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X 4 A.M. Edition ______

T H IVOL. 14. N O . 293- ■ "

N ew lndictm —G ourtT p As

To Post $1(B R A IN S A N D B E A U T Y P

. G O T O G E T H E R N O T E D


NEW YORK, B lu ch 1< heavy, i lro n c kttd goodOooklnE — U » t U th e dcacrlpUon o f “b i * ^ children" (Iven today by D r. L el» 6 . HoUlDttwoeth. pnlcssor ot the psy- cholocy o t cueptk)iu il children a t -i T t ic h e r f college. ColumbU unlver- I

'^slty. J1 H er concluBlons nre dm w n from

^ close supervision over'MBWted c h ll- ) d ren s» thered Irom the cchoola of 1< New York In IW2. II

"W e lound.” D r. IIolltnEiworth £ M id. " th a t Bitted adoIcKcnU exceed' v ■doleicents ol average InteDl- gence. In beauty of face. They a rc • u l le r . heavier and stronse r than th e J' o ther* and superior In character.

“T hey are be tter ath letes than »v- erage children except, peculiarly ^ enough, they find It d ifficult lo lif t 7 th e ir body vclgh t. They a re poor a t n

’ chinning theniselvM or m ik ln s a n a n d ln g broad Jump.- ^

--- HOQV£BS-GQ T Q L A S T ;

R I T E S F O R R E L A T IV E p

WASIHNOTON. M arch i i iM — F P resident and Mrs. Hoover today a t - ^ tended funeral services In the tit t le .

-------- Q uak e r-c h u re h -h * re -fo r-th « -€ h l* f *'executlve'a aecond cousin. Oeonte C . , o

• Hoover, a n a tto rney a t the in te r - o c ta te commerce commission. ;

M r. Hoover died Ute B aturday of cerpbra t hem o^hage a f te r a brief

't ljf ie is . H e wUl be burled a t W est *' B ranch, Iowa, h is birthplace as well ‘ a r ' t h a l o f th e p residen t ^


N E A R S 2 2 5 , 0 0 0 M A R K ' )_____ jc

NCW YORK. March H (flV -T hel) d quarter-po«t neared tonight In t b e ! ‘

I B on lted u tf o n fo r employment cam - \ palxn a} H enry L. Stevens, general t

chairm an, announced a p po in tm en t! ( o f W. K. Cole aa Kentucky s U te j t chairm an. Cole Is president o f th e i LouUviUe and NashnUo rattroad . I

Meanwhile. N ew -York c rep t to | w ith in 43 Job* of tying t t l n n e w u 'i fo r the e late leadenhJp in lUie c tm * paitm* O f the 339,320 Jobs found |]

ago. M innesota has reported 23.319 a n d N ev York 33,302.

— b o d V - o K a b e d w e a l i h y W -----------R E C L U S E -G O E S T 0 - R E ST-:J

NEW YOBK. March M OP)—M rs. ' I d a E. Wood, belle of mld-V lctorlan New Yorlc. sh o for 19 years lived the life of a recluie in a hotel room w here

----- sh e guarded over ISOO.OOO in casha n d ttiousandf of dollars w orth of Jewfl*. was burled today. S trick e n , w ith pneumonia, she died la st S a t- ] urday. A sh e riffs Juo ' declared h e r ; Incom M tent lasl sum m er a n d h e r I nephew. O tis Wood, was appo in ted ' h e r guatdlan.

Y etlerday th ree trunks rcm aia lng in h e r room were searched for a will. T hey found a docum ent >'eU04'ed w llh years, which named her d a u g h ­te r sole beneficiary. T h e daughter died several y e a n ago. T he recluse 's i r 'a re tC reU llves today are fou r. niphew.T o t h e r husband and three isiep*gTandeht)dreit-«nd-(lielF-{amU- lies* A score of relatlve.i have aJ- r e s ^ laid claim to the $1,000,000 for- t u ^ she possessed.

k N E E D y T o L K S A P P L Y

' ^ F O R G IF T S O F F L O U R ;

WASHINGTON. M arch U (.1-) — P rf ild gnt Hoftvpr Inform ed to -! d sy or calls to r 5.67S.OOO pounds of

- free-iiourtT trm -the 40.000,000 bushels-o t w heat placed to the credit o t the n e ^ a n d , unemployed in th e farm

John B arton Payne, Hed Cross, c h alrm u i. charged w ith distribuU on i o t the free grain and flour un der the reeenUy enacted bill, sa id he h a d as- aured the president dUtrlbuUon would be made immediately.

Payne reported he had been con- Xfrrin* with DsilJen. seeking • basic price to r the conventon of w hea l In ­to flour. Although nd agreem ent had been reached, he said, orders have been dLtpstched lo till all requesu for flour wllh the cost or mUlIng to be paid a t (he price subsequently reached.

Psyns said several carloads of un- BJiUed grain already had been d ls- iu te h eJ lo the Dakotas for use as cattle teed. -


NEW. VORK. M treh » (fl,) _ A m enu of the choleit steaks, chops,

ch icken , turkey and even cav iar was laid ton igh t on the d ining tab les of 33 rsmUles who ordinarily would be

' giftd of a can of beans.Federal prohlblUon agenta. who

Saturday n igh t raided th e Petit Rlchr. a t 113 East P lfty -flf th street found great stores of perishable

• food» intended for th e tables o t w - « ral c n ln s .ttm n s oa .thesecond and

— — wher e folks w ho canL K ^ iH fn - T m n t- « re - * o n U « - d ln e ,—' \ Ctpm’ri Jat^ph MoootT ot the

u re e t polkca sla tioii enll- ed In reprrseritalires o f the neediest famine* along the eastern fringe ot the diatrkrt the police of th a t iU «

__ ______ tlon_pttroL ................ ..................................

= — I ™

E T WL x a s n w p u wi w m or

AaBOCUtro m a

m e n t s M o v e

t s k G u s m a n -

1 0 ,0 0 0 B o n d

P r e s i d e n t o f I d a h o E q u i p ­

m e n t C o m p a n y , . F o r m e r

’ L e w is to n S h o p F o r e m a n

- a n d U ta h n F a c e C h a r g e s r .I. —

■ <Dy n » e AuoclaUd Preu) t J E W IS T O N , I d a h o . M a r c h ■ I j 14 - - B r in R in g t o 5 1 t h o

n u m b e r o f I n d i c t m c n t a : v o te d in t h e i n q u i r y I n to t h e f I d a h o R ta tc h ig h w a y d e p a r t ­

m e n t b y a N c z P e r c e c o u n ty tj j r r a n d j u r y , 10 n e w t r u e b lllfl S' w e r e a n n o u n c e d in d i s t r i c t* c o u r t t o d n y . T h e j u r y a d - ® jo u r n c d F r id a y n i t j h t .

Nine of the new bills nam ed H en- ry O usm an. president of th e Idaho

y Equipment company, BoUe, and H .I p . Fox, Salt U k e Clly. a form er e m - i

ploye of th e U U h EQUlpment com -* pany, charging them jo in tly w ith I

m aking false c e ^ l c a t e s on h igh - n y materlal&^vouchers a n d pre-

_ Matlug- a - J ra udulcnl - TOuch f f . fo r - E payment.

T lie o ther oiw nam ed G usm an,- Fox' and H erbert Po tsch . form er (

shop foreman in th e LewUton d ls-

, m ent. on the same charges os th e '- o ther nine.

‘ I n a d d ltb n to th e bllU retxu ted '• today. O usman was charged in ' IeT

I indictments. The-w accused him of { ,, stT arlng falsely to a certifica te o n a t “ m aterU U voucher, receiving stolen \

I property and receiving paym ent on i = f a i s e vouchers. He surrendered ( I Thursday to Sheriff H arry D ent and i [was released on ttSOO bond to be

K 'a rra igned today. W hen a new ba tch , I o f ' Indictments were reported, h li ,

„ ! baU WB« raided to $10,000, which h* furnished,

1- j W hen the new IndJetm enU were i a l reported today O usm an wa# grant* I n t le d a n extension to M arch 18 to i te plead, a ad hU btU w as conllnued he a t $10,000. ,

1 PolK h, tuipended a fte r a person- ' to ,a l lo restlgatloa o f tb e LewUton of- ^ flee ^ O o m o r Q. Ross last n* .November, was retu rned (o the pay- iu l |ro ll January 19. H e pleaded not

« ’h U own rwognliance.Pox, released on h is own recog-

peeled to -rep o rt-h e re ,-fo r ':am ilsn - T ' m ent Wedn“i^»y.__________________

i T R l f f l Z O i•J*

I lilHG ES»er; ______te r j

A c c u s e d S l a y e r o f Y o u n g

n j N e w Y o rk W o m a n F a c e s 111.

S c e n e s S t r a n g e t o P a s t:h-le r ---------

GLOBE, Arl*., M arch U (/!') - ” ■ M acOolnry Seymour, who in th e 31

years o t hU life knew only o t tht " h a r a r i i r r 'b f " lh e - J '* s e r t ‘n llo n -I tr r

d lan . came into a scene or bewilder- , m enl today where tw o m en In a lan*' guage strange to h is un tu to red e m

. i- began a lig h t ovcr-hU.UIc.-------------^ ; .They talked’ of d e a th and liquor

J R ' a n d a woman to o the r m en who kepi i filing In and ou t ot * box on one

__;sW e or a so[nbre*hued room.-JorJ__ Sobcsnn joday the m urder tr ia l of

of I a strong, youthful A pache buck for leU -thc-klillng-l* '* sum m er of-««nrUUa- the Schmerler. Intellectual young »'o-j m m an, _________ _. ^ t ' Her home: of w hich Seymour j n n ! nothing, was New Y ork and th e I she came lo study tlie Apache, once

fearsome renegade of th e Southwwt Jon IndU ns. as a rew ard to r h e r achol-

astle aecompllshm ents a t ColumbU o n . university. She w anted to learn the u Jc innerm ost secrets o t th e lacitum tn - Apache and presum ably he^ eager*

ness led to her death .She m et Seymour and U te r lifr

body was found in a pulli- u tte r she I to had le tt h e r c o iu g e for a Saturday

n igh t dance of the IndU n t. un - Bo Seymour came to the room

which h u W hite P u th c r . coU fJ.s , M "court." One of th e tw o men h e e«»’

U lklng loday was hU a ltom ey . John ; p . Dougherty—th e o th e r wafl Joliir>

r ; Gung'l. United S U tea a tto rney lor ArUona. The m en in th e box were

n n i 13 proapcetive- -Juror*.- - f o r - wliwn ' G ung'l wUJ seek to bring the penslly

^ o f death upon th e WlUtc m an's «nrf, ftp. ; nu t Seymour was n o t alone. Shy was of the mysterious room where tutir I o f ; tribal kinsm an sa t. o ther* of ihe 1 b e ' Apache lu tlo n from W hile rt^er

' squatted tn th e sunsh ine outside, •h o w allinrstolldly,'etit Dougherty, In' AuesUonnlg pros- ■eet, pectlve Jurors, a n d U te r in dlscw* ible slons. indicaled he will seek to Ju»- Kv- Uty the killing or a t least show tz- and lenuatlng c lrcum sU nce. on aU pos- can aible grounds. Including se it-deffw r.♦.----- Tlie pOMlbUlty . of saU-d s feBse - KlUthe be raised thrtMgh the sto ry of fJaft- • I I - . e rt_aalfw ood . A pache-w ttncaa-Ier Jest Ihe lovem m ent. th a fM la s Schwer- e ot ler had th rea tened to kill Seymour Ita* 'b ecause h e would n o t m arry hrr------tu W hM -trled lo 'a taV T iIii~

THE o m r AS

V IN 1. - ■ . ________ . ■ . .T W

Death CallsG EO R G E E A S T M A N ,

m a n u f a c t u r e r a n d p h ila n - --------- th r o p iB trd lc B ,— </P) P h o to .

a r

i n H H iH m m B H


r » - y F E « l l Nsn, -------->“ Genius of Photographic In-.Is-riz diistrv Commits Suicide

in Hospital In Rochesterled '> . ---------^ ROCHESTER. N. Y„ M arch 14 Wol Oeorge Ea«lman, 77, genius o t the

n a pholognph lc Indu-^try who gavelen away more than $73,000,000 In a life00 tim e of philan throphy , com m itted

red suicide today by shooting himselfth rought tho h e a r t with a pistol,' Earlier in the day, E astm an had a aick*room conference with several

*1,, friends, moat of whom were connect- e d with th e E astm an Kodak com- IMoy. the 000,000,000 corporation

'ere E u U n an founded a f te r sUrUng hia nt* business career as an errand boy a l

to $3 a week.'H e aeemed cheerful during thU

con(erenee, his friends'aa ld . They on- expUloed 11 had to do wllh a codicil of- to hU will, and th a t they appeared U it u witnesses. T h e E astm an Kodak lay* company's business was no l discuss- not e d Utey said.

E u lm in 'tn lv r m t l Kvcrvl a tieii- dan ts from hU sick room, saying he

•og. wanted to write a nole. He first dlc- V . . toted a le tte r to a private secretary', Ijn- lh « co n ten u of th is was no t dlvuljied.

"nen he «Tote one In h li oBTj 'JjantJ.

T o my f r ie n d s -1 "My work U done.5 “Why wait."i Those outside the sick-room heard

a iliot and w ent In to find Eosiman

K-desd-on-hU -bod '.-H e.-had-fln tt.cs- tlngulshed a c lja re l he was smoking.

Big C am e H unter Where the pUtol came from was

no l divulged. E astm an was a btg jn f l Bame hunter, and had guns and tro ­

phies In his a iate ly East avenue CGS msnslon where be died.

Por some tim e the fac t of h b death 'dS l remained a e^crct w tihln the m an-

alon. while e f f o ru were made to reach tho only near relative, Mrs.

) _ George D o 'den . Evanston, Illinois, P Jl Eastmai) was a bachelor, ttlf Then b r . A. D. Stew art Uiucd a

- J n r -aUUm«;\t th a u iha-m ultU m lU ton. d „ . a lre m anufsclurer had sho t hlmscir,

expUlnlng th a t a lthough Csslman c an “ pparently h a d parttally regained____T»ls heaUh. he a pparently " leared the

worsi;"quor During the last five year* E lsI- ‘ fPt m#n had gradually withdraw n from

the E astnisn K odak compittu'. On April 7. 1025, he rcRlinied the prcsl-

a) o( dency In favor o l WlllUm O . Slubcr f i s f • -W ith -the .ic pu it c t-h i«-denthrth« UUa- gtock of tiK* E ailm an Kodnk com-

psny was drpresw^l~$8 on the N n York eKchange. II recovered .u f lt

------ 4aUi', ou ; m e news was a sevenTjour to m arke t coming a s \

ana jid i^ e heels of the suicide oo n c e --------------- -------------------- -- - —iwMi (Conlittued O n Page 2. Col. l i shol- -----------------------------


•_____nO lSE , M arch 14 (.T)—E. M, H ot

' her dm . Idaho Palls, form er Democralt< r she slat* chairm an, loday asked th e w c irdiy relary of AUite for application bU nk

for f illn th j^c an d jd ac y for the Dem ocratlcndmlha'ilon to r suprem e cour

^ M'tlce,5 “ - In hL-rlettcr to th e secrclury h 't I announcem ent for Uie ofM ln I only tentative, de

] , pending In p a r t on future develop' . S - ■


.Shy ______ilU C K P O O T . Idaho, M arch 14 U

‘ -U w re n c e H ardy. 30. was four cnished lo d e a th tn an old p o u t cflUr U te loday by David K ru m p i Ihe Krimip ran c h a t Wapello, nort

pros- of lierp.iscw- He had been mLwtng since T hun > Jui- dsy. Ind ications were th a t a cave-l a- « - I pfcum-d while H ardy wss sU rtdir 1 poi- ! In the cellar. A c ro 'ibcam siruc ferjr. him and two feet of d in rell on h

JiQdiU-_________ ’f{<j!t- hpuM « r r r rfqiJJrfJ 10 d

a - I e r ; the bo-Jy oul ol th e I io ien dlrL T l imer- I tiody a u s brought here and relaUv< uiour I livlnn n e ir Bhelley were nollfle r h rr The coroner and sheriff w ent to U ------- licene .---------------- -- -


FA L]T W IN F A L L S . Ip A H O . T U E 3 D

' I eI m T

; mmmm■ flFWLIOUfle

T o ta l o f 1 1 4 D e m o c r a t s , 1 1 2

R e p u b l ic a n s a n d F a r m e r -

I L a h o r i t e T u r n s B a c k

* F r i e n d s o f S t a t e - C o n t r o l

R e c o r d o f H o u s e

. V o t e o n P r o p o s a l

I WASHINOTON. M arch 14 ( «I I —Here la how Ihe house voted on I th e motion to consider submU- I slon ot a utate-control prohibition I I amendment;I Democrats voling for: 90.I Republicans voting for: 97.S ) ‘ T otal voUng for conslderaUon:_ 187.“ D em wrat* voting a g a in st: JJ4.

Republicans voling agaln sir 113.F irm er-L abor voting agaln it:

' Totol voling against consldera-■ I lion: 337,

in i Not v o i m g : _________________t l — s p e s n r U arneT l.

” ■ Democrats: 14,Republicans: 4.T olal no t voling: 10.

n . Vacancies: 3.T otal house m em bership: 49&.

de '——------- ------ —-------------- fB vT he'A ksM lW M 'P reu ier WASHINGTON, M arch 14 —

H o u u membera today reftised by it 237-to*187 vote lo consider a aUt*- control prohibition am endm ent.

T his declilon waa m ade befort crowded gaUerles la th e f irs t ballot

Ufe a t the e igh teen th am eod-

ted icom rnued On Page 7, Col. 3J lelf _ , ■ ------ ----------

-DEADLIIIEflPFHOilGIIES E FflRlNllOMETIl'XPIiyEliShl5 _____’ BOISE, M arrh 14 f f f W T o m ^ w

a t mldnlKlil Is the lasl you're allow- IhU r d by-law-{or lU lng-rcturru u n d n hey th e new income tax s u tu t e and to- llcU day there wss a steady s trlag o t ired ux -p ay ers filing re tu rns directly 'n dak th e offioe of the sta le income tan USB- eommlasloner «nd more were com-

ing by mall,______________________^ Por iicasmmodation o t Ihow con-

fused tba Uw or who delayed fll* Ing becauae o t Uie test case Involv. Jng the la«-a,1ilrh clerlrirrt laat »eek.-;ni«-;in£ome’ tix'~com m U *ion

' i n extension of time in w hich to ille the re tu rn o r pay the ta x by flUng application, w llh suitable reasons.

. w ith th e commissioner. F o r exlens- ions the law rc<julres in teresl o t « per een t per year o r s per cent per

,* ■ m o n th o n “thB-tax.'-------------------------:lng.

Any return pUced In th e mall by m idnight tomoTTow. M arch 15, will

was b« acceptable w ithout in ten u l or big penalty.

t r o - __________________________________;nuc ~

» t h H <

Mrs. ,------------_nois, i r A L L W W D O N O

^ - -V tO U U ? H R E «J o ju . -----------------------------------------------------iscir, /m an /

''/ / / / _________

trom ,O n ^ -------

rcsl- raaber. p

B O W t B O W - I O -

, r -


s s ;

IDT ' r iflAN

no rth

ndlng V - ------

n n r t r ------------vL The aUveatitled.lo t h e --------------------------------------------


LS Dm , Y M O RN IN G , M A R C H 1C, 19;

Capital News Told Briefly

i iB y-The-A s*ocUted.Pres»l----- 1.Hojie. votes n o t to consider i

mp rrin ea l'fo r s ta te llqtior control. .

Henjamin N. Cardoao takc .i' 5r:vi as aMoclate Justice of th r

, ,'ui>rrme court, succeeding Oliver Wdiaell Holmes.

Putty leaders w e tt optlm lsile g f . over proApects of sale* ta x adop­

tion in new revenue b ill a fte r hou'p w.>ys and m eans com m it- t r - dLu-u«etl addlUonal exem p.

,rol _____ . -sm iitc miprovea resolution m

ms»;c 1200.000,000 farm loan fttnd of Iteron.itructlon Pltiance cor- l>or,i;ion immediately available.

_ Hoiij- sivfs special economy l l cam m itic: su lhorlty la report dl- ** recll)- to tt leswlatlon lo abolish

fedrfiil bureaus and institu te ^ rcii.v)lldallQiu, on ■ '

Prr.«drnt Hoover asks con*re» lor imm ediste appropriation of

.IBO.OOO.OOO to m slnUIn tuU em ­ployment on federal waterway improvemenl *-ork.'

m —Supreme coun rtfUKa reqiicM

’ • fit vme«*n£ lc<Teiu« tor re ttew or |j*; b « f r co u rt decUton denying him •t- shsre In estate o t millionaire t«*

ther, th e Ute R ichard C, Kerens,* • a t. Units.

— — N p«r"K tate'on5lanchurla." ap- pesled to s u te depsrtm en t for reeognlLlpn,



Lash of Hunger, Heat and Creeping Things Drives Zoologist Toward Haven

f l S BUENOa AIRES. M arch 14 ( ,!> - O ut of the Jungles o t northeast Paraguay - "a .U nd o t mold and b Io o d --h as come the story of an

‘" j ; A m nican roologHt who Is fighting hU *ray to the headwater* o f (he P a n jia r iver under the lash of hun*

' " f t r . h e i t and every creeping thin*. U m f ir . D onald s . Weea, E lk iiA Weat

om- V ^ l a . U under commUIUn from th e H arvard university museum to

a n a river as la r north as the Brazil- V‘‘ lan border. He left Rio Y uquln w llh

two na tive companion* th ree weeks : -^f^lrLftgcrtlft-m-ltt-footrreanoa-smd-Ja-fol-i

lowing th e bendi o f the sU eam 'over i

of Rio d e Janerlo and Uie same d lst- ance n o r th of Buenoa Aires,

en»- "W hile flicking fire anU from the o t « P»P«r tn 80 degrees ot h eat and 00

per c e n t hum idity .'w llh i>olvorlncs------ -devourinB-me-and-y*Ubut-cras;Un8„ up my trouser legs." h# w rites under u by date of February » In a le tte r th a t

was s e n t by rvnner to the nearest

(Continued O n Page 7, Col. 5)

How To Cure Uneraploym

N O T L I K E T O T O n T H t M S E L ' B J o w t o N P a a P o i T


a .1 ■


-------------------------- O oprr«« tw .-^


► A I L 1. 1932____________________________



V e n e ra l i l e F o r m e r F i e ld M a r -

s h a l E x p r e s s e s - D e e p S a t -

J : i s l a c l i o n O v e r M a rg in

O f 7 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 B a l lo t s

nd>r- ny TOM wtt.HKl.Me. <AvK>cL-itrd P re u fiU ir WrUer)

BI'JU L IN , M n rc h -1 1 — P r c s i : d e n t I’n u l voD H in tle n - b t i r « i - s t i l l f i r . t l in th e

jte h e a rU i u f t h o ro it;li,-jiK rcc(l t o ­d a y to t h o f o rn u i l i ly « f ru n - n i n e a ifa in fo r. re - .ck 'c tio n a n d th e o ppo^ tition p ,i r t ic s b e g a n (H c k cr in jr f o r iid v iin ta R c o r

ay t h e s c c o n d v o te A jir il 10.A w a k e n e d to ln 'iir th e r e ­

su lt. th e venerable former field mar- eM shnll fxprefiaed deep snllsfaftion over or th e 7,000,000-vole rosTBln he rolled Im up In Sunday's election over Adolf rn* HtUer. hia nearest competitor, ns. While hU re*electlon is cotuldere<]

c e ru in , the maneuvering or poUti*___ -ca l-leadera-indtcated that-he-w ouieip- i.g h l his m ajor bntlle wUli liiU er for head ol th e N ational SocUlUti

iF ^ U ta ) who already has annouiK- _ ! cd he would run again In an attem pt — to Increase hU 11.000.000 votes.

H itler lu u e d a fervent appeal U his' followera from Munlcli to " re ­sume the figh i In the fiercest form W c.can no longer slww Indulgence I expect U»e party , Uj Ute la.-it man

r n l« Increase Its e ffo ru without hesl- L U U tlon . I win U ke tWi lead myself.“

T he Commimist.board ol s t r a le n ^ was silen t a s to w hether to pUcc

Elmsl Thaelm ann in the ILns ngaln. , He ran a poor Uilrd with nearly 8.-

sriri ;-------------------------- ---------- . —(ConUnued on Page 3, Col, 7)


e ast _____

W ASHINOTON. March 14 (fl»i - t in s M onthly report of the prohlblUoc

bureau today iJiowed Incretised llq- uor-au lo seUurei. incrtaM d caplur<

ling * " ‘1 pending cases -com porint February of thU year anC

Ve»t af-last~& D d sm aller totals of cop- « “ fUeated apirlts and beer. * n to The bureoii announced arresU ir P iir-1 February, 1W2, to u le d 6 « , an In 1^)1' crease ot 30 per cen t; a^itomobile ’■‘th seized 971, a gain of 77 per cen t ■Mka : and slllU U ken, 2171. an advance o ' fol— cent . .CamparUuu.oI. t h r s u a i over 1 periods, however, showed a decreas

d u t- o f 133.133 tor beer. W ine seUure toU led an increase of 13,313 gal

I u ,e Ions.d 00 ’ hundred new federal agentrlnes ' »«» t to work la st July. T he.bureau’ sUna - #nnouneem ent_tod*y said U»e In inder creases ra re reasonab ly cdnstsich u ja i w ith the Increase In the froce," srest Prolilbllion Director Woodcoc:____ continues lo empliaslze a policy o5) aiming a t big offentes.

j y m e n t

S E L V E S ' ] / \


\i/c d o n b / \h y.vo/D /

'/^i^SSlOI/ / / / / . ^

ry T U ' New York a n M d c ..lM .

- , ? - - V

Y N Etm iB X R Atn>rr n tn n u o


T |L i n d b e r j ? h ]

Ly C a s e S t i l l P l]

LS A f t e r T w o -


,„ in BOSTON, M arch U W - Mayor Jam es M. Curley today K rvterl su

1- 1. tjlnu ltj- to the widow of Traffic Po- lt»l» lice Sergeant John P. M, Wotle and

a t the sam e time dliclosed a pecu­liar case.

D uring h li police service Wolfe r) had been bitten by an ipioxicated CSTS~ Tnati. a dog sn d -a -ca trH e died De- tnfi cember 1, 1P31, from septtc polson- ♦ u . i n i in a wound csuied when he bll

hU tongue.1 to - -----------------------

FAMOUS ENGINEER DIESf fa n r e d d i n g . C«1., Morch -4 m -

o n F rank O . Bsum. 61, inlcrnallonally known electrical engiiier.-, died hero

r c . today o t head liijurtes he suffered n a r - T hursday when he fell trom Uie (n er roof o t a Redding ho le l..

:: tiwoM iM ockI SECURITIESiRKETji>e-m p t

,1 to Deaths of Match King and om. American^ Industrialist non'. Send Valiies Down AgainIMl-eir." ----------------

NEW YORK, M arch 14 (<T)-Fl- >Uce nanclal m irkcU were somewhat un- iBln. nerved todsy by the deatlm by sut- y ckle of tw o world leaders in Induitry

and Ilnanoe w ithin 48 hours.particu larly duturblng to world

m arkeU death of Ivar K reu­ger, Swedish m atch king, bu t news In the U s t few m inutes of trading in the New York m arket th a t George ICL E as im sa , founder of ooe of Amcrl-

K u L leading industrial enterprises, had ta k en his Ufe, waa momenUrily unsetU lnr.

n — H ighest banking quarters In Wall Itlon street, hovever, aM rrled .a lte r the llq - clo«e of th e market, th a t there was no

)lure parallel btlw eeu the EasUnan and M — K reuger desUu, While K re u g s waa and known to h&vo been driven t» the

cop- xerge of nsrvoui collawe by the en« * tsngI;m «Q l of hU world-wldc f in a ls

u in. .fiHi B fftlfi, th e gM U inn fnlfrorfcc* 1 In- were In an unauallable fjnanrla l po- >bUea m ion , bankers asserted. They a ttr l- c en l: buted Kastman's death lo advanced ce o f y e y s sn d 111 health, tn tnw _i:Ou-tUE.Kliulcrlntfmtllt>Bal biuik- reaso ers expressed Uietnielves as encour- L aud. apfH hv tiif eomnaraUvf fnlm maln- zurca talned by markets. In th e face or the

gal- K reuger affair. AlUiough the K reu­ger issues broke l iiu p ly In a ll world

genU m arkets, securities In New York held eau 's up fairly w ell,un til U te aflemoon. > In- wncn marked weakncst cropped out s tc h t In Uie raU sh a re ir and eonsldenblo

liquidation o im e into mo(t froupi dcock In the bond m arkel, OuUlde of the cy of K reuger BTOUP^however. selUng was

a l no lim e In impresslvrvoiumc.'Yn* news o t E ssim sn 's death ' u m e a t i time w hen th e m arket was alreadj

—7 “ allppln.t decidedly, and w llhln-a fe* Bilnutes, tJie d rop was checked.

Of foreign m arkets, only the Stockholm exchuige was clowd as i

_ result o t Kreueer's d e iih . F lnancla quarte rs In such nearby capitals ai

IContlnued On Psge 3, Col, 4)


: ■■ M C k sO N v iL w :,' M archT< / i ,i '.-F ro U and Ice, which aocoropan. / Ird w in ters Ute«t m arch Ihrougl

Dixie, caused heavy crop damage psrttculariy In Florida.

LlRht lo heavy trosi was genenf Uiroughoui most of the s la te ' laat hlghl. Hub-freexlng U rriperalurei

/ area louthw ard through the interloi to Moorcliavfa In the extrem e soui^

^ portiC ii'." “/ Kuch tender crop* as tom aloei K " bfun*.- cucumbers, squash, potatoes

prpprr.'. melons snd peas, w hich suP' jc ply the northern markets, sufterct i. most Mrlofisly. --------- -----------


n O C lirS T fa i. MUm.. M arch 1 ,4’.~ Im pr«vrnient In the conditioi of Jam es A, Herd, form er UnllcC

- Hint<-o M'liBtur from Missouri. It! Ir n htiMiiial Ii'tp . wan reporied tonirln Ijv liLt Miiueoii. .Mr, iteed wns op- rrat.-d on for RStt b luddrr troubti 1‘ri'i'ay. Ill* cdiMiitiDn U serious,

I The crL1l U not expected for rev. I rrul dtivfl. Tlie former senator U “C I ycari okl.


S A L E S B R I N G I N $ 9 2 ,5 G

BOISE. Mnrch 14 I,r,—Sale ol olroinariiarine tlam ps has no l been a ble source ol revenue to the su m thU yrar, the toUl sales being $93.K tn date, a report of the departm ent of a ;rlcu ltiirr »Uled ioday.

Licensed sale ol oleomargarine h is derrfS.'<d almost to noih'lns. the department of asriculiurc reported llic w»le b'lni! a \rr> dmall f rjc tlo r of saica reported before enactm ent

1 of lh<i,I,v.'l-r*9uifln*-<j,>*Ut»-to-btrJ _ rzn K cH tii- lflL H Il-O leo m an a rln e nnd

placing a su m p u x on the product of 5 cents a pound.

Only six rrlsll'Ts and one whole- M . sa ler h*Tt.been licensed IhU year.

TODAY: U n g e t t l r t

: w : m ^1 0 P A G E S ~ 6 C E N T S

K i d n a p p i n g .

'u z z l e s P o l i c e

- W e e k H u n t

E a r l y H o u r s F i n d O f f i c e r s

S c r u t in i z in g " H u n d r e d s

o f S o - C a l le d T ip s ” F o r

M C lu e to S o l u t io n o f C r im e:U- •

Ite By ROBERT J . CAVAGNASOed (Asjociated Press a u f f W riter)te- T T O P E W E J L L . - N r J . . ( T t i w ---------

r i M o m ln i r ) M a r c h 15 _ E n d o f t h o s e c o n d

w e e k -It i n c e c u r l y - h a i r e d - C h a r lcH A u fr u n tu s L in d b e r g h , j r . . w a-s a n a t c h c d f r o m h ln . .

) _ c r ib a p p r o a c h e d w i th p u z z le d Uy p o lic c e a r l y t h in m o r h ln R fro 8 c ru tin Iz In K » “ h y n d r e d s o f §o-

c a l le d H pV - f o r a d e f in i t e t r a i l to the kidnapers.

T he stream o t unrelated In form s- tion eoDlinue* esch dsy. b u t (he po- —

f IlCB were adm ittedly a t 5 o'c lock thU [ m orning still wiUiouk conereto evl- l dcnce of the baby's w hereabouU or

the Identity o t hU abductors.T »—A s-th c lr- la te tt -w o re ; Colontl~H ,-------’ 1 N orm an Schwarxkopf. sU te police ■ I IwiMl. announced arrsngem enU were

being m ade to r the questioning to ­day o t F rank Berg, who figured In

, J a k idnaping a ttem p t reU ted to au>■U thoritles in 'IM S by M U F h lU lp s.I w ealthy New Jersey m anufacturer. .

