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Korean War

Korean War Project Record: USMC-2134

CD: 21

United States Marine Corps History Division

Quantico, Virginia

Records: United States Marine Corps

Unit Name: 1st Marine Division

Records Group: RG 127

Depository: National Archives and Records Administration

Location: College Park, Maryland

Editor: Hal Barker

Korean War Project

P.O. Box 180190

Dallas, TX 75218-0190


Korean War Project USMC-07802264DECLASSIFIED


FIRST ENDORSGMENT on CO lstBn 5thMar ltr eer 1390 o! 4 Sep 1953

From: CoiiiiiWlding O!!icer, 5th Ma.rines To: Commandant o! th8 Marine Corps Via: (1) Commanding General; let Ma.rine Division (Roin!), FMF

(2) Co~n4ing General, Fleet ~~ine Force. Pacific

1/reJ A6-5 Ser: Oof..?o 9 Sep 1953

Subj: Command Diary !or August 1953 '"

1, Forwa.rded.




Korean War Project USMC-07802265DECLASSIFIED

74 111':5


SECOND ENDORSEMENT on 00, 1stBn 5thMar 1tr ser 1380 of 4 Bep 1963

From: To:

CommBJlding General, 1st Marine Division (Beinf), FMF Commandant of the Ll"ine Corps

Via: Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific

Subj: Cbmmand Diary for August 1963

1. Forwarded.

2· The ee our! ty olae8if'1oat1on of this endorsement is removed when detached from the basic document.

Copy to:

:~ g~

&.AN Sii.Ar.LJC'i By direo tion

FMFPao (1) .. 2d MarDiv (1) 3d MarDiv (1) Pacific neet Evaluation Group (1) MOB, Oa~~~p Penile ton (1) let Prov :Marine .Ai~GrourA. Task Forces (l) 8&0 Files (1)




Korean War Project USMC-07802266



• ,,, .. ,,., ... , ....

,. ' .•• J

• 0805/165 Al2 Ser 0 0 8 3 9 ·I I

'0\Jl 7 1953

THIPJ> ENDOFtS:HM!N'r on CO letBn 5tr.Mar 1 tr eer 1380 ot 4 Sep 19f)~

From: To:

Commanding General. Fleet Marine Force, Pacitio Commandant ot th• Marine Corps

Su'bj: Command Diary tor August 1953

l. Forwarded.

2. Th1s endorsement 1e·downgraded to unolass1f1ed upon detachment trom the basic document.

~~.f:~~Qif By direction

Copy to: CG lstMarDiv




Korean War Project USMC-07802267



• • I lEADQ.UAR'£ERS lst Battalion, 5th Marines

lst Marine Division, Fleet Marine Force c/o Fl'0 1 San Francisco, California

sgcu.:.rry INFQHMJ,TION

From: Commanding Officer To: Commandant of the !1arine Co.cps Via: (1) Commanding Off.Lcer, 5th Hal'ines

(2) Commandir:g Gcn,cral, 1st Marine Divisl.on, FHF

( 3) CommarH..line General, Fleet t·1arine Force, Pacific

Subj: Corm:lB.nd D:i.ar;:rr for .''~ugu.st. 1953

R"f: (a) Para 11401, MCii (b) FMl"Pac GO 21 (Hev) of 11 Mar 1952 (c) lstNarDiv GO 90 of 13 Nov 1952

3/res 00 Ser: 1380 4 Sept 1953

(d) ~laps: ~.~)hJ,l~, t:~,,ooo t\lviS 1851 sheets 6527 I tn:; 65~7 TV NE 66?7 1V l'IW; 6627 IV SW


Throughout the month r>f ll.ugust, the lst Battalion, 5th JVlarincs continued

manning the outpnst lin"' of resisttu1C8 within the genJral boundarius of the

old regim~ntal sector. Hi thin this z-:1ne of responsibility 1 pr-t:vi_ously es­tablished outposts were improved and ndditional outposts werE; constructed to

giv .. ~ dt.:pth to th,; defonsiv0 position. In addit:!.on, w.issions of pn.trolling

the battalion sector am! training we're carried out. Companies comlt:ctrcd

basic training as far '"' \1as practicable ur,d<:cr the; existing tactj.ca l commit­


"A" and uc11 Cornpani~s l~stablishf;d new Command Posts at CT 0359i:J9 und

CT 066014 respect,:! vely, Lacll cornp'l.ny esteblished and devdoped outposts in

d~:.::pth •J.nd of incrc!ttsing strength from front to :rear. 'rhese posit.ions fornod

succes;;i,v~ lines f:eon t,h" origin:.l outpost lin8, which roughly parallels the

southern boundarJr of t.ho Demilitarized Zorw, south to LinEl KANSAS pt·otactin.q

the flpoonbill anri Honkur Ferries ( C'l' 086972 and CT 067956),

11B 11 COlnp'JJ1Y cwct l·!e:apons GompD.ny occupic:d Line.: :ill.!\. SAS and bogt=~n a program

of bunker construction m1fl trench improvertGnt, ln addition, three combnt out­

posts ·wcre estt.:bl.ishud to th-::: inu-iK;dititu front of this line :u"1d the vrork of

dr'V<Olopl.ng th, ·r, begun,

The patrol miosion was n.ccornplishod ir. th<- following manr,<or, "A" and "C"

