5 Things Thyroid Report1



thyroid care

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THE FIVE SECRETS TO HEAL YOUR THYROID NATURALLY!Dear Thyroid Sufferer,I invite you to nd out why 90% of women (and men!) on thyroid medications WILL CONTINUE TO SUFFER with symptoms... despite perhaps having !normal" labs...and what you can do to nally END your suffering.Some twenty million Americans are affected by thyroid disorders.That!s 1 in 13 people! And more than half are unaware they have a thyroid problem because it frequently remains undiagnosed... until it gets severe.According to the national Women!s Health Information Center, 1 in 8 women will experience a thyroid disorder during their lifetime.The reason why may surprise you because I am sure you!ve never had it explained to you, as most doctors are only vaguely familiar with the true causes behind thyroid disorders. My name isDr. Gregory Frick and I am a doctor of chiropractic with over 23 years of clinical experience.Based on my unending study and knowledge of functional medicine and functional neurology, I use a different approach in diagnosing and treating patients with thyroid disorders.Before I tell you about that...Let me tell you a little about myself...You may be wondering, What does a doctor of chiropractic know about thyroid conditions? Starting with my direct experience, I!ve had to deal with with my own thyroid condition over the past ten years.I was dealing with severe insomnia, irregular heart beat, constipation, and anxiety.Doctors couldn!t tell me what was wrong.After learning some of what I know now,I had a complete blood panel run on myself and it showed that I had low T3 hormone.The crazy thing is most doctors don!t even test for T3.Related markers showed that this was probably the result of my liver and gut failing to properly convert T4 into T3.No other doctor had even tested for this! No wonder I was still having problems.My labs also showed a host of other related problems (that are also most likely going on with you but you don!t know it because your doctor probably hasn!t run all the necessary tests). I address my own health by working to get to the cause of the problem.I am not interested in merely covering up (suppressing) symptoms with drugs. So I had to nd ways to heal myself naturally.I must admit...I spent a ton of time and money (and frustration) discovering what doesn"t work! Hopefully, from what I!ve learned, I can save you much time, money and frustration!Professionally, I have had many patients come in over the years with thyroid problems (in addition to other chronic problems) who were not getting any better through conventional medical care.This is despite being on thyroid medications!A majority were told by their doctor their lab tests were normal, yet they were still suffering.Some were even told to see a psychiatrist because it was all in their head.I knew these patients had real problems, yet no one was getting to the underlying cause, including myself.Since I am not satised with mediocrity, or thr status quo, I researched and studied until I found some real answers.What I discovered is that the answers are there (in the scientic literature!) even though most doctors are unaware of it (studies show that most doctors don!t subscribe to or read professional journals - they get most of their information from colleagues or drug salespeople) .I have put in hundreds of hours each year of the past number of years, andhave gained a ton of knowledge that I now use to reverse chronic conditions like never before.And am constantly learning more! I feel it is important you know that the current model being used in medicine today to manage thyroid disorders dates back to the 1960!s.It is totally based on TSH levels.It clearly is outdated and out of touch with current scientic research. What HAS been discovered is that most thyroid disorders are the result of an autoimmune condition - making it an immune system problem, not a primary thyroid problem - and treating the thyroid with medication only is, for the most part, a dead-end road. I am surprised how many doctors are unaware of this - even endocrinologists! If more doctors were aware and willing to change what they were taught in school (not very likely though), perhaps you wouldn!t be reading this - you would be feeling better and enjoying your life! So, I had to literally "go back to school! in order to nd out how to actually help patients with thyroid and other chronic conditions.I studied (and continue to study) the elds of functional medicine and functional neurology.Some of the organizations I trained with include Functional Medicine University, The Academy of Functional Medicine, Dentistry, and Psychology, and The Carrick Institute for Functional Neurology.I have studied personally with thyroid researcher and best selling author Dr. Datis Kharrazian, who wrote the book, Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms When All My Lab Tests Are Normal?.I completed Dr. Kharrazian!s "Mastering the Thyroid! class in 2010.I hold regular in-ofce workshops for thyroid, bromyalgia/chronic pain, diabetes, and weight loss.I have been featured on T.V. and radio - including CBS "Talk Philly!.Allow me to explain a little about "Functional