5 Regional TAF TSI Workshop – Slovakia, Czech Republic · PDF file5th Regional TAF TSI...


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5th Regional TAF TSI Workshop –Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary

Bratislava, 4th and 5th October 2016

TAF TSI CommonComponents


Central Reference Files

Common Interface

Certification Authority

27 September 2016

Regulation 1305/2014 and 454/2011

Telematics Application for Freight Services and Telematics Application for Passenger Services

Both Regulation requires from Rail Industry to support certain business processesby exchanging of standardized messages.

Involved Actors are: Infrastructure Manager (IM) Railway Undertakings (RU)Waggon keeper (WK) Station Master (SM)

27 September 2016 3

Legal background

Joint IM-RU Functions

Reference Files Common Interface Short Term Path Request Train Preparation Train Running Information Train Forecast Service Disruption Deviations from plan (TAP only) (Train Identifiers)

RU (fright) Only Functions

Consignment Note DataWIMOWagon Movement Shipment ETA

27 September 2016 4

TAF TSI Functions Grouped

27 September 2016 5

Architecture Supporting Peer2Peer

IP Network









IM 1


IM 2













Reference files• Location ID• Company ID

Common Meta Data

Certificate Authority

WagonRef. Files

WagonRef. Files

CI - Common InterfaceIM - Infrastructure ManagerRU - Railway UndertakingHMI - Human Machine InterfaceSM - Station MasterCRD – Central Reference File Database

HMI Reference Files

For the operation of freight trains on the European network the followingreference files must be available and accessible to all service providers (IMs,RUs, logistic providers and fleet managers)...

Centrally stored and administrated: Reference File of the Coding for all IMs, RUs, Service provider companies; Reference File of the Coding for Freight Transport Customers; Reference File of the Coding of Locations (Primary and subsidiary).

27 September 2016 6

Regulation 1305/2014

4.4.1 Data Quality

For data quality assurance purposes, the originator of any TSI message willbe responsible for the correctness of the data content of the message at thetime when the message is sent.Where the source data for data quality assurance purposes is available from

the databases provided as part of the TSI, the data contained within thosedatabases must be used for data quality assurance.….

27 September 2016 7

Regulation 1305/2014

Appendix III

Tasks to be undertaken by the TAF/TAP National Contact Point (NCP)……

Task 6“Work with the Member State to ensure that an entity is appointed to beresponsible for populating the Central Reference Domain with primarylocation codes. The identity of the appointed entity shall be reported to DGMOVE for appropriate distribution. “

27 September 2016 8

Regulation 1305/2014

27 September 2016 9

TAF TSI Master Plan

Reference FilesContent

1027 September 2016

Country (ISO 3166) Company Location

Primary Location Subsidiary Location

• Subsidiary Location Type

The Country code is as part of Location Code. Locations are unique per Country

27 September 2016 11

Reference File Country

The Company Code is part of location code.Also the identification by the Company code is a pre-condition for the usage of the CommonInterface, as it is used for identification in the Message Header of TAF / TAP messages.

27 September 2016 12

Reference File Company

27 September 2016 13

Allocation of Company Codes

Companies Passenger Freight Infrastructure Others

612 222 385 114 77

subscribe check,register


Access tocompany


Companies UIC(Allocation Entity)

CRD(operated by RNE ) TAF / TAP „Actors”

Subscription +Maintenance Fee

UIC – RNEMaintenance Agreement

CCSUser Agreement

Status of registered Companies August 2016


Apply for a Company code at European central entity

At the time being this is UIC, independent if company is UIC member or not

It is the same as known by “RICS” code

Apply at http://www.uic.org/rics

After registration the company code will be maintained in the CentralReference File Database (CRD)

27 September 2016 14

Get registered as Company

Message sender and receiver<MessageHeader>




Responsible IM in LocationFileDatasetMessage<CountryCodeISO>HU</CountryCodeISO>



27 September 2016 15

Company coding used

Location is a place, a geographic point, inside or outside the rail network, which is needed to

be identified for operational, technical, administrative or statistical purposes. This canbe either a Railway or a Customer location

Primary Location This location is a network rail point managed by an Infrastructure Manager (IM). Code is managed nationally by an allocation entity

• May be an Infrastructure Manager• May be a national Location entity

27 September 2016 16

Reference File Location

Trains can start, end, stop, change line and time needs to be provided.

