4 th Grade TCAP Review SPI Specific. Read this paragraph. He wore a tall black hat. He did lots of...


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4th Grade TCAP ReviewSPI Specific

Read this paragraph. He wore a tall black hat. He did lots of tricks. He pulled a real rabbit out of his hat. Then he made the rabbit disappear. It was amazing! Which is the best topic sentence to add to the beginning of this paragraph?

A. I learned how to do a magic trick.

B. He never told us how he did these things.

C. His handkerchief turned into a bunch of flowers.

D. I saw a man put on a magic show.

Answer: D

Read this paragraph. It is good exercise. Most of the kids I know like to run. Many adults run too. Even some very old adults are good runners.

Which is the best topic sentence to add to the beginning of this paragraph?

A. Running is great for people of all ages.

B. Everyone needs to get exercise.

C. All you need is a pair of running shoes.

D. My big brother can run ten miles.

Answer: A

Read this paragraph.

It was easy. My mom helped me get everything ready. Then we mixed the flour, eggs, and other things. Mom baked the cookies in the oven. After fifteen minutes they were done. As soon as they cooled off, I ate some and drank a glass of milk.

Which is the best topic sentence to add to the beginning of this paragraph?

A. I helped clean up the kitchen.

B. We mixed in chocolate chips.

C. My mom and I baked cookies.

D. The cookies were warm when I ate them.

Answer: C

Read this paragraph. We all rode on the school bus. When we got there, a man showed us how machines milked the cows. Then we saw how the milk was cleaned and stored. We learned how milk can be made into cheese and ice cream. Which is the best topic sentence to add to the beginning of this paragraph?

Answer: B

Choose the verb for the following sentence: One of the pies _______ burned.

A. smellB. smells

Answer: B

Choose the verb for the following sentence: There _______ been rumors circulating about a strike.

A. hasB. have

Answer: B

Select the correct verb for the following sentence: Everyone _______ when Jerry's dad says he will pitch.

A. cheerB. cheeringC. cheersD. did cheer

Answer: C

Select the correct verb for the following sentence: Everybody _______ gone from the fairgrounds when I arrived.

A. weren'tB. wereC. areD. was

Answer: D

Choose the correct plural form for deer.

A. deerB. deersC. deeresD. derees

Answer: A

Choose the correct plural form for thief.

A. thiefsB. thiefesC. thievesD. thifts

Answer: C

Choose the correct plural form for chief.

A. chiefsB. chiefesC. chievesD. chevies

Answer: A

Which of the underlined words is written correctly?

A. The lightes in the house were left on.B. One hundred pennys equal one dollar.C. Put the box of paint brushes on the shelf.D. We spent the day raking leavs in our yard.

Answer: C

Read this sentence.

Zachary told the little girl, "Even though my mom saysI need a flu shot, she _____ I will _____ all _____."

Which words go in the lines to make the sentence correct?

A. knows, be, writeB. nose, be, rightC. knows, be, rightD. nose, bee, write

Answer: C

Which of the underlined words is written correctly?

A. The lightes in the house were left on.B. One hundred pennys equal one dollar.C. Put the box of paint brushes on the shelf.

D. We spent the day raking leavs in our yard.

Answer: C

Which sentence is written correctly?

A. I have read many of there books.

B. The snack tray is over their on the table.

C. We never found out where they got they’re dog.

D. The twins helped their parents make dinner.

Answer: D

Read these lines from the poem.

Laughter is contagious. It can spread right through a crowd. And as more people catch it, The room becomes quite loud.

The use of the words “crowd” and “loud” in these lines is an example of which of these?

A. simile B. repetition C. rhyme D. alliteration

Answer: C

Read the following. With slow, swinging steps, This line contains an example of which of the following?

A. Alliteration B. Onomatopoeia C. Rhyme D. Consonance

Answer: A

Which pair of lines from a poem have rhyming words?

A. Of baking soda and flour … Add salt and some sugar, …

B. To hear what I will say. They are eager to see …

C. With a happy sigh … Sitting nearby.

D. Today we will make … The crowd sits back …

Answer: C

Which of the following words from the poem show alliteration?

