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On Call

Call Schedule: You will be included in the weekly On Call cycle after you have been here 6 months. Depending on how many staff is cycling through, you can expect to take call every 6 - 8 weeks. When you are on-call for the week, there is a primary on-call person and a secondary on-call person for the week such that you rotate who is responsible for the primary pager and phone. Both on-call staff has an on-call pager and phone. You work as a team during the week so that if you need help or have questions, you contact the secondary person first or if applicable for the interface/technical team, call the interface/technical team member on-call. You will have a mentor for support when you are initially on-call and a manager is always available if you have questions.

Primary on-call: Tuesday 11am to Friday 11am Secondary on call: Friday 11am to following Tuesday 11am There is an on-call manual located with the Orders team on-call laptop. There is also a knowledge base spreadsheet found under POE/Sunrise on Confluence. The manual and spreadsheet contain supportive information to help you to troubleshoot an issue.

Be sure to document on-call for Clicktime and Kronos in order to be paid for your time. Ask about specific requirements for those applications and who needs to be copied. Being on-call during a holiday week, entitles for additional pay.

Morning Report: Each morning except weekends that you are on-call, you need to dial into the Production meeting that starts at 8:30am. The number and code is: All on-call staff receive a Morning Report email that is discussed in the meeting.

Service Manager: All issues called into the HELP Desk are logged into Service Manager. The HELP Desk routes calls to the appropriate person, who is then responsible for resolving the issue and closing the Service Manager ticket. Tickets are prioritized as 1, 2, or 3. Priority 1 requires immediate action and requires constant ticket updates. Priority 2 need attention within 15 minutes of the call and priority 3 are important but are not an emergency issue.

Remember when closing tickets to use the format: Role, Issue, and Resolution. Close any associated tickets when closing your ticket, otherwise, cases will build up in your To Do queue.

Remote Control: When troubleshooting a helpdesk issue, it is often helpful to see exactly what the customer is reporting. Sometimes they are clicking on the wrong icons. Other times it is helpful to get a screenshot in case an Allscripts case needs to be opened to resolve. Your manager will request Remote Control access for you. Once access is given, open to the website page: https://dcs.jhmi.edu/smswebremote. Paste the workstation ID for the pc you want to remote access to in the appropriate field and then click Start Remote Control. The user may have to give you permission to connect.

See attachments for additional On-call information.