4c Training 1pdf



Understanding Your 4 corner Business

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Secret Report

Automated Training For 4C Partners

An Introduction

Part 1


Maureen E.


Congratulations on your decision to start your Four Corners Alliance Group business.

This report contains an introduction to a very powerful way to succeed in four corners superfast, that’s why I call it the Magnetic Automated DONE-FOR- YOU system.

As we begin, there are 6 major reasons why I’m soooooooooooo excited about the 4C business and I’ll share it with you but first what type of salary or income do you want to have monthly?

1. Onion Salary – You grab it, you open it, and you cry.

2. Storm Salary – You don’t know when it’s coming or going.

3. Menstrual Salary – It comes once a month and lasts only four days.

4. Magic Salary – You touch it and it disappears. 5. Amnesia Salary – You can’t remember what you spent it on.

6. Time Travelling Salary – You spend it paying various debts even before you collect it.

7. Active Salary – Once you stop working, the salary STOPS

8. Recurring Salary – You work once, and you KEEP getting paid. You stop working, the income CONTINUES.

9. Diversified Salary – You work at different sources and have income coming from MORE than once source

The above is a real-life situation that millions of people all over the world go through. So many people are getting poorer by the day, this is why as long as you are 18 years and older you should have a financial dream of getting to the recurring and diversified income.

Your 4C business will help you achieve it just like it has helped hundreds of others. This training will help you even more achieve a diversified and recurring income FAST.

The question is: Are you ready to take ACTION on it?

If YES… then…Here are…

6 Powerful Reasons Why You Should Be Excited About

Your 4C Business

1. Worldwide income opportunity 2. Recurring income 3. Automated 4. Duplicable 5. An online AND offline business 6. Anybody can be trained for Success

Worldwide income opportunity– Have you ever wanted to have a global business? I know I have ever since my teenage years. Well the 4C business has finally given you and I the opportunity to have a global business at an affordable one-time, out of pocket investment of $18 which can be done in almost every country of the world as long as:

- The country makes use of the international visa card, mastercard, solid trust pay and china post

- 18 years and older

This means you are not limited by your country and can grow your business online using the advantage of the internet and other online tools.

Now, I speak in dollars ($18) but it doesn’t matter your country, you just convert dollars to your currency using the current exchange rate because you earn in dollars, but get paid into your bank account.

Recurring income–Wouldn’t it be nice to earn money while not working? That money is called residual, or recurring, income. It's what can happen after you put a lot of time, effort and sometimes money into a business to continue to get paid for the work months or years after it's done.

Your 4C business will bring a recurring income for you.

Two major ways you earn from the 4C low-ticket business:

(1) Connecting people to buy level 1 product and start their 4C business at $18 (2) When such people upgrade to the next level product using the 4X6 matrix system.

Now everyone you connect to 4C who maximizes the business plan, you have the potential of earning $559,000 – for each person.

All you did was connect the person once for $18 and then as the person makes money, you too receive 100% recurring income from that person as 100% matching commissions.

Now let’s imagine the worst happens and you earn only $1000 per person over a period of 2 years you connected to 4C, but you connected 50 people to 4C.

That means in a space of 2 years, you would have earned a recurring income of $1,000 X 50 people = $50,000

In my country Nigeria, $50,000 X N200 = N10 million Naira

That approximately N416,000 per month. (N10 million / 24 months)

N416,000 is a dream income of 70% of the working population in my country.

Automated – Your 4C business can be automated, meaning you can set it up once like an airplane, put it on autopilot, go to sleep and money keeps coming.

In your 4C business with this training, you can sponsor hundreds of people online to automatic (even from other countries) and go ahead and have a good time. This is all made possible by having the following:

- Customized website with a lead-generation form

- A FREE autoresponder software - Salespage website that explains the 4C business in words and video - Explanatory blog articles that breaks down the 4C business in layman’s

terms - Follow up automated emails that are sent on your behalf to your leads etc

In the last years, I’ve been one of Nigeria’s No. 1 female internet marketer and coach and so together with some trainings I received from the HIGHEST earning 4C partner Mr. Frank Calabro I will be providing you the above automated tools.

