5 Sunday in Ordinary Time - stmaryastoria.com · 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 5, 2017 This...


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5th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 5, 2017

This Week’s Schedule:

Current Weekend, February 4 and 5:

Saturday, Feb 4 4:00 pm Mass, Hammond – Walt & Joean Fransen (Marilyn Erven) Sunday, Feb 5 8:30 am Mass – Ed Steve (Emelita Johnston) 10:30 am Mass – Sandra Fusaro (Rick & Penny Sabol) 1:00 pm Mass, Bilingual – Our Parish Family

Tuesday, Feb 7 8:00 am Mass – For the wives, widows & members of William J Leahy Council 1307 for birthdays in January Reconciliation – to follow Mass 7 pm – Adult Faith Formation / Parish Office Wednesday, Feb 8 8:00 am Mass – Cathy Ross (Greg & Lisa McIntosh) Following Mass ~ 6:00 pm – Adoration 5:00 pm - Reconciliation Thursday, Feb 9 2:45 pm Mass – Doris Wallis (Barbara Bakkum) 7 pm – Adult Scripture Class / Auditorium Friday, Feb 10 8:00 am Mass – Jerry Davis (Helen Dessen) Saturday, Feb 11 4:00 pm Mass, Hammond – Ginger Steve (Ed Steve) Sunday, Feb 12 – 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30 am Mass – Leonard Thoennes (Richard & Gwen Angstrom) 10:30 am Mass – Fr. John Tran (Ann Hyde) 1:00 pm Mass, Bilingual – Our Parish Family

Parish Offertory

January 29, 2017

Hammond: $1,058.27 Astoria: $2,255.13 Online Giving: $100.00 Mail: $395.00 Total: $3,808.40

6th Sunday of Ordinary Time

February 12, 2017

1st Reading: Sirach 15:15-20

2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 2:6-10

Gospel: Matthew 5:17-37

Liturgy: The Work of the Church On Sunday February 12th, we will use the 2nd week schedule:

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: 8:30 am – Helen Dessen, Ralph Mansfield, Berta Goicochea, Debbie Inman, and Jerry Boisvert 10:30 am – Ray Prom, Dan & Linda Sitkowski, Paul & Melanie Williams Lectors: 4:00 pm, Hammond – Dolores Sharp 8:30 am – Ed Johnson 10:30 am – Kitty Munro 1:00 pm, Bilingual – Salvador Rodríguez Daily Masses (Feb 7 ~ 10) – Kathleen Mansfield Hospitality Ministers: 8:30 am – Catherine Knight, Mike Wallis, and Dan Carter 10:30 am – Mark Gagnon, Mike Covert Family, Jordan Gagnon, Dan & Linda Sitkowski Altar Servers: 8:30 am – Delfina and Eva Acfalle, and Justin Perdew 10:30 am – Hailey Jones, Michael and Charlie Williams Church Cleaning: Sunday, February 12 – Group 2 and Sunday, February 19 – Group 3

Bingo is canceled for tonight – Feb 5th (Super Bowl Sunday)

We will see you next Sunday, Feb 12th!

Next Sunday, February 12th After the 8:30 am & 10:30 am Masses

Are you new in the Parish? ¿Eres nuevo en la parroquia?

Welcome! Parish registration forms are available

in the vestibule of the church or the Parish

Office. Please let us know about you and your

family. ¡Bienvenidos! Las formas de registro de la

parroquia están disponibles en el vestíbulo de la

iglesia o en la oficina de la parroquia. Por favor

familiaricémonos con usted y su familia.

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 5, 2017

Fr. Ben’s Message:

Don’t be timid, be a bright light. Be bold,

shine bright, and let everyone know what

disciples stand for. This is the challenging

message of today’s gospel. I use to do a

routine with people: What kind of salt was

Jesus talking about? Today, we have popcorn

salt, garlic salt, rock salt, sea salt, Himalayan

salt, margarita salt (my favorite) or kosher salt

to name a few.

Salt brings flavor to food and acts as a

preservative. We are also aware that in our diet

today, too much salt is dangerous. We as

human beings have our uniqueness, we need to

enhance the flavors of life and not overwhelm.

How do we use our gifts, our talents to enhance

and preserve the gift of faith for others?

Peace & All Good,

Fr. Ben

FYI – News to make you feel better I know many people were shocked by

their Dec/Jan utility bills, so

that you can feel better our

combined gas and electric

bill for last month for the

old school building only was $2,121.45.

Building Committee will meet on

Wednesday at 6:15 to discuss Safety

Grant proposals

Fr. Ben on the Super Bowl

Every year, I am asked, “Which team

are you cheering for?” My researcher

informed me that two of the New England

Patriots played for the University of Oregon

and two of the Atlanta Falcons played for

Oregon State University. If you know my

loyalties then you know who I am rooting for.

Adult Faith Formation This Week Tues 7p.m. Parish Office –

What did Jesus teach?

Thurs 7p.m. Auditorium – Mary of Bethany - Faith into Action

Congratulations! Knight of the Month: Ed Betts

Family of the Month: Len & Holly Tumbarello Lady of the Month: Lorrie Radu

StandUpGirl Dinner The StandUpGirl Gala fundraising dinner

is schedule for Thursday, February 23rd. If

you would like to find out about this

wonderful pro-life initiative that saves

babies worldwide, please call Dan

Ewald at 503-338-8961 for reservations.

