do with the purifying and drying properties of toothpaste. These two properties work together to get rid of those ugly bumps. It will diminish the appearance of the papules to the point that they would appear hardly visible or completely gone. The toothpaste, when topically applied to the affected area in your penis, can act as a protective layer. This thin sheath of protective barrier will prevent the papules from worsening and draw out the impurities at the same time.

6 7 Quick, Natural Cures for Pearly Penile Papules

Also, toothpastes are designed to possess cleaning properties. That is why you use it to clean your mouth and teeth right? Which means, when the skin in exposed to toothpaste for long periods of time, it will have a drying effect. The chemical properties of toothpaste will draw out moisture from the affected area of your penis and cause the skin to dry up. And you do know what happens with skin that dries up right? It will soon peel away. And that is exactly the result you want to achieve. This peeling will erase the appearance of the papules in time. However, it is important for you to understand that this method is not so much of a miracle as to get rid of the papules overnight. When using toothpaste to cure PPP, you will need to follow a strict routine of application and cleaning. Time factor is also an essential element in this method. So this is what you need to do. You will need to apply toothpaste on your penis every night for a period of a few days over a week. But before you do, you need to make sure that your penis is clean. Therefore, it is best to proceed with the application after taking a bath. Once you have dried up your genital area, apply a thin layer of toothpaste over the papules. You might want to cover the unaffected areas such as the head of your penis with tissue. This will isolate the drying effects of toothpaste on the affected area only. After the first night of treatment, you are not likely to see any improvements yet. Do not fret because this is normal. After about a few days, you will notice that the affected area in your penis will start peeling and scabbing. A word of caution: do not peel off the skin on your own. You must let the skin to fall off on its own. After about a week of consistent treatment, the appearance of the papules will have improved a lot already. By now, you might want to apply moisturizing products on your penis to counter the drying effects of the toothpaste. As a last advice, you should only get toothpastes in paste form. You will want to avoid the gel type ones. Also, go for the ones with simple formulas. Organic toothpastes will make a great choice because they usually contain fewer additives.

I Removed my Papules Easily, Permanently & In Just 3 Days! – PearlyPapulesRemoval.com

7 7 Quick, Natural Cures for Pearly Penile Papules

The Wonders of Iodine

Although present in trace amounts, the mineral Iodine plays a very important role in the functioning of the human body. Every cell in the body is dependent on the delicate process of energy storage and energy consumption. This is called metabolism and Iodine regulates and maintains this delicate biochemical process. And as much of a wonder mineral the Iodine is, it also has another unexpected use. And this will serve as good news for those who suffer from PPP. When used topically, that is to say when it is applied on the papules directly, it can yield dramatic results in reducing the appearance of the bumps. And to any professional in the field, this ability of the Iodine to improve the condition of papules will come to no surprise. If Iodine is an employee applicant, the resume it will present will contain a long and impressive list of skin-improving and skin cell regenerative capabilities. Yes, Iodine has long since been known to as a mineral that can cure several skin problems. So before discussing how Iodine can cure your papules, it is best to understand a little more about this wonder mineral first. The skin-improving and healing properties of Iodine may have something to do with its anti-viral, antibacterial, anti-parasitic and anti-fungal properties. As you know, viruses, fungi, and bacteria play a major role in many skin related problems. And yes, Iodine can combat these microscopic germs. Additionally, it is noteworthy that Iodine also possesses anti-cancer, mucolytic, and alkalizing properties. And because impurities can result in many skin problems, the detoxifying properties of Iodine can contribute a lot to skin health. But among all these skin-improving properties of the Iodine, the most favorite is perhaps its ability to promote skin tissue regeneration. When applied topically, this wonder mineral is known to speed up the renewal process of skin cells and thus speeds up its healing.

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8 7 Quick, Natural Cures for Pearly Penile Papules

Alright, so how can all of these wonderful properties of the Iodine help improve the condition of papules in your genitals? The skin regenerative properties of this mineral can be likened to the skin molting of a snake. When a snake peels off its old skin, the marks, scars, and blemishes are gone with it. Ideally, the regenerative properties of Iodine can help the infected skin in your penis to imitate the skin molting of snakes. As the condition of your skin improves, the appearance of the papules will greatly improve as well. Although PPP is not included among harmless skin diseases, it is still a skin condition nevertheless. As such, a regular application of Iodine will do wonders. When buying Iodine from the drug store, advice that it will be used for topical remedy.

