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1.Nephrolithotomy in a renal incision for what where? _______

stomach ulcers

kidney stones


2.Isotonia, the osmotic pressure of two or more solutions or substances, is best described how?? _______




3.Sarcolysis is what of the soft tissue or flesh? _______




4.Choose the correct definition of autosepticemia. _______

septicemia from resident viral bacilla or their toxins

septicemia from resident bacterial flora or their toxins

septicemia from resident fungi or their toxins

5.What does an apyrogenic (apyrogenetic) not cause? _______



a burning sensation

6.What is the location of epiotic? _______

alongside the ear

below the ear

above the ear

7.Myxangitis is inflammation of what? _______

the mucosa

mucous membranes

mucous gland ducts

8.What is apyrexia? _______

lack of fever


feverish state

9.Tenalgia (tenodynia) is what where? _______

pain in a tendon

inflammation in a tendons

pain from stretched muscle

10.During cystoscopy, what is examined? _______

the bladder

the kidney

the colon

11.Histopathology is the study of what? _______

cancerous tissue

diseased tissue


12.Choose the correct definition of anesthesia. _______

complete loss of sensation

partial or complete loss of sensation

partial loss of sensation

13.Idiopathic pertains to what? _______

illnesses of the immune system

illnesses that arise from one's own body

illnesses whose cause is uncertain or undetermined

14.What does parotic mean? _______

above the ear

below the ear

near the ear

15.Choose the correct descriptive phrase for metakinesis. _______

moving after

moving apart

moving together

16.Chondrectomy is the surgical excision of what? _______

the nails

bone spurs


17.A myxochondroma is a benign tumor composed of what? _______

myxomatous and chondromatous elements

myxomatous and histolysic elements

myxomatous and cytotoxic elements

18.What is hemangiectasis? _______

stretching of the blood vessels

enlargement of the blood vessels

dilation of the blood vessels

19.What induces mycosis? _______



muscle weakness

20.Oncolysis is the absorption or dissolution of what? _______

tissue cells

bone cells

tumor cells

21.Hypomyxia is diminished what? _______

secretion of mucus

muscle (tone)

presence of fungi

22.A hepatolytic has what effect where? _______

it is destructive to liver tissue

it is beneficial to liver tissue

it inflames liver tissue

23.Choose the correct definition of hypnogenic. _______


originating in sleep

producing sleep

24.Meningorrhagia is hemorrhage of what? _______

the cerebral or spinal membrane

the cerebral membrane

the cerebral and spinal membrane

25.With macrotia, what is abnormally large? _______

the lower extremities

the optic region

the ears

26.What effect does an ototoxic have on the 8th nerve or the hearing organs? _______




27.Rhinolithiasis is the formation of what? _______

nasal mucus

nasal blockage

nasal stones

28.During myotasis, what does the muscle do? _______




29.Choose the correct synonym for therapy. _______




30.What ruptures and escapes into the plasma when erythrocytorrhexis occurs? _______

red blood cells and particles or cell fragments

white blood cells and particles or fragments

platelets with particles or fragments

31.Where does an ectogenous infection originate? _______

inside the body

alongside the body

outside the body

32.Mycetogenetic means induced by what? _______

muscle weaknes



33.Dermatotherapy is the treatment of what? _______

skin abnormality

skin disease

skin inflammation

34.Otoncus is a tumor of what? _______

the ear

the nose

the sinus cavities

35.What is inflamed with telangiitis? _______

soft tissue

the tendons

the capillaries

36.An endotoscope is a speculum to examine what? _______

the nose

the ear

the sinus cavities

37.Choose the correct definition for pyretolysis. _______

causing fever

reducing fever

originating in fever

38.Choose the correct definition of encephalomyelopathy. _______

any disease of the brain and spinal cord

any disease of the brain

any disease of the spinal cord

39.Orthopsychiatry is the branch of psychiatry concerned with what? _______

mental and emotional development

child psychiatry

accepted psychiatric practices

40.With atelocheiria, what is the state of the hand? _______

abnormal development

complete development

incomplete development

41.Kinesiatrics (kinesiotherapy) is treatment involving what? _______


exercise or movement


42.Iatrology is the study or science of what? _______

medical mistakes


the medical profession

43.What is formed from osteogen? _______




44.What does an antihemorrhagic do? _______

causes hemorrhage

induces hemorrhage

prevents or arrests hemorrhage

45.What produces an autoantitoxin? _______

the body itself



46.From where is rhinorrhea discharged? _______

the nose

the mucous membranes

the sinus cavities

47.Choose the correct definition of akinesia. _______

complete or partial loss of muscle movement

complete or partial loss of movement

complete or partial loss of sensation

48.What is observed in the stomach with gastric atony? _______

lack of muscle tone

lack of muscle tone and failure to contract

excessive muscularity

49.Polyotia is the state of having what? _______

more than two ears

less than two ears

abnormal ears

50.Osteoarthropathy is any disease involving what? _______

the muscles and joints

the joints and bones

the bones and muscles
