6th Grade Quick Recall Blue Grass Academic … "Alice in Wonderland," what animal has a...


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6th Grade Quick Recall

Blue Grass Academic Conference


Copyright © 2015 Academic Hallmarks

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 1 First Half Page 11 . Related AnimalsWhat mammal of northern Europe is closely related to North American caribou?

reindeer 2 . HydrologyWhat is the term for a small stream of water flowing naturally from the earth onto the land's surface?

spring (artesian well) 3 . WritingWhat writing error is illustrated in this line? Help stamp out and eradicate superfluous redundancy.

redundancy 4 . RailroadsName the enormous self-propelled vehicles used to pull or push railroad cars.

locomotives (engines) 5 . Anchovie ConsumptionIf Mr. Auk devours 3 anchovies in a minute and Mrs. Auk consumes 2, how many can they eat in a half-hour?


6 . Number ProblemsWhat three-digit number, whose digits are in descending order and add up to a dozen, is divisible by three and has a hundred's digit that is two more than its one's digit?

543 7 . License PlatesWhat do you suppose the occupation is of the guy who owns a car with this license plate? EIEIO

farmer 8 . Fictional CharactersFaline, Ena and Gobo are mammalian characters in what story by Felix Salten?

Bambi 9 . EmblemsThe most familiar symbol of drama is a pair of masks, one smiling representing comedy and one sorrowful representing what?

tragedy 1 0 . Time SummationWhat number results when you add the number of minutes in one quarter of an hour to the number of seconds in a half minute?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 1 First Half Page 21 1 . LightWhat is the term for any area where light from a source cannot reach because of some obstruction?

shadow 1 2 . RelationshipsWhat is the term for someone who is related to you as the result of being the child of your uncle or aunt?

cousin 1 3 . TreesWhat tropical tree has a huge seed with a kind of milk inside?

coconut palm 1 4 . Colorful DescriptionsWhat marsupial has been described as a pogo stick with a pouch?

kangaroo 1 5 . RedundancyWhat two words can be omitted from this sentence without changing its meaning? We must all cooperate together to produce a quality end product.

together, end

1 6 . BeetlesBoll weevils feed mainly on parts of what kind of plants?

cotton 1 7 . Marine LifeThese are varieties of what kind of marine creatures? gray, right, minke, bowhead, baleen, humpback, sperm

whales 1 8 . Roman NumeralsWhat is the Roman numeral equivalent of 666?

DCLXVI 1 9 . AntisepticsAntiseptics are applied to living tissue to reduce the possibility of what pathological condition characterized by the invasion and multiplication of microorganisms?

infection (sepsis, putrefaction) 2 0 . WhalesName the visible exhalation of a whale.


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 1 First Half Page 32 1 . River MouthsName the bay into which the San Joaquin and Sacramento rivers empty.

San Francisco Bay 2 2 . Number ProblemsWhat are three consecutive numbers with a sum of 18?

5, 6, and 7 2 3 . Far Out QuotesWhat are the next words in this line? That's one small step for a man, one giant leap ...

for mankind 2 4 . Marine BiologyWhile fish move their tails left and right for propulsion, what do whales move up and down?

flukes 2 5 . American WildlifeThis is about what critter? It is one of the few wild animals whose vocalizations are commonly heard. At night it produces a high, quavering howl and a series of short, high-pitched yips.


2 6 . ClimatesName the climatic condition where water loss due to evapotranspiration is greater than water inputs through precipitation, resulting in a prolonged water shortage.

drought 2 7 . LiteratureWhat classification applies to stories set in nonexistent worlds in which the characters are often something other than human or in which humans interact with creatures such as trolls, dragons, elves, or kelpies?

fantasy 2 8 . SurvivalSometimes a threatened animal will suddenly collapse and remain still even when poked or bitten, and only when the threat is gone will the creature flee to safety. This survival technique, named after a marsupial, is called playing what?

possum (or opossum) 2 9 . The Solar SystemWhich body of the solar system has a nearside that is visible from Earth and a farside that isn't?

Moon 3 0 . Money ProblemsHow many quarters equal eighty-five dimes?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 1 First Half Page 43 1 . Communication HistoryCyrus Field's most notable achievement was that of providing fast communication across what body of water?

Atlantic Ocean 3 2 . Painting ProblemsYou have absolutely got to paint fifteen signs and each sign takes twenty minutes. You have to be done by five p.m. What is the latest time you can start painting?

12:00 (noon) 3 3 . InsectsWithin cocoons, caterpillars change into what insects?

butterflies (moths) 3 4 . Pill MathJabba's fat pills come in a 250-pound barrel. He takes 4 pounds of pills per day. How many pounds of fat pills will he have left after 30 days?

130 pounds 3 5 . Canine CharactersThis is from what novel? He made me so mad at first that I wanted to kill him. Then, later, when I had to kill him, it was like having to shoot some of my own folks. That's how much I'd come to think of the big yeller dog.

Old Yeller

3 6 . PrecipitationWhat form of precipitation can be as large as softballs?

hail 3 7 . ArmiesWhat kind of military unit is an army composed of troops trained to fight on horseback?

cavalry 3 8 . WomenName America's first First Lady.

Martha 3 9 . SymbolsThese symbols used in the Old West were collectively known as what? Four Sixes Running W Lazy T Circle R Rafter J

brands 4 0 . PsychologyWhat kind of beliefs are illustrated in these examples? Garlic protects you from vampires. An itchy palm means that money is coming your way. You can break a bad luck spell by turning seven times in a clockwise circle.

superstit ions

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 1 Second Half Page 11 . Historical ArtThese art objects were created by what ancient civilization? statue of Thoth statuette of Isis mummy case of Lady Teshat

Egypt 2 . Energy MeasurementThe energy value of a food is measured in what units?

calories 3 . Musical ChasesIn "Pop Goes the Weasel," the monkey chases the weasel around what?

the cobbler's bench 4 . Messy Meteorological StuffSnow or ice on the ground that has been reduced to a soft and somewhat watery mixture by above-freezing temperatures is called what?

slush 5 . FantasiesThis line is from a story about what imaginary land? The witch did not bleed where she was bitten by Toto, for she was so wicked that the blood in her had dried up many years before.


6 . MusicalsAccording to the song in "Mary Poppins," what is it that helps the medicine go down?

a spoonful of sugar 7 . CommunicationA surgeon about to operate on a small boy exclaimed, "This child is my son!" The doctor was correct, yet the doctor was not the boy's father. Who was the doctor?

the boy's mother 8 . LifeName the structural units from which complex living organisms are made.

cells 9 . Geographical MnemonicsGeographically speaking, these are mnemonic devices that help you remember what? Never eat soggy waffles. Naughty elephants squirt water. Never eat slimy worms.

cardinal directions (north, east, south, west) 1 0 . Handling of the DeadThe Egyptians developed a form of embalming called what?

mummification (mummifying)

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 1 Second Half Page 21 1 . Colonial HistoryWhat loose but effective organization of colonial militia confronted the British in Lexington?

Minutemen 1 2 . Legendary CrittersWhat legendary bovine is indicated by this line? I've forgot most of the other figgurs, but I remember he measured forty-two axe handles between the eyes.

Babe (the Blue Ox) 1 3 . Short StoriesWhat short story set in India ends with this? But he did not grow too proud, and he kept that garden as a mongoose should keep it, with tooth and jump and spring and bite, till never a cobra dared show its head inside the walls.

Rikki-Tikki-Tavi 1 4 . Newbery Honor BooksIn a story by Eleanor Estes, Wanda Petronski is a little Polish girl who claims she has one hundred articles of what kind of clothing?

dresses 1 5 . Critters in LiteratureWhat kind of animals are these? Despereaux Tilling in "The Tale of Despereaux" Algernon in "Flowers for Algernon" Bianca in "The Rescuers" Stuart Little in "Stuart Little"


1 6 . Geographical SongsWhat should be the first word in these geographical lyrics? ---- lines go east and west, But they're north or south of the equator. They'll always pass the parallel test, If you measure them now or later.

latitude 1 7 . WildlifeWhat shaggy-maned, gregarious, North American mammal has a large head, short horns, and heavy forequarters surmounted by a prominent fleshy hump?

buffalo (bison) 1 8 . Regional SymbolsWindmills are especially symbolic of what European country?

Holland (or Netherlands) 1 9 . PluralsSpell the plural of "cactus."

cacti 2 0 . LatitudesWhere are you if you are at 90 degrees south latitude?

South Pole

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 1 Second Half Page 32 1 . Parts of BooksWhat alphabetical list at the back of a book lists all the subjects and topics covered?

index 2 2 . GrammarWhat tense is used in this Irish bull? Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin which he built with his own hands.

past tense 2 3 . DeerThree main species of deer inhabit western states. The whitetail are the smallest. The blacktail are larger. Name the largest.

mule deer 2 4 . DrawingWhat black drawing material is composed mainly of porous carbon?

charcoal 2 5 . ContinentsWhat two continents lie entirely in the Western Hemisphere?

North America, South America

2 6 . VocabularyWhat term can mean legislation that has passed or a major division of a play?

act 2 7 . MultiplesHow many multiples of 3 are there between 1 and 1000?

333 2 8 . BurrowsIn "Alice in Wonderland," what animal has a hole that is initially straight like a tunnel, but then opens into a shaft that goes straight down with its sides lined with cupboards, bookshelves, and pictures?

rabbit (White Rabbit) 2 9 . Ursine LiteratureWhat fictional character said this? When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.

W i n n i e - t h e - P o o h 3 0 . Spacecraft MathThere are 4372 aliens in a mother ship. 1247 were not acquainted with Vogon poetry. How many were?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 1 Second Half Page 43 1 . Flowing WaterIt starts as a tiny trickle, or rill. It flows downhill, is joined by other rills, gets larger, and becomes a stream. Other streams join it to form what?

a river 3 2 . Animal AnagramsThe word "low" is an anagram for what bird?

owl 3 3 . LandformsThe states of Baja California and Baja California Sur occupy what kind of landform?

peninsula 3 4 . Old West EnterprisesThis concerns what business of the 1860s? In a little while, all interest was taken up in watching for the fleet messenger who sped across the continent from St. Joe to Sacramento carrying letters nineteen hundred miles in eight days.

Pony Express 3 5 . RiversWhat term that indicates a tributary of a river also means a secondary woody stem growing from the stem or another limb of a tree?


3 6 . Picture CaptionsThis caption from December in 1903 is about whom? Inside the fragile machine is a 32-year-old bicycle mechanic from Dayton, Ohio. Watching is his younger brother, Wilbur.

Orville Wright 3 7 . New World ExplorationWhat is the modern name of the Latin American country referred to by early Spanish explorers as "the rich coast"?

Costa Rica 3 8 . Audible VibrationsSound is constantly reflected off objects. Usually the reflection is not noticed because two identical sounds that reach the ear less than 1/15 of a second apart cannot be distinguished. If the reflected sound is heard separately, what is it called?

an echo 3 9 . Vocal Music AnalogiesWomen are to soprano as men are to what?

tenor 4 0 . MnemonicsAstronomically speaking, what does this mnemonic help you remember? My very educated mother just served us nachos.

order of the planets

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 2 First Half Page 11 . Short StoriesName the short story by Frank Stockton which ended with the protagonist standing in an arena before two doors.

The Lady or the Tiger 2 . PlanetsName the innermost and smallest planet.

Mercury 3 . LinesWhat do geometricians call a bent line without angles?

curve 4 . NonsenseWhat word is missing in this ditty? The king sent for his wise men all To find a rhyme for W. When they had thought a good long time, But could not think of a single rhyme, "I'm sorry," said he, " to ---- you."

trouble 5 . RightsReverend Elijah Parish spoke out against what practice when he said this? It is not possible that one man can convert another into a piece of property, thus at once annihilating all his personal rights, without the most flagrant injustice and usurpation.


6 . The Armed ForcesWhat division of the U.S. armed forces is responsible for law enforcement, marine safety, pollution control, and aid to vessels in distress?

Coast Guard 7 . Literary FormsWhat form of literature is illustrated by an account of a person's life as written by his son?

biography 8 . Cool PoetryThis is about what kind of massive floating body? I was spawned from the glacier, a thousand miles due north beyond Cape Chidley; And the spawning, when my vast, wallowing bulk went under, emerged and heaved aloft, Shaking down cataracts from its rocking sides, with mountainous surge and thunder Outraged the silence of the Arctic sea.

iceberg 9 . ZoologyThese are all varieties of what? Shih Tzu, Pomeranian, Rottweiler, Chihuahua

dogs 1 0 . State NamesWhat is the only letter in the alphabet that does not appear in the name of any U.S. state?

Q .

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 2 First Half Page 21 1 . Marina MathA marina has spaces for 6 rows with 20 moorings in each row. There are only 15 empty moorings. How many boats are in this marina?

105 1 2 . Geographic AnalogiesDeath Valley is to North America and Lake Eyre is to Australia as the Dead Sea is to what continent?

Asia 1 3 . Laws of Some of the LandThese words are from a constitution adopted during what decade? All legislative powers herein delegated shall be vested in a Congress of the Confederate States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

1860s 1 4 . Disease VocabularyWhat adjective indicates a disease that can be transmitted from one person to another by contact or close proximity?

contagious (transmissible, communicable) 1 5 . StreamsBane the margins of stream or river channels.