Berg a n d th ree -w o m eo -w e ro -» r-------rested by police who said they a t-

lin tem p ted -to lu re PhlUipi aboard - & yach t and hold him. bu t th e qua r­te t never w e v Indicted. B erg pro-

FI- tested th s t Uie -whole th ing" w u a in - "pubticl’y melodrama.'* u t- The brlllUnce of th e lighting o t in ' the Lindbergh home w ss reflected la

^ the frcsii snow outilde thU 'm ornlng. bu t there was no Indication o t unus-

'u - ual activity w ith in th e reaklence where nearly two score poUce t r e ' quartered.

? New iratU polnUng tow ard th e kidnapers appeared u d faded .w ltb Ute ipcsd of th e faUing snow which - enveloped Ute BourU nd eountrysfde.

, ,t Police f irs t told o t th e ir In terest in a group of hoodlums from Denver,

nn » h o h sd came c u t by plane and J w rre engaged In "m ysU rious actlvl*

lies in and a round New York."T hen , t t response to queaUoai,

!"* Colonel B ehw tnkopf said;3 ^ '- - ln » O T aa llo a o a a -m a n

n « n a end so o c U les whose head­e r Tinii^t^M were on P rrriflfrn t.f ltfff t.____^ Brooklyn, w ss carefully InvesUfftted.

U te home of Rom a on Preeldent street. Brooklyn, and Uiose of hU asaosla:?* were thoroughly searched to r any e rtdenee-that w o u ld e o n a e t t-—

! i ^ ^irnnHn.i/«<^n P»g«. 3. Ool. 4 ) ^

l i H O M l X

i 0PP0NENT88C0RES ' . —

U n ite d S t a t e s S u p r e m e C o u i t -

G r a n t s - U t a h C o m p a n y ’s '

.■ "I A p p e a l F r o m D e c is io nIClfll* as . • ”— WABHINGTGN, M arch 14 W —' Tito supremo court Uxlay m a t e d

the appeal of the U U h Power and :------- Mglit-eempanyr-chalUngUvi- t h s. . . Ildlly br the ta x im p o s t by Jdaho UR on electricity m sde in ih st-aU U .

T he case will be argued before the 1 14 cour< a t a ls te r d»t6. lan-,uah A «O R A N C E O F TEST

BOISE,-March 14.(4V-DecUlon of .tho' United S tates suprem e court lo

e n il nppeal of th e O U h Powerand Light company from a federal iU tu to ry court on the Id aho kilo-

tiiiiA. ws t t tflx-iaw. Biveg aM urance oL lhc____i-loV I liUlm.ile l a r b n h e Vslldliy- ofhaT l------1Miih of Ihe lax program enacted by the

M'TCUI Session of the 1931 legisla- Loes, lure.loci other half, the Income .tax,lup- approved U rt we^k by the lU te ered supreme co u it and It was consld-.., -

ered by attorneys In the case as un- llkrly It-wMI be appealed to the U iilicd SU les supreme court be-

- e s tiy 'M a tr court decUlons are fol- I g S Inlerprellng ita te constltu-

Tlic U tah Power and L lch t com- I 14 p a n y .d ire c tu l It^ su it against Em- lioii m lti Pfojt. tommL-uioner o t law en- llcd forcetnrnt, serklnc to prevent collee- J In j lion o t lax ot-one mlU per kUoa-att— - ir lit ;o ii iwvr-r nenerated In th e &!ate. op- I The tnx Uw wa* declnred by com-

uble lutiiy stiurney.s as likely lo exact 4120.000 A year from Ihe company.

r«v- .III an c itlm .tlf based on 1930 pro- s 70 liluctlnn. Practically aU IhU power Is

triiirpn .'trd Into U U h u n der condl-.------ tioiis llto eem pany conU oded pu t t t .

Instantly l" 'o tn terstale commerce and tliii ' bryond the reach of s .Hate

^ 5 0 tax. O uialons.oLM m e of th e grea t- e»t MTlentlflc m inds o f j h e country

, a c r e , used In the case. Includln* tlis l of Robert A. MUllken, world

f V ’ physicist.“ J ; A federal th r tr .ju d g e cqyrt h e ld . • • " the act valid, however, and from

thl5 clPcL'lon the appeal w as taken,Kate of the U x as 11 bears on all o ther power producers in Idaho hlnge.^ on the case.

S F L O J V E R - ^ H O « ^ O P E N S '—b o y — . ■nnd _N EW YORK, M arch 14-«V -T 1>«- iuc l InUm aUonal f lo v w sbo'iT^Uie iKAW '

of a mlUion b lossom s-opened today ole- a t G rand C entral paUce to con tlou i ir. th roughout th e weefc • ’

- I - — 4 —

- i l i E r M O 1


n K D I l C I S ]— In

^ M o r l a u g h - a n d - K l m b e r l v - A s - ^

^ s e m b la g e In d ic a te Ap- ™

p ro v a l o f N ew A g reem en l

F o r B ee t C rop P ro d u c tio n SU.

-------- 10 IOrowen bejm «l«nlng IWJ su«*r ; d*y

beat conlncta a t niMUn<B held . rtf! t«rt«y «l MurUUBtJ «nfl Kimberly wii tVWB purpoMS of eotuldertns tiie i r tn new beet «mlr»eta wlih Uielr 50-M : of i dlThloQ o t net returns for c tig tr; between sr»wcr end manuTftcturer. u wall u for explanation or federal ercD Droducllon loans toon to b e , 0 1

--------lo iS e m lla W lin h T n 'ilW i:---------r | | |.The MurUugh meetlnff, attended:

■■“by more ih in lOO jrower*. voted ap- • - i ptoral of the new beel conlract which :

' t m explained a t MurUush a n d , I Kimberly by w . c . Petzoldt, Twin

------- P*U»r«repre§enUtlveof M abobeetl .Brower* In a two-wee)t conference In > ■ Salt Lake Clly a t which acreement. d tl w u reached on the contract term*. I '

Similar meeUn«s are to be held a t I n ie r a t 1:50 P. M. today and In Twin ' Fktli hl(h tehool a t 8 o-cloek thU j erenln*.■The MW beet eontraeU. which were

made available for ilfnlnff yeeter- g day for the first time, will be avail- y., able a t bdth meetlnti today. ■

----------^<tfowm=-ree«pUon-or thecontract a l MurUuih and Kimberly, . j i ac well aa a t a slmUar mtellng a t ^ Bohl Satordty erenlnc, was report- ed’to ba ao faronble aa to Indicate i ;rianllnf of a record crop ot beeU tn ! t»e TWM M ia diauiet- this aeawm.i ^

•A. R. Ha»ar. Twta Pall* m anater; ^ ot the Amal(aaat*d Susar company.'

'anwthueeilBKSy*etertay-to(*part • j - WlU) Ur. Petaoldt In explanation o f ; ^ tb* conlract provisions, and alto In i .q . dIKiaaloo of proper production nltthode. »e advUed early plantlnc ^ and ute of fertUlaer where n«c<«> s%rjr.

BUtlstlca Indicate, In view of vol- tn U i7 reatrlotlon of production. tba t there will be let* tu far on hand ii at tha cloae, than a t the bectnnlnt he of thla yatr, Harvey S. Bale. Twin , . f PftIIteountya«ent.advUedthetTow- e n a t UurUuih and Kimberly. ^

a . S. Broaurd, former Twin Palls . . ecunty arent, wbo hat returned from m. Oallfomla to be field man for the ^ i^aalsamated eonpany ta tha Mur- t iu ih and Bden and Uacelton dls- ^ trleta. waa talndue*4 a t both meet-

in p jre r te rd a y ............ .................. ^_____________ Jud

. aff

s iB ffiim u iitE i

s p w e f lP M iil------------

--------- T ra n s it io n — F r p m ^ O a r k n e s r t ^

l o U g frt T a k e s P la c e |

^ W l f l f e W h is tle s S o und ing K......................................Ilk

w ith the loundlnt of sirens and whlatlea a t 8 o'clock tomorrow nlsht, m tha tioom enveloping the windows iic of Twta PaUs plaeea of buslneu wUl live away to floods of welcome light cei and five minutes later the doors will t,. swtnc open to Ttslton ror the an> „ nual siirinc opening of eslabtUh* th n^nta to gueets. ee

louring tbe five minutes while the whistle* kre blowing cltUena of the = city nnd v u iu n within ita gates will . . b* entertained wllb a surprise stunt ' It la announced by Kenneth Beach m

_______^ rc h a n U b y t u _

merce. lait evening. Prognms In *,j ;>laees ot business having open aouse or olher entertainment will Jegln a t »:05 P. M. with the opea- „ ng of the doors. It Is announce

I t Is lhe purpose of lhe mer* ^hanU' bureau to have displays 'n- = tact for the reit ot the week u far . , u poaslble. Much Interest h u been manifested In the openlng projram

I ~ • an d lU success seem s'aswrrt thosi

Twin rilU Legion p a t wUl have a boxing program at the Le­gion hall a t night. The state bas­ketball tournament wilt be on for Uie following three dsjrs of the wrek, ;



(Continued From Psge One) ivar Kreugsr. match kliig. ]

Bankera familiar with Eastman’s :

j F r e ¥______ ...................................... .................................

T /iia ix v ifa fio n cti y s ta ff gpccialist from I'i here ta advise you. Let

jn rtie u la r type of tea : Ij and faciai treatm entS your complexion may I

K Thin tervice ia co-------- g — 1— ^ 4 a U - T k rT e se rm tS ri

S you to phone fo r your

|—— Edna Di8 • m private 6i

FOBCCA8T rO R T O D A t AND f T O M O U O W — ttnsetttods p » b - I, ably t«eal rain s and a n m todsy: U

M lnlmiun and lemper-atUT«s to tb a T w ta Palls vicinity In th e 34.hour period preceding s P . U .-y a te n !a y were 27 and 48 de* greea above ic ro . according to lhe Qm r e ^ ' o f D rB .’ Cheyne, government w eather observer here. The day j was partly cloudy and the barom­e ter. falling aJowly, registered 3fl48 inchea a t 6 p . r iT W ind was ta the « e sst. Hom ldlly rwnged between Mand 44 p e r cent o f sa turation . I

B u n d iy a Jow a n d high m arks were 10 a n d «3 degreea. r«*pe«Uvely. The day w u d e a r a n d thfr b a ro m et^ Fi regu te rad M.4a Inches a l 6 P. M. but W ind w a t-ln th e e u t . - H umldlV ,n„,

: ranged between 74 and M per cent : Ot a a tu n tto n . nifl

vld«. •- eun

O m n E L l F F B tI ............. ., , _____ , . , Mor

! Stuart H. Taylor Retiuesls uuI - . meiI Authorization to Turn w ! Property Over to Trustee |»

- sb i

Slnca December 9. when fitua rt H. T ay B rrT w fJT T H U rw u -ip p o in U d X

I special receiver o f.M iaR otenon Ho- tha - te j -e « ip a n y .4 » 0 p « r tj fc ia ja ( lii^ lf c *t_

tb e ho te l oeopany-s taccrme has ^ g re ia la d »7fllt.43. Including *3«00 betsow td to pay lazes, while lU d ls- the

; bUrtemenU toU led 1785632. leav- g ; lo c -a balance of f « lJ l on hand, ac- ‘ eo rtlng to Mr.-Taylor's report which of iw a » t t le d ta a u irld l court her* yea- re •,

lerdsy. W ith this report. Mr. T ay- ttm ; lor fUed hU request to be dlscharg- mei ;e d from the ipeclsl receivership, is i

and for a court order to tu rn the end property o re r to L. A. C hspln. Twin u*t PalU. w ho w u l u t week eUcled by eral eredltora to be trustee In bank- prei ruptcy. Hearing oo th e report and equ sppUcatlon. I t w u sU ted . probably van will ba held nex t Friday. 500.

T h e racelrer'a report recites th a l vali he look potteasloo of th e hoU l prop- due erty and continued Its operation u n - boa de r th e court's decree sn d order, bali There w u no Inventory, th e reeeiv- d ls t r reported, and h i proceeded to h. make one. There w u question, he u id , u to owneiahlp of reai esUte and 'O ther property, w hich w u ta* ^ volved in five law n lta . T he receiver ^ In tm e n e d in iheae su lU a n d aUp raslited eredltora’ appUealloa oL «a- Judlcatkon of tha t e U l eoB pany'i a ffa lrt ta‘bankruptcy. CI

Pursuan t to lhe cpun 'a order, th e J [ receiver reported^Ke employed T u r­ne r K . H a c ta a n . T w in Palls, u a t- lo rn e y jM d two accounUnti^ H.

a i ^ T ^ e hoial eompany'a booka. " It ^ InpoailbU to a scertain th e u - s e ts .a n a ji^ lli llM .'L th e rep c rtJM # , _ 3 a n d petaU akin waa obtained from mi tM ~w mptroUer of^

eoapany 'a accounts by records o t e Tw ta Palls National bank, which se<cloaed November 33. I t was, tho re - top o rt says, "a very difficu lt a n d In- aoiirlcate m a tte r to arrive a t any th tag Hallfca_an aceurate etaU m ent of u * -seU and lUWllUea.- w

Stockholders e t th e hotel com- typany and of th e Twin Palls Na- gn tional bank were Identical persont.

A ppotatmenl of the special re- fui’ celver w u made upon sppUcatlon iI by Robert Rogerson. J . May Bovd m' and O . H. S tlf. stockholders, and •' th* Southem Idaho Wholesale O r>- Ui

eery eocnpaay. a creditor. tui

! — . ■ - a! a t ta i n were convinced th a t h la a e t pa' w u the result of m ature yeara a n d tej

ill health, and nothing more. « oUi. — *astm an-«ald-«f-T hem u-B dlaoi»r 4a(

when tha la lle r died, -H U d e a th encloset a carter th a : se t th e tem po ycfor an unparalUIed era of Inven- ap tlon." and the same m ight now be u id ot htmielf In th e m a tte r o f ta -

_ d u ilrU l developmtnt. B«

— M e m b e r g - o f - H o U i B fa

b l e i n s p e c i a l s e s s l o i

T e m p l e i n T w i nW E D N E S D A Y . Mj

a l 2 P .(0 a tte n d th e fu n e ra l o f B r

Bv o rd e r o f ( h t W o rt R. E . M O R EH O U SI

W . F . K LU8M E

Invitationcntitlfn you to a complimcniaru

m the Colouial Damea L a b o r ito r Let h er prcacriOe (he cafe'^eat aul beauty. She icill alao give you a i n t wifA Colonial Damea Beauty JV be kept exquisitely clear a n d yc

d 'fd im iM , a iu i-tke.dam aw our reservation a t once to avoid d

Dolby, Staff Spte booth




_ _

CurtalliiiMt~ of Revenues 2 From Outside Sources £ and From Assessed Val- S uation Causes Action «

--------- ClFactd with decreulng recalpt* “

but with Increasing school popuia-tlon the Twin PaUs board of aehool -m Iniittees a t lu regulsr neulon lastnifhl ta ita tentative budget pro- ttivlded for'lhe raising, of ltM.140 for « current expenses next year againstll0e.0T7 for the present tchopl year ^snd <211.871 for the prevlouf year, a .

* r»ducttoIrof-W W T-fcro^-thr:tota^ ^ of the present year and M6M1 from j, the total of last yeiff. Salaries were rfaiiced irom »l3r<0(no sjw.^w. a =( cut ot *35,000. ol

II waa pointed eul In the dtKim- flon that many of the expenses arefixed and not subject to much cur- "Ultment. These taclude bond pay. «ments. interest, power, water and dl

I lights, and the like, hence. 11 w u tlstated, the greatest reduction must lr

I be in tha ooat of Instructional serv- f<W. which h u been compelled to uistMorb practically the enllre uv lngt ei for the year.

1 ~ P e c ttased —revtnue—from—other> thsn- local sources snd trom great- ,

ly decreased assessed valuations „■ liave’ aaeT rran w ittv e -th a t-n T * - I Ingi be planned in order to balanc*

the budge*,; I t w u stated. „ Speaking of the anllclpsled rev­

enues.'W. B. Smith, superlntendeot 0) of_TwlB Pall* schooU. u id : “Th* fc re\’enue'from outside sources,'ptr- st ttcularly from the slate apporUon-, w ment, h u dropped about IftOOO, Thla -

> U due to decreased revenue from J' endowment funds. The assessed val- st ' uation of property wJl) be eontld- ci

erably leu t h ^ last year due to de- tl' predated values, and lu t year the U equallcattm on lands reduced tb* o< valuation ta the dUtrlct from 88.- 500.000 to r,SOO.OOO. This year the ^

; valuation wUl probably be again ^ \ duced to about 87.300.000. The s ^ l

* board U faced with the n e ^ l y of . balancing the budgit^TliU mean*' dlmtalshed expend^um. - I "The Twln,.-'TOli Independent

aehool d ls tdc tts on a cash buU and >' the schooTboard Ust ntght decided „

to iwfUll expense* suttldently to .[ >Wp It there." ^: _______________ ________ dlI ■ a:

■ SEEDWSIILIBLE L in pny MNIL CHEESEt -------- • S

I, _»4er*l_en»_jrodue_iipn_lp«>a ^0 may be u**d In part for payment o f f* » canal-matalenanca.ebargu. U_ap- ^

t as- the- repreeentatlve here of th*1 teerelary ot agriculture, according ^- to advice* which Congretaman Addl- ^- *on T. Smith wired to Harvey S. “ I Hale, county agent, yeeterday. " •- _Jlilljne«*a«e_came ta reapontc to ^

request by the county agent, coun-* ty commissioners and a number of n* growers for modification of the aeed it; loan Urms to permit use of these

* fund* for payment of canal charges, tn 3 OoBgressman Smith's telegram cn i u id : ' ^ A Heplylng to your wire, I have ta- k- t*rvlewed the secretary of agrlcuU 8<

tur* and Dr. Warburton. director of n. the extension service, tn onnectlon

with your request to permit use of t part of seed loan for water main- i;1 tenaoce. i t u impossible to make an-^ other formal change in the regu- -

tt ency, no objection will be raised If0 you. u secretary's representative,- approve the ume."

- n a rd Cost for Brtwdera a t Carl G. Beatan 'a. AdT.

j B t e r - L o d g ^ N o . - 7 1 , - J

s i o n a t t h e M a s o n i c I v i n F a l l s , I d a h o ■. M A RCH IG, 1932 ■2 P . M. ■ f B ro th e r H erbert D. R ead ■ ^ o rth lp fu l MaMtcr and H lU SE . A cting W . M. ■ S M E Y E R . Secy. ■

: i A i s Ifa ry beauty am ln m . A Kaionr.v «'ii_ HoJIincood ia «1 Bulfffl lo i[ci:riiipe jioiir ^ t a complrtr -wakc-tip'' K !<fy Aid.'i, il) i>hnw how r d youthful. g

leat and ruJ,»j ibig ,-ral « nand (ireaf, so _________________nid disappointment. - 1]

Specialist IFALK'S DBPT. STORE |

Tvjin Falla /dafta . _ _ | T ^ ^ y p n i iS T B

Y i f e w S . T f fT N F A I iL S i I D A H 0


-------- an(Oonttaued Froro P a n On*) - ,m

them w ith the crime. H avtag M fu r- I lher jn form stlon th a t would in any I way conned them w ith th is crim e J I we have vindicated them from any •*

'^ e * d l d " n o t fu rther identify the * r -R om a“ -of w hom -h*-spoke,-b««,-ta _' rvn»i»r » Joseph T . Rom a, i t f f t l td ' ’ gang e*ar, who tr a v e l« n 6 “ ntfw Je R ’ ^

sey by plsne recently, te n w d any ^ m ention Of hU name m th* c a t* - to o ne sUly to discuss." ,

SUenc* and secrecy c loatod Ih*I movements o( MorrU Roaner. un-

d tr.cov?r m sn In lh a P»|vat* h u n t ^ Colonel Lindbergh U m aking for hU

“ p ^ th e attorney o t e ^ e p t l a l e’ a n d in t a g B iti. under-w orld flgureiI d f s l^ t te d , a - t h e - U i « ^ h a ;• “go-belweena." cam* th* »W *m*nt' th a t ih<! pxtr liad been ta ‘ tad lrec t 1 ; o o n ta c f with the k ld n a p m and to ' . would w on make a tr ip lo D etro it to htr connection with Ihelr n e g o U a t i ^ m ‘ Blia was quoted u u y ln g t a t n -

»■ nm th~=ord~ infantnnU «tog t or - ‘ days, Ai<* alive and u f e . . - O' » O f the u n d e w r t d , ' COtonei nt SehwankoDf had »i&“lo s a y 'to o n r "at

of hU buUettns; th"Whilo we tiave been credited pl

) th ro u jh the p r t« w ith appealing to . the underworld lor help, ihere .lc.ab- . xolutejy no connecUon directly or ta - Fl 1 directly between the underw orld and M I tha pollce'orflclally In charge of th s tr I InvesUKntton. Therefore, U any to - Hi . form ation h ts been learned from th* ol } underworld of Importance w ith ref- yt a erencc to lhe Investigation It h u

never been made known to Ihl* de-

f - ^ h ^ 'r ^ i u e s - r r o n r s u c h - f a r - n u n g -wi■ cities u Jsck ion , K entucky, a ^ ai ' J lf tn b 'irg , Germany, engagwl poUoe p< I a tten tion d u r to i m e d a y .'b u t near tJi• nightfall "ihare ar* no new d*velop-■ menta" w u relU ratad.• T ho m aster of th e a team iiU p Olty at I of Baltimore docking a t H am M rg In- rc I fernifd poUct. th s chUd aboard M e .at• sh lp aboutw hom they h a d -ln q u r td di -. waa a girl. at s - T he she riff o t.B re»<taty a t ^ 1 Jackson. Kentucky, lMe»Ugat«d a. story of a N eW Jcre e f licensed car. carrylnrf a b lo n d f r^ fa n t and touhd *-. lh a t th* machine actuaUy w m f r « co> M l c h l g i r ^ d sttU fle tl hlmseU ItsI occupjirta w*r* beyond suapiclta. „


, Gilo a n d Copenhagen were describedt as p ladd . T he large vot* poUad by “} P resident von Hlndenburg had a bol- '> sterlng effec t in the BerUn boerae for ■' » a tim e, bul I t subtequently tu rned «

heavy. M arketa to Paris, A m iter- dam a o d £«adoo generally decUtsM. a llhougb the LondOQ m arke t im ­proved ■omewhal a fU r lha f lracaa i- ^

*% ?w ld seUtog ox K reuger a n d Tolt p I apparently converged upon th e New tc , York m arket, becaus* of l u ab llliy ' f \ 40 abso rb saUtog to ■ U rgar voIuqm- th a n B urop**B B>ar k *U. ^ *fliU itii j]J

to Uw uaue were o v e rw h e U ^ a t the to, o p e n lu . and ll w u n o ^ u a tU an Vii h o ttf-h ad -e lap * e d -th a t-U M order* - n

were finaUy U bu la tad and the optn- ai i- l a r i t r a n u c t io t i - t f j ^ : ; ^ ^, shares a t i U 7 Wf l3 T l3 f to 5 o * lu f^ =• day* d o ie . T h is w u the Urgest _• opening transaction /o r any stock tor the hU tory of the slock exchange, ]

bul w u exceeded by th e m o o o share opening in Cities Berrlce to the curb

® m a r tK - to .W o y tm b g r J g t________ _■ Th* day 's toU l tu rnover in iG e iF I ger and ToU reached some 870,000 1 shares.B O utside tbe K reug tr group, th i ^ turnover in th* s tock exchange w u a only a lllUe more th a n 1,000.000 ' shares. E u tm a n K odak dropped 88

- lo 87125, then recovered to 874.75.- s tu in g w u to *mall >oU and the• turnover w u enly 8100 ahares. nf Cbarle* P , Laraea Coal c«- Ph«P*- IM. Caatl* G at* C o tl. Adv.


I. ■ •

I . -

I f ____

j RIIIV . . . D o o r s ■will, b e o iicn a '

n in f f i r n d y o u a r c n iu.n c o n

I j a n d aet t h e i r sh o w in g o f

I c r y . S o m eth iD fr f o r u!l l y p

i anp . . . o u r n e w l in e o f k n i t

h ___ :_ h I o u a e a .4 » l o a ^ f i l c ^ L J v l !

I . j a c k e t s a n d s c a r f . t ond sp(

I "Eu erg th in g I ------------- , , F o r l S

a P s i ' i — M —

B R € V I T I € S |r Horae From l u A agde* — M r.

and Mra. O . W . T a r r have retu rned from tiO* A n g e ^ wher* they *peal the w ta ter....................

1! ParenU of D a n g tle ^ -A daughter I was bom Sunday to M r. a ^ Mra. |iji w ; K .nam bo. rout* 1, Tw to n U s , a t

e a private u n lla r lu m here.

I - 'C S v e . - r o r H . m * - « r > ^ - H a r r r ~1 ^ f t y , Chlfagft, Wha ha a b c ^ . ^ , » vtslHng.ticr aUUr. Mn. B. Ia P a t- I rick, le ft for he r home yesterday.

a B a iom r r o n G oedtag'-M T. a n d f t! Mrs. Pred Mounce, OoodtoC. iooo in . a t panled by the ir daughter. Bem adtoe.; .p e n t Sunday here a t the ^ of

Mr. Mounce's m other, Mr*. A. no t Uounce. I* - t o l a r * B e a p iu U T h o ro is KeWey. ^ ,t H-year-oW to n of Mr. ana Mi*, j . oa ■t 1- Helstey, Rogerson. w u adm itted a a d te th e Twto PatU county general pij n heapllal Sunday for m edtenl trea t- ^

I. » — th* - f , r « iU a f a « » - M r .* n d M r * .J o h n . j n

O K oonts. n o beven th avenue bu li north, a r* th* p * ren u o f a *on bo ra to ir ^ t-8 -o ^ to e li yesierd i y ,m nm lng *L

the Twto PalU couniy general ho*- coi d pltal. • »

^ Apply For U * » n * e-U * M urplu', b*.I- Flier, and Dollle D oram ut, U ir ld la n , deid Idaho. (Iltd declaration o f th e ir to - edle tfntton to marry wtth ih e lr appUca- ev.I- tlon for a m arrUge lleena* a t th e thle oritcp or the county recorder here e tt- y rm rday . ^

“ Home rre m F o u K U (» -J . K. C l a / PU rttum ed yesterday from Pocpttfllo, P>

ig -where he vttlted hU so n r lp f to Olay.- -10 Id a8eni for lhe RaUway ptfirtu eom- « psny there, and J ^ r agen l for

* Fir* Damage* B o o f-P Ire o rlg ta- ^ ■y ating {irlgnltcd soot, c a u g h t on th e ^ 1- roQl d l the home of Mrs. Alice B ra to -te ,afd. 4J7 T hird avenue w eat yester- id d sy a n d d ld a s m a lla m o u D to f-d a m r. .=

a te before ll w u extinguished by the lire departm ent. . j ^

i r G o a Home—Mrs. J . H . Cook, who i«l »-as recently dUmUsod from tbe ® counly general hospital w here she gj IJ «ubmltt«d to a m*iJor opermtlon. h as ^

returned to he r home in th * country to after spending the p u l week with. her mother, Mr* Cbarle* Skeen.

r ■ Back Frera C allfom la — B. E. « BroMard. form er T w to PaU s county ^ a i tn t who h u been employed for ~

J U o yeara p u t u rtpreaenU U v* of « „ the Interm ounU to Honey Ptoducera - ,1. la Callfom la, retu rned yestorday or snd U to be employed her* thU sea- Ki son u field m an for th e A m algam at- r - ed Sugar company In th# M urU ugh ^ and Eden and H aselton district*.

L DamocraU E*lBm — ,T 1» Tw to P ilU counly delegation to the

at D tmocratlc Victory banquet a t Ash- | w ton- Saturday n igh t. aU returned , ty I Sunday except Mr. C hapm an, aena- « tortal u p lr » a t .n b e r r tu m e d g r e ^ r - ■* dav. Mr. Cttanm an apoke oft the a l ^ f f : o thers « h i l8 U n r u f AsliCi Br- n ^HBaon, Tw to PaU t, n a tlonsl com-* -m m * * m a n :-W -P . -A lw orth .-C uny..- and H arold L. T eam ans. Buhl, who0 — s .

>t •


IRRIGATIONJ H i v lig For Chronifl

Aliment* ■ ■ ■

DR. H. W. HILLW Phone 1243 O v er P ix tooV ^

I Y ’S :

;n a t 8 :0 0 W edneaday"evo-

c ^ F a i l y in v ited to com e in '

: o f s m a r t m odea in m iliin -

ty p es artd a ll occaaiooa. |

andk n i l l c d w c o r — o m i r t s u i t . ' .

Lw lll l ik e th e m . A ls o f u "

1 s p e c ia ls in c o a t s .

i g T h a t ’ s N e u )

* 1932” . _


n i o u n i N C i

New Mercantile Institution For Twin Falls Prepares

I “ Foinmnitial^Showlnff

. A new d tiw rtm en t r to ra In Tw in d PaUs. m arking th* en traae* of the

a o . A ndenon company ta io this fiald, u to b* opened next Wednes- a w , H. I . C im n , m in s f f r , «n-

^ nounced la s t evening.Xn prtpara tlon for th * ' opening,

e x a c u u m a o d em ployu have been !;• v o r k ts f aarty a o d U U -foc serera i J- day* B spsektog new marchandlt*

a a d p lae to f it on thelv** and d lt- »> play raek t. Tb*y w tr* a p t over ta n - ^ gotne la s t «v«nlng over the prospect

for m a U n t tb * in itial ahewlng th a t th tp detJrtd . Sor partJolpallon to

i« but w*r* c o n tln u l^ dUlgent e f ^ t a to th a t and.iL T h a aom B .ot_th*_0.' 0 . Anderyyt;I- company In T w ta PalU . to quarters ‘

occupltd for m any yeara^b^ the Booth M*rc*ntU* com piny. h u

t', be*Q *xt*nslvely rem e d ie d , and re- n. decorated throughout, and pres«ni- 1- ed a a o c t aU racllve .appearance I . even ta lb* JO ldst o f strenuous ac- ' 30 tin t lM th a r w tr* to ln g forward U st . re e t e n ta r to p repara tion to r the open-

Boirth'com pany's buslntss w u if purchased by Ih* Anderson com-0 pany l u t January 31. T hereafter a

40-day.aale w u held , a n d a t th&-ex- ptra llon of th a t period, the re- m atoder o f th e Booth company's

__ stock w u shipped away fcom T»-ln7TOI."'------------- ------------------ —

T he stock w ith w hich th s A ndrr- ^ son com pany will open Its store here . nex t W ednesday Is aU new m erchan- r . dlse, purchased, M r. C aron said l u tlr . . — . . . . I ,, I—_ ,

seek congressional nom inations,,■ iwolU. J ___ '

PatienU Leave HoepUal—Among J patient* dlsmUsed from the T a in < >, F a lls counly general hoep tu l dur-1 „ tog tho la st 48 hour* ar* th* foUow- ih Ing: Mrs. R. P . BaUey, Hansen, m a­

jo r surgery patien t, and Mlat D oro- i thy Larson, daughter of Mr. and

C, Mrs. L. P . Larson. Kimberly, Route ty ' 3. medical pa tien t, and Mrs. 8 . W. Of Thornton, M urtaugh. and ll-day-o ldOf »«»• ;:ra ‘ay ■ -



5! O” " T H Et i ! W INDOW S • -

S j : : _______________

~ ----------WEDNESDA1


D R E SSE S - K N l

=1 The Smiir

Worsted Crepes Polo - Twee

At the Lowest Pric

1 ^ S !0 .^ iR T 2 :

I $19D reaa S ty le s - T a ilo r

S leeve A lanlpulatlona -

UnushPrinted Crepes -:


M o s t R e a s o n t

I $9.75 $15 $; _____ ________

Colors: Olympia Bl Anamese Brow



- S i

iABCH 15, 1982

__ erro lag . o a “tb* n o * t ^ a ro r* W * ^wperx-

“W* feel,” U r . O aron conltoued.

