4 January 2015. …we make resolutions …but, often find it difficult to keep them


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New Year Resolutions

4 January 2015

…we make resolutions

…but, often find it difficult to keep them

Every New Year…

Should we Continue Making New Year Resolutions?

YES!but our resolutions must be


touching all aspects of our lives

Physical Intellectual

Social Spiritual

Our New Year Resolutions

must be Holistic

Restricted mobility - can’t reach own feet, do own foot nails, tie own shoes

Breathing problems

Limited clothing choices

Chronic back and knee problems

Associated illnesses, e.g. diabetes, high blood pressure and depression

Affects self-confidence and social relations

Could lead to premature death!


1 Tim 4:8 “…physical training is good.”

Proverbs 23:20 – 21

Proverbs 23:1-2

Proverbs 20:1

Ecclesiastes 5:2-7

Diet & Fitness – Scripture References

Physical Resolutions

Physical Resolutions

before embarking on training

and weight loss programme…

• Obtain advice from your physician and


• At the gym, seek guidance on the

exercises and equipment suitable for

your health and fitness objectives

Intellectual Resolutions

Acquiring a Certificate / Diploma / Degree

Learning a new skill, learning a new language

Advancing existing skills – e.g. leadership, technology, etc

Strengthening relationships with FAMILY, RELATIVES and FRIENDS

Playing a role in COMMUNITY programmes

Joining a sports club

Social Resolutions

Prayer and Bible Reading

The Bible will develop your faith – Rom 10:17

Memorise one bible verse per week

Joshua 1:8

Psalm 118:11

Deutoronomy 11:18

Psalm 37:31

Prayer will enhance your fellowship with the Holy Spirit

Luke 6:12

Luke 18:1

Phillipians 4:6

Spiritual Resolutions

Create a Word

and Prayer


As you read the

Word, jot down

what you think

God is saying to

you – put a date

against it

As you pray, write:

- your prayer items

- date the prayer was made

- date the prayer was answered

Share the Gospel daily with at least one person – Make it a habit to tell others about Jesus

Mathew 28:18-20

Share the Gospel

Acquaint yourself with the Church

Discover your passion, and serve in line with it

Be consistent – ensuring your membership is established and official

Hebrews 10:25

Attend Church Regularly, Belong to a Cell

Participate in financing advancement of the Gospel

Grow in the discipline of Tithing

Be a Consistent Tither & Generous Giver

…will grow your life holistically!

Making Resolutions in all these dimensions…
