50 Years, 50 Movies on Water - UNESCO · event “50 Years, 50 Movies on Water” to highlight...


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50 Years,  50 Movies  on Water

On the occasion of the 50th anniversaryof UNESCO’s water programmes

Exhibition space Open UNESCO,

UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France

25 June – 26 November 2015

© UN Photo/Ky Chung

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of UNESCO’s water programmes, the International Hydrological Programme (IHP) is organizing the celebratory event “50 Years, 50 Movies on Water” to highlight water-related challenges

and the progress achieved to address them. This event will take place every two weeks from 25 June to 26 November 2015 at the Open UNESCO exhibition space (UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France). The event is free and open to the public. In total, 50 movies on freshwater will be screened, reflecting the scope of IHP’s work and actions. These movies will be articulated around the six thematic areas of the Programme’s eighth and current phase (IHP-VIII), which are:

z Water-related Disasters and Hydrological Changes;

z Groundwater in a Changing Environment;

z Addressing Water Scarcity and Quality;

z Water and Human Settlements of the Future;

z Ecohydrology, Engineering Harmony for a Sustainable World;

z Water Education, Key for Water Security.

The theme of each session will be introduced by an IHP professional or partnering expert, and after each screening, the floor will be open for questions and discussions.

UNESCO field offices will also take part in this initiative by screening a selection of movies from the “50 Years, 50 Movies on Water” playlist http://bit.ly/1Gbh12s.

Other IHP initiatives in the framework of the 50th anniversary celebrations will include the publication of an anniversary book entitled “Water, People and Cooperation: 50 Years of Water Programmes for Sustainable Development at UNESCO”. This book, to be released in fall 2015, will summarize past achievements and options for the desired future of IHP. It will be presented in an illustrated full-color book in English, French and Spanish.

Over time, water-related challenges have

grown rather than diminished, getting more

complex and pervasive, while putting Water

Security at risk. As UNESCO is celebrating

this year the 50th anniversary of its water

programmes and the international community

is working on establishing a post-2015

development agenda, it is the perfect occasion

to reflect on the progress achieved while

working on planning the way forward to address

those remaining challenges.


Director of the Division of Water Sciences and Secretary of the International Hydrological Programme


9 July 2015 z Water and Human Settlements of the FutureWith the special participation of Mr Abou Amani, UNESCO Regional Hydrologist for Africa

z One Water Sanjeev Chatterjee

z Nor Any Drop to Drink TheWaterChannel

z Développement urbain et ressources en eau UNESCO

z Invisible Needness Gerard Franquesa Capdevilla, UNESCO Etxea

z International Year for Water Cooperation UNESCO

23 July 2015 z Water Education, Key for Water Security

z UNESCO Strategic & High Level Meeting on Water Security UNESCO

z Water, Sanitation and Media: Seun Akioye TheWaterChannel

z HidroEX Institutional Movie UNESCO HidroEX


6 August 2015 z Water and Human Settlements of the Future

z Water in Cities UNESCO

z Karez of Iraq: Reviving Lost Heritage to Improve Water Security UNESCO

z Protecting Deltas: HERITAGE HELPS! ICOMOS Netherlands

z L’eau et la culture UNESCO

z Water from the Dawn of Civilization (Part I) UNESCO

3 September 2015 z Water and Human Settlements of the Future

With the special participation of Mr. Giancarlo Grande from Cineparallax, the producer and assistant director of the film “Les routes de l’eau”.

z Kitui Sand Dams Eva Zwart & Henk van Westelaak

z Tous ensemble / All Together Phillipe Grenier

z Water from the Dawn of Civilization (Part II) UNESCO

z Les routes de l’eau Cineparallax/UNESCO

z Hydroinformatics Video Itaipu Binacional


All screenings take place from 13:00 to 13:45 at Open UNESCO, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France, as follows:

25 June 2015 z Water Education, Key for Water Security

z Institutional film UNESCO-IHE UNESCO-IHE

z An insight into the World Youth Parliament for Water: Tweheyo Collins IHP

z An insight into the World Youth Parliament for Water: Susanne Reitsma IHP

z Entre Dos Aguas Pablo Gallo, UNESCO Center Basque County-UNESCO Etxea

z Quiero ser la gota que colme su vaso Elísabeth Pérez Fernández, UNESCO Center Basque County-UNESCO Etxea

z Bar of Soap UNESCO Venice Office

z A Well of Life UNESCO Venice Office

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29 October 2015 z World Water Assessment Programme

z Environmental Flows: Managing the Natural Variability of Rivers IWMI

z UN WWAP UNESCO Gender and Water: Vasudha Pangare WWAP

z The Dream of Water UNESCO

z Water for a Sustainable World: A Vision for 2050 WWAP

z Eau Secours Luna Drappa, Mateo Stiens, Marylou Navez

12 November 2015 z  Water-related Disasters and Hydrological ChangesWith the special participation of Dr Adrian Parr, UNESCO Chair on Water Access and Sustainability, Cincinatti, USA

z Taft Talks - Bill McKibben H2O Talks

z Glacial Balance - teaser Ethan Steinman

z Groundwater, Climate and Global Change UN-IGRAC

z Taft Talks - Vernon Scarborough H2O Talks

26 November 2015 z Addressing Water Scarcity and Quality

z Protecting Water Quality for People and the Environment UNESCO

z Umbrella Nandita Das

z A secas Andreas “La Mandrágora”

z Ingenious Laziness UNESCO Venice Office

z Vida de cangrejo Daniel Ruiz Vargas

17 Septeber 2015 z Water education, Key for Water Security

z Robbers Barry Stone

z Boubba & Zaza UNESCO

z Heroes of Water Saving UNESCO

1 October 2015 z  Ecohydrology, Engineering harmony for a Sustainable World

z Connecting Delta Cities Rode Vis Producties

z Putrajaya Eco-hydrology Management of Lake and Wetland in an Urban Ecosystem Putrajaya Corporation

z Water and Forest WhatIfWeChange

15 October 2015 z Groundwater in a Changing Environment

z Groundwater, the Hidden Resource UNESCO-IGRAC

z Groundwater without borders UNESCO-IGRAC

z Groundwater Talks: Managing Groundwater in Coastal Areas and SIDS (UNESCO/GEF workshop) UNESCO-IHP

z Eaux souterraines : Transfert des polluants dans les aquifères BRGM, Agence de l’eau Adour-Garonne, Atelier d’Oz

© CC alkhodarev/Flickr © UN Photo/Victoria Hazou


Division of Water SciencesInternational Hydrological Programme (IHP)

UNESCO7 Place de Fontenoy

Paris 75007

Tel: +33 (0)1 45 68 40 01

http://bit.ly/1jv7rwV 50yearsIHP@unesco.org

Find the 50 Years, 50 Movies on Water playlist here:http://www.unesco.org/new/en/sc/50years_50movies
