5th September 2019 - Issue 14 - Frankston Heights Primary ... · ICAS Assessments Congratulations...


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5th September 2019 - Issue 14


Mon 9th September

Prep Dino Excursion

Wed 11th—Fri 13th


3/4 Camp

Tues 17th September

ICAS English

Tues 17th September

Cyber Safety Parent Night 6.30-7.30pm

Tues 17th September

Voices of Frankston Choir


Thurs 19th September

ICAS Maths

Fri 20th September

Footy Day

Fri 20th September

End Term 3—2.30PM Finish

Mon 7th October

Term 4 Begins

Tues 8th October

HPV Parent Meeting 6PM

Wed 9th October

Division Athletics

Wed 23rd October

5/6 Cricket Day

Tues 29th October

2020 Prep Parent Info Night 6.30PM

Wed 30th October


(order forms to be sent home Term 4)

Term 3 Ends: Friday 20th September. 2.30pm. Footy Day

Assembly held 9.00am

Dear Parents, Yr 3-6 Camping Program Our Year 5/6 Campers are enjoying fine weather while mountain bike riding, canoeing, hut building, cooking damper, bush walking and track riding over the lake via the ’Flying Fox’, this week at Camp Weekaway. As a school, we value these camping experiences for the students to experience new challenging activities, supported by social opportunities to build and strengthen friendships. We look forward to the return of our senior students on Friday afternoon. A Flexibuzz will be sent to 5/6 parents with an estimated arrival time for collection of our happy campers. Next week, our Year 3/4 students will venture to Camp Oasis in Mt Evelyn, for a 3 day camping program. For our Year 3 students, this will be their first camping experience with our school. The children will participate in a wonderful program, incorporating many social opportunities with their group of friends. Both these camps are the culmination of months of planning and preparation and I sincerely thank all staff and parent volunteers attending camp for your supervision and care of all students. Safe travels to all. Fathers Day Thank You I hope all dads had a memorable Fathers’ Day last Sunday with their family and loved ones. Our ‘Friends of Heights’ Parent Committee, ensured a wide range of special gifts were displayed for sale at our Fathers Day Stall throughout the week. I thank our parent committee for organising these gifts. Happy Fathers’ Day to our special dads. Cybersafety Parent Session– Tuesday 17 September 6.30pm I hope all parents will take the opportunity to attend our Parent Cybersafety Session on Tuesday 17 September, commencing at 6.30pm. I cant emphasis the importance enough of keeping our young children safe online and our police presenters will provide an excellent informative session for all attendees. Don’t miss out by locking away the date and coming along to build your family’s knowledge and capacity for a safe future. Partners in Harmony Choir—Tuesday 17 September 7.15pm Following our Cybersafety Parent Session, our Dance Troupe and School Choirs will be performing along with the Voices of Frankston at our Partners in Harmony concert. This will begin at 7.15pm in the school hall. There is a $5 entry fee for adults and a gold coin donation for children. There is no cost to students performing at this event. Footy Day– Last Day Term 3—Friday 20 September—2.30pm Dismissal. Don’t forget our ‘Footy Day’ and special lunch order on offer. Students can wear free dress on the day and are encouraged to wear their team ‘footy team colours’! We will hold our final assembly at 9am which will include our Footy Parade. Following our assembly will be our Teachers vs Year 6s footy match. It will be a fun day and great way to end our term. School will finish at 2.30pm on this day, please make any necessary arrangements for student collection. Have a wonderful weekend. Kind Regards, Mrs Clark Principal Frankston Heights Primary School

SMOKE FREE ZONE From 13 April 2015, smoking is banned within four metres of an entrance to all primary and secondary schools in Victoria, and within the school grounds, under an amendment to the Tobacco Act 1987. A similar ban applying to the entrances and grounds of Victorian childcare centres and kindergartens is also in place. The smoking ban applies to: Anyone present on or around the school premises before, during & after school hours including students, teachers, contractors, parents/guardians or the wider community such as sporting groups etc. All activities that take place on school premises including pre-schools, kindergartens, outside school hours care, cultural, sporting or recreational activities and school fetes. This ban has been put in place to ensure that all school community members can enter and leave school grounds and the surrounding area without being exposed to second-hand smoke. The school expects the school community to abide by this ban for the health and safety of students, parents and teachers. Frankston City Council have been in contact with our school regarding registered complaints about parents smoking at the entrance gates to our school. Environmental Officers have previously attended the school to investigate these complaints, and people have been spoken to and warned about the seriousness of passive smoking around children. If parents do not comply with the no-smoking signs, they will be fined.