Companies condt1ctcd routine '"ire patrols h0twGen thu forward outpouts and

road check points n.long the south0rn bcun<kwy of the D8rrd.litarizcd Zone, "l:!" Comprmy llk'tintnincd nightly motorized pntrols on all ro.3.ds throuF,hout the Lat­

t,;;_lion ~~one of responsibility. ilBH Comp'3.ny also niCJ.nncd Cr·os$ing Stnt:i.ons on

all roads leading into th,_ Dur.dlit:wized ,;one from this arEca, Constant supccr­

vision of c.,.ll pc;1~~3onn0l 0-r.,d vehiclss enturii\~ the Zone w~;::1 c.:.,_rried out in ac­

cordancu with th" provisions of the Truce undel' roeirnontal control,



'• , ··r~


"~ .. .. ·,'

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• 3/rcs 00 SrJr: 13M 4 Sept 1953

Observation posts wt re maintcine:d on the forw.:,rd outpost line, k:~eping

constant surveillance over th0 Demilitarized Jon~ r.nd all enemy ac:ti vity to t.h~ front# Durir.g the_, latter pnrl of the month this observation was extbnd­ed to frior.dly :d.rcraft all an additional chock on possible' truce violrtions, No such viol'ltior,s uccurrccd,

On 26 August tlw b11ttalion comme.nd post ~ras mJvcd frorr. CeJnp Moy0 rs (CT 04701·3) to Camp Hvoo (CT 078·994) in accordance vfith the Uefwnsivc scheme of maneuvc:r.. 3."nik.1';' a:,d drainag<o faciliticoc. wo1·e installed and a progr",m of camp improvement ltNlD C~!.rri:.::d out throughout th".J r':2st of th8 month.

Religious services, both Ca·cholic rnd Prot0:1tnr:t \•lc:ro held each Sunday in the Battalion Commai,ct Post and dailJ' in Lbo outlying corrrpcny areas.

One USO show was sc~:en during thu month and r!l.ovic s ,.·;rcr(: hclJ ra.r,rrt..Ly in tho bnttalion area, we11thur peor::ti.tting. An av-orage of 21 men ench week were <',•vr'n lvi ... -.:;+,..., .... .:;,...,.,,., .:::!,.,,,.,,....:;..,, n.+ .. r .;.,., .In ......... .,., ~,....,. ~~~ ~~vJ, .J..VV.L .J..V<..Lo.J '-'j·"-V..I.C.~.I.. ...,.._.....,,_, .1-~• - '-'•J:-'<. .. ~<Ii'

A chango of col,mcqnd took plac0 during th<J month with Lieutenant Colonel Kj_rby B, VICK rdiGvi.:g Licuknant Colonul J, B, BU1'1'l'RFIELD as Bat-talion Conunander on 9 Aut,>Ust 1953.




Korean War Project USMC-07802269


2, CHl10NOLOGI Cl.L Fl\1-U:ATI Vi£

1 - 6 AUGUST


• 3/res 00 Ser: 1380 4 Sept 1953

All units o.f the batt,_\lior: wore engaged on the development and improve­mont o.f previously established positions, Heavy rainfall on 1 August neccs­sit<'lted extensive repair work on drn.inage facilities throughout tht; period.. On 2 August, holiday routine prevailed throughoCAt the day. Many o.f the m0n attended various chu1•ch services and eur,r.tged in conp~titive athletics during the afternoon, Beginning 5 Augus~ salv8gc of construction nntcerials for defensive positions was carried out both in the Demilitarized Zone and in the area s;:,uth of the Zen" from which supporti_ng units had been withdrawn, Supervision of opcrationn vlithin the Zone wao condllcted by Crossing sta­tions manned by "B" Company pcrsonn,~-1, in accordanc'' 1dth the provisions of the Truce and diroctivc;e' fr·o,:; battalion and higher authority,


Personnel of the 35th Repla.comont Draft ,joined the Battalion, . A theatre Indoctrination lecture was held :,nd Annex Easy of Division General Order 133 was road and explained to the new mon. Construction and salvage opwrations wore continued as before.


LtCol, ·J, B. BlJTTI~HFIELD was detached from the battalion this date. Normal routine of improvement of defensive positions continued~ The l)at­talion baud wunt to Inchon to entertain aboard the USHS Repose,

9 - i~UGUST

LtCol. 'K. B. VICK joined the batt-:--.lion this date and assw11ed comm:lnd. Holiday routine prcwcih'd throughout the battalion with various church ser­vices and nthl<;>tic competitions held in thco Comma.nd Post area,

10 - J,UGUS'l'

v!ork continu.wd on all dufensivCJ,positions, Salvage operations continucu wJ.th prior1.vy on vne recovery of bunker materials. voJ.onc:l TOiviPKINS1 tnc RegimentL\l Corranandc,r inspuctcd lst B.3ttalion outposts and zone of rosponsibil• ity.

