5.16.13 give!guide power point


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Easing the path from intent to action

We are a grassroots, community service organization that seeks to:

expand the pool of local community activists and volunteers

originate our own projects when we identify an unmet need

Napa Valley CanDo’s Mission

10-10-10 for the Napa Food Bank Soles4Souls Waterways Stewards Drug Take-back with Clinic Ole Single-use Plastic Bag Ordinance

Selected CanDo Projects

The Give!Guide will help cultivate a culture of giving by inspiring a new community of givers to non-profit organizations.

It introduces a novel approach to year-end giving by emphasizing donations as small as $10, particularly from young and first time givers who may not yet see themselves as philanthropists.

The Napa Valley Give!Guide: Inspiring a Community of


1. Compressed time frame: November 1–December 31 (midnight)

2. Broad distribution of attractive, easy-to-use paper catalogue. 3. Donors go to user-friendly website to learn more and make donations.

Three Give!Guide Elements

Give!Guide distributed to 40k+ homes

3-5k additional copies available

Website goes up concurrently to accept donations

How does the Give!Guide work?

Donors review Give!Guide; learn more at G!G website; give to one or more NPOs with a single click.

Donations close Dec. 31. Checks issued in January. Everyone celebrates!

How do donors contribute?

Applicants must be 501(c)(3) organizations in good standing.

Applicants must have been in operation successfully for at least two years at time of application.

A significant portion of the beneficiaries or the work of the non-profit must be located in Napa County.

Who Can Apply?

Applicants should have a way of measuring and reporting on their work with a clear track record of results where possible.

The Napa Valley Give!Guide will not include private schools, private foundations, or scholarship funds.

Who Can Apply?

Preference will be given to organizations that meet the preceding criteria and represent a diverse cross-section of Valley NPOs.

Preference will also be given to organizations that demonstrate a strong commitment to a creative PR program in support of the Give!Guide.

Special Consideration

Month long application window (May 22-June 21): Two page, on-line form

Screening by committee of CanDo and community members

40 small, medium and large local NPOs selected for year one

How do local non-profits get involved?

Of the categories listed, which one best describes the focus of your non-profit?

Animals Health/Wellness Arts Seniors Community Social Action Education Youth Environment

Application highlights

Application: How does a donation of $50 further your mission?

How will you appeal to first time donors?

Outline your strategies to promote and encourage donations to your organization through the Give!Guide.

Application: Weighted criteria

May June July August Sept Jan

May 22:Application WindowOpens

June 21:Application Deadline

July 10:NPOs Notifiedof Selection

July 17:$250SelectionFee Due

Oct Nov December

July 25:NPO ProfilesDue

August 2:Meetingfor Selectees

Dec 31:G!G Campaign Closes at Midnight

October-December:Promo Campaign

Nov 1:G!G CatalogueDistributed

Jan:Checks Issued

NPOs write thank you notes

$250 fee

Design and implement a PR campaign to inform and engage potential supporters about participating through the Give!Guide.

What’s required from selected non-profits?


Business partners

Non-profit employee recognition award

Potential Give!Guide Additions

In Oregon, Give!Guide NPOs report:

New donors and new funds;

Credibility in the community, “as if being in the G!G is a Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.”

What’s in it for you?

Other benefits (e.g. partnerships with other NPOs, advertising, social media and other positive attention)

Organizations are likely to attain a higher profile in the community.

What’s in it for you?

Year 1: 20 NPOs Raised: $24,000

Year 9: 110 NPOs Raised: $1,967,000

Willamette Week (OR) Give!Guide Results

A Small Group of Committed Citizens

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.“ Margaret Mead

Volunteers of Napa Valley CanDo Leadership Napa Valley’s practicum group: “Infinity Squared”


Who is making all of this happen?

The Napa Valley Give!Guide: Inspiring a Community of Givers
