6months Revenue Generation Plan


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8/4/2019 6months Revenue Generation Plan

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12months Revenue Generation

Plan August 2011 August 2012


Adedamola Joshua

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Proshare Nigeria is a Professional Analyst and

Investor relations consulting firm with varying

products including:

Professional Analyst Services

Financial Reports

Financial Advisory Services

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Investor Relations





 ± Private Sector

 ± Public Sector

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The B&M Units objectives

Revenue Generation

Brand development and Management

Market and Marketing research

New product development

Market growth

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Current Realities Operational Cost

The Nigeria Business Environment

Current state of infrastructure

Skills shortage

The Nigerian financial industry

Current state of the Capital market

Mergers and Acquisitions and cultural shock

Ensuing legal battles in the M&A structuresThe global economy

The movement to virtual realities the web age

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Future Realities

Virtual dominance

Practical know-how - Application of knowledge

Solution base orientation - Not analysis of problems

The rise of the New baby boomers

The dominance of the State

Economic growth and development

Think fast --- Slow decision making process FastImplementation Super fast Change Attitude

Ability to always question reality.

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Current cost centres:

� Operations Cost

� Salaries

Average Monthly overhead N3,000,000

Average yearly overhead N36,000,000

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Existing Revenue generators:

Adverts 6 Clients

Training 1 Client

Investor Relations 2 ClientsOthers - ?????

Average Yearly Earning N15,000,000

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Income Stream for August 2011 -2012

Average of 10 new advertisers

Average of 3 Retainership

Average of 3 Trainings comprising of both Private and Public Sector

Other Business Areas - ????






Average total revenue N90, 000, 000

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Adverts (10) N40,000,000

Retainership (3) - N 30,000,000

Trainings (3) N 5,000,000Others N 15,000,00

Total - N 90,000,000

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Realities in the Nigerian Market

It adores and worship excellence when it finds


Its a Dog eat Dog business environmentNo body will touch a bad product or brand

Halo effect Magic bullet theory 

Its a Mafia based system its either you are inthe group or not

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Challenges in the market

More for less

Extreme competition

First mover effect and me-too productsReduced corporate disposable income

Skills shortage

Sex appeal Creating a gap in the knowledgeeconomy

Unwillingness to change and accept new realities

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New Realities August 2011

We must maintain existing streams of income, while

developing new ones.

Effort must be made to sustain existing relationships.

All Hands must be on deck to initial, grow and

develop new streams of income.

We must ensure that we protect the Proshare brand

equity at all cost.

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Needs in the Unit

Competent Sales Person

In-house Creative Officer

Client Service Officer to be trained on how to carryout

business researchTraining in a graduate finishing School

N50, 000 average monthly operational costBreakdown:

Fuel for utility Cars N24,000

3 News Papers - N 9,000

Landline Credit N 6,000

Contingency N 19,000

TOTAL - N 50,000

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Proshare 5.0 Launch Initiative

� Average cost for launch N 10,000,000

�Breakdown will be forwarded after furtherconsideration.

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Thank you.