11 15 AUCWST

All units continu'd th.:o d evolopmont of their assigned areas, On 15 f>ugust, the battalion band w~nt to Inchon to entertain aboard tho2 ·uss H0p0s'8 0

16 - /,,:uGUST

Holida.:x- routine prc:.vailod throughout th~:; rlay! ~Iany hatt.:.:tlion personnel attended r,;~igious servicotJ am! cmgaged in athlGtics in the company areas during ~ho aftc,ruOCJil,

SEC!lli'T ... 3-DECLASSiFiED


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17 - AlJGU,S'r

• 3/r,;s 00 Ser: 1380 4 Sept 1953

\rlork continncd on ~1.11 dEofensiv" positions, J\t 1630 this date, 11A11 T'•nk

Cor.ipo.ny cn:1unitioll d.w11p 1 _iJGar the lst Battalion Comrnand Post, exploded; The

Battalion M<•dical S•cction was e.lerted and steps >lore taker:. to -'llsuru that

all personnel rcm.ai£H.:d in ~-·!ithc~ ... covt:!red or defilade positions. The explos­

ions continuod until abou~ 1800, No casualtie;s were sustainud, Th" cause of

the acc:l.dcnt wuo uncle.-. ·tarrr:lned~~

Construction and snlvagu c.cmtinued as before, Priority of construction

wc..n-t to nuto:matic t·1enpon~: r~mplact:monta and tndividual fighting holes. All

outposts workod on s;v stems of <:11 around dcfcns•.J,


ncn Company ditlplac0d their Cor:mnd Post to CT066014 in accorc.!t1nce i:d.th

th·.: extension in dopth of t.hoil' defonsivo positions, i.ll units continued

norrrlill work. A USO Shov: ·~~~~.s pres,;;.ntcd in the bat.t['.lion the,3.tre ~rith a. large

porcent;:\gcJ of battalion personnel nttGnding,

20 - 22 i<UGUST

All Corr:pLmics workod on th..:~i.r dofcnsiv0 positions w1vn Hjl!! ''ud r!c!!

Companies primarily conc,rned with tho Cor:tbat Outposts 8.ncl "B" ac.d l:'Juapons·

CompanitJs developing t:-H-; rr"'"'~in battl0 position Line F .. ANS..l1.S~


"A" Cvnp1my clisplr,~ed thoir Co!n11k1.lld Post to C'f035989 in accordance with

tho dof~nsiv" plan, :,11 oth"r units participat.•.Jo in holiday routine, Re­

ligious sorviccs HGr•, att<Jndc;cl by many personnel in the Co!n11k"'md Post aroa,

24 - 25 •>UGUST

\'lork on tho Cl'J.trosts and Line KJ,NSAS progressGd as b.Jfore, S::tlvage

at ions continued >rith all available vchicl<es asJigncd to hauling t ir:tbel'o

arations were mad<> for cl:l.splt.~.c.cmcmt of tho br:tt:J.lion conmw.nd post,

26 - 27 AUGUST

The lst Bntt~d.:i.on, )th Ha3.~ine Com~iand. Post displ~ccd to c~.mn Hosu CTO'J8<JQ1J.

vn 26 ;lugust. ,,.11 tccnt;;go wn:e t.ram>fcrr"d from th" old to the n~w ar•Ja .1.nd · · · drainQgG and s.:.~nitation progru.m began, J~l. gon.._:ral c!•.mp i1t1provcmont. progr.::.u

was carrie"! on throughout the rest of the month, Camp security wan set np :end

a. ~hr_,w··'r 1n1:i_t. i.nstall.:;d., 11 An c.nd 11 C11 Conpanics continued work on the out­

posts. iiBii 3.nd \:·!capons Companies displncod ltrith th··~ conLrna.nd gr·ou.p to Cawp




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Construction ancl salvage continued as before.

G-4 insp8ctod tho now cm,tpsi~o.

29 - 31 .\lJGlTST

3/rcs 00 Ser: 1380 4 Sept 1951

Colonel Ivoy, Division

\IJ"ork continuvd on aJ.l defc:nGi vo pos:Lticnr-; and car:1p facilities, On

29 ;,ugust, 1otCol., F<::!iG\JSON 1 the Division Inspector, inspected C.'\nip Meyor

tht:. old Cou.mn.nd PooL Post~ · Nor10al routine pi~cvailcd throughout the· r&.

nainder of.the period.


I Dir<:loti vcs rocoi vod

II Directives i.•1Guc,d lli Ov<>rlays IV llGport s and sunua'1.rio f; V Fhotographtc :-.uppl(.;r-u~nt (Nog~Lti vc)

VI Commont.:: and rocov.mct'd:ttions (Nogativo)





Korean War Project USMC-07802272DECLASSIFIED

• s:c;cm·,r SECU,UTY INFOilMnTION

• 3/ros 00 Sc;r: 13$0 4 Sept 1953

ilppeondix I to 1st Battalion, 5th M'lrinus Commz.nd Dir-ry for ;mguAt 1953

1, Directiv0~ rocdved

a, Operation Plans tmd Orders

O;:>n 0 16-53

b, Orders and ~~'·mor.o.ndums


1, CO 5thnrtr eli sp 0100351 2, cc 5th~;,_,r <lisp 0)1710I 3, co 5thEar uisp 04li~;;·ur 4, CO )thAm:• cli.sp 0'i1115I 5. CO 5th~'L:~:r diop 0611001 6, co )thi-l'l.r disp 060030I 7, CO 5thl1br disp 0713h0I 8. CO 5th¥.:"cr disp 131430I 9, CO 5th}br di sp l41525I

10, CO 5thHar disp 1509301 11. CO 5thNar disp 151535 ( 12. CO ~JthHar disp 1709J6I 13, CO 5thr'u.r <.lisp 171710! 14, CO 5tht·hr cUsp 180930! 15, CO 5thM:•.r Clisp l81430I 16~ CO 5thi'~cr di sp 1818451 17. CO 5thHar disp 1913561 18, CO 5thl-inr disp ~915501 19. CO 5thNar (:isp 2~ll30I 20, CO 5thl'lvr cli.sp 2212251 21. CO Sthl'"br di sp 221915! 22, CO 5thl<iar disp 241500! 23, CO 5thlic'.r disp 261540!