I Removed my Papules Easily, Permanently & In Just 3 Days! – PearlyPapulesRemoval.com

9 7 Quick, Natural Cures for Pearly Penile Papules

Castor Oil: The Wonder Liquid

Considered as one of the most famous natural and herbal ingredient with wide range of use from medicine to cosmetology, Castor Oil has gained quite the popularity and is believed to have been in use since at least 4,000 years ago. With that in mind, it is perhaps no longer a surprise to know that this miracle liquid can whip out some effective cure to PPP. Like a heaven sent cure from heaven, this golden yellow liquid will be likened to an elixir by a man stricken with dome-topped bumps in his genital area. But before discussing how Castor Oil just became your wonder liquid, maybe you should take a little detour and learn some interesting facts about it. Being a natural remedy with botanical origin, Castor Oil is extracted from a herbal plant called ricinuscommunis. This wonder ingredient has been widely used in medicine since the earliest times. It had applications and gained use both in formally practiced medicine and folklore. In cosmetology, castor oil can often be found in many creams, lotions, and other skin treatment and pampering products. It is known for its soothing and moisturizing effect which leaves the skin renewed and revitalized. To prove this to yourself, not that you need to, try picking up some face creams and lotions and you will not have a hard time finding one with Castor Oil included in the ingredients list. In fact, it is so amazing that this liquid is known to have been used by Egyptians thousands of years ago. Tomb ruins show presence of Castor seeds and history indicates that they were used in many ways. In Egypt, the refreshing and pampering property of Castor Oil was used as a treatment to eye irritation. In India and China, it was used as a medicine to aid women when giving birth. And in many other places like Rome, Greece, Persia, European and American countries, it was used as a cure for epilepsy.

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10 7 Quick, Natural Cures for Pearly Penile Papules

Now that is quite a long list of uses for a rather simple-looking liquid is it not? And there are more to be added to the list. For many years, this golden liquid has been used as a remedy for the following list of disorders and health issues:

Cerebral Palsy Hair loss Parkinson's Disease Arthritis and Rheumatism pains Multiple Sclerosis

It has also been found to provide relief to those who suffer from:

Menstrual Disorders Migraines Athlete's Foot Skin Abrasions Inflammation Gastrointestinal Problems Yeast Infections Constipation Acne Ringworm Sunburn

Alright, so it is now clear that Castor Oil is quite the versatile one. So how do you use it to reduce if not completely eliminate the appearance of those unsightly bumps in your penis brought about by PPP? First of course, you need to get a good quality Castor Oil. Your local drugstore pharmacist can help you find one. Once you already have one, do the following procedures regularly:

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11 7 Quick, Natural Cures for Pearly Penile Papules

1. Damp a piece of cotton ball with generous amount of castor oil and apply it gently over the infected area. Make sure that the entire infected area is covered in a thin layer of the liquid. Do this procedure twice a day, preferably in the morning and evening after bathing.

2. Because the skin that is infected by PPP is sensitive and can react easily to harmful substances, it is best to use unbleached cotton for application. The chemicals found in processed and bleached cotton balls can contribute to the worsening of the papules.

3. If the breakout of the papules is considerably malignant, you might want to

try a more in-depth method. Try soaking an unbleached cotton in Castor Oil and make it stay on the infected area over night. To keep it in place, you wrap it around your penis using a clean cotton cloth. You can also use band aid.

Normally, this procedure should do the trick. But if you got yourself a case of stubborn papules, you can up the ante by applying Epsom Salt over the infected area and make it stay there for at least 10 minutes. This will disinfect the area and also help improve the effects of the Castor Oil.

