7 Day Refresh Workout A - Blissful and...


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7 Day RefreshWorkout A

Learn Everything You Need to Know to: get healthy and fit | lose weight| feel great | restart your health


Congratulations for taking the first step toward a healthier lifestyle! Exercise is an integral part of any nutrition program. Research shows that physical activity can boost self-esteem, mood, sleep quality and energy, as well as reducing your risk of stress, depression, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. People who do regular activity have a lower risk of many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke and some cancers. Exercise strengthens muscles, reduces body fat and improves cardiovascular function.

This workout is designed to give you a full body strength and conditioning workout and the entire workout will only take about 30 minutes. The body functions best as a whole unit, so it is best to train it the same way. There is no equipment neces-sary to do these workouts and the best part is that you can do it at home.

For this workout we have a warm-up, followed by the strength and conditioning section, rest period, steady state cardio and finally the cool down. You will perform each exercise for :30 seconds, rest for the required amount of time and then move on to the next exercise. Consult the workout chart included in this program for the amount of rounds and time for each workout. You will have finished 1 round when all 6 exercises are completed. Up to 2 additional rounds can be added for advanced trainees.

If you feel like you’ve conquered this routine or you are already in good shape, de-crease the rest time between each interval to 15 seconds and increase the work time to 40 seconds. We highly recommend you do this workout 3 times a week.

The video is not in real time, but simply demonstrate the exercises for each work-out. Consult the workout chart for the amount of rounds and time for each workout as well as this PDF for photos and descriptions of each exercise.

For each workout I recommend a seconds timer or interval timer to keep track of your work time and rest time. The free Seconds Interval Timer App for iPhone or a similar one for Android is a great choice. If you want to try jumping rope for your steady cardio it’s a great alternative to walking or jogging. You can find them at any sporting good store.

Introduction from Chad

Exercise Time Rest1. Jog in Place2. Jumping Jacks3. High Knees4. Butt Kickers

:30 seconds:30 seconds:30 seconds:30 seconds


Exercise Time Weight Rest wk 2,41. Prisoner Squat2. Jumping Jacks3. Pushup/TRX Chest Press4. Skaters5. Alternating Forward Lunge6. Pushup Jacks

:30 seconds:30 seconds:30 seconds:30 seconds:30 seconds:30 seconds




Exercise Time Rest1. Hamstring Stretch2. Tricep/Deltoid Stretch3. Knee to Chest Stretch4. Iron Cross Stretch5. Quad Stretch6. Glute Stretch7. Kneeling Psoas Stretch

:30 seconds:30 seconds:30 seconds:30 seconds:30 seconds:30 seconds:30 seconds


Workout AWarm up: 3 Rounds x 2:00 = 6:00 min total

Workout: 2 Rounds x 6:30 = 13:00 min total

Rest: 5 minutes

Cool Down/Stretching: 2 Rounds x 3:30 = 7 min total

Total Workout = 36 minutes total

Steady State of Cardio: 5 minutes (slow jog, fast walk, jump rope)

Workout AExercise - Prisoner Squat

1. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and lace your fingers behind your head.

2. Keeping your elbows back, bend at the hips and knees to lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Press back up through your heels to the start-ing position and repeat.

3. Make sure to have your weight back on your heels and keep your knees behind your toes as you lower your body.





Workout AExercise - Jumping Jacks

1. Begin by standing with your feet together and arms at your sides.

2. Bend your knees and jump your feet apart until they are wider than your shoul-ders. At the same time, raise your arms over your head.

3. Keep your knees bent while you jump again, bringing your feet together and your arms back to your sides.

• Increase the intensity/difficulty of this exercise by increasing the speed/tempo.

• Decrease the intensity/difficulty of exercise by decreasing the speed/tempo and/or stepping out to the side instead of jumping.



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Workout AExercise - Pushup

1. Begin with your knees on the floor and your hands just wider than shoulder-width apart.

2. Keeping your back straight, bend your elbows to lower yourself to the floor. When your chest is just off the floor, push yourself back up to the starting position.

3. Make sure to keep your body in a straight line from your shoulders to your knees by lowering your hips.

• Increase the intensity/difficulty of this exercise by starting in the classic pushup position, with your weight on your hands and the balls of your feet and/or elevat-ing the feet or raising one foot into the air.

• Decrease the intensity/difficulty of exercise by placing your hands on a chair, table or even the wall. Decrease the difficulty even more by bringing your knees to the ground. Remember to keep your core and glutes tight and make sure that your body position is a straight line from your shoulders, through your hips, down to your knees/toes.




Workout AExercise - Skaters

1. Begin with your feet a bit further than shoulder width apart. Bend your knees and lean forward slightly with your arms at your side.

2. Step or Jump about 2 feet to the right, landing on your right leg. Your left leg should lift and come behind your right ankle.

3. Step or Jump again, this time to the left and landing on the left foot. As before, bring your right leg behind your left ankle. Swing your arms to help maintain bal-ance and increase the length of your jumps. Keep your head up and eyes forward.

• Increase the intensity/difficulty of this exercise by increasing the tempo/speed of your steps and/or jumping from side to side and only letting one foot touch the ground.

• Decrease the intensity/difficulty of this exercise by decreasing the tempo/speed of your steps and/or stepping from side to side and having both feet touch the ground.

• Remember to keep your core and glutes tight and make sure that your body posi-tion is a straight line from your shoulders, through your hips, down to your knees/toes.



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Workout AExercise - Alternating Forward Lunge

1. Step your right foot out approximately 2-3 feet in front of your body. Make sure your foot is facing forward. Your knee should be bent at a right angle with your thigh parallel to the ground and your knee behind your toe.

2. Push off the ground with your right foot, coming back to the starting position.

3. Now, perform the same move, but this time step out with your left foot.




Workout AExercise - Pushup Jacks

1. Begin in a plank position with the hands wider than shoulders and the body in a straight line from head to heels. Make sure that your core and glutes are tight.

2. Step or Jump the feet out wide from your body.

3. In a smooth movement, step or jump your feet back together into your plank.

• Increase the intensity/difficulty of this exercise by increasing the tempo/speed of your legs and feet and/or placing the hands on the ground.

• Decrease the intensity/difficulty of this exercise by decreasing the tempo/speed of your legs and feet and/or placing the hands on an elevated surface like a chair, bench or table top.




