4 Steps To Success That Matters - Wesley...


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Hello, and thanks for signing up for my newsletter! This worksheet is meant to be completed as you go through the audio download of 4 Steps to Success That Matters.

If you need to re-download the audio (or listen online), you can access it here. I’m sure you’re ready to jump right in, so let’s get started!

The 4 Steps to Success That Matters

Step #1: __________________ Success

There are as many definitions for success as there are people. But to get started, here’s a few that are noteworthy:

1. Oxford Dictionary: Success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.

2. Winston Churchill: Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.

3. A recent article in Inc magazine’s blog stated that you should ask yourself “Am I happy?” If you answer yes to that question then you’re successful, if you answer no then you’re not.”

4. Success is when people start searching for you on Google instead of on Facebook.

5. Success is when your signature becomes an autograph

6. Zig Ziglar: “Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be.”

Success that matters is success that matters to ____________!

Create a Success Statement for each of these five areas: 1. Relational2. Professional3. Financial4. Physical5. Spiritual


How you define success will ultimately

determine how you live your life.

Here are some guidelines for creating your success statements:

1. They need to be ____________________. Ask yourself “why do I want this?” Keep asking why.

2. They need to be as short as possible.

3. They need to be _____________________. Reading your success statements should inspire you.

4. They need to be unapologetically ____________.

Step #1 Homework:

Pause the recording, and take 15 minutes to write out a short success statement for each of the 5 life areas. Just spend 2-3 minutes on each, don’t worry about perfection right now, you can always come back later and





Your life consists of several key areas,

and your life is only successful to the

degree that each one of these areas is




Step #2: Set ________________ That Matter

Like circling a point on a map, the success statements you just created clarify your destination in life. Now that the destination is clear, step two is focused on the journey.

SMART goals are:







“Success is a progressive realization of worthwhile goals.” - Dan Miller

Step #2 Homework: Set one SMART goal for each of the following five areas.






Step #3: Determine Your ____________________

In what is now one of my favorite books, “Take The Stairs,” Rory Vaden tells the story of Dave Brown, who at one point was making over $19,000 a month as a salesman for Southwestern Consulting.

Dave had this to say about his extraordinary success: “I have a goal and I have a plan that I know will take me to the destination I want. It is broken down to exactly what I need to be doing every second of every day, and I’m irrevocably committed to working according to that plan. The results always just seem to take care of themselves.”

(Notice he has a “goal” - step 2 - that will take him to his “destination” - step 1)


Here’s a little secret - focus more on your ____________ than on your _____________.

“The secret of your success is found in your _______________ routine.” - John Maxwell

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to __________________ your priorities.” - Stephen Covey

Step #3 Homework: In 30 minutes, create the perfect weekly schedule. Include blocks of time in your schedule to spend working towards the goals you set in Step #2. Don’t get overwhelmed though, if you’re in a crazy season just pick the top one or two goals. Once you see progress in those you can start to schedule in time for the other goals.

I recommend using Google Calendar.

Step #4: Do It!

Nothing happens until you take action.

“But I don’t know where to start!” Yes you do, start with #1. Do it. Just start.

“But I don’t have time!” Just don’t watch TV this week, you’ll have plenty of time.

“But I don’t know what I want in life!” So figure it out. Buy a journal and just start writing about what you want in life. Ask your parents what you were passionate about as a child. Ask your spouse or your friends what they think makes you come alive. The answers will come if you commit to searching for them.

Even if you don’t know how to define success for your 70-80 years on the planet, at least start by defining success and setting goals for this season of your life (the next 3-6 months). Life is like a puzzle and most of us only get one piece at a time, so just focus on making the piece that you do have successful and don’t worry about the pieces you don’t have or what the picture on the box looks like.

But most importantly, do it. Do it now. Do it this week. The law of diminishing intent says that the longer you take to do something, the less likely you are to do it. What are you waiting for?

If you do take action, I want to hear about it!


Send me an email at wesley@wesleywiley.com. Let me know how your goals are coming! Feel free to ask me questions if you get stuck in the process! I’m here to help you, so don’t be afraid to ask me anything about this process! Also, if you’re interested in one-on-one coaching with me, be sure to check out www.wesleywiley.com/coaching.

Thank you for the time you’ve invested in yourself in listening to this audio program, and I pray that you have amazing clarity and insight as you go through this process and that you do achieve success that matters!

God bless!

Wesley Wiley

Let’s Stay Connected!I’d love to connect with you and hear how you’re putting the things we discussed in this program into action in your life!

Please hunt me down and send me a message at any of the following avenues:

Twitter: www.twitter.com/wesleywiley

Facebook: www.facebook.com/thewesleywiley

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/wesleywiley/