A. The crystal creekB. And rays drift downC. The woods echoD. A stump hums

Answer: A

The source with the most information about the history of railroads in America is

A. a dictionary entry under the letter “r.” B. an advertisement about trains. C. an automobile magazine. D. a social studies textbook.

Answer: D

Which is the best place to find written information about a recent event?

A. an almanac B. a magazine C. a newspaper D. an encyclopedia

Answer: C

Which of these gives facts and details that relate to a specific year?

A. an almanac B. a magazine C. a newspaper D. an encyclopedia

Answer: A

A reader would MOST likely look up "hare" in an encyclopedia to find -

A. how an encyclopedia is usedB. the meaning of the word "hare"C. more information about the hareD. that "rabbit" is another word for "hare"

Answer: C

Reading the preface of a source is a good way to learn…

A. the name and address of the publisher. B. the author’s purpose or point of view. C. which of its pages will be most helpful. D. what other books the author has written.

Answer: B

The sections of a newspaper are ordered by

A. letters. B. numbers. C. article name. D. date and time.

Answer: A

Read this paragraph. One sentence is out of order. 1. School started at the end of August. 2. The fall months passed by quickly. 3. At the end of May the school year was over. 4. In December we had a long vacation. 5. We had another long vacation in March. Which sentence belongs at the end of the paragraph?

Which sentence belongs at the end of the paragraph?

A. sentence 1

B. sentence 2

C. sentence 3

D. sentence 4

Answer: C

Read this paragraph about paper airplanes.

1. Making a paper airplane may seem easy, but if you want a plane that will fly well, keep these tips in mind. 2. First, choose your paper carefully. 3. Next, when you fold your paper, make the folds very sharp. 4. Pressing a book or other heavy object against the paper can help with folding. 5. Finally, to make your airplane do funny tricks, try putting paper clips on its nose or its wings. Now read this sentence. Heavy paper usually works better than thin paper. Where should this sentence be added in the paragraph?

A. It should be added after sentence 1.

B. It goes after sentence 2.

C. I should be added after sentence 3.

D. It goes after sentence 4.

Answer: B

Read this paragraph with its sentences out of order.

1. In the eighth inning the visiting team scored two runs. 2. The game started slowly. 3. At the very end, a home-team player hit a game-winning home run. 4. The score was still tied 0 to 0 in the fifth inning.

Which is the correct order of the sentences in the paragraph?

A. 1, 4, 2, 3 B. 2, 4, 1, 3 C. 3, 1, 2, 4 D. 3, 4, 1, 2

Answer: B

Read this paragraph with its sentences out of order.

1. When the coals glowed red, my brother brought out the meat. 2. She got the fire going and waited for it to burn to coals. 3. She grilled it until it was ready, and it was delicious. 4. Dad and I helped Mom fill the grill with charcoal.

Which is the correct order of the sentences in the paragraph?


1, 2, 4, 2


2, 3, 1, 4


3, 2, 4, 1


4, 2, 1, 3

Answer: D

Read the sentences.

Mike swam fast. Raj swam faster.

Which sentence is the best way to combine these sentences?

A. Mike swam fast Raj swam faster. B. Mike swam fast, but Raj swam faster. C. Mike and Raj swam fast and faster. D. Mike swam and Raj swam fast.

Answer: B

Read the sentence.

Last summer, I visited the grand canyon national park .

What is the correct way to write the underlined part of this sentence?

A. Grand canyon national park

B. grand canyon National Park

C. Grand Canyon National Park

D. Grand Canyon national park

Answer: C

Read the sentences from the letter.

(8) I like to call my grandpa Abuelo. (9) He always laughs when I do.

Which sentence is the best way to combine these sentences?

A. When I call my grandpa Abuelo, he always laughs.

B. I like to call my grandpa Abuelo, so he always laughs when I do.

C. I like to call my grandpa Abuelo, which he always laughs when I do.

D. Whenever I call my grandpa Abuelo, is when he always laughs.

Answer: A

Read the sentence.

Plant scientist george washington carver discovered uses for peanuts.

What is the correct way to capitalize the underlined words?

A. scientist George washington carver B. scientist George Washington Carver C. scientist George washington Carver D. Scientist George Washington Carver

Answer: B

Read the sentence.

People who live in the United States of America are called Americans.

Which change should be made to the underlined part of this sentence?