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Primary Location Examples

Location coding example

27 September 2016 18

Primary location example

In the messages always if it refers to locations.<TrainLocationReport><Location><CountryCodeISO>SE</CountryCodeISO><LocationPrimaryCode>3844</LocationPrimaryCode><PrimaryLocationName>Stangby</PrimaryLocationName></Location>

<TrainCompositionJourneySection><JourneySection><JourneySectionDestination><CountryCodeISO>SI</CountryCodeISO> <LocationPrimaryCode>44361</LocationPrimaryCode></JourneySectionDestination>

27 September 2016 19

Location coding used

Subsidiary Location identifies a location as a part of primary location e.g. ajunction, a signal, a marker point, etc. This may be a non-rail point or a railpoint that is not managed by an Infrastructure Manager (IM).

Subsidiary location without Primary location is not possible. It is always in combination with a Primary Location.

Subsidiary locations have “subsidiary type code”

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Subsidiary Location

27 September 2016 21

Subsidiary Location Examples

27 September 2016 22

Subsidiary Location Type

Subsidiary location Types are part of the TAF coding schemaAt the type code it is indicated which entity is in principle allowed to maintainthe subsidiary locations

27 September 2016 23

Subsidiary Location Type

27 September 2016 24

Subsidiary Location example

CommonComponents System


Implementation of Reference Files

27 September 2016

Central Reference Files Database (CRD) * Coding of Locations and Companies Common Metadata

Certificate Authority * which provides X509 certificates for secure communication

Common Interface (CI) a software package which is locally installed within the user’s IT environment

*) In the regulation also mentioned as Central Repository Domain

27 September 2016 26

What is the Common Components System?

27 September 2016 27

TAF TSI Business Process & RNE Applications

27 September, 2016 28

Who developed CCS?The TAF TSI Common Components Group (CCG) a Special Group of UIC havedeveloped the CC and are in roll-out since January 2012.

50 Stakeholders Main European Infrastructure Managers and some smaller ones

o DB Netz, RFF, RFI, Infrabel, ProRail, PLK, MAV, NetworkRail, Eurotunnel, etc. Largest Freight Railway Undertakings and some smaller ones

o DB Schenker Group, SNCF fret, Trenitalia, RCA, Green Cargo, etc.

Current Supplier (contractor) EVRY - largest IT supplier in Nordic countries

The CCG General Assembly on 9 December 2014 approved the transfer of theCommon Components to RNE with all the verification transfer conditionssuccessfully implemented.

The CCG was dissolved on 31 December 2014.

What was Transferred?: Software IP Rights (IPR) Service Contracts

As of 1 January 2015, RNE is now in charge of further development, maintenanceand on-going operations of the TAF–TAP Common Components.

27 September 2016 29

Transfer of the CC to RNE

Location CodingImplementation

3027 September 2016

27 September 2016 31

Allocation Process Location Data

27 September 2016 32

Sign up page for CRD

Precondition isto sign a CCS

user Agreementwith RNE

27 September 2016

How to feed the Reference files

Common Interface















CSV file

WEB GUI(Browser)

Legacy locationdatabase


Maintenance of location reference files by national entities(or registered companies for defined subsidiary type codes)

Central ReferenceFile Database (CRD)

Location codes:- Primary- Subsidiary

Ask for import templates at RNE by Emailsupport.ccs@rne.eu

Deliver an CSV file with the qualified Location coding by email to RNEsupport.ccs@rne.eu

Find more information in the TAF / TAP sector handbook in chapter 9



27 September 2016 34

Initial Population

27 September 2016 35

Reference file distribution


CI local Instance


Legacy System

• Reference file download via authenticated WSdirectly to a legacy system

• Filter parameters• Search Export via HMI

• Filter parameters (e.g. last modified date,country, subsidiary type code)

• Search and export via Browser on Local Instance• Reference file download via WS to Legacy System

• Filter parameters (e.g. last modified date,country, subsidiary type code)

• Scheduler to be defined by Legacy System

• Replication Reference files via Web Service (WS) to Local Instance• Filter parameters (e.g. last modified date,

country, subsidiary type code)• Scheduler defined by Local Instance of CI

27 September 2016 36

Two variants of Reference file replication


Legacy System

• Deletions• Locations


•Reference file download via authenticated WSand registered user directly to a legacy system

•Filter parameters

• Deletions included• Locations

• Locations


CI local Instance

Via localCommon Interface

Directly from CRD to legacy System via secure Web service

Status of Location Codes with EU Agency for Railways

27 September 2016

EU Agency for Railways

WEB GUI(Browser)

RNE – ERACCS User Agreement

provides access tothe reference filesaccording to chapter4.2.11.1 of the TAFTSI




27 September 2016

27 September 2016 38

Status of Location Codes

At least 1 large IM published

Not populated yet

Non ex CCG IM

~ 58.120 Primary Locations for 37 IM~ 23.470 Subsidiary Location

~ 1.430 Subsidiary Location, Type 36 (Freight yard)~ 3.490 Subsidiary Location, Type 37 (Loading point)~ 16.540 Subsidiary Location, Type 41 (company specific ID)~ 2.000 Subsidiary Location, Type 42 (DIUM)

