5-Closing the Encounter




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  • Closing the encounter

    Closing the Encounter

    All right, Mr. XYZ, thank you so much for your cooperation. Now, Id like to let you knowwhat I think so far. First, let me summarize.

    You just told me that __ and __. Also, you said that __ and __. Is that right?

    According to the information I got from you and the examination, I am considering a coupleof possibilities.

    It may be __ (your probable diagnosis) or possibly __(differential diagnosis).I need to run some tests to find out exactly what the problem is.As soon as I get the results, we can meet again to go over everything.At that time, Ill explain the details and we will talk about your options for treatment. Does this sound OK?

    If this is a psychiatric case involving depression, grief, anxiety, or dementia, ask the followingquestion:

    Ms. XYZ, would you be willing to talk to a counselor or go to a support group?

    If Mr./Ms. XYZ smokes, drinks alcohol, eats fatty food, does not exercise, uses recreationaldrugs, has multiple sexual partners, does not use condoms, etc., give the followingsuggestions:

    Mr./Ms. XYZ, I have noticed that you__ (address the problem).Are you willing to quit? If you need any more help from me, just let me know. Ill beglad to help.

    Ms. XYZ, do you have any concerns or questions youd like to ask before I go?

    OK then, Im glad that I was able to work with you. We will try to make you feel better.

    Thanks for your cooperation and have a good day.

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