A message from the Assistant Principal. FATHER’S DAY STALL I hope all our Father’s had a Happy Father’s day! Thank you to all students who purchased something special from our Father’s Day stall. The FOH team raised $1186 from this fundraiser. Thank you also to all our Friends of Heights team who worked diligently on this stall to make it such a great success. RESTORATIVE PRACTISES Don’t forget to visit the Real Schools website on Restorative practises. There are some great articles and webinars that our staff are tapping in to. You can access them all. Just head to the Member Login tab at www.realschools.com.au and use the login/password frankstonhps to have a look at all that we’re working on at school. TERM FOUR PLANNING Next week our teachers will be attending their Term 4 Planning days. They will be developing exciting and engaging Curriculum Planners for Term 4. BUDDY BUS STOP THE BUDDY BUS STOPS HAVE ARRIVED! In the next week you will see our new Buddy Bus Stops in the school. We would like to sincerely thank Francis Beck for making them. This initiative came from our STUDENT VOICE TEAM. It’s a place where students can go if they can’t find their friend. When one of our wonderful students sees someone alone waiting at the bus stop they will help them to find their friend. Have a great weekend everyone!

Jodi Craig


Adam C Ollie K

Jazmine JN Hudson R Phillipos D Sakura HT

Lilli O Oscar D Darius T Jessica R

Ella P Blake W Madison L Aiden L

Mitchell L

Sophie R Finley S Max M

Cooper L Tiffany P Hunter R Kaylee N

Ali O Christopher G

Harvey P Aasha S Vikram P Taylah M Banjo G Shaye D

23rd August Prep A: Avalon B

Prep M: Jarrod H & William M Prep R: Felix H

Prep S: N/A 1/2B: Liam S

1/2D: Willow L 1/2H: N/A

1/2G: Omer A 1/2J: Jayden P & James W

3/4D: Ruby L 3/4K: Hermione M

3/4O: Cruz S 5/6L : Memphis W

5/6M: Drew C 5/6R: Daisy F

5/6V: N/A

30th August Prep A: N/A

Prep M: Kiara B Prep R: Hunter

Prep S: Bodhi M 1/2B: Harry L 1/2D: Max H

1/2H: N/A 1/2G: Kai R

1/2J: Kaylee N 3/4D: Lachlan M 3/4K: Isabelle D 3/4O: Vikram P

5/6L : Marrissa B 5/6M: Caitlin R 5/6R: Zander C 5/6V: Darian C

ICAS Assessments

Congratulations to all the FHPS students who sat the ICAS Science assessment on Friday August 30.

Results for this assessment will be available shortly.

The ICAS English and Mathematics assessments will be held in the last week of term 3 for all students in

levels 2 – 6 who registered at the end of term 2, 2019.

Sitting dates for the remaining ICAS assessments are:

Assessment Date

English Tuesday September 17

Mathematics Thursday September 19


Partners in Harmony Frankston Heights Primary School Choirs & Dance Troupe

together with the Voices of Frankston

Tuesday 17th September at 7:15pm Frankston Heights School Hall

$5.00 Entry Adults

Gold Coin for Non-Participating Students

Our annual Footy Day will be held on the final day of Term 3; Friday 20th September. As this is the final day of term 3, school will be dismissed at 2.30pm.

This will be a free dress day with students encouraged to come dressed in their team colours—No Gold Coin needed! The day will begin with our final assembly for Term 3 at 9.00am which will include a parade for each AFL Team. Following assembly we will also hold our annual ‘teachers vs students’ match, and some footy themed activities in the classroom!

On the day, we will also hold a Special Lunch of a Meat Pie OR Vegetable Pastie OR Sausage Roll, Nudie Juice And Berri Fruit Icy pole for $5.00. This lunch will be pre-order only.

Please return the slips below, including money to the school office by:



Frankston Heights Primary School


Please find enclosed $5 for my child_________________________________

in Grade _________ for Footy Day activities and Special Lunch Order.



Meat Pie OR Vegetable Pastie OR Sausage Roll

Plus Nudie Juice Plus Berry Fruit Stick Icy Pole

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