So that you can run your 4C business part-time even as a student or professional and still make a full-time income.

Duplicable – To explain this, lets take the International KFC fast food chain. In Nigeria, we have KFC and it tastes great. When I was in Dubai for vacation the only lunch I could eat for the first week was KFC and it tasted great.

When I was in South Africa few weeks ago in April, I again went to a familiar territory KFC and it tasted great.

Now these 3 chains of KFC I visited all tasted the same because of the RECIPE that has been used for generations and in various countries.

So you can say the success of KFC is because their recipe is the SAME anywhere and was easily reproduced (duplicated).

The same way with your 4C business. You can easily duplicate success with the 4X6 matrix system and THIS training.

So everyone you connect to 4C, simply connect them to this training and they too will be successful.

This means once the people you connect to 4C begin to make money, you make money as well.

An online AND offline business – Your 4C business is an online business but can also be run offline just like the banks. Few years ago, we only had banks running in a brick and mortar settings, but now you can also run your account online.

This means you can have home meetings, seminars, print fliers etc about the 4C income opportunity to get both prospects (leads) and partners.(Don’t worry I will teach you how to go about each one of the offline prospecting methods)

And because it is online, it means your business operates 24hrs a day with no holidays. You can be at India and run your 4C business in South Africa. You can be in Nigeria and run your 4C business in Kenya without leaving your home.

Anybody can be trained for Success– When you start anything worth doing…whether its music, playing an instrument, a degree in software programming, construction business, modeling…swimming…anything at all, you MUST be trained.

Without training, you will NOT succeed. Even if you succeed at all, your success will be slow with several trials and errors. But once you have a coach and you apply yourself to taking action, you have a greater chance of success.

Now, the fact that you’re reading this means you are already in the right path to success because ANYBODY can do this business because you will be trained.

As long as you can read and write, you have access to the internet…whether through your phone, device or computer, cyber café…you CAN be trained for success.

Enough talks…lets get into your training.

2 Ways You Make Money From 4C, 7 Streams of Income

You Make and the 5 Ways You Get Paid

The 2 ways you make money are:

1. Connecting partners to 4C business by recommending level 1 product at $18. (convert to your country’s currency)

2. Partners upgrading from level 1 to level 6 products and then to the

monthly optional newsletter

The 7 Streams of income you make from 4C:

1. Sponsor Instant commissions on level 1 to 6 products 2. 100% match commissions on level 1 to 6 products 3. Sponsor Instant commissions on monthly Financial newsletter 4. 100% match commissions on monthly Financial newsletter 5. Sponsor Instant commissions on Starien newsletter 6. 100% match commissions on Starien newsletter 7. Retail commissions

Once you get started with the 4C business, you can only access income stream 1 and 2. With just this two, you can make $559,000 per partner you connect to the 4C income opportunity.

So don’t bother with the rest for now. In your first 6 months of your business, focus on income stream 1 and 2 only.

The 5 Ways you get paid: Because you earn in dollars and this business is a worldwide one, we have 5 different ways you can get paid your money.

1. Pay to card 2. Direct bank deposit 3. DPX mastercard 4. Solid Trust Pay 5. Mobile payment for Africans

(This is NOT the business plan, but a summary. All of the above are explained in detail in the business plan)

The 4C Success System

To be wildly successful in your 4C business, you need a MACHINE made up of various systems for identifying a particular set of people with certain characteristics and then using the system to expose them to the 4C business and then following them up effectively so you can convert them into your 4C business partners.

To do that, you need the following working together in your 4C machine:

- A character list of your ideal prospects (Your ideal prospect)

- A prospecting system

(A way of reaching thousands of your prospects at per time)

- A follow up system(A way of showing the 4C business plan to these prospects in a systematic manner)

- A conversion system (A way of converting your prospects to partners)

- A duplicating training system (A way of training your new partners so they can DO the SAME things you’re doing to be successful)

The above combination of system is what forms your Magnetic Automated

Done-For-You MACHINE.

