5G, FutureNet e Tecnologie Servizi e Terminali · 2020-03-04 · • Nokia reveals the killer app...


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Sintetiche riflessioni sulla evoluzione della tecnologia e dell’Industry A cura di CT.TA.STC Numero 8 – 5 aprile 2019 L’Archivio delle Triggering News è a questo link 5G, FutureNet e Tecnologie

• Verizon's Mobile 5G Network Goes Live in 2 Cities at 'Typical' 450 Mbit/s Speeds | Light Reading

• Quantum Network Link goes live in UK • Nokia reveals the killer app for delivering gigabit Europe • Velocità effettive delle reti 4G nel mondo • vRAN: O-RAN ties the knot with the Linux Foundation

Servizi e Terminali

• NHK’s first 8K Broadcasting System to be displayed at NAB • Volkswagen looks to AWS to build its Industrial Cloud • Minority Report-style crime prevention is fast becoming a reality • 100 million people will shop with AR by 2020, market researcher says • AT&T, Magic Leap Team Up to Bring Virtual Reality to Life in AT&T Retail Stores;

Game of Thrones Featured - Telecompetitor • Microsoft teams up with BMW for the IoT-focused Open Manufacturing Platform

Verizon's Mobile 5G Network Goes Live in 2 Cities at 'Typical' 450 Mbit/s Speeds | Light Reading in base alla effettiva disponibilità di spettro e alla maturità degli apparati, queste sono le velocità realistiche del 5G Verizon said it flipped the switch on its mobile 5G network in parts of Chicago and Minneapolis a week earlier than initially planned. Most importantly, the operator said customers should expect "typical" download speeds of 450 Mbit/s, peak speeds of "nearly" 1 Gbit/s and latency of less than 30 milliseconds. "5G is a new and rapidly evolving technology and Verizon expects regular improvement in 5G Ultra Wideband speed, latency and overall network performance as Verizon engineers, working with a number of technology partners, continue to upgrade the network," Verizon cautioned in a release, essentially hinting that the operator plans to improve the coverage and performance of the network as time goes on. "Customers can expect to see regular software updates pushed to their devices and see network advancements throughout the rest of the year." When Verizon initially launched its LTE network almost a decade ago, the operator similarly set initial speed expectations.

Quantum Network Link goes live in UK prima rete in UK che usa tramissioni protete da sistemi Quantum per scambio chiavi crittografiche su link in fibra ottica commerciale. Anche TIM conosce ADVA, il sistema usato.

5G, FutureNet e Tecnologie

The world’s first commercial-grade quantum test network link is now operational between the BT Labs in Suffolk and the Cambridge node of the UK’s new Quantum Network, which is being built by the Quantum Communications Hub, a collaboration between research and industry, supported by the UK’s National Quantum Technologies Programme. The new connection stretches from BT’s Adastral Park research campus near Ipswich in the East of England, to Cambridge. The wider UKQN network then extends onward over the National Dark Fibre Infrastructure Service to Bristol in the South-West. The link uses over 125km of standard BT optical fibre between Cambridge and Adastral Park, with BT Exchanges acting as ‘trusted nodes’ along the route. The link will carry both quantum and non-quantum traffic; the QKD technique shares data encryption keys via an ultra-secure quantum channel over the same fibre that carries the encrypted data itself.

ADVA confirmed that its FSP 3000 is playing a key role in the new UKQNtel transport network secured by quantum key distribution (QKD). As part of an initiative led by QComm Hub, and with partners BT, ID Quantique and the universities of Cambridge and York, ADVA has constructed a QKD link capable of carrying classical and quantum channels on the same standard, installed fiber. “Today’s launch is a significant step for network security. As well as being the UK’s longest QKD-protected link able to transmit both classical and quantum applications, this solution breaks new ground by showcasing the readiness of quantum cryptography for real-world transport,” said Professor Tim Whitley, MD, research and innovation, BT. “Our team has been at the forefront of developing quantum-secure telecoms infrastructure from day one. We’ve succeeded in taking the technology from PoCs in the lab to real-world demonstrations. Now we’re closing in on enabling customer trials and plans for full-scale deployments. Soon mission-critical networks will be protected even from cybercriminals intent on harvesting information today in order to decode and exploit it tomorrow.” https://www.btplc.com/News/#/pressreleases/testing-begins-on-uks-ultra-secure-quantum-network-link-ukqntel-between-research-and-industry-2851900 Tags: quantum Source: https://www.convergedigest.com/2019/03/quantum-network-link-goes-live-in-uk.html