24, c:o 5th;:Ja di sp 2G0903I 25, CO 5thi•ID.r disp 30llli5I

Occupf).tion ~nd defence <'f Gcnr.;rnl Outpost. Line.

No Po.ss Sic;ns, lLplacin,;: ,,f M, P, Cbeck Points, E:stab l:Lshing of lte(}ue st a ewar•ch f"o:r- wopp.;ns

J,'£i~ i:lcplt•ccmonts1 Tr0.nsportation for H:::ritorious Promotion.; Quotas £or lkr.10val of Hi.nus, Cautiun in Dvfccti ve ,"cmr.:o • Handling of N. H, PursormcJ., Rc<Jnlistelont of Az:Lwth BoD.rds1 l':roct,ion of Sooul L:i.b0rty, Cancoll&"Linn of Clas8 5 Eat erial, Inventory of U SO She._ . ., 1 Schodul-.; of 32nd Hot~J.tion Dmft 1 Eligibility for V...::hiclc maintonancu court.o C:.cmoufle.gc Nets, proper uG.) of Heukly ,-kap'm ch0ck1 lniti ction of Pets, pGrTii~sion for Sharp .. nod B".youet o 1 Prohibition. •.1f Kyu.shu Flood Drive, &tension of Fiold Sanitation, Improvcr:ccmt of N,C,O, School, Quotas for Ctt.sualiticn, ~·~r·rrno rDsponeiblo for Crossing Stations ll and 12, clo<dng of I Corps i.rr:r.1o lots S•1pcnd<od for Inju:cie:s fror~ nu.ncs, Ruportirlg of


Korean War Project USMC-07802273DECLASSIFIED


• 3ins 00 Ser: lJSO 4 Sept 1953

•• ppvndix II to 1st Bnttnlion, 5th l·k.rines Covll'.land Diary for .:cugust 1953

1, DiructiYc<S iscJUGd

a, Op0ration



b, Orders and

Order Or·dcr Order Order Ord0r

Meeo ~bmo ¥kmo ~1\...)mo

c. Nossa.gc~3


plans and

0 77-53

0 ""'" '"'"' !::">'II UV'-.(0 .... /;J


Dofonso of the OPI.Jl

Defense' of t.he general outposts anc~

withdrawal to def.:msive bridgehead,


25-53 26-5J 27'-53 2$-53 3~53

15-53 1?-53 18-53 2CJ-53

Control of ;.;nt:r-y to D. ~~.

J~ssumption of Cor~·.k-md.

Cross.i..ng ,stat.ions SOP battalion conuarmd poet •

Dunker Cor,struction.

I~i'fcctiv-;; battalion directives, Meritoriuus promotiO(lS• Hoenlistmc•nt prog<'~.m. Pi..:rsonncl security clearance,.



Korean War Project USMC-07802274

Operation Order No, 77-53

Encl: (l) OPt. ov1y

lstEn, 5thl·:ar (1teinf) Det. l/11 arty Ln Tm .,ect 75 n;t 1.1' 5thl;ar

a. 11 1~" Co (Heinf) dect i\Th Arty FOtm 81 Hort FOtm 3ect 75 .c1 . ..T

b, 118 11 Co (Heinf)

Arty FOtm 81 ~,ort r'Otm

c. 11 C" Co (:teinf) Sect iSil. P.rty FOtm 81 1\orl FOtm Sect Hl'!G

d, Hpns Co (-)

l, a, (1) Current Pih 1s.

(2) Info dissem as r;;c,


• lstBn, 5thNar (;ieinf) lntl~iar-Div (Ibinf) I\.. Tli:.; FELD 29 ,July 1953

LtCol BUTT .• lFLLTl

Capt \FFL~C~\.

Capt Jr::t. ~ i.OCi.',

Capt . ~D~JO).'

Major C:~LL :J<l

(1) 5thl'.B.r (H.einf) occ, organ, def OPLU in :Jiv sector vrith 2ndBn on left 1 1stlJn in center, 3rdBn on right.

(2) C./S 4,2 1'1orta.r Co (-), D/o lstBn, llthEar.

2, a. (1) lstf'n, 5thl\ar (.leinf) occ, organ, def OPL!l in center Bn sector prior H/48.

(2) ~.aint readiness immediat<J comb, Prep resumption full scale opn. .~·:aint 0 in area of respor·sibility~ Conduct work tasks and rcc actv to insure maint of highest standards of dspln and morale,




Korean War Project USMC-07802275DECLASSIFIED

' • SbClW...T S.:CUil.ITY ll.FOclh.TIJN ______ ...,_

OPI\ O.,l.DC.:-~ lUhlLR 77-53 CON 1T

3. a. ll,AH ,.., I,..~ - ' --.co\ vo \.ii.I;:,.:.Lfll. J

(1) Prep to occ, org.·.n, def COP's 11, }2, and (oadblock JcBLZ

b, 11 B11 Co (iicinf)

(lj Prep to assume msn of, OPLR Co's,

(2) Prep to reinf COP's in Bn sec,

(3) Provide p<Jrsonnel for rear 2.roa patrols.