Medicine! (since it is the foundation of my unique metabolic and neurological approach to chronic conditions).First and foremost, "functional medicine! is a way of thinking.It seeks to empower patients by helping them understand the causes of their condition, and what they can do to heal.My care moves beyond the standard, supercial - and often toxic - attempt to treat or suppress symptoms.I have become convinced that every person!s landscape of health is unique and that when a person has symptoms or a chronic condition, there!s almost ALWAYS more than one cause behind the problem.And, it!s VITAL to address ALL of the causes! When you come into my ofce we!ll build strength in every area of your health.Here!s what we!ll do: We"ll test and evaluate brain balance and the degree of connection between the brain and body. We"ll order and review blood chemistry in order to see how ALL the parts are working together.We"ll interpret these tests functionally (read further down for what this actually means). We"ll evaluate your nutritional status and weigh your system"s toxic load. Once we!ve gured out the weak areas in the foundation of your health, we!ll put together a COMPREHENSIVE plan to address the metabolic and neurological causes of your problem.Then you can receive specialized body-based adjustments and brain-based therapies to restore optimal brain and nerve system function.I!ll give you recommendations for improving your diet and expanding the spectrum of nutrients your body has to work with.You!ll get to understand the best way to ne tune your tness, and learn to move through normal, daily activities in ways that steer you away from patterns of pain and dysfunction, and toward easy, energetic function.ALL of these things are necessary in order to heal from a chronic thyroid or other chronic condition.Can you begin to see why you are still having problems: no other doctor or practitioner has "put it all together! for you!It literally requires a new and different way of thinking and acting.Which leads me to my next very important point...WARNING! Many patients ask me why their doctor never told them any of this.I tell them, unless specially trained, your doctor or health care practitioner is NOT FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE COMPETENT!This way of thinking is not taught in medical school.Sadly, most doctors probably don!t know how to treat the underlying causes of chronic illness or disease.Your doctor was trained to prescribe toxic chemicals (drugs) to cover up the symptoms caused by the things discussed previously (i.e. toxins, biochemical deciencies, brain imbalance), or to cut out the offending parts with surgery.While this approach is invaluable in dealing with life threatening situations such as heart attack, stroke, trauma, or end-stage organ breakdown and failure, it fails miserably in the treatment of chronic conditions.It leaves millions of thyroid sufferers in misery and to the point of hopelessness. If you happen to suffer from a chronic condition, you know this all too well.Now, on to my... Five Secrets To Heal Your Thyroid Naturally...!1.YOU MUST KNOW THE NUMBER ONE CAUSE OF HYPOTHYROID IN THE U.S. IS AN AUTOIMMUNE CONDITION CALLED HASHIMOTO"S.An autoimmune condition means your immune system, for various reasons - some known and unknown - is attacking a part of your body, and in your case, most likely your thyroid gland.Remember, your thyroid controls ALL of your bodys metabolism. Hashimoto's thyroiditis (aka. Autoimmune thyroid) is the #1 cause of low thyroid in the U.S.Your immune system is attacking your thyroid, and it is destroying it.Here is what you NEED to know: you just dont have a thyroid problem, you have an immune system problem!Unfortunately, thyroid medications do nothing to stop this attack by your immune system.You will continue to lose more and more of your thyroid gland even though you are continuing to take thyroid medications.If this immune attack is left unchecked, it will spread to other organs and glands. It is a slow, progressive, downward slide. Medicine does not deal with autoimmune conditions until there is total destruction of the gland, and then you will be put on steroids. So the problem isn't just your thyroid - it is your immune system.You have an immune system problem, and you need help to deal with that.In order for you to have a basic understanding of your immune system, I want you to know there are two parts: TH1 and TH2, which should be in balance with each other, kind of like a teeter-totter effect.One should not be higher than the other.If your immune system goes out of balance because of stress (physical, chemical or emotional), one system (TH1 or TH2) will become dominant and this will cause your immune system to attack your body.There are specific blood and bio-resonance tests that can be performed to determine if you are autoimmune and if one part of your immune system is dominant.The problem with autoimmune conditions is that your out of control immune system doesn't just limit its attack one area of your body (i.e your thyroid).It can attack other areas including your pancreas, causing diabetes; or it can attack your gut, or stomach lining, causing IBS.It can attack your joints causing rheumatoid arthritis.It