Nokia reveals the killer app for delivering gigabit Europe Molto giusto: non bisogna domandarsi quanta banda serve per un servizio, ma quanto valore gli utenti danno al tempo di attesa (e la differenza per gli utenti possono essere anche i 10 millisecondi...)

Consumers will demand the instant connectivity that only gigabit broadband can deliver, Nokia's fixed network manager told attendees at an industry event in Germany today The killer app for delivering gigabit services across Europe is human impatience, according to a senior representative from Nokia. Speaking at the Gigabit Access and Networks 4.0 event in Cologne on Tuesday, Nokia’s fixed networks marketing manager, Keith Russel, said that consumers were no longer prepared to wait for their broadband services to load or buffer, demanding instant and ubiquitous connectivity. “The killer app for delivering a gigabit society is really just human impatience,” he said. “With users starting to demand that instant connectivity, operators will have no option but to roll out gigabit services.” Tags: 5G, FTTH

Source: https://www.totaltele.com/502599/Nokia-reveals-the-killer-app-for-delivering-gigabit-Europe

Velocità effettive delle reti 4G nel mondo velocità rete mobile misurata nel mondo

We recently conducted a survey across 77 countries, including Singapore, to get a sense of some of these real-world mobile broadband challenges, and which markets boast the fastest speeds and best latencies. There are clear-cut differences today in 4G experience between otherwise similar cities, likely because of the degree of smartphone usage:

• In South-East Asia, the 4G download for smartphone users in Singaporeis far faster at 47.7 Mbps than compared with similar-sized and similarly technologically advanced Hong Kong,where networks enable an average 4G download experience of just 17.3 Mbps, or just 36% of the speed in Singapore.

• South Asia offers another example: New Delhiusers experience 4G download Speeds of just 7 Mbps, where speed differences, by time of day, highlight the load India’s users place on networks. This compares with nearby Karachi’saverage of 12.9 Mbps 4G download speed.

• Across Europe’s advanced Nordic markets, the mobile network experience is considerably better in Oslo, Norway (59 Mbps average 4G Download Speed in our measurements) than in Helsinki, Finland (36.7 Mbps). Although Finland is an advanced mobile-centric country, hosting the HQ of Nokia — one of the three leading network infrastructure companies – a combination of cheap data and little interest in fixed services puts more load on Helsinki’s mobile services, contributing to significantly lower speeds in the Finnish capital than in nearby Norway.

• In North America, Toronto’s smartphone users enjoy 4G download speeds 33% faster than New York’s, where Opensignal analytics show 4G download speeds of 41.1 Mbps and 30.8 Mbps respectively.

• Tags: 5G

Source: https://disruptive.asia/5g-will-solve-congestion-problems-4g-networks/?utm_source=mailpoet&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Daily+-+Asia

vRAN: O-RAN ties the knot with the Linux Foundation The Linux Foundation , di cui siamo membri e nel board, sta diventando davvero la casa dell'open source per le telecomunicazioni

The O-RAN Alliance cemented its collaboration with the Linux Foundation, by creating the O-RAN Software Community (O-RAN SC). As a new open source community hosted by the Linux Foundation, the O-RAN SC is sponsored by the O-RAN Alliance. Together, the two groups aim to develop an open and “smart” radio access network. The initial set of software projects may include: near-real-time RAN intelligent controller, non-real-time RAN intelligent controller, cloudification and virtualization platforms, open central unit, open distributed unit, and a test and integration effort to provide a working reference implementation. Tags: Open Source, vRAN

Source: https://www.fiercewireless.com/wireless/o-ran-ties-knot-linux-foundation?utm_source=internal&utm_medium=rss

NHK’s first 8K Broadcasting System to be displayed at NAB 8K arriva ...

