42 lolcats



Young Glory entry.

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Let’s just be honest about it. We all love funny cats.

Some captions are just SO FUNNY!!!

But can funny cats be the true pinnacle of online humour?


Now it can. We’re taking the lolcats to the pros.

We are going to post a new photo of a funny cat all 42 days be-fore Just For Laughs 2012.

All of them will be uncap-tioned cat photos sent in from the great public.

Then we make it a proper contest. Every single one of the comedians will write a caption to a cat photo. You decide which is the best by giving their captions thumbs-up or down.

Or think you can do better? Have a go at it, and if your caption is amongst the 3 best of non-professionals you got yourself tickets to Just For Laughs 2012.

The pros will get a score from 1-42 every day, and the comedian with the most points after 42 days shall forever be known as the ultimate lolcat comedian

Perhaps Aziz Ansari isn’t the funniest guy to ever walk the face of the earth after all?

The funniest person of them all might even turn out to be you.