Infact, every successful business in the world makes use of a combination of these different systems to be WILDLY successful.

GOOD News: Once you set up your Magnetic Done-For-You MACHINE, it keeps producing a recurring income for you on autopilot. All you need to do is to check your machine and oil it from time to time.

But you do the work ONCE and then rest. This is the goal of every wealthy person. Create multiple streams of income that WORKS even when you are not there.

So let’s rock this!

I’m taking sometime to give you an intro or overview of how this machine works, cos the next set of training will simply be lessons to start setting up the machine.

Your Ideal Prospect Profile

Before you start your 4C business, you must know the purpose of the business which is to help people make additional income (4x6 matrix), as they are getting financially educated using the 4C ebook products.

You are in the business of helping people overcome their barriers.

So you must identify the profile of such people so that you can easily identify them. Here’s your target audience profile:

- People who want to make money - People who want to diversify their income - People who lost their jobs/unemployed - People not happy with their jobs - Students, Stay at home mums who need money - People who are in debts - People with no time freedom - People with small paychecks - People looking for a business to do - People with money worries

- People who want to retire or of retirement age etc

From the short list above, you will find that it covers 90% of your contacts and the population in your country or city where you live.

So you are the SOLUTION to they desperately need so approach them as a solution with your 4C business.

Two Prospecting Methods For Growing

Your 4C Business Income

Prospecting simply means a way of reaching thousands of your ideal prospects to indicate their interest to know about your 4C business and then moving them into your prospecting machine.

We have two ways of prospecting:

1. Online method 2. Offline method

The 4C business is primarily an online business because your new partners have to register on the internet to start their 4C business but you can use both the online and offline methods to prospect. (identify your ideal candidates)

Once your business grows, your income grows.

But I will begin with the online method first.

Online Method Prospecting System

Online simply means you generate prospects using the internet.

1. FREE Facebook profile & Facebook friends 2. FREE Facebook page 3. Facebook advert to a target country - $100+ per month 4. Blog adverts 5. Newspaper website adverts 6. Whatsapp contacts 7. Blackberry contacts/groups/channels 8. Email contacts 9. Twitter adverts 10. Instagram

11. Online newspaper website adverts

Offline Method Prospecting System

Offline simply means without the internet. But because the 4C business is an online business, you will use both the online and offline methods together so you can automate your business.

Offline methods of prospecting are:

1. Business cards with your lead generation website link on it 2. Fliers/flyers 3. Radio adverts – live sessions, one-minute jingle 4. Seminars 5. One on one, 2 on 1 presentations 6. Newspaper adverts etc

I will teach you both online and offline methods for prospecting with LIVE samples you can copy, edit and use to suit your particular country.

NOTE: You will need your optin website link when using the offline method. What is an optin website? It’s explained below:

Tools Needed For The Magnetic Automated ONLINE

Success Machine

The reason some of us started our 4C business is we want to add an extra source of income in addition to our jobs or other business or other things we do.

Maybe you are unemployed or a student and so you want to make some extra money, right?

Using automated online tools, you can grow your 4C business PART-TIME, while still being successful at your work, school, job or whatever.

To do that, you need a way to find thousands of prospects or leads online and you need a system to plug them into without your being physical present or active…all done AUTOPILOT.

Some of these tools are FREE to use online, while others you need to invest some money for it. So I’d categorize each.

Here are what you need to get your AUTOMATED system:

1. Customized website with a lead-generation form -13 pages

The lead-generation form is also called the optin form. It’s a form on your website that prospects who want to know more about the 4C business fill in their email address and name.

There are three types automation website:

- Optin Website with Quick Start- Shared domain – This website name www.DailyAtmIncome.com is shared by you and other partners, but you have your own customized 4 website pages with a lead-generation form which belongs to you. This at N3,000 a year or $17 a year.