1 6 . Perfect SquaresName the next-largest perfect square larger than 50.

64 1 7 . ReactionsSome people's eyes water. Others sneeze. Others get a rash. Name this reaction of one's body against certain foods or plants or other things that don't bother most people.

allergy 1 8 . Parliamentary ProcedureComplete this phrase used in a formal meeting when a vote is about to take place to determine how many in a group agree to the motion. All in ...

favor 1 9 . AveragesThe average of two numbers is 15 and one of the two numbers is 10. What is the other?

20 2 0 . Parts of SpeechWhat part of speech inevitably follows an article?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 2 First Half Page 32 1 . SeasonsWhat season is it in Argentina when the cherry blossoms are blooming in Washington, D.C.?

fall (autumn) 2 2 . NumbersWhat is the additive inverse of 180?

-180 2 3 . HumorWhat form of humor is illustrated in this line? It was a terrible summer for Humpty Dumpty, but he had a great fall.

pun 2 4 . New SpainNew Spain once included most of what is now the United States west of what river?

Mississippi River 2 5 . International RivalriesName two of the three countries that were the major players in New World colonial rivalries.

France, England, Spain

2 6 . ElevationsWhile Colorado has the highest mean elevation of the U.S. states, what adjacent state has the second-highest mean elevation?

Wyoming 2 7 . Music PsychologyWhat natural, periodic, physiological state of rest is associated with these songs? All Through the Night Toora Loora Loora Kumbaya Baa Baa Black Sheep Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

sleep 2 8 . Biological ProcessesName the life process by which living things give rise to other livings things of their same type.

reproduct ion 2 9 . EnergyWhat is the ultimate source of the energy in the following? falling water natural gas coal and oil food

the sun (sunlight) 3 0 . Silly SongsIn the song, "Animal Fair," what creature fell on the elephant's trunk just before the elephant sneezed and went down on his knees?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 2 First Half Page 43 1 . Snow SlidesThe greatest number of avalanches annually in the Lower Forty-Eight occur in what state?

Colorado 3 2 . BotanyWhat structures of a plant bear no leaves, lack nodes, absorb water and inorganic nutrients, and anchor the plant body to the ground?

roots 3 3 . Geographic NumeralsExclude Hawaii and Alaska and express as a Roman numeral the number of states in the U.S.

XLVIII 3 4 . FactoringWhat are the prime factors of 28?

2 and 2 and 7 3 5 . TreesWhat is the term for a cultivated stand of fruit or nut trees?


3 6 . StoriesWhat story by Richard Peck that features Alexander Armsworth, Blossom Culp, Uncle Miles Armsworth, and Inez Dumain is about a ghost that desires to be buried with her family in New Orleans?

The Ghost Belonged to Me 3 7 . National ParksWhich American national park occupies real estate in the greatest number of states?

Yel lowstone 3 8 . New SpainName the largest Caribbean island that was once part of New Spain.

Cuba 3 9 . State PlacesIn the U.S., what state is south of Georgia?

Florida 4 0 . Figurative LanguageWhat figure of speech is used in this caption for a cartoon? Creepy Cat Cooks Cocker Spaniel for Crazy Carnivorous Cows


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 2 Second Half Page 11 . Root WordsWhat does the root mean in these words? biography, biometrics, biosphere, biome

life 2 . Animal AnalogiesWhat are the last words in this verse? The cry of a cat's a meow, And an oink is the meow of a hog, And a moo is the oink of a cow, And a bark is the ...

moo of a dog 3 . Animal BehaviorWhales and caribou leave one region each year and make long journeys to another location. Later in the year they return. These journeys are called annual what?

migrations 4 . AlphabetizingIf the words in this sentence were alphabetized, which comes first? Eleven eager eagles earned esteem.

eager 5 . The Solar SystemWhat heavenly body may be partly illuminated by earthlight?

the Moon

6 . Speed ProblemsYou can cover 250 miles in 5 hours providing your average speed is how many miles per hour?

50 7 . PerimetersWhat is the perimeter of an irregular plane figure with these sides? 8 feet 2 feet 5 feet 3 feet 4 feet

22 feet 8 . Christmas CarolsWhat should the word be in this mistaken line from a Christmas song? Chipmunks roasting on an open fire

chestnuts 9 . U.S. RiversThe Spanish name of what U.S. river is literally translated as "great river"?

Rio Grande 1 0 . European Salt MarshesWhat European country is famed for transforming its extensive salt marshes into productive agricultural land by means of dikes?

Netherlands (Holland)

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 2 Second Half Page 21 1 . PopulationsZero population growth occurs when what two rates are equal?

birth, death 1 2 . ConstructionIdentify the device used to control heating and air conditioning systems.

thermostat 1 3 . AnglesIf angle A equals angle C, then what fraction of angle C is equivalent to 1/2 of angle A?

1/2 1 4 . HomonymsWhat piece of equipment for hoisting massive objects shares a name with a long-legged wading bird?

crane 1 5 . StoriesMeindert Detong's story, "Journey from Peppermint Street," is about a boy from what country?

Holland (Netherlands)

1 6 . Bye ByeWhat is the permanent disappearance of a species called?

extinction 1 7 . AveragesWhat is the average amount in the four teachers' pockets? Mr. Winklemeyer - $ 7.40 Miss Naggy - $11.35 Mr. Giardina - $ 3.25 Mrs. Kossoff - $18.00

$10 1 8 . PrecipitationWhat is the term for each lump of irregularly shaped ice in a hail storm?

hailstone 1 9 . MatterWhat is the changing of a liquid into a solid by removing the heat called?

freezing 2 0 . SoundThe frequency of a train whistle seems to do what if the train is traveling away from a listener?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 2 Second Half Page 32 1 . SongsHow was the dog's tail cut in the song which includes these lyrics? Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone?

long 2 2 . BalloonsIn a hot air balloon carrying passengers, what is the only movement of the balloon that is under the control of the operator?

vertical (upward or downward) 2 3 . BankingMr. Trump began the month with a balance of 132 million in his account. After buying a yacht for 7 million, an auk sculpture for 5 million, a casino for 23 million, and a bag of Puppy Chow for $3.79, how much was left in his account?

9 6 , 9 9 9 , 9 9 6 . 2 1 2 4 . MonthsWhat letter of the alphabet is in the names of the winter months that is not in those of the summer months?

r .2 5 . Presidential DecisionsOf all the things Thomas Jefferson accomplished during his presidency, his biggest achievement was what arrangement with the French?

Louisiana Purchase

2 6 . Special RiversWhat is the term for rivers of ice?

glaciers 2 7 . Outlaw GroupsName Robin Hood's band of outlaws.

Merry Men 2 8 . Education PaysIn 2004, a young, vacationing British girl had studied what phenomenon in school so that when the ocean suddenly receded on an Indonesian beach, she knew to warn her family to get to higher ground immediately?

tsunamis 2 9 . PenaltiesName the sum of money imposed as a penalty for offenses such as overparking or returning books to the library six months late.

fine 3 0 . StoriesIn what story are these lines? -All the better to hold you with, my dear. -All the better to hear with, my dear. -All the better to see with, my dear. -All the better to eat you up!

Little Red Riding Hood

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 2 Second Half Page 43 1 . FeathersName the hollow main shaft of a bird feather.

quill (calamus) 3 2 . Parodied ProverbsWhat fruit and professional appear in the original proverb that is parodied as follows? An onion a day keeps everybody away.

apple, doctor 3 3 . Sentence PartsWhat are the direct objects in this sentence? A completed rifle cartridge includes a case, gunpowder, a primer, and a bullet.

case, gunpowder, primer, bullet 3 4 . MonarchsWhat is the title of the son of a monarch?

prince 3 5 . BlistersInfected blisters are filled with what viscous, yellowish-white fluid?


3 6 . CapitalizationIn this line, how many words need to be capitalized? the cry was heard from the blue ridge mountains to the midwest.

5 .3 7 . DocumentsWhat document marked the formal separation of the thirteen colonies from Great Britain?

Declaration of Independence 3 8 . Word SquaresWhat is the third word in a word square if "oft" and "foe" are the first two words?

ten (or tea or tee) 3 9 . Fairy TalesThis excerpt is from what fairy tale? In the morning she was asked how she had slept. "Oh, very badly!" said she. "I have scarcely closed my eyes all night. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something hard, so that I am black and blue all over my body. It's horrible!"

The Princess and the Pea 4 0 . Book MathWhat pages in a book should you open to if you are told to find facing pages whose page number sum is 83?

41 and 42

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 3 First Half Page 11 . Word ChoiceWhich word is used ambiguously in this headline? Milk Drinkers Are Turning to Powder

turning 2 . LipogramsWhat vowel is missing in this lipogram? Bold Nassan quits his caravan, A hazy mountain grot to scan; Climbs jaggy rocks to find his way, Doth tax his sight, but far doth stray.

e .3 . Action VerbsWhat are any two of the action verbs in the refrain of the song, "God Bless America"?

bless, love, stand, guide 4 . Animal SoundsWhat term that rhymes with "skinny" characterizes a sound produced by zebras and horses?

whinny 5 . PronounsWhat is the first person possessive pronoun?


6 . Word DiscriminationWhat is the last meaning of the word used four times in this sentence? You can bank on his banking at the bank on the west bank of the river.

shore (border, edge) 7 . WonderlandIn "Alice in Wonderland," the queen's gardeners are trying to paint what kind of white flowers red?

roses 8 . Bodily TissuesWhat kind of dense, fibrous tissue grows to join the two sides of a laceration?

scar tissue 9 . Marine TechnologyIn 1775, David Bushnell developed the "Turtle." This tar-covered oak craft was driven by a hand-operated propeller. It submerged by taking in water and resurfaced by pumping the water out. This was the first successful deployment of what kind of vessel?

submarine 1 0 . Lyrical DescriptionsWhat kind of reptile has been described poetically as a four-oared helmet?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 3 First Half Page 21 1 . Root WordsWhat does the root mean in these words? caption, captain, capital, decapitate

head 1 2 . Fraction DivisionDivide 17 3/5 by 7.

2 18/35 1 3 . PoemsWhat is this poem by Carlos Cortez about? Pushing up their heads Proudly Like Golden nuggets On green velvet But Lawn owners don't love them

dandel ions 1 4 . A Ship's EyesBefore the advent of radar, the sailor assigned to the crow's nest to keep watch on the horizon for other ships or land was called a what?

lookout 1 5 . ElkWhat are male elk called?

bulls (stags)

1 6 . Planetary RingsAlthough all of the gas giants have rings, those of which planet are the largest?

Saturn 1 7 . Medical EquipmentName the device used to carry the wounded, sick, or dead from one place to another.

stretcher (litter) 1 8 . Great Plains ConstructionBecause they could slice it easily into bricks for the walls of a house, what building material was known to pioneers as Nebraska marble?

sod 1 9 . WildlifeWhat North American rodents have a coat of sharp quills?

porcupines 2 0 . TraditionsIn what state is the Merrie Monarch Hula Festival an annual tradition?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 3 First Half Page 32 1 . ZoologyWhat structures on some higher mammals are like claws but are flat and do not come to a sharp point?

nails 2 2 . Asian CitiesWhat is the nationality of most people living in Madras, Calcutta, Agra, and New Delhi?

Indian 2 3 . The Colonial PeriodWith what colony are these names associated? John Smith John Rolfe Pocahontas

Jamestown 2 4 . The White HouseName the only U.S. president who never lived in the White House.

George Washington 2 5 . WhalesA whale that rises to the surface and exhales its stale air is doing what?

spouting (blowing)

2 6 . Song BooksHymns are collected in what kind of books?

hymnals 2 7 . Age ProblemsAbraham Lincoln was forty-two when his father died in 1851. In what year was Abe born?

1809 2 8 . Middle AmericaThe region extending from the Mississippi to the Rockies excluding the arid portions of the Southwest and the Dakota Badlands is called the Great what?

Plains 2 9 . DiseaseWhat is the term for an outbreak of a disease that spreads rapidly and widely?

epidemic (pandemic) 3 0 . U.S. GeographyWhat is the collective name for those states lying east of Washington, Oregon, and California, and west of North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas?

Rocky Mountain States

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 3 First Half Page 43 1 . The EarthAny great circle around the Earth divides it into two equal halves called what?

hemispheres 3 2 . ReflexesWhat convulsive expulsion of air from the nose and mouth may send two to five thousand bacteria-filled droplets into the air?

sneeze 3 3 . Mountain Range AnalogiesThe Rockies are to the U.S.A. as what mountains are to South America?

Andes 3 4 . ProverbsWhat one contraction is included in the proverbs dealing with spilt milk, eggs in one basket, and counting your chickens?

don't 3 5 . LakesOntario, Huron, and Erie are three of the five Great Lakes. Name the others.

Superior, Michigan

3 6 . Month ProblemsHow many months are in 5.25 years?

63 3 7 . SpoonerismsUnspoonerize this sentence. I'm a damp stealer.

I'm a stamp dealer. 3 8 . IslandsIn what ocean are Melanesia and Micronesia?