G' t h a t we a re dem onstrating our con- fldeoe* t a T w to PaU* to a subctan-

tu a way by opening « m odaio d*> •partm ent s to re here a t thU tim e. *a n d 'i r l s .o u r e am e tt desire lh a t we »may m erit a p a r t to the Ufe of thU >

in community." *R . C. Paaley, m snsger o f the 0 . 0 . 9

Anderson sto re a t Caldwell. In as- 7slstlng In prepara tion for opening I

ig- of-ihe_a*w -*tor*_h*r*.—------------- -- .t


<Ooollnued ,P>om Pag* One) - ^

«, 000,000 voles and proved a g r ^ ' :n dtsappolntment to hU supporters. i a l Dr. Alfred Hugenberf^Kader of H the Katlonallsta. admMtog the cer- *• utn ty of Pre*Idet«/von Htaden- n* bergh'^osedthatthena- :

tlon be spare<l^B expent* of a sec- , • t ond ballo>^hroukh tha relchsug ! to voltog iffcoDtlBW the ^ s ild rp t ia .lU ^ > K l^ ify .a -t« o .th ln ts maJorUy^_____'f t ^ u l , u th e price fo r bU support, '

. 'h ed eroanded iha lO hanceU orB n ien - ; S . -ing^_ibc,re8lJM U 6_oI_lhe.elecUon. _ 5* dissolve th e relchstag a l onee and

set May B u th e date on whlcb new “ m am btrs would be cboacn, together V w ith the P ru u la n , B avarian and

W uerttem berg d iet elections. These ,condlllon.i merely provoked m irth ta governm ent circles.

" I f HlUer .had n o t decldesfto try h is s treng th once more, the relch­stag probably would have m et to de-

“ d a re P residen t von H todenburg re- "■ fleeted lo r an o th er seven yeara and

the expense a n d agitation of ano th- e r cam paign would have been aro ld - -

r 's — • • • ■ ’ - ■

rf/rONSTIPATED?re V T ik * m .^ * T o a a « a iM B » T in- f - to n lB h t . YoBrtHmiBttlT* Iist I a o^w U b*f«ae tlo fllB gpn ,p . I

«rly by B o ru ta t aad yeur eea- f ^ > U patbnw m »dw lthB be*«. £ .

u a a«tieB aafr««BB d«a(7U Ba- E ' ' ' 9 tB r«atbtrbM t-p«iU lTiljPBa £

! f p a laju j griping. Try IU £

‘‘B ' •(Wn>csuW-*oJ>25<In ' rrrr tJrr 4 uiirmv rirm |

I ^ I* -M f .T H W M a




m g ^ p e i




lart Coatin

les - Senta Crepes_ eed Mixtures ,

'rices in Our History

2 J O l5 . iM tZ =[ 9 . 9 5 u p w a r d s

llored L ine* • Collarlcaa a - F ilk o S ilh o u e tlea . E tc .

mal Frock1 - New F la t Crepes :ar Materials

mabiy Priced a t

$ 1 7 . 5 0 U PW A RD S

Blue, Colonial Green-------own, Navy, Black i O t h e r s

i s ^ N e i ^ t S p r i n g



Federa l funds hai-e been made •. available to U rge amounU for live­

stock f e ^ loans to regions w bldt ; suffe red from drought l u t sesson,• arid, th e tim e for applying for such ^

loans h u been extended lo M arch /31, according lo advlccs reeeiv^

: yesterday by Harvey S . K ale, Twto I P a lls county agenU ThU Infbrma-

Uon, which W al- _U r E . iB U ir ^ ra m T B o r iu . North '

. D akota, director, w a ' u follows: _ "Increase llm l^o f leans per head

-tor season, IV fo r cattle and horses,'5 0 te n ts fo r sheep, tl.50 to r hoia.

. Z n c r e a s p ^ a l loan Umtl to 8600 and■ l lm v fo r receipt of applications to

M stf th 3 l .• ^ A n y application dUallowed be- causc of Umtl under form er regula-

Uoos should bo re lu m ed promptly fo r lu r lh e r condderaUon. Incrcssed

f rat** app ly only where j r e v lo u ra d -■ vanees ha\-o been made,"

* ed. T he president faUed by only 16S.-* 753 votes lo get a m ajority over all ’ opp on enu bu t on the nex t ballot■ "hoTrtllT iecd only a slmplo plurality.—

rB E W A R E - T H E - = ^ > r i GOUGH OR COLD


: s E E S r S E :1 tbsiU pleuaottotske. CreomuUlraUa

new tM<Uei] dUcoreiy l«»-ro]<I s c. —tloavll-soodies and betU.the laflimed___

membrane* sad inhlblUgenBgroinli. - Of ill known d n g t, e raw ta i t tecog-

*' ^ tbfl p W M beallns sgesein ter per*------sUieat ecujlis sad eoldtsnd Dtherfcnas

I «|t!iroattronblet.Crc«muIUoaeantslai,[ isaddlllontoereoMle.otlierhaallBgela-

• - meBibraae* u d step tba I n lu i ln snd :,i ■ infiaamstlon. whUa tba crtowie gMa: ' oa ts tha stocBseb; i« tb a o tM lat«-UM------: bl»od. sltacki tha K tt of tba tnobU ; and ehfckt lha giowthef the Ktnni.

Crtomulilon li goirsaieeJ Mtlifto., |PT7 ia lhe ire»Hn«it ef pertfitent I .nd C.H.. b r»n,U .f .iifcm..I broaehltl* and other fam a of retpira*

te rr ditetie*. snd (• eieellent for

I buUdlBg up the »T»tem afier oolda or fla. Money refunded If iny cough or cold. 00 mitler ef how loag ttandlng.

Ii not telleired aher taking aeeordtng to directions. Ask your druggUt. ( t d r j




s n m g ^ =

[ l&TH^AX-8:00-__________



ig^Millinery " ^



-tlf . -------------------- --------------------------------------


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X I p l Z

■ ; > \ - / '>


m mP u r c f i a s

Ne Expresj

T o t h e


t n e s

a ?D O O I

I’s, Worn

E B 3s e d o n t h e

S5* Our Coi 3> Establis

e O p e n in g ,

By tl


I IidaysD ER S O P l

=j4 Presemn e n ’s a n

& 4 - 1-------------- 5---------------------------- -----------------


mfidence i] shing, at T Departmc

mni, a n d W e ’l

he Valu


r , - . M l

•E N 9 /

itation of=idChildj

t E MM a r k e t i n

in Twin Fj This Time lent Store

’11 S h o w Ov

ues We (

i d e r s o r



t t r d

1 0 - N ^A M .


Iren’s W

O Btl a S c o r e o

f'alls and He aM oderii

) u r A p p re c


m G o .


_ ; z : — . — _ 5 _ _ „

•RClI 15. 1032



E ®o f Y e a r s

Her Fdturc ^ n

j c ia t io n


- P a j e T ^ r ie e

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I

h ^ — -


.................. — ----------------» - — ^

T V yiN F A L L S P A I I .Y N E W S «

’~ "^ '« i j i i c B i r r io V u r n -----67*tu

— g ,00 be qul

^ r o y S ^ i S ^ Z : !»■« h « ^O m Mnntti . I »t4no«

B> lOUOW T*tf .1 •CWca.

BDtosd H weestf >■— luU Bwtur. nev tp

S’™m n i m o r a m o c u t d r u i i n * jMQcut«4 r m !• MduiiTtir «n> on o t

2 S ? d k i2 S b J r « ^ M l» ^ * i2 “o ? « Se ib n v M m S lM la UUi ptpw ,w 4 t t doubt)

ir th .1pftUbM bmiD tlM rcMfTtd.

P m ^ lu rro i

Tt» h«« i tl A Bumbff e( tb* Audit B um u of oimU U oM . f»«n wMm ftU

fo nuuoo lup iaM lockUr WMD t*4<uik t iu l t

Ho rwpotulbUltr It AMrawl for ^' MT* or untouetud nanuiertpti. p lw l^

K ? ? . . 7 . ' S ‘£ , O T S ' S » » ^• r M ‘ £ ? S . £ S ' £ ”? 2 ! S . S l ; ,

tocisi of cw n t j L

!S=:_____________ ______________NATIOtlAl mtrBM KKTAXim I

• .^mtTDDIM. c o t s AMO nvDom. II

■ - = lUTOll, -----------F A o r o M

PrlTAU h o t r d m t r e ul<l U> be u i d > b r ln f ln j out tb e lr hidden c u b tMi bottei pu tU nj It in th e U n k i t i t l n . tn d •« ] [«

____ u t U i a M t i a - y g Mfreeljr. I t U de ilrtb le t l j i t tb i t thou ld buttei be done. There h im been more t h tn o . o . t blUlon d o U m hidden tw ty Idle, 11 g « r t l» ,» p o r t« l .M d tb 8 b u ili» « * 7 iU m will n m be tter v b in It U p u t to n r l a f worlc. um es. Y et pcMftJyUjB ImporUnce of the l e w ,

— » a ae n -c A ih -w iM « n -» x * m » t« a .T r tin o tth em o e tlm t)o rt« n tM cto r.T h e

— Federal R e te rre e j i te m could p ro - L onct Tide A bllUra doU trt 'Of tood p ip e r piesU money, o r twice t h t t moeh, nfom the •urplua (Old stored lo lla n u l t t . ^

U Uie m o tt to p o r i tn t t t c - to r? W orkI alT e people i(5b«.enonfh socUlor them , t t « t« td y /p ty , tn d th e the b h o trd toa t n d the 'r e ru it l to . buy en th lood i wUl ttk e c m or themidTe«.

Here U % lUnple lU tem en t or f te t .M tny ioUUeni of A m erletni. w tc e- tbe < e tm e n -to d m e i l t t i t r le d people, eontei

• h t» e Hiked ew ry th ln f In th li period or ittffO tU on. MUlloni h tT e iM t n m ty tQ o t the ir p o u e w lo u . M ttur e tu n i

/ o e t ic b .1^ , t t t T « r t te d . t o d lo tt a t tn t/ —but r«r le t t In oomptrUon.

T he poor c tn n o t revlTC proiperlty.Ths^Tleh m)cM. H »tf"m ti7 Df them , re td lwiU'rUk t i l 'tfaelr r e io v e e t to rive s u tdmen wofk t a d i t t r t up the econocnlo

_____ m » c h I a e r i - « « l a f - H i ^ t n r t t o c k 't t ^ u i e r r t i t w r w w rn tn y -fW M--------h oldert - » ui.Auppor t ..»uab t policy

for the ir cort)ortttcB»?______________*nd_i

a tO BD ia I H I W HIAT ; y j |

I t te io o d new* th t t w ithin tw enty- four houri tr te r Preddent~RooTtr refre ■Igned tbe blU n le tiln < p t r t o( th e

_____ r t r m D otrd w h e tt Jor reUef pu r-p o u t , fourteen th o u u n d buiheli of ^ I t h td been ttk e n from e le r tto n In Rut)' O m th t, N eb r tik t , t n d were be ln f Korr lo tded Uito r tllro td c t n to r dltlrl* buUon by the E «d Croee to reglane In South D tk o tt fo r teed fo r Uve- mj jtock. «AttJ

A t other point* where tb e w hett I t ttc red , T try ln t ta o u n t i w e n be- Inc tu rned o rer to Red C ro tt t te n U who h td m tde tr r tn se m e n tt fo r hon<

were then to h t r e the flour fo r die- trlbutlon to ftm lU et. The P l r t t RodC rou order fo r w h ett wta t i r e m il- -Uon buiheti. W ben t h t t U c x h tu s t- Jed. mo:i} m»y be tpplled to r. C

T hU m ty n o t be t n I d ttl solution ^to either the w h e tt o r the hunger ^problem*, bu t It b t s lueh ttU A ftc- ^

______ lo o L _ p i* £ U c tl_ » d v to ttB * s-fo r- tn Bemergency t h t t very UtllB tdveree____ I

______ cTltlelgm i>)i9uld trlae. ~ • ___|

LOCKING THB BABN DOOR i O n the f ln t d ty of th u y e tr th e i

Chletgo public U b r t r i etncelled l u J fubtcrlptions to e igh t hundred d lt- ^ te re a t mtg t ifo ta t n d one hundred H newaptpers trom the m tjo r cities In H AfflerlcA tn d Europe. T bls w ts t H forced iRFUure of economy. T he U* b r try h t s be ra un tb ie to pu rch tse new books since U st June. I t docs n o t h tT e the moneys -

There h u been t n Interesting re* tc tlon to thU s ltu ttlo n which shows ^ how much m tny indlvldutls Ttlue the serrlces of tbe llh rtiy t n d tU o how pukUc-splrtUd d tU ens rtU y to

_ . . m eet tn .#m «rgeD ey.-M tay O blc tgw _ tn s t r e donttlng to the library new « books tn d perlodictls whleh they htT e purcbtsed for themielTU. T hey e k r e td them procnpUy, then give them iog to th l U b r tr y s o th s to th e n f f l ty r e td in j

. them , too. l‘«pI t U only on* extiaple of the m tny

dU fereni w tys thoughtful, genertm* p , men tn d women respond to t recog*

^ nlS0(r need. I t le tT ts t quesUoo or two tffltnswered, bow trer.

W hy do tb e . thoughtfu lneu tn d courtg* which en tb le th e pubUo to o « « t Such em enencles n o t en tb le

---------- WU pWvettl i h ^ > Why U tbe cItIc— consr tencs intcttT* until d r lf in by "

oftJcUl co^niptton tn d Inefficiency *' to heroic efforU to c o m e t ro ls ttke t ^ w hlchib<w l4 m e r h 8r r b * t t » a d e f

Page Tour .

t ■ ■ ■ .

CENTEB8 o r POrPLATICN was giOne o t th e s tr tn g e f t c u disclosed * ' Study of census figures 1s t h t t the e n U r of popultU on" In t clly m ty d jf f , , I quite un lnh tb lted . A t le u l . thU honor, It been th e c tsc In two nolable In- | h ^ tnoe i. c o r ^“N ot » soul Utcs t i the center o t t b le tgo 's popultU on." reports t j . c . . ■wsptpw Of t h t t clly, As loeaud by le census figures, I t h u on one cor- « ?r t^ re s U u rtn t . on tn o th e r t va* j ^ m l stor», on Ihe jhjrd * m f» t m a r- a im h •rtn fl'on 'the-ftm rthT i p t r t of Hull lerflel 00*9. c iev e ltn d ’s center o t popu*Uon Is loc tted In t n even le « j . ^ j ‘omUln^ region, with t w trehoute q ,» one com er t n d some dew rted M ai7 iUdlngt round tbou t. o th e r ciilei m b tlm will rev e tl s im lltr centeri thelr.««M us reporU t t« s ^ I e f T h U d o u n o tm e tn i lu t t h e s l r « U on soi irrouadlng suoh t com er t ro no t c b m t wwdad w ith h u m ta beings. ’ I t r lfs r t r e ly tuffgtsU th s t the center of "J }pul*U0B, Uk* the tversge person Id th a m e tn tem pertture, 1* t n mcetli i tg ln tr y th tn r . bu t useful.

An15*8 e

S S e K S B ^ B 9 S = ^ = s a F o n T):

-SaciEW BiU rt. B. B. WUUtms rted (

Itnd 'aPhona SM I ere .«

— ' court-.the t

T ho D »u«btcre o t tbo Amerlciin s n d Itevolution m e t Monday a t the home en t v: Mn. T . p . W tm cr w ith Mr#.' A. B. BrfUton Peek, Mrs. P r tn k Baldwin MissId M U i H elen Thompson aislslUiB Bond,MtesBCs. A dessert luncheon wns n a C<Tved Bt one o’clock from t pretUly M issppolnt«d ttb le centered w ith r n D anktipililtji iTfniq'J ft |/'nf]ii!tif nnilJtte rfly orehlds,^the regent, M n . b o m . O . Allen, poured. There was a May «ert buslnatt:sesilon tn d Mrs. E. s e t l . U Bweeley f» ra t paper on “Educa- o a In RussU.” Mrs. A. R.. 8co ;t T hi ivU w ftt'th a Pebruary a ad M a r h C lub; su e s-o f th a D au g h te n o f theA m er- le r a tn . /R m lu t lo n m tg tx lne, which in c r ii*^y*tN U «r-«*p* tertst.a llh m em l I w e tlth o t m a terltl on Oeorge tlo n < rtsh lng ton . M n . E lijah HuU follov ongbrtkam nd Mrs. Scott Ebon were be th lesU. KesUi

— — tre ts i U n . Reese M. Williams, Mrs. C. er. Z< . B rtck en . t n d Mrs. H. U n i l s w‘» e e n hostesses to the E astern S U r BuPfx ocUl Club Monday atU m oon a t o f Zt « hom e<.f Mre. WUUtms on E le /- m e n t n th Avenue E u t . The business assist ^ o n w ts conducted by tbo vies m » l i realdent, Mre. A. D. Bobler, a l Beus. hlch tim e reports were given by je cap ta ins Ui the memberahlp T l l j l >ntest a n d the re w u much *n- liW luslasm over the splendid showing Iretdy m tde . Roll c tll w u tn s* l | | n e d w ith Irish jokes. The InU r- IN ittng p rog rtm Included t clever • '* t i n t P atrick’s D ty dance by Jetni^c loblnson In costume; two piano OIOB. “Dance of the Sprites," and had T w ilight VUlons." U Roy E .lls; m th e td ln g .'T h e Lost Purse," Jean O ta - *on 1 U td : resd ln f, "W tn t and WUhes." n i-h i ta n e e s A ulb tch ; r itd ln g . "O rphan te d t in nls ,*; by -M ary House. -R * frtsh» -t^nn n e n u were seryed a t the close o t n u t r HB AtUmoon.- T lU ilf s U mcMbeis tK T " ind guesU s ttended,______ ;_______ thti-H

A surprise p tr ly « u g ! ^ Fridayvanlng t t the hom* of D r. t n d M rs. to .t{'. O . Toolson in honor o f tbe lr nHanU ughter, H elen.'D ecorstloos and bu rs-erreshm snu fe ttu ied t S t in t P t t - u n t (•itk’s Day motif. Quests were K i th . ^« n e Wakefield. Wanda H ewlett, xi;rrtn ce s Wilson, Jane Brallsford. te d 'M trth lyn Burke, Helen Severtn. u mHuth W iseman. Leonard Johnston, both(torrU SU ttler, Albert Sharp, Woody <nBeed. O ltrlon Holland, Leelle XJn- k a Iiroln and Jam es Hafer. y im

-------- -M rs. R . A. SuUlUt enterta ined

Batuntoy aftcrocoa with a b irthday luncheon In honor o t Mrs. B a r b tr tButcUlf. a t her home on Maple A te - t ) nue. She w u nulsted by MissJuanltA ButcUtf. dsugbter o t ‘.he . . . .honorte. S ain t Patrick's d e co rt- t a a

bowL'j of Ki'eet pets centering tha ■ luncheon tables. A short- p rogram I

w^ ^ p riie s* 1 0 0 0 It (he fim p r iie . . * S 0 0 tbe Kcond t<(iie..*aO O (he third p r iie . . and 6 other pruei of * 9 0 CKb . .* 3 0 0 0 io all for the 10 bcu 100 wofd a n k ia oo

nt'hmDoYmB^Yoi^P^TSM*Ycr Wkj y « Bmj ritu.'-

Esch eotry rc<}uim our libel Of a dnw - log Of ourltbeL Write rour 100 word* la your ow» nyle, you aoo’i need to b« lilcfify to wta. Contest dotes Msy 31.1932. This cooecM ii being conducted b ) .



S E E D E A L E H r O B B U L B S

‘• w - e t n r r F s n ' D T M T W



■as g i v i n w u i l s ^ ' o f w t d t o a Iw 1 0Irs. J . D . T ucker and Mrs. J . 0 . H U ile n . t due t t n d o ther pU no M lee. H O lo n S 'b y - B tr b t r a 't a d Robert ' llff, g rtndchU dren of. tba guest o f n r onor. I n a eoaU st consisting o t I I L no m a tch ing o f n tm es o t th e guesU 'M l resen t f irs t prise w ent to Mrs,VsrdA Bowen. O ther prises were fon by M rs. D . H. Peck to d M rs. _ '. C. Allen. T h e guest lis t included T w i je sd ttn e a EU ztbeth H lbb trdA . D. lU fford, Lulu Cecil, W. R. H lxen- i a u g h . o . D. 'T h o m u , J . E. W ln tns,I. A . Bevercombe, O ord t Bowen, i lo n h Bow rr, M ae Coxen, J . O. p o r - ' K neld ,-JrO .-A U en .O .-W .-W ln t« r- —lOler. D . H. Peck. B. O. Bell, M ary ____Ihea rtr. P . L. CtrroU, J . D. Tucker,•ra Penning ton , w . M. Plsher, W . 5 ^ >. S tm p to n , J . O. O ieen a n d M Ja

_____ 2^T h e B erlbb len ' Club m e t F rid ay ^

f lth M rt. O o rt R itchie. Membexs ^ cspondad to n U etU w ith r e p o r tt ^ in some-AUtJior. ConstrucUve b m s were given oo poems a o d r to i, les aubcnltted. I t w ts decided th * t ^ ^ Im m eeUngs should begin a t B arm - ^ h lr ty o'c lock h e ra ttU r . E l g h t . ^ ^ ica tloo i were repc rU d since th e la s t

A n evening pt e g ^ l t l In terest^ enjoyed t t tb S /B c tl resldenee ^'n T h ird Avenue N orth F rld ty eve- ^ling. T h e B A ln t 'P ttr ick idea w ts qcqa rr le d ou t during the dinner hou r b e nind th e gtm ps' o t court bridse w hica jun lollowQd. A ’centerplece of sham - t a l iocks w ith sa lads and desserU c a r- .j.ted out^ tho color K hem e o t I re - . . . , s n d 's p a tro n u ln t , a s did the cov- ire .o n th e book of ru les fe r thaiourt bridge games. High soore tar f -n ,he even ing w en t to-M>y H tnM n nf nm d low to I f o n t c o ^ t s . Those p re j- h a i :nt w ere M ra. E thel Gray, Mrs. W.3. Sm ith , M iss Clarice Saunders, 91 i.rilss Rebecca C urtin , Miss H elen r u Jond, Ml&s E sthe r Sm ith. MUs Lor-ia CotilU , M Us Elnora ChrUtopher, u nvQss K tn i a u n d m o n , M bs R u th of t3ankBnbrlog, MUs Emma W tgoer. adH

rfay H tn te n t n d MUs - O ertn id s tunc men

— c b tlT h e T w in F tlU Avenue Jun io r

:iu b n e t t t th e home of R uth K eat- c r B ttu rd a y w ith M arbeth SyesU r ^ n c harge of the program. Eleven n e m b e n responded to roll c tll . E le c - ; J 5 S Ion Of officers was held w ith lh a ° i , rollowing .resulU : President, M tr - x t h S yeste r; Vice p residen t.-R uth j t * te sU er; se cre ttry . U n a Dlerka; f lQ . r e ts u n r , Iona Jensen, tn d rep o rt- N ri !r. ZellA Askew. The club membera vlll e n te rU ln the ir fathers a t a box { I lupper F riday evening a t the homo 1 )f Zella Askew. Delicious refresh- I ne n U were served by Mrs. Kestler. \ issU ted by M rs. Askew. The nex t | t n ee lng will be At the home of V e rn a . be f Beus. April tw elfth . i paU

m bSIboles liINKWLYDyilGUIHYil;

_____ netiT u o ou t of three young men wl-,o

had pleaded guilty to U klng p a rt in th* skylight burglary a t tho WU- to n B rothers store a t Kimberly tha n ig h t o r re b ru t iy 31, were td m ll- Md to Dtrole under suspended aen - " tences % y-Judge W .-A.-Babcock tn dU trlc t court here yesterdsy. At t n y Mtno ^ e , ^ y ^ ' Taylor, the

w as being led from here by a sU te prison guard M> begin serving a 3- f " ! ’ to - ia -y c a r s e n te n c e I n ' t h e - s u t e “ “ p rison. T aylor w u convicted o t ^ ' bu rg lary t t B uhl t y e tr .tg o t n d his sen tence a t th a t tim e w u com m ut- , ■ cd to ft M -day Jail term.

T h e young men who were td m lt- te d to parole yesterday were H enry ^ H tr r , 36; a n d Reuben Schlaht, l i , bo th o f Filer. [ P f

T hey were anested a t the Peavey J jl scale house several d a y s-a tt« r th e K im berly burglarj-. Taylor was T J t« k e n from t train and brought back 11 t r a m PocateUo to answer to th e ' * bu rg lary charge.

B rU ik par* Spring W ater. M t. an S p rln c W ater Co. Ph. I t A dr. | He:

■ TODAY!~ V V \ ^ t n r o o t ---------- ‘■ i

• y y Let's U f f 2 .

V \ . ' • million flollm’ wortli fWU \ cf Inns. loua. iu»tT r f\ 1 \ l»iitm. fo rt t< ^ firu , ► I\ \ ; >aipp7 w att. tantaUi. \\ \ \ » ing tune*. i&litr.\ \ \ 'Unclnf. p«p ta d kV U - i»T. .te rr that |o « to l2

\ \\^ \ TOW h*Mtl ^

\ V ' r rO I T - W H O O P S

^ " W H O O P E F ’

a t" R \ L M Y

c n u L O T n : g m

I n - - " > » «

; '


____ , . , P.Ua

Twin Falls Coancll'of Rar- ent-Teach'er Org^izatlon Holds Business/Session “ “S

/ son._ ■ — ^ m

-~VTt. Roy Evans w ts e leetad to to d succeed h«rieU /U presiden t e t th e In t Twin, FalU council of th e F A Jro t- yard T eacher taoclaU on t t - f t meeUng la st evening s t the hom e o f M rs. R . .>,.1, A. autcUff. M rt. 0 . F . M ax- weB, .WM elected Xlrst Tie* pres- Ident; Mrs. A. 8 . M tTtyii, tec- ood Tlce prealdent: M ra. B . A . B ut- PH d lf f . secretAT}-. tn d E«v. 0 . w . Ronk, hM | tre tsu re r. The-offlcers. were elected In Accordsnce w ith th e re p o r t Of the H nom lntiionji committee by X Ti. Jo h n M CL Btrvey, chalraA n. **

T he mertinR recefred a le tte r ftt»n Bev. H. s. WiU, p residen t of the Nc 'n r in FslLi c ound l fo r th e P m e n - tervl U m of W ar extending th to k A .lo r whlc cooperitlun in securing petltlo n t to r OUti dU annam ent lo be forw arded to tbe declt Geneva conference. R eport on m em - Tn lt bemhlp (or ihc h igh school and cjnir Junlor wph .'chool u n lf show ed a lt>-’ prop U l of l i ) a large Increase over 1031.

•Mrs. E. E. Burns w u electcd m u- ^•'‘1' sic chairman, and M rs. Roy A. Read cti waATeelecied welfare c h t l r n u n of guut th e council, for the com ing yeAr.-The <uj following chAitmen for the m eeting cnde of Ihe'annual convention or th e I d t - | h o s u t e Congress 0: P s re o U and ^ Teachers which convenes he re April ‘ 31 In two-day session: Mra. Jo h n Z. ,1:° Hayes, chairman fo r pre-convention luncheon of sta le direc tors, A pril 31;M rt. George W . E rb land , chairm an n i l of child welfare m tc tz ln e b r e tk f t i t , [ in AprU 33; M n . P. Boughtoo . c h t t t -

luncheon tn d banquet tIckeU and t O t m enus; Mrs. Ben Elder, local exhibit c M rm a n . _

I t w u announced t h t t tb f p r ln d - drenp tU of the dU fen n t schooU t r e co- &go 1opertU ng with the P tre n t-T a tc h e r dc/UiAssoclsUon council In a piUn for a{ t:holding a May day p ro g rtm f e r ha lf i,u(,A day iometlme during mualo week, g q*,

OWiSPil MOt I GOLD IN mil SK s'

, _____ itobfT h a t gold In the Snake river CAn

be found All tha way from AmerlcAnFalU to Nampa, a n d th a t w ith p r m - T te r facilities the hund reds of Wle 8o«m en In Twin FalU could be p ro fit- mobably employed In ge tting i t ou t, w ts dn*tha SU U ment m ade yesterday by ‘heC. R. Van G alder, w ho w ith Oeorge wasW .-M cK ean, U opera ting on the ISO.rtver th ree miles n o r th of K im berly re»pn e tr th e Twin falls. _

"We have about »3000 Invested and —take ou t about 13 (tons of gravel msAdaily, from which M cenU to M a Mhoto n u e x ln c u d . T bere U a n Abund- dayAnce of gold bearUig sand And gravel ironIn the Snake river CAoyon on whleh palLhundreds of-ldU m en «0Old-be-em- U st ployed a t

G aidar u id . tlvei- T tt? r r a w T 3 W « r r » w « iJ « jT in h i» ' -hnu;City, w u form erly conhected with (untthe -N eU an-Jeak lna.cbm paQ Wc<lu wleeouut. Mr. M cK ean who w u c fORnerly a Twin F aUs county farm- er. h u resided tb r some years on afarm near Jerom e. H e’ own.i prop- ghn

' e rty In thU county a n d recently soldth* K eith rooms la thU c ity . plec


Expressing spprecU tlon of long ! and (alihful service rendered by | g

1 H erbert D. Read. Twin- FalU poUce


TORbQ iu n m w o MB»D - ' y 1


T H R E E m e n t a k e T I M E n n

- J : 0 _ A N S M R T O C H ^ G E U l l

Three m en a rrested by sh e riffs H and police officers who raided th e ir r dwelUng house so u th e u t of Tw in ■ FaUs Sunday evening, took Uma to enU r..j>lou w hen they w era t r* . . ralRned In p robate court here yes- i i f . . terday on a m isdem eanor charge of illegal poaseulon o f lltiuor. T he a c- ^ cused men, w ho are held in the '• c«unty Jail, a re Jo h n PollU , «S; F. _ E. M cCracken. ST, an ^ Ray R obin- L son, 31. O fttcers reported discoveryof m oonshine'w hU k^yiH 'ine 'hd iU eT-------aod A quantity o f home brewed beer A In a straw -covered pit In th e b a rn - week yard. . lo g I

T he accused m en are to e a te r **■* their p le u to th e char** a t a P . M.'«*>'■ __________ ETi


_____ . Alba

No jury U Ukely to be colled tor Service during the dU trict court te rm which opcnecf here la s t week, unless _ Dlslrlct Judge W. A. Babcock should decide lo bring T h o m u Cavender. “ ? fr ' T a in PalU. to tr ia l o n '» felony S r . , ciiiUTse of se lllnc South Pa rk reM “ “ f" proi>crty tw ice durlng -lhe .te rm .-it

s ta led n t the court house yea- ~*®f;' s;

Ctivender yesterdsy pleaded no t m guilty to th e chaxge, bu t th e co m t .tn ii did no l se t th e ease to r trU L C tv - um g ender has furpU hed bond to sacure ta to i lus appearance a t t r ia l

There Are no other eases on the jc rjb criminal calendar to r tr ia l during ^ r s the present court term. vege

UH EN IN G O n l i £S£llPPlWTH^eiiraE5^

_____ planAn automobile In which four chll-

dren were riding w ith B ert A. Sweet. p R E 560 Blue Lakea boulevnrd, fu rn itu re q dealer, w u overturned In a colUalon n a t the inleraccttoa ot Second ave ­nue atld F ou rth s tre e t n o r tb ’ AbouL ~ LE fl o’clock Sunday evening. Mr. m d S re c t w as .c au g h t In .lhe.m A chine odvL and h is leg painfully bruUed. T hn woul children' escAped w ith m inor bruises self and scra tches, though t i l o f them h u . suffered from shock. T hey were Mr. In Street's sons, B ert, Jr., 10, a n d R ich- per, ard. 3, And daughter. H lhna, 7, and " I Robert Benaon 10. son of M r. And to st Mrs Carl O . Benaon, 1«M Fourth tho avenue e u t . . . . b e si

The o the r m achine, d riven by B ert •1‘le' Sowle. M3 S ix th Avenue e u t , Auto« Bt mobile sa lesm an, entering th e ln> {ersectJon trom F ou rth stree t, a tn ick the rear o t th e Sw eet car. D amage P r e ' WM cillm ated a t between »40 and ISO. Offlcera did not a ttem p t to fU ^ ‘ responsibility for th e collUlon. ‘

ma«l»irate to r nearly e igh t years. fcho died a t hU home here U st S u n - , . dsy ioUowlng e igh t weeks Ulness trom Influenra, members o f Tft-ln PalU city council In regular session Bl Us t evening adopted resolutions eon- ijo lAlnlna u sta tem en t of slneere^regret rei

tlves. and providing to r closing of b l ■JrtunieiiMirDrnm euring ihu nvm ui funeral sen 'lces begltmlng a t 3 P . M.W ednesday. .. ................................. ..

Council w u InUnrtewed du ring ma l u t evening’s session by SecreUry NcmU s . W igh t Of Tw in FalU Chamber of Commerce, who reiiuesl- • ed and was gran ted ' ihe.councU ’s pledge of cooperation In a surprise f t t lu r e of th e tn n u t l Spring open­ing and a tyle ahow In Twin Falls W ednesday evening.



