4 Weeks August 25 - September 21, 2014 Brochure 2014.pdf · The Global View Key Takeaways from AMP...


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Overseas Learning Programme in Partnership with





ESCP-Europe, European School of ManagementParis (France)ESCP, Turin, ItalySDA Bocconi, ItalyUniversity of Antwerp, Belgium

4 Weeks

August 25 - September 21, 2014

Theme for AMP 2014

Building Up Competitive

Corporate Sustainability


Profit driven strategies oriented to maximizing

shareholder returns have ruled the corporate

scene for a substantial period of time but their

relevance has become otiose in the modern

times. Undoubtedly, these strategies had helped

build up responsive and financially efficient

organizations targetted to valuing and rewarding

professionalism. The prime focus on profits

envisaged in the traditional model of business

has however, played havoc with natural

resources. In fact the pursuit of shareholder

value alone can no more be regarded

sustainable for its failure to address the highly

significant social and environmental issues.

Focus merely on economic or financial growth is

insufficient. Time has come where the state,

corporations and communities need to work in

tandem to ensure that the development process

is geared to attaining economic growth in

harmony with environmental sustainability and

social cohesion. The interlinked modern world of

today is striving towards a triple bottom line

model incorporating corporate sustainability,

corporate social responsibility, and corporate

governance. The primary goal of corporate

sustainability is to balance the economic,

environmental and social imperatives aimed at

integrating the concerns and expectations of

various stakeholders instead of the shareholders

alone. The emphasis on CSR, on the other

hand, is meant to develop ethical corporate

enterprises functioning towards becoming good

corporate citizens. Corporate governance

requires the corporate boards to govern their

respective organizations in the larger interest of

all the concerned stakeholders.


It needs to be noted that sustainability is not only a

significant concept but a part of the new world vision

based on global partnership for achieving

sustainable development. It involves looking at

various development alternatives from a holistic

perspective whereby organizations of all kinds

commit themselves to designing sound, all- inclusive

and astute strategies. Brundtland Report (1987)

entitled 'Our Common Future' regards sustainability

as the kind of development which meets the needs of

present generation without compromising the ability

of future generations to meet their needs.

Sustainability has brought about a new economic

paradigm shift exhorting corporations to rethink their

current business models. It is an outcome of

confluence of new wave of globalization and the

imperative need for sustainability. Globalization of

21 century is more about interconnections and inter-

dependencies. Sustainability, on the other hand, lays

more emphasis on environmental protection. The

thrust of corporate sustainability is to create long

term shareholder value by embracing opportunities

and managing risks deriving from economic,

environmental, and social factors. It makes

corporations to harness their market potential by

providing sustainable products and services coupled

with reduction in costs. All these efforts will lead to

the emergence of corporations characterized by

internalization of ideology of sustainability. Each

such organization will be committed to ecological

viability of planet while contributing its mite to

attaining equitable social practices. So far very few

corporations have reached the stage of becoming

truly sustainable corporations. To become a

sustainable corporation, the mindset needs to

change. Many a time, companies may not be even

aware whether they are sustainable or not. For

instance, by using forensics, Greenpace discoverd

that the material used by Mattel for packing Barbie

and Ken dolls came from Asia Pulp and Paper which

was the biggest destroyer of Indonesian rain forests.

The case is a pointer to the need for companies to

ensure that their business operations are not harmful

to environmental and societal interests. In fact, the

embedding of sustainability in every aspect of

corporate strategy is integral to creation of business

value. It is particularly essential in the wake of

enhanced public awareness about the effect of

various industrial processes and products on


mitigate the negative impacts of their operations on

environment and society. Presently, the economic

contribution of sustainable corporate strategies is

somewhat elusive since it fructifies only in the long

run. Nonetheless, sustainability is gradually shaping

corporate culture and strategic choices. For making

sustainability a reality, the management executives

need to be sensitized and familiarized with the

urgency of the matter. Training, education and

experimentation will equip the executives with

requisite skills and attitudes enabling them to

contribute to building sustainable corporations, not

as a mere add on but as an asset.

Corporate accountability contributes to corporate

sustainability by inducing organizations to consider

non-financial aspects of corporate performance by

elucidating their relationship with various

constituencies in the society. The trend towards

enhanced transparency will be reinforced if

stakeholders support and reward organizations

conducting their operations in a sustainable manner.

Sustainability in fact merges with the organizational

vision of strategizing business operations from the

sustainability perspective.

