7 Magical Tips to Manifest a Million Dollar Man With Ease,


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Lourdes Elardo‐Gant 4097 Gartley Point Road Courtenay, BC V9N 9T2 250.331.0486 lourdes@speakingwithlourdes.com www.lourdeselardogant.com ©2010 Lourdes Elardo-Gant All Rights Reserved 



7 Magical Tips To Manifest Your Million Dollar Man With Ease, Grace and Joy



Lourdes Elardo-Gant International Law of Attraction Relationship Coach


Lourdes Elardo‐Gant 4097 Gartley Point Road Courtenay, BC V9N 9T2 250.331.0486 lourdes@speakingwithlourdes.com www.lourdeselardogant.com ©2010 Lourdes Elardo-Gant All Rights Reserved 


1. Be “Happy” Single. Imagine your life complete NOW instead of waiting for a relationship to happen. Live your zest for life while you are single. The best way to find your Million Dollar Man is to be a happy, joyful single individual living the life that you really want. Pursue your intention of a relationship while living life complete in the present and let go of your attachment to future outcomes.

2. Know Your Big Relationship WHY.

Lourdes Elardo‐Gant 4097 Gartley Point Road Courtenay, BC V9N 9T2 250.331.0486 lourdes@speakingwithlourdes.com www.lourdeselardogant.com ©2010 Lourdes Elardo-Gant All Rights Reserved 

3. Your current relationship with yourself is

an indication of your “connection blueprint.” Are you content with who and what you are? When you answer yes, you will attract a Million Dollar Man who accepts for who and what you are no matter what.

4. Schedule to be in your pleasure palace daily. Are you taking care of yourself or you are way too busy? When you make “me time” a priority, you will be surprised how your Million Dollar Man will show up immediately!

Lourdes Elardo‐Gant 4097 Gartley Point Road Courtenay, BC V9N 9T2 250.331.0486 lourdes@speakingwithlourdes.com www.lourdeselardogant.com ©2010 Lourdes Elardo-Gant All Rights Reserved 

5. If you want to attract a Million Dollar Man then

you MUST stop undervaluing your time by spending it with men who do not qualify. Don’t settle for anything less!

6. Instead of dating “ok” men, give yourself

extraordinary attention – something that will make you feel like a Million Dollar Goddess!

7. How do you answer the question, “What

does a Million Dollar Man mean to you?” Here’s what I specifically wrote in my journal before I met my Million Dollar Man:

“someone financially free or on his way to financial freedom.”

Lourdes Elardo‐Gant 4097 Gartley Point Road Courtenay, BC V9N 9T2 250.331.0486 lourdes@speakingwithlourdes.com www.lourdeselardogant.com ©2010 Lourdes Elardo-Gant All Rights Reserved 


“How To Manifest A Million Dollar Husband In

10 Magical Steps With Ease, Grace, & Joy”

Follow My Lead To Magically Manifest A Million Dollar Husband - I Did It And You Can Too! I used to be in the position of having notable accomplishments in my life - graduating cum laude from a state University, finished my Masters in Business Administration, released my CD audio series and book, Immigration Magic & Immigration Success Secrets: How to Overcome Immigrant Challenges...

and starting my own business, consulting and coaching others...

and yet...

I always attracted the wrong man to support my vision and spiritual path. I had two “complicated” ex-boyfriends and an abusive ex-relationship.

Lourdes Elardo‐Gant 4097 Gartley Point Road Courtenay, BC V9N 9T2 250.331.0486 lourdes@speakingwithlourdes.com www.lourdeselardogant.com ©2010 Lourdes Elardo-Gant All Rights Reserved 

I knew I had the ability for attracting the man of my dreams but lacked the “how”. I didn’t know HOW to manifest the man of my dreams, having someone I love, AND love me unconditionally for who and what I am.

Sound familiar??

Fast forward to now…I enjoy a wonderful marriage. I have a lucrative business as a Law of Attraction Relationship coach helping women create and manifest the man of their dreams so they can enjoy freedom, balance, soul-satisfaction in their life AND make a contribution to the world just by being a Goddess!

My love life is no longer frustrating - I have everything I want (and then some), doing what I love 27 hours/week - so I can be the mom, wife, friend, and person I want to be!

How did I get here? By learning how to transform my love life into one with feminine power!

Sound difficult?

It’s not difficult. It’s actually surprisingly simple when you have the right systems in place and know how to use the feminine power effectively.

But you need to mentor with the right Law of Attraction Relationship Coach and Mentor who can teach you how to do this.

All is revealed in my audio series "How To Manifest A Million Dollar Husband In 10 Magical Steps."

To learn more go to:

ww.milliondollarman.ca now

Lourdes Elardo‐Gant 4097 Gartley Point Road Courtenay, BC V9N 9T2 250.331.0486 lourdes@speakingwithlourdes.com www.lourdeselardogant.com ©2010 Lourdes Elardo-Gant All Rights Reserved 

Free weekly “how to” articles so you’re no longer settling for just an “ok” man

and instead manifest a Million Dollar Man with ease, grace and joy!

Volume 1 Issue 7

In This Issue:

~ A Personal Note from Lourdes: Every number counts!

~ Feature Article: Are You Sure You Want To Be “Rich?”

~ Upcoming Events: Join us! June 3, 2010 – Get Your Million Dollar Man Attraction Game Plan” Intensive - LIMITED OFFER

Save The Date! June 15, 2010 – Cash Flow Game Night

Mark Your Calendar: November 26, 27, 28, 2010 – Divine Feminine Diamond Retreat

In these FREE weekly online articles I share simple, practical and proven relationship tips that will help you design your attraction game plan, create high-value for yourself, plus how to manifest a Million Dollar Husband In 10 Magical Steps! Every article will help you move away from ‘settling’ in your relationships...fast! Online newsletter subscription is valued at $197 per year. Your subscription is FREE with this special report. 