(4) l·!an roadblocks Krd::.n, CtLHLIE, :;. :o,y, FOX.

c. 11 Ci 1 Co .(.Rein!)

{' \ ,.._, Prep to orgc.n fL. and ''l.oadblock WG.

d, Wpns Co (-)

(1) 81 Nort plt.

a. Prep to spt COP's from pr<eviously solE-ctcx: psns,

(2) HhG I-latoon (-).

a. Pr0p to doliver overhead fire in SU)Jport of CO?• s from

prE:viously s..,l8ctcd psns.

x, (l) Apprd10nd uneuth personnel at+,empting to cross no pass line

from :Jouth 2.nd cvac "Shrough Provost ?·:·v.rBhal channels.

(2) Une.uth p...::rsor.nel tl.P?~oe.c!1ing ~10 ~Y1ss line fror:1 i\iorth t'lill be

informci of the no pass li::•c :-cg. If they persist they t-rill

be apprchm:dcd and fe'!EcC through Provost Fr.rsh''.l channels,

(3) .·ieapons will not be firod except on ordwr of BDttalion

Cor.rrnander to repel at tr::.ck.

(4) Gon outposts in o·:-,.ch Co sector Hill consist. of gcty, spt,

and reo 8lms, Scty CJlrns v1ill consist of a line of out­

guc.rds and j_ ... oving ptl.s w/iol msn; r:Bnning rd blocl<s

on prin avcnnvs of 2..f~pro.:lch along no-pass line, .covering

inti..rvo.ls b13t-wel.:n rd blocks, and .-~rea bGtvr:::;cn no-po.ss line

0cnd 3 bdry of dGl<U.litarhc.d :C. Obs d<Jmilitf\riz8d l.

(5) C:ontact betHeen l"Oadblocks, CQ,·t s by patroL~ loft to right.



Korean War Project USMC-07802276 DECLASSIFIED

• - - - - - - - -Ol'l1 O.,D.:Jl hUML~:t 77-53

C0r 1T

(6) .Priority of work: A/,1 weapone pas, Ind fighting pas, Trenches,

OP, CJ:>, Fortar pas, clear fields of fire; Tac and protective


(7) Spt anG Res elms.

a, Prep to sieze on Bn 0 only, rav tc;rrain from v1hich

to obs into demilitarized ; and pl.~ce fire on en

forc~s in event of un on ~ct of ~ggr~ssion in· Vio­

letion of armistice agr->ement, In occupying te>·rain

for this purpose, fr forc~s •nll not adv beyond do­

lltD.rcation line,

b, Orgn and def intermediate psns on key terrain between S

bdry of demilitarized c and post armistice l··iBP to protect

ridges and cover daylight withdrawal of gen outposts,

·~onduct a delaying action to allow orderly •~ithdrawal

to ~BP on Bn 0,

(8) Orgn search c.nd recovery t<>ams and thoroughly search

demilitarizc.d 2 in En sector and evac all UC bodies

incl Kat usa and KSC to gr reg svc coll pta, ·here

places of burial arc a matt<>r of record and en gr:wes

actually exist permit unarmed en gr rag pers proper

id0nt to enter En sector for purpose of r~covery and

evac of en dead fol predesignat8d routes, These pers

will be ko:,t under close surve:!.llnnce by fr pers and

prohibit~d from carrying cameras.

( 9) Ca··refully l!Ulrk, dostroy or rGmove dml, minbfivlds, ,,•ire

<>ntc.nglcmcnts, and other hazards as dir by!> .C. Pr<:cp ovly

1:25,000 of c,afe h.ncs thru all wir<> ents.nglements, dml,

minefields, known explosives, and simil~r he.zards to tre.v

within .S bdry oi de:mi.lit&rizcd .~ !'

{10) ,.,ark S bdq of thi> den·ilitarized !. w/air .oA.ncls to e.sst acft

in d0termining bc.',ry.

(ll) Prior to H plus 84 lac and list all valuabl~ mtl which should

be salv but cannot be accomplished dur this prescribed time,

(12) }1o entry forwtcrd of no-pas:' line. bo any p0rsonnd e.ft0r H plus

84 hours pvrmittud without &pproval this Hqs.

(13) All salv opns in thu demilit~?.rizsd .~ will beo complickd prior D

plus 48 und<O;r supv of l·~~c using unarm<O;d trps or indir;cnous

pers. 1,11 working partic.s in dmJ. · Z Hill be und.or super­

vision of an officer.


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s~ .. :,::;rr~T ' • s.:.;cuarrY IHu:tk .Tr,l~'

-------_____ .,_


- - - - - - - .-(14) .. (ept any violations by fr or en of armistice ngrc.c,ment

to this Hq innn.;,diately,

4, a. Pers c-c:rry bnsic load ammo,

b. (l) r~vac norm.

(2) COP's e ,tabl o~m ambulance and helicopter pickup pts, rpt loc,

(3) Bn aid station present loc,

(4) One ~.nd ont:-ho.lf (1 1/2) days ::en r~tion will b0 ma.i:ntc.dnod on each GOP.

5, a. (1) Curr SOl in eff.

(2) Carry front line pan€!ls,

b, (l) Bn CP prosent loc.

(2) COF rpt loc of CP as cst.:.bl.