Corporate strategies, regardless of how elegantly

conceived, howsoever comprehensive in their scope

and howsoever holistically planned or forward

looking will fail in their objectives until they are well

communicated, understood and acted upon by a

variety of stakeholders. The modern approach to

Corporate Sustainability Reporting is built on well

Corporate accountability

Corporate Communication and Corporate


environment and society. This kind of thinking was

not prevalent in the earlier era of free enterprise. A

sustainable company may appear to take losses in

the short term but in the long term it will benefit

from higher employee satisfaction and retention,

better productivity and enhanced customer faith

due to improved public perception about the

company. Sustainability protects albeit increases

returns on shareholders' investments through

reduction in waste, savings in energy

consumption, and development of green

products. Harvard Business Review in its write up

'Why Sustainability is now the key driver of

Innovation' has highlighted the following business

practices adopted by international companies

devoted to sustainability:

Viewing compliances as opportunities to

develop internal abilities and industry


Making the value chain sustainable by using

less energy and water, discovering

sustainable sources of raw material and

components, and addressing waste,

Designing sustainable products and services

such as through biomimicry,

Developing new models of sustainable

practices like new delivery methods or new


Looking beyond current core competencies

with eye on sustainability such as creating

new business platforms to manage energy in

radically improved ways

The interdependence between environmental,

economic and social systems will require

organizations to think and act proactively to






founded recognition of the need for corporate

communication. It helps in the management of

corporate identity by providing information to

stakeholders about the values and purposes of the

organization and the way it works to realize its

goals. A strong and favourable identity projection

contributes to market standing, adds value to

offerings, offers competitive advantage, ensures

employee retention and leads to higher financial

margins. The issue of corporate identity is pivotal in

the network of constructs relating to corporate

marketing and particularly brand building.

Therefore, the triple bottom line of sustainability,

social responsibility and corporate governance

can be attained by means of corporate

accountability and corporate communication so as

to improve reputation and brand image.

The AMP 2014 aims at creating an enabling

environment for reflective observation, abstract

conceptualization and application of recent

developments in management at the picturesque

and serene environs of the MDI campus. The four-

week, fully residential Programme will allow the

participants to disengage themselves from the day-

to-day pulls and pressures, relocate on the campus

and bask in the ambience of thinking, reflecting,

learning and applying. Keeping in view the diverse

set of responsibilities at the senior management

level, the learning will be inter- disciplinary in

nature. AMP 2014 will be covering diverse areas of

Programme Highlights & Key

Takeaways from 19 AMP 2014th

management thoughts and applications such as

human resource management (innovative hiring

strategies, talent management, employee

engagement, employee excitement and

exuberance), finance (topics of contemporary

importance like mergers and acquisitions, financial

restructuring, financial risk management etc.),

information technology (strategic role of information

technologies and enterprise systems), marketing

(customer and consumer attraction and retention),

operations management (optimizing costs and

quality) and of course, strategic foresight for

competing and excelling globally. The participants of

this Programme would learn to integrate corporate

strategy and culture with organizational structure.

They will learn how to manage the interface

between strategy, the marketplace and technology

and regulatory framework.

The participants will be exposed to current

analytical tools for assessing opportunities and

risks in strategic planning and decision-making.

In other words, the participants will have

exposure to areas which are not necessarily

connected to the day-to-day working in

organizations, but will broaden the horizons of

analysis and scenario building that are so

essential in strategic management decision-

making. Industry/ organisation visits will be

organized to expose the participants to the

culture and the ambience of well-managed

organizations in order to widen their perspectives

and familiarity with various sectors of industry.

The participants would also have the privilege of

having inputs from diverse sources on a

particular domain which would encourage them

to reflect, debate, sythesise and analyse different

points of view which may sometimes appear to be

prima facie, contradictory and diverse. Each

participant, therefore, would be able to chart out

his own plan and strategies once he/she returns

to his/her organization. In the AMP at MDI, all

these inputs come from a combination of eminent

Development of creative and lateralthinking

academics, policy makers from the Govt.,

industry leaders and other thought leaders. The

objective is to enable participants to get sound

foundation of theoretical inputs and research

advancements in management on the one

hand and diverse views on the practical

aspects of organizational management from

industry practitioners on the other. These

varied inputs will enable a participant to

benchmark his/her own organizational

practices with those of others and thus set the

stage for effective environmental change in

their respective organizations. Throughout the

Programme, the participants would be

engaged in several group exercises with

participants from other organizations, so as the

expose group members to diverse viewpoints.

This will help the participants in diagnosing their

own strengths and weaknesses and thus chart

out the future course of action. The primary

purpose of the AMP is to spark debates and

discussions among the participants of the

Programme. After all, in the case of the leaders

of industry or those who are on the threshold of

being so, most of the learning and consequent

decision is through an intensive process of

debate and discussion.