Pacific 3 9 . SlangWhat slang expression used as an expression of delight also indicates a link of wienerwurst?

hot dog 4 0 . Animal StoriesThis is from what book? Breakfast would be finished at seven. From seven to eight, Wilbur planned to have a talk with Templeton, the rat, who lived under the trough.

Charlotte's Web

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 3 Second Half Page 11 . 17th-Century NavigatorsWho on his final voyage reached the great Canadian bay named for him?

Henry Hudson 2 . The SenateIf one-tenth of the U.S. senators were absent during a roll call vote, how many were present?

90 3 . State NamesWhich state was named after a prominent resident of Virginia?

Washington 4 . ElectricityWhat occurs when wires in an electrical circuit that are not supposed to touch are brought into contact?

a short (short circuit) 5 . Temperature ChangesOn a certain day, the morning low was -12 degrees F and the afternoon high was 37 degrees F. What was the total temperature increase?

49 degrees

6 . AtomsWhat subatomic particles are constantly moving outside the nucleus of an atom?

electrons 7 . History of ReligionMuslims practice what religion?

Islam 8 . MeasurementA truck carrying 16,000 pounds of explosives confiscated from a bunker in Iraq is carrying how many tons of cargo?

8 .9 . Fishy AveragesHow many fish are in two tons of salmon averaging 20 pounds each?

200 1 0 . National LeadersPrior to 1917, "czar" was the title of the head of state of what country?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 3 Second Half Page 21 1 . Body TemperatureSomeone with a body temperature of 104.2 degrees has what symptom?

fever 1 2 . Apparent MotionYou watch the position of the Sun on a summer day. Over several hours, the Sun appears to move toward which cardinal direction?

west 1 3 . Legendary ShipsWhose ship was so tall that its mast had to be hinged in the middle so it could be taken down whenever it passed beneath the Moon?

Stormalong's 1 4 . Visible LightWhat color is missing in this sequence? red, orange, yellow, green, ----, indigo, violet

blue 1 5 . IndependenceMohandas Gandhi was instrumental in helping India free itself from what European imperialist power?

Great Britain (United Kingdom)

1 6 . HydrologyWhat fundamental geological process led to the Mississippi River being called the Big Muddy?

erosion 1 7 . ColonistsWhat was the nationality of the colonists who established the Jamestown Colony?

English (British) 1 8 . Meteorological PhenomenaThis quote refers to what phenomenon? I remember one in 1979 that formed near Wichita Falls. It had winds of 200 miles an hour and it was coming right at us!

tornado 1 9 . SettingsAccording to J.K. Rowling, what is the only settlement in Britain inhabited entirely by magical beings?

Hogsmeade 2 0 . Silly SongsIn addition to the crooked man, what other two creatures lived in a crooked little house?

cat, mouse

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 3 Second Half Page 32 1 . Games in FantasiesIn "Alice in Wonderland," the wickets in the croquet game are formed by soldiers whose bodies are what?

cards (playing cards) 2 2 . Archaeological AgesDuring what broad prehistoric period was rock widely used to form implements with edges and points?

Stone Age 2 3 . Colonial AmericaOf the colonies that joined to form the United States in 1776, how many were British?

13 (All of them.) 2 4 . NoonWhen is the Sun directly above the North Pole?

never 2 5 . SociologyAccording to Robert Benchley, there are two classes of people in the world: those who constantly divide the people of the world into two classes, and what other group?

those who do not (don't)

2 6 . Marine LifeWhat marine creatures are described as gelatinous, umbrella-shaped bells with trailing tentacles?

jellyfish 2 7 . SeasonsWhat season occurs as the Sun approaches the winter solstice?

autumn (fall) 2 8 . CrisesA shortage of food of sufficient duration to cause widespread privation and a rise in mortality is called a what?

famine 2 9 . Ancient HistoryIn Assyria, an emperor had a collection of 20,000 clay tablets inscribed in cuneiform. In ancient Alexandria, a building housed tens of thousands of scrolls. Today, such collections are housed in what kind of buildings?

libraries 3 0 . LocationsWhere are you if the stars circle the sky parallel to the horizon?

North Pole

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 3 Second Half Page 43 1 . SetsWhat is the set of odd numbers greater than 151 but less than 163?

153, 155, 157, 159, 161 3 2 . LipogramsDetermine what letter of the alphabet is missing in this pangrammatic lipogram. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

s .3 3 . Fairy Tale FruitThe fruit in the Adam and Eve story also has a central role in what well-known fairy tale?

Snow White 3 4 . Money ProblemsIf you and your little brother saved a total of $120, but your savings are four times that of his, how much did you save?

$96 3 5 . AsterisksAn asterisk has what shape?


3 6 . PrefixesThe prefix "mal" means what?

bad 3 7 . InjuriesAs a result of a brutal block, Bubba's leg was broken. Name the device used by his physician to prevent movement of the realigned ends of the broken bone.

cast (splint) 3 8 . HomophonesSpell the interjection associated with Ebenezer Scrooge that is a homonym for the bleating sound of sheep.

bah 3 9 . Native American HomesName the apartment-like buildings built for living quarters by the Zunis and Hopis.

pueblos 4 0 . Pooch LiteratureAccording to Eric Knight, what kind of dog is Lassie?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 4 First Half Page 11 . TimeIt is 5 p.m. at the prime meridian. What time is it at the International Date Line?

5 a.m. 2 . Mountain RangesName the highest and longest mountain system in North America.

Rocky Mountains (Rockies) 3 . MammalsWhile rodents make up the largest group of mammals, the second-largest group consists of what nocturnal flying creatures?

bats 4 . AnimalsName the small insect-eating mammal of Texas with a hard bony shell, sharp claws, and a long tail.

armadillo 5 . PaintingsWhat kind of portraits are these? Henri Matisse by Henri Matisse Pablo Picasso by Pablo Picasso Andy Warhol by Andy Warhol


6 . Voter MathSeven thousand people live in Cottonwood. Of that town's 3000 registered voters, only 1700 participated in the school board election. How many voters did not vote?

1300 7 . WoundsName the mark resulting from the biologic process of wound repair in the skin.

scar 8 . Fictional CharactersBeatrix Potter created such characters as Jemima Puddle-Duck, Mrs. Tiggy Winkle, Benjamin Bunny, and Peter who?

Rabbit 9 . Literary LandformsWith what landform is Robinson Crusoe associated?

island 1 0 . Song LyricsWhat capital city is missing in this verse from a geography song? My car got scratched in Montana where In Helena I met up with a grizzly bear. And I got hungry in Idaho, So I stopped in ---- for a potato.


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 4 First Half Page 21 1 . BuildingsName the high-roofed, enclosed building for repairing and storing aircraft.

hangar 1 2 . Capital CitiesBaghdad is the capital of what country?

Iraq 1 3 . Figurative LimericksWhat onomatopoetic term completes this limerick? An ambitious young fellow named Matt Tried to parachute using his hat. Folks below looked so small As he started to fall, Then got bigger and bigger and ...

splat 1 4 . SpeechName the formal public discussions in which participants argue opposing points on issues.

debates 1 5 . Danish TalesWhat story by Hans Christian Andersen tells of a tiny heroine who revives a migrating swallow that had succumbed to the winter cold in Denmark?

Thumbel ina

1 6 . OceansWhat three oceans are contiguous to North America?

Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic 1 7 . Art FormsWhat ancient art form involves putting pigment in holes pricked in the skin?

tattooing 1 8 . StraitsThe Strait of Gibraltar separates which continents?

Europe, Africa 1 9 . NounsWhat two types of nouns are in this sentence? The Yorktown was an enormous aircraft carrier.

proper, common 2 0 . ContractionsWhat are the first two different contractions in the lyrics of the song, "I've Been Working on the Railroad"?

I've, can't

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 4 First Half Page 32 1 . Cost ProblemsIf eels cost 89 cents per kilogram, what is the cost in cents of 4 kilograms?

356 2 2 . VocabularyWhat single word can have these meanings? -a brawl or tumult -to manually propel a boat -a line

row 2 3 . NumbersWhat cardinal number corresponds to the number of upper and lower case letters in the alphabet?

52 2 4 . EntertainersName the street and circus entertainers who place flaming objects in their mouths and extinguish them.

fire eaters 2 5 . CarvingWhat substance sometimes used in chessmen and knife handles comes from the tusks of slaughtered walruses and African elephants?


2 6 . CorrespondenceThese are examples of what part of a letter? G'day: To Whom It May Concern: Ahoy There: Howdy: Your Excellency: Dear Professor Moriarty:

salutation 2 7 . HoneyWhat substance secreted by many plants is the sugar source for honey?

nectar 2 8 . SeasonsWhat three months are hottest in the northern hemisphere?

June, July, August 2 9 . Geographical ReferencesTo what country was Herman Melville referring when he wrote this? Settled by the people of all nations, all nations may claim her for their own.

USA 3 0 . Great State SealsTwo of the dates on the great state seal of Delaware are 1704 when colonists first established their own general assembly and 1787 when the state ratified the U.S. Constitution. What is the other date that corresponds to the year its general assembly declared Delaware an independent state?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 4 First Half Page 43 1 . PoemsThis is the beginning of a poem by William Cullen Bryant about what month? Ay, thou art welcome, heaven's delicious breath! When woods begin to wear the crimson leaf, And suns grow meek, and the meek suns grow brief And the year smiles as it draws near its death.

October 3 2 . Song LyricsThese lyrics are from what song? Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily

Row, Row, Row Your Boat 3 3 . Landforms in SongWhat two landforms are mentioned in the first line of the song, "The Caissons Go Rolling Along"?

hills, dales 3 4 . Marine LandformsThe skeletons of what marine animals form much of the framework of warm-water reefs?

coral 3 5 . GovernmentJudges are officials in which branch of American government?

judicial branch

3 6 . Fictional CharactersSusan, Edmund, Peter, and Lucy Pevensie are central characters in what fantasy series by C.S. Lewis?

The Chronicles of Narnia 3 7 . English Children's VerseWhat words complete the poem ending with these lines? Here comes a candle to light you to bed, And here comes a chopper to ...

chop off your head 3 8 . CourtsName the highest court in the U.S.

Supreme Court 3 9 . Mammalian AttributesThe texture of what anatomical attribute is variously described as fine, medium, coarse, wiry, thin, thick, straight, kinky, curly, or wavy?

hair 4 0 . BearsFor their first year of life, baby bears mainly consume what?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 4 Second Half Page 11 . Short StoriesIn Hans Christian Andersen's "The Little Match Girl," what becomes of the title character?

She dies (freezes to death) 2 . Poetic CadenceWhat is the last, stressed, complete word in this verse? As I was going out one day My head fell off and rolled away.

rolled 3 . Hot SpotsIts ground temperatures sometimes exceed 125 degrees F. In 1913, its air temperature reached 134 degrees F, the highest ever recorded in the U.S. Name this hottest region in North America.

Death Valley 4 . Marsupials in LiteratureWho is Roo's mother in "Winnie-the-Pooh"?

Kanga 5 . PollutionWhat kind of pollution may involve barking dogs, car alarms, mechanical equipment, construction, aircraft, motorcycles, or loud music?

noise pollution

6 . Wildlife PredationIn what country are you most likely to see a wedge-tailed eagle or a spiny-tailed goanna consuming an antilopine kangaroo?

Australia 7 . Memorials and MoneyWhat memorial is pictured on the reverse of the U.S. penny and the back of the U.S. five dollar bill?

Lincoln Memorial 8 . Animal StoriesWhat kind of animal is central to the story, "Because of Winn-Dixie"?

dog (mutt) 9 . Terms in Lowest TermsIn lowest terms, the term of office for a member of the House of Representatives is what fraction of a decade?

1/5 1 0 . Lap CalculationsIf there are 4800 meters in 10 2/3 laps, what is the length of one lap?

450 meters

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 4 Second Half Page 21 1 . SlopesSlopes facing what cardinal direction in the Northern Hemisphere receive the greatest amount of sunlight?

south 1 2 . Early FarmsMost crops of the southern American colonies were grown on large private farms called what?

plantations 1 3 . CraftsA person who attaches stuffing, springs, cushions, and covering fabric to furniture is employed in what craft?

upholstery 1 4 . Ice IntervalsDuring the last million years, there have been four of these intervals during which ice sheets spread widely across lowlands in the Northern Hemisphere. These were what kind of periods?

glacial (or ice ages) 1 5 . Game BirdsThese birds, originally native to India and southern Asia, were successfully introduced in North America where they have become a popular game bird, especially in the Midwest. Name them.


1 6 . ExpeditionsWhen the Lewis and Clark expedition embarked from Fort Mandan, it numbered thirty-one men, a mother, and her infant son. Who was the mother?

Sacajawea 1 7 . Low WagesIn 1900, the average American worked 59 hours a week for 22 cents an hour. To the nearest dollar, what was the average monthly salary?

$52 1 8 . Time ProblemsIn five days, there are how many hours?

120 1 9 . Places to Swelter InThe highest temperatures in Death Valley, exceeding 128 degrees F, have been recorded during what month?