can attack your cerebellum causing vertigo and balance problems. It can attack your entire body.You need to be tested to see if you are having an autoimmune condition that causing your thyroid condition.If so, we need to address the immune system first! It becomes the priority.2.YOU MUST KNOW THAT EVEN IF YOUR DOCTOR DETECTS HASHIMOTOS, THERE IS LITTLE CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE CAN DO FOR YOU.If you are diagnosed with an autoimmune thyroid condition (Hashimotos), medical doctors will usually put you on a thyroid medication, such as Synthroid.The important thing to know is this does nothing to stop the disease.It just supplies the hormones that your broken thyroid no longer can.If you are seeking to do all that you can to save your thyroid, this approach falls way short.Your thyroid is an important part of your endocrine (hormone producing) system.Every cell in your body has thyroid receptors.If your thyroid continues to fail, this places stress upon all of the other organs, particularly the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, pancreas, and the ovaries.It even gets worse..besides the expected symptoms of low thyroid function, such as fatigue, depression, weight gain, constipation, morning headaches, and so forth, autoimmune thyroid patients will often suffer from both hyper and hypothyroid symptoms.This is due to periods when the immune system is actively attacking the thyroid and periods when it is relatively inactive.When it is actively attacking, thyroid cells are being destroyed causing the release of excess hormones into the bloodstream causing symptoms of hyperthyroid, such as heart palpitations, inward trembling, insomnia, increased pulse rate (even at rest), night sweats, and feeling emotional or anxious.Then, when the immune system is more inactive or exhausted, hypothyroid symptoms prevail.Autoimmune disease is a frightening situation.The longer it stays active and unregulated, the worse it becomes. Your immune system may begin attacking other tissues and organs.The key to managing any autoimmune problem, including Hashimotos, is to leave no stone unturned in finding the cause of the problem and in managing it.In the experience of many functional medicine doctors, Hashimotos has a strong correlation with persistent viral infections, heavy metal toxicity, and gluten intolerance (reference are available upon request).Chronic emotional stress, food sensitivities, environmental toxins, and electromagnetic fields (such as cell phones) are also potential triggers for autoimmune flare-ups.While it is held that autoimmune disease cannot be cured, it certainly can be managed and regulated so the attack on your body is dampened.This is where my experience as a functional medicine doctor comes into play.Certain nutrients are essential in managing patients with autoimmune conditions, such as, Vitamin D, Omega 3 essential fatty acids, glutathione, and other neuro-endocrine-immune modulating compounds.Traditional medicines response to autoimmunity is to wait until there is total tissue destruction and then put the patient on steroids.Which choice would you prefer? 3.YOU MUST KNOW WHY YOUR DOCTOR TELLS YOU YOUR LAB TESTS ARE NORMAL AND YET,YOU STILL FEEL LOUSY AND FRUSTRATED.Why do you still have thyroid symptoms when your lab tests are normal?Why do you have still have thyroid symptoms when your TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) is within the normal lab range? Do you ever have the feeling your doctor doesn!t believe you when it comes to your problems?"Normal! lab ranges are very broad and your body function has had to decline a signicant degree before any of the values fall outside of the lab range.It!s like waiting for your house to fully catch re before taking action instead of dealing with the early signs of smoke.What if we could look at your labs and see the early, or middle stages of malfunction or a disease developing? And do something about it before it is too late? In functional medicine, we narrow the lab ranges downto a range where a person should be if they were experiencing optimal health.In this case, if your thyroid test - TSH - is till within the lab range (MD says "normal!) but outside the optimal range, you would not be considered normal! This is exactly what happens with most thyroid sufferers! Also, your medical practitioner has most likely ordered only one thyroid test which is TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone).If you are lucky, maybe they ordered a couple more.From your M.D.!s perspective, if your TSH level is within that very wide lab range of .35 to 5.0, you're normal and there!s nothing wrong with you (according to his training)!BUT, and this is a HUGE BUT, the OPTIMAL LEVEL for TSH is 1.8 to 3.0.So you could still be normal in the medical doctor's eyes but abnormal in the functional or optimal range.This difference makes ALL the difference in getting you well!It's only when that range is above 5.0 that the medical doctor will put you on a thyroid hormone such as Synthroid or other hormome replacement.BUT, as I mentioned above,in a medical doctor's eyes, if your TSH is within .35 to 5.0, YOU ARE CONSIDERED NORMAL!Even though you still may have all the thyroid symptoms: extreme fatigue, hair falling out, etc., you!re NORMAL!Wellyou and I both know you are not normalIf you were, you would not be suffering from symptoms!You could be within the normal TSH range of .35 to 5.0 but still be outside the optimal range of 1.8 to 3.0.Your TSH level could be at 4.2, and that's why you're having the problem, it!s outside the optimal or functional range.The same is true for any other of the thyroid blood test such as Total Thyroxine (TT4), Free Thyroxine Index (FTI), Free Thyroxine (FT4), Free Triiodothyroxine (FT3) and the three or four other tests that need to be run on your thyroid to get to the EXACT cause of your problem.4.YOU MUST KNOW THAT GLUTEN AND OTHER FOOD SENSITIVITIES COULD BE RUINING YOUR THYROID AND OVERALL HEALTH.Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley that can cause your immune system to over-react and attack your thyroid.Other foods, such as dairy, soy, eggs, or yeast can also cause an attack.These foods could slowly be killing you and you don!t even know it because you have not been tested.The reason that so many patients are gluten sensitive is because we have been eating genetically modied wheat since the late 1940!s.Our bodies have a difcult time recognizing these altered proteins and when we do consume them they trigger our immune system into action.Our bodies have not evolved eating these franken-foods yet that is what we are consuming on a daily basis!In my experience, many patients do best when they eliminate gluten from their diet.This is just about mandatory if you are autoimmune.If you are sensitive to gluten, it will cause your immune system to attack your body whether it is your thyroid, your joints, your pancreas, your cerebellum, or whatever.Many of the standard tests for gluten sensitivity won!t come back positive because they only test for one type of gluten protein.Plus, they don!t test for what is called "gluten cross-reactivity" with other foods.When this remains undetected it will cause a person to continue to suffer even if they eliminate all gluten from their diet.I test for gluten sensitivity using an advanced clinical laboratory (Cyrex Labs) that utilizes immunological assays based on the latest scientic research.This testing yields the data you need in order to get relief. 5.YOU MUST KNOW THAT IT LITERALLY TAKES GUTS" TO HEAL!The health of your gut is extremely important in dealing with a chronic thyroid condition because your gut and thyroid are intimately connected.The health of your gut lining, which is designed to keep the "bad! stuff out of your bloodstream (i.e. bacteria, virus, undigested proteins) and the "good stuff in (i.e. minerals, vitamins, proteins, etc.), is dependent on thyroid hormone balance. When this protective lining becomes weakened, it allows things like food particles and undigested proteins to enter directly into the bloodstream, creating havoc with your immune system.This is called, Leaky Gut Syndrome.It is important that patients be tested for this.We have an effective treatment to heal your gut lining.Without knowing and dealing with this, you will remain frustrated and sick. Many people who suffer from low thyroid function also suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).This is an inammatory condition that causes constipation, diarrhea, or both.One of the primary causes of chronic inammation in this country is poor diet, so healing of the gut begins at the plate.We will help you discover the best diet for you.Once in the bloodstream, these particles are recognized as foreign invaders (what are called "antigens!) which are attacked by your immune system.Unfortunately for many people, especially those with insulin resistance (difculty getting sugar into the cells), this response happens almost every time they eat, resulting in chronic inammation or irritable bowel syndrome.This sets the stage for the development of an autoimmune disease such as Hashimoto!s or other autoimmune problem. 6. (BONUS!) HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOU HAVE AN AUTOIMMUNE CONDITIONHow do you know if you are autoimmune? How do you know if your immune system is attacking your body? Well, there are two primary markers that are run on a blood test to see if you have Hashimoto!s disease (autoimmune thyroid): thyroid peroxidase (TPO) antibodies and thyroglobulin (TBG) antibodies.Many doctors do not even order these tests because there are no drugs to treat it.Why test for it if you can!t treat it?The reality is, most people already know they are autoimmune just from the fact they may already suffer from an autoimmune condition, such as psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, Sjorgen!s Syndrome, scleroderma, and/or lupus.Another way people know if they are autoimmune is if their symptoms wax and wane (i.e. come and go).Symptoms that wax and wane are especially common with Hashimoto!s.When there is active immune destruction of the thyroid taking place, excess hormones are being released into the bloodstream as cells are destroyed.This causes symptoms of hyperthyroid.When the immune system is relatively inactive symptoms of hypothyroid predominate.Having to take a truck-load of supplements is another indication you may be autoimmune.Many supplements could