Programme Highlights

Strategic Focus

A Blend of Theory and Practice

Interactive Discussions

Reflection and Self-Assessment

A Charter for the Future











Integrated Business Perspective

Managing Uncertainty and Leading Change

Sharing of Experience by Business

Leaders and inputs from Academicians

Integration of Theory & Practice through

Case Studies and Simulaton Exercises

Enrichment through Diverse Exchange of

Thoughts and Experiences

Learning through Experience Sharing and

Brain Storming

Challenging past Mind Set and Paradigms

Learning as well as Unlearning

Impact on both Personal as well as

Professional Life

Creating a Roadmap for Future Directions

and Developing Action Plans

The Global View

Key Takeaways from AMP 2014



Today's globalised business environment makes it

imperative to take a closer look at developments

across the world. One of the key components of

MDI's AMP is the global interaction that

participants would have with both academia and

industry. As a consequence participants of the

AMP will spend two weeks at the MDI campus in

Gurgaon and two weeks in the Overseas Learning

Programme of the AMP, interacting with some of

the leading Business Schools in Europe. All in all,

the four weeks spent in the AMP will give

participants time to absorb new inputs, think and

reflect. In the process, they will take stock of past

achievements; assess themselves with respect to

the changing business environment, and set new

goals and action plans to prepare for the world of


Based on the diverse experiences that a

participant goes through, MDI's AMP 2014 is

expected to help the participants to:

Understand and develop a perspective

towards a sustainable global business


Develop a strategic understanding of the

issues involved in managing a globally

competitive oganisation.














Programme Framework

Acquire the latest concepts in major functional

areas that will be impacted by the changing

and turbulent environment.

Develop creative and lateral thinking abilities

f o r b u i l d i n g g l o b a l l y c o m p e t i t i v e


Appreciate current-day tools and techniques,

both in analytical and behavioral areas that

help in managing in an uncertain, challenging


Learn how diverse organisations have

successfully prepared for tomorrow.

Develop a critical understanding of culture and

management practices in the western world-

with implications for Indian organizations

Above all, step away from high/pressure, day-

to-day operations, engage in critical thinking,

re- energize the mind, and thereby think,

reflect, learn, and apply.

Issues faced at the Senior Management levels are

typically highly inter-disciplinary in nature. This will

become even more pronounced in the world of

tomorrow. Consequently, MDI's Advanced

Management Programme has been designed to

cover a diverse range of topics of relevance.

Participants will be encouraged to integrate the

learning from these different areas, and apply it to

determine strategies for their own organisations,

as well as to create action plans based on these

strategies. Some of the topics that are expected to

be covered in the four weekAMP are as follows:

Strategies for internationalization

Global competition and global strategy

Decision making in an uncertain environment

Business risk analysis

Challenges in cost optimization - a top

management perspective

The changing global economy

Maximization of shareholders' wealth












Phase I: The Indian Experience

Weeks 1 & 2

Doing business with the European Union

Knowledge management in geographically

dispersed organizations

Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

Marketing in a global economy

Sustainable Development of companies,

regions & countries

Strategic cost management

Methods for managing intellectual capital

Opportunities and challenges in E-Business

Strategies for building alliances

Management of Technological Innovation

Innovating Management based on transition

from industrial to knowledge economy in a

global context

Phase of theAMP, which the participants will spend

at the MDI campus in Gurgaon, is over two weeks

and covers issues of bu i ld ing g loba l

competitiveness and its impact on Business

Strategy as a whole. The focus will be on

anticipating change, and formulating strategies to

enable the organisation to grow in and adapt to the

changing environment. It will be also look at the link

between Strategy and factors such as the Macro-

Economic Environment and Government Policy. It

also looks at Finance from a Top Management

perspective. It will delineate on various Marketing

issues, as well as supporting tools and techniques

that senior management can use to be globally

competitive. These include phenomenal advances

in information technology and e-business and the

link between IT and strategy. In the Indian phase,

eminent guest speakers are invited to interact with

the participants so that sharing of knowledge

happens. The idea is to provide a top management

view on various issues in the Indian phase. One

industry visit may be planned in Gurgaon to give a

view to the participants on what is happening in the

industry in order to remain sustainable and globally


While Phase focuses on learning in the Indian

environment, Phase II is spent with key Business

Schools and Industries in Europe. The idea being to

look at globalisation and the consequent

opportunities and issues from the other side. In

weeks 3 and 4, based on what has been discussed

and gathered during the first two weeks, participants

will be exposed to some of the current thinking and

best practices in International Business. They will be

provided with the opportunity to interact with

contemporary managers and academicians in some

of the best European business schools in Europe,

namely ESCP-Europe, European School of

Management at Paris & Turin; University of Antwerp,

Belgiumm, SDA Bocconi, Italy. A few industry visits

will be organised, which will help participants to not

only understand how businesses are managed in

Europe but also appreciate the opportunities

available to Indian organisations in Europe.

Phase II: The Overseas Learning Programme

Weeks 3 & 4

What to Expect?

MDI's Advanced Management Programme has

been designed as a fully residential Programme.