I R o g e r s g

I yoiiMC AS II y o u FEEL I


Tak* Botae Fep Medicine from __________ W IU »eg«ra__________

F E A T U R E N O . 2*

«BAD SISTER"T he S to rr o f • G irl W h* W anted ___________K w y th liig _________




Folka, W e' A re O ffertng Two ot the r i n w t Comedy •< th e Year [

C one E A x l y - l t ; ^ ^ I ^ Shawi



. . . — T“ . . . . . . cll

U n p re c e d e n te d S to rm S tr ik e s S

S o u th la n d , K illin g and

D am ag in g N ew C rops s itiv

---------- ----------- ■■ ' ■ — -------- ------- p -A cold wave that awept Ute' last Bt

week over Southem atAtis. dosUoyi ?•. log or seriously dAmtglng fruit and tw TegflUble crops. U interpreted- here tni AA A factor making for decided Im- ^ provement la Id tho poUto n trk e t- ^ log proapaeU. «■ Th9 market. refleeUng th e south-

era storm dtmtge. tlre tdy h u td - . < VAOced » csDta per hundred weight oq. Idaho poUtoes, C trl u DeCong, Twla FtlU shipper, s tld yeaterdty. «

Tha atonn effecU were termed by Albert Miller tnd CompAor, Chlet> go, la advices received here yestei^ dAy. AS "the first reAl news In the potAto busineu In moalho.’* * —l a coneequsnce-of storm low Aod tw dAmAgo, thU concern tdvUed. there en will be Isu 'new potAtoea moving «i during May—probtbly less than one dr halt the volume of l u i }-ear—and nt ■lHero“ WllI"l» a materially Ibnijcr IfS period for marketing old poUtoes to wl advantage. pU

lo some regloos where Uie storm wl struck, cropa must be re-pUhted, Hi ttaiia.|wTfnlng dsmtnd ror teed po- utoea. . . . . n

Tha cold wave In F16rid& wts de­scribed by.the Chletgo Packer, as the worst in the hUtory o f the fruit and . vegetable Industries In thAt region. ®‘ in the Kaw VaUey region, as well as ^ In soma southern states potatoes tha t h id been pUnted, froze In tho ground. Damage a t Hastings, Florl- , da, wM estimated a t BO per cent, and- At-arowosvllle, Tinia^BQ-ptL.£ent^ AUbami faces necessity tor re- pltotlng mtny crop*.


” LBWISTOK, Idthbr‘Mtn:h- H-W)‘ ■“ Fred J. Btbcock. Attorney general, advlsed.’The.Trlbuna.todAy.lhat ho be wouldbetctndldtU tosucceedhlm - Ini self in the Republlcto primtries. He Ai h u serried one term.

In k formal sutem ent to the pa- O' per, Babcock said: ‘h

"I have sought aod will continue to seek so to conduct my office that the best InUreaU of the aUle shall be served regardless ot political con-

BAbcock w u elected In 1030, after ~ serving since 1038 as an assUUnt . to Attorney General W. D. Glliu. Previous to that he waa the Ncz Peree county prosecutor, resigning! to become AssLrtant attorney gen-

........................ . r .I

40-]b. C olton M a ttre s s $4.95 ISuyersl Don’t be misled by flcU- I tlous prlM lAbeU wltb so-csUed I regular prices. Ask to see the In-

DERT SWEET for the best val- ~ | ■ -u e s - ln -M s ltrS S n r- ro D -IO T '

Springs <- — .-_______ ■ _____. - . . ..I


I . . .I —

i 17I*-------------

w i t h t h e C r a n k c

t o p r o v e t h e P E N S '

o f G e r m P r o c e s s e t V a lu e o f t h e " H i d d e- nw> nf t

.in A M uskogee, OklAliom

tion wrben F . J . M orj;an

^ 'H id d e n Q u e r t ” o f G

Processed OU h t d prouc*

I from lu r m w liita ru n w i

J CAse em p ty . -----I T o pr oTB h i t p o in t, Mt

I th e G tn a Procatsed O il

I Hu craaltCAW And, acconi

I d o ub te r, s u r t e d fo r Chec

I . .....................................A cro rrd m a t CAt

ChecotAh, b u t M ^. Morj

d ro v a o a t e E u f « v la ,

n i l e s f a r t h e r , 4 1 . C mi


_____________________— ^THS H i O O e N q u a i t \

t • ■ • • • ■ • , r ,I

ARCH 16, 1082

' cBiyiMinEE PtllNS - * ~ ~FDiiENSIfflDGBIlNI^I _ - ««

DeUlU to r th e debate t nd - d e . _JJ clamatory eontesU for nex t week vot

, are a aa o u n c e d 'h e re a t the h igh 1 - ' school yesterday. ^I Program for th e dU trict debate ' contest will s ta r t nex t M onday in

the high school tud ito riu m w ith ih e = ; Buhl afflrmftUvo tn d Jerom e n e g t- ' ,

Cire debstlsff trom 2 P . U . lUtU 3;M /- p .-M i-T he-Jerom a-A ffirm A tlT t.A ad. . i , Buhl negtU ve w ill d e b tte from 3 :J0 •. P . M. to 4 P . M . T ^ d e b tU iM - ___f tween the T w ln 'F tU s negtUve tn dI the Oakley aLffinBAtlTe will be held . from 4 P . M . uatU J:SO P .-M . The , T«-ln FaUs afflnnA tive And Buhl

negative will b« he ld th e following . night.

P rog rtm for tb a decU m tlory con- , te s t will begin T ueadty , M treh 33.' t t 8 A. M. w ith p resenU tlon o t o r-■ iKlnal o rttlons fo r th e n i t lo n t l o r t -, torlCAl eonUst. T here a re tiv e -en - '

t r a n u in thU dlvUlon. T here a re ^ ’ seven e a tran U fo r th e extaaiporan*’ eous contest w h ich wlU be held be- a ' tween 8:50 A. M . a n d 10 A. M. T he 7■ oratorlcAl con test will ba held b e - ' ^ I tween to . A .-M . AOd n o e a - w l th - lo | ~ I entranU . T h e afternoon program: will stA rt At 1 P . M. w ith th e I d ram atic eontesU which will close1 a t 3 P. M. a n d be _f_oUowed ___' Immedlalely by IhoTitlRiofous which') wUl close a t S' P . M . T he ope ac t

pUys will s ta r t a t t P. M. Tuesday 1 w ith entries by Buhl. Burley. K ing , Hill and Tw in FalU .

MACKAY BANK CLOSESB O ISE .'M arch 14 (/PH^The bank

' o fW .G .Je nk ln sondcom pany .bank - ' ers. In Mackay, w as closed today, th e •' sU te finance dep artm e n t was a d - ; vLied.

I t had deposlU of »138,038,-CApltal , of (3S.000, su rp lu s o t tlOOO, reserve n a d u n d lv ld ed p ro f lU o fl lO O l.a tth e ..- Tlc w pf-bntlnB AA on -P e c cmber - a i r —

the daU o f th e l u t bank call.C. C. D avidson w u president a o d *

D. V. A richlbtkl, c u h le r . j

HIGlii LllSThe J O V G irl Reserve club h as

, been divided In to groups, cach try - __. Ing to r a ls e 'l lO In camp funds by , Ajirll 1. O ne b f these groups U spon­

soring a pagean t to be given by a ll , G irl Reserves on E as ter Sunday In

the high school auditorium, a t , which a silver offering will be ttk e n .

In itiation of new membera to the [ Beta Sigma club to whk:h all s tu - , denis who were on th e honor roll

T R U i i ! T E A i l l

W S il lu u m tS m ii t tU

I ^ C O S T S S O L f T T L E / - A H M O » B P R . O D U C T I

V imthenrom tk{C A SE D r yiE T R A T IO N Muikogcc.

s k d O i l d n d

\d e n Q u a r t ”

■ , , , . T h e o il t h a t j

kom ., 611ms . t . -to ld t h . p ,

I C o n o co G .r n .

u c t « l m .iiT c r . b in c rw itl . m . uI w ith t h . c r .n k - , ■'H i d i l t n Q u

— : ------------------------ motor and nei f. M r . M o r g a n h t d d o w n c o s t ly lU

O il d r a in e d f r o m g iv e s y o t i r m o

w m p tn ie d b y th a f e w e r r e p A ir btJ

:heco tA h , 2 7 m ile s C hA nge to C

O il f o r s a f e r , su

y V M B g y . . . T H A T N t V I

W cot~T~G'ERWrP ^ M OT

fo r- 'J ia ' ta B t-a tm ttta i a t* e l l |lb la , 'A , ' w u haUyaataidaT Anamoott la tba h l|hjK hooU a<«tortttm ..A jM t3L W in . ^ be held tonight in the Bine W ao ila room In honor of the newly pledged

_ J Q ie senior cIIm memben hATt Toted to follow t ^ custom of weer- Ing ceps'A od gow iu. T h ^ wlU 'da« cide today whether th ey wOl bav* a senior anottal or not.


2 F E A T U R E SF IB 8T F E A T C R K j l ■

You'U H o l d Your B r e a t h t n d Your ^

------------S ld e ra t -T h U-O ne-r— ---------# * T

T h e b u d d i e s ot "Fligh t," -Dlrtglble- t n d m any o lhera . . .TO OETH ER AGAIN

JACK HOLT----------- BALPH-GBAVES---------------- ------

' A D a n g e r o u s

A f f a i r ’------ ' TH E "B IG FA ItA D E “ - •-------- -- '

O P TH E E A R L Y_______ W E S T ..,. . ______________________

comes ou t of th e past to th rill you. Adveo- tu re l A c t i o n ! Ro- m ancel In ,

Zane Grey's


TOMORROW!T w o Ffia tu re sl A M ystery D ram a .“ T H E SE C R E T

W IT N E S S ” and

R ichard Arlen — P rlan

[I »G U N SM O K E " l|

! jl [j

' i uV

;ee. C h e v r o le t m e c h a n ic s .

IC m 9t o r a n d p r o n o u n c e d

d.—T h c - d o u b tc r * -b ec am e --------------------

I t p r o te c ts a m o to r u n d e r

f n i " ^ t “ g I v r 7 < n r b « T w r ;-------------------

:ion in e v e r y - d a y d r iv in g !

I P ro c esse d O U is th e o n ly .a l ly p e n e t r a t e s a n d c o m -

e u l s u r fa c e s . T h a t ’s w h y

Q u A r t " tfayj up in your tier drains away. I t c u t s

s tA r tin g w e e r , SAvei g t s , > -

m o t o r l o n g e r l i f e , w i t h

b ills .

\ C o n o c o G e rm Pr<M «tied ’'

, s u r e r l u b r ic t t io n .

M hW 'ir, CTMk<M*ir<M*u**rgm«nalM (MCMMdtr

I B a t aai*lt«lt«d tm m. — f liW. —w to - r t H t ^ »f

hmaindi at *(11 11 r s a i wHh ty cnakcsM h%t »UU«t


N O C O jp r o c e s s e d - H

•QR’ a a ^

em1m heii] |DATAFORIOTO

“ fE N ip m :Sponsors Bring Projeot to I

Dollar-Cent Basis j"■ For Report to I


. PROPOSITION.INVOLVES. link-to-Panama city

k Investigators Estimate Time__. Needed, if iJpIted States

Meliiods' Used, al Five Years ,

: _ By O SC A E -L nD IN a — ............

W ASHINCTON, M a r c h 14 — Tbe old dream of an I n t c r - A m e r l c a n

hishw ay may progress Bub- .stantially toward reality dur> ta]

— i - i n a ’- t h i R - d o c a d o ^ u t - n o t s l o t b i M many years will the Am erlcatt «« motoriat be able to drive from %

-- the banka of the Rio Grandeto the Panama cana]. im

PlM tK ln* loom t u CM o< t b f th« ]»rsc8l factor* In u tlm a tln s w h«n and

- ....... lh e p w p o * « lh i» h w iy e« jld -b * « o m - o fp le lea l l 1

------------ Eaglocer* t o y - - th i t - lh c - d r e a m ^could be fulfilled In five y«ir». Jf ~flnw elna: were a » u r« l and conitnjc* . t lon work r t td y to proceed on th ep roject's m&ny links w ilh the speed | | |of hlghw sy building In th# U nited | | | | |

T he project Js to be brought down to a do11&r-and*eenU b u ls In ft re<IM rt to congreM, probably s t th e n e x t Madon in December.

As DUtUned, th e In(er-Amer1ean n highw ay would run from Nue»» U i-

^ redo. tcroM th e border from L a- J ! ? T redo. T t z u , through th e entire ' chain o f C entral American ccuntrles

to P a a a M City. . .I t would be a r ts n t tap-roo t fo r | A d

th e branching system of U nited _ S U tea highways and. in Its te n U - ,3 tlve form, would be Very nearly **•'

, equal In length to th e highway d l^ tanoe brtw een itev t b t k 'a n d S a n ^ Pranclsco. J*_______ __ ijCn

......... .............. ~ 8 c e B lo -W o n d e « ------------- TUjIn Its entirety It would travetaa. ^

______ R_cactua-studdcd exponae a t th o yn o r th tO " Jiuiules, atuiix { '.M snow <tad mountains and fam ous t in

.. . --vo lcanow . a n d clttes and.tow ns th a t mo offer example of both ancient a n d sch m odem clvUUatlon. . bar

I t would ta p regions rich In pyra* mlds and ruins of Ind ian lore, v a s t u v fpre«U. dense Jungles and w inding u < iiiountatii ways~^rtnged* w llh~bfoad ■of* pla teaus and . low-land expanse* where crops of mslse. coffee, o r b a -

S . * " D lM any pa rts of tbe h!gh*-ay a re U l

a lready In use. Mexico, w ith approx­im ately one-half of the lnt«r-A sier- Ican route w ithin lU borders, h as b u ilt up many sections.

A pavrd highway runs from Laredo, Texas to below M onterey, > while gravel rosds carry t in dove!. opm ent southward berotul V lc to rl^ w T hen there exists a gap of approxl- ^ mately MO miles where motor.lng U described s s "a pioneering v e n tu rt" 5 2 un til a surfaced highway Is rea ch - ^ ed. extending more th a n 300 m iles <]

A northw ard front Mexico City, toSouthward from the cap ita l, a by

surfaced road runs u fa r as P uebla B. and It graded way on to O axaca, fat site of famous n iln s ._ |tom t hen on pn to tne O ustem stah border, there a re oei a few earth roads bu t mostly p ro - frc posed rosds through a tropical ju n - i

, tei

In O uatem aU . only'IS of th a 311 miles which would link up th e • country 's Ilnk 'ln the Inter-A iaerlcan -n highway, are a ll-w e a th e r roads, u , Wagon trslU h a re beea surveyed. however, for probable oonTenioo tQ ho motoring use.

Salvador, with 314 ralles-a« ita afl share of the highway, has W l m llaa P i


_ _ _ _

L = ^ — =

o f I n t e r

L ^ ' I

l l j ^ Y

y ^^*^^^^35803 II1 ' ' z •

tm prored to the s ta te o f a ll-yea r mii ■B»fl-3thUe-but-10 o t- th s -a o ^ m lle - are rout* pro}«et«d throttgh th e -lo w e r pro t ip of H on d u ru a re u se fu l 3SS

W agon roads m sy be used Jn Nic- ai5 aagua In a tra ta tlve route th a t foi- an lows a long the Pacific c oast and on bee th e narrow strip between th e ocean ren a n d Lakes M anagua and N icaragua, fut O f th e lMS mttes-m N lcattguaiT ione ' ' T Is ra ted a s a n a ll-w eather rou ts . An

Tha Costa Rican section, propect- thn ed along U>e Pscific slope, Is 350 ma


■ —— haiSUKL, M arch H (Special to T he lur

Newt)—BupervUor o t music for fiuh l c schools, O rral s . Luke, announces of th a c a it and characters for the oper- a t e tu ; “Miss Cherry Blo«om ." to be n i. Riven la the high'school aud ito rium a . Aprtl 1. pai

T he prlDClpals Include a cas t of e ig h t sludenta,»ci_?o ^ ® tW :ia e lsh |k O lrV i"a n d "A m e r i- t o TouSsts;* w ith an orchestra ot 34 pltees. Tha singers a re Em m s Lou W right, H ugh M aguire. Robert In T ucker,'B in jo y te rx an 'K a m b riaB e . »re M arth a Cox. W lnton G ray and Rob-

M r. Luke h ss been' three m r s j n ^ in T B t lh l" i r a » U ” aha“ during' lh a l J tim e has taught fundam enta ls of g» mtuJo in th s P.-H, BuhJ a n d L lnooln-b^ school buildings; dtrecU a beginners' nil b and of 21 peleea as a new venture; ed leads th e girls' glee elub of 35 voices in and th e boys’ glee club of 30 voices: St. a ad conducts the high school band wa «r-t9 .piae«s-aiid-lhe h lgh-s«hool-or---t« ehestra o f M piece*. j ws


bn—— M«

JEROME. M arch U (Special to on T be N ew »)-A m eeting of sugar Hi b est growers In the Jerom e vlcln l^ Cu

afternoon a t 1:J0 P . M, a t the c o u r t- ' room here, l l w u announeed here today. ;

T he purpose of th e m eeting will be ' ) to dU cujs tha contract being offered Ne by the sugar company th is year. A. tei B. H agar, m anager of th e T w in Palls boi factory; Is expertad to discus*-crop ty^ prosoecu and c o n tra a term s, M e m -. t e r i o f the'bM fgfoW era'TssoclsUoB'i , from Twin Palls will be on h and . |

L abor. eocU also wlU r r a lv e *t« i I tentlon. _____________ |

BCSOCK MAN QAINS 1 ^ BErtOSR, M arch H (Special t o L

' T ha Kewi)—Russel P a rk er returned to h ls home in Berger S a tu rday af­te r several weeks convalescing a t the

' home of h is parenU tn BuhL Mr. P a rk sr Is much Improved In h e a lth , a fte r a recent operation a t the Twin

> Palls hOfpltaL '

¥ktW atch:

F A L K ’ SStartlingANNOUNCE-'

'MENT ■nnjHSDAY, f t ^ C H l T t h -

I — — II J

r - Ameri___ . a i





z ^ ^ z _ j y s _ 5

• mile* to leng lh . of *-■» »"U..— r- a r f r - ^ - s 7 8 i r " i 5 i 5 r P anam a haa’ progressed to tb e po in t where of t h t

3SS miles to be, w ithin he r borders,315 miles have been completed with an a ll-year surface, S3 miles have

. been graded and drained, a n d the I rem ainder of 67 miles alone le ft fo r , fu ture Improvement, r - - I n - th » - lo ta l 'k h g th “ 6 f - l i i r S K T r ~ ‘

American highway, i t U estim ated ' th a t roughly lOOO.milcs o f.roads re*..I m ain to be built.

'hazelton residents i ENJOY MANY EVENTS ^

1 -H A 2EX T0N . MftTch U (B p«lnl to The News)—Haxellon resldenu have attended a varie ty o t social

t functions in the la st week.I One of th e m ost delightful events ^ » of the season was th e p srty given „ ‘ a t the D unn residence Friday eve- .. > nlng by Mesdames Allle Willey, J . . I A. Lindsay a n d C lara O unn. The

pnrty was given In Iwnor o t Adrian f U n d u y , who will leave Monday for tr j_ S o u th _Amerlca, w here h ^ l s em- V . ploySa oa njinlpg englneer,:for a « ( i«Tgo m ining ccmptny. T h s S slo t I Patrick color schem e was carried ou t y t In the decorations, prises and re- ^ I—freahm ents. -T h e tv tn lng-w as spent -»i . in plsylng bridge. Miss Rebecca

Jn n r i ^ n n tn g high s fo ra .an d -C a r- — roi Wyllle, low. ^

I W nnbcT *-of-th*—O ir l- Reserves f gave a S a in t P atrick p srty to th e . ,- b o y a o f tha .hlgh-M hool-Prtdv^«T** J 1' nlng, esch one p resen t being dress- ; ed tn green. T he evening was spent t in plsylng games. M rs. W. W. V ; Stokesberry, G irl RMerve advisor, d was la charge o f th e evening's en- - - te r ta ln m e n t ,— Lovely refreshmeitU -

j wer* served.I O n Thursday n ig h t of thU week. ? : M:rs. H. K . B elm ont a n d Mrs. C lara P D unn en tortalned th e P ast Noble ? G rands' club a t th e Belmont home. ^

. A lter a sh o rt business session a pro- •

. gram was given a n d tha rem ainder •

. of the evening waa spen t in playing bridge. GuesU from Eden were d Mesdames C. P. Sm ith, K sttle Ly- r

0 ons. H. J . Hency, Jam es WhlU, Ira c T Kayes, P rank Fulton, Ava Barnes, li y Curtis M itcslf a n d Newman. t

• STORK VISITS FILER 'e ' FILER, M arch 14 (SpecUl to The d N ew s)i-M r. and Mrs. George^CTar- i. te r , FUer, a re parenU of a daughter u1 bom today a t a Tw in Falls m atem l- li P tytoom e;-------------------- ' '*■

________ ._______ »“T ~ H a r d C ^ f e r B ro e d ersa t Carl G, ^

Bensoa-s. Adv. "

j Spring W atsr Co. p h . 7». Adv. |


AN-Js“ Sprin^g'H

8 : 0 0 e ’e n

. . . w h e r e w e r o j l

f o r y o u r a p p r o v a !

a t t r a c t i v e m o d e l s

rOO TH 'EA R i



ifllllllllliilililHljlllllii~ ,


* ic a n H i)A WOISTOERLAND n o w o n k n o ' u t« ia env is ioned in p la n s f o r a n Ii reach in g fro m th e cactu«-gtUddc« tro p ic ju n d le s o f P an am a . £ n £ d a ta f o r a r e p o r t to c o n f i r e a say

— p]etedlB 'fiV 6'V ««rs a f te r flT evnn _ f im d s ava ilab le . A p av ed ro a d

L a red o to be low M o n te rre y , a n d a

I ^ J B R IT IS H ” !bt^H O N D U RA S I -

I M O N D U R A ^ ^ /

I —- SAN 'C O S T A U s rd p ^ e lW J O S C

[ p I C A j

______________r ^ N A r


Tbe News)—Several new 4-H ^ w - ,* Ing club» were organised last Bat- j ' urday afternoon throuRh the office | ' of Tom Speedy, Jerome county , J agent. , , -nie club Ul the * Wcsllleld com- ' r munlty was organlifd for the third ' . yesr, with Mrs. A. O, PlMi as lead- '* . r .

The sieps>{»*KeaKh club, second- , year food club, under leadership ot <

' Mrs. A. O. Plots, w u organised in* -ihe-WMtfum-distritt,----------- ---------- '‘ | ................... ........................... .

Mn. A. L, Ellt. as leader. wo.i sUrt> i ed In lha Wwitlleld community.

J T h t Kdorado IIcIrKU Sewing dub .«ianlJcd_wJih—Mrs. Ira |

Fuller aa local leader again.

'■ WOOL MEN SCHEDULE- MEETING AT JEROME, --------------------------------------------------------- .

JSROMC. March li (Special to , The News)—There will be a meet- , a ^ c t aheep men adjacent to' Jer- ' g oma a t tho courtroom In Jerome ,, tomorrow evening at 8 P. M,, It wns ^ announeed through the county f ogent'a otnce heK t<day. g T h t purpose of the meeting U to e dlsousa wool marketing through •. new plan. Also there will be a dU- . a cusslon of the advisability of send- I, Ing ewes to the mounUlns tor pas­

ture tn the summer months.

“ W A T E R U S E R S G A T H E R ^ ~

' A T A R T E S IA N S C H O O L

! MURTAUGH. March ,14 (flpecUlr lo The Nawg)—At tha annual meet- ■- Ing cf tha Dry Creek WaUrusera^as- " socIaUto“ Isjit~week>. J. Manhall

was eMcted watermasUr and hU sal- • ~ a iy wag-cut fiugi W-to >3 a dsy.-T h r ’• meetiag vas held s t the Arlesian'

city achoothooM.

IC CBarita F . U tmb Coa) Ct. Fhoat 1 US, CMdt Gait CtaL A4v.. ■

TOUNC— — A ------------------------

-S^tyle-Pres€. . . A T O U R S T O R E

:L0CK W E D N E S D A Y E )

i j l i> e p l e a s e d t o w e l c o m e y v a l , o u r S p r i n g F a s h i o n d i i le l s .

CinderellaF r o c O l i o p ~


i g h w a y . ‘k n o w n to A m e r ic a n 'm o to r * Q | | | |s n In te r - A m e r ic a n h i ^ w a y |Md d c d p la tn n o l T e m t o ^ [ 1 E n g in e e r s n o w a s s e m b l in g , M> s a y th e r o u te c a n ' b e c o m * I I > -nnou5 c o u n tn e a m a £ ^ e M l ;t> a d .a l re a d y _ c z te n d a f r o m , j r Ciim d a g r a v e l r o ^ to V lc tO T i a . U

\ o "-7 JS

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I noi8 ? ' m the

3 « L t 3 j L MJ'

■I A M ^ ^ 9 U lur

1— " — " — " — " — " far- ■ ■■ da:

Strange Birds Claim *«Attention In Burley

5 BURLEYrMarch 14 (Special lo dirTh# Nc m i- a fiocic c f sU ange SOCbirds, which has a ttrac ted m uch Me

^ atlrnilon from ihOM accustom ed ho10 obien-lng wild Ufe, i t tm s lo Gi:hava been Idehtllled a s to nam e S<:by some of the am ateur n a tu rl l- Jo<

•y islA llvliiR in Burley. T he b irds T.are evtdrntly nomadic, a rriv ing K*here from i» one knows w here, Hi

i and making use of th e bare PH t . branches ot Irens afld 'sh rubbery

. M roosting places as Ihey sto p 1- w e r for a (ew weeks during th e ir «»

migration. '” ' They are a lU ty b lu t bird,Z _shad lng -ln lo -faw n - color.— w IU l.

yellow bauds on the ir ts lU and

t> sealing wnx on the Ups of th e ir I'i wings. Their heads are creeled. .

IF - i n a they a rt sii | f T r o n « t f r ~ tn w r ■X a sparroY. They are c o n U n ttd - ^

little fellows, no t very shy, and ' a ttend sUlcUy to busines* w hich *v seems to consist o t s ta rc h - w ing for and oonsumlng dried b e r- . •

E ries and brush buds. B itter cold .i, ipells seem to have no bad effec t w. • - -Oft-tht-vuiiors;— — -— " —

f® They have been v ariously te rm - tei .e d Canada, roblas. . Bohem ian _

’■* chatterers, garden Buntlnga a n d — ” wondering 4yVa. The best ta len t ' . ” seems' to have Identified th em os

cedar Waxwlngs. SmsU flocks ot these little felloa-a. have been not-

to cd hers tor short periods du ring I t a tha w inter in form er jf ta rs . Tney

a - - a r t travelers, they come from the 1- far north, expefu-aay, a a d there s - has been controvsray tn th a past

s s to w bst cold country section

^ VISIT IN JEROMEJEROME,- M arch 14 tS p e d a l io

a l The New*)—Mrs, Jeanette F inch ^ and her daughter, MUs N ett G un-

g . ter, a rr lv e d jn Je rom w h er t _ iff They w nrspand'oboul a m on th ^ t h i . Mr*. Flneh'i iUttr._Mrs.^E. g . W u w -

m ' ' '■ C A lg AND CASK D r t w y k ^ _

a t 1th Ava. EatC r a o n t ItSCW ( t r ■pttial E as ttr prlct*. Adv.

3 IN G --



ie you and present display shown by

\ c o n rv n ra

% «___________ BKB-WIND- _____1


: 0- TUESDAV m o r n in g . MARa

. T a k e s ^fiUPERTfiESmS EWJDYfiftTHERiS;

I C lu b _ -E v 8 n ts ,_ P a r l l B L a n d . I

S c h o o l a n d C h u r c h S e s - «

s lo n s F e a t u r e In W e e k ua

-------- aRUPERT. M arch 14 (Special to b

T he News)—Club evenU, small a n d cJ large porUos, Including school and «■ church r^theringa have fea tured th t . _ week's social activity for Rupert, J many o t th a parties adopUng the I Sain t Pstriek day m otif In table s;nd ti room decorations. It

Two Isrge companies marked Ih t c social calendar Friday evening. One o w o t a m e a 'a-b tn q u e t g lren a t the * Christian church annex ss a p re- * llm lnary lo a series of special m eet- *

I I n n to begin M onday ol th is week. 1: r i i w Q ^ n ^ i s h T T w f i n ^ ^ «

guest speaker, and w ith Mrs, Hutton.I furnished a vocal duet. Mrs. H utton I'

contributed a solo. Mrs, Edward K. J I OUh. Twin Foils. *«* (I gueit. Pau l I } French, R upert, gave a reading. « I T h e r t w ert BO m en prew nt. T h t c I women of th e church ser\ed 1 o'clock I dinner. tI T he o the r large p a rty F r ld a rn lg h t ? I was tho annual dancing party glren *

by th t R u p t r t chapter. Future p o m * * J t r t and t h t H o m t "Ec" club of R up- ‘ I trtt-h lgh sch o o l under direction of ® 1 teacher* In those departmenU. j- T hT Sm a-H a-berT T ^nirT ilItt Helen “ I H unter. A bout 100 couples w tra in ; I attendance. T he event was given S

In the high school gym nulum . ^ Miss H elen H unter and MUs a u - ,

nor Ysggy, were club boiUsses io r , I the MUT bridge club a t the N. K , / I Jensen home T hursday erening. Mlsi ^ j Mildred Harbour.-w lth high score fo r r the evening, received the club prlK.1 There were no subsUlutei. A dainty J lunch was served by-the hoatess,- j I Mr. and M rs. Oeorge CoUsrd aod 1: ' fam ily were honor guesu W ed u s- i ■ day evening a t a farea-ell party glv- (

en before the ir departure to Call- s forala, w h ere 'th e y will mska the ir s

, home. G am es s r ^ refreshmrnU e ' provided en terta lnm ent:

Beglnnlng w ith a 7 o'clock chicken ( , d inner, b iem bers ot the Bld-Or-Dy > 500 club en terU lned the ir husbands I Monday evening a t the E. A. Hunt [ home. Six tables were In play,I GuesU w e r t. E d.8choetihals, Fred . , Scheupbaeh, Joe Dolan. A rthur Cox.. Joe H. DeW ltt, O len Hansen, Dr, H,, T . Rice, C. P . M endenhall. B. j . \- Hanxel. DougUs Miller and A. E. I

H u n t . . A rth u r Cox received guest •, p ris t and M r. and Mrs, Dougla* Mll- r 4er. combined high acore prise. ' , M em btrx of tht-B on-Fol olub-w ert.. f en terttln ed Friday aflem oon by

\tn. WllilMm Kloepier. A program ' Included reading* by Mrs. R, C. May. ,

' Ella Rose Hinckley. Lyle Schofield.]- - D a in a o e p f e r r B t l l r* n d - B « t r J e n - -* rrn nnrt t -

Judd, accompanied by Mr*. Vsud Peart. R efrtsh m en u w tr t served.

;■ ■ Mr«_n»yTwnnrt W alking fOfm>rlT _ ; MUs Leola K autm an. Minidoka, p whose m arriage took p lact recently, t »-at honor gueit a t a mUcellaneous ' shower a t th s K aufm an home In* Minidoka la s t T hursday evening.* About SO were present. Many b«su-1 3 tlful g ltu were presenU d to thei L J ir ld tc____ _____________ __________

Mrs. D. L . Carlson was House- less a t h e r hom t W ednesday to t h i ,1 •J = = = = = ' . ■ — :

I C e n t- a - M ile1 ; K c u n d l n p f j c c u r s k n i s

eh w —

r « _____th

s ----- V ( V i« f t^ k e ------" a I r i p o v e r

E A S T E R ?nere 'ii yogr opportnnlly 10 enjoy a deHghtfol vseatloa a t tx tr e a e ly lew eo et R a te s a p - i prnxlm ately a cen t a \ la l l t—b rtw e tn a ll loeal i

. poinU OB t h t 0 . 8 . L . snd (« C aU ferala a ^ the northw eaL

On a ll tra ln a leavlag

A ^ A R G H --------------'34-25-26-27lU t in i l im i t , ApiO I

A llowlag 4* n a a y a t 13 ------- — day s over E a s t tr _____ :

Examples of n m d tiip i from T w ta FaUs

Los A ngeles..... ............... g t l ioSp e k a n e ............................ |U U 5P o H ta n d ---------------------ntM

Bait Lake

j B f f l j n A IrvZVihSC

I | C b Dq m J A««at f . r\ f l r a r tb n *4tali«.