July 2 0 . FablesWhat kind of animal is central to Aesop's fable about "sour grapes"?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 4 Second Half Page 32 1 . Cowboy LoreIn Old West cattle drives, a herd animals might start running in a sudden frenzy with no clear direction or purpose. Name this mass movement.

stampede 2 2 . FractionsSimply 1/2 over 3/4.

2/3 2 3 . Magnetic FieldsGeologists speculate that the Earth's magnetic field has reversed 9 times over the past 3.5 million years. To the nearest hundred thousand years, the Earth's magnetic poles reverse every how many years?

400 ,000 2 4 . GeologyYou find an imprint of an ancient leaf, some petrified wood, and a few petrified bones. What is the collective name for any such evidence of ancient life forms?

fossils 2 5 . Astronomical PoetryWith what term do astronomers refer to the "star" described in this poem? I saw a star slide down the sky, Blinding the north as it went by, Too burning and too quick to hold, Too lovely to be bought or sold.


2 6 . Animal StoriesAccording to Marguerite Henry, where did Brighty live and work?

Grand Canyon 2 7 . Word TransformationWhat suffix can be added to these verbs to turn them into nouns? replace, appoint, arrange, judge

-ment 2 8 . Third World NationsWhat is the collective name for these countries? Guatemala El Salvador Belize Nicaragua Honduras Panama

Central America 2 9 . OrbitsOur Sun orbits the center of what galaxy?

Milky Way 3 0 . The CalendarJuly and all odd numbered months before it have 31 days. How many days are there in all even numbered months after August?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 4 Second Half Page 43 1 . Meat PreparationName the process of soaking meat in a flavored liquid prior to cooking.

marinating 3 2 . Art FormsWhat art form is especially responsive to air currents?

mobiles 3 3 . Adventure NovelsWhat number is the first word in the title of all these works by the British author, Enid Blyton? ---- Fall into Adventure ---- Caught in a Treacherous Plot ---- on a Treasure Island ---- Run Away from Danger

Five 3 4 . Rain ForestsThe world's largest rain forest is Amazonia on what continent?

South America 3 5 . StormsWhat kind of storm are you experiencing during these conditions? The wind is blowing at 63 kph. The air temperature is -6 degrees F. It is snowing heavily.


3 6 . Marine ZoologyWhat is the term for a front tooth of a marine mammal that grows continuously, sometimes several feet in length?

tusk 3 7 . Sentence TypesWhat type of sentence is the Pledge of Allegiance?

declarative (or simple) 3 8 . AesopAccording to Aesop, who will not be believed even when he speaks the truth?

a liar 3 9 . Context CluesWhat are the two context clues for the word "noxious" in this sentence? The lake water was full of noxious materials such as solvents from factories and pesticides from upstream farms.

solvents, pesticides 4 0 . Tibetan WisdomA Tibetan maxim says that a wise man never plays leapfrog with what mythical hoofed quadruped with a single, straight, spiraled horn?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 5 First Half Page 11 . TimeIf it is 6 a.m., what time will it be in 49 hours?

7 a.m. 2 . OceansNearly half of all the world's runoff drains into what ocean?

Atlantic 3 . LongitudeOne degree of longitude is 69 miles wide at the equator. What is the width, in miles, of a degree of longitude at the poles?

0 miles 4 . MultiplesWhat is the sum of the multiples of 8 that are less than 50?

56 5 . CubesA cube has how many edges?


6 . Ice GaloreAn ice sheet as much as 3400 meters thick depresses five-sixths of the surface of the world's largest island. Name that island.

Greenland 7 . GrammarName the two essential parts of any sentence.

subject, predicate 8 . RespirationWhat gas is given off during the respiration of whales and porpoises?

carbon dioxide 9 . State SongsThese words are from what state's song? If you want glamour, try Atlantic City or Wildwood by the sea; Then there is Trenton, Princeton, and Fort Monmouth, they all made history.

New Jersey 1 0 . Life FormsWhat adjective indicates species no longer living such as the moa, pterodactyl, or woolly mammoth?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 5 First Half Page 21 1 . Astronomical ForcesWhat force keeps the Moon from flying off into space in a straight line?

gravity 1 2 . TornadoesName the geographically largest state in Tornado Alley.

Texas 1 3 . Musical InstrumentsWhat is the more formal name for a fiddle?

violin 1 4 . Percent2/25 equals what percent?

8% 1 5 . Time MeasurementWhat year immediately preceded 1 A.D.?

1 B.C.

1 6 . InjuriesWhat is the term for a darkened area on the skin caused by a severe blow?

bruise 1 7 . Performing ArtsName the small, hollow cloth figure, usually of a person or animal, that fits over and is moved by hand and finger motions.

puppet 1 8 . Earth's HemispheresWhat imaginary great circle separates the northern and southern hemispheres?

equator 1 9 . Product MultiplicationIf you quintuple a number and then quadruple that product, the final product is how many times larger than the original number?

20 times 2 0 . Moving OutWhat is the name for a mass of bees with a queen bee migrating to establish a new colony?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 5 First Half Page 32 1 . MapsName the imaginary lines that separate these regions. Egypt and Libya France and Spain Peru and Bolivia Missouri and Illinois

border (or boundary) 2 2 . SinkingsName the most famous vessel that sank on its maiden voyage.

Titanic 2 3 . SoundSound takes about 5 seconds to travel 1 mile. If you shout across a wide valley and your echo returns in 10 seconds, how wide is the valley?

1 mile 2 4 . CraftsmenWhat is the collective name for craftsmen who shape metals by hammering?

smiths (blacksmith, whitesmith, etc.) 2 5 . PredictionsIn 1904, residents of Dayton, Ohio, were referring to whom when they were overheard saying this? They're back in that bicycle shop again. I don't know what they think they're going to do. They will never make a machine that can fly.

Wright Brothers

2 6 . Loan RepaymentsA $6400 loan is paid off at the rate of $40 per month. How many months does it take to pay it off?

160 2 7 . FracturesMohandas fell off his elephant and fractured his arm. After the bone was set, he was given what bandage worn around his neck to help support the arm until it healed?

sling 2 8 . TunesWhat tune for piano was named for the fact that it is played with two forefingers resembling Oriental eating implements?

chopsticks 2 9 . StoriesThis line is from what story by Charles Kingsley? The Doasyoulikes sat under the flapdoodle-trees, and let the flapdoodle drop into their mouths.

The Water-Babies 3 0 . GrammarThese are what kind of words? it's doesn't couldn't


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 5 First Half Page 43 1 . Enduring Catch PhrasesComplete this line associated with Smokey Bear. Only you ...

can prevent forest fires 3 2 . S p e e dIn 3 seconds, a peregrin falcon dove 900 feet, for an average speed of how many feet per second?

300 3 3 . DocumentsWhat document begins as follows? We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union ...

(Preamble to) U.S. Constitution 3 4 . Botanical TalesThis is from what story? He was crawling uphill now toward the center of the gigantic fruit. He paused to take a bite out of the wall. The peach flesh was sweet and juicy.

James and the Giant Peach 3 5 . SettingsWhat wood is the setting for the Winnie-the-Pooh series of stories?

Hundred Acre Wood

3 6 . PrefixesWhat is the meaning of the prefixes in "undaunted" and "uncouth"?

not 3 7 . Fraction ConversionConvert 4/9 to sixty-thirds.

28/63 3 8 . Types of LiteratureHow would a librarian classify these works? The New Rhyming Dictionary Masterpieces of World Literature The New Standard Encyclopedia

references 3 9 . TransportationThe horseless carriage of the 1890s was a predecessor of what modern contraption?

automobile (car) 4 0 . ReferencesThis entry would be found in what kind of dictionary? -singer: clinger, finger, linger, ringer, swinger, stinger, zinger

rhyming dictionary

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 5 Second Half Page 11 . CreaturesWhat kind of creature is the black widow?

spider 2 . FablesThe expression, "Slow and steady wins the race," refers to which of Aesop's fables?

The Hare and the Tortoise 3 . Mystical Places of SongAccording to the song, where are the following? -a land that I heard of once in a lullaby -skies are blue and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true -where troubles melt like lemon drops away above the chimney tops

(somewhere) over the rainbow 4 . Money ProblemsIf you started with $8.50, and then spent $1.25 on a used Mad magazine and then give $1.20 to each of three street musicians, how much do you have left?

$3.65 5 . Colonial CropsTo what crop was George Alsop referring when he said "indentured servants, by hundreds of thousands, spend their lives in Maryland and Virginia, planting that vile crop, which all vanishes into smoke, and is for the most part miserably abused"?


6 . WildlifeName the crime of illegally killing wildlife.

poaching 7 . AccentsHow many accents are in each line of this excerpt from a Longfellow poem? Ye who love the haunts of nature, Love the sunshine of the meadow, Love the shadow of the forest, Love the wind among the branches

four 8 . ProverbsThis proverb is supposed to end with what word? A miss is as good as a molehill.

mile 9 . ZoologyWhat is emitted by a bioluminescent organism?

light 1 0 . Enduring FameWho was first to design and patent a practical device for transmitting the human voice by means of electric current?

Alexander Graham Bell

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 5 Second Half Page 21 1 . Animal PoetryThis excerpt from a poem by Isaac Watts is about what insects? How skillfully she builds her cell! How neat she spreads the wax! And labors hard to store it well With the sweet food she makes.

bees 1 2 . EnergyPhotovoltaic cells convert sunlight directly into what kind of energy?

electrical energy (electricity) 1 3 . DeltasThe delta of the largest river in the United States is in what state?

Louisiana 1 4 . The EarthEither of the extremities of the Earth's axis of rotation is called a what?

pole 1 5 . The Western HemisphereMexico, Central America, and South America are collectively referred to as Latin America because most of the region's people speak either of what two languages that developed from Latin?

Spanish, Portuguese

1 6 . State EtymologyAlyeska is an archaic Aleut word that is the basis for the name of what state?

Alaska 1 7 . JinglesWhat are the last three words in this jingle? Write i before e Except after c Or when sounded like a As in ...

neighbor and weigh 1 8 . HeadingsIn which direction is the ship heading in this line from "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner? The Sun now rose upon the right.

north 1 9 . CrossingsWhat term reminiscent of a major automobile manufacturer indicates a place in a stream shallow enough to permit people to cross it by wading?

ford 2 0 . Respiratory AnalogiesMammals are to lungs as fish are to what structures?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 5 Second Half Page 32 1 . MeteorologyName the divisions of the year based on changes in climatic conditions.

seasons 2 2 . FactoringWhat are the prime factors of 39?

3 and 13 2 3 . Ancient ScienceThe mathematicians of Babylon devised a system of counting based on the number 60, from which we get the number of degrees in a circle and the number of minutes in what time interval?

hour 2 4 . Cattle DrivesTo the nearest whole number, how many months would it take cowboys to drive cattle the entire 900 miles of the Chisholm Trail if they averaged 15 miles per day?

2 months 2 5 . Animal LiteratureThese are the first lines of what tale by H.A. and Margaret Rey? This is George. He lived in Africa.

Curious George

2 6 . WaterwaysWhat type of waterways might have miter gates, lift gates, sector gates, and tank locks?

canals 2 7 . Story CollectionsThese are stories from what collection by Rudyard Kipling? How the Rhinoceros Got His Skin How the Leopard Got His Spots How the Camel Got His Hump

Just-So Stories 2 8 . Word SquaresWhat is the third word in a word square if the first two are "not" and "owe"?

ten 2 9 . PercentageConvert 45.5% to a decimal.

.455 3 0 . WordplayThis is an example of what form of wordplay? -A big bug bit a bold bald bear and the bold bald bear bled blood badly.

tongue twister (or alliteration)

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 5 Second Half Page 43 1 . Railroad AtrocitiesThe Union Pacific Railroad paid the following fees for what? Hides sold for $1.25. Tongues fetched $.75. Hindquarters got 1/10th of a cent per pound

buffalo 3 2 . SymbolsHe is depicted as a tall, distinguished man with a small white beard, dressed in clothing that seems to be part of the American flag. Name this symbol.

Uncle Sam 3 3 . VocabularyWhat one word can have these meanings? -a small island off Florida -a part of a piano -something that will open a lock

key 3 4 . HeroesKentuckians honor whom as their frontier hero?

Daniel Boone 3 5 . ParksWhat American national park is along the northern border of Montana?

Glacier National Park

3 6 . Performing ArtsDuring a presentation involving which of the performing arts might you see a borrowed ring show up in an unopened bottle of beer, someone apparently floating in the air, a lady turn into a tiger, or an entire passenger jet instantly vanish from the tarmac?

magic 3 7 . Insect MetamorphosisCocoons are made of what substance?

silk 3 8 . Alice in WonderlandIn the Mad Hatter's world, it is always what time?

tea time 3 9 . Long NamesWhat is the short name for the fictional character, Pippilotta Delicatessa Windowshade Mackrelmint Ephraimsdaughter Longstocking?

Pippi (Pippi Longstocking) 4 0 . FractionsConvert .039 to a fraction.

39 /1000

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 6 First Half Page 11 . TipsTo the nearest dollar, calculate a 15% tip on a bill of $59.17.

$9 2 . U.S. CitiesWhat Pennsylvania city is said to be "the birthplace of American democracy"?