This has been done with a specific purpose-to

enable the participants to spend sufficient time

thinking and reflecting, searching the Internet,

spending time in the library, interacting with peers,

and of course linking all this with the discussions in

the classroom. Participants will spend the first two

weeks at the MDI campus in Gurgaon, where

adequate arrangements have been made for a

comfortable stay. Subsequently, the two weeks to

be spent in Europe will also be residential. In

keeping with the preceding philosophy, the entire

day will be filled with activities. Mornings and

afternoons will be spent in the classroom, with

faculty members from MDI conducting the

sessions in the mornings and eminent practicing

managers from industry conducting the afternoon

sessions. At times, pre-dinner talks would also be

arranged. Evening sessions would be devoted to

working in small groups, so as to apply the day's

learning to real-world problems. Evenings would

also be used in preparation for the next day's

sessions. Of course, to unwind and refresh the

system for the next day, MDI has several

recreational facilities available on campus, such

as golf, a gymnasium, badminton, basket ball &

tennis. In addition, there are regular yoga

sessions every morning, and participants are

encouraged to take advantage of these. Since

participants are expected to be occupied

throughout the day, they are strongly advised not

to fix up official appointments or social

engagements during the course of theAMP.

One of the main highlights of the Programme are

Industry visits done in Europe - France, Germany

& Italy. Some of the companies visited in the past





ENERGEA BIODIESEL, etc. The idea of industry

Visit is to learn about Global practices and

benchmark our own Organizations in

comparison to Global Organizations. Efforts will

be made here to interact with the working

managers in order to understand issues and

challenges facing them and comparing it with our

own issues and challenges.

Other cultural & historical visits include EIFFEL

TO W E R , L U V R E M U S E U M , PA R I S ,




historical places in France & Italy. During these

visits, endeavour will be to learn about these

countries culture, history and other social issues.

Industry & Other Visits-Highlights

Industry Visits

Other Visits

Participants may do shopping at their will. The

visits to markets will help understand the

marketing behavior and functional aspects of the

working of markets in various European


AMP Guest Faculty for Past Few Years

Eminent speakers from the industry & government are invited to interact with the students. Given below is a list

of some of the speakers who had graced the previous AMPs. (designation are same as at the time they came)

K.C. Chakrabarty

M.V. Nair

M. Damodaran

M.V. Kamath

Michel Caillouet

M.D. Mallya

O.P. Bhatt

R.S. Sharma

Raj Nakra,

Rajiv Aggarwal

Rajiv Bajaj

Shaubhik Sen

S.S. Kohli

S.K. Roongta

S.K. Garg

S. Jayaraman

Chairman, Punjab National Bank

Chairman & Managing Director,Union Bank

Chairman, SEBI

Chairman & Managing Director,ICICI

Ambassador - Head of Delegationof the European Commission inIndia Bank

Chairman & Managing DirectorBank of Maharashtra

Chairman, SBI

Chairman & Managing Director,ONGC

COO Max Healthcare

IAS Secretary, Consumer Affairs

Cardiologist, Batra Heart Centre

Head Production Sony India Pvt.Ltd

Managing Director, IIFCL

Chairman & Managing Director,SAIL

Chairman & Managing Director,NHPC

Chairman & Managing DirectorNyveli Lignite Corporation

S.P. Singh

Sudhir Kumar

S.Y. Siddiqui

T.K.A. Nair

T.S. Vijayan

Vinod Rai

V.K. Garg

V.K Agarwal

V.P. Agarwal

Director (HR), NTPC

IAS OSD, Ministry of Railways

Managing Executive - Admn. MarutiSuzuki India Ltd.

Chairman, PESB

Chairman, LIC

Secretary, Banking & InsuranceMinistry of Finance

Chairman & Managing DirectorPower Finance Corporation

Former Chairman Railway Boardand Ex - Officio Principal Secreaty,GOI

Chairman, Airport Authority of India

Ashok Lahiri

Anil K. Khandelwal

A.K. Puri

Aquil Busrai

Ashok K. Baweja

Abhijit Bhaduri

B.K. Chaturvedi

B.B. Bhattacharya

Bhaskar Chatterjee

Bharat Wakhlu

C. Rangarajan

C.P. Swarnkar

G. Parampalli

G.G. Dwivedi,

Jagdish Khatter

Jyoti Gupta

K.G. Ramachandran

Economic Advisor

Chairman & Managing Director,Bank of Baroda

Chairman, BHEL

ED (HR) IBM India

Chairman HindustanAeronautics Ltd.

Ex. Director, Microsoft India Ltd.