A. united states of america B. United states of america C. united states of America D. Leave as is.

Answer: D

Read the sentence.

The bamboo plant, even though they is not very healthy for a giant panda, is its favorite food.

Which word should replace the underlined word in the sentence?

A. it B. them C. these D. those

Answer: A

You are planning to write an article for a newspaper about how to take care of a dog.  Your purpose, as an author, is to

A. entertain

B. respond

C. inform

Answer: C

Read these lines from the poem.

What would it be likeMy feet planted tightSeeing the world shiftingFrom day into night?

Why does the author write these lines as a question?

A. To get the reader to wonder about flowers' lives

B. To show the reader that flowers are curious about the world

C. To ask the reader something about flowers

D. To tell the reader how flowers spend their days and nights

Answer: A

A Letter to Principal Davis

Dear Principal Davis,Would you like to give our students a chance for fun and exercise? Do you want them to learn how to be part of a team? If our school starts a soccer team, these things will happen.      Kids who stay indoors do not get exercise. A soccer team will let students practice and play outdoors. They will stay healthy, and healthy students learn better. Even students who do not play will be outside to watch games and cheer for the team.      Team players learn to work together. They can bring this skill of teamwork into their classrooms and set good examples for other students.      Please consider my idea. I think a soccer team will be good for our school.

Thank you,Jaime Delgado

The writer begins the letter with questions because he

A. wants to test the reader’s knowledge about soccer.

B. needs the reader’s advice about exercise.

C. knows the answers will get the reader’s attention.

D. thinks that guessing will keep the reader’s interest.

Answer: C

What is the purpose of Jaime’s letter?

A. to ask Principal Davis for his opinion about soccer

B. to learn what Principal Davis does to stay healthy

C. to inform Principal Davis about soccer rules

D. to get Principal Davis to agree with his ideas

Answer: D

Which of the following best describes how the speaker feels about homework?

A. Anxious

B. Excited

C. Angry

D. Joyful

Answer: A

Select the expression that shows the correct use of a comma or commas in this sentence: I visited Portland Oregon this year.

A. I visited Portland Oregon, this year.

B. I visited Portland, Oregon this year.

C. I visited, Portland, Oregon this year.

D. I visited Portland, Oregon, this year.

Answer: D

Select the expression that shows the correct use of a comma or commas in this sentence:

Mr. Brown our science teacher gave us a long assignment because we hadn't prepared today's lesson well.

A. Mr. Brown our science teacher gave us a long

B. Mr. Brown, our science teacher

C. Mr. Brown, our science teacher,

D. Mr. Brown our science teacher,

Answer: C

Select the expression that shows the correct use of a comma or commas in this sentence:

I visited Portland Oregon this year.

A. I visited Portland Oregon, this year.

B. I visited Portland, Oregon this year.

C. I visited, Portland, Oregon this year.

D. I visited Portland, Oregon, this year.

Answer: D

Select the expression that shows the correct use of a comma or commas in this sentence:

Uncle Bill willed twenty thousand dollars to Joe Jack and Harry.

A. Uncle Bill willed twenty thousand dollars to Joe Jack and Harry.

B. Uncle Bill willed twenty thousand dollars to Joe, Jack and Harry

C. Uncle Bill willed twenty thousand dollars to Joe, Jack, and Harry

D. Uncle Bill willed twenty thousand dollars to, Joe, Jack, and Harry

Answer: C

Select the expression that shows the correct use of a comma or commas in this sentence:

February 26 1995 was Brittany's birthday as well as Rusty's.

A. February 26 1995 was Brittany's birthday as well

B. February 26,1995 was

C. February 26, 1995, was

D. was Brittany's birthday,

Answer: C

Select the expression that shows the correct use of a comma or commas in this sentence:

She was able to can berries bake a pie and clean the house before we got home.

A. She was able to can berries bake a pie and clean the house before

B. able to, can berries,

C. clean the house,

D. berries, bake a pie,

Answer: D

Choose the response that has the correct punctuation marks.

A Among the gifts were a silver, vase, a china, clock, black candlesticks and a glass pitcher, with six

B Among the gifts were a silver, vase, a china clock, black candlesticks, and a glass pitcher with six

C Among the gifts were a silver vase, a china clock, black candlesticks, and a glass pitcher with six

Answer: C