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Dr. Mohamed Riyazh Khan – DoMS, SNSCE



NEED FOR 5-S• There can be no TQM without 5-s

• A dirty factory can not produce quality products.

• If housekeeping is weak in a plant, no further quality diagnosis is required to know that it produces poor quality products.


• An orderly mind alone can create well- ordered surroundings.

• Conversely, an orderly environment promotes an orderly mind

• Clutter hides problems. A neat work place promotes easy discovery of abnormalities.


5-S Contributes to 1. Safety

2. Quality

3. Productivity

5- S Facilitates 4. Visual Control

WHY 5-S Safety

If Clearing and arranging are done well then the work place has more space. There is less clutter.

Work preparation is easier, efficiency is raised, things do not get lost and the general atmosphere is more pleasant.

These conditions promote safety.

Also, accidents often occur because of tripping over something on the floor where it is not supposed to be something falling down a cupboard because it is kept improperly or in the wrong place.

Our hands or clothing getting caught in something which is out of place.

A hazardous chemical is spilled or touched because of wrong location or missing labels.

Orderliness promotes safety whether at home, office, shop floor or on the road.

Why 5-SQuality

* A clean and orderly work place is a pre-requisite for making good products.

* If a factory has poor housekeeping, no further analysis is required to know it has quality problems.

Poor 5S causes poor quality in many ways:1. Use of wrong parts or materials-

especially if they look similar.

2. Mix-up of rejects and good ones in stores, causing rejects to be issued to the shop.

3. Rejects getting mixed in the shop it self, or going to the next line for further processing and even to the customer.

Poor 5S causes poor quality in many ways:

4. Some process getting missed altogether examples: parts waiting for heat treatment getting mixed up with parts already heat treated.

5. Dusty parts or materials getting used to the detriment of performance or impression of the customer

6. Shelf-life expired materials may get used.

7. Searching for things takes time away from quality improvement

Poor 5S causes poor quality in many ways:

Poor 5S causes poor quality in many ways:8. Machines wear out faster if they are not

free of dust and this reduces their accuracy and variability causing defectives.

9. An Attitude is generated which say that orderliness, discipline are not important hence quality also not important.

Why 5-S


To improve productivity, it is vital to provide a clean, cheerful and well organized environment in order that everyone can work efficiently.

Productivity is very much a function of morale. Good morale is promoted when people can feel proud about the way they maintain their workplace.

Why 5-S


5-S promotes productivity in many ways

1. Time spent in searching for things (parts, tools or paper) is eliminated.

2. Production loss due to a part or a material or tool or anything else which is supposed to be available but can not be traced is eliminated.

5-S promotes productivity in many ways

5-S promotes productivity in many ways

3. Production loss due to use of wrong materials, mix-ups of materials and

other such defectives are eliminated.

4. Machines break down more often when they work in dusty conditions.

5-S promotes productivity in many ways

5. The act of thorough cleaning of machines often highlights things that need attention. Without such cleaning, timely attention may not be given causing breakdowns

5-S promotes productivity in many ways

6. Lack of punctuality affects the productivity of all members of a workplace even if only one person

is late.

5-S promotes productivity in many ways

7. Abnormalities which cause production stoppages can be spotted easily

example: a bin without enough materials on the shop floor, or a pile-up of rejection bins

Why 5-S Visual Control:

The job of a manager is to so organized his plant so that the slightest abnormality becomes visible immediately.

The most effective system of daily checking or control is the visual one 5S makes visual control possible and hence improves the quality of management.

5-S promotes productivity in many ways

Where house-keeping is poor, it is hard to separate the normal from the abnormal.

Where things are lying all over the place how does one spot anything unusual ?

5-S promotes productivity in many ways

On the other hand where good 5S is practiced, a manager may get to know the situation by mere observation.

For example: “Line X seems to be having higher defectives to day”.

5-S promotes productivity in many ways

“Why is line A carrying an extra trolley of in-process goods?