Servizi e Terminali

Four months after NHK debuted the world’s first 8K broadcasts, the Japanese public broadcaster is taking its 8K satellite broadcasting system to NAB 2018 in Vegas. It will be displayed alongside some of the latest 8K content, future broadcasting and 3D imaging systems, and other media technologies now being researched at NHK. Located within the Futures Park (North Hall N236), delegates will also be able to view the master control room and other 8K facilities. The 8K Home Theater includes a tour of the Palace of Versailles on an 88-inch sheet-type 8K OLED display in 22.2 multichannel sound system. Tags: 8K

Source: https://www.broadbandtvnews.com/2019/04/03/nhks-first-8k-broadcasting-system-to-be-displayed-at-nab/

Volkswagen looks to AWS to build its Industrial Cloud Non solo reti private con LTE e 5G, ma cloud privata costruita però con il best of breed, Amazon ... cosi' l'industria tedesca si prepara al 4.0

Amazon Web Services has been awarded a multi-year, global agreement to build the Volkswagen Industrial Cloud, a cloud-based Industrial digital production platform that will transform the automotive company’s manufacturing and logistics processes. Volkswagen will rely upon the breadth and depth of AWS’s portfolio of services, including IoT, machine learning, analytics, and compute services to increase plant efficiency and uptime, improve production flexibility, and increase vehicle quality.

The Volkswagen Industrial Cloud will bring together real-time data from all of the Volkswagen Group’s 122 manufacturing plants to manage the overall effectiveness of assembly equipment, as well as track parts and vehicles. Volkswagen will use the suite of AWS IoT services, including AWS IoT Greengrass, AWS IoT Core, AWS IoT Analytics, and AWS IoT SiteWise, to detect, collect, organize, and run sophisticated analytics on data from the plant floor. A key idea is to assemble a company-wide Data Lake built on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) to analyze the data. Volkswagen will use Amazon SageMaker, a fully-managed service that provides developers and data scientists with the ability to build, train, and deploy machine learning models quickly, to optimize the operation of machinery and equipment in all of its plants. Additionally, Volkswagen plans to use AWS Outposts, which bring native AWS services, infrastructure, and operating models on-premises, providing seamless functionality between the factory floor and the cloud for latency sensitive applications, offering a consistent hybrid experience. Tags: industry 4.0

Source: https://data-economy.com/volkswagen-and-aws-partner-to-build-a-global-manufacturing-cloud/

Minority Report-style crime prevention is fast becoming a reality un articolo tutto da leggere su come funzionano i sistemi di prevenzione del crimine basati su AI ...minority report è tra noi

