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7/21/2019 * 1/2

Analysis of media products with similar visual concepts to my music video 

Warpaint- Warpaint

The monochromatic filter

 juxtaposes the highly saturated

colour of the water, signifying

escapism from the monotony of

life. The female characters

escape to this underwater world

after coming into contact with


The females in the video are

represented as women striving

for freedom. This subverts the

hedgemonic patriarchal

ideology, whereby the women

aren’t restricted by an

oppressive male force. The way

this other world is presented is

almost utopic, symbolised by

the bright colours.

This intertextually links to Alice in

Wonderland and her falling into a rabbit

hole and discovering this other world.

The music video also has intertextual links

to silent cinema of the 1970’s. One of the

characters is disguised as a man,

symbolising how male-dominated society

is and how women have to embody male

characteristics to survive.

7/21/2019 * 2/2

Analysis of media products with similar visual concepts to my music video 

This high angle shot of the female protagonist is used to reaffirm the theme of patriarchy, whereby it

makes her seem vulnerable. This is also supported by the re-emergence of colour in the

monochromatic filter, in order to exaggerate the bruise on her face which I can infer was caused by a

male oppressive.

The underwater shots of the female protagonists wearing a full face of makeup contrasts to their

bare face appearance in the black and white world. This signifies their freedom to embrace their

femininity and sexuality which the social shackles of patriarchy restricts because of their constructed

ideals of femininity and beauty.

The keys falling onto the female protagonist’s umbrella represents freedom from the restrictions of