Former Cabinet Secretary

Vice-Chancellor, JNU

IAS Secretary Ministry of PublicEnterprise

Resident Director, Tata Group, NewDelhi

Chairman, Economic AdvisoryCouncil to Prime Minister

Chairman & Managing Director,Syndicate Bank

CEO,Agilent Technologies

SM, VSM & Bar, Army HQ

Managing Director, MUL

Professor, ESCP-Europe, EuropeanSchool of Management, Paris, France


Overseas Learning Programme - About

Partner Institutions

ESCP - Europe, European School of

Management, Paris, France

The Management Development Institute, Gurgaon

has designed its AMP 2014 in close collaboration

with the following International Business Schools:

ESCP-Europe, European School of

Management, Paris, France

ESCP, Turin, Italy

SDABocconi, Italy

University ofAntwerp, Belgium

European Union, Brussels, Belgium

ESCP-Europe is a business school with global

aspirations and a European institution with broad

ambitions. The school was founded in 1819 and is






the oldest business school in Europe, indeed the

first institution in the world dedicated entirely to

business studies. It has formed generations of

entrepreneurs and business leaders in France and

in Europe. Today, with campuses in Paris, London,

Berlin, Madrid and Turin, ESCP-Europe is at the

cutting-edge of crossborder business education. It

is also a dynamic expression of European cultures

and identities. ESCP-Europe in France is a leader

in Management Education, ranking among the top

three Business Schools in France, and the top

twenty Business Schools in Europe. With 120

permanent faculty members, ESCP-Europe

constitutes the largest, cross-border Management

School in Europe today. This organisation enables

it to be thoroughly international in every aspect of

its activity. There are over 2600 graduate students

across the five campuses. ESCP-Europe has

achieved a high level of internationalisation, in

keeping with its mission to deliver multi-cultural

experts to internationally operating businesses. To

further strengthen this aspect, the School has

embarked upon a policy of global academic alliances

with top-ranked institutions. At present, ESCP-

Europe co-operates with 40 academic partners

worldwide. Cooperation involves student exchange

programmes, faculty exchange programmes, joint

research, as well as joint teaching programmes. MDI

is an ESCP-Europe partner in India. ESCP-Europe

provides high-value Executive Education for highly

experienced executives and managers from industry.

ESCP-Europe programmes are attended by over

3000 such executives every year, and in addition to

the regular faculty, nearly 1000 industry

professionals provide practical insights as well. Of

course, in addition to the academics at ESCP

Europe, the cities of Turin, Berlin & Paris are tourists'

delight. With the Eiffel Tower at Paris, innumerable

museums, art galleries, and other sites of historical

and cultural interest, Turin, Berlin and Paris are cities

which no visitor can get tired of.

The Italian Campus of ESCP was founded in March

2004 and it's the

Besides the Masters Programmes, the Torino

campus offer a wide range of company projects,

applied research studies, entrepreneurial executive

education, applied research and entrepreneurship

services. It also provides continuing education for the

development of managers and professionals. The

Ital ian campus presents four dist inct ive

characteristics firstly it is the youngest campus,

combined with the feature of strong development of

successful initiatives. Entrepreneurship is one of key

values emphasized at this campus. In fact, ESCP

ESCP, Turin, Italy

youngest ESCP Europe campus.

Turin is mainly oriented to training managers as well

as entrepreneurs whereby they are equipped with the

skills requisite to making business decisions in difficult

situations. These initiatives contribute to sustaining

the development of entrepreneurial activities started

by students and alumni. Strong links with the business

community constitute the principal characteristic of

this campus. The links with the corporate world are

specially focused upon. It enables the students to take

advantage of the relationships of the School in the

development of their academic and extra academic

curricula. The experiential learning of the

aforementioned kind is done in terms of company

projects, internships, applied research studies,

entrepreneurial opportunities. The institute holds

world class certifications namely EQUIS, AACSB and

AMBA. ESCP, Turin particularly aims at preparing the

next ruling class: a community of exceptional people

trained to be capable of taking managerial decisions

on behalf of their companies and institutions.

Università Bocconi was founded in 1902. Since its

inception, it has been an independent institution, open

to innovation and led by strong democratic values.

Over the years it has established itself as a leading

university and has played an important part in Italy's

social and economic development, while remaining

financially and politically independent. More than a

century after its inception, Bocconi is still true to the

values that first inspired its creation. Through its

academic offering and robust investment in research,

Bocconi manages to address industry needs for

training and innovation, while focusing on

modernization and cultural integration. SDABocconi's

campus buildings are in the center of Milan. In addition

to being the business and financial capital of Italy,

Milan is also ideally located in the heart of Europe.

Thanks to this strategic position, SDA Bocconi has

been able to build a large network of international

Università Bocconi

contacts and benefits from the city being a world-

renowned center for culture, fashion and design.

SDA Bocconi is one of only 55 Business Schools to

have received all three of these prestigious

accreditations, which are awarded by some of the

most important international organizations. SDA

Bocconi school of Management was founded in 1971

and offers executive, custom and MBA programs in

addition to taking research projects.