\RCH IB, 1982

D e f i n i t eQuDUng elul> In an all-day y a th tr - 11 Ing, Twelve' or IS were p restn t. In - , | | e luding th ree . guesU, Mrs. W . 'T . Newcomb, Mrs. Hugh G arrlty and

I U r«. A tu Row. D inner was s^ rv td I aV noon,I D r. and-M rs, E. H . Elmors enU r-

U lned th e OUR Bridge clyb a t tb a lr ;

. n a Sincla ir was subttlluU guasV ^ ] . H lsh-seore nrise waarectlved.hi- M r. ^

and M rs. R .B . Turner, Retreahm toU• wtrt ttrved. yj(

Mr. and Mrs. S , B. FU her e n te r- J r( U lned th e 0 C Contract B rldgt club ba

a t th i l r hom t S s turdsy tren lng , M r, e*a n d M n . A lbert H. L et, w ith eecn- d a

0 blned hlgh-K ore, w ert presented th t 11 ciub price. R e frtth m en u w ert K rv - foi i ed. b t a. —M ra. A nn* H iu -w u hostess a t t h t »» t, Joe H . D eW itt home Fridsy to r t h te LAL WO club and three addlUonal ^d U bles otguM U at 1 o'clock luncheon. t>

Mr*. H enry Stanley received high« club prlke: Mrs. Oeorge Wignall, sec- *•e ond h igh ; Mrs. Carl Llpps. h lgh-e aco rt guest prize. Mra. F rank K arrU *. was lucky In the *U-eut. A nelabo r- a. a u m enu w ith S ain t Patrick embel*t. lU hmenU w u Mrved a t the lunch - •

Wr*. H, V. creaw^i was h(Wteas a t « n h e r home Tuesday evening to the r. Bridge club w ith two oddlUoBal ll guesU, Mrs. Buford E . K uhns aod ^ r. M rs. c. R. Isenburg. R etrtshm eaU a concluded the afUmoon. »k M r. and Mra, Q . W, Doyle cnU r- °

U lned ottlcer* of Christian church * ,, w ilh the ir wives and husband* a t *■

th e ir home Monday evening.. A ‘ sh o r t business tetsion preceded a n «

^ enjoyable socUl evening. R efresh- 5 m e n u were served. There wer* about *o , 30 person* present.

" the w om en'a Horn* M iitlo i» ry lo - ” cle(y ol t h t MethodUt church a t h t r

home K o n d ara / tem o o a . D ero tion- > a l and a tudy p trlod w u la charge of

'* Mra. Victor PhllUps. T he 'subjM t ? wa* "O ur W ork Among the Negro**."

Al th e eloke of th e a iU m ooa M rt. L “ W oolford. president oL tha organU g- _* tlon; served a d a liK rm i« h .~ ' " ‘

Member* of t h t Women*' Oounelly of t h t ChrUtlap chureh.wer*.W U «-. !-

ta lned W ednesday a fttm oon a t th e „ d home of Rev, O ren (Jrahood withI- Mra. Orahood. Mrs. E. E . Kern*. Mr*. S '• O ltn McCartney and M n ; Ja p LockI- aahoa ttatee . A b u sln a a te ialen a n d ^lr social hou r term inated with s tn r la i ^U of r tf rtth m en U . ■ ^

" GROUP ANSWERS TO <= u CHARGE AT BURLEY -I; BURLEY, M arch 14 (BptcU l to f T h t N ew s>-M onu S tafford ta d ;• wife and Lester Smoot a a d w ife, all , living n e a r Brldgt, pleaded guilty (o ji* stealing guoU nt and tool* valued *(7: ISO from th e beacon ligh t e ta tlo a In .

th a t neighborhood, befoe* ProbaM Judge B. M. W right. Friday, T h ty

^ will be senU acM early n e x t week,^ -and-w cr* sent to JaU m d tfa o l t e t jy™ T h e y w tre ip p re h e n d e d b y O tp u tr ' i ' Sheriff O e o m B ray wtw brought “j . them to BurUy. Helen Bmoot. w lft


ij .» , . . . ....... ............... - --------------- '

i m i miM O TO flt;^R U CK nI— B -I C n iN D H S


*595\ C H A E E II .F .O .B .P a N T !A i;

- - H E R K - U H M m C H E D V t t U E ^

i A I ' ^ n O H UNIT

New t n i biv* a n t i track witk a IWO — . f tw u o f t r v k j e a u m - t b f l s r td a rt

of ao ergsalutlea ta s t boUds con- m erd*lveU<k*cxditalvtly. B fugtd M -beneptw er t B | l a t —I tB l- llv td trtek .typ t rlsU h. R tavy-daty 4- speed iraosmlstieB wtth prtvUtfta fer

to b t n d ls ic r -S v tk X ttI w lM e lt- dasl wbeel tq d p M a t tfU oM i al rilfbt m r a cart. Wi e ilb i« i s » - m . - iK h aiM) 157-lacki m a y tta sd trd

; body stylet *iat avallaUa. 8m lM«' nsw ‘.GeBcral M ttera Track today.

Yon wfll agret that It la Um eat- I sUsdlBg track valat oa tk* M k t C

JTLIND AUTOMOBILE______________________________


O 'e f f i E iJEROME MHIiMIS- BimiiJfitlPlOWS-

ffRO U e, Uareh 14 (Bptdat la The Tretii I .Thnan rifilrlng wrrt >n(1 feed lean* th w g ti U>* Ualtadg U tf-d ip a rtm an t-o t—agricuUur*. ------=should fluk t BppUcatioea through . ■ ' the county exfenoion agent'* e f f lc tu Jerome, and a t th t Hastlloa atatt b*ak, Huttioa. Thom** S. Bpttdy. count/ «ct8i, aaaouaetd b tr* ta*

^ ^ f l y , M tB p ttd y txplalaed tb* . following lotonnaUon must b t bnwihiby the applicant a t th tt lm t of a i^ y ln s fw-loan: '

A deflnlU statem tnt as to Just how tht mooey borrowed 1* to bt uitd.

A sUtement of appllcanf* pr«> tn t IndeWtinea*.

A ttau tn tn t a t to th t number aad valu* of Uvtstock and equip*mentewntdr ..................... -

A suum est M to the crop am * agea and toUl produetUn for the r . . r . iMft .B.1 Ifllt tneludiM hath -«n*nl's »ad landlofdli «harB*..' ...........

A (Uttment ot aeed grata and istd DOW 00 hand by tht.appU* cant.

A crop nettcage v in b t laclisded. and the ahait o w n trl portion must bt waived through th t tlgtUag ot an.agrttmeat a t time e( appUoa* tlon.I t Is ecQttnidattd to have •uffl*

clenb clerk«l b tlp to ateecunodaU th t appUeanU a* («*l u thty apply tor toaoa. .

R eal E s ta te T r a n s le r t .

ran tb b td by tb i laitm tim U lB TlUt O aanaty Otayaoy

___ ; 41____' D ttd-n7 .8 .rarvotoM . W.Olaaen . t l . L «, 10 BUt M T. T.- D te d - W .- t -Moort to L. BI. Bv--------an*,’ 11. a , OrchaUra.

o t l4 «Ur Bopot* U uadtr n»ptad*d •eauao* for tinlawtul po*M**loa.*n>t loet tak ta (rtm tba >taeoo «u* tloa w u <«d«ral proptrtf.


• — e B B T = m B wOhUr FUaker-W . O. Maytor

~ 'T M tlf^ lC a fe k U ,lM I

BOWDT, TOZXM ~ J iu t rwid an ad that nuaU oatd "aulU iot th* trim boalntts Ban.” W t p rt-

- *«iB »T i»niur>«ii«B »»B nrjjB --------ba* b ttn trlmratd wtU har* to

' v ta r tb t old suit,

Wt win try aad aavt TM tntagli l« bay a atw f l i t if wt can Id l y ta te r peodtwU

. Ctss* la a a d t t t aa le r y tar aeeda.

Xn kttploK with th t n ln laturt goU cra<*, th tre eome* a mlnla-

' turt drink. One drink and in a mlnUtore out.

I WtU pitsstd.

n e Wash's Beat Bttry

One Sunday morning Chick Csrrlco wu esKed tipon (0 tt*ch a Sundsy achool class. After a long and Impressive talk on ths nrodlral ion. he ksked If any of fhe children h*d any <|ue*ttoB* to ask. A-tlttl* hand shot 110 and - /ine of the puplU asked, *nease.Mr, Oarrleo, what'i th t price of them orange* in your windowf**

We eant havt * spring fash­ion show lOca th* rest of ths TwinFalU builnaat ta tn. btca u tt thei ___styfe of two by four* *M wtiit- not dotso't change much, but U youll eeto* la w t can shew you th t latest In building plan* and fixturet, ax>d htip ypn savt rjioney, tool '-7

H O ^ L U M B ^

AND COAL : iCOMPANY‘ _ ' ' ___ — -----------

btr. i t i A t T a ^ t o i MTiti;

c ; _ = = = ^ | = = = = = P = = = = =

.....r m n n

r ilM W MIBfiESRttEE i FflR# SlEflS -

Toni— r " W«ho

Rev. Glen W. Hutton Deliv- era Sermon On Value of

~ ;.~SbiTdw~F6r'EvirDoln!r ra g i By Turning to Creator

- L lljr n• "RepenUooe" w m the ■ubjecl e( »

■ aennoQ d< llw r« l Sunday momln* « t ThU the P in t ChrUUui chureh by the FU rvfi PMtor. Rev. Olen W. HuUon who Sp«cla1

- {mIc for h l i i m Art»-n:JO-s:. the wti-Th* time o f 1jfnor*nee therefore

Ood oterlooked; bu l now be com- c n n i mawJeih men th»t they ihouW «U m rywhere repent: in « much « N E l b<» h»«» •Dpolnted ft day Jn whith toe w ill j u d ^ the world In rlshteoui-

• BMs by the man whom he hath or-- dalned: whereof b«-haUi.«lven-M*

auranoeuntoa llm en.lntha lhehalhrabed him from the d«d."

jn pa rt Her. Hutton u id : "Palm;-There «em «o be very few »er- lo iu a

.jnons on repent*ace. 1 have read teueri• from many men and rarely do 1 comic-

• Xlod a «n no n written on th i* aub- Wythe Jert or repentance. Yet U hoWa no htJlea amall p U « In tbe teaching* of tho bakerj New Teatament. I t hoJdi no le*» a «m b li pUee than fa ith ; nor doe* Jl hold any aUve I

' iM i puce than bapUam. There-aremany aenaona wrIUen on Pallh and ^ Baptism but rarely do wa bear tbU mtke* theme handled In a aermon. J t UmenUoned in paarina a* It U referred

the ichema o f p a rd S T n S T ir jlr f r r 11 in the word of Ood.

• • • "DunlmlBht u y tha t repentanca U ^ «

■ llfe'a acUoni In accordance w llh ac- jram . know ledrd and accepted truth « Bod :

...... U cornea from God'ji w ord._Sr.>u^. cburiiwe believe In Jetua and by repent- eompi ance w t act like w« believed in him.

-------------------—— • - - - — - c n p i“There w ill be do genuina repent-

ance untU ve are mada to aea the U> awtulneia of aln. When wo lee the terrible and' Influenca ofaln In our own llvea we w ill have .n in that Qodljr iorrow; then oor love * „ for Ood vU l vork repentance. U V thera U no tenolna lore for Ood In the heart there wlU be no iorrow for aln. only « aorrow for. the vleloui- neu of . l ln (aorry becauae we were cau jh l in aln). Thla aor- r " ' row doea not work unto repent- ^ “ ance but unto remorae and a broken

. . . - • ■ I S■Bepentane* w ill chanie your °

mtnd and make you ft belUver. I t ^ wtll chante your atate by your ^ e t

- - obediens*, t t wUl chance your lifeand mak« you ft follower of Jeaua CMW, -ood m tnevtrywh ^ t |a t t h ^ ahou q re ^ n .

“ Propnaalve repentance cornea-------about hy.aroCTeaHre m clatlon. Now ^

let me w pia ln whal I to-snrsTprff^ tteaalro revelaUon and In ao dotny I J " - ean explain what I mean by prope i-

------ " I do not mean b r pfOfreulve re-veUUon that Ood.U revealing new

• truth to tha w ind. That the vlaloni we hear reported, are from Ood and that we ahould follow them: no thatU not my th o u jh t I mean thla. A ll ' the tru th In ood'a word la- not re-

• Step b r atep aa w« atudy Ua con- ^ U nu the mind of Ood la unfoldedto ua. And w ith the unvfUlnj o f newtru th w« m u it chante our way ot ------th lnklnc and living to conform ta that truth.

“ I th ink we ne«l a lot ot repent- reac ance today. A lot of turning to re- 'er> vealed truth.' But thla can only come aa v e atndr Ood'a word; Tha t by < la why Paul u id to younj Timo- f l« th r. •Study, lo ahow thy eeU appror- ed unto God.’

----------------------------- ------------------------------ ftndCbrfatlaa RtpratonM

■ThU repentance deal* w ith the ^ ChrUtUa who haa committed aln. There-U a food IDuitratleQ oT this In tha ministry of PhlUp among the * * • Bamarltlana. When Simon received — C h r lit and was baptized he contlnn- ed w llh the church. Peter and John came trom Jeruialem and lakl their hands upon them and they received

------- th rH oC raplrlt. c ovelousneaaw itet-"ed the heart o f stmon and he aav

how th is power eould be uaed to------- make him r lchrrJphw-lia-aak ad th r

apoatlei'to give hlm thla power and he wouui p«y them'for Jt. Seemingly not aoch » great thing. But Peier told him he waa a tinner and must repent ar.d pray to Ood for for*lve- nea*. When w * hare broken fa ith w ith Jesua and brought wrrow to hia heart we m utt come to him In repenUnee and pray [or h li forgive-

yj>*EPWCfr O R O V I R * j


ronlght'a- performanoea at ihe “ Vou Iho theatre w ill •conclude tha run aMllec the current double-feature pro. In wble

im. com ^llack Molt and-Ralph Oravea In "A ngeroua A ffa ir" form tho f.lret ^ ir t fn h rp ro fra m rm ie ir ir -c o m * " ' tad' by Zane Oreya atlrrlng otory the Weat. ••righting- Caravaw." “ the latter are «een Gary Cooper. “ " f Damlta. Em en Torrence. Fred hler and TuUy Marshall. rhta program augm ^ted wUh a TvFrog cartoon.- "The VllUge eclallsl" and tho latent eventa of .• world in ta lk and sound.

------- . Sidney)DIE CANTOR PLAYS IN m e ^

NEW FILM AT ORPHEUMEddie Cantor's new comedy aensa. H l'P yn . hia flra t since the record- ” *■’ '*taking -Whoopee;"-wm-be p re - ----- ■•itcd a t the orpheum theatre three II n beginning today, u Is t i t le d ____ R

IS a d ve n t^ a "o f a fake fortune- - Jer'a a»l*tAnt. I t ' ia ft roUlcklng, m lc-strlp-klnd of yam . moving ‘ ifthely trom the mystic's holy-o - “ aiea M the splendor o f a futurlsllc kery. manned by an Imposing aa- mblftge ot Hollywood,-* most decor- I»- Ive fem ininity. . .Barbarft (Bobble) Weeks, a new t^e H< id charming atrcen discovery, also p akea her debut. nomlcsome ouUtandlng aong h lu are troduced by the Irrespreialble can- r during the picture'a fast and hli-

ilrttual. and • "gaff" comedy rong Junk. Dunk. Dunk." ,A well-balanced surrounding pro- ■am, eOBSlatlng ot “When the ned. ed Robin" ft screen song. "Mar-)uria.''-trftvelo(«s L }■_mipleua the new bill. u 1 <


TheBERGER. March 14 (Special to o r ro!

Tio Newa)—Several Berger social roupa enjoyed meetings In tho last -gufre, eek-end. . pjpMrs. J. U . Pierce was hostess lo ouve

he Tuesday Bridge club. Tuesday ftemoon, at her home. High score .. raa won by Mrs. W. Mej-er. and low y Mrs. N. Hozzard. GuetU of the '* lu b were Mrs. Jenaen. Ilogcrion: ira . Htwier Craven and M a. Fred taUa. Tw in Palls; and Mr*. E. J. :olbert, Knull. ’ ^ibe

The Pleasant View Udlea' club p A, net a lth e home of Mrs. J.M . Pierce. Vedneaday afternoon. The after- ■oon waa spent socially. Refresh- I j - nenu wero aenred by the hostess, g a j ' a r t. H. T. Idol waa a guest of the :lub. .. P l'

Mra. Charles strlckllng entertain- « the l * y a l JJelghbors a t her home.

>era. E lu d in g two new members, a r* . H. Dodd and Mr*. If. WohUlb. «»>'• fspondfd to roll call. The ^ g j

l in ts on hottse cleaning. A general “ 'J'* llscuaslon followed. Community ilnglng waa a feature of the after- y lOon. BefreahmenU were sen-od by ^;ho hosttas. aaslsUd by Mra. G. Car- ;er. Uarel and Thelma Eckrem and I"® ' M rt. DaiT Ryan. Tw in Falls, were guer t r -of th f f clnbrThe-ncxt meeting — w ill be a i the home of Mr*. W. Wed-

'•» SI * - I . . . (jQfn

"NOW repentance of the ChrUtlan FILreaches beyond ihla. i t gou to the - very roou of life lt»elf. l ^ we are repe'nUnt fo r our aJns ae wlU sliovby o iir live* tbat we are s o m for - Fsin by the fa « lha t we w«T»hun Nevth a t aln or dna and our lives will b« gag<f r w from their Influence. Repent Mai.B d .t.irn .mtn m.. th . t \ tn»y heftl i « eyou. la the call of Jehovah to the sin- ^unn ln g children of Israel.” O.

----------------------------------------- elecC barin r . Laraeo Coal Co. Fbeat B

u e . C uU * Oata CeaL Adr. Tlcl

__________ ^OUBJIEW-S

—Wallppe -Are He

Come In and SB A L A N C E O F O U R S T O C K 0 L A S T Y E A R 'S P A T T E R N S .....

Twin Falls GlassI'H O N E 1

PUBLICSl le ln c compelled to more. I wll below at the rollow in j; location north o f Wa<thlnKton School 1


1- ------------S T A R T IN G P R O M P T I;

22 head o f Gue'rnsey M ilk Cov atock. 1 B ull. 10 Brood Sowa, ruckling pij^s, a general line o f mobile. v

“ TERM S: Under SlOTTTnHh; ' 'i^eeinK clerk before date o f aa

A .R G R A ]iI I l lo l le n b n k * a u l l lv a r ’; A i ic l lo t

' I * .


COMEDIES AND DRAMA Neig"Voung Aa You Feel." the long 8[( railed W ill Rogers’ comedy dramfc ■which the popular screen s u r and p* imedlsn is seen fo r the f lra t time aa model ot what the well dreased

an should wear opens today a t the oxy theatre. . ;m e story deaU w ith the qulU hu- an and logical predicament of » nd and wealthy widower who flnda { ^ ’7 ' A two wUful sons slowly getting yond hia control. A nA screen treat la aasured the pat- ^ h ins o; the Roxy theawo comedy- Harm •ama. ‘'Bad SUtcr " the aecond lea- A ..p , iTf today, which presents a remark- with lie casl including Conrad Nagel, the j dtiey Fox. Betto Davis. SUm Sum- who en'llle. Zaflu P ltU and many other to th ollon picture favorites. ^ v l i


--------- partjJEROME, March !♦ (Special to

•he New8)-Seventy-flve Republl- [on . in.1 ot Jerome d is tric t attended a int<j Inner discussion ftt Tom’s cafe here aturday evening.Dr. S. W. McClure. Hagerman and

I. P. Parry, Tw in FaUs were prlncl- ■ttl speaker*. D r. McCTure discussed ne Hoover reconatnictlon plan and j r . Parry dealt- w ith existing cco- lomlc conditions. , Wayne A, Baretay. Jerome, ex-

iJalneti the operation ot the primary aw- ' threi

w A WntM. Jerome committee- uax nan opened the meeilng and lureeff ‘ ber*; I'over to WftUftce E. Jelllwo. who uefo ook charge for the evening. Mualc next ras supplied between talks. be e

■ ■ ' -------------------- ■ meoi


K B I L O F i i i dThe following U the complete hon-

j r ro ll fo r St. Edward's Catholic school fo r the th ird Quarter of th* :urrent achool year: ^

FIRST GR AD B-^oan Le Clair.OUve M . McGrath, Bud Pahan.

SECOND ORADB-aenevlere Be­noit. M ary Day. Andrew Florence. Hubert Hick*. Allen McDonald, Jua­nita Selayft.

THIRD O B A D E -M lld rtd Hum­phrey, Jessie Belaya. Ruth Young. Albert Benoit, WUIlam Hughes.Lloyd Le Clair. Oeorge ThomeU, Patrick Wallace.

FOUR’TH GRADE—Anita Harde*. ty. Catherine Hicks. Agnes Lang. Harry Benoit, Jame* Harrison, Her­bert Laraen. John M ills.

P iyTH GRADE—Edward Benoit. Charlea Larsen. Jack Madland, Betty McComb. Rita Mae Salmon. Anna

B lX T ll ORADEl—MargarW“ Orr; Raymond Mills, Ellrabelh Pum- phrey. Edwin woods.

SEVENTH GRADE—Paul Hard- IstjrW in ianTH in itifrA nna-M arTa tfr — berg, Mary Agatha Hughes. Margar­et Woods, oeraldlne HanlonX

EIGHTH GRADE—Bernard Yoa­kum, Rosemary McElwaln, Veronica Thomey, Marcella Klaaa, Florence Assendrup. Vincent Sloan.—MUSIC-DEPATlTMENI-r ,L .Manr. ----CouRhlln, Donald Thomett. John M llb. Ph llllp McElwaln, Raymond MUU, Edward Benoit. Betty Mc- Comb, Marjorie DrlAcoll.


-F ILS lC U atch 14- iSpeclal-lo Tbe . Newa)—Announcement of the en* gagemenl ot Dole Harmon and Miss M arian' Staau. both ot n ie r. who are to be manled In th r near fu- 1urerw innsOB'h»r»rto<jByby Titra: — O. C. SUaU, molher of the bride- elect.

Both are well known In the Filer Tlclnlty.

t S P B I N G ^ _____ ____ J

^tteFBS— -

Herei d See Them

r!.:..5or"iss & P a in t Co.IE 1620

[CSALKI w i l l se ll Ihe p ro pe g ly lis te d t lo n : 3 m ilcH east an d m ile oU T w in KallH, on

r, MARCH 17P T I iY A T I O C L O C K -------------- ~

CowB, Rome yount: Guernsey twa, 1 Bonr, 17 S liontj. uome e o f Farm Machinery, 1 auto-

V ■ '

iin~Tltne~C3n~be~3Tnm ged-by— — f sale. ’

Owner__________c llo t iM rB J . N . JenM n, O e rk

' i


V E srne iiF S =

ijovniisi. _____ _______________ auth i

lelghbor Party, Church Ses- o^ islons' and Card Playing 2“ ' Feature During Week End

_____ ^ Rank:BUBL. M arch 'H (Special t« Thoew f)i-A -nflBtrt)or~pftrty,' cStireB' 'berWsthering and a pinochle party pftirt<roved oulatanding week-end func* «ha aona in the West End. gtie liA neighborhood party gathered ftt m»l *

u home o f M r. and U n . Chftrte* r««un: [armon fo r tbelr weekly party. Mr*.— D. Gwens assisted. _Qf interest >lth thU neighborhood gathering Utie rule that no one shall attend _rho rldaa in a car; thoae coming 7h<0 the party be walking o r ® « lriving horses. Those present were J ^ wIt. and Mra.'W . 8, Samuel. M r. M«rci nd Mni. M. Fl.'h and aon, Mr. andire. A. D. Owens and famlly.Mr. ’D k.nd Mrs. Parley Hartnon and fam - Wednly. M r. and Mr*. Henry Peterson, lh« liJn irw ayne-pn illtpsrM rarH om lftic — -md son, R. J. Polleh and daughter. Ttic

» r ty and .vxlnl time. The next eon 1 neeUng will be held on the occas- U l. on o f some new resident coming nto the community. An

The Sunday evening, program * t ^;he ChrlstUn ehurch was well pat- j . ' " ronlicd by a hundred membera and trlcnds. S. T. Williams led the pro- • p-am bfglnnltii; a t 7 P. M. wllh an g, jpen forum on the subject' of •Pcace." Following the song serv- :ce, the pastor talked on "W hat la Heaven Like.” A lter the evening lervlce M n. W. A. Gray rendered three planolOEUts; Mr. Rudolph and

Heforrf. whlsUed two nuoJ«r<. The next Sunday evening meeting w ill b* enUUed "Memories," In which members and Invited guesU wUl re-count chlldhood'a memories______■“ M n.'Charll«-Tbatcher entertain- ’Then ed f t t ft pinochle party on the oo- groui

"T ha«m n lce i» im oo th .J t’«mUc ' neM.” T h c fir« tp u ffo fa C H E S l

telegraphg that._______ •

B ette r totaccoa -thn t^a the n m ellow tobaccos—T u rk is h an(

N o t ju s t blended, b u l c ro u tha t is , one k in d o f le a f blend

. o ther k in d — n o t m ere ly m ix A nd ju s t cDough T u rk is h tolu the r ig h t arom a-~to m ake the i

The paper is the purest t made. I t bnm s w ith o u t taste i

E very care Is taken fo r ju i pose— to make the best cigare he made. T ry them.

The/ro clicking w ith MiUU


T H I Y * t I M I I D I R -

T H lY ’ R i P U I I -

T H iY T A S T l B E T T IR -

N E W S . T W IN F A L L S . ID A H 0 . ’

:«cton ot her husband’s birthday | » r r j mnlvenary.Saturday evening a l her l lh f r lome. Five Ubles of pinochle wer? »*• • ' n play w llh high soon for the m ei (Olng to T . W. Richmond and MrC ' irth u r Carlson for the women. Those JTwent were Mr.-’ and Mr<. C. R. 3h»mberlaln. M r. and Mrs. C. H. itulherford. M r. and Mrs. A rthur :ftrlson. M r. and M rt. CUrence “ f® Joodhue. M r. and Mrs. Robert M ln- ihftU. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. R ich- Z j ” . nond. Mrs. Dorts Unglalse, Mr. ind Mrs. Rae RaedeU. Tbe young . Olka were Bob Mitchell. Dudly Ruth- frford. T. W. Richmond, Jr., Louie g}*!™ lUnkln, Oene Thompson.

Uls* EUle Krueger. dsughUr o f j . , / , < r. and Mrs. H. R. K n ieirer. K im - M .j >eTly, was guest o f honor at a Sfttnt r •airick party here la it week end.U u apent the week end w llh friends. , Jhe Is a student at tha Albion nor- would nal achool,and returned Sunday to ^ ^ 1 ■eaume her studies. jop hu

ANNOUNCEMENTS 'The Country Women's club w ill

neet a t the homb o f Mr*. Hattie Srawford, Wednesdsy atternroon, tw .i. March le. the S

-------- before’The Carnation club wUl meet ahoul<

Wednesday afternoon. Mareh 16. at o f wo i ie liome o f Mrs. Glenn Jones. o f th" - --------- autfer

n ie Business and Professional immo Wrtmi»n-« f l i ih tt’llLm i^L fnr liinch- .TTnlt#, » n Tuesday noon at the Park ho- *n d li «1. tide 1

-------- w llhAn orlenUl allver Ua w ill be glv- than

tn at the ChrUtlan Chureh In the pro lower auditorium Wednesday from In pa f.X to 4:30. The main feftlure o f aional lh« program w tll be a review o f the o f Je Fusion Play by Mrs. Bonnie May ftuets Simpson. Other musical numben gover snd readings w ill be given. A dls- tha t play of arUclea from missionary the c jountrlea w ill be given by th * M ls-lionary society. --------

-------- bualnThe Blckel Study Oroup wlU meet tnvlU

a l the BIckel school auditorium _____ruesdsy a l 3To5"PTM; TR

--------- evenljThe adult council of the O lr l Re- Therr

wrve orgftnlxa^ton~Win meet ftt the gram Blue Triangle room o f the jlg h Khool_Wedne*dfty.ftt.3:JO_P.._M. J jr ta rhere w ill ba ft program givaa by ft v U l- i pvup of fftrl resenrea precedlnf the U h l :

7 I /


[E S T E R F IK JD ^

he reason. R ipe,1 and Domestic.

ro6S-bIeoded->(ended w ith an«m ixed w ith i t .tobaoco to givethe taste be tte r. ( l 3 ' -

» t th a t can be ^ste o r odor.

r ju s t one p u r- > I

garette th a t ca r V

- ; : i i - T V -

: 0 . T U E S D A Y M O R N IN G . M A R C l


• • ' -kldl Two public offlcUls: R. R Bobler, ^

mayor-of Tw in Palls, and O. W W lthftm . prcaecuting ftttomey of Tw in FftUs county, f td d rm d tha men’s meeUn« night obaervance In the “ Happy Hour" aerrlce at the l\ , . F irst MelbodUt Episcopal' chureh Sunday evening. The pastor, Riv. Q lja h HuU Longbrake. spoke on the subject; “ A Buslnasnnan Follow J"* Jesus." . - • •

«.lf^ «iih.f n - i i ***°'tha t many who do not participate In work o t churches would feel upMt AD were announcement made tha t they srould be closed. "We a ll see and ac- knowledge tha t they do a big work for humanity," be said In part. ••They ^ carrr on ths most tm porU nt work . in tha world for train ing children coL and young people In the prlnclplfs Bf m orality and good cltlaenshlp. Oh many recent occasions judges o f Ju- . . . venlla courU lia re paid tribu te lo their work, saying th a t children of T tho Sunday schools are no t brought ft si t>efor« them fo r correcUon. • • • We n thould never forget tbe vast amount .posiof worjc dooe under the leadership ___of the churches Jor relief o f sick, m w ffe rln g and needy. • • • Crime and 1' Im m orality are Increasing In th r —

and In seeking to combat this crimetide we must look to the churehrs ___9.1th tha Inauence they exert mor;than to any other IhsUtuUon." M

Prosecuting Attorney WlUuun salt! ■In pa rt: "From experience, profes- ■slonally and officia lly, the Uachlng.'. Hof Jesus Christ are Indlspenalble ■asseU lo our home, community and Hgovernmental Ufe. • • • Do you know ■th a t the average age o f thoae In Htbe penitentiary la 33 yeare? That ■

buslnesa meeting. A ll Interested tre invited to.aUend. '

•"T B e T ftb ika jn o d g e -vm -m M t-M iir-^ ^ evening a l the Odd'PcUowi’ hall.( , Tbera «U1 be a St. Patricks' pro-1 ' gram. RefrtshmenU w lll be sen-ed, |

_4n«-CommunUy.Udl«'.Aidsoci<My __ (wUl-m»4t-W*dnesday-evening-wim - , MnL Fred Davis. '

X * / •

L . . '

kR C H 15, 1932 ■

moTf than SO per ccnt are IS? Do .H I J you knsw that M per ccnt of the H I fl boys and glrU who ftre Inmates ot tbe St. AnU»ony Industria l school a p have never-Attended Suaday'selioot: IU- The nation is shocked a l the wav U l kidnapers come-lato the hocne and - carry away a mother's Infant. I l l _ venture tbe assertion that the cuN prIU, If ever apprehended. wlU be found to have never fallen under the Influence o f true -Chriatlaa folk. * ? i ! I t U*a sad sp^tacle. Indeed, to ° know that Colonel Lindbergh is compelled to caU to hU aid, ftnd to , J* compromise by'offering rew»rd* to " f " the underworld In order to have re- [JJr: turned Uw Innocent babe to Its mother’s breast." '

------ --------------------------------------------------- Mi


• ableMURTAUGH. Mareh U (Spcclal hous

to Tbe Newsi-Arteslan H o f and wherCold Water company members met w,In.annusLsesalon-at Artesian on iiy inTue.May to fU maintenance charges .fo r Uie next year. •

The chargtft were set a t U cenU ft ahare for the yeftr.

No ajUon was .taken on the pro-.posal lo select a ditch rider. . <hsn

T o o t a t e T o a a s s i f y TEXPERIENCED WOMAN WISHES

— housework; ' Fhotte 3MT:----------------------

LiF fimMUlEStJ

Smart h o it« u « s a iw a y t 'I la rv e i t . C H O IC E S T |_ Q .R A N G E :P_E K 0_E or I “ GREEN J A P A N ;---------- " ^

W IT EZ . M l l l

J . •

^ '

J y A B a l jH l. V T ’* • •

I l i

• u u .:


L " *

lUZE WIPES OOT i l ^ OFiOUPlEllTiEllOME*JEROME, Mareh 14 (Special to

•he News)-FU< orlgUuiUng from efecUve wiring completely dtstroy- d the amall frame house on the K. t. O sW ne farm three mllea no rth- ast ot Jerome yesUrtJay aftenwon.Il l the contents o f the house, and he bam and ft haystack on the ilsce w tre consumed In the flames, rhere was no insurance. Damage ras eatlmated a l S3000.M n . Oabome was In the—house-----------

lone when she dlscm-ered the fire.LS the blaxo spread quickly and here were no facillllea for fighting he flames. Mrs. Osborne waa un- ble to save anything from the louse. M r. Osbome waa in Jerome, rhen the fire started.

M rjind Mrs. Osbome now are Ivlng w llh their aon-ln-law. in the - lugar Loaf community east o f here.