Philadelphia 3 . SpectraName the transparent body with triangular bases used for decomposing light into its spectrum.

prism 4 . The Deer FamilyWhat bony structures grow each year on the skulls of male animals such as the reindeer, elk, caribou, and deer?

antlers 5 . Traditional AttireName the hooded fur jackets of Eskimos.


6 . Goat TalesWhat name completes this quote? Once upon a time there were three billy-goats, who went up to the hillside to make themselves fat, and the name of all three was ...

Gruff 7 . Riding ComputationsIf June 1st is the first Monday of the month, and you start on that day and ride your bike 15 miles every weekday and 25 miles each weekend day, how many miles do you ride that month?

500 8 . Air MovementsWhat is the meteorological term for a gentle air movement?

breeze 9 . Tall TalesWhat kind of fish is Slue-Foot Sue said to have ridden down the Rio Grande?

catfish 1 0 . FactoringWhat are the prime factors of 34?

2 and 17

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 6 First Half Page 21 1 . InventionsAround 1800, the Italian, Alessandro Volta, built a primitive device providing a steady current of electricity. What is the modern name for that kind of device?

battery 1 2 . Song GrammarWhat conjunction meaning "for the reason that" is used repeatedly in the song, "We're Off to See the Wizard"?

because 1 3 . Committee PercentagesIn a committee meeting, 10% of the members grandstanded while the remaining 27 remained silent. How many were on the committee?

30 1 4 . JokesThese are the endings to what kind of jokes? -Dwayne who? Dwayne the bathtub, I'm drowning. -Alex who? Alex the questions around here. -Arizona who? Arizona room for one of us in this town. -Gorilla who? Gorilla me a hamburger.

knock knock jokes 1 5 . CirclesWhat is the term for the distance around a circle?


1 6 . RulersWhat is a four-letter synonym for "monarch"?

king 1 7 . FactoringWhat are the prime factors of 18?

2 x 3 x 3 1 8 . Game AnimalsIn "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland," what small mammal serves as the ball in a croquet game?

hedgehog 1 9 . FoodsWhat food has the look and taste of butter but is made from vegetable fats and oils?

margarine 2 0 . Character AnalogiesMale is to hero as female is to what?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 6 First Half Page 32 1 . Geographical VocabularyWhat is the term for the height above sea level of a parcel of land?

elevation 2 2 . Opening LinesThis is the opening line from a fantasy about what young protagonist? Mr. and Mrs. Dursley of number four Privet Drive were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much.

Harry Potter 2 3 . Colonial TravelersUpon what ship did these passengers travel? John Carver Edward Tilley William Mullins William Bradford Miles Standish

Mayflower 2 4 . Geological PhenomenaWhat phenomenon is studied by seismologists?

earthquakes 2 5 . Performing ArtsWith its name derived from the Latin word for circle, what kind of entertainment traditionally features juggling, trapeze artists, trained animals, and tightrope walkers?


2 6 . StoriesWhat kind of factory is in the title of a tale by Roald Dahl that begins with this line? These two very old people are the father and mother of Mr. Bucket.

chocolate factory 2 7 . Mathematical NotationWhat is the meaning of "2.714e4"?

2.714 x 10 to the 4th power (27,140) 2 8 . Noun ClassificationsWhat type of nouns are these? Haille Selassie Brigadoon Ferrari Dumbo

proper nouns 2 9 . CitiesWhat is common about the cities in this list? Oklahoma City, Indianapolis, Atlanta, Boston, Des Moines, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, Charleston

all are capital cities 3 0 . PhrasesWhat is the object of the last preposition in this quote by Galileo? In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 6 First Half Page 43 1 . SpeciesThe puddle, viceroy, swallowtail, and monarch are examples of what insects?

butterflies 3 2 . PercentWhat percent of 15 is 6?

40% 3 3 . Dining PoetryThese are lines from a Shel Silverstein poem about what creature? Whadaya know, it's nibblin' my toe. Oh gee, it's up to my knee. Oh fiddle, it's up to my middle. Oh heck, it's up to my neck. Oh dread, it's mm-mm-mm-mm ...

boa constrictor 3 4 . ReciprocalsWhat is the product of the reciprocals of 3 and 4?

1/12 3 5 . ShipsWhat was the means of propulsion for the Cutty Sark, the Golden Hind, and the U.S.S. Constitution?

wind (sails)

3 6 . BalladsThis line is from what song? And he sang as he shoved that jumbuck in his tucker bag

Waltzing Matilda 3 7 . OceansThe Atlantic and Pacific are two of the five great oceans. Name the others.

Antarctic, Arctic, Indian 3 8 . Australian InjusticeEuropean settlers in Australia drove what original inhabitants off their traditional lands?

Aborigines 3 9 . OffensesWhat is robbery committed at sea called?

piracy 4 0 . Literary OrphansHenry, Jessie, Violet, and Benny are orphans in what story by Gertrude Chandler Warner?

The Boxcar Children

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 6 Second Half Page 11 . Water in the AirIn contrast to clouds which are generally at a higher altitude, condensed water vapor lying close to the ground that limits visibility is called what?

fog 2 . StoriesWhat is the term for the time and place for a story?

setting 3 . VerbsWhat is the verb in this sentence? Minestrone, dancing the mambo, met Monrovia's mate.

met 4 . PoemsWhat is this ditty about? Workers earn it, spendthrifts burn it, Bankers lend it, women spend it, Forgers fake it, taxes take it, Dying leave it, heirs receive it, Thrifty save it, misers crave it, Robbers seize it, rich increase it, Gamblers lose it, I could use it.

money 5 . Geometric SolidsWhat is the shape of the two bases of a cylinder?


6 . Gear TrainsDriver gear A meshes with gear B which meshes with gear C. In what clock direction does gear C turn if gear A turns in a counterclockwise direction?

counterc lockwise 7 . Compass HeadingsAn airplane flying directly from Tokyo to San Francisco would follow what compass heading?

east 8 . Airplane PrefixesWhile biplanes have two wings, what category of aircraft have just one wing?

monoplanes 9 . Prime NumbersWhat is the first prime number larger than 79?

83 1 0 . InstrumentsThis portable instrument of the reed organ family consists of large rectangular bellows that push air through two sets of reeds which sound on both inspiration and expiration. Name this instrument played with buttons and keys.


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 6 Second Half Page 21 1 . WagesAt the beginning of the 20th century, the average weekly wage for American workers was $12.98. Since they earned 22 cents per hour, how many hours weekly did they work?

59 1 2 . SoundsSome medical journals describe the sound of what organ as "lubb-dupp"?

heart 1 3 . Weight ProblemsIf Mini-Jabba weighed 119 pounds in January and 206 pounds in February, how much weight did he gain?

87 pounds 1 4 . Math VocabularyWhat is the term for finding an approximate answer in contrast to calculating an exact answer?

estimation 1 5 . Opening LinesWhat story by Maurice Sendak begins with this? The night Max wore his wolf suit and made mischief of one kind and another his mother called him "Wild Thing" and Max said "I'll eat you up!" so he was sent to bed without eating anything.

Where the Wild Things Are

1 6 . The First ThirteenBecause six states were north and east of it while six states were south of it, what state got the nickname, Keystone State?

Pennsylvania 1 7 . Song LyricsThis line is from what song? A penny for a spool of thread

Pop Goes the Weasel 1 8 . Westward ExpansionThe westernmost area of settlement at any given time in the expansion of America was called the what?

frontier 1 9 . GrammarWhat word should replace the one word in this sentence that is used incorrectly? Geraldo said that you can now open Al's secret vault.

may 2 0 . ImmigrationAs ships approached New York in the late 1800s, immigrants got their first glimpse of America, often in the shape of what gift from France?

Statue of Liberty

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 6 Second Half Page 32 1 . Country NamesWhat European country's name was derived from its Latin name, Hispania?

Spain 2 2 . Amazing JourneysThe arctic tern breeds above the Arctic Circle and then annually flies to Antarctic regions. What is the name for such a journey?

migration 2 3 . SongsThese are songs from what cinematic musical? Charlie's Birthday Bar Loompa Land Wonka's Welcome Song The Golden Ticket

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 2 4 . Government FoundationsWhat form of government is based on the recurrent suspicion that more than half of the people are right more than half the time?

democracy 2 5 . CapitalsWhat is the only U.S. state capital city whose name consists of three words?

Salt Lake City

2 6 . HandwritingWhat term indicates that written letters are joined together in a flowing style?

cursive 2 7 . Mideast StoriesWhat character from "The Arabian Nights" overhears a band of forty thieves talking about a treasure they have hidden in a cave?

Ali Baba 2 8 . Dragon TalesIn Kenneth Grahame's story, "The Reluctant Dragon," a poetry-loving dragon and what saint agree to stage a fake joust to placate the townspeople?

St. George 2 9 . River ObstructionsDuring what season do most ice jams occur?

spring 3 0 . MotionThe Earth rotates on its inner axis every twenty-four hours and revolves about its outer axis once every how many days?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 6 Second Half Page 43 1 . Plant AnatomyThe two main structural axes of a plant include the root and what else?

stem 3 2 . State PoemsThis is part of the official poem of which state? Lovely Bay State by the sea, Chosen by the Pilgrim Fathers In their search for liberty.

Massachuset ts 3 3 . Word ProblemsNick bought twelve copies of "The Twelve Days of Christmas" for $12.12. What was the cost of each copy?

$1.01 3 4 . TimeFrom 6 hours 20 minutes 25 seconds, subtract 2 hours 35 minutes 42 seconds.

3 hours 44 minutes 43 seconds 3 5 . Metric ConversionsIf the formula to convert acres to hectares involves multiplying the number of acres by 0.4, an area of 60 acres equals how many hectares?


3 6 . ParenthesesWhat part of this expression must be in parentheses in order for the value of the expression to be 26? 6 times 4 minus 6 divided by 2 plus 5

6 divided by 2 3 7 . RevolutionsThe American Revolution was initially a small-scale war involving thirteen of Great Britain's colonies in North America. It became an international affair when German mercenaries supported the British and the Americans were supported by Spain, the Netherlands, and what other European nation?

France 3 8 . ReferencesWhat is the name for a list of key words and their meanings at the back of a textbook?

glossary 3 9 . Sentence AnalysisWhat is the simple subject of this line by Oliver Wendell Holmes? A mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimension.

mind 4 0 . Musical ScalesWhat word for a piece of furniture can be spelled by combining the names of the 5th and 4th tones of the standard 8-tone musical scale?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 7 First Half Page 11 . Botanical DustYou rub your fingers over the stamens of a flower and get what yellow dust on your skin?

pollen 2 . Plant LifeIt may form a scum on the walls of swimming pools and can turn the walls of aquariums green. In fact, it can turn entire ponds green. Name this form of plant life.

algae 3 . DatesDecember 31, 1599 was the last day of what century?

16th century 4 . SongsThese are the final words in each line of the first verse of what song based on the poem, "The Defence of Fort McHenry? light, gleaming, fight, streaming, air, there, wave, brave

The Star Spangled Banner 5 . Birth DropsWhat long-necked mammals drop to the earth an average of five feet at birth?


6 . Coin ProblemsYou could make 25 cents with what 13 coins?

3 nickels, 10 pennies 7 . Uncle RemusIn the Uncle Remus stories, what is the name of the bear?

Brer Bear 8 . Short StoriesThis is from what Rudyard Kipling short story? The Leopard was the 'sclusivist, sandiest, yellowish, brownest of them all, a greyish yellowish, catty-shaped kind of beast, and he matched the Veldt to one hair.

How the Leopard Got His Spots 9 . Brainy CreaturesThe sperm whale's brain may weigh up to 20 pounds, six times heavier than that of a human. To the nearest whole number, what is the weight of a human brain?

3 pounds 1 0 . Letter SoundsThe short "y" has the same sound as the short sound of what other vowel?

i .

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 7 First Half Page 21 1 . StoriesThis is the first line of what story? There was a boy named Milo who didn't know what to do with himself - not just sometimes, but always.

The Phantom Tollbooth 1 2 . Fairy TalesIn a fractured fairy tale, what creature claimed he was simply visiting the pig's house to borrow a cup of sugar when he accidentally sneezed and blew the house in?

the wolf 1 3 . Scientific LawsNewton said that equal and opposite forces occur when two objects interact. When a bat hits a softball, there is an equal and opposite reaction force of the ball hitting what?

the bat 1 4 . WordplayThis is an example of what form of wordplay? A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk, but the stump thunk the skunk stunk.

tongue twister 1 5 . OrchestrasWhich category of musical instruments comprises the heart of the symphony orchestra?


1 6 . MalapropismsWhat word should have been used in this blooper? When we went to the upholstery farm, we saw lots of chickens and turkeys.

poultry 1 7 . The MoonName the steep-walled circular depressions on the surface of the Moon.

craters 1 8 . RevolutionWhat is the period of revolution for the planet Earth?

1 year (365 days) 1 9 . Drawing TechniquesWhat technique is used when you lay a thin, semitransparent paper over a picture and go over the lines with a pencil?

tracing 2 0 . OxidationWhat is the most familiar example of oxidation caused by exposure to air?

rust (corrosion)

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 7 First Half Page 32 1 . BannersThe flag of what country consists of two vertical bands of red with a white square between them in which there is an eleven-pointed red maple leaf?