actually be making your condition worse by stimulating the already overstimulated side of your immune system.Iodine supplementation can also be very harmful to a patient with Hashimoto!s, as it may further stimulate your immune system to attack the thyroid gland.Also common is noticing that your life fell apart after you got sick.This is a potent sign of autoimmunity.Or, you have been to 10, 12, or 15 different doctors, and have a stack of medical records sky high all because you have an undiagnosed autoimmune condition.It is not uncommon for autoimmunity to develop following a pregnancy.Usually, women are TH2 dominant in the third trimester and TH1 dominant postpartum.Your immune system is designed to protect you.When it begins to run amuck, it starts attacking different parts of your body.It"s important to know that once you realize you have an autoimmune condition, you need to get checked and managed by a doctor who understands what is actually going on.Unfortunately,most doctors don"t have the proper training.This is where our training in functional medicine comes into play.You cannot drug your way out of an autoimmune condition. 7.(BONUS #2) YOU MUST KNOW IF YOUR BLOOD SUGAR REGULATION IS BALANCEDBringing balance back to your thyroid is futile if your blood sugar levels are too high or too low! This is called dysglycemia and is a stepping stone to diabetes.In functional medicine, a reading below 85 would be called hypoglycemia and a reading above 99 would be called hyperglycemia.Hypoglycemia is a condition in which the blood sugar repeatedly drops too low in response to eating high carbohydrate foods.Rened sugar is a good example of a high carbohydrate food (or anything with rened sugar in it).Hypoglycemia can also be the result of going too long without eating - and too many Americans are skipping breakfast (arguable the most important meal of the day - and I am not talking about eating cereal!).It is important that if your blood sugar is below 85, you should eat every two to three hours.You should have a breakfast, a snack, lunch, a snack, dinner and a light snack before bedtime.The snacks can be vegetables, low-sugar fruits, seeds or nuts, but it SHOULD be something healthy! Insulin resistance is high blood sugar that hasn!t yet reached the point of diabetes.It!s called "pre-diabetes" and is the result of cells becoming resistant to insulin, preventing glucose from entering the cell (which the cell needs to make energy).Glucose is essential to cellular energy.Your brain and every cell of your body depends on it.Excess glucose will be converted into trigylcerides and stored as fat.This is why it is important to monitor triglyceride levels as well as glucose.The process of turning glucose into fat demands an increased amount of energy causing you to feel tired after eating.So, when you are eating a high carbohydrate diet lled with bread, pasta, and rened sugar laden foods, you cannot keep your blood sugar levels stable.If you feel sleepy or crave sugar after eating, it means you ate way too many carbohydrates.If you feel sleepy after a low carbohydrate meal, you are most likely insulin resistant.It is literally impossible to support insulin resistance or hypoglycemia unless you are eating a healthy breakfast with ample high-quality protein.You need protein in the morning, not carbohydrates.You would do best to eat eggs or meats in the morning (i.e. chicken or turkey sausage).Protein is essential in supporting healthy blood sugar levels.Protein will many times eliminate the feeling of nausea that many people experience in the morning (which prevents them from eating in the rst place)..Finally, if you have hypoglycemia, you should not fast as it will make matters much worse.8.(FINAL BONUS) IT TAKES BRAINS TO HEAL FROM A CHRONIC THYROID CONDITIONBrain function is extremely important in balancing the thyroid.Your brain controls every function of your body.No thyroid recovery program is complete without addressing brain function.The hormones of the brain are called neurotransmitters.You have most likely heard of serotonin, dopamine, acetylcholine, and GABA.These brain chemicals have to be in balance for the brain to be in balance.There are tests we do to nd this out.In addition, your brain needs two things in order to survive: Fuel and Activation.Fuel is in the form of glucose and oxygen.It comes from food and breathing.Activation has to do with the stimulation of brain cells (neurons) by receptors located in your joints, muscles and skin.When we move our body, these receptors are stimulated and re signals up to the brain.Sixty percent of all these receptors are located along your spinal column.This is why exercise and movement are so important.It is also why spinal health and alignment is essential.Misalignments of the spine, called subluxations, prevent the proper ring of these receptors and thus deprive our brain of the electrical stimulation or activation it absolutely needs in order to survive and be healthy.When this stimulation is reduced or cut off, brain cells literally begin to shrink and die. Research is telling us that our musculoskeletal system - our spine, muscles and joints - is a valid reection of the health of our brain!This is because the our brain function is totally