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 5, 2017

Upcoming events: February 19th: Ministry Fair ~ After all Sunday Masses ~

It’s time to recommit for a present ministry, to volunteer for a different ministry, or to sign-up to begin a ministry.

Ministry Thank You Mass & Dinner Invitations will be going out soon for our annual event sponsored by the Pastoral Council.

St. Vincent de Paul

Pantry Needs: Oatmeal, Sugar, Coffee

Food for Kids: Peanut Butter, Ramen Noodles

In the Gospel today, Jesus says, “You are the

light of the world,” he is calling us to live our

Christian vocation in words and deeds.

Be a “light” to those living in poverty and

in a world of darkness by giving a

donation to the Society of St. Vincent de


Hours: Tuesdays 1 - 3 pm, Fridays & Saturdays 10 am - 12 Noon

SVDP is an equal opportunity provider

Please patronize the following business for

their continued support of our parish bulletins:

Tom’s N.W. Landscaping, Inc.

Gearhart, Oregon

~THANK YOU~ Thank you and congratulations to CC

and Dan Travers, plus their team, for organizing and running last weekend’s

Marriage Encounter. Congratulations to the couples that attended the weekend

to strengthen their marriage bonds.

May they be a sign of hope and

commitment to all of us.

ACA Commitment Weekend

This weekend is Commitment Weekend for the

2017 Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal. Our parish

goal is $24,547.00. If you have not already

done so, please complete your pledge card,

indicating your gift or pledge to our Catholic

Church in Western Oregon. It is important for

all of us to participate in order to support our

universal church here in western Oregon.

Prayers are requested Please keep the following parishioners in your prayers:

Sandy Nygaard, Ruth Wollenbecker, Gayle Barker, Ron Jensen, Donna Hogan, Mary Goodale, Ann Hyde, Phyllis Bennett, Jim Owen, Clara Miller, Joyce Rivers, Jerry Johnson , Anne Brunswick, Ed Betts, Gordon Story (moved to Tigard).

If you would like to receive communion from one of our Care Ministers, even if on a temporary basis, please call Jeanne Lord at 503-791-1547.

Bienvenidos a nuestra familia parroquial!

Rafael Chavelas y Ana Tolentino y familia

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 5, 2017

Liturgia: El trabajo de la iglesia El 5 de Febrero vamos a utilizar el programa de la semana 2:

Ministros Extraordinarios de la Sagrada Comunión: Nombre: ________________ Nombre: ________________ Lectores: Nombre: Salvador Rodríguez Traductor(a): Nombre: Yolie Turner Recolectores de ofrendas: Nombre: Rodrigo Palacios and Fidel Palacios Monaguillos: Nombre: Sagrario Diego, Victor “Ivan” Diego, and Selin Palacios

Si usted está interesado póngase en contacto con

José Goicochea al tel.: 503-325-3671

Para su información – Noticias para

que se sientan mejor Sé que muchas personas se

asombraron por sus facturas de

servicios de utilidades de

diciembre/enero, por lo que se

puede sentir mejor nuestra

factura de gas combinada con la factura de

electricidad el mes pasado para el edificio de

la escuela vieja fue solamente de $2,121.45.

Eventos parroquiales que tendremos:

19 de febrero: La Feria de ministerio parroquial

~ Después de las Misas de domingo ~

Es tiempo de comprometerse en el presente ministerio de voluntarios, para diferentes ministerios, o anotarse para empezar algún ministerio.

Misa y cena para dar gracias a nuestros ministros

Las invitaciones serán enviadas pronto para

nuestro evento anual, patrocinado por nuestro

consejo pastoral.

Notas del Padre Ben:

No sean tímidos, sean una luz brillante. Sean

audaces, brillen brillante y que todos sepan qué

discípulos representan. Este es el desafiante

mensaje del Evangelio de hoy. Yo acostumbro

hacer una rutina con la gente: ¿De qué tipo de

sal estaba hablando Jesús? Hoy en día,

tenemos sal de mar, sal paloma, sal de ajo, sal

de roca, sal de mar, sal del Himalaya, sal de

margarita (mi favorita) o sal kosher para

nombrar unas pocas.

La sal aporta sabor a los alimentos y actúa

como un conservativo. También somos

conscientes que en nuestra dieta hoy en día,

demasiada sal es peligrosa. Tenemos como

seres humanos nuestra singularidad, tenemos

que mejorar los sabores de la vida y no

abrumarnos. ¿Cómo utilizamos nuestros dones,

nuestros talentos para mejorar y preservar el

don de la fe de otros?

Paz y todo bien,

Padre Ben

Campaña Católica del Arzobispo de 2017

Este fin de semana es fin de semana de compromiso para la Campaña Católica del Arzobispo del 2017. El objetivo de nuestra parroquia es $24,547.00. Si aún no lo ha hecho, rellene su tarjeta de compromiso, indicando su regalo o la promesa de nuestra iglesia católica en Oregon occidental. Es importante para todos nosotros participar para apoyar a nuestra Iglesia universal aquí en Oregon occidental.

V Domingo Ordinario 5 de Febrero del 2017