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12 7 Quick, Natural Cures for Pearly Penile Papules

Healing Properties of Tea Tree

More than just providing an excellent brewed drink blessed with an extraordinary aroma, this English tea time partner also holds a long list of different applications both in medicine and cosmetology. It is the oil extracted from the leaves of tea tree that does many wonders so as to be called a wonder ingredient. And yes, this is yet another natural remedy which you can use to halt the effects of PPP and eventually cure it. But before going straight into the topic of how this herbal oil can help improve the condition of your papules, it is best to learn about it first. After all, tea tree oil is really quite a celebrity. The fame status of tea tree oil has to do with its unique properties. In cosmetology, it is valued for its antibacterial properties. Tea tree oil is normally used as a main ingredient in facial creams, lotions, and wash that are aimed to acne-stricken individuals. Tea tree oil is known to effectively combat the bacteria which cause inflammation in the sebaceous glands leading to acne. As such, this ingredient has long since been used to keep acne breakouts at pay. It also helps a lot that it can control the sebaceous glands to produce excessive oil. This will not only help keep the skin shine-free but also decrease the chances of acne breakout. Aside from its acne-fighting properties, its anti-viral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties also came in handy incurring and providing relief to other skin problems and conditions such as dandruff, athlete’s foot, scabies, lice infestation, fungus infections, and others. And what really makes this wonder oil an effective topical treatment is how it can penetrate deep into the skin where the problem usually lies. This is the problem with other topically applied substances – they can only act on the outer layer of the dermis.

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13 7 Quick, Natural Cures for Pearly Penile Papules

So this ability to penetrate the skin combined with its antiseptic and healing properties, tea tree oil found use in relieving many symptoms and skin problems which include:

Acne Boils Dandruff Vaginitis Thrush Lice Yeast infection Athlete's foot





Now for your PPP condition, you can also benefit greatly from the antiseptic,

relieving, healing, and skin-penetrating properties of tea tree oil by applying it on

the effective area twice a day. You can use a cotton ball to cover the papules with

a thin layer of the liquid.

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14 7 Quick, Natural Cures for Pearly Penile Papules

The Aloe Vera Treatment Aloe Vera – the very name itself rings a bell. Yes, this widely used herbal plant is only one of the most famous natural medicines used to treat many health conditions. Its fame transcends time and medical technique. Both the west and the east make full use of its healing properties and it has been on the scene since ancient times. This succulent plant can be easily recognized by its series of pointed, thick, and fleshy leaves with serrated sides. All the leaves stem out from the same core in the same way that a flower’s petals stem out from the center. And when a leaf is cut, a gel-like substance can be instantly extracted. In fact, this gel can be instantly used to address some skin-related problems. Mostly in Asia, people apply the gel directly on a balding head to promote hair growth. It is also used to provide relief to burns, inflammation, wounds, and other skin conditions. Some people even use it for more serious ailments like psoriasis and genital herpes. And the versatility of this herbal plant also found its way in the world of cosmetics. Many dermatologists agree that Aloe Vera extract can help soothe the skin and provide it with rich moisture. As such, it is no longer uncommon to find a body wash, face wash, cream, or lotion with Aloe Vera as its main ingredient. Even cosmetic products that do not openly advertise Aloe Vera content will have the herb listed in its ingredients section. So with the Aloe Vera’s combination of effective healing and skin-pampering properties, it should come to no surprise that it can be used as an effective solution to PPP. Men can surely benefit from this herb in getting rid of those unsightly dome-shaped penis bumps.

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15 7 Quick, Natural Cures for Pearly Penile Papules

Alright, so it is quite a wonder herb indeed. But how do you use it? Well, there is really no need to buy Aloe Vera extract products from the store because you can simply get the extract from the plant itself. And it will be a better idea because the gel directly extracted from the plant is more potent and more pure. Not to mention that it is also free of additives and chemicals. So what you need to do it cut a leaf from the plant with a knife. Squeeze the full length of the leaf to juice out the gel. You can also cut open the leaf lengthwise and puree the gel from it. Use this gel and apply it on the infected area three times a day. Continue doing so regularly and you will see improvements in the appearance of the papules in a few days.