An example of what it looks like is: www.DailyAtmIncome.com

- Optin Website with shared domain – This website name www.4cIncomeTips.com is shared by you and other partners, but you have your own customized 13 website pages with a lead-generation form which belongs to you. This at N6,500 a year or $27 a year.

An example of what it looks like is: www.4cincometips.com/samo/index.htm

- Optin Website with custom domain -This website is customized to you

ALONE. Eg. www.YourDomain.com. It also has 13 website pages with a lead-generation form which belongs to you and a customized salespage on your domain.This at N15,000 a year or $62 a year.

An example of what it looks like is: www.DelightIncome.com

2. A FREE report. Professionally written report on the benefits of starting a home business on a small budget.

3. A FREE autoresponder software. This is the form on your website

that automates the signup process.

4. Salespage website that explains the 4C business in a professional way,

including TWO videos. Done for you and FREE/shared by all partners.

An example of the salespage website is www.smartincomekey.com/start.htm

The above is MY personalized salespage website containing my 4C username so people can join 4C using my link. Do not use it otherwise your contacts would join 4C through me and I get paid instead of you.

5. Explanatory blog articles that breaks down the 4C business in layman’s terms. Done for you and FREE/shared by all partners

6. Follow up automated emails used with your autoresponder. Done for you and FREE/shared by all partners.

Note: Free and shared by all partners means the same content or website name is used as a template by all partners. Remember, I said your 4C business is duplicable.

For the shared salespage website, you do not need to use your customized or shortened referral 4C link, all you need is to provide the general salespage with your 4C username.

Having your own automated website (shared or custom) containing the optin form and the salespage website are very, VERY important to your success in this business.

Infact, two of them will help you AUTOMATE your 4c business so you can have hundreds of people join your 4C business on autopilot…even from OTHER countries.

These automation swipes are what has been helping the highest earners in 4C business sponsor hundreds of people in months and bank an enviable income like Mr. Frank Calabro.

This is his 10-month income from the 4C business as at July 2015:

In 10 months of starting his business, our mentor Mr. Frank Calabro has earned and withdrawn $71,700 and has personally sponsored 943 partners using the automated optin website and salespage website.

In your 4C business, you need a minimum of 4 partners to join the 4C business through you and no maximum.

$71,700 divided by 10 months = He earned $7,170 PER month.

In South Africa, $7,170 per month = R91,300 Per month

In Botswana, $7,170 per month = P71,700 Per month

In Nigeria, $7,170 per month = N1.4 Million Per month

In Ghana, $7,170 per month = GH¢27,600 Per month

In Zambia, $7,170 per month = K56,200 Per month

Making such an amount PER MONTH after putting a strong 10 - 12 months into this business is HUGE. Don't know what $7,170 is in your country? Visit www.xe.com/currencyconverter

How To Get Your Optin Automated Website In 5 - 7 Working Days

There are three types of optin websites you can choose from depending on your budget and use:

Quick start optin website at N4500 – Two Websites Shared

Custom domain optin website at N10,000

Step1 To Order Your Website Simply write me a mail to request for the

bank account to pay to or send me a text on 08033149413

Step 2: After payments, do just one simple thing: Send an EMAIL payment notice to mymlmprofit1@gmail.com with the SUBJECT of your email saying: Paid For Optin 4C automated Website

- Amount paid: - Bank Name You Paid To: - Depositors Name/Transfer Name: - - Date Paid: - Your Full Names: - Your Mobile/Cell numberwith country code: - Your whatsapp Mobile/Cell number if anywith country code: - Your blackberry pin if any: - Your Email address: - Listwire username – Today’s assignment - Listwire password – Today’s assignment - Your address as written in your listwire account.

- 4C username – username you use to login to your 4c backoffice - Your Full names as written in your 4C backoffice: - Contact phone number for your 4C business: - Contact email address for your 4C business: - Custom website name of choice: ONLY if you ordered for Custom optin website

Once you send these details, you will get a reply in 48hrs and your website will be delivered to you in 5 – 7 working days.

