50 Days


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  • 8/3/2019 50 Days


    Center Of Unconditional Love (COUL) Proudly Presents

    50 Days Of Forgiveness

    9.11.11 to 10.30.11

    Millions of Gods people are invited to THE EVENT 9.11.11 to see and hear what God wants toshow and tell them in celebration of the 10th anniversary of 9.11 and 6th NATIONALFORGIVENESS DAY 10.29.11.

    Millions of Gods people are invited to participate in a 50-day experience of forgiving others,removing bitterness, and restoring joy. Millions of Gods people are encouraged to read the BeHealthy Be Wellthy - Be Wise health and wellness plan for their life and to share copies ofthe plan through a special PAY FORGIVENESS FORWARD initiative by e-mails, newsletters,social networks, publications, etc. Please visit www.unconditionallovelive.com, sign up for freeas a friend, read the Be Healthy Plan and PAY FORGIVENESS FORWARD during the 50days from 9.11.11 to 10.30.11. Report how many people you reached!

    Prayer Of Forgiveness

    Please forgive others. Help me to forgive others. Please forgive me. Help me to forgive myself.

    Please take away my bitterness. Please restore my joy. Thank you. Amen!

    Pledge Of Forgiveness

    I pledge to forgive others, forgive myself, and ask for forgiveness each day. I pledge to not let

    the sun go down on my anger, to ask for bitterness to be removed, and for my joy to be


    Be Healthy - Be Wellthy - Be Wise Plan Of Action

    Declare the day a joyful day. Speak the truth with love. Ask questions. Listen with

    understanding. Think in silence. Do not give permission for anger, fear, hurt, to take away

    your joy. Restore relationships by asking what you can do to make the relationship better.


    Stop having to be right, finding fault, trying to control, and being selfish. Break bad habits by

    wanting to stop, admitting you cant stop, and asking for the desire to do harmful things be


    Know you have the power to control your attitude, integrity, communications, love,

    encouragement, forgiveness, and humility. Say these wonderful words as often as possible --

    Im wrong. Im sorry. Forgive me. Thank you. Youre welcome. Please. What is your opinion?

    I love you. Yes dear. We (We are equal and belong to the Family Of God.)

    Know the power of love and the joy of forgiveness exists inside you.

  • 8/3/2019 50 Days


    Very Good NewsFrom the Center Of Unconditional Love

    Contact: Bob Moyers


    Final plans for THE EVENT 9.11.11 followed by 50 DAYS OF FORGIVENESS andending with FORGIVENESS WEEK (Oct. 22-29) and the celebration of the 6 thNATIONALFORGIVENESS DAY (Saturday, Oct. 29) have been announced by the Center Of UnconditionalLove (COUL) and the Positive People Partners.

    A special 60-minute radio broadcast transmitted by radio stations in Northwest Ohio,across the nation, and around the world entitled THE EVENT 9.11.11 will be aired during the24-hour period surrounding the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, manmade disaster whicheffected the emotional lives of millions with feelings of anger, resentment and bitterness.

    The pre-recorded audio CD will be aired in Northwest Ohio at 7 p.m. on 9.11.11 byChristian radio station WPOS (102.3 FM). The broadcast will include 7 messages from God, 4prophetic utterances, and a special prayer time to heal the sick, remove unforgiveness and restorethe joy in the hearts of Gods people.

    THE EVENT 9.11.11 CD will also kick-off a special 50 DAYS OF FORGIVENESScampaign across the nation and around the world designed to disseminate a Be Healthy writtenor verbal message of the power of love and the joy of forgiveness by asking individuals andorganizations to distribute the message to 50 million people by e-mails, e-newsletters,publications, social networks, and other methods of communications.

    Event organizers want to send the Be Healthy CD and THE EVENT 9.11.11 CD to

    individuals, worship centers and organizations wishing to participate in the 50-day experiencefor a small donation of $20 or more to help defray expenses in the mission to reach 50 millionpeople in advance of the 6th annual National Forgiveness Day celebration.

    A written copy of the Be Healthy message of love and additional forgivenessinformation is available for free by visiting the centers web site atwww.unconditionallovelive.com. Visitors can sign up for free as friends and volunteer to sendcopies of the plan to as many people as possible.

    Since our first National Forgiveness Day in 2006, God has multiplied our distribution ofthe Be Healthy plan 10-fold each year with more than 600,000 people forwarding the messageby e-mails, newsletters, and publications to an estimated 5 million people in 2010, said COULpresident Bob Moyers.

    We are calling Gods people of all faiths to come together in their homes, at theirworship centers, listening to radio stations, or in person to see and hear what God wants to showand tell us during this period of history. Can we reach 50 million people this year and 500million in 2012? With God all things are possible, said Mr. Moyers.


  • 8/3/2019 50 Days


    Event organizers are also planning a special P.R.A.Y. Gathering on Saturday, Sept. 22,at 7 p.m. to celebrate the start of Forgiveness Week at the WPOS Christian Center on AngolaRoad in Holland, Ohio.

    We want to spend time to Praise the Lord, Restore the Lord, Ask the Lord, and Yield tothe Lord, said Mr. Moyers. Thats P.R.A.Y. Our Lord said my house must be a house ofprayer. We believe that and we want to bring honor and glory to the King of Kings and the LordOf Lords.

    Mr. Moyers, who is an inspirational speaker, will also perform portions of his Best OfMr. Happy show during the celebration which will kick-off the final seven days of the 50 daysof forgiveness campaign ending with the National Forgiveness Day observance on Saturday, Oct.29.

    Mr. Moyers is the author of several books and pamphlets about communications, anger,stress, love, and forgiveness, including his most recent book, Power Of Peaceful Thinking: How

    To Know Jesus Christ As Savior, Lord, Master, Friend, And King.

    He has also designed four leadership programs focused on How To Be A GreatCommunicator, No More Stress Just Happiness Guaranteed, How To Live A Healthy,Happy, Stress-Free Life, and How To Be A Great Spiritual Leader.

    Admissions to the P.R.A.Y. Celebration on the 22nd will be a suggested donation of $10in advance with groups of 12 being admitted for a one-time donation of $50. Doors will open at6 p.m. with hot dogs, pop, and popcorn available for donations. Admission at the door will be asuggested donation of $20.

    Advance orders can be placed on line at www.unconditionallovelive.com or by mail atthe Center Of Unconditional Love, 4-203 County Rd. U4, Liberty Center, Ohio 43532.Information is available by calling 419-533-4191.