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16 7 Quick, Natural Cures for Pearly Penile Papules

Lemon Juice Method Lemon – it is probably the most sought-after fruit during summer time because of its excellent thirst-satiating and regenerative properties. A sip of cold lemon juice melts away stress and cools down the entire body especially during the most humid of seasons. But cooling down your throat and giving your taste buds a taste of heaven is not the only good thing about lemon. This refreshing citrus fruit found many uses in medicine, beautification, and cooking. But for those who suffer from PPP, perhaps the best thing about lemon is how it can reduce if not completely eliminate the appearance of papules on the penis. Before going there however, it would be a good idea to take some tour around and explore the many wonders of this miracle fruit. Yes, it has always been lying around in your kitchen but you probably never thought it can so much more than just relieve your thirst. In the kitchen, lemon is mostly valued for its strong flavor. A teaspoonful of pureed lemon can make a lot of difference in many dishes. It bestows a beef steak with irresistible aroma, it neutralizes the undesirable fishy flavor of many sea food meals, it makes a good sauce additive, and it makes a perfect garnish for salads and grilled foods. And beyond the kitchen, lemon is also a main player in the world of health maintenance. This wonder fruit has a very strong germ-fighting property which can kill 92% of bacteria in many raw dishes after three hours of exposure to the juice. Additionally, the rich vitamin C content of this juice makes it an excellent tonic. It will not only replenish lost fluid but will also re-supply the body with a surge of vitamins. And its strong antioxidant properties will contribute a lot to fitness and health.

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17 7 Quick, Natural Cures for Pearly Penile Papules

It is so powerful that when lemon juice is vaporized, it can be used as an inhalant to people who suffer from pneumococcus, staphylococcus andmeningococcus.

The vapor will defuse the bacteria causing the disease and dramatically improve the patient’s condition.

In cosmetics, lemon is valued for its rich vitamin content and antioxidant properties. Normally applied in diluted form, lemon juice is known to combat acne, blackheads, whiteheads, and other skin problems. It is also said to help whiten the skin. Alright, so how you benefit from the outstanding properties of lemon and use it to finally cure your PPP? Here is how: First, you need a fresh lemon. And before slicing it, you should wash it thoroughly to avoid the chemicals sprayed on the fruit to mix with the juice. It is also advisable to heat the fruit before using it. This will make its ingredients more potent. After extracting the juice, you can now apply it on areas affected by the papules. Do this at least three times a day to achieve the best results.

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18 7 Quick, Natural Cures for Pearly Penile Papules

Eucalyptus Oil Remedy Another very important and effective ingredient you can use to provide solution to your PPP condition is the Eucalyptus oil. This essential oil has always been around since ancient times for many uses and it is still around to stay. Eucalyptus gained its popular status because of its many positive qualities. It is antiseptic which means it can be used to pamper wounds, it is antibacterial which means it can be used to prevent and halt infection, and it is also anti-inflammatory which means it can stop redness and rash. To benefit from it, people from South Africa, India and Europe have extracted the oil from evergreen Eucalyptus tree. Originally, it is native to Australia only until it was brought to other parts of the world because of its healing properties. This rich minty essential oil has ever since been used to provide relief to people who suffer from diabetes, respiratory disorders, and mental exhaustion. It also proved effective in relieving many skin related problems and conditions. But for people like you who suffer from PPP, it is most noteworthy how a regular but controlled application of this essential oil to the papules can help eliminate the skin disorder. Take note that it should only be applied in controlled amounts because too much Eucalyptus can be toxic.

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19 7 Quick, Natural Cures for Pearly Penile Papules

Conclusion Now that is quite a wonderful list of natural pearly penile papules solution is it not? And you probably never even suspected any of these innocent-looking ingredients to be effective in treating penile papules. With these, you can secretly administer treatment in the privacy of your home and patiently wait for the results to take effect. No one will have to know that you even had PPP because you will not be required to visit a doctor. These solutions can be done right at home and the ingredients and tools you will need are not even expensive. They can also be easily bought from any drugstore and no one will suspect what you will use them for. With these simple and non-invasive methods, you can finally regain your confidence as man. You no longer have to feel ashamed or embarrassed of your penis

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