In Progress


Common Interface

3927 September 2016 Common interface

The common interface is mandatory for each actor in order to join the rail interoperability community

The common interface has to be able to handle: message formatting of outgoing messages according to the metadata, signing and encryption of outgoing messages, addressing of the outgoing messages, authenticity verification of the incoming messages decryption of incoming messages conformity checks of incoming messages according to metadata, handling the single common access to various databases

Where a Common Interface is in common use with the TAP TSI, the development and changes must be in linewith TAP TSI, in order to achieve optimum synergies.

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Regulation 1305/2014

27 September 2016 41

Architecture Supporting Peer2Peer

IP Network









IM 1


IM 2













Reference files• Location ID• Company ID

Common Meta Data

Certificate Authority

WagonRef. Files

WagonRef. Files

CI - Common InterfaceIM - Infrastructure ManagerRU - Railway UndertakingHMI - Human Machine InterfaceSM - Station MasterCRD – Central Reference File Database


27 September 2016 42

Common Interface Reference Implementation

27 September 2016 43

CI Installation Locally installed at user company CI Installation is automated using an installer and is bundled as executable. Separate installable for Windows and Linux platforms.

This will install the following software :

MySQL 5.6.25 Java 1.8.x JBoss 6.x with ESB 4.9 LI application components

Administration after installation via a Web Browser from remote Language of all documentation and User Guide is English GUI can be translated (effort to be taken)

27 September 2016 44


27 September 2016 45

Certificate Authority (CA)RNE acts as a Certificate Authority (CA) and provides X-509 certificates tosupport secure communication between partners, along with message-basedencryption and signature.

X-509 certificates are requested for: SSL/TLS communication on Https between CI A and CI B, and between CI A /

CI B and CRD Encryption of messages Signature of messages.Only certificates from the RNE Certificate Authority (with the same root) willtrust each other.

The Common Interface Reference Implementation was build by the TAF TSICommon Components Group based on Requirements

TAF Common interface TAP Common Interface for RU / IM Communication TAF Appendix E : TAF TSI Appendix D.2:


European public tender Stakeholder funding EU Commission funding

27 September 2016 46

CI Reference Implementation

27 September 2016 47

Mapping Definition Example

27 September 2016 48

Message Mapping resultBefore mapping21020[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 ]170657006918020160418101748008016692MMTG Mertingen Bahnhof2016041815021103008033522MRIU München-Riem Ubf 830 +015100007006918020160418101748

After Mapping

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><TrainRunningInformationMessage xmlns="http://www.era.europa.eu/schemes/TAFTSI/5.3" xmlns:n1="http://www.era.europa.eu/schemes/TAFTSI/5.3"><MessageHeader>


</MessageReference><Sender n1:CI_InstanceNumber="01">0080</Sender><Recipient n1:CI_InstanceNumber="02">3400</Recipient>






<Location><CountryCodeISO>DE</CountryCodeISO><LocationPrimaryCode>17001</LocationPrimaryCode><PrimaryLocationName>Mertingen Bahnhof </PrimaryLocationName>




<CountryCodeISO>DE</CountryCodeISO><LocationPrimaryCode>17317</LocationPrimaryCode><PrimaryLocationName>München-Riem Ubf</PrimaryLocationName>

</TransferPoint> </TrainRunningInformationMessage>

<Location><CountryCodeISO>DE</CountryCodeISO><LocationPrimaryCode>17001</LocationPrimaryCode><PrimaryLocationName>Mertingen Bahnhof </PrimaryLocationName>


27 September 2016 49

Message Processing Graphical Overview


Status on Common Interface implementation

7 CI in Test

31 CI with Data exchange

CI = Common Interface



Common Interface One off Registration Fee – € 4.000

• Yearly Maintenance Fee – € 2.400

Reference Files One off Registration Fee – € 1.400

• Yearly Maintenance Fee – € 900

27 September 2016 51

Cost modelEffort / support

InvestsMaintenance Helpdesk Incident desk (24h) Software Updates Third Party Product UpgradesManagement (User, Data)

Access to CCS for TAF and TAP actors is based on a user agreement that needsto be signed beforehand:

In order to become a CCS User Please provide the following information tosupport.ccs@rne.eu:

Name, company and department Contact details (phone, e-mail, postal address)

More information about CCS can be found on our website at:http://ccs.rne.eu

27 September 2016 52

How to become a CCS user?


Thank you!