The University of Antwerp is characterised by its high

standards in education, internationally competitive

research and entrepreneurial approach. It was

founded in 2003 after the merger of three university

institutions previously known as RUCA, UFSIA and

UIA. Their roots go back to 1852. The University of

Antwerp has about 18500 students, which makes it the

third largest university in Flanders. 13% of the

students at the University of Antwerp are international

students. The University of Antwerp forms the

backbone of the Antwerp University Association

(AUHA) a strategic collaboration with 3 university

colleges located inAntwerp.

The Flemish higher education system is undergoing

some structural changes, which have an impact on the

organization of the international mobility. As from the

academic year 2014-2015 the academic Bachelor-

Master programmes, so far offered at university

colleges, will be integrated into the universities. More

information can be found on the website of the Flemish

Ministry-Department of Education and Training. With

regard to the University of Antwerp this means that

Design Sciences,Applied Engineering, Physiotherapy

and Translation/Interpreting organised at Artesis

University College and Karel de Grote University

College are incorporated in an existing UA faculty or

form a new one. International students in these

educational programmes will become (exchange)

students of the University ofAntwerp.

University ofAntwerp, Belgium

About MDI

Management Development Institute Gurgaon is one

of the leading business schools of India. A host of

reputed ranking agencies and publications have

been consistently ranking MDI among the top B-

schools of the country. The institute offers a bouquet

of programmes for budding and experienced

managers and six of its long duration graduate and

executive graduate programmes are accredited by

Association of MBAs (AMBA) London. The

accreditation across the programme offering

vouches for the international quality of education

imparted at the institute.

The institute is dedicated to the cause of creating

thought leaders and change masters. This it does by

nurturing the four pillars of academics, namely

teaching, training, research and consulting. It

strives for academic excellence and continuous

innovation, both at individual and organizational

level. The 68 member strong full-time faculty body

brings with it several years of experience either as

academicians or as senior practitioners from

industry thereby making teaching- learning process

a mix of practical insights and academic rigour.

MDI's lush green campus in the millennium city of

Gurgaon makes it a perfect setting for nurturing

thought leadership in budding managers. Its strong

links with Corporate and leading international

business schools make the experience on campus

global and cosmopolitan.

74,000 managers in different functions. It offers both

general programmes and customized programmes to

companies in public and private sector and to several

government and non-government organizations and


Research and Consulting at MDI are a way of to

partner with the industry to resolve challenges of

businesses in an ever changing environment. It is

also a way to continuously strengthen the bridge

between academics and practice. Faculty members

independently carryout action research and

consulting, and also nurture scholars through a

strong Full and Executive time Fellow Programme in


MDI has linkages with a large number of business

schools located in various parts of the globe. These

linkages operate in the domains of exchange of

students, faculty and knowledge. Some executive

education programs are co-designed and delivered

along with our partners.

MDI's International Partners

Programme Offerings








MDI offers the following long duration graduate


Post Graduate Programme in Management


Post Graduate Programme in Human

Resource Management (PGP-HR)

Post Graduate Programme in International

Management (PGP – IM)

National Management Programme (NMP)

Post Graduate Programme in Management -

Part Time (PT-PGPM)

Post Graduate Programme in Public Policy

and Management (PPM)

Post Graduate Programme in Energy

Management (EMP)

MDI is the largest school of continuing education in

the country and has over the years trained nearly

S. No. Schools / Universities

1. McGill University, Canada2. University of Waterloo, Waterloo3. DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University,

Canada4. Richard Ivey School of Business, Canada

5. School of Public Policy, George Mason University, USA6. University of Connecticut School of Business, USA7. Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of

Maryland, USA8. Marquette University, Wisconsin, USA9. Bentley College, USA10. The University of North Carolina, Kenan-Flagler

Business School, Chapel Hill, USA11. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina,

USA12. Smeal College of Business, The Pennysylvania State

University, USA(Letter of Intent)

13. ESCP Europe14. EDHEC, France15. The Institute d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences-Po)16. IAEAix-en Provence,17. Total ProfessorsAssociation (TPA), Paris18. Grenoble Ecole de Management, Grenoble

19. Bergische Universitat Wuppertal20. HHLLeipzig Graduate School of Management21. European Business School - Oestrich-Winkel22. Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Frankfurt23. Munich Business School, Munich, Germany

