4D Pharma plc FINAL


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4D pharma plc summer 2016 Matthew Fowler

August 2016

Problem Identified – No Single Resource The Microbiome industry is increasing


Companies worldwide are rapidly moving towards potential drug candidates and therapies.

Increasing interest in commercial ventures and investments

No single resource to hold all this disparate information

Solution – A Single Resource Database I built a Competitive Intelligence database

Up to date information

User-friendly interface with use of navigation forms

Search boxes and buttons created to find specific information conveniently

CI Database





Initial Task – Gather Microbiome Data Compile all the data onto separate excel spreadsheets 6 Spreadsheets: - Companies- Funding- Programs- Personnel - Deals- Investors

Competitive Intelligence Database Downloaded Microsoft Access and familiarised myself with the

software and its various different functions

Taught myself how to build a database via YouTube tutorials

Learned more advanced skills in order to create the interface

Cross-referenced the data input from excel to ensure all relationships between data worked correctly.

Home Page CI database home page

Able to access all information on the database

Able to refine searches with the search box

Companies Companies interface

Each company has their own

Add and Edit buttons for updating the database

Forms and Reports to view specific data about the company being shown

Add Record Edit Record



Home Page CI database home page

Able to access all information on the database

Able to refine searches with the search box

Further database functions

Disease Area



Why is this of value to 4D pharma It’s vital to maintain track of all competitors and their programs in the

microbiome industry

One easy to ‘Access’ resource for all relevant information

Important to keep ahead of the competition by having all this information at your fingertips

Seeing who the main investors are in the microbiome industry and investment trends

Next Steps Briefed Tom on how I built the database and how he can populate and

update it

Potential improvements for the database: - Charts to show information - Add more search boxes and functionality on the home page

Other work completed for 4D pharma Researched and produced concise overviews of microbiome


Researched and produced detailed overviews of Personnel and Medical Professionals working in asthma

Uploaded and organised all electronic communications between 4D and other companies onto Asana

Summary Duration: 4th July – 18th August

Project: Build a database to a professional standard for the 4D pharma commercial team

Side Projects: Produced overviews, learnt how to use Asana and how to populate it

Learnt more about the commercial side of business’s with conference calls to various companies

Thank you for the opportunity!

Any Questions?