Tom Cruise in Minority Report / Photo Credit: 20th Century Fox

In the 1956 short story The Minority Report by American writer Philip K. Dick, three “precogs” foresee all crime, allowing members of a special “pre-crime” squad to pick up suspects before the crime is committed. Sixty-three years and one Steven Spielberg film later, the line between science fiction and reality started to blur fast, according to Nimrod Kozlovski, who’s a law professor, law partner, venture capitalist, and cybersecurity consultant. “Minority Report is becoming a reality and much faster than we thought,” said Kozlovski in a group interview last month in the wood-paneled offices of law firm Herzog, Fox & Ne’eman in Tel Aviv, where he is a partner and senior adviser on internet law and cybersecurity. “I was fascinated with this idea whether one day we will have the technology to be able to actually predict the crime before it happens, rather than we react to the crime after it happens,” he said. “Today, we’re actually using technology that can detect anomalies and can sense patterns of abnormal behavior, and we are able to profile people that are likely to perpetrate crime.” The former captain in the Israeli Defense Forces’ Electronic Warfare unit has a doctorate in law from Yale Law School and conducted his postdoctoral research in computer science on proactive security. By tracking and analyzing hundreds of different behavioral patterns – from one’s shopping history to travel patterns – anti-fraud algorithms have become sophisticated enough to dramatically reduce credit card fraud, ensuring their widespread use for online transactions, according to Kozlovski. “That is a Minority Report in real time. So instead of reacting to a credit card fraud after the fact, we actually react in real time,” he said. “Anti-fraud solutions for credit cards are so good now that even though we have hundreds of millions of credit card records being sold on the dark web every second, successful fraud with credit cards is negligible – almost zero.” Spam filters is another example of technology improving to the point where it is good enough to spot with great accuracy what is a legitimate email and what is spam, he said. Investments in preventive technology surged after the September 11 attacks, leading to a boom in the field of research into building systems that can predict crime or abnormal behavior, he said. And the technology is increasingly moving into the physical space. The US Department of Homeland Security’s Future Attribute Screening Technology or FAST is a program designed to detect malicious intent in individuals and is deployed in places like federal buildings and airports. Everything from an individual’s body parameters, perspiration, movement, pupil dilation, and fluctuation in voice are scrutinized for abnormality, according to Kozlovski. In some dormitories in the US, there are now smart cameras empowered by analytics that automatically analyze the relationship if a female is walking back to her room and is being trailed by a male. Digital data can be used to enhance the analysis, for instance, whether they are friends on Facebook or know each other in other capacities, Kozlovski said. Lights can be switched on automatically in the corridor as a warning if a potential threat is detected. In China, efforts to build a social credit system that takes into consideration factors like positive and antisocial behavior works to build risk profiles of individuals that may be useful for law enforcement, he said. Such predictive technology is here to stay and become more pervasive because the old criminal justice model, which set a penalty high enough that the possibility of getting caught served as a deterrent, is broken, Kozlovski said. The legal system needs to be changed to keep up with the technology as clearly the idea of the “brave detective or policeman going after the criminal” is outdated. “It’s actually an economic formula assuming if the penalty is high enough, multiplied by the likelihood that you’ll be caught by law enforcement, that would be the deterrence,” he said. “Most

of the crime now that really affects our lives is transnational organized crime for which there is currently no deterrent.” “When you have zero deterrence, it actually becomes very rational to be a criminal,” Kozlovski said. Tags: AI Source: https://www.techinasia.com/minority-report-crime-prevention-fast-becoming-reality

100 million people will shop with AR by 2020, market researcher says Per quanto sembrino grandi numeri, rispetto ai miliardi di utenti smartphone sono piccole percentuali

By next year, 100 million consumers will shop using AR either online and in stores, market researcher Gartner predicted Monday. As part of that shift, 46 percent of retailers plan to integrate augmented reality or virtual reality tech into shopping experiences, according to Gartner's Unified Retail Retailer Survey conducted last summer. The introduction of 5G wireless networks will help push more stores into using AR and VR, Gartner said. 5G can optimize warehouse resources and store traffic analytics and make it easier to communicate with customers, according to Gartner. Tags: 5G, AR, Retail Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/100-million-people-will-shop-in-ar-by-2020-report-says/

AT&T, Magic Leap Team Up to Bring Virtual Reality to Life in AT&T Retail Stores; Game of Thrones Featured - Telecompetitor

AT&T and Magic Leap are teaming up to offer consumers the chance to experience virtual reality via the Magic Leap One Creator Edition wearable computer and AT&T wireless service. The AT&T Magic Leap deal calls for the Magic Leap One wearable computer to be available in featured AT&T flagship stores next week — in Boston (Boylston) on April 1, Chicago (Michigan Avenue) on April 3 and San Francisco (1 Powell) on April 6. Consumers will be able to enjoy elements of HBO’s iconic Game of Thrones universe into the real world, interacting with them in a new way. Each of these stores will feature the Game of Thrones’ The Dead Must Die, a Magic Leap Encounter that challenges the fans to confront a White Walker and lead the fight for the living. Store visitors will be fitted with a Magic Leap One and step into a physical representation of King’s Landing, which instantly transforms into an ominous, icy scene. Visitors will have a virtual torch to act as soldiers in the virtual experience. “Our journey with Magic Leap to transform industry and consumer experiences starts today with the launch of the Magic Leap One only available from AT&T,” said John Donovan, CEO, AT&T Communications, in a prepared statement. “Together with Magic Leap, we’re making the future of education, telemedicine, sports, entertainment and everyday experiences extraordinary. But there’s so much more creativity ahead. 5G will help drive the next generation of spatial computing that will deliver immersive, interactive content everywhere.”