24. Vienna University of Eco. & BusinessAdministration

25. Copenhagen Business School26. Aarhus School of Business



Europe: France




27. Solvay Business School, Brussels28. The Faculty ofApplied Economics, University of

Antwerp, Belgium29. Louvain School of Management, Louvain

30. BINorwegian School of Management, Oslo

31. Universita Carlo Cattaneo, (LIUC) Italy32. Bocconi University, Milano

33. Warsaw School of Economics, Poland34. Graduate School of Business Economics, Higher

School of International Commerce and Finance

(WSHiFM), Warsaw

35. Middlesex University, London, UK36. Aston Business School,Aston University, UK37. Newcastle University, UK

38. University of Tampere

39. RSM Erasmus University, Rotterdam

40. Athens University of Economics and Business,Athens

41. School of Management, Asian Institute of Technology,


42. Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane43. Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT),


44. Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS)

45. Huazhong University of Science and Technology

(HUST), School of Management

46. Moscow International Higher Business School “MIRBIS”,


47. University of the Free State, Bloemfontein

48. Hungarian LogisticsAssociation







The Netherlands








Budapest, Hungary

Who should Participate

A Partial List of Sponsoring Oragnisations in the

Previous AMPS

General Information About MDI's AMP 2014

MDI brings together accomplished senior executives

from a wide variety of public private or a Joint Venture

organisations. Participants are drawn from both the

private as well as the public sector, and represent diverse

industries. In all, MDI's AMP works with about thirty to

forty participants from over fifteen to twenty organisations

every year. To ensure uniform levels of participation as

well as contribution from everyone, the AMP participants

are carefully selected along three dimensions: past

achievements, current level of responsibility and upward

mobility. Senior Level Managerial experience is a must,

therefore, Business Consultants and other Executives

are not considered for this Programme.

Airports Authority of India

BSES Limited

Bharat Electronics Limited

Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited

Electronics Corporation of India Ltd.

Food Corporation of India

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.

Housing & Urban Development Corpn. Ltd

IBP Co. Limited

Indian Oil Corporation Limited

Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India

NTPC Limited

Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited

Oil India Limited

Power Finance Corporation Limited

Power Grid Corporation of India Limited

Reserve Bank of India

SteelAuthority of India Limited

Tehri Hydro Development Corporation Ltd.

Language: English

Programme Duration: 4 weeks

Dates: 25 August – 21 September 2014

Programme FeeThe Programme fee is split into two components. The first component comprises the Indian Phase of the Programme

and the second one covers Overseas Learning Programme. The fee for the Indian Phase is Rs.1,70,000 (Rupees one

lakh seventy thousand only), which includes the fee for academic inputs, teaching material, books, and boarding and

lodging for two weeks at the MDI campus. The fee for the Overseas Learning Programme is Rs.2,80,000 (Rupees two

lakh eighty thousand only). This fee covers the cost of academic inputs, economy class travel to and from Europe,

local travel required for the Programme within Europe, airport transfers, medical insurance and visa. The fee for the

Overseas Learning Programme does not include the cost of boarding and lodging in Europe, as well as any personal

and incidental expenses incurred by each participant. These will have to be met by the respective sponsoring

organisation according to their TA / DA rules. However, to facilitate logistics, the arrangements for stay abroad as well

as in-city travel will be organised by MDI. Service Tax as applicable will be charged extra (currently 12.36%).

Dr. S. ChatterjeeProfessor, Operations Management

Email: s.chatterjee@mdi.ac.inPhone: +91-99990-66283

Dr. S. Chatterjee is presently Professor in the

Operations Management Area at MDI¸ Gurgaon.

Prior to this he was teaching and consulting in the same area at

the Administrative Staff College of India¸ Hyderabad since 2002.

Dr. Chatterjee is a mechanical engineer from BITS¸ Pilani and has

obtained his PGDM from IIM¸ Bangalore. He has thereafter

obtained his PhD in Materials Management from¸ Barkatullah

University¸ Bhopal while working with Bharat Heavy Electricals

Limted (BHEL) at Bhopal. Dr. Chatterjee began his professional

career with TELCO¸ Pune where he worked for a period of two

years in the production and maintenance departments.

Thereafter he worked with BHEL at its Bhopal Plant for 17 years.

While in industry Dr. Chatterjee maintained close links with the

academic world and was visiting faculty to IIM¸ Indore and the

Indian Institute of Forest Management¸ Bhopal. He has also

conducted programmes on materials management for

Confedration of Indian Industry at New Delhi¸ for IPCL at

Vadodara¸ and for Tata Telecom & ITC at Hyderabad. Dr.

Chatterjee has authored a book – “Applied Materials

Management” published by M/s Sage Publications India Private

Ltd which has been well received both by practicing professionals

in the area and by management schools. Dean (Consulting &

Executive Development). Dr. Chatterjee has executed a number

of Consultancy assignments¸ the major ones amongst them being

the Restructuring of the Directorate General of Foreign Trade¸

Restructuring of Engineers India Limited¸ Work Study of Banking

Hall Activities of Reserve Bank of India¸ Mumbai and Manpower

Assessment for Hyderabad Traffic Police. His areas of interest

include materials management¸ project management¸ supply

chain management¸ international trade and logistics.