dependent on a healthy functioning musculoskeletal system, especially the spine.When a body is hunched forward, has reduced range of motion or decreased mobility, or has arthritic changes (i.e. bone spurs, disc problems), these are ominous markers for brain health.These things are primarily addressedthrough brain-based rehabilitative procedures (which is not the "traditional" form of chiropractic care you may be familiar with).We can measure the state of your brain and nervous system through an in-ofce, computerized test called a Stress Response Evaluation.We measure brain waves, heart rate variability, skin conductance, skin temperature, respiration rate, and muscle tone during times of stress and relaxation (simulated in-ofce).This will show us if your brain and nerves are responding properly to stress, and most importantly, resetting when the stress is over.If it isn!t, it means your nervous system is stuck in a chronic stress state, also called dysautonomia.Healing cannot occur when your body is stuck in a stress state.It will only lead you to prolonged frustration and continued ill-health.Chronic stress, a poor junk-food-lled diet, and nervous system imbalance/interference will increase your thyroid symptoms: you feeling tired or sluggish; inability to lose weight; cold hands and feet; or insomnia.You will gain weight easily.You"ll have difcult, infrequent bowel movements; you"ll be depressed, have lack of motivation and morning headaches.You may notice the outer third of your eyebrows thinning; dry skin and/or scalp; mental sluggishness, or fatigue.You have all of these symptoms and yet your doctor tells you your lab tests are normal.From a functional medicine perspective, your lab tests are NOT normal and your symptoms are not all in your head.In order to get to the cause(s) of your problem, you need a doctor, like myself, trained in functional medicine.As I stated previously, unless your doctor is specially trained (and I don!t mean a specialist) he or she does not think in this manner.This way of thinking is not taught in medical school.Most doctors probably don!t know how to treat the underlying causes of chronic illness or disease.Knowing this alone will save you further frustration and suffering.If after reading this report you realize this all makes sense (and why didn!t someone tell you this before), or that your current medication or therapy protocol is not getting you where you want to be, you may be asking yourself, How can I get this type of functional medicine care? This is what I offer in my practice, and I invite you to either get more information or schedule a consultation with me.If you still need more information, you can attend one of my thyroid workshops.I usually hold at least one per month.They are free and you can get a chance to meet me and ask questions.I also get a chance to meet you.I am selective in who I work with as I don!t accept every patient - only those who I am condent I can help.Alternatively, you can schedule a consultation and evaluation.With this option, we still get to meet each other and I will review any existing labs you have, take a complete history, and perform a brain-based evaluation.During a follow-up visit, I will sit down with you and your spouse/signicant other (if applicable) and review my ndings.I will let you know if I would accept your case and if so, I will outline what needs to be done to get you feeling better.This includes any further necessary testing (blood, urine, saliva, bio-resonance), and my treatment recommendations.My treatment recommendations may include nutritional supplementation, dietary/lifestyle modications, brain-based therapies, detoxication protocols, and stress reduction techniques.I promise all of your questions will be answered over the course of these two visits!The regular fee for this is $225.I am interested in working with patients who are motivated to truly get well NOW.If you are in this category - I will reward you with a gift for taking action! If you call my ofce within the next seven days to schedule your consultation, I will give you a one-time only$50 discount off my fee (total cost =$175).I want you to know what I know! I am passionate about what I do and I want to motivate you to take action now so you can nally begin to feel better again! Also, I will take away any risk on your part with my unconditional Satisfaction Guarantee:If after your rst visit with me you are not absolutely sure you are in the right place, I will not collect the fee for that visit! I want you to feel good and sure about your decision to see me because I know you have probably been to other doctors or practitioners who have over-promised and under-delivered.You will not get that here.I want you to experience an effective, functional, and caringapproach to getting better!I hope you can see that you have nothing to lose and better health to gain - which is everything!There is nothing more exciting to me than seeing a patient get his or her life back! I am blessed to be a part of that.Please call my Cherry Hill ofce for initial appointment scheduling - regardless if you are seeing me in the Cherry Hill or Ringoes ofce.The number to call is (856) 428-0660.I look forward to meeting you! Sincerely,Dr. Gregory Frick, D.C.