Assignment 1

Open A FREE Listwire Autoresponder Account

The autoresponder is a very powerful tool for automating your online and offline prospecting. Infact it comprises both the prospecting, follow up and conversion system of your 4C success machine.

So what is an autoresponder?

An autoresponder is a software that enables you to program custom email messages to be sent to people on autopilot even when you are absent from the internet.

This doesn’t mean it writes the emails for you, it only sends pre-written messages on your behalf at the time you want it sent.

So you can program up to 50 email messages using the autoresponder.

To use an autoresponder, you must have built a list of people’s email addresses and/or names who are interested in your products, services or business.

The only way people will give you their email addresses via the autoresponder is by giving a valuable FREE report or training in exchange for it by filling an optin form or lead-generation form on your website.

This website is what we are designing with 13 pages and a FREE report using the shared or custom website option.

An autoresponder is what makes your business automated.

Right now, I have written 7 powerful articles explaining the 4c business, the benefits, the ways to get paid, income proofs of people who make money with 4C, frequently asked questions about the 4c business etc.

All these articles will be plugged into the autoresponder follow up emails for you as DONE-FOR-YOU follow up emails.

You will get 20 different DONE-For-You follow up emails to be programmed into your autoresponder.

These follow up emails have been tested to work already to build hundreds of partners. All you need do is to edit it with your 4C username, your name and contact number and then paste it in your autoresponder account.

I used just 3 of those 20 done-for-you autoresponder emails and I got four people joining my 4C business in ONE day.

These 7 articles and 20 Done- for-you autoresponder email messages come with your shared or custom website for FREE.

But firstly, you need to have your own autoresponder account. We have free and paid autoresponders.

In order to make this system easily duplicable for you and your partners, we will go with the best FREE autoresponder software called listwire.

Assignment No. 1

1. Open a new gmail address dedicated to your 4C business at www.gmail.com

2. Choose a virtual address for yourself and a real contact number, your 4C name in your backoffce, new gmail address and use them to open your FREE listwire account at www.listwire.com

3. When you have completed this assignment, send me an email message to the dedicated assignment email address at done@4cincometips.com with TITLE of the email as “Done Listwire Account Opened” with the body of the email containing:

Your Full Names: 4C username (username you use to login to your 4c backoffice): Listwire username: Your Mobile/Cell number with country code: Your whatsapp Mobile/Cell number if any with country code: Your blackberry pin if any:

Now here are the EXACT pictorial steps on how to create a FREE listwire account:

Exactly How to Open A Listwire Account

1. Login online at www.listwire.com and click on Signup button at the top menu bar as seen below:

2. Fill in a username for yourself and a password. If your username is not being used by someone else, you will see "username available" as seen below:

3. Fill in your personal details, you may use your personal name as your business name, email, address etc as seen below:

4. When all details are filled, click on the "Click Here To Create Your List Wire Account" button and the page below comes up:

The page comes up asking you to check your email to activate your

listwire account. So login to your email and click on the blue activation link

as seen below:

5. Once confirmed, login to you new listwire account and set your address again. 6. When you have completed this assignment, send me an email message to the dedicated assignment email address at mymlmprofit1@gmail.com with TITLE of the email as “Done Listwire Account Opened” with the body of the email containing:

Your Full Names: 4C username (username you use to login to your 4c backoffice): Listwire username: Your Mobile/Cell number with country code: Your whatsapp Mobile/Cell number if any with country code: Your blackberry pin if any:

Congratulations. You have completed your first assignment.

Now go ahead and order for your shared or custom optin website so we can add the autoresponder form to your website, so you can receive the 20 done-for-you follow up emails.

Any issues or questions about this report, please reply the email from which you downloaded this report.

Expect Part 2 of this 4C Automated Training series.


Wish you success,

Dave and Maureen E. If you can’t pay for an automated website, you can use this to explain your business to people www.4cincometips.com/start.htm