Canada 2 2 . BladesWhat long knife with a broad blade is used either for cutting vegetation or as a weapon?

machete 2 3 . OrnithologyThe habitat for what flightless birds with flipperlike wings and webbed feet is entirely in the Southern Hemisphere?

penguins 2 4 . ExplorersAround what continent did Vasco da Gama sail to reach India?

Africa 2 5 . Folk SongsAccording to the song lyrics, John Henry was a hard workin' man who died with what in his hand?

a hammer

2 6 . StatesRhode Island is the smallest state. Name either of the next two smallest ones.

Delaware, Connecticut 2 7 . PaintingName the water-soluble, nontoxic, creamy paint applied with the digits of the hands.

finger paint 2 8 . RotationThe velocity of the Earth's rotation gradually decreases from about 1600 kilometers per hour at the equator to zero at what two sites?

poles (North and South Pole) 2 9 . Sentence TypesWhat mood is illustrated by these sentences? Get out and stay out! Please don't do that anymore. Be back by noon.

imperative 3 0 . Medical ProfessionsSpell the title of a doctor trained to treat animals.


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 7 First Half Page 43 1 . Animal FeetWhat type of foot is common to these animals? peccary, rhinoceros, tapir, camel, pronghorn, wapiti, yak, llama, bighorn

hoof 3 2 . PestilenceThe Black Death killed between one quarter and half of the people in the western part of what continent in the fourteenth century?

Europe 3 3 . AmphibiansWhat is another name for tadpoles?

polliwogs 3 4 . FruitsName the nut-like fruit of an oak tree.

acorn 3 5 . SnakebiteVictims of viper bites will have how many puncture wounds?


3 6 . Change of StateWhat causes paint to dry or a puddle to disappear?

evaporat ion 3 7 . ArizonaWhat is the largest river that flows through part of Arizona?

Colorado River 3 8 . Decimal SubtractionSubtract 25.621 from 37.56.

11.939 3 9 . Lottery MathIgor put in $2 and his four friends each put in $1 for a total of 6 lottery tickets. One ticket won a $60,000 prize. What should Igor's share of the prize money be?

$20 ,000 4 0 . WaterfallsNiagara Falls are in what two countries?

USA, Canada

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 7 Second Half Page 11 . Industrial FacilitiesWhat is the shared name for the facilities in which these very different processes occur? -crude oil is turned into fuel and lubricants -sea water is removed from salt -sugar cane is converted to crystallized sugar

refineries 2 . SongsThis verse is from what song? This is the way we wash our hands, Wash our hands, wash our hands, This is the way we wash our hands, On a cold and frosty morning.

Mulberry Bush 3 . BirdsWhat birds carried messages in World War I?

(homing) pigeons 4 . Multipurpose WordsWhat one word has these meanings? -to get rid of -to hurl forcefully -the actors in a play -a plaster shell encasing a broken bone -the negative replica of a fossil impression -something formed by pouring molten metal into a mold

cast 5 . Food PreparationWhat term means to mix salad ingredients lightly with two forks?


6 . Heroic EffortsAt what site in 1836 did 187 men under William Travis fend off an army of over 5000 led by Santa Anna?

Alamo 7 . Money ProblemsYou bought 4 giant earthworms for $10 and sold them for $3.25 each. How much profit did you make?

$3.00 8 . PluralsHow is the plural formed with these words? chorus, chrysalis, carcass, callus

add "es" 9 . BeaversWhat is the home of a beaver called?

lodge 1 0 . Fairy TalesWhat Grimm fairy tells the story of a woodcutter who is granted some wishes when he vows not to cut down a certain tree, but ends up with just some pudding that is not stuck to his nose?

The Three Wishes

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 7 Second Half Page 21 1 . Silly PoemsWhat adjective and noun are in the original poem that is restated here? I never saw a bovine with a hue between violet and red.

purple cow 1 2 . Fairy TalesWhat Hans Christian Andersen story is about an aquatic humanoid with the upper body of a female human and the tail of a fish?

The Little Mermaid 1 3 . CommemorativesThe 1892 U.S. half-dollar commemorated the 400th anniversary of whose voyage to the New World?

Christopher Columbus 1 4 . Central AmericaCentral America is long and narrow, tapering to a width of about 30 miles in what country?

Panama 1 5 . ConsonantsIn the word "strengthening" there are how many consonants?


1 6 . StoriesThese lines of dialogue come from what story? "We shall creek out quietly into the butler's pantry," cried the Mole. "With our pistols and swords and sticks," shouted the Rat. "And whack 'em, and whack 'em, and whack 'em" cried the Toad.

The Wind in the Willows 1 7 . Election Math1,400 people were polled. 68% favored making Nevada a nuclear waste repository while 25% were against the proposal. How many of those polled were undecided?

98 1 8 . First AidWhat tool are you most likely to employ to remove a splinter?

tweezers 1 9 . Patriotic PoetryWhat is the next word in this verse about Independence day? They signed that piece of parchment The leaders of this land - Knowing, divided they would fall But, together they could ...

stand 2 0 . PercentWhat is 45% of 20?

9 .

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 7 Second Half Page 32 1 . The Phantom TollboothWhat, according to Norton Juster, is the place where all the words in the world come from?

Dictionopolis 2 2 . South American PunsThe name of what Latin American country is the last word in this punnish statement? You say you are from South America, but I do not ...

Bolivia 2 3 . Lake FormationThe Great Lakes and thousands of other lakes in their vicinity were carved out of the bedrock by what?

glaciers (glaciation) 2 4 . South AmericaName the easternmost country of South America.

Brazil 2 5 . ForestsWhat is the largest river that flows through the world's largest tropical rain forest?


2 6 . MartianismsWhat room is indicated in this passage from "A Martian Sends a Postcard Home"? Only the young are allowed to suffer openly. Adults go to a punishment room with water but nothing to eat. They lock the door and suffer the noises alone. No one is exempt and everyone's pain has a different smell.

bathroom 2 7 . SpellingWhat type of "e's" are in these words? chocolate candidate fluctuate

silent 2 8 . TrainsWhat is the last car in a freight train called?

caboose 2 9 . SayingsHow is this usually stated? Those who come upon something by luck or good fortune may retain possession thereof, while those who have misplaced the same can only shed bitter tears.

Finders keepers, losers weepers 3 0 . LegendsJohn Henry is a legend in what industry?

railroad (mining)

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 7 Second Half Page 43 1 . Musical InstrumentsWhat are the two major categories of wind instruments?

woodwinds, brass 3 2 . HomographsSpell the homograph that can indicate a decorative knot, the front of a ship, or to bend.

bow 3 3 . MoralsWhat bird completes this moral from one of Aesop's fables? The moral is clear: The wisest folks know That it's nice to win, but it's foolish to ...

crow 3 4 . History of LiteratureWhat was the last name of the two German brothers who lived in the 1800s and who collected these stories? Hansel and Gretel Snow White Rumpelstiltskin

Grimm 3 5 . SetsWhat is the set of all whole odd numbers less than 10?

1, 3, 5, 7, 9

3 6 . RiversIn the 270 miles from Lees Ferry to Lake Mead, the Colorado River falls from an elevation of about 3200 feet to about 1200 feet. For this section of the river, to the nearest whole number, what is its approximate gradient in feet per mile?

7 feet 3 7 . The Water CycleAs moisture in the water cycles moves from land to sea to air, it also changes between the vapor, liquid, and what other state?

solid 3 8 . Birds of PreyOf the forty-eight different kinds of eagles, only which two are native to North America?

bald eagle, golden eagle 3 9 . ModifiersWhat three adjectives are also articles?

a, an, the 4 0 . Lewis CarrollThis excerpt from "Through the Looking Glass" is about what character? He was sitting with his legs crossed, like a Turk, on the top of a high wall and he didn't take the least notice of her. "And how exactly like an egg he is!" she said, standing ready to catch him, for she was every moment expecting him to fall.

Humpty Dumpty

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 8 First Half Page 11 . Calendar MathIf the first Wednesday of the month falls on the 2nd, then the last Monday of the month falls on what date?

28th 2 . Astronomical PhenomenaWhat occurs when the Earth is directly between the Sun and the Moon?

lunar eclipse 3 . VolcanoesWhat is said to occur whenever solid, liquid, or gaseous volcanic materials are ejected into the Earth's atmosphere or onto the surface by volcanic activity?

eruption 4 . Working WagesIf you earn $7.50 per hour as a fish washer at Seaworld, after five eight-hour days, what are your gross earnings?

$300 5 . AnatomyWhat is the name for any major blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to other parts of the body?


6 . Launching SitesAll of America's major space missions are launched from what site in Florida?

Cape Canaveral (Kennedy Space Center) 7 . Fantasy IslandsName the lost island in a series of stories created by James Gurney where survivors of shipwrecks learn to work and play with dinosaurs.

Dinotopia 8 . Cross SectionsWhat is the shape of the cross section of a cube if the cut follows a line 2 centimeters from one edge?

square 9 . CloudsHigh-altitude clouds consist of ice crystals. What do low-altitude clouds consist of?

water droplets (drops) 1 0 . ArthropodsWhile true bugs have no specific number of segments, insect bodies are usually made up of how many segments?

3 .

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 8 First Half Page 21 1 . PrecipitationDuring July in the Northern Hemisphere, what is the most common form of precipitation?

rain 1 2 . The ColoniesWhich of the first thirteen colonies had "New" in their names?

New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire 1 3 . SentencesThe division between the subject and predicate in this sentence comes just after what word? The six fiends scratched their claws on the blackboard.

fiends 1 4 . LatitudesThrough what three mainland Scandinavian countries does the Arctic Circle pass?

Norway, Sweden, Finland 1 5 . LightWhat percentage of the light received on Earth from Mercury is reflected?


1 6 . Prime FactorizationWhat is the prime factorization of 90?

2 x 3 x 3 x 5 1 7 . The NavyWhat office is held by the commander in chief of the U.S. Navy?

the president 1 8 . StoriesIn what story by Kate Douglas Wiggin does Rebecca Rowena Randall leave her impoverished and widowed mother and go to live with two maiden aunts in Riverboro?

Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm 1 9 . PrefixesWhat does the prefix mean in these words? monotreme monosyllabic monotheism monorail monotone

one (or single or alone) 2 0 . DistancesWhat is the distance from 450 feet below sea level to 920 feet above sea level?

1370 feet

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 8 First Half Page 32 1 . Travel ProblemsFred commutes 6 miles to work daily. At the end of a regular work week, he has traveled at least how many miles?

60 2 2 . PoemsWhat creature in "Animal Fair" by the light of the moon was combing his auburn hair?

the big baboon 2 3 . InscriptionsWhat name is missing from this engraved message above an imposing sculpture in Washington, D.C.? In this temple, as in the hearts of the people for whom he saved the union, the memory of ---- is enshrined forever.

Abraham Lincoln 2 4 . Things WorthwhileWhat word completes this line from "The Wind in the Willows"? Believe me, my young friend, there is NOTHING--absolute nothing--half so much worth doing as simply messing about in ...

boats 2 5 . Sentence StructureWhat word should be omitted in this example? It was the most longest race she had ever attempted since the Barcelona Olympics.


2 6 . PalindromesSpell a palindrome for a word that may mean either "to look at" or "the sound of a chick."

peep 2 7 . BearsWhat creatures provide most of a polar bear's food?

seals 2 8 . Special FacilitiesWhat kind of facility has control towers, terminals, and hangars?

airport 2 9 . Distance ProblemsA motorcycle traveling at 65 miles per hour covers how many miles in 5 hours?

325 3 0 . SavingsIf you save $3.00 on January 1, $5.00 on February 1, $7.00 on March 1, $9.00 on April 1, and so on, how much money would you save in one year?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 8 First Half Page 43 1 . Briny LakesThe largest salt lake in the Western Hemisphere is in what U.S. state?

Utah 3 2 . Really Big RidgesThis ridge runs irregularly north and south through the Rocky Mountains and separates eastward-flowing streams from streams flowing westwards. It is the Continental what?

Divide 3 3 . Really Big RocksName the enormous rock on the southern tip of Spain that overlooks a strait connecting the Mediterranean with the Atlantic Ocean.

Gibraltar 3 4 . OvertimeMax works for a construction firm and earns $7.30 per hour. He gets time and a half for overtime. How much does he get per hour when he works overtime?

$10.95 3 5 . HeroesWhat is the first name of the hero celebrated in this 1927 poem? Lucky Lindy, up in the sky Fair or windy, he's flying high, Peerless, fearless, knows ev'ry cloud The kind of a son makes a mother feel proud.


3 6 . OathsThis is a misheard version of part of what solemn promise? One naked individual, With liver, tea, injustice for all.

Pledge of Allegiance 3 7 . HomonymsWhat term indicates either a sunken shelter at a baseball field or a canoe made from a hollowed-out log?

dugout 3 8 . AnthropologyThese are groups of early inhabitants of what continent? Pomo Bella Coola Micmac Chickasaw Chinook Zuni

North America 3 9 . EvaporationMore water evaporates from the oceans than falls on the oceans as precipitation. More water falls on land as precipitation than evaporates from what?

the land 4 0 . QuakesHundreds of smaller tremors followed the devastating Los Angeles quake in January of 1994. Name these tremors.