CARD OF THANKftWe wish to extend our clncere

hanka fo r the beautiful flowen and .- nany ncU ot klndneaa shown u* uring the death o f our husbaitd andon, B. C. Morgan. • ------ , -

MRS. STELLA MOROAN; -' ' . MR. and MRS. J. A.

------------- HOR^TAMT"^ ASf.----------


HJO N S ■ 'J


IU. L n sm a U n u Toaioco CO.

» “ I -

^ ^ „ ... i

JEiigli'liTe— ------------ - f — ■

FowrGamesMark MFirst Day^s Play JOn Brains’ Coort ip

W . B . S m ith , S u p e rin te n d - |

' e n t o f L o c a l S ch oo ls , ^

A n n o u n ce s P la n a f o r M a g lo | | i

C ity ’ s F i r s t T o u rn e y »

T h u r s d a y ’ s G a i n e s =

> :n P. r a n . f La;lo p . l l - O o M r D 'A k M - ro tt .

i----------»:W r . H - ^ a ______ ,S, «:M F. — 1

n O B T T IA M B m o m s n a t lu T u te n e o U lw ld a b o 'ta a * >

Dutl h lih wbeol UHtatb*!! toumv< ment te begtn »t : ; I 0 P. M . Tbnn* d»y *ft«niooi; In V » Tw in -h l| l i «cb0ol gymi^uitim. wer» nev* . S Inc oompliUoa b«r» U<t 'id ibt on*<l»r <Unet(en o f W . 8 . 0m>tb, «up«r* e lnt#niJ«jt o f *cJ»oJ*Her«. • ' • • - ■

Th* w n iu d hoop c lu tte , to . b* - conduetAd In tba U » |lo O ltr lor t b i TA

. ( In t ttaw tn hUlory, w ill d n w t f apu wlndi th« t b&T« *uceu»(uU]r «ocat t h m ib cun t M v ta :<Ubo (U itrtet tounm A M tt. Otnd

_____r a * T irta PiUi« Bfuia*. la w i t t

n S l T o « i S ? e r l * n i « e ^ ^ Lodipe U ton an B o lw .ia bo V » U i,O o« ur t b t ' t

-D ’Alene. Po«»U llo .LfwU toa.,Tw ln PalU. o o ie r and Baliaoa.. o M

' - - TliAteanuuaeatwtUb&ooodaettd - - on the a ln tlM U m lM U ea -bM U rb rt

ihero w ill bo a twaoUtlOD Unrokt ^ 1 , meat In conJuncUoa.

Many Tw in Palla VorsanlnUoni a rt miTvtwy pUna fo r *ot«rt«lfiiDent of tba t o u m ^ n t p ^ c lp a n u .

T m A/(«n«M i Oamw cloutTha f l n t fame, Tbundari matehu U i m

I daho r a u , winner o f the Upper Th Snake r lv t r dU trlct toumament, fletUi •ealnst Boise, claimant ot the South, idx t

• wert Idaho dU tric t tlUe. The tu ne (or t U called fe r a :lo p. M. Idaho r a u , wtr« Tat4d OM o f the moet poweiftU pprt4 qulQieU in the alate. U slated to tat«i hava a a ll« h t adranU ie over tbe » p« BoU* B ravu . who twice have lost lo a i

^ to tha Bruins, la ]Tr*>toumament clnni ^ camta. TolTt^ Tha Moond Thursday rtm » p iu «d.

' Ooiur D'Alene, panhandle tlUUt, a^Unst the PocateUo quintet, hold* To c n o t the Southeast Idaho crown, man A riva lry dating back three yean but are. when Pocatello defeated Coeur have D'Alene In the state toumanje.nt Infle nnaU. narks this tame as pttib- thlr< ably one o f the hottest ot the last tourney. Cun

The VUlnga o f Coeur D'Alese l>rUl: — ' ^ M in e - to -tM tauniB n tH t w ith « U W

reeortf probably nerer equalled In Oaro state basketball hUtory. Coach T( Har<4d Telford In bU f i t * yean as R*di

........T iu n i mantbrV-^ wm-7l coateeu* tteWtlve lames aad won from every >n l< Forth Idaho Uam.. Moat o f these as i lam uh avtbeenw onbyertrw he lm * K i i Inst margins. Tba V lk lflfs have W t. btea In atet* le u m a n tn tt fe r five and consccutlT^ 3 y y ». w tonto f 106 o f . In

s r ^ B t t t w 4 « s £ t £ r » d ’* to«tmt« jj^«^ tlTTI bntE

liiix rea iln i Bacord w i tTtw V iu m * vo a Ute.aut« (bum*

ament in' in v , wn* <tit« nmotn* [‘ - f up ta im, y«n in «Wrd pltet ta 5°*’ the s u i« in in o . w t f Nooad plae*In the WJl stata toumaaaat. Tb ^ the nv* year* o f bu ketb tlL these North Idaho Nortejsen hav* scored atv averace o f N potats per «tma a«alnst an « n r * |« o f l1 .po tn tt (or

— opponents ^ r 722._TTi-ln r a u B ru te i wm meet a t l .

Ustl s e h * & u 3 ^ o ? l^ * U . '^ S !B TfiBruins boast an Impresilve rwocd It) thU seaseal play, and a t tbe 4 dopeatera hava I t . they p c M « tb * ' best o f chaose« .«( betting tb i. Bal- '

^ moi\ qutnt«t. Utle holder In tba Sal- V: mon-rtvCTTtUtnn-t(rvirftjr<»f-S -caivictory over.tbe CballU t« ia In the ce« district t o a ra c o ^ t flnaU last Ttliht. rcm

The fina l T bm da y n m * wUI todi------- -m a tc h -U w la te o r-w to n ir—o(—tb f * * * “

North Oentr«[ I ^ o dUtrlei toum* ^ ament, ara lnst the revived Oaklsy Uon

. live, winner o f the South Central C — idahq d u tr ic t tounuai>nt~ta Twtii V **

JWlu the firs t week In th * month. ^T % u Uttle pre-tame data te tloc indlcaU tb« probable outooM ol ( p tbU eontest, aa no- represenUtlve clsli teams.Of thtse dUtrlcU h u » « t post this year. H

Friday Game* su rPrlday the w tnnerte f the flra t and Spe

second n m e * w lU 'm t«t la the firs t y » . »m e : the seeoqd wll} >?>ateh the »•»

winner* o f the th ird and fow th «0 nmea. Tha leevrs In the f ln t <uy% ismes WUl oompeU In * manner «*> slm lUr to winneis, to cany out th * ^ consolaUon toumament. .

Oeone S. Denmaa,-Burley, l» In ebai»* e f tb« t« ,n w « » a t *« ebaft^ m tn o f the ie u m a a tn t cnaautM*. t

- OftlolaU w ill b* Ho um HudUUea.

anaafaauati tot m Pereonael oC

w u n * uami. M n S d l r t f i ^ w r ^ S amlth, was anaouaetd Uat trentos fN<atJaUows: . to

B O IS ^ (L o rvnS .-B a t)ir .c« «e h). stn

W W ISTON - (“ Byb- |U*Xfwr. tmcoach) Brett. Brows. dwWhipple, Custta. Haynes, Smltb. B «, TWIN P A iX i - (K V. Jones, Reieoechi U rm n . O lv tn t. Eaten, f f n flt«

. miller. Hoffmaa. Oray. Br«wir,I f Smith. 1

OAKLEV - (V e rn nm apcea, «■ < cQtch>. U f» w . Adami. Burcb, Wal* Oai

^ Martinrtsle. * ' u e. COVCB D'ALKNK-><H*rol4 Tel* M fgriL (MCb>. Jce**, O. Kattusd. a DoiM p a . J. PhllUpa, Edmeads, Kel* -

I I scei, K e w ll. W. Wastuad. j

e « n s f n

feU.iCKV /•u riU £/« tfil Sm. u H i ^ J / f l u o u • «

\ w \ I C A U 4 M t» V W tJ M iI T \ w n o » » r M ^ e l ^

I ju r ;:r r1 “ < I ../a rpl' ^ ™»v . , M r v d . j S ^ T 4H m

s r' ' . V01

Changes Appear h O n b l S e p s

______ t t r .1

(erm'an* UmbaM, Gilbert, .Stripp, Cucoinello;,Suketorth Shut Allegiance

TAMPA. Tta., M trQ b 'l« M V * T t^ JU rinds, wafUn* rumors through th * . cot «mp* e f tbe Brooklyn D o d itn and tu w nadaaaU Rm U ' f o r t) t* p u r few M te . b l* ir ^ a t e d d io • * ! * todajr ^ b a S P lf t* d -« i^ ‘>*Hsim«nrBrnast» ;M iib trdj. and WaUr O llbert la te he nrnks of tbe n * ^ ,-n n d carried ^ lo« fitripp , T»ny Cuednello, and ^ a u k e f o r t b ^ totheDolltera. ^ .J l w*« by fa r tb s b iiie e t *» «« »* &a-yeac.ao4Jt eo fiip iu illy ;n e rfin>•ed th * InfUWs Of I b i t i r o National •a r ia clubs, in addltiott the R«U MQUlr«l In Berman « jro f - th *B io r t “ f j w lorful outfielder* in th * lam *. a » T ra« i« lo ii. c u l In B n »k- ’ I«yn fo r the past sU y*ar*, a 493 jo u tw In IBM who fell o f f fe J t t » “ > u t season. n*P>

T he trad ew u foa te re db yc ju bd lf- ! •» * leultla* w ith a t le u t three o f th * W dx playera involved over cootracts tnn( :or the coming J e a ^ . Herman, bU U tlo n r * * *Usb*d b*I»« tbe i i lM O re* aopl ?ert«<l awarded "Hack’’ ‘WUson for ►atCTlng the-Dodgtr fold, h u b « a uad I persUtent holdout, while Oucolnel- mm 10 aod f ltr lp p have not aigned Oln* Sw' :lanatl eentracU. .X o oaah w u In * . - rolved In tbe trad*, ltwa,«*nnoune*

Mafcaa V p Per KmTO make up fo r the lo*s of Her: .

tnsn, a t tlmca tn Indifferent fielder I* -1 but alws}-* a slutrttr, tbe Robins hsve gained two o f the finest youna Inflelder* in the k t fu e . strtpp, a t Ihs t th ird btse, h l l .9M »nd J34 ta hU fe r i Ust two yetra w ith tbe iw d*. whUe mee CucdneUe. only 23 j ts rs old *nd * slon brUllaat second b*semsn. haa aver* tlon t t w J ia atod 31& In-tvro yaan o l fora major league pUy. Blgt

TO replace Stripp at th ird base, (he kt new have OUber^ a ffli

In 103li from A tlanU sn<t h u batted u » aa average o f .MX e m to u r seasons ,<u2 He reached hU high In 1 » » when he » ... h it 404. bu t he slipped to JM In IWO to i a n d J M lu ts e ts e n . - u m ,, n t the'twap, the n*d« gained oae ^

Im m tdU U ly chrUUaid ’ 'Nocsle*' up* u te en bU atrtval in Brooklyn from Oak* S land la tb * Paeiflo lugue Ust year.U .& lOTg jU tsnn* btUer. a bit alow,b D t . a ^ t tw i ip e c t . B * h it 3M In r i i *biW ^ p e r l ^ o f ftcUoa l u t season. ^ Wfana Quktrerth. oa the n<d i catch* SSJ U v - f t t a fW -th * p u t m e year*. ^ averaged ^ 4 M in th e ISSl cam* a palga. SukefQCU}'* m ajor - Uague average e m tta* nvs jrears u J77. w ith a hlgb-of 4ft« (or M games la ^ l*» « ................ . t ' iM

D r . S n e a i « K . c e p 8 ^


ceaeb * t tTa lve rritj ef Ongoa,.wUl avaremain la Oregon. R« aaaovaeed Qtoday he had rtJectsA a aropetel ot(ksubnU ttad lbyjnU xfilltp , of thatin to beeom* coach of t iu t to iQ V i- ab itlon. tltl(

^ th r

worthy of consideration, bUsatlsfac* and tlon w ith h l l prestnt po ft and b l* floe (ondneu of UMsUtedletatsd Us de* ■,'tcUion to declia*. the wt*c«a»la p r ^ W iposal. lew

Ke m ule no awaUea e f tb* salary T s u n » te d by th * WlaeoniSa apbeol. (tt<S p e a ra 'e o n tru ta lO n ve B h ss tb m wb* years te go but t t v(s ceptr»ny b** tb * Ileved tbat U » p **r t bad eketed to | go e u t th * M tM . ef t ltg b ir eduea* Prt tleo h t r t « « tld bara n iv M the re*contract. z

A tO ragoa ^ a n r t e d v c d IU.MQ BgjaivBt»Uy. laaoo o( which i* fo r the eoaeblng. aad MOOO u o fesso r e f tml

K iM U e n iM t a t piv*iclaa fa the bM O id tpa rtne B t. eea

Gas Vendors Win . ^ T T B ^ n g TU tS

Seam'a B o n e * sU U m bewltrs de* f»at*« t t» •odtfla r. B m iaa n . orabb aod eotapaay taam. U u t* ga m * ^

Si“iStw a s m n e i ' M i i t i o K -Zm trlek ------------- ITb i io j u MDummy .................. l io n o IM ♦» tB*am --------------W l i n i « w r »R e f -------------------- i n m m u o uaiS tm asoD ---------- 17» ( q i m M l ace

— . . I . I solT o ta ls ... .......- m a ) t o a n m :

•U D D LC lt, K P m g O N , OBUBB eep Oaa»p b *n ------- -— i » m IM ^ i foo

M e R e b e r irZ Z IZ , i*o i n i » vn Ms M a m r is o isa iw «w miiD om m y-------------- JIO iK tto ,M hoi

T W tU , ......... 7 t t Tit IH W i l y

n t e i ^ S t a

Salmon Qnintet Bi Wins Hoop Title S

MAOKAT. H areh l« C n -A flaa l* C

S£rba£rM&ts5m,* ’*j&SK 8S rLreteetfghtteabeSUwgaa* 14 e f ta n w a a O i Oatelel ta w aaa»*i^- r ta l « 4 » * la l* iB * r t* lT l* < * *7 » i W * lorti M i l * * k t t M < M t M t t a * ^ , a t t * RU]IT oatn. ®T ot th is e je tjp y * ilh B S a la w a « *a u w l9 e *« P ^ Ja U > * ai te t * te a rau M B i la Tw ta pan* tbU tho week.- hoE

MOawa'* koaaeaen Jamped la le aa whi earty lead and U t b * and e t iba f l n t Uie n v t e r werw abeai, T ta • . A t baU w n t W wa* ja * l fo r galmea tbaa a d a g a la a iib e ta d a tlb e tb lrd tb e tbe w lm M rB « a ra fa r|n tb a le a d .llte » . con

, “ CU



(Onntlauid P ron m tttt slaca tba voUtead " a e t ' a d pueed In Jvir. leiB, w ith lOO n«ga* P tlT *vo(« i. one

M n M y a rr ta FUpubUcana and « D«meerau. «rawa chiefly from tbe om UT|W in d u itr lf l a ta tu and cJUe*. ^ jo ia *d ta th * unsuoc«ssful «((ort ta m bring up th e hoojeTul* *n i*adm *nt 000 tponsored by ergaalwd ■*weU" ,o f tw both M tU **. Pour or tbe sU womsn . a tt*m ben ware in thU ro u p . . ^ ' A l ie lr d * f* * t was accmplUhe*) by ftco rab ln a tlo so riliD e m o eraU . 118 ^ RepubMcta* ana RaprotenUUre g * K ta le, Mlnoesota. the lea* Panaer* U borltt. =

pnaldMl ovar the session which * t - SS iraeted m or* membera-and.greater ^ erewdt th an any «lnea be took tbe ^ cbalr. a o v tre r . he d id not vary th * 7" cust«n iry ’ pr*ctlce" o f votlB i 0^ when there u a Ue. Had he dethtd, - Oarnet eould.bave d lrected ib * dark. ^ to call hU aame. ^’ Rspresentatlre Rainey, the Demo* n ,, cnUo leader, snd a prohlblUttUst, pi« veud fe r the discharge petition. Rapr«senUUve Snell, the Republican „o, leader, voted against It. “ j

Wbsn th * reeults of tb * vote w *tv tie announced by Qamer, antl-probl* cot UtionUts la bath parties aro*e and ter a p p la u d De

R«piase6 t*Uve LlntblcuBs, Mary* tlv land. leader o f tbe DemoeraUo w«t l u bloc, b t lU d tb * vote u “ a trend ef coi the time* tow ar* « tan« tystem." I

-trxtie f ig h i to aU bu t won." U n th - icum said In aa Interview. "A ll w» • “ ne*d U ene mere eJ*etlen." „

R eprtienla llve 'Beck. Pem iiy lvtn* S U , leader 01 tho RepubUcan “ weU," ^ ta ld tn a aUtem ent: g

••NO on* c tn be bBnd to the fact bii th s t tb t result w u a moral victory p» fe r the "w et" ctus*. Wben o * e e w th mceu next D e e w J ^ 'n T iH f lS W > slon, we can a g tli) subm it p>* y M t« ^

Blghte«ntti anMadawnt. . tb*Tt is s lgnUlcaot a m ajority of the Joi

afflnnatlva vet«a wer* memben e f tbT na~Btpu« ioM r~pgrty. . Tfver r w r l alargely r * 9re**n tliig th * g r**( In* du ttrU l n a U t. *0 voted, aad t ^ As fact oanaet b* -without iUgatOcaite Ax ta tb * delfgatM to the n e i l l ^ b * to lieaa aaUonal conveatlon, , ’ 1 ‘T odty ^ m t l ^ i t ^

drypU U orm lnJoaeU w lU eourtdU -f «*ia s ttr a t the-polU.-! . . . tb

SepretentaUv* Cooper,'.Ohio IU * pvpgbUcaa u d ptoblbtUonM.'aaid: ta’^ .rm e w *a *e * ia te b *v« in t4 » se n * ms ld « ra b :* ^ .« lJ iM j* f» j*a r .. '3 % n ' v lra * r get aame Bnoouragtment from coto d a y^ re U b u tltU a to b g w a y fre a s ja the twe-thtrd* tMoessary.**

Another prohlbltlaaUi, Repreeen* thU tlve Blanton, Democrat. T e a t, tb said ths voU ‘ U tb * UMt thing tha tever happend te lh e d ry e*ut*." Ke oadded: - •> ^. ."TMa w ta w ill aw ikea-Aa itrlca. «<)the d m h a r* b**n atient and uner* eaganUed to r 10 yvaia wbUe the weu p< bav* b**a v ig ilan t aad alert, otptur*ing eearaatlont and «l*etloat. r ;

‘iTliia w i ll m ak* the drys erganlae ul•e jB k a tty J n _ tt in r .d ty . .tQ » n .* a d in b a m te tu u rtb ty w ill see t e lt that benaw TOt**-lor repeal go to eoogrees." th

Oaiy » nitau)t«a of debate pre- dtb * TOU. .Immediately when v«

tha bsm a eenvaaed. a a rn tr r*eog> ^iUMd U n l^ W fir tn ip e fiM r-e r- ih rM * ^ t l t lo a w u e h n ta ^ the ballot pest&e u, threugtt tbe endoraement e( 14C

and applauded when he took tbe „ floo r. ' «

<n>* enifllal U n * la th * bUtory of t ^ p r ^ s l t l e a h u •rrtved,” U n th * ^

Today a fta r 13 yeara we hav* ^ (ta *b id a- chanc* te vot* upoa „ wbatbtr tb * Elghteeath amtndment . t b t U ^ *ubm ltw d to th * people.' ' . u

*e g n **e u tlve * B m l t b aa« ^Preneb. U *b% v e M agaHwi th e 3 re**latle» ; -

During dabat*. R«pre*eoi«tlva 't.Bgylan, Demowat, New, York. ,said „the hour bad co n * ” te dlvorca tM >}tm b o lr-a iu tn e a - n j i u u bttw«*a S

s s s r , „ % ' ® ! S . S ; . S f sj te b r , a x tom on lM and th * k U . napvr." . ■ x

Chairman O u iQ nrs.e rthe iodkI«

en' ceoftoni* Ira im ds. a * ew rttd »

; - I t . t r i m m« M . t n a w ,

I Solem Resigns At Dea Moine*I —

> DCS MOUOBB. M arch 14 C*WJ1m I necuttva ooam ltte* e f th * Dcak*I ua iven lty board o f tnist««a today . accepted the m lg n a tlo n e f 0 *tle • Bolem ae alh letlo ellreeter and feel* t M l (M «h. elaartng hU patn ta aa*

1 f o e iS i i r iw n t S i i ^ ” * * * * * * t Tbnaa tgn*tJ8irb * e c rn n f f * B t tv r r M a y l. i t w u praaentad to tb * cam*) rn ltt** b v P ratU ant D. W. M on *) hous*. 1 ^ 0 in a PommunleaUen te ■ BoUtft, ta ld hU act w u p*rfem ed H -with genuine r tp e U - |


' T f f l N - p A L L S D A I L Y N E l

ateBambino Remains Bi Deadlocked W ith 1 CWef ^ Salary

. ST. P im O tB B U R b, P la . M a r ^ I 14 («^ ''B ab*''R uth ,ba tebaU ^m oat Tli

-rtm eug~ W d*o u t. - n n a tned- dead;^ ~tc locked today w ith Oalen*l Jaeeb m«Ruppert, owner o f - th a K*w T « k Mi Y * n k * * * .o v * r * a u u t te n n a fo r l« . ba

After a ba U bO w ' mtho tra lnhig field c h * boua*,* D« homo ru n monarch and tbe man ^a who b u paid h im nearly »T00,000 m m th * paat de*en yaara; appawntly be wvre no t much nearer agreement be U ua Ihey were two month* ago w ^ Rc tbe "Babe" tumad dawn a g10A0o.f 7* coo iiact, repreeantiag a HOflOO - lei "c u t" . . .. . T»» only h in t o f a compromUe ta lk a t today'* meeting w u tb * ool* -n « eael'a remark afterward to nawa* „ papermen: ye

“ About aU I can say U tha t we ^ are a'U lUe'warnwr.-maybe w lth -a • • UtUe be tU r undeiaUndlng, but .we Ta\B~BDt ye t raaca*d any faa«U -to r An ft d * fln lt* agreement"

Pr***ed fo r detaiU, both the col* enel aad tb * "Babe" laslstad tb *y stood on tbslr original ternu, tha owner rapeaUng bto offer o f »T0.000 : r - fo r'ene year an4 .the abigger countering w ith a demand for MO,* *000 again or, U be Uke* the cut. a ^ tw o-y ta r contract, ^ , Since Rupert w u more )n iU t*n t upon tbe one*year feature than any- th ing else, the camp foUowera stoodby U ielr belle# th a t ’tha eventual agr*ement w ill be on a oomproatl* b u t* c f |T>,poo fe r thU Mason. ^

b ^ - te n s e proposition tb a ftbe first'proposition which praeenU JU *U 1*. wcoaslderlngtta*ctrcufflst«ncMOftha Bn country, thouU .IhU .U aitt new b* brought to tb * fleor e f ^ »««**

---------------------;---- OUI■ rx.m ake tbe statement, tba t U>«, economic' dlfflculUes now confrontJ Ing the 'Amenean people * ra ’ *quai th i to the united, determined efforts e f ca\ Uie greatest tepacUy tha t tbU peo* lea p l* h u ." cle

He plesd tor unity, to face *ee* noi nomic luues, bio’ Among eupporten ef the su toU * Jen slon rcsoluttoo not heretofore or counted on th a t side wer* R ^ re * or senutlve McDuffie, Alabama, the • DemoeraUo whip, and ReprtsenU* un tlve Wood. IndUna, chairman of th * , ev« Republican national o o n ^ ^ le n a l u i committee. of, Sdwln 0. Dinwiddle, eiecuUve no thalrm an ot the national beard ot u strategy, tn a sUUment u id In pa rt: , ] • T h e decUlve negaUve vote today p r on r*ven lng action o f house Jvdl* A ll cU ry eommlttee In lU refusal to re> m pert the rteolulton to repeal the pn Blght«enUi amendment rtfleeU the | B r mature Judgment o( the American ; J t: people In tho prtAent condition o f I » lh e countr)-. Tha senate sUnds ever | r i tWo to one SKainit tuch propoeal,' O l r^>r**cnt!ag tu ie t insUad of oon-; | g

^ I t .w a i 'k n o w n in advance th a t* 4 the ‘watt* eeuld' not command a ma* . Jw lty . muoh Itss the required twe>

a repeal amend- ^

Unuar. cnnan , preeident o f the | l* AiMJClatioa Against Uie ProtalblUon ^ A s M O te ^ .commenllng on U » ”T0t«.aaW» ; .

“ Coagreia U eaUhlng up with the !■"a. iS

Mtlmate fo r today's test w u lM , and ' tba tb U 1* m . neat Ume we w ill' ^

* pu t I t ever.. Tbe people are sUll 3 }?' ta M e r Uarawiag out national pn>* S

■ bIblUob. JUlt ft l ittle while louger, ^ ' w ith aem* good flfbU ngenU M way. *° > CongreaawlUb*3 te l, to o .T h e m a * ,J1 Jortty elways rule* In the end." !f?

The next proepecUve te«t between r ;* Uie ••w*t*"-and-*'dry6 ' t t to be-ln- ” . tb * * * f t *U . ^

Benaun- Bingham, Republican,■ Conneetlcut, today eicpretted eU* f f

Uon a t U « hogse YOU and annminc-. *d 'ha-«ou](l-9r a * * . fo r .a . te n a u ^ ^* call on h u maanre .(o .UgaUie. 4I per ota t bear. —’ Benator W *taalf, Republican. K

Rhode m abd-ahaliraaa of Uie man* *1 [ ufactora* "fBi>*eeaunttt*a consider*1 in g - tha a»afu r*t *aM the gren?^— I would s a in a favorable report on

the blU tb ig week.'8*nator Bulkley.’ D*m eaat;otUB.baindleated, would ab ) v o U w ltb b lB fo r -U H ’JgU laUonln tM ' sub*eAm m *a. Sntatqr- Katneld. da ‘ D e m ce ? « rw « rv trrO g r» T > rtp a r* ' ■«>* ing a m u u d ty report <a

_Bana to r '. ffiep pyd ; . Pemocrat, T l

* ameoamtat^ aemmenlad M followa, on thaiftueaTO t*: la ^ *1 am n r f m ucb 'gra tU M a t th * to ' showlBg. I h*d figured thst th * a t t ef. s)d* would Uek about lOO votM of bt' U u tw»*Utlids nccettary to r sum- m1 mUaion to ih * stste*." ■ tq

-A fta rn o 'y e a r* o f ta tnu iva af* «2 fo rt , Ipvbh ly flnaneed, favera^ w ith th* t a d t e ^ pUMlolty and helpMl by ot* tba p re a e t^d e p re U a . U ia T ^ o a Ui* ftn a a ftUetf te get *v*n a bara a I a u j o ^ tn f* tw e fa - ia M c a U - « i a \ tb a t* iia t ]e f tbeBghtaeaUtantend* lo

Atten! 7 B E A 1TG Bar W e W a n t G re a t N* H Jgh aa t M a rk e t P r ic * P a id k* B « fo r« 6 < a

J X n irD B T W ItE fi! ; P H O N ii

W :W 8 ; T W t H F A L L S , IP A H 0 . T

^ T o u r i nBig Ten Football Ni Boud Draws Up ( Schedule for 1932

B U R U Y , March 1« (Speeltl 1« a The W*w»>-8*e th Msfra'a B lf ed

'T e n roetbaO Mufereaoe beard w ill - corn meet ta Twta Pall* en Batarday, nonMareb I f . a t Uw Uiaa-er the atate (UybaskeUMll t« « n u n *a t. i t wa* aa* ^aonaoed bere tr fa y by O eom B. canDenman, ,s w *ta rr . Beb*d«le* ot «err a u n fo r the l l oeafeNnea teaais ©t tto r the next loetball see sen wUl e n ,be glrea fina l a p » * r t f by . tb * jr .beard, eompeaed o f Pltaslpal te - BRor Beam. Idtba' PaOat P rl net pal «««(

T Zed L. Tor, Betoe, and lap e ite * fror' lendeot Deaaiaa, B n ley . • - the

A e e ]IU a U s e n b a r*e b e * l* to r M (tubm itiloa e f pn ferred aM>*daUe Ols

-h u been -made. T M Wg aobeel 0*1,eeateretM waa ia a a m ta d a to lyear a<o aad lae t wEb gtneral Im f■atUfacUon last year . _________ Of^

A M E R IC A N -F IO H T 8 — — - b S

T H R O U B H JU N O LE S^ S "— Bai

(Continued ftem H t t <tt») . ind<rlverboat point and U»*nea la r * . ‘ ''J j

lUrasswl by b rlllU n t bu lU rflle* . y which b it* lik * hora**tU*a and Uv* ing lome times on yrUow wenna, h * ^ says, "tho flnal.raneh o f thatcb aad spilt palms h u been H t l fa r b*hlnd.

I TbU u Uis most grandly deserted ' dUtrlct ouuide of Obaoo whlcb Ilea ^ ,

weetwtrd and U lest hot.- w * t fo r* e*ud or prolino wlUi fauna and Inseeu than this.

‘-tvs spent days and aJgbU bu nt* vot• -tng*and-when ‘ w * tb e t-n o th ln g -w - —

were hungry In a forest Ot gam*. BraUed alligator taU tastaa like flU e d cod fUb. Here an ld tt weba .

' enmesh birds. AnU drive; u t from . our-ham m ockt J n to .a -d rc le .-o t —

ashee. 501' ' 'The home* of InsecU fo r which

Uis region does net lwoVld*>'llvtag: K cause us n lfh t after n l |h t to sleep* p leunMs. One eipecUly v ln ilsn t sp** « £ d e t h u poisoned u t alL PoUnt do** no t describe thU land e t mold and blood, much of whleh U fu lly chal* leoglng te th * explorer o r *olentUt o r'*dvcn turtr u th * Matto Oroaso t u j or Chaco Junilcs.

"There ar* uneount«d le*|uss o f Kai uninhabited forest which, support

' , every form of animal life . Wo are Uunchlng Into a bag of rice, a t in N o f yerba and eight kilograms o f sh l

I flour, hoping to shoot enough game B *e : aa we ra pn." hou

, Dr. Wees, th t flr * t American to w n■ penetrate ths r*glon. le ft Ouenca hoP’ A ir u U st October and eipeett (e R

reach hU goal about AprU IS. He dre' probably wtll prooee* to Cerumba, AniI I B ru it : and- go by ra il ta Rio deI j Jan liro . W

i South Idaho Track S4-Starfr^d-Gooding-

________ :__________________ _______OOODlNOrMarch 14 (Special to ,

’ Tha News)—Tnck teebnl(tue h U

, fie ld men ot ooodlng college iliraertbe dlr*etlon of Coach Clement. _ irSoma dQ*l «venU msy be sehedultd 11

' U t* r , b u t the only d t t* * on th * cal* '* , endar ara April 3S ter th * annual

"ouUaw" event and u r ly May ter, fL the Interto ll f i U t* a t Burley. ^, vettean* for tbe (Tam ceiiB r ^ 1*. enm nd Jacoby, Tw in PaUs. star ^‘ broad Jumperj JOmpton. Kimberly. f,n

In .the tp rln u ; W enur, Maion City, v l tTninoU.-ln high Jump and dUcui; an<and.Bcmro**, Ooodlng. In Ui* a l l * . f« ,

• Some new, untried, but likely m a­teria l U avalUble io r aprlng cMope*

, UUon. -Beehard. Bonner* Perry; t:■ n i to n , u e n ; and Ruth, Rup*rt. Re;‘ w ill' t ry In the dUtancu. Th* fie ld th«

evenU are InteruUng BUk*ly, aad chi: Brewer. Tw in PalU; Kiibom, o n * h f

berly:'Ooodlng, Ooodlng: DavU, nn : Rageraon: Im ln . MurUugh, and we!