They must have lost production last night.”

“There seems to be a breakdown in the middle of a process. There is a pile-up out there.”

5-S promotes productivity in many ways

“This line is not balanced. There is no even flow of materials.”Managers must learn to spot abnormalities so that they can take actions quickly. Abnormalities must be made strikingly visible. That can be done only if the normal is define d and visibly enforced.

5-S promotes productivity in many ways

Visual control is promoted by standardizing 5S and practicing with use of clear signs, labels, colors and systems of orderly arrangement.

Why 5-S

Visual Control

1. What needs monitoring?2. How are abnormalities defined?3. How easy is checking?4. What actions should be taken?

Why 5-SVisual Control

• The signs must be recognizable at a glance, under-stand able to everyone. They should help make the place visually appealing and less cluttered.

Why 5-SVisual Control

Visual control helps in all areas of 5s-in storage operations and equipment. They are also powerful aide in ensuring quality and safety

(eg. Colors signs on meters)

Why 5-SVisual Control

As part of standardization, a 5S manual must be prepared. This manual must have charts and others visual displays which make their meaning clear.Then the manual can be used for training of employees, new and old.

Why 5-SVisual Control

Without the reinforcement through visual signs, it is easy not to form habits of 5S and to backslide.

At the same time putting up poster and signs only without carrying out a vigorous programme is hollow and will yield no results.

SEIRI: CLEARINGTake out unnecessary items and throw

them awayFactory floor

• Machine to be scrapped Broken toys• Rejected materials clothes• Expired goods Suitcases• Broken tools, pallets• Trolleys, old notices • Scrap heaps outside

Take out unnecessary items and throw them away


Used/broken pens

Useless paper

Old diaries

Broken furniture


Take out unnecessary items and throw them away

Home• Old Clothes• Broken Toys• Broken Suitcases• Useless Tins


HOW TO PRACTISE SEIRI1. Separate the wanted from the









2. Throw away the unwanted itemsDo not keep them with a vague idea that the may be needed. If an item has not been used for a

year, get rid of it. Be ruthless about throwing necessary

things away.


3. Classify everything by frequency of use



1. Not used for the year

2. Used only once in last 6-12 months

3.Used only once in last 2 - 6 months

Throw them away

Store at a distance

Store at a central place

4. Used more than once in a month

Store at a central place.

5. Used once a week or daily

Store near site or person.




Arrange everything in proper order so that it can be easily picked up or use.

Factory floor

1.Unlabelled tool crib2.Cluttered shelves, lockers3. Stores-no clear location system4. Things on the floor




1.Unlabelled file Cabinet2.Cluttered drawing3. Shelves, tables4. File heaps and Papers all over



1. Clutter

2. No orderly Arrangement In Drawing room or kitchen or anywhere

SEITON:Consequence of not practicing SEIRI1. Things are seldom available when

needed. Search squads are all the time looking for misplaced things.

2. Together with non-practice of SEIRI, the frustrating effects are:Items are lost in stores.

Consequence of not practicing SEIRI

3. Items-defectives and good ones, or similar looking materials get mixed up

4. Accidents or near accidents occur due to clutter.

5. Visual control of the shop floor is not possible.

• Consequence of not practicing SEIRI6. Sometimes production is lost because

an item required is available but can not be found.

In some offices, the consequences can be even more serious. Critical excise records.

Or tax Records may not be traceable. This can lead to financial loss/ persecution.

The four steps to SEITON are:

2. Fix Storage place

3. Fix Storage Method

4. Keep storage rules


1. Analyze the present situation

2. Fix Storage place

3. Fix Storage Method


• The Steps involved in retrieving any item, say a jig are.

a) Get the name correctly.b) Go to fetch it.c) Search for it.d) Take it out.e) Carry it to the workplace.


• In Some cases, quantitative analysis of these steps are required.