Dr. C.L. BansalProfessor Law Public Policy & Governance,

Email: clbansal@mdi.ac.in

Phone: +91-

Dr C. L Bansal holds a Ph.D from Delhi University with a LLB

also from Delhi University He is a Fellow member of Institute

of Company Secretaries of India. Besides holding a

Specialised Diploma in Administrative Law from Indian Law

Institute, New Delhi, he is also an M.Com from University

Business School, Panjab University, Chandigarh. He had

worked as a Customs Officer on the basis of his selection in

the Central Services in 1975. He is associated with MDI as a

Professor in the area of Business & Corporate Laws. As an

adjunct faculty he has taught courses at various IIMs such as

at Lucknow, Raipur and Kashipur His total professional

experience is about 40 years. He has written extensively and

has published over 10 books in different areas of Law and

Management. He has been taking up Management

Development Programmes for ONGC, BEL NTPC, Punj Llyod

etc. at MDI, Gurgaon.

For the Institute of Company Secretaries of India and he has

developed a rating methodology for evaluating Corporates

for the purpose of their ranking for Corporate Governance

Practices. Before joining MDI, Dr.Bansal has worked in Delhi

University as a senior faculty for over 38 years. He has also

been associated in Senior Management capacity with private

sector MNCs. He is a trained trainer in Corporate Governance

from International Finance Corporation (2007).

His areas of interest include Business Law Corporate Laws,

Intellectual Property Laws, Contract Management, Strategic

Corporate Governance, Laws of doing business in India and

Economic & Labour Laws.


. .






AMP 2014 Programme Directors


Incidentals during the Indian Phase of the Programme

Foreign Exchange

The fee of Rs.1,70,000 for the Indian phase of the AMP is

payable along with the nomination for the Programme.

The fee of Rs.2,80,000 for the Overseas Learning

Programme is payable after acceptance of the nomination

by MDI but must be paid before the AMP begins.

Telephone usage, laundry, mail, courier, etc. handled by

MDI should be settled directly with MDI before the start of

the Overseas Learning Programme. Payments can be made

through cheque or bank draft.

Participants will be leaving Delhi for Europe on the early

hours of 6 September, 2014. They will leave Europe for

India on 20 September, 2014. They are advised to draw

foreign exchange accordingly.





Accommodation for two weeks at the MDI campus in

Gurgaon is included in the fee for the Indian Phase

mentioned above.

Please note that participation in the Overseas Learning

Programme is dependent on obtaining valid visas. The

responsibility for obtaining visas for the countries in

Europe lies with the individual participant along with his

sponsoring organisation. However, MDI will provide

assistance in this process. Further current procedures in

various countries might lead to a delay in obtaining the

Visa. Therefore, it is imperative that nominations are

received latest by 11 August, 2014. MDI will not be able

to accept nominations received after this date.



Other Information

Application Procedure, Registration, Fees andExpenses

For more information please contactThe Chief Administrative Officer (Programmes),

at MDI, at caomdp@mdi.ac.in or any of the

programme Directors at s.chatterjee@mdi.ac.in,

Mobile: + 91– or

clbansal@mdi.ac.in, Mobile: +91–98687-58778.

You are encouraged to begin the process two

months ahead of time. The Programme

committee reviews only complete applications.

The selection process seeks to maintain

comparable ability and experience and to ensure

diversity in work responsibilities and place of work.

You may register for AMP 2014 by filling up the

enclosed application form by mail, or fax to: The

ChiefAdministrative Officer (Programmes)


Management Development InstitutePost Box No. 60, Mehrauli Road, Sukhrali, GurgaonTel: +91-0124-4560004 Fax:+91-0124-4560005Alternatively, you may send an e-mail to:

The last date for receiving nominations along with

the Programme fee of Rs. 1,70,000 + applicable

taxes (for the Indian Phase) is 11 August 2014.

Payments should be made in favour of Management

Development Institute. Nominations made may be

withdrawn or cancelled any time before the last date

for receipt of nominations, at a nominal handling

charge of Rs. 10,000. Any cancellations after this

date shall be subject to a charge of 50% of the full

AMP Programme fee. In case the sponsoring

organisation substitutes one participant with

another, there would be no cancellation charges or

additional processing charges.



Nominations and Cancellations

Enquiries and Other InformationFor any additional information on any of MDI's Executive Programmes, please contact:

Post Box No. 60, Mehrauli Road, Sukhrali, GurgaonFax No.: (+91-124) 4560005, EPABX: (+91-124) 4560000Direct: (+91-124) 4560004, 4560534, 4560537E-mail: caomdp@mdi.ac.in, Website: www.mdi.ac.in

The Chief Administrative Officer, Continuing Education Division