= r —

; Entrfes Decline if ; _ I n l ^ ^ , Q a 8 8 l e |

LONDQK, M * « i r 14 W V-StO ^ _ j1 ab l* t t t r t ^ tU ld In tbe grand a * - B i 1 tteaa l ^ t M p U ^ a t Aiotre* P rt* ^I. d a y^w u r*dno*d to » today w tth r

' u e l M n . A. B. Berry's 'R a n m ? T ’ T M **T *n *y w r^ d Jumper w u la * M i

t o . K T*Tlor'* ‘-Oraki*.’ wtnaar dala tt -n a r . s till rvm tin td th * itv e r lia eai

• today WlU) • to 1 offered a i t in i t tOa w t I ebancw. Mr*. 0 . S. Bird. ]r s ■'Haagt- 'R ( braak u u . " sn Americsn..owaadl Rl> - n a rt,,w a s the second choice * ( U . '

t«H< - ofi. CUlI, tne tn e n t•• '•■ b e e • B«**s*ry t*o .lh lrd *• w u la ;tbaJ)puM u u i i r u i* * t o t — K tn rta M t ebauclea in th« way, <thay < ^ (W Q r*q u lr tm e n U b « in ia tW 0.» U iM a i r f l ' voU in th * senat* a«4a a« M M rtty '^ t'vo u in U u » *< |o u rth an f l( jlte M ii*J « g l*U tu r f i> ffp e a ll> B• la n f l fw a c ; . " J:s s 3 s s :a :p x s ^= s s := = s s s s s s m ^

n f i o n L ^ i. • ; 1

I R O W E R S ^ II

I t N o r l h t n i B e u a \-a id t t A n T Im M - 8*a < i;a I ra S a n iB ff

D T > C A X T V jCiiv QE C \ I M r AXN I> N i; I U

0- T U E S D A Y -M O R N IN G , M A R C H

n m A e i i lNet Stars of Two. f :6)untries Battle

I n . ^tham Clash .

NBW YORK. March 14 (A>-8ead*ed atars o f America. and P ra x ^ Bi

■ conunned-to sUeafc-thtough th f n a - -wi tional indoor t«nnu toum im tn l. to * ro (toy u thlrd«round oatAMa wera Pi completed, but hope* ot^an Amert- U can victory In the fina l Saturday were not enhanced b y ^ a showing b) o t two e f'th * eountryiiAeadlng play* In en , Praak Shield* and Oeorge l« t t i .

•J r . - . btBoUi won, akng irlU i 11 oUiar »

seeded entranto. but they wer* ta r oi from Impressive. lx>U, NuiAbtr I ob the American lU t had a resl t^tiUa tb before he turned back young 6 . .Pl SUworth. Davenport I I I . New York. Ja e* l, 11-0. end Shields llkewUe had at to pu t hU beat foot forward to st* P< lenee LleuUnant Richard W a tt Jr., o f the BwoWm pav>-yard.*-4, l l*» , bc - O th e r-favo rtttt* -cu n* “ througn V th ird round mstchea wHb-eue . j y In

“ *Boretra.~Prsnee, leatung the .way 'b i >. w llb a 0*0. f-O victory over M errlU .tli ' CuUer, New York. The bounding

SaMu*, a*«klnjr bU fifu t Amtrleaa « Indoor ^ w a , played fUwltsa U n* u]

• nu .' ■ -Ortgory Mangin, Newark, deteat*

<(l S. Ramey DOnmsn, Pordham ; unrr*r*lty, g . l, s^ i; Sidney Wood, vi

Jr^ N W York, eliminated Julhia ki ‘ Tave lln ,'8 t John-a college, 0.8, g*S. u : W ithout removing hU swetUr. r< [ ChrUtlan Bouuut. Prance, defeat* t ‘ ed Btaniey Hart*. New York unlver- ; S llr, a*», «*4; B e rt« *y BtU. New ‘ York, raoovtred after an unsUtdy

f l n t aet to down Prank Sallchi, New „■ Vorfc, B-T, d -l. - ■________________ ”

i Wrestling i: ___ aBQBOK4 n N S .B Y .K iQ K — -w

POUORKZIPSIE; MsTob . Bd Don Oeorge won a wrestling ( m ateh-h« re-ton lgh t-w ith -a - h * f t r -

' kick und«r hU opponent's chin.Pat McKay. New Y o rk , had le

, Oeorge by the hMU aad w u swing* nling h im when Oeorge got a foet free tx

and prempUy kicked UcKsy "eoid." r: Ha w a lM unUl McKay came te. «i' thsn pinn*d him down quickly, u x' th * New Yerk*r w u dated ( fo o w■ U)«. kick. O*org* weighed 900; Me*■ Kay, ilO . Tb* *nd csme In >4:19. di

> HHIKAT THROWS STCIN « k NEW YORK. March U M>)-Olck u I Shlkat. 311, PhUadelphU, UirewI Sammy BUln, 300, Newtrk, after en*

hour, f lv * minutes, 4S aecenda o f '> wrestling w ilh a back flip and body . I hold to a igh t__c I Ralph m U on. m . PhUadetphfa, * I drew w ith "Abe" Coleman. IM . Loa '■ , Angelte, 30:00._____ P


(4>) r r Ou* Benntnberg, tonlgbt da* (eated aunlSy Penton, Chloage, two eut o( th r** fan* U w in the maht S

> beut Of g wfm u B T in w :--------------- -b

r ----------RATTAN TBICM PHS----------bI BATTLC CREEK, M anh 14 ! vao tn l" R attaar-IM , K a nsu -C ity , - I I lo e k - tw o ^ iU eut o f three from ^ ‘ M artino A ngrie r-»H r-» « ffa le r-*a --

w in the fsstured mstch o f a wrest*I ling esrd bere ton lgb t ^

I LONDOS TOBStS INDIAN fl OODEN, March 14 (/r> Lon* t<

I weight wrestung UU». te*s*d "C h U r‘ WhltefeaUier. OkUhoma. In sU-alght e '• fa lU here tonight, winning ths fU it

w ith an alrplans spin Ip 33 minutes h'• snd Uis seoend wlUi a hsa^oek lo fl •• four minutes. U

--------- nREYNOLDS W IN S/ b

PORTLAND, March I l. Reynolds..d Uie world's welt«t«5lght wresUingd cha;nPlonshlp. easily defH ted Steve ■* Nroorr, Portland, in a cn*-faU i >, match here t o n i g h t Reynold* $ d welgbM 146 pounds: Heaoff 14#.- —RaxQdds won the beut In 13 - , mlnut«~30 miuuds. wltU a uunUb«~ 1

Ing leg spilt.'Henoft w u 'g lven nve Jminute* mer* than th * u*ua) rest I

. period but was untbU te r * tu m and IZ the referee.-awarded-lhe bout U I

^ y » M s - I


V f ltn P A L lT B B A C a , PU,.I* tearch 14 (XV-BUl Ball, owner et _ W» I^ tl« I

Kd ty tha t be h u ne lnt«oUon at I carrying on proUaet*d aatetlaUons I la w ith the three u l t r y bSdeuU — I

I- 'R ed* ICreu, or W t lu r Otawart and I

I I . “ Theyil either algn a t what.we've ef(er*d or ihey can p ick fru it all

. summer," Ball said u ha boartfed a- tra in for s t LouU today. •

A chilly wind a a m p ^ tb * work I, out e f Uie BrewB«.te<toJ^------- -- I

i . . : , ,I F ire !! ^

b u t t h e H o m e W m Saved— i u « l » fe w w M lu »» o , » f i r m h o r n , n o r t h w i t e t U n m w n t , C o lo ttd o . w m u v . d t n m d u t r u e t b n b y flr« w h e n th a U ln h o n aW d m p tly b r o u » M T i« E " A(•T O W o p h m . e o i l t Iu t |«

tlm s g o v s r i n c m M itn d a a an d fo r • v tn r ia y u i« . I£ y o u a r a w i th o u t a te le - phona, w h y n o t g a t la to u c h ■w ith ua n o w ?

Tba MoimUin Stties Telephone a i d

I Telegnpb Co. .

R C H 15, 19SB

i l n T w i i

I Fians ^ lI I ......- I a

BASS O fg^VAUPIED P irrS B U R O H , March 14 ( « - S "

Benay Bass. Philadelphia ligh t* ^ -w « lg b l,-w u ^ u *U fle d la U » U ilrd rouad o t hU l0*round bout with PraakU BoJ*nkl, W e, Pennsytvaa* ^ U . to n ig h t »

Baas w u eeeorted from UM r lt « S” by poUce after Rsferee “ Red- Rob- **5 insoa stopped Ul* lig h t ®. B * u tore Into Ul* XrU boy w im both, g te m In tb * n n t round and *“ • w u warned by Rofatnscn In the **e* , and. ■ „

In Ut* UUrd, tb* refer** waved ? th*-boya to their coenen. but tha ^ .PhUadelphton refused U biidg*. Bo* Jarakl want te hU stool, .whn* Bsas aiYued w ith th * ofncUl. ih s n tb * -* m pollc* War* calUd. it±

Bojsrskl's handlsn protetUd their ^ boy w u being fouled ja U In the ..m aKondTOuna and'the (ans J c l ^ . i f In U ielr proteet ahorUy a fU r Uie bell-bwaghHhe flgfaton out f er tbe S

.th ird . ___The bout w u awardM to B ttlsnkl

oaa to u l aod Bass 'purs* m u b ild «“ P- _____ ^ m -

D tN D EB n o O B S POC lealBAL'XIMQRB. March 14 OH- Phi

VUiea Dunde*..}<twaik. New Jerary, lA tknocked eut Vmcent7brglene.PhU* Cadelpbto. here tonight In the foutth aMround o f a scheduUd lo-rouad bout io rThey are mlddlewelgbta. T

-------- - ' PhiDORVAL WINS ON POINTS <■

B 0 6T 0 N , M treb 14 m - Jack W j D orval,Q olaeyhtavywclgbttcalgbt <

loassooUUoiviO Tgundfeaturt.Dw ^ v t l regtotarad knockdown* In U>e »*•.

- flra l and to itfth nands.-S* wtlgh*. j | ^ . f t n d O ijMh y ^ s d - « ^ ^ - - .

r COMMISSIONER STOPS BOVT r - l l 0 LY0 n t - M a i * r M t r r t r H -((0

*-8U U Boxing Ooamtodoner Oaa* ^ 1 lei J. K tU r. In aUcndsne* b *r* to>■ night, M iUrsd th* lO-round featora ^ > between "OotlUa" Jentt, Akron, and ^ ' Ptanki* O’Brien, Hartford, stopped . a t the end o f Ul* elfbUi teuhd. t K tllf atsari«d U i* mlddUw*lgbt* t wer* no l Uylng,• Rsfsre* Jack Wauon Ui*reupoa j

h«& up. O W e n '. r m lv * ! ^ ^ ^ *re«'a v*rdU t aad Ui* wagta proa*

J U*d him.

I OUTPOINTS MANDELL -Tt' M IA M I, PUh Msrch 14 ( iP M tlu i'* bal' Csmpbsll, M U n l w*lt*rwtlgtat,'waa JU

awarded a decUton e n r Baauay tb iMandeU. former lightweight cham* todplon. a fte r 1 clos* I 0.round nght _her*U )n lght Campbell weighed 14B ^ WhUe MandeU scalad.lM.

! S TA N U Y WHIPS P B O Ita JOPUN. M ^, Mareb 14 OH — A l a Stanl*y, i n , BeatUl, won by a Uch*

Oranby, Missouri, la a slx>r«tad- beut bera-teolgbt--------- — ---------- ^

5 - J A C K - D E M W E r T ^ V E t S “

r TOLEDO, OhtoTMawh U ( « ~ Jack Dempiay, termer fu U r o f theheavywelghu. recovtf ed tu ffle ltaU y >tram hU slight a tuck o t Infltteaaa 1

. to travel to o iartlbnrgK-wail T lr> iX f ln u . fawiUhL ^ __________ _" Dempsey U icb*duled to box aat eshibiuon th na wedneaday a lg b tIt D s m p w t u cenflned to h U W d 1

■rfimpmrt Btbegar. r*porU «' to * 5 night Jack h u a alight cbaat cOld but fe lt abl* to lear* ea a U U tra la

k (or Clarfcaburg.« T - — J------- - ]g CASB- AND OASI DressBSktag ■t sad bemsUUblag. ]l*w *M r« * i U U U lU i Ave. East. n « a a .U N W faa ] I* speeUl E u te r prtosa. Adr. J:• ' = » = s =

”■ 1 “ . , .T h r ii 3 CAR B lI..

■ H P A T A T T T I F T T V 1

” I W h e ^ prices a r« In t tu ia « ^ ■ s ra b a t la r and ta n a s s r * a h

l l » PonUae ceupt, reposaeased 17, goes for Uie balanoe d u e ----------. l«3g Hudson Oeaob. a*w flnU h* good mMh*nlcal condlUon-------

^ _ i m Essex Bedsn. good■ mechsnicsl ^ I t l w ------------■ I93t Durant BU

is m B cd tn ........ ....... ...I B IW Whippet- I .-.-Sedan________________________

1*31 s u r SiJiOoupe.........................

— im P o fd T o d a r Sedan,------------estra good - .......—i m Perd 3 Window

I Sedan ...........- ...... ......... -• i m Pord Tvwn asdaa;

~ lo e lB llk * new --------------------—IM Q ^ d



Union M<1 I _____ Y m r J m

Twin Falli■ J

ODBS U . O lA im S ■LO ft AW O ItJB i Msreb l i ( ! ) '- > ' ::

B uU dlag tip .aJev*a*nm )*ad laU i* -i firs t tb m la n b ia o ff HnbbeO, Uie Chicago Cuba again evened mattera ‘ i WlULtba Olany in O K lf ip r tn i tra in . i ing aerie* today, With an U*to*» vle> tor7..aUbougbenV*blt,u t o l l . ■ _ T h e se«r»~ R H ■ 'Ohleago _____ M l 010 130—1111 1Nev Y o rk ----- 000 130 3 0 0 -6 13 3 ,

Batt«riee: B a « ib t BaeetUnd and ‘ Haruiett, J. Taylor; BubbeU, Chap* : Iln, Turner and Healey.

NEWARK i,BROOKl.TI< 4^.SARW ATKR, P U i M B th {« m

—A Uiree*run _atiaek o f f W k l t a - - HOyt to tbe second Inning pared the- ' * way te r the Newark Bears* S*to*« - • victory over Brooklyn loday. :'.-Theseof*— - - - -■ R H — rN e w a rk --------- Ota OOl O lO ^ 8 I ■Brooklyn . — ....000 lOl 003 ' « T O '-BaUetJeet-MtoerrWewWrk. HoU*------------claw, Jenkins, .Porteru and Har*.

. PHILS I . A T H L m C S 4 W7KZER RAVEN, fb . . V s itb 14

WV-The traditional spring clash be*______twoen PhUadelpbU-t tw o major le a n s baseball dub* ieday taw Uia P l ^ defeat Uie- AUiletlc*, t to 4, in ■ lA lablngs.

O d d weather greeUd the pUyen^ - • aad the wbid made tiilnga d iffleullier.'tbe'oatfleiMnrs. ................. - -•

T lia a e a r* - R H i :PhDadslpbU

U l --------- o o o o M ie o » -4 • apboadslpbla

(N ) ______ 003 000 001 1 -4 IT SBattarUa: Krause , .^M tb a ff^ .

ams. J. EUlett, Weodloiton and Da­vU, Mocurdy. . . . . .....................

M W ohnLeenarft-(Pepper) M artin '. ,

— -u p u t Uie Beaten ttravsa. 4*1, to a dun cxhlbUlan garni. I t i a .here'.of ' tb * laK werld s t r u t scored th t* * . runa,and een*ct*d tweblta. In dn d la i ' ' a *UUi*lnalng bem«r.

Thaaeora:- ' R H KB t LouU a n v « o >« * ' ®Boaton n o . .J .100 000 000« l .4 1- -

JSau*ri*i: Rhem; Otrteten. Deaa - bnd Maaeuso, O e iu tl**: Oelamaa. MCAffe* end i w r w Moor*.

. BOX T. REBKBTKB 3BAN AMTOmO, Maieb . l i ■

-U m Ohleago W hite B*K regulara. - - batting agalntl Tom ny T ho m u aad J tm M eor*. a p ^ e( vetm ns. gave U » taeend * lr ia | t t * another b*aUag to da y .T to *.g ± g a g g g a e g a g « a ± i g r - ' - - ■

b a t t e r i e s . .

— > 9 iM A V - « r a o b w io ------------- ----' ' ^ m n c B A B o m a s hB *tt*r isa r*ba U I*rba iM 4**t« t> ; ■Tbe M S I Se*M*Meal BaMsrp Barvie* e w elfated tba asetectac

PR IB T*0*L ITE m * t B m

’ • ^ z r . r r - ’T>aSe la yaw-eM Ur*a rtde en


E . 0 . H A V E N S B A T T B R y C O. .

M tS la ta iA v fcN *. PhaswNk*W . . .

UYERSNION MOTOR CO. ■___a w i th th e t ia a s > -V « It iM i I ahspad ta soU y o o r naads ■

....$ 2 1 1 . 0 0

______ S 1 7 5 . 0 0

_______ 8 1 3 5 . 0 0 I

8 7 5 . 0 0 I

$ 1 2 5 . 0 0 I

_______________ $ 5 0 . 0 0

: : z z = : $ 2 7 5 . 0 0

_____________ 8 2 5 0 . 0 0 I

U C K S ■ - ■ - ■ ' -

ad '81 » o d * l * - U T W . B ;- “ B o d la a . B a fa nU th a t « ? • |

(h B 6 iO a tfe r< B # ; ------------- ■ —

d S ^ W E T R A D K . I .

lotorCo.o L ^ le r ■I l s . I d a h o - ^

............... ~ "T ""i

------- , - - - - - - ' ' ■ '4.

i f f s i i r H r p

ismiiiiiiiiiTjD u ll S ta t is t ic a l S tu d ie s o f

N a t io n ’ s B u s ine ss P ro -

- g ro s s H a l t A f t e r S u io ide s

M A R K E T S A T A O U N C E INBW YORK. M frch U W V-atocks: Wetk;. K r e u r r *na «>« o»

Toll decline uiuctUes lU t. ephonBonda: He«vy: K rcu je r u id dlreol

Toll in u n alump-' to p nCurb: IlM T y i' uUUUm UC-- “

"ro ro iB n c ic lu u » t ir ir te » u l* t :S*«dl*h cuirency h t * v . ^

CoUon: B a rtly «U*dy. ,, ,_ ; _ .S ug tr; q u le tL » ^ » '^ .*P ? t? ^ *

'‘ 'co fje c ; Quiet'; ilcftdy Bm U U n e> u ^ markeu.

----------CKICAOO:------------ ^W he*l: We»k; dluippolnUnj

orohlblUon vol«: poor export■:— &ae«;---------— -------------------------- -----------

Com; Wenk; Incrttaetf vUlbJe . NW Mppl>-; »>rop*Ujy w ftkneu

• • O li le t . f ile td y lo l o w .H o n : Slow in d lower.

B r JOHN L . COOLEY T (AMOctated P rtw PlnMwtal W rlUr)

NBW YORK. M «reb ,U — DuU , ^ 3^ sUUstleal '•tUiUes o f ibe nsUonl iq bIx p ro g iw towMd W ulnea tmprore- ment wero iw ept uW o In the prin­cipal *ecixrity m t i lt r t lod*jr m they -NTV turned ihe lr «lU n llon »lmo«t lole- ,u tc t ly to the drama of two lU rU ln j lu lr cldc#.

I ta r KrueitTB vnexpected dta ih future m ith t have on lUted tbIiw* and but* • t iq ;

- U iHt condlUqn*. U t« tn t b t trad la f eo: (u _ _ r iU J L X N M * lQ c a u e h lu n a w m 8 b y . jron

■ another sU rtllhg auklde UttiOUhM* pexmr ment. Tho 'death o f Ocone Eaat-

- ._ m a n -p ro b » W y -e *u » e d _ n o _ g n » t _ u « anoim t o f UqiUdaUoa. ror a t no lime |j.3S; w u there any coneem u to h it own zine finances bu t the K n llm enU l effect i a i f i w u depreninc. The founder of the . AntJ Kodak t n e u th a t betra hU name Quit w u h lfh ly eeteemed In W iU itreel.

' SaJea on the.etock exchang«>to- ' taled 3^4.0tS Jibarei, a fa ir ly larie ,n ev proportton o f which was beltotwfZo quoUt be for European account. I t marked U b m the f l n t time In ’ tiearty a mootb Libert:

~ that aalM lo r any one day had paw- Libert ed the 3m W 0-e li*re mark. Stocks Treaai declined 1 to 3 polnU In & m aM i^r T re u i ef initoncei. bu l there w ta oumer- Treaai o w •peclAltlei, and e ^ d a l l y theee Treait atocks brcompanlea In irtUeh l ^ i l - Trean le r and E u to a n intereiU were Treast l a w . lh a t declined more than 3 T reut polnU. The average price of Matoeka T re u i uaed In the Aasoelatod Prea»>8tand-ard BtaUtUea compilaUon w m down ___23 polnu.

W tn High raTor O M -The strong raoe nm by Prealdtet day..]

«on H lh d e itd it Ih Ms eamiiiWri fo r -ia p i rc-elfcHon u O trro a n ya ch ie f a»at« w tre j I fW lf l WM high f a w m w a ll i t iw t H B T loretlm ent ctrcle*. While his Tote Cnbai

-------w u not sufficiently large te return w*rtt-him to power w ith out the lonaa l- AfV

------- lty~ot 1 “ nm of f * election.-Berltir fu tun------- adttcsa w era.accepU d-u-fuU -e tU ilQUld

deooe of hia likety rvetecUon. Tbe d H llii news w u regard^ u a powerful ket < offset to the apprehension caused points temporarily by the two aulcMet. 900 tc- Vorelgo aelllng w u reported par- <^U7 tleilU flT In tha BBfl. J in Others In which the “match klng~ Thi w u reported to hara invested. ^ ^ Krueger and TctU stock, which u to tbe widely held throughout the United Tbed sutce, bore the brunt ot thU sell- ul^te ing. I t required an hour fo r meclal- w u a

- ' isU in the ftock to t«bulale their mentiorer-lhe-week-end ordera. •

The opening transactions consist- (d of IM.OOO ahare*. the Urgeat block 8A1

'e m to appear oh the stock eidiange 'ButU ticker Upe in a single unit, which Oni w u quoted a t l ! i . o n 3H from Sat- *>n>wi u rd a ^ closlBC price o f 8. Tbe large M : « operatioa cleared tip the atmoophsre

I to i l .-------- ■ ' ' I - . 3 - l o i t r

T w in F a lls M a rk e W ^—— . Pot

n i TwtB r»ll* dtftnet n u rk it n * . era 1< --------wpuy wM M reiiowi: . ^ keys

U m lM k ,U fh l buUher.. IW te aiO tla.____ MOO *ll*»*7 tn iu titn . 110 te }W l&t.___ 41J0 - LOH S S S S iS S R ’&VS'.fcSSCewt _____ ........... ,_,;,.sa,ootoCJ9 BulSSS-.------ ^ - s a . ’i E tti

' Poultrr » l ie ■llf4Ty btzu. *V, lb., tip ___________ te iTU ih l Jinj*. 9 to «‘ i i tM - . 13C- Ut2>om btat. 9 l e^' up— Pm

--------------- — ------------Ouek< ^

_______ ___________ pomu

. ........ — - s rButtw fit ......... ....._______ ____ ISO Pouni

a u u —w to im ic poun... - ^ ---------------------------------'— ......... i S i -----------------**•” Youn

Od* dMirr quoHd O m t Kanbmu drea» Wo. 1 uia Ko 2 41 »oc u d SOe. 4nd Me-n t t rrpamd Uc *nd Tic..................... ‘ TST-^Q pt^ d y rr ” »• >

Wluat u d HI?” r**d___ i Bi---------nr»o; 100-pound lou ___ ’ 0 /

n^»B.MO.poundlou . .. 8A. . atoeniw.ioo-poim diou ______|F»dei

------------- ..O--------- — IIBJOWu* T»f OHmt.i- >.------ ^uaa

“ r i i ^ -------------- “ a !. S ; S 5 ^ - “ V—

. T T je taU h k w i _ comb b o w ------ ............................ 1#- CH

_____ .------------------------------ ------------------d a jpomt

UtMM. 23e; Carrots, pound........ ............ . - jjuejo

, s S a --------------- .n BUc>m S ------ ------------------------------ 3e crsaiApplk h w h tl.... .............llJOWMJa JJ«{n j w t ^ ^ t e c ----------------- ----------- .ac ,0 gi

ftuUtr. Ja« 10V4<----------ta i^ . to. m Am ■ ■_ ■ ■ 'ta .I-------

•------------------------------------------ ^ •• ■ a.Lw«<i tn«m t^.t. - PC

------------ - ( - 1 ---------^ —

. . . . .


Stooic* Market Averages

ss S.5 SS’mKM0>.«7.TC 3«A oejo TO 00 At

SS Si§ .SS *' s a s : ^ iSS Si:S iS.Ss - f c s s SS as !isIth. lasu je o jo io ijo m a o 144 x .S.’SoSS .SS JSS dtw. im za-mo— a r.« -« «Jo t» .» . / / - '

god tat«r the slook U.Vrm e d ;itc lo « e d a t3 ^ - . \ VIn term U a m lM a teh pre ferre dw u M!f over B p ^ t a . Interaational Tel- )\>hone aod Telegraph, although not I lUireotly itla te d to the Krueger cn- INixpTira. . i t u another active Usue. \\ l II t held well; .Tha stock cloeed at a M•actional loea. .. ^ RAllroad ah a iw were sold fa irly lav ily on continued cvldencea ol 3or trm|flc.Stocks o f leading companies, in- k j u)Ung New V ork Central. Soulhemaclflc, Baltimore and Ohio. SanU «’> »e and Union Pnclflc reacted 3 to Jje F l’ poIntt;--------------------------- ----------------

n e w 'Y O R K. March 14 0«V-Cill >oney:'8M *ay:“ 3 T i"p e r-c « it-a ii

Time loana: auiady: 60 dara 9 to ^ i : three to six montha.3 la JU per 1 ^

Prime commercial paper: SH to 4; M inkera* aecepUnces unchanged: 90- . lys. 3K to 3 4 : 60 to 00 days. SH 3 K : four months, a n to 3S ; five Allied Blx months 3 to 3T>. mii* (

.................... Amtrt<BA R 81LVE B r

NEW YORK. March 15 W >-8sf ^ L< v tr steadier and H higher at JOe. J g g

M e t a ls * » 2N ESU fO BaLJl«W C hJ4ja=Coj>. r : Steady; electrolytic spot and 7 1 3 3 ture 6c. h«iunT n : Easier: spot, aod nearby « ! . - 5l?A" : fu ture m . 10, . KIran:..Oulat;.Jfo. 3 fob eastern ctium ix m ^ lw n lii *1430 to I t t : ’ Buffalo ^ 2 .“ *. 4.60; Alabama flO to *11. L a *d ^_8 t8« Jy ;_sp o t_JJe w Jf«k o.*ca 38: E u t a t.,LouU $3^8. 2 ^Zinc: Steady: East St. LouU spot c m Id future lU O . CMuaAntlAOoy MJO.Quick silver: |T4 to «7«. . c m ^


NEW 'YORK. March M WV-Bond g ru ^ loUUons:berty 9 '.is 33-47 -------------M.Ib e r tyU t4 H a 33-47------------lOOJ S S iberty 4tb4KsS3-SS_______ lOOJO rum tTaaury 4Ua 47-83-------------- 1033# o«5!2T u u ry . u 44-84 .;_________10039 gJSm■«asury.3y* 48-88.......... ...... U M attddaressury 3Hs 40-49 -------------- 98.18 g « ^Jreasury 9Ss 43-47 ----------- 983reatury SHa 41-43 March — 98.16 or«t»rauory 3Us 46-40 ________ 03JBreuury 3s 81-86______ -___90,11 } ^ i

— ■ •. In t a,R v o A ft }*■

NEW. YORK. Msroh 14 W» (U e |cVn2>A)—R ftw iugarw uunchangedto- Km *fly.. Buyers were said to :>e winiag «*« <> :p>y«.7S .le r spoU. ba t hoMws f t g Stre generally asking »3J0; The only uia <t iH " i f l jn n n w "14,000 'uasi ’or “ 2 ? nban tnm store concluded Iste l u tvH t'to a-local refiner a t 63.76. - - uotor A fter opening I to a polnU higher

rturea-weakened-uoder -renewed tqu lriaU im .a ttrthiitM -iiartty.toJhe. N*t p K lloa In securlties.'w tlh the mar-r t cloalng net unchanged to 3 m t iolnU lower. Approximate aalea 39,- worUt M tons. March closed 73c. M ay 78c. uly 69c, septandxr 00c. December

JtB ua nL tfe__________________ --Tbe-nilned market w u e u y , and -------U re/iaers reduced prices 19 points Oreg<) the basis o f 14 fo r fine granulated, vetch he decline, howerer. failed to sUm-late much buying, and the demand _u aim lim ited to nearby require- . ,

_______ ■ L8AN F lU N aSC O PBQDDCE

SAN PRANCISCO, March 14 ( « — *w tie ita t'« c . — -------- »Onlont: Sacked, cw t. Australian KA

rowns 18.78 to 66; Oregon M.78 to S D 9: wh)t« t« to W M. u<l-<PoUtoes: Stockton Burt)anka»138

a 61.80: Oems 61.10 to 61.40: poorer JW t jw tf:"new s lfla raa h je U -fc 'toT M r : tx u BUSS Triumphs C.7J Jo-I3J0 *« ;1 ' <r 80 pound aack. . to SIPoultry: BroUers iflc to I7c: fry - » » »

rs 16c to 17c; bens ISc to 33c; tu r- ' 98o ( ;eys nominal. holde

- • -------- CalLOB ANOELES PBODUCE oomp

LOS 'A N O O fS . March liU P i — ‘roduee exchange recelpu: Butter 0lWPounds:chee«83.700pounds: :

B utU f in ibulk 33c. MouiCandled, freah clean e x t ru Ung

t c ; ' ls jye-i t i odaids"iaL’. medium* 6 « s6c. medium sl&ndards 14c, smalls buUs3c. er» IPouJify: L«ghoni hens unrfer 9U ^***1*

«uads 19c: 9V to 4 pounds 15c: POunver 4 pounds 18: colored hens 4 medl: «muU and up aic: broUers 1 to IHlounds Ific; over P i pounds to 3 ^ (eede«unds ]»c; l^ h o m rryeis 3 ^ tb 3 Shiounds lie: colored » c ; roastei* 3 trade•ounds and up 33c Ducks: Yoimc p e n '30, eld 13c. oeeae 19c. Turkeys: W s«'oung toms 13 pounds and up » c : Wglvreased 12 pounds and up 29c: hens Ismb Oc: dreued 38e; under 6 poundsScrold 'toms 18c; dressed 31 c .---------- ^


SAN FRANCISCO. March 14 Wl ««««!>dera1>ttate market news terrice, <1^^let wholesftl*! prices: 'r Jo 23

Bu lU r: 93 eeore a ic: 91 score * » P3H c l»0 score 33c, ^

B m : E x tris : larger iSH ci 'a i^ l^ >7 »m ISHc; small l lH c . Oa

Cheese: p ia u 14«.4c.

CHICAGO PBODUCE " ® cm CAOO. March 14 (/T) — Uve Tear!

Joultry: ReceipU U trucks, firm er: « « v owU 1 6 to ie e :~ firoaenQ e; ip r tn n Mel* ac: roosters l ie : turkeys >6 to 33c: slow lucks 17 10 aOc; geeee lOc. . ‘ to W

Bnttet;RectipU8631'tubv;steady: 60; I :rs a m e ry ,. ip e ^ 99 score 33X te grad owe; e z tns 33Uc; extra tlJSU.10 63.BS 0 91 swre 3 m to. 33c; f l r M M to 8661 19 scon 30H to 31e: second! M ’to 67 Sh I9H to 30c; standards 90 aeon ees- esUIcaused eaeleW 99 !i e. Bggsi Easy; :------r ttra ilrsU I3e; c u n m t receipU M lOHc. . 8 /------- i ------------ — ---------------^----------(O fl

PO ItTtAN D HAY 8 to PORTLAND, March 14 « > -H a y . load

baying pftc* froot producer: A lfa lfa pack 11940 to 61g; Clovft 610 to 613: WC- 80 t

llffllv M i

7 I f I *A P if w H I R f y / l S | I LOM<

if I ^

~7T NEW T i

i l l D C K I i l(By TtM AMOCliUd preu) r«nn

HISh Uiv Cloa* Paanail.“ oS!S'.i5l::!l'' !!;: !!t S.",? S'SSf.'Sfezir.",;; T i •’!; ES'."s i s s jS K 'z z u sssun lu d u w r ... .......T es u 8ii««Un Small * B i(___81 I.»« T « J» eo>; t» ' to'* mm"U l Wstarworka___3l>« X , ) BhaliUciilMD T A « r..... 771' 7 mneJ.WUlBcr« * owo..._ 1 •. MS I BHHIll«DdUc AvtsUen 1 >. U I BooorMhletwm flt«tl -... : >, 30'.« 30|j Bouttjumustks A M ___ ] <i n 1 BouuS S s iS . 'W S - s , 1; . I ' s ia s:iM TtuesUaC —_ 3T'( 34<i U l« BUQCj*» c a iV s T S iZ Z - * i i - J l i i — * u SUM

It.i i . i W J::eoa cola ........_ l l >« l l i ' i 11 *, TimkUAum o u * KtL-M U 13>' 1 \ l Tr>tuiom OolvoDta--------su >. Uniot:«nun«i«M BouUt . . 7 ^ , 4 Unlst:ott ou D « t ................. 6 'i st4 uniQtMtPoat‘d* N«n.......4<U 43 . 4 Unlu:uruM 'WMam ___ lu I ' t U uouaS»*.?.“t?=:-T::3i: S . r . SSK£S,“i£?=:S'- at: c .