CH ,;1,r..::;S i,. l".C f ... 1TLH' lJfajor-, u. J. lJlarinc Corps

Executive Officer

rtNNi;X .-.BLl::: (Org My Terrain Fe11turbS (OPL.1)

DI .::.T: ,;pJc,CI.il.L

0-F -F -I-C-1-1,-L

,f!}, 0 R.~-~ .. O. llO~.:

~iajor, UJNC 3-3



Korean War Project USMC-07802278DECLASSIFIED


i..nn.;JX ,,Bk to "Pil 0 77-53

J.1ap: l~Oit-...... <. 1 1:25,000

• lstBn, 5thFr.r ('<.dnf) lstr-E.rJiv (:<einf) Ii\ TtL.~ FI.:i;LJ 29 July 1953

l, a. (l) Terrain fsdurcs to be orgr.nizod 11ithin the. b ttle position will

be those th-; enemy must capt:.1r~ prior to a major edvanco.

(2) ,.11 positions will be pr~p~red for au around o.wl<ms'-' s,;;lf sust"in­

ing and capablu of continued resistance> oven wh.on surroundc,d or bypt.ssed,

Tactical 'viro (Smith Fenc;:; or double apron fonc~·~ w·ill b0 closely coordinatc:d

with finr.l protc.ctiv.c lin<:s. Positions will be completc:ly enclos"d by pro­

tt1cti v'-'.! 1Airc =

(3) i.ach position >fill b.:. orgr.niz->d in a complotG porim~tcr to !DGI:lt

~.n attac:( from any dir<>ction with sorn.:o cl<,monts dieiposed in depth, whenever

possible, to nrovi·!'. a second or inner perimeter. l:utora: tic weapons should

be dispost.:..d in depth to provide continuity to th~ defuns0 in ca.sw of ~ncmy

pcm<:tration of the. out.cr perim&tur.

(4) Troops not cngc.g"d be· th0 enemy attc.ck will b.; uswd to rcinforc->

or rwgain a portion of th~ perimuter.

(5) Communication Trvnches:

(a) 'ill b0 a minimum of 6~ d,;;cr~nsc Vlllncrability to !;:nfiladc fire·;

frequont turns to

(b) 'Jill "'-' proprrod with ov<:rhoad cov...,r 2.t int"rvc'.ls ~.long th~

tronch to furnish prot"ction ageinst VT shelling.

(c) :"ill be usud to connuct fighting positions within pt::..rim~.;.t.;rs

b1.1t normally Hill not be us<..d to connoGt s_p;,ratc; t;:-.ctic:cl loce.litios.

(d) ·ill b;:. of sufficient. width to allo>~ a str,tch"r to pe.ss


(6) Individual Fighting ?ositions:




' f•


'~ ·;s. . '

Korean War Project USMC-07802279DECLASSIFIED

t • SiCUlilTY lNFOiiE .TIOL J,nnex i.BL.l to OPN 0 77-53 ( Cond •t)

( <:>.) ,111 <>ne.blo an individual to tight and cover a large soc tor

of fire.

(b) · iill ;;IJ~·n possibl~ bo built off th d main conununication trench

nnd not e.tt~mp to utiliz~ t.t:u ll'"in cormnunication trench as a fighting positi-on,

(c) -.:ill €)-~rc the inc~i.viduc.l 11111 z-ine maximum prot0ction from one my

gNn:<dos and shall .f5.ro e.n:: s';iL. give- him m.u:imum field of action for fir.ing

his wl,;.c.pon, ospeciaL~.y c})1\r(! s-:-,c-·~.p slopc.;s F._nd to f'lar.lcs;~ n.nd throwing gr·t.f;nc,dos.

D<;pth will be such '\c ~-o .fc>ci.H~-"-tc_ firing individual w<o:<pons from D. st~nding


(a) i1, 1.,- !'''·_.p:":-d ••i-Gh provisions for a stovo pipe -'-nd vunt­

ilation for wir.t-.;r occupc.nc;·.

(b) ··till be c..ov...:rncl t·.1it.h r:· m:!..rnmum of 4 fc-... t of ovc.,rhc~.d cover

including '' bursting l•c.\·;..r ( rc~k ur oth"r h-u·d trJJ.t.:crial.)

(c) .whtm"c0f; ·.-;iF b-., pro;;,.ct.d frorr, VT fir~.

(d) ~·fill he. i!l.3t ·.~l-:'.-~d in such <;.~ rr£!rm(;.:l""' tho.t ~ft._-r th~ roof is

cmplac<-d with a minim'"'u of f-:>ur ic.c~ of oY;;;rhcad cov~r, thc., r.'l.tur."l contour

will be restorod.

(e) ,"ill be t.:quif~p.:...d v:ith a drninngu systum.

(8) T2.nl< positions will b'-' dug in to hull dofil,od& in firing


(9) (_u..,.d 50 l1i.G' ~ ;,rill b.._: prJvi·.·:~-~- 1-:·ith ov(·;rhc:;~.d covwr to prot~ct

thorn from l!LOrtar :.11-:.d 8.rLi L: ... r:.r f~.ro.