• In the best organized shops, things are retrieved in seconds

SEITON2. Fix the storage place:

This calls two stepsa) Everything should have a nameb)Consider the storage layout for each

class of items, based on the building layout

c) 5-S means everything should have an address.


3. Fix the method of storage

a) Decide between storage by function or storage by workplace of process, or a combination


3. Fix the method of storage

b) Select or design the appropriate storage method. Here is where creativity can be used to help orderliness and easy retrieval.


3. Fix the method of storage

c) Do not be restricted by available standard storage systems.

d) Display names of items and storage place clearly and prominently.


4. Follow the rules

a) It all comes to good daily management. The best storage system can work only if it is maintained that way, everyday.

b) Stock outs must be prevented and items taken out must be returned.

SEITON4. Follow the rules c) Even if an item is used by some one, it

should be made to visually striking.

d) Storage areas should be clearly marked and things should be within yellow and white lines marked on the floor.

Passages Should be kept clear.

There should be no storage in the wrong places or available open places on the pretext of keeping them “temporarily”.


Sweep your workplace thoroughly so that there is no dust anywhere.

Our environment is among the most dusty, anywhere in the world. We should therefore take even more trouble to sweep and mop than they do elsewhere

Factor floor

•Dirty machines•Dust on products, parts, rawMaterials•Dirty jigs, fixtures,•Dusty walls, roofs ,Littered Floor, untidy•Outside of the factory

Office •Dusty table•Dirty Office equipments Type writers,Computers,•Dirty windows•Dust in hidden places etc


•Dirty furniture & floor•Dusty window•Dusty book shelves•Dusty floor, cobwebs, fans

Consequence of not practicing SEISO

• Most machines are affected by dust and dirt. Their performance may go down, they may wear out faster. The costs Can be huge.

• Cleaning reveals many potential equipment problems which may otherwise get overlooked.

Consequence of not practicing SEISO

• Dust and dirt on products, materials, packing boxes will almost certainly affect either their performance quality and in the least their aesthetic quality.

• A dusty and dirty place is unpleasant to work in.

Washing, with a strong overtone of keeping things disinfected as well as free of hazardous Chemicals.

Some authors call this step standardizing.But Standardizing should be common to each of the 5-s.


Factor floor

•Handling hazardous ChemicalsControl of fumes, •Hazardous, Dust etc.•Disinfecting personal Hygiene.


•Pest control.•Personal hygiene


•Pest control•Personal hygiene

Consequence of not practicing SEIKETSU

1. Good health and safety require the practice of Seiketsu (it does not cover all safety and health aspects but is basic to it).

2. Hazardous chemicals, dusty chemicals, fumes etc. can make it a dangerous place to work in unless controlled

Consequence of not practicing SEIKETSU

3. Washing thoroughly cleans a place and makes the work place pleasant so an unwashed work place can become unpleasant.

4. Personal hygiene is also essential for a healthy workforce.


Discipline, especially with regard to safety rules and punctuality


5-S means everything is in its place. People must also be in their place, at the right time, in the right attire, It is Management’s responsibility to train people to practice 5-s with discipline, to acquire the habit and to keep it.

Consequence of not practicing SHITSUKE

1. If management is not disciplined , then employees would not be either and the first 4-S would backslide.

2. Without acquiring the 5-S habits, it is difficult to maintain good 5-S.

Consequence of not practicing SHITSUKE

3. Lack of shitsuke means not following standards. Not only 5-S but all activities relating to safety and quality will also be affected.

5-s House KeepingTraining on 5S must be with the aid

of visual charts and display. That is the way to ensure that the

message is understood and stays clear. It is also easier to train new or

Transferred employees. The charts and displays reinforce the

usage continuously and enable us to form habits/Until 5-S Become a habit, the battle is not won.


IMPORTANCE OF 5SA Clean workplace is high in P roductivity

A clean workplace produces high Q uality

A clean workplace keeps C ost down

A clean workplace ensures elivery on time

A clean workplace is afe for people to work

A clean workplace is high in orale