5 Interesting Photography Projects To Keep You Creative!(SAMSUNG IMAGING)



"If you love taking pictures but are looking for something that will keep you going, these projects are something you should definitely look out for! • 365 Days Project (or 52 Week Project) • Going for a Photowalk • Self-Portraits • Photographing A-Z • Colors, Food, Objects… Pick Something"

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ULR : http://www.samsungimaging.net/2011/11/14/5-interesting-photography-projects-to-keep-you-creative/

5 Interesting Photography Projects To Keep You Creative!

by rhea Do you ever carry your camera around the whole day only to end up not taking a single photo until you get back to the house? You may be a bit bored of taking the same things everyday or even feel like you’re running out of ideas. Listed below are five interesting ways to keep your shutters busy and creativity for 365 days!

If you love taking pictures but are looking for something that will keep you going, these projects are something you should definitely look out for!

• 365 Days Project (or 52 Week Project)

Samsung NX200 │ 1/80s │ f2.8 │ 20mm │ ISO 800

The 365 days project is probably the most popular photography projects among many projects. You can easily run into blogs or groups who are doing it. Typically, this project involves taking a self-portrait everyday or taking a shot of something that represents that day. It can even be something that captures your attention first thing in the morning. The concept can be endless! As the project proceeds, you’ll find yourself getting more and more inspired. If taking a picture everyday sounds overwhelming, try the 52 weeks project first, which consists of taking one picture per week and see how that goes!

• Going for a Photowalk

Samsung ST93 │ 1/45s │ f5.8 │ 13.2mm │ ISO 100

Photowalk projects are usually done in clubs or in groups by capturing images of the same landmark from their own point of view. It’s a good way of improving your photography skills since you can easily take a look and compare with what others have done. Go out for a walk on the street or in the park and look for interesting things to photograph!

• Self-Portraits

Samsung NX200 │ 1/640s │ f3.5 │ 18mm │ ISO 100

A self-portrait project is definitely the most memorable one to look at later. Taking a picture of yourself everyday might not sound so intriguing, but when you look at it a couple of months later, you’ll find it quite interesting to see the little changes that you might not have noticed in a short term. You can take self-shots from the same angle, or same background like a mug shot. If you feel like all you get is a self-shot of yourself from the same angle, use a tripod or use auto shutter release to get creative.

• Photographing A-Z

Samsung NX200 │ 1/1000s │ f2.4 │ 16mm │ ISO 100

There’s a couple of ways you can go about the alphabet project. You can take pictures of objects that resemble the alphabet or take pictures of objects or places that start with or represent each letter. Or like the picture above, literally take a picture of A-Z from a sign or notice.

Photographing the alphabet takes a little more time and effort than other projects since you have to look around for things that resemble the alphabet, but it’ll definitely give you a chance to pay more attention to the things you are surrounded with everyday. When you get a chance to take a closer look at things that surrounds you, you’ll probably find more than what you were looking for and you might even get a chance to appreciate things you never thought you would!

• Colors, Food, Objects… Pick Something

Samsung NX200 │ 1/2s │ f5.6 │ 50mm │ ISO 100

Pick something and concentrate on that. Make a collection. It can be food whether its pictures of foods you cooked or dishes you ordered at a restaurant. You can also pick a color or go monochrome or select an object you like taking pictures of.

Picked any projects that might interest you? Well, let’s get busy taking pictures!