(c.) .~llP:J~.i)TJL·ll~~~'-ri rn :a~'1s o/ c-::-.,n~.;~\~Jni~ ·tion, in E:.;::.dition to r' die

a.r1d \-Jiro, must b.J pL.::.t1~1 ... < :"'0r ·h·:·-.'2~-_,Jf:_; c:::· ~hv grGr.:.t pos~ibilit? of com.,w.nic~_tions

buing disrupt .... ti. 'l"rv_.sc Lc··.ns J.·n,;l~l:io;

2 Infra-red dcvic~s

2 Visu~.l sign<'.ls other tb.:ln pyrotechnics

!± 3ound

2. liosscng .. r

SECRi'.:f 2 Annox ;~a~ to OFN 0 7i~53



Korean War Project USMC-07802280DECLASSIFIED

• • S"'C:I.t.:T .,:C,QUillTY ::.NFCRh .Tim; ;,nne,x ,.f>L.~ to OH' 0 77-53

(b) 'drc; \lill be buriud, wh10l~~ pr cticrblc, forw:.rd of

bc:~tt<?.lion CP• s, and in th·~ vicir.ity of nlJ. CF 1 s including di ... .c_sion.

( 11) Sl.;~ping bunkers will not b.o constructed,

DI~TRIBUTIOL : &nio o.s oPK o 77-53

0-F -F-I-8·1->.-L

/)JD !Zo-~ ~J.. o. i1.Q,t:; ~·.c..jor, USh.C .3-)


CH ·-"tLi-~3 ~;.;. MC r~:.:~TLII'.i

l:ajor, U, ;, harino Corps "-xucutivu Officer

3 Annex i.BLL to OPN 0 77-53



! . .,....

Korean War Project USMC-07802281DECLASSIFIED


.... lstBn,~hMar (Rein!) lstMa:rDiv (Heinf) F~IF Ir TH •· FHLD 31 August 1953

Modification 1 to 1st Battalion, 5th Marines 00-78-53

1. The following modification to 1st Battalion, 5th Marines 00-78-53 is effective upon receipt,

a. Reference paragraph 3, c. (4) and enclosure (2) Defensive Bridgehead Overlay,

(l) Delete Able, B~ker, Charlie, Dog, Easy, Fox and substitute the numbers One, Two, Three, Four, Five, and Six respectively.



u· ,.., n"'-r;o '"J.e V• .l~VJ.!I

Major, USHC S-3


CBA 'LES E. l-!C PA!<.TLIN Major, U, S, Marine Corps

Executive Officer



Korean War Project USMC-07802282

! I

/ '


• i

• I


• • ,.l._..._'Cb. ,r-.a.LU .. _ /p..,,CY<tf"' 51iD:U 1 ::..n ... urlt'1..&. \ ,,.,.. ...... u .... ,

letMarDiv (Reinf) IN THE FIELD 20 Auguat, 19 53

Long Title: Occ and defe'1ce of general outpost line and withdrawal to

defensive bridgehead,

Short Title: lstBn, 5thMa.r 00-78-53

Map KOREA: 1:25,000

Ref: Annex ABLE to Opn 0 77-53

Enol: (1) (2) (3)

Opn Ovly


Defensive bridgehead ovly Retrograde routes ovly

lstBn, _5t.}\_M..ar (Rein£~ Det 1/U Arty Ln Tm Sect 75RR AT 5th¥mr

a. "A" Co (Reinf) Sect ATA Arty FO Tm 81 !l..o rt FO Tm .Sect 75RR AT

b. "B" Co (Reinf) Sect ATA Arty FO Tm 81 Mort FO Tm

c, 11 011 Co (Reinf) Sect ATA Arty FO Tm 81 Hort FO Tm

d, Wpns Co (-)

1, a. (1) Current PIR•a and I•sums.



Capt W"riiTLOCK




b. (1) 5thMar (Rein!') occ, organ, def in depth OPLR in Div sector with

2ndBn on left, lstBn in center, 3rdBn on right. Regt Res AT Co

(-) augmented by 2 prov plats regt H&S. Scr-een lstl-'£rDiv ~~d

protect bridges and crossing sites, Prepare on 0 to establish

positions Hill 229, 181, 155,

(2) Units eupporting 5thMar.

a. lstBn1 lltbMar. D/S,

b, 25th US InfDiv Arty and 96th FA Bn, G/S reinf fires llthMar;

17th FA Bn, G/S I US Corps.



Korean War Project USMC-07802283DECLASSIFIED


2. a.

c, Co A, lstTkDn, D/S.

d, Co c, lstEngrBn1 D/S,

e, Co c, lstMI'Bn, D/::l,

(3) 4.2 Mort Co (-), G/S.

I" \ \.L) lstBn, 5th1-~iclr (Reinf) occ, organ, def a.ssig..."led sector (Opn Ovly);

prep to occ Hills 229, 181, on 0; prep to occ, def defensive bride;ehead (L:Lne KANSAS N of Imj:in) (Def Bridgehead Ovly).

(2) Prep on 0 to destroy bridges in sector (Annex ABLE),

(3) Maint readiness immediate comb, Prep resumption full scale opn. Z..la.int 0 in area of responsibility.. Conduct work tasks and rec acty to insure main of highest ste.ndards of discipline and rnomle.

J, a, "A" Co Cleinf)

(1) Occ, organ, d6fend left portion of Bn sector (Opn Ovly),

(2) Prep to occ, organ, def Hill 229 •.

(O.\ \~I Prep to occ, def that portion of defensive bridgehead (Line

Ki.N.J;.s N of lmjin) ·j.n Bn sector. (Retrograde Ovly) (Def· Bridge­head Ovly).

b, "B 11 Co (Reinf)

(1) Occ, organ, def that portion of Line KiJl;).I,S N of Imjin in Bn sector in conjunction with.Vfpns Co (-.) {Opn Ovly).