AT&T invested in Magic Leap back in 2018 and gained certain exclusive sales opportunities for Magic Leap One. AT&T is the exclusive wireless distributor for the spatial computing platform, which enables augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) experiences. “AT&T’s investment in 5G will enable the widespread adoption of emerging and innovative technologies like Magic Leap’s spatial computing and will help to redefine how we access and experience everything from work, play, communication, media, healthcare and education,” said Rony Abovitz, CEO of Magic Leap, in a prepared statement. “The Magic Leap team and I are excited to take this next step in our exclusive partnership, tapping into AT&T’s vast retail distribution and the Magicverse innovations that will be powered by their game changing 5G network.”

Source: https://www.telecompetitor.com/att-magic-leap-team-up-on-game-of-thrones-virtual-reality-game/

Microsoft teams up with BMW for the IoT-focused Open Manufacturing Platform Dopo gli accordi di VW con Microsoft (e Amazon), segue questo di BMW ... bigdata e Iot in catena di montaggio

Car companies are making big investments in technology to help ensure that they are not cut out of the next generation of transportation and automotive manufacturing, and today came the latest development in that trend. The BMW Group and Microsoft announced they would team up in a new effort called the Open Manufacturing Platform, aimed at developing and encouraging more collaborative IoT development in the manufacturing sector, focusing on smart factory solutions and building standards to develop them in areas like machine connectivity and on-premises systems integration. The two companies have not disclosed how much they intend to invest in the project — we have sent a message to ask. The plan will be to bring in more manufacturers and suppliers — the goal, they say, is to have between four and six others with them, working on 15 use cases by the end of this year — working with open source components, open industrial standards and open data to develop both hardware and software that runs on it. The two say that future partners do not have to be from within the automotive industry. The OMP will be built on Microsoft’s industrial IoT platform — part of its Azure cloud business. But this is a natural progression of how Microsoft and BMW were already working together. BMW already has 3,000 machines running on Azure cloud, IoT and AI services in its existing robots and in-factory autonomous transport systems, and it said it will be contributing some of the technology

that it had already built — for example around its self-driving systems — into the group as part of the effort. “Microsoft is joining forces with the BMW Group to transform digital production efficiency across the industry,” Scott Guthrie, executive vice president, Microsoft Cloud + AI Group, said in a presentation in Germany today. “Our commitment to building an open community will create new opportunities for collaboration across the entire manufacturing value chain.” “Mastering the complex task of producing individualized premium products requires innovative IT and software solutions,” added Oliver Zipse, member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, Production, a statement. “The interconnection of production sites and systems as well as the secure integration of partners and suppliers are particularly important. We have been relying on the cloud since 2016 and are consistently developing new approaches. With the Open Manufacturing Platform as the next step, we want to make our solutions available to other companies and jointly leverage potential in order to secure our strong position in the market in the long term.” The problem that Microsoft and BMW are going after here is a longstanding one. Much of the computing in the world of IT has been built around open standards, or in any event on very widely-used proprietary platforms that can interface with each other. The same does not go in the world of manufacturing, where proprietary systems are specific to each manufacturer, making them difficult to modify and often impossible to use in conjunction with other proprietary systems. That ultimately slows down how things have been able to evolve, and will mean that implementing new generations of technology becomes expensive or even in some cases impossible. And given the speed with which things are moving, and the increasing sophistication of the machines that are being built (cars as “hardware”), something had to change. That is what BMW and Microsoft are addressing. For BMW it will give it a hand in helping shape how standards develop, and for Microsoft it will give it a potential window into expanding its business in this enterprise sector. The collaborative approach has been a big one for tech companies hoping to find a common way forward in the future of computing. Microsoft may own a lot of proprietary platforms that are not open source, but it’s making efforts to collaborate more in a number of other ways. It works with SAP, Adobe, WPP and others on the Open Data Initiative; with Intel, Google and others it’s working on an open standard for connecting data centers; it’s part of an open standard initiative for software licensing; and it’s part of a new cross-licensing patent database. Tags: industry 4.0

Source: https://techcrunch.com/2019/04/02/microsoft-teams-up-with-bmw-for-the-iot-focused-open-manufacturing-platform/

That’s all Folks!