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 8 Second Half Page 11 . FactoringWhat are the prime factors of 210?

(2)(3)(5)(7) 2 . State NeighborsWhat U.S. state lies between Kansas and Texas?

Oklahoma 3 . StoriesIn what Uncle Remus story is this line found? "Ef you don't lemme loose, I'll knock you agin," sez Brer Rabbit, en wid dat he fotch 'er a wipe wid de udder han', en dat stuck.

The Tar Baby 4 . FantasiesWith what trade were these folks associated? Bashful Grumpy Happy Doc Dopey Sleepy

mining 5 . Geologic FormationsWhat is the common term for ice stalagmites?


6 . Camera EquipmentName the three-legged support used for cameras and portable videotaping equipment.

tripod 7 . WarsThese were significant battles in what war? Monmouth Saratoga Yorktown Bunker Hill

American Revolution 8 . StoriesA New York City boy goes to the Catskills to live in the hollow trunk of a hemlock on the abandoned land of his great-grandfather in what story by Jean Craighead George?

My Side of the Mountain 9 . PoetsWho wrote this ditty? The Slithergadee has crawled out of the sea. He may catch all the others, but he won't catch me. No, you won't catch me, old Slithergadee, You may catch all the others, but you wo--

Shel Silverstein 1 0 . Travel TimeIf an extraordinarily speedy sloth ambles along at six miles per hour, how long does it take it go twelve miles?

two hours

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 8 Second Half Page 21 1 . Short StoriesWhat kind of creature is Flower in the story about Bambi?

skunk 1 2 . Turning MotionRevolution means that an object is turning about an axis located outside of itself. What is the term for spinning about on an axis located within the object?

rotation 1 3 . Fictional Heroine HomesWhat Scandinavian country was the home of Thumbelina?

Denmark 1 4 . Life on EarthSome were only two feet long and weighed as much as a chicken while others reached a length of 150 feet and weighed 100 tons. Some were herbivores while others were carnivores. Some had small skulls and others were huge. Some were slow-moving and others were fast. Name these extinct creatures.

dinosaurs 1 5 . TreasonWhat is the name for a person who commits treason?


1 6 . OceansWhat is the northernmost of the recognized oceans?

Arctic Ocean 1 7 . ZoologyAnimals such as rabbits and prairie dogs dig dens in the ground called what?

burrows (warrens) 1 8 . Physical ScienceWhat is the name for any substance that contains only one kind of atom?

element 1 9 . Fictional NarratorsWho is the narrator in a series of tales involving these characters? Mr. Buzzard, Mr. Lion, Brer Bullfrog, Mr. Dog, Cousin Wildcat, Mr. Rooster, Brer Coon

Uncle Remus 2 0 . OceanographyWhat is a synonym for salinity?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 8 Second Half Page 32 1 . PunsWhat word completes this bit of punnery? You should be careful when attacking octopi because they are well ...

armed 2 2 . Extended SpoonerismsThis is from a spoonerized version of what fairy tale? The food gary said that on the paby brincesse's beventeeth sirthday, she would frick her pinger and fall into a sleep deep, only to be awakend by lue truve's kirst fiss.

Sleeping Beauty 2 3 . Ancient AuthorsThis is attributed to what ancient writer? "Why bother about winter?" said the Grasshopper. "We have got plenty of food at present." But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil.

Aesop 2 4 . SentencesWhat part of a sentence tells something about the subject?

predicate 2 5 . Writing FormName the space just in from the margin of the first word in a paragraph.

indention ( indentation)

2 6 . The Old WestEarly trappers and traders of Colorado were protected in forts made from a mixture of straw and clay called what?

adobe 2 7 . Pictorial ProverbsAccording to the proverb, how many words is a single picture worth?

1000 2 8 . Mathematical ComparisonsIf A is greater than B and B is greater than C, then what can be said about the relative magnitudes of A and C?

A is greater than C 2 9 . The DeclarationWhat adjective in the Declaration of Independence refers to rights which cannot be taken away?

unal ienable 3 0 . Historical BuildingsName the building in Philadelphia where the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution were debated.

Independence Hall

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 8 Second Half Page 43 1 . Agricultural NuisancesWhat common burrowing rodents with distinctive pouches on both sides of their faces can devastate lawns with their tunnels and destroy gardens in short order?

gophers (ground squirrels) 3 2 . SnowWhat is the term for light, freshly fallen snow?

powder 3 3 . PorcupinesName the sharp and stiff hairs that cover the backs of porcupines.

quills 3 4 . FishName the flat plates forming the external coverings of fish.

scales 3 5 . Dental CareName the special string used to clean between teeth.


3 6 . NicknamesWhat state has had all these nicknames? Valentine State Copper State Baby State Apache State Grand Canyon State

Arizona 3 7 . Unusual BiographiesThese silly words by James Russell Lowell are about what colonial figure? He was born in Boston, invented being struck with lightning, and had to move to Philadelphia because great men were so plentiful in Boston that he had no chance. There he discovered the almanac and that a penny saved is a penny lost, or something of the kind.

Benjamin Franklin 3 8 . ReptilesWhat is the collective name for limbless reptiles?

snakes 3 9 . QuotesWho wrote this? And then, just to show them, I'll sail to Ka-Troo And Bring Back an It-Kutch a Preep and a Proo, A Nerkle a Nerd and a Seersucker, too!

Dr. Seuss 4 0 . Sentence AnalysisWhat is the complete subject in this line? Her huge, mournful, longing eyes probed the bivouac area for some sign of her Freddie.

Her huge, mournful, longing eyes

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 9 First Half Page 11 . SequencesWhat is the sum of the two missing terms in this sequence? 17, 12, 7, --, --, -8, -13

-1 2 . SetsAll the whole numbers between 28 and 29 comprise what kind of set?

empty set 3 . InventorsWho invented the phonograph and incandescent light bulb?

Thomas Edison 4 . Bird TravelAn extraordinary hummingbird travels 550 miles in 1 hour 50 minutes. If it maintained this speed, how far would it travel in 2 hours 10 minutes?

650 miles 5 . Root WordsWhat is the root word in these words? cold-blooded bloodhound bloodthirsty


6 . Market MathIf two pineapples cost $1.20 and two bananas cost 88 cents, what is the cost of fifteen pineapples and twelve bananas?

$14.28 7 . BirdsWhat is the collective name for a small group of birds such as quail?

covey 8 . English LiteratureWhat human spots the March Hare in a work by Lewis Carroll?

Alice 9 . AnatomyThe soft parts of an animal's body are supported by what body system?

skeletal system 1 0 . CompassesWhat part of a compass always points to magnetic north?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 9 First Half Page 21 1 . MusicalsBased on the musical, "Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory," answer this question. Who can take a sunrise Sprinkle it with dew Cover it in chocolate And a miracle or two?

The Candyman 1 2 . The SunName the moment when the Sun is at its highest elevation in the sky.

noon 1 3 . Big Bad GiantsWhat word completes this line from a fairy tale? Fee-fi-fo-fum. I small the blood of an Englishman. Be he alive, or be he dead I'll grind his bones to make my ...

bread 1 4 . SnowWhat is the term for a large mass of snow and ice moving rapidly down a mountainside?

avalanche 1 5 . Carnivorous PoetryWhat carnivore produced the sound described in these lines? Weird as the moan of sobbing winds, A lone long call floats up from the trail And the naked soul of the frozen North Trembles in that wail.


1 6 . ProverbsAccording to the proverb, what will the mice do when the cat's away?

play 1 7 . Profession PoetryThis verse is from a poem about people in what line of work? Some have an eye patch And some have a hook In place of the hand That a crocodile took.

pirates 1 8 . Roman NumeralsExpress 2112 in Roman numerals.

MMCXII 1 9 . Irish FolkloreThe main occupation of leprechauns is said to be making and mending what?

shoes 2 0 . Poetry for the BirdsThe name of what bird is missing in this bit of doggerel by Ogden Nash? The ---- roams the great Sahara. Its mouth is wide, its neck is narra. It has such long and lofty legs, I'm glad it sits to lay its eggs.


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 9 First Half Page 32 1 . Regional ClothingCorrect the malapropism in this example. Many Arabs wear turbines on their heads.

turbans 2 2 . CommunicationName the first machine to use electricity as a means of sending messages.

telegraph 2 3 . Character DescriptionsT.S. Eliot describes Macavity as a "fiend in feline shape." What kind of creature is Macavity?

cat 2 4 . WatershedsAll of the precipitation that falls on the west side of what natural barrier in the U.S. flows toward the Pacific Ocean?

Continental Divide (Rocky Mountains) 2 5 . AnimalsThis indicates what animal? Their homes are made of branches from trees which they fell and cut up with their sharp incisor teeth.


2 6 . SettingsThe settings for the musical, "Peter Pan," are in England and what imaginary land?

Neverland 2 7 . PhysiologyWhat organ removes carbon dioxide from the blood?

lungs 2 8 . SeasonsIn the first century B.C., what season was Horace alluding to in this line? A dread time, the harvest-season of the Goddess of Death

autumn 2 9 . ProverbsAccording to the proverb, what are you supposed to do before you leap?

look 3 0 . SayingsComplete this proverb. No chain is stronger than its weakest ...


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 9 First Half Page 43 1 . ColorMixing what two primary colors produces green?

blue, yellow 3 2 . DeerThe most common species of deer in North America are the white-tailed deer, mule deer, caribou, wapiti (or elk), and what other?

moose 3 3 . Number PowersOne raised to the eighth power equals what?

one 3 4 . Additive WordsThese clues lead to what word? Add an evergreen tree to s. Often mine needs stiffening.

spine 3 5 . English StoriesThis is from what story? Occasionally in her travels through her children's minds, Mrs. Darling found things she could not understand, and of these quite the most perplexing was the name Peter.

Peter Pan

3 6 . Astronomical DevicesAstronomers use a coronagraph to study what body in the solar system?

Sun 3 7 . S h e e pWhat is the term for a male sheep?

ram 3 8 . Bent WaterAfter briskly rubbing a comb on a woolen cloth, you hold it next to a narrow stream of water coming from a faucet. What causes the stream to bend toward the comb?

static electricity (ionization) 3 9 . MountainsWhat mountain range is between North Carolina and Tennessee?

Great Smoky Mountains (Appalachians) 4 0 . InsectsName the only group of the millions of insects that contributes directly to man's food supply.

honeybees (bees)

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 9 Second Half Page 11 . ColorsWhat two primary colors are on the American flag?

red, blue 2 . Operations with Decimals14 - 6.3 + 2.739 equals what?

10.439 3 . Fictional MammalsWhat kind of creatures are Grograman and Aslan?

lions 4 . Insect AnatomyWhat is the more formal term for the insect appendages called feelers?

antennae 5 . U.S. HolidaysName the holiday set aside in the U.S. to honor the nation's workers.

Labor Day

6 . Natural DisastersIn 1976, ten inches of rain fell in four hours around the Big Thompson River in Colorado. Officials had just begun warning people to get out when what kind of flood roared through the canyon killing more than 100 people and sweeping away an entire town?

flash flood 7 . Music NotationA natural cancels a sharp or what else?

a flat 8 . U.S. AbbreviationsWashington, D.C. is the nation's capital. For what does D.C. stand?

District of Columbia 9 . AntonymsWhat is the antonym of pain?

pleasure 1 0 . LiquidsName the physical process through which the molecules of a liquid escape as a vapor.

evaporation (vaporization)

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 9 Second Half Page 21 1 . ArtWhat art material can be made using this process? Tear newspaper into strips about an inch wide and a foot long. Lay the strips in a large pan and cover them with water. Put a cup of flour into another pan and add water to make it heavy and thick.

papier -mache 1 2 . Furry FictionIn Richard Adams' "Watership Down," the central characters are what kind of burrowing mammals?

rabbits 1 3 . FarmingWhat machine is used for compressing, binding, and wrapping hay into standardized bundles?

baler 1 4 . ReasoningYou are running in a race and overtake the runner in second place. What position are you in now?

second 1 5 . SunshineOf the eight planets, which receives the least amount of sunshine in any given period?


1 6 . Addition of DecimalsWhat is the sum? 1.842 + .0081 + .0914

1.9415 1 7 . FadsIn the late 1950s, the Hula-Hoop craze swept America. This toy was named after a traditional dance of what islands?

Hawaiian Islands 1 8 . Australian MarsupialsName both types of marsupials whose names begin with the letter "K."

koala, kangaroo 1 9 . PrefixesWhat is the meaning of the prefixes in these words? repel reform reclaim review

back (again) 2 0 . StormsThe centers of what kind of storms are called eyes?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 9 Second Half Page 32 1 . Marine MammalsWhat animal that may weigh more than 4000 pounds and lives in the Arctic resembles a seal with two long, downward-pointing tusks?

walrus 2 2 . ZoologyThe world's largest warm-blooded animal is the blue what?

whale 2 3 . Patriotic PoetryWhat woman's name is missing in these verses? Let me tell you of the legend of ---- We will all see the beautiful stars and bars For to miss this beauty would be an awful loss Was her destiny to be written by the stars?