(2) Prep to reinf and/or assume msn of either OPLR co.

(J) Prep to withdraw crossing station personnel to defensive bridge­head,

(4) One plt (rGinf) be prep for lL~ited cou_~ter attacks in Bn sector~·

(5) Prep to cover the retrograde movement of OPLR companies to de!. bridgehead (Opn Ovly) (Retrograde Ovly) ...

(6j Prop to adjust to assigned sector of def bridgehead (Line N of lmjin) (Def Bridgehead Ovlr) •.


c. "C" Co (aeint) ... (1) Occ, organ, def right portion ot Bn sector. (Opn Ovly).

. . \

(2) Pr~p to occ, organ, d~f Hill 181.

Si:.Cilli'l' -2-



Korean War Project USMC-07802284DECLASSIFIED



(3) Prep to occ1 dcf that por·tion of de! bridgehead (LinG KANSAS N of ImUin in Bn sector) (De! Bridgehead Ovly.).

(4) On 0 occ supl psns in rear of dof bridgehead, be prepared to cover Bn withdrawal !rom def bridgehead, Initial psns Able, Baker, Charlie; secondary psns Dog, Easy, Fox (Def Bridgehead Ovly),

•" '"' I '\. wpns uo \-1

(l) 81 ~~rt plt.

a, ir:;p to spt Bn !rom prev selected psns,

(2) Wpns Co (-),

a, Occ, organ, def that portion of Line Ki.NS!.s N of Imjin in Bn sector in conju.nction with 11 Bfl Co (Opn Ovzy),

x, (1) Psns will be organ to provide maximum practicable depth,


(2) Forward psns will be lightly held, sited and organ to provide long range interdictory iires ·along likely avunuos of appro~ch.

(3. i~ll psns !'or"!.'!fard of def bridgehead open fire at maximum e!f . range to inflict maximum cas and force the en to deploy, With­draw to previously selected psns prior to being outflankGd or b.;ing committed to a d<Ocisive fire fight,

(4) Withdrawal to def bridgehead psns will be made by o~cccsive rGtrograd~ movements to previously selected psns,

(5) V~ke flash report of withdrawal from each def psn.

(7) ''oapons will not be fired except on ordel• of Bn Cmdr or to rGpel atk,

(8) Priority of' work; 11/W wpns pens, ind fighting psns, trenches, tac and protective ~~re, OP, CP. mort pans~

(9) Organ all def pans according to ref .{a),

(10) a. Prep to sei~e on Bn 0 only, fav terrain from which to obs into demilitarized Z and place lire on 6t~l forees in e,.rent of an en ac~ of aggression in violation of armistice agree­m;.:;;nt, In occt~pj"ing terrain :for t..h.ie purpos~, frndJ_y f"orees will not adv beyond demaracation line.

(11) Contact left to right.

-3 ..



Korean War Project USMC-07802285

1 I



4, a, Pers carry basic load ammo.

b, (1) Evac norm,

(2) Cols establ own amb and helicopter pickup pts, rpt loc,


(4) One a.nd one-half (1 ~) days 11 C" rats will be maintained in each company sect.

5o a, (1) Curr SOl in eff,

(2) Car-ry front line p~~els.

(3) Pyrotechnic code (to be announced),

b, (1) Bn CP (Opn Ovly),

(2) Co CPs (Opn Ovly),


CHARLES E. MC PARTLIN Major, U. s. Marine Corps

Executive Officer

Bridge dest~Jction pLn~


LJ'~ _ iJl o, faoE -o ___ aj, ug.rc





Korean War Project USMC-07802286DECLASSIFIED


• 3/rcs 00 Scr: 13$0 4 Sept 1953

Applmdix III to 1st Battalion, 5th iliarl.nos Connnand Diary for 1 ,'.ugust to 25 /cugust 1953,


1, Ovor1ay of battalion situ'1tion fr·om 1 J\ugust to 25 f.ugust 1953.




ott I ' .. 99


Korean War Project USMC-07802287DECLASSIFIED

• 3/res 00


Cer: 1380 ~ Sept 1953

Appendix III to 1st B1.ttnlion, 5th Marinus Cornm~md D:Lary for 25 J•ugust to 31 :<ugust 1953.

Ovorlny of be.tta.lion situation from 25 i .. ugu.st to 31 .i •. ugust

Mn.p: l ... OftEA1 1:251 000 Sheet 652? I NVJ

0 ,'II

I ·+--: I


1 OJ::'l_ .... / ... ..,.


Korean War Project USMC-07802288DECLASSIFIED

• SECP.Br g,,curn TY INFOllMA'riON

• 3/res 00 Ser: 1180 4 Sept-1953

Appondix IV to 1st lhttalion, 5th Mcwinos Co:=nd Diary for August 1953.

lt M8dic~::.l Sununary

a. The bntt:J.ion ncdical section during the; m.ont.h troatcd the followi.nr,:

Nu.u.bn:c o .r P.~ .t i.vnt G

308 25

qfi..C GC,.),)

8 Bh



Ck.nG:t·nl Hodicinc Dcrr:Kctology Sur[;ic:1.l Drcsai.ngs Vcn0ro..l Disoase Immurdzati.ons ·"Y'-'-car-nose and throat