Each star would represent a united state United we stand and divided we fall She would sew the symbols with a love so great The beauty of unity is seen by all. Betsy Ross 2 4 . WaterWhat is water's solid phase?

ice 2 5 . Official SealsWhat bird is depicted on the Great Seal of the United States?

bald eagle

2 6 . PredicatesWhat is the simple predicate in this example? No matter what others may say, black is the color of my true love's hair.

is 2 7 . WordplaySpell the answer when you make one word out of the letters in "new door."

one word 2 8 . DesertsThe world's largest desert is in the northern part of what continent?

Africa (or all of Antarctica) 2 9 . Bird HabitatsPenguins live in what region?

Antarctic 3 0 . Native American ArchitectureWhat is the shape of Pueblo Indian kivas?

circular (round)

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 9 Second Half Page 43 1 . Wintry PrecipitationsWhat is the name for banks of powdery, windblown snow?

snowdrifts 3 2 . ElectricityName the two fundamental kinds of electrical charges.

positive, negative 3 3 . Consecutive IntegersThe sum of what two consecutive even integers is 94?

46, 48 3 4 . ContractionsWhat contraction is in the first line of the song, "America"?

'tis 3 5 . Bodies of WaterWhat is a body of water formed behind a dam called?


3 6 . BalloonsWhat happens to a balloon inflated with air at sea level as you take it deeper and deeper under water?

It compresses. (becomes smaller) 3 7 . DanceThese lyrics are associated with what kind of dance? Ace of diamonds, jack of spades, Meet your partner and all promenade. All join hands and circle wide, Spread right out like an old cow hide.

square dance 3 8 . FantasiesWho, according to J.M. Barrie, said that "she thought she could get well again if children believed in fairies"?

Tinker Bell 3 9 . DaylightHow many hours of daylight are experienced during a week at the North Pole in June?

168 4 0 . DistancesThe distance east or west on the Earth's surface is called what?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 10 First Half Page 11 . HeteronymsSpell the heteronym that can mean either "to shut" or "near."

close 2 . Erroneous SongsWhat is wrong with these lyrics sung by English boys around 1830? To the west, to the west, to the land of the free Where the mighty Missouri rolls down to the sea

Missouri River doesn't go to sea. 3 . Roman NumeralsWhat is the Arabic equivalent of the Roman numeral CD?

400 4 . The DeclarationIn addition to their sacred honor, what else did the signers of the Declaration of Independence pledge?

lives, fortunes 5 . Really Long TailsWhat kind of heavenly object can have a tail well more than 200 million kilometers long?


6 . Fictional Career ChangesIn a children's story, a parrot named Polynesia tells what unsuccessful physician that he should become an animal doctor?

Dr. Dolittle 7 . Body PartsWhat are three parts of the body that have only three letters in their names?

arm, ear, eye, gum, jaw, leg, lip, rib, toe 8 . Skin DisordersReminiscent of a structure housing bees, name the kind of skin rash characterized by pale red, itchy bumps.

hives 9 . SongsWhat line comes next in this verse from a song in "The Wizard of Oz"? She's gone where the goblins go, Below - below - below. Yo-ho, Let's open up and sing and ring the bells out. Ding Dong' the merry-oh, sing it high, sing it low, Let them know ...

the Wicked Witch is dead 1 0 . TiltIn what country is the Leaning Tower?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 10 First Half Page 21 1 . Watery BordersWhat body of water is directly south of and contiguous to Mexico?

Pacific Ocean 1 2 . Ogden Nash BiologyWhat word is missing twice in this ditty? A mighty creature is the ----, Though smaller than the pachyderm. His customary dwelling place Is deep within the human race. His childish pride he often pleases By giving people strange diseases. Do you, my poppet, feel infirm? You probably contain a ----.

germ 1 3 . LyricsWhat four words complete this verse? It was bought on the morn of the day that he was born, It was always his treasure and pride. But it stopped short, Never to run again, When ...

the old man died 1 4 . SongsWho is the central character in the song from which these lyrics were taken? With a cluck cluck here And a baa baa there With a neigh neigh here And a quack quack there With an oink oink here And a moo moo there

Old MacDonald 1 5 . AnatomyThis indicates what appendage? Of the digits, one is placed and articulated so that it can be opposed to the other four.


1 6 . Regional ProverbsThese are proverbs from what group of peoples? -The caribou feeds the wolf, but it is the wolf who keeps the caribou strong. -Unless you're the lead sled dog, the view is pretty much the same. -You never really know your friends from your enemies until the ice breaks. -May you have warmth in your igloo, oil in your lamp, and peace in your heart.

Eskimos 1 7 . Trail ReckoningIchabod walked 8 yards due north where he turned to his right and walked 16 yards. Then he turned left and walked 5 yards and turned left again and walked 16 yards. At that point, how far was he from where he began?

13 yards 1 8 . Heavenly LightsTwo stars in what constellation are known as the pointer stars?

Big Dipper (Ursa Major) 1 9 . Coin CalculationsA jug contains pennies and nickels in the ratio of 5 to 3. If there are 30 nickels, what is the total number of coins in the jug?

80 2 0 . FishThese are varieties of what kind of fish? Dolly Varden, speckled, cutthroat, golden, brown, lake


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 10 First Half Page 32 1 . Disease VectorsWhat insect spreads malaria?

(anopheles) mosquito 2 2 . Western OrnithologyClassic westerns may depict groups of what large, dark birds circling high in the sky over a place where prospectors or cavalry units or homesteaders bit the dust?

vulture (buzzard) 2 3 . PilotsIn 1927 who piloted a Ryan monoplane, and upon landing in Paris, became the first pilot to solo across the Atlantic Ocean?

Charles Lindbergh 2 4 . Meteorological InstrumentsCreative versions of what instrument designed to show wind direction often adorn the tops of barns?

weather (wind) vane 2 5 . SagasIn Helen Cresswell's "The Bagthorpe Saga," the Bagthorpes live in what house named for a mythical horse?

Unicorn House

2 6 . Odd or EvenIn a list of 147 whole numbers, 86 are odd. How many are even?

61 2 7 . AdjectivesWhat is the last adjective in the first verse of "America the Beautiful"?

shining 2 8 . Parts of SpeechWhat part of speech is "new" in this line? In his backpack he carried his books along with his new gremlin.

adjective 2 9 . MeteorologyWhat occurs when water droplets in clouds coalesce and become heavy enough to fall?

precipitation (rain, snow) 3 0 . South AmericaHow many South American countries have rectangular shapes?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 10 First Half Page 43 1 . Monumental MathThe Great Pyramid at Giza is composed of 2.3 million blocks of limestone, each averaging 2.5 tons. In pounds, what is the weight of the entire pyramid?

11.5 billion 3 2 . OceanographyWhat is the general term for a body of water enclosed by land on three sides?

bay 3 3 . FreedomsName the freedom under which people may write and publish their thoughts in books, magazines and newspapers.

freedom of the press 3 4 . WindsName the phenomenon often seen on hot days in the American Southwest described as a vertically oriented rotating column of air, often just a few meters wide and extending upwards for hundreds of feet.

dust devil (whirlwind, sand pillar) 3 5 . Borrowed WordsThese words were borrowed from what language? hinterland, pretzel, yodel, strudel


3 6 . Taming of the WestLife in the American west was changed dramatically by the six-shooter, the telegraph, the windmill, the locomotive, and what kind of fencing?

barbed wire 3 7 . British FantasiesIn a story by C.S. Lewis, who rules Narnia and keeps it in a perpetual state of winter?

White Witch 3 8 . StoriesWho is the central character in the story from which this line was taken? The more he looked inside, the more Piglet wasn't there.

Winnie the Pooh 3 9 . PetrologyWhat broad category of rock consists of materials derived from other rocks and deposited by water, wind, or glacial ice?

sedimentary 4 0 . Scientific HomographsWhat term can mean either the loudness of a sound or the capacity of a container?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 10 Second Half Page 11 . Hot TimesThe world's highest air temperature of 136 degrees F was recorded in what African desert?

Sahara Desert 2 . FactorsThe factors of 24 include 2 and 12, 3 and 8, and what other pair of numbers?

4 and 6 3 . Music FundamentalsWhat process is used to correct the pitch of a musical instrument?

tuning 4 . Fictional FemalesWhat fictional nanny who is hired to care for the children of George Banks promises to stay on only until the wind changes?

Mary Poppins 5 . Bad HabitsThis verse is from a poem about what dangerous habit? It's a year now, since that last drag since his mouth pulled on a lethal fag. What changed his mind? What was the force? Why, death... of course!


6 . International BordersWhat country has the shorter common border with the United States?

Mexico 7 . HomographsWhat word can refer either to a liquid mixture used for cakes or a baseball player?

batter 8 . Number LogicWhat is the 4-digit number if it includes a 1, the hundreds place number is 3 times the number in the thousands place, the number in the ones place is 5 times the number in the tens place, and the number 3 is in the thousands place?

3915 9 . InjuriesWhat is the common name for the injury involving bleeding beneath the skin around the eye?

black eye 1 0 . ZoologyIt chiefly consumes crabs which it first paralyzes by poison. Then it pulls the crab to pieces with its long arms, each of which has two rows of suckers. Name this marine mollusk.


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 10 Second Half Page 21 1 . FactoringWhat is the prime factorization of 600?

2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 x 5 1 2 . Asian NationsThese are islands of what country? Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku, Honshu

Japan 1 3 . MammalsThis is about what animal? When one is relaxed, his more than 30,000 quills are hidden among much longer, yellow-tipped hairs of the animal's coat.

porcupine 1 4 . Quantity PurchasingOne box of Quarry cereal costs $1.20, but three boxes can be purchased for $3.10. How much will be saved by purchasing 6 boxes of Quarry cereal at the quantity price instead of the individual price?

$1 1 5 . European CountriesWhat is another name for Holland?

Nether lands

1 6 . Wishful LyricsAccording to the song, if your heart is in your dreams, no request is too extreme when you do what as dreamers do?

wish upon a star 1 7 . River AgricultureThe agriculture of Egypt is almost entirely concentrated along what river?

Nile 1 8 . HomonymsWhat word as a noun indicates one of the four natural divisions of the year but as a verb means to enhance the flavor of food by adding spices?

season 1 9 . Elk ConservationIn 1907, there were only about 40,000 elk in the U.S. Today, in ten western states, there are 30 times that number or a total of how many?

1 , 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 2 0 . Light MedicineWhat kind of light is routinely used to kill skin cancer cells, fuse sections of the retina, correct nearsightedness, and remove birthmarks and moles?


6th Grade Quick Recall Round 10 Second Half Page 32 1 . BirdsThese birds do not build nests but lay their eggs in the nests of other birds. When they hatch, the baby birds push the other eggs or baby birds out of the nest. Identify these birds after which a type of chronometer is named.

cuckoo 2 2 . The Legislative BranchWhich part of the United States legislature is often referred to by what term that also indicates a structure that serves as a dwelling for a family?

House (House of Representatives) 2 3 . LakesWhich Great Lake comes first alphabetically?

Erie 2 4 . Chunky CreaturesWhat is the common name for the Proboscidea, the largest living land mammals?

elephants 2 5 . LogicWhat numbers on a single rolled die meet these conditions? -the result is less than 4 -the result is odd

1, 3

2 6 . ProverbsHow does the original proverb end that has been modified here? A penny saved is a penny taxed.

earned 2 7 . SyllogismsComplete this syllogism. I am nobody. Nobody is perfect. Therefore ...

I am perfect 2 8 . Natural RightsIn the Declaration of Independence, what adjective indicates those rights that are absolute, not awarded by human power, not transferable to another power, and incapable of repudiation?

inalienable 2 9 . PluralsWhat do you do to form the plural of such words as series, offspring, and sheep?

nothing 3 0 . Body SystemsWhat is the more correct name for the blood system?

circulatory system

6th Grade Quick Recall Round 10 Second Half Page 43 1 . Automobile MathThe average cost for each of the 5000 parts in the Ford Model T was 15 cents in 1925. Since the vehicles retailed for $260, the parts were actually worth how much more than a completed car?

$490 3 2 . ChannelsWhat is the name for an artificial channel dug for irrigation or transportation?

canal 3 3 . Military JargonWhat is the term for troops sent to strengthen a fighting force with additional fresh soldiers?

re inforcements 3 4 . Military LeadersThese men played key roles during what war? Omar Bradley William Halsey George Patton Dwight Eisenhower

World War II 3 5 . Heavenly ObjectsWhat object in the solar system has a mass about 300,000 times that of Earth?

the Sun

3 6 . Number PalindromesStart with 68 and add its reverse to it. Take the sum and add its reverse to it. Keep doing this until you arrive at a number palindrome. What number is it?

1111 3 7 . WritingWhat word that rhymes with the term for the back end of a boat refers to the first writing of a story?

draft 3 8 . Song LyricsAccording to the song, what did the old man play knickknack on when he played three?

my knee 3 9 . NumbersUsing just the numbers 3, 7, and 5, what is the greatest number you can get by multiplying two of the numbers and adding the third to the product?

38 4 0 . Dumb RhymesWhat three words come next in this chant? One bright day in the middle of the night, Two dead boys got up to fight. Back to back they faced each other, Drew their swords and ...

shot each other