S2SnrtMoea _____ __ I3‘t ll 'k > ‘ i W0011Hntrsi Baeino___ 31% :os » i ,Janml Food*___ _ 3S>> » 3S>,}*natml Moton ....... 3», 30 n u }<BItlddan Oo ... ......... «■] S 'l ket qSSJ,S?Wii.i-::ii'' 1!1: \l,. S

pr.r 1 ^ ; ]i<! im * q m u

5-1 ni f? .V:ilinau Cantnl 1 >, 13 13 Naiioi (nt Htfvwtar ______ KU Z9>i 33 Nittoiint Til*sJ S d Z I S'* I ' i 8% BtlSfliCanawoit cmpar . . S>i os .T rw u

II!*Mid Con _Pat______ a;« a;; a»;, Tri cUlaMurt P M in o ^ :- 1 >t IS*. 1S», iSMti

J l l5X“ c iS ‘% x : . z l l i }?l!l*»t O s l f T " a ' i " - M t N»ti0

lt«w Tork Ctnind__JOn 3S<i U>.K T K n * BUd.__ 34ti a u a n cetpKorUt Am Co_____ 3t>. 9«<, MU Corp.Northrre h d n e W» is Corp.Packvd U e to r------< a i! aU PuodPanua r u ta u _____ l<« S>« • ruiw]

Oregon timothy $18M; oaU aod sCcoc retch 113 to 613-80. cars

" poun ........ i...i— ele?r


KANBAS C ITY UVESTOCK KANSAS c n % ^ r c h 14 an «0 -Rh

a D A )-H « s r1 le c e lp u 5500; sJow v UU1-UUVC& motUy IS to 30c lower ih« .» !fldsys average: top H 40 on S . < IW lo 330 pounda: bulk good to V 'rt»«ce^70-to^40-peund»-6433-to^4:^-------U ; 140 to ISO pounds 64 to 1430; 380 ■(o >38 pounds H lo t43S; packing OC laws 6938 to 13.83; stock pigs 18 lo - K o 390 lower. M33 to 13.78; estimated fo r 1 holdovers 350. - - ,100 t

Caltle:R«clplAn.OOO:calvealOOO; ! « p compared wUh Ust week's close: 14; t red Steen, Ught yearUngs and fed Salu heifers getitrally 35c tower; choice Nebr 14T3 pound steers |73S; other choice'S4M heaYy.steera.»7iO ;-hulkJed_ateersJ^« sround 18 to tOM; short load year-1 Ca Ung selfers t8; S« pound stockers for 1IHOH- rnn-i n .^^ y |) ' rft.-n[buUs barely iicsdy; few sales’ Teal-; M.50 ers 80c to t l lower; stockers and,snd leeden slow, jtfsd y ; load choice 1306 up ti pound c o n J4.50; atrpng weight, "U c i medium bulls up to 13; buUc vesler’i *3- 68 down, tew JT: most stockers andi Sh feeders M to *4.75. «0t i

Sheep: rieceipt:. 13,500; Uto Ismb I®**!* trade acUve m d strong; top to ahlp- 1 pet* 6730: other ;'?.*kers 66M to 67.- 10: odd le u iu«r> *‘»eadyj aome-heJd • - higher: muU native sprlnc 01 Ismbi* UomwarU from 66J0. A « -

-------- slow— • ST. J O s rrn LIVESTOCK-------- ci tne

ST. JOSEPH. March'14 OP}(U S loadD A ) - ih g .v jto E iii i4 _ a « o :_ e io j^ ^ w :? genersllyij to :5c lo»er than P r l-p W 1 day's avcrsKf: top M.40; bulk ISO to 3; to 230 poiindi 14.:} to 14.40; 340 to ' 260 1 330 pouncLi t t lo 14.30; lows weak to ' pour 10c lower, « .« lo »3.M; sUg» m ost-, 14.68 ly 6335. ' * «mrw

Oatlle: ItecelpU 2700; calvea 900: mal4 slaughtw steer, and long yearUngs* • Os slow, undertone loww; most bids 34s 3000 o r more lo» tr; few l l jh l and mixod ly 3t yearlings sboul stesdy; buUs fu lly ] w ltb steady; cslvea strong; %talers 38 lo er; 80c lower; stockm and feedeil v e s t : 'T e n alow; bulk s i« rs and yearlings 68 llng i to 6635: mixed yearUngs up to 69.- e l« j 60; beef cows | 2J0 to 63.80; cutter 66.6! grades 6IJO to MJO; bulU up to kUv3 p jS : top »csler» MJO; short Joad gi»< 866 pound stockers IS.7S. bun« ■ Sheep; Receipts 7S00; market not thro e s U b l l s h e d . _____________ heifi


(U S D A»-Hoe»: Reeeipu 8 o :a bo u i'm u i 8 to lOc higher; top 6840 on short 66J^ load 190 to 105 pound CaUfomlu; Ugh packlpt sows 35c l^ h r r . Urgely 61- saui 80 to 6375. • M.n,

lu -C sm BI K IM im 7W; ■eoiraUV, Bl— .........— ........— - -



I u o v e T H S ^ SD S S E A X / P B L L O Wi/aR T^TH IM O ^ = 1 S T O R E S ' IAT s u c v n v e s W a n d c a w si r r o o e s s o g B t . o s s o ^ P T B R A N a Gb - b T w a e e» N G P IG W T , i 4 W P fH O C OITH O R Q U O H T. f l P


fo W K ” K

^ '■ 68.801 tin ie r.C o ........ W i ” '■» “ U 6040 15 S r R ‘i ? ' ’ ‘; : : 7 . : :S u S S . lo w :l^ lr la PIM U n».... P S'i S*^!nuimtn fne ........... l i ' -SOU .M>'«mra o i l ........... - 4U 4fJ 45IUOlo corp oC Am . s 1(* 7U OM.

S l iJl 1.8»n m n lir. 4 '. 4 4 comjMirkri noftiucK ___ 33>. 33 sstk vcat:,ummoru Co....... . 11, l u l u th a n l»>>a» vnlon^........ - Vi* g}.« gj» crTbunneJJlr Coo Oil .... '»nS5Tikaiiv Oil 4 3>. 3tk to 300iooonr Vtfiium . .... loia fiU O’ t . . .S!!S.S!S;S::-Ji:F l!i! ii ’ 1?!^luud on C»1 . . . -2 8 ss 'i asi« lo lJ .v lUnd oil H J ----- MU 39 29U Cslt

i s i i l i r l i i S snmkrn itoii Our . 20 iDU n-esk tS '. 'iS S ..Jnlon Oil C i i ........n u 13*« J2»;mion PKifie ...... S3 771 medluj}nlt«(l Alrcrtd ___14U 13U >34; gtfiCkJottad Ou Si Imp . 30>« 30 30^ iTi<; 8 Ind Alcohol . ... 30U 27% 3s helfen/ 8 Rubber - -...... 4*f 4*k ( '4 ' i quallli

..............«?* l i ! * isJt»e»t*ro Union'T«r!'4JU- 4 i i i 43\> 80c lovVntinttiotu* C k 3s't 3SU ’3s>« steadyVooivetlh Co ... , 4IU 43^ 43% |fi (o |

c im n SIABKET helfenNEW YORK. Uarcti 14 (4V-Ourb mar- to tO.2

«*rt«l?6*u“ r*'?SS^r..:_______ an:rntrt] Siam Dtctno um bu :iiie« Jkriico .. ......... .................. U vealenis isss:ssss:5c=»;iifcuMining. ______________*1 three 1lailoDil In tn lon ....- ......... . '.j ghctI K S " , : ' «">,■»itabdAiU Oil ot tn d lu i________ 1M« choice"rwu iMx ............ ............. ......... ..........1738;

hpecuT w ib * - steadylwUCT.Xpi»r»on. Onjbb and company, iambs

Inrarporstcd. Bolaa

0««tr)e*PowiV*»nd'*liiSl _..... I3», to akmtriun reralin Poim wmaata *« n n *>m«Hcm-0*a.andJPactrlc_______U U o.U.A:o ^ tr t l» l eouiham warr»nt«-. 8/l« strong

" S f i

^rp.TtuiiDhveaAccum___S3jo taos strODgPuad. Truit m,»r» A______ S3Jo s4.ooruad. TtuM « t u m -----------S3.7J M3J— ------ ---------- a l« nitcody to strong, spgU-lSgher; t l !“ "» ® ;ars medium to good 688 lo 1030 wund Cslilocaitf and IntermounUtn ile?rs $9J0-1o 68.75: car load med- i>i® • u m ^ pounda 6835;. she stock >t«ndy, quotable top good cows 64.- “ ‘P** f l : few common to medium 6238 to O; bulU 64 down; quotable top tood 350 pound cftlvea around 67; , iholee wslers to 6». to s tn

Sheep: ReceipU 600; weak; two “ horn ieeks medium toJow good 78 to T7 ' Munds wooled Idaholambs 19; sort- !d^lO per cent 68.

OGDEN UVZBTOCK OODEN, March 14 (/?) (O S D A> ,

-Kogs: Recelpu 13I3. including 333 p n r or market; quotable top 1440 on 100 to :no pounds; odd head 180 to ^ ^!6S pounds 6435; 235 pound butchers h „ . . .14; pa:Ung sows 6335 to M.M; late vJ .'*»,,ialurdsy two decks I«0 to 310 pound | .^iebruka hogs with freight benefit ^ }I4M; strong weight butchers down " ' “i ,^f4-40. ____________ 1 , 4 ^

C attleTftecelp lFRJl Including Ip , y , ^ .:or m arkrt; kUUng classes 'steady; ^ '•ft.Timnn »nd medium steers 63 to ^ ,, [440; Odd head up to |3; c o m m o n 'c ^ ^md medium'helfers 63 to 6435; few ‘ jp to 6440: bulk cows 63.75 lo »340;111 cutters 61 to 6340; bulU » to

Sheep: ReceipU 1187. includlns ^ lot (or market; sales Umited to two oadA medium 63 pound Utah s^ugh- _ _ ^ r iwnbs 68.78, weighed oir csrs. g "

■ —ahe<- CHIOAOO-UraSTOCK - - OmCAOO. March 14 (,7 (U S D ®

A '-H o gs : ReoelpU 87XW; flowd 1*?!,? slow, weak a t early I 0c ,to iJc dc- iltne; top »8 -fo r choice 198 pound load; other* 94-90 down; p,icklng “w w s jc to lOo lower; good lo cholco _____i4T to f7 op 6undri4ao -to -iisonM - lo 3M pounda 64.65 to UM: 230 to t&i pounds 64.40 to 64.65: 170 to 350 " „ J pouniU 6436 to 64.40; pigs M35 to J K 68; packtBg sow* 63.75 to wso; imooth sorts .to M ^-ab oT e .-ew ii- suited holdorers 6000.• Cattle :- H ^e lp ts le^oo: calv« J000; fe d s t*e r ta a d y *a r lin 6sm « t. lya8olow*r.*liw i>»e,anpplyltltliite w ith W d a ' t t s t iW K h ^ mwe low- . r ; t o p - w W r t r * ^ long ^ re w U D ffS tW rw e te e tsa n d y ra r . lings 6835- t tt4 T 3 B ;.c e ^ c n light stw rs down .to * f » ; »>*« hetfers “ “ 5 6 6 « ; walers »Oo to 6M o*er; choice f l “ I to U M ln tW t lM U U; , M grades 6640 to - t t ; numercw* bunches "froseo out.“ 6540 to i j ; throwotiU 6J lo 64; Ught m l«d atKi heifCT y w Ungs aiw fa t cowa ueady I

le ts s t e a d y : ■ ‘ ‘ • ‘ly : stockers and feeder* weak: sewral loads light 1m UM'tBS-lie tfBrrearUngH « ,7 j to — x a ;66J8; beef cows mostly n.:5 to t i : 8 D 7lig h t low cutters around 63; weighty g.sausag* bull* 6 3 « to 63.75; bidding denai 66,«w to 67.60 fo r bulk.~ B a t f f ; iw w p<ri6.w cioB iB i » e p p fu «t ' - ' -’: ----------------•

N E W S . T W IN F A L L S , ID A H O . T

A S O lJ N ^A lL E Y -.A Fi

<e TH IS S l o t \ . ; B l I Q ’ o w — H 6 • . ■ i v V - - 5 ^e s U P W A T C R v j n \ m fCAN L tV S A M O . . :OX^ |f.. I v S O M P O R V w D ^ y . ; |7e e W E A R S • . ! i f . I■^OOT A B IT J } \ i \ \}

j ; . - ;

ve T ^ te T g ra d e lamte B iM tly 'lfte ~ o 36e higher; others aod sheep * f treng; choice lamte eomparatlveJy fZ . carcc; fow loads lo outsiders 67.68 0 $7.78; la tte r price In Un«’ w llh cccnt peak; bulk desirable wool ' kins 67 lo 6740; medium offerings 8.80 to 60.78; good lo choice clippers 040 to 67; wooled throwouU 6840 0 $8: most fa t eu-es 6340 to 64.

OMAHA UVESTOCK /OMAHA. M arcll 14 (U 8 D A ) I

fogs: Receipts 11400; closed actlvo; ompared w llh Snlurday steady to ,eat:, or unevenly 18o to 28c lower han Prlday. aowa ateady to 10c low- r: bulk 380 lo 380 pounds $330 to4.05;’ top"6430. paid for eholce rlflfr---------) 300 pounds: bulk good and choice . 70 to 240 pound»64 to 64.18; 140 to / 70 pounda 63.78 to 64.18; sowa gen- 'rally 69.40 to 6340:-XefldRr plga t a la . ______} 13.78; Slag.i 63 to 6338. >,Cattle: ReceipU B500. calves 900;

i>mpared w ith Prlday, fedeteere a n d .........-earllngs uheven; better grades v 'cak to 38c low tr; common and me* y}> lum. steady to weak: bulks 68 to /> 938; several loads 66.40 to 66i)0; V ledtum welghU held above 67; ahe !Ock mostly steady lo weak; some elfers weak to 29c lower; choice ^ ualily sho rt fed yearlings to fln>:hers 67.38; bu lb steady; vealers )c lower; stockers and feedet* fu lly «adr. hu lk le d steers and yearlings ^S to 6840; few loads 67 and above; ^ elfera 6440 to 6840; few loU 68.78 t & > 1938; bulk beef cows 63 to 64; ^ alter grades 6140 lo 6340; medl- m buUs 6340 to 63; practical lop ealera 66; few selecu 6640 to 67; lockers and feeden 6438 lo 66.40; nree loads 689 pounds 66M.Sheep: ReceipU 18,000; lamba }

Irong to 38c higher; buUc good and ^ holce few wooled Iambs 66.78 to ^ 738; top 67.28: sheep and feeders g :eady; ewea down from.6340; fleshy ^ tmbs to dealers up to 6 ^

LOS ANOELEa. March 14 (;?> (U D_A)-H0S3;_RflCelpU 500, acUve, _ .

irong to 10c o r more higher; top ^ 5,40 on two decks 191 pound OoI»> ados; two d ftk s 188 pounds 68; lo - = r —

I i i n icattle : 'ReceipU 1800; acUve, y U n

troDgr spoU higher on steers: bulk ■■*** ood Arizona, T e xu and Imperial cd yearllnKs and medium weight P I tee«T3a“ t^ a ? J 0 r /e v r io ^ ^ m eff: “ h r um sierra 65.88 to 6838; Mexlcam U L 5; few medium heifers 6848; good ows 6440 to 64.78: common to med. am 6335 to 6438; cutters 6140 to 3; bulU 6440 down. Calves: Re- wUHU elpU 800: sUady to weak; medium .0 good vealers 17.50 to 6940; h e a n lO l alves 67 down.Sheep: ReceipU 700; ewes steady Pp

ostrong: 4 decks around 130 potmd hom A rU on u 63,80: sorted 10 per ent s t 63; two decks lie pound j hom CoUfomU ewes 69.40; few ommon a t 63: choice spring lambs \7,75 to 66; me^ u m to good le d '


PORTLAND. March 14 Wl ID f l D ‘‘ k)—Hogs: RccelpU-r.Vll>, Including ...A w i 04 d lr jc t or through; opening ac> when.t Ive; 35 to 38o higher; buUc ligh t repeal lUtchersearly 6838 to6835; one load values nd few ouUtandlng drives $840; ment i ulk feeders pigs 6438. ered iCatUe: ReoelpU 738,.calves 80; ties, e:

nnludlng 91 twt*** *" '* rs lv f i hrougli; active; early sales steers of ccn Oc to 11 h lg h e r ^ e i ^ k 50 to 78c

lulk high medium to good |9 up;9W grades down to 6433; part load VH® pod grades hei/ers 1835. ‘ > f®Sheep: ReceipU 400; rail supply ^1° “

06; practically alLdlrect or through,

DENVER SHEEPDZNVEB.M arch 14(^1 (U S D A ) fusion

-Sheep; ReoelpU 6300; 13 loads fed to turnsmbs, q tia llty grading mostly good tricesO'chdee: few loods-medlum; od i J ^ r v 'MS native truekins 6840 to 6<3.lO; nnints•bout steady: best Vf[«lems held than th o r*.67 ;_odd .head .fs t.em .tZ40; . , 4 ^op and buUc Saturday 67. jhe Or

-------------B O STO N ^O O L--------- ---BOSTON, March 14 ( T) - Firm-

less o f values at London have had . moderaUng influence upon easmg , omesUc wool prices during the pa*i ■0 week* Of-TOT-6»«>W M»in. enanoe o f foreign wool nesr current "* • rreu fo r some Um* h u dlscouragN Asldi nporllng. The vOhfflie of clo lh ln ; vote ts nd combing flne irooU imported at been t h t th ru maJoc-*utem ppru durtii6 dcveloi a n u a ry o s d M ru s ry w u o n ly llu le thedei

>««if the 'ouantitT en lw d Uh lln lurtag th * 6an« months l u l year. - a ^ U d - w c e ip U of « l« » t lc wool,t Boston d u rta f week e n d ^ M a ir l,3 sfflounted to '1436J00 poundj. ” " ' J 'L , 'S « “ th >»»« SS.’d'reek. • bushel

-feiott^MarkeL SK A N « Ib C ITY U ABKET '

-K A n B A B - 't ir r , March 14 on <\j red |11 D A J-O n loos: A r r tv » ls ,^ h lfa oI j ears oa t» e k 4; » * P ^ low Dalenaad n o d e n t* . «arke4 abotit i *340;>t««ly| Colonde 66 po«ad s a c k j;) ,* , ! , r U » e 0 r ir t6 -K * . - r f » t :« » h - « ‘« T ; n j j n

0 . T U E S D A Y M O R N IN G . « A B p H


M u / l . 6 c/ y T H A T ’S \ ' ' f r . l OFT J ooiM * '•U B B T T S R . . = ,.

T H A M A . - L . C A M B L

T m oTlD HOME 1/ m y L A t ^ p S j < 5 U S !--T H E

A R E A L L I S I Z E S ^ S H A P E S ^ \ ^ N P C O L Q g S 1


i O U S / T H EI S ' b f ^ E O F 1

S H O P P E t e ^ i N “ T O W

B i i i i i i- s t iH i - c i - i ie O i

______ JuiiJulj

Congressional Defeat of Ef- sepSep

forts Toward Repeal of ‘jj j Prohibition Lowers Values 52

:____ : ■ » POaU

By JOHN P. BODOBAN . Ma; (Associated Press M arket Editor) Jul: CHICAOO, Mareh l * - W h u t euf- ®*P

ered a mrtdsn maximum faU o f 3t4---------«nU a bushel today, most o f the oes a fU r congress had defeated o f- OE orU toward repeal o f p rohibition, no. S . A wave of stop-loas eelUng aUrted rhen.the outcome o f the prohlblUon J'*™ •epeai vole became known, and (train “ JJ* ralues gave way f u t as the move- nent to rellnguUh ownership goth- (red Impetus. Weakness o l securl- •les. espccUlly during the U te deal- ngs.«)nt lhft unsett km ent,)f cereaU. ^

Wheat closed waverin* a t almost . * ili cic

inder Saturday’s fW Uh: oom lU to I ' i down: oata *;c lo Tic off, and jrovuions unchanged lo a setback „

Prornslon of Orders R« Slop loss ordera appeared in pro-

usloa once the wheat Biarket began o tumble. Downswings speedily took irtces to the lowest level ittKC P tb- uary 10. overcoming resUUnee wtnU that had prevailed fo r more ™ han a month. Tlio breaks In quo- atlons-were despite a - ia llm g 'o ff in ' 8*P^ he Dnltod SUtes wheat visible sup- )ly toUl. This decrease toUUiig 363.- *hlt< oo-buihelsrcontniRea-'ieim 'a“ blg' »*nt4 ncreaselastweek.buiwaamorethan rffaet by l»4,000 busheU enlarge- Oa nent of Iho amount o f wheat on Oa eean passage to Importing coun- rles.------>-------------------- --------------------- Or.

Aside from the “ wet" »nd "dTy"-ote tn congress, wheat traders had>een dUtu^bed from the outset by cbIcvelopmenu abroad associated w ith C6. ihe death of Ivar Krueger, the 8w»d- ■sh IlnancUl giant.____________ ___

Ooni. o*U and rye followed the Wm ead of wheat. Oounlry offerings of:om were of only moderate volume, w j>ut were well In exceu o f the ahlp- l i)lng demand. An Increase of 9S3WJ f lJusheU tn the com visible supply, i * *

nam |346L .0 rtg on ^6 6_p o« nd _s^j rellow Danvers No. 1 S toicii oi»d a rc e r6 7 :M ln n e M U 6 0 p o a id *a ^ , red |lobe*-No. 1 I ' I n c h 'm l ^ w ~«40: Colorado 80 potmd s * ^ y e l- 1 law Danven No. 1 l ! i toeb mtaOmuB 040; Mlehlraa 80 po uu l sa tto yel­low (lobe* No. I 14 InchB J3rt*,6 I46 .-- • •' ~ 1 1 m-------- .. - .... . — .

R p H ., I6 ,1 9 a 2

• .H O V J • T A /O U L D " V O O G O A B O U T T A P P IM O OW E J 'c O F T H O S & T H IN O S , V \ iA t,T I / •-

^ : r -_ ■t\ '• V.

< . .a.»ua>M.c

: to w nm K E j ^ v j e l L , a t 1 0 ^ a

/ /You coui-oNT e ;/ / A * H E N T O P U T ) r

y ( O ' T I M B T O M A K E

f P E E F E C T E G < a ! 1 M V V B E S p 1 ^ ) S E D B U T

S O M E O F E M A i H A U F ^




acted u * fu rthe r weight on the “ “ market.

Provisions slanted downward in Uns w ltb the course o f Heg va luu.

Wbeat-----Opess^^mgh— L w -C toe eMarch _J7<4 66?i M T i 88 _

Msy — eon w t ; S 7 rr S7« p ”July, Old 03H—J 3 K -80W t»hJuly, new 63^ 80U 89U «Sept. old M 64H 61U «1M ■***»SepLnew64«4 64»i 6 l ' i 61U

March 86Ti 86 36May ----- 39H 99*i 96 'i 364July ----- 43 43!i 40’ i 40%Sept--------43H 43S 43 43H

O a l^May ----- » H 304 M H 34HJuly .>1-38H 38% 94H 34Ti ' ISept------- ------ ao 38H 38H ____ I

CBICAGO CASH O BAIH 1OHICAOO. March 14 OP)-Wheat: o f f la

So. 3 red 88<ic; No. 9 red 88c; N o^ l ren lard 8#«0; No.,3 h6lM 89Uc; Ko. 3 _fa*r tvsrd 86c; No. 1 mixed 89»tc; No. 2 noI nixed 88'4 to 86Hc. >

Com: No. 8 mixed 94 to 94Kc: N a -The I yeUow » K to 384c; No. 9 yeUow tw U i n K to 88o; No. a white 34 to 98e.

OaU: No. 7 white 34% to 38Uc;K& 3 w h lu 39U to 34KC. S . ^-R y e rN 6 rr -4 7 ir t4 -« 8 T c :--------------iS uT

Barley 43 to 60c. ‘_21mstil£_aetd69 to 6338. _________

Clover seed 61945.

TOLEDO SEED TOLEDO. M srch 14 (/PMSeeds lo

warehouse nominal: «Red clover: Contract; cash, prime J

16.78: Mareh 66.7S.AlsUKf Prime cash 66,18; March


■ POKTLAND OBAr TPORTLAND, M arch 14 CtV-Wbeat °

futures closed: May 8»c. ^ y mnd mo( September 00 e.-0 *rt W heat;-W o.-ri iigh 91g Bend Bhiertem 66Ho; No. i s o f t 'shite, wertem w hile 87c; No. 1 hard ^rtnter, northern spring and weetem ' ™red 85c. * —

OaU; No. 3 white 633. 4.OarreeelpU; Wheat 48. for

— bea^ . jB * te r . ra a > 0TC*.«0ras a«d eoi- .oa ileuas fo r tU « . Arch Bspport 9So. fo rniese 640. Adv. 63S.

■ — est.Charles P. L o t*u i Ceal Ce. PtMM —

136. Castle om e C ost Adr. q ■ — wi l l

-W h

K R E N G EL’s l JHardware & Shop | ”

E le c t r ic a l S D p p lics ------- | ------- P i p * c a d -P ip e F i U i a f s - j ^

F a irb tn k s -M o rs e E q p t '

P H O N E 1J02 ■“


0 . ■

ew.O«..C.W»i,M.>«Kt,Twao^T,— ■

A . D O Z E N ^ I E X P E C T /

• ) N a ' u o t ( 2 »< E A A i v o o u u d n t v ( I ^ r r W H A T /


^ /

— — s ; » . ^ —

-S W O * ------------------.............................

I f l i o m-------CHICAOO BCARKET — ----------CmCAGO, Msreh U VP) (V B D I—PoUtoes: BecdpU 97 carloads; s track 216; total United SUtea UpmenU Saterday 769: Soaday 14: stronger tn db tg fa lr iy geed: leked per ewt,- Wtocoasla Bound %ltes No. 1 68 U 9$c; wneUssUled .I to *0e; Idaho Roaeta No. 1 SLU I 61.48: few 6140; No. 2 6M 0: Ne- rmika T riam pltf I13S te IL30.

Legal'Advertisements- T R E ^ U B Y D C r A K T H ^ --------------fflc * or the CooptroUer o f the Cur­rency, Washington, D. C.. Decem­ber 31. 1931_________ ^ --------------Notice U hereby gives to all per­ns who may have claims against ^ rhe Twtn PaUs NaUonal Bank.** “ win Polls. Idaho, th a t tbe same ust be presented to Raymond B. aase, Recelrer. w ith the legal proofiw^ r wHhln ihr»<t iwowthi from______lU date or they'may be dUaUowed.

J. w . p o le ;

Buy a Home atld Save That Rent

' MoneyOood.3-room plastered house.

tQoddn except bath tub, electric u g h u rn m - park-w»ter,~gsjage, east pa rt o t town. Only 61380, B«L5»#b..b*lanee.llkfl.rtnt,_____ ' _____

4-room modem bouse, wired fo r r*nge and automaUc electric beater on tank. Oood garage and sa p a rc d jtr te t . east part. Priced fo r quick sale. 61880, 6380 cash, ts s in Bumthly. .Including Inter­est.

'O o ^ 6 -ro m m o d m . hoine w llb glossed sleeping p o ro h .Wtred fo r rmge. garage on pare- " nent. Hotae weU located aad lose In. 61900,6400 cash. lonthly.

d-room strteUy modem home, aardwood floon. fttmaee heat, cement basement, garage. 63800.Oood terms.

. Beauchamp Adams

133 Sheahhne S««th PM m M4

— ■ • . A

I J - t j G R A C E P t l.<OdDtioa«J t m U rt I

STNOFBIB: ^M ekcf •UU cmra jo u vei f w ^ M T B 0» t Bmb a * i t e to tfo fe w r la lb e e ^ ls w .H k lw lh t f e .8b« k M h i m M t t e M M hM t. Ttw< baptBC to meet D ld n r. Kept h u h ltv o k J « t Icuaed UiAt iMT ta lb w d*> oocfuiSi o«Hed iMT w iM i b« h U h « u r - o t u n

u b s IM . aad th ftt Dfakcr her Urt WM prem itc4 b r K r . X«M tram th e n n tM ch lac ber. tn Wt«

ran baC tuptcr SS ve«p(iM

SOMETBINa B L V I bKOWHickey Ungbed. A crooked, brok* s iekar

en Uush. s tnxu'Y o u r p ic tun U (UU ts hU o f th&t

•rttch-CMe.*’ b t %m *tew lj. ‘■Oo a«it> tc tn d u k him to thaw I t to jfou." wher*

For.on« •toood.Hope «tflod.poUed. E™ Then. fo rt*tU nc a u iy , u d to rn t- . -Boo Unc H ick tr, the turned u d r«ced wear » oat o f the room. Totee li

Hope w u 'o a » w U d ^e d eeMeh. J™ >»« A ll o m the 60* 1. from. b * r to blu«*«

— **lo n ra p -*o d -o u t-o n -the deck*. “ Som wUbout h * t or e*pe. tlfhUng her in u ] way tluoosb the'w tod frara one end bottle, o f the ahlp to the other.' And find - thunde tn« him . errotually In a forbidden dtaf.“ ’ a p ^ which m c u t tba t ahe had to »x<et‘i climb chain* and raUlnca to | c t up niekey to tbe brldce where Dickey atood w ith the c*p t*ln . wine.

"Dickey." abe cried. “ What time u ter. C ia l i t Tell me. honey,'what time »Qhf ‘t r . - i n j i

They te w u M her. »IUI d tm u d - and w itng the tto e . down to tbe captaln’a tiown tsuite. fecUnr

“ No. By yoar watch. Dickey," happenshe InaUted. “ I must know the bu t I ctime by your watch r monltU

Dlek*y went ira y around the “ Shu Ups. u d turned to tbe captain.

undentand," nodded the cap- ta in . B u t he d ldn t-> - quit*. U ntil tbe wti

___m uch -U t« r-tb a t.*T e iiln f.------- e m y - ir o r Dickey u d Hope, w ith so who hi

much to say. 10 maoy queitloni 19 Joined — be-answeredr'So-many-QuertiODS LllUaa

tha t aidn 't need answering any table b more, suddenly found tha t hardly Intend* a spot on tha t hoge Tesset w u a*- o f affe cred to lorers. A t t

UtaswhUe, Judy, in »pit« i t^ak 1< Tom's wblte^taeed annoyance, w u H lc i^ aearcblng grtmly for Hope. sendlBf halt, th? CarUr* tn one dlrecUon. u d nounce *n y ateward w ithin alght to searcb quett I out every known comer. And when » wedt a t l u t Hope rushed up to Judy and . nearly knocked her orer w ith hugs - 5 ^ , and klaaes and breathleu ezplana- ' Uons, Judy atooet fainted w llh re-

Quite unplanned u d unespected w u the round-up in Hickey's suite.Nobody knew Juat who made • the “ J rsuggeatton that they get married ^ then u d there by tbe captain. But o( »•< Dtckey leaped at tbe Idea. hLs eyes crowd. llghUng up Into t hat old blue spark,' ^and a broad shy grin gratetulty And h ld lnc the sesr o f sUtches on hU w u (IJaw. peared

* ^ IU you. Hope? WIU you m any Hleke>

Hope tried to tay yea. She really ly beh. did try. But her face wrinkled up "Yot

Into * childish pucker »nd ibe nod* Hlckej■ ■ ded her head Instead,.gulping b*ck ,Uke.UI

ber bapplneaa. D *»A fter that, there w u a general a t eac

mad-house. Everyone had a *ug> "WbgesUon. ereryone a g ift, everyone foot olw u .ta lk in g a t once. The

Not even to cbuge her black vei* the fr Tet would Dlekey permit Hope 10 gtUcal

___leave h i* aide.. ________ m uce"lis te n , cricket." he u id w llh no l r t

tha t memorably bossy a ir o f hU. them." U s t Ume you married me Juat u ■ friend;

D aily Cross-W(Acnoa* . Belutlen of Yeaterday*i

______A l B t A ft o B j1>. Eneaoru* itHEINII |£ |E [N [c ID ^E I t . Pre».lUr tor d U b l l ^ r U s ^ S I

____ _________________ r 1 l i a j I P ^ I v C -

J*. Ouj^ViiTn 1*1 Ii* III W !T i ! ? lL li m

Jl. Vol'^brS*t f r P r I ^ I I e I I s l

ai'. n iitm t it.--l.ifi* of 0w- routlon 1. Cul■i' **• r;"■ S S ^ /u U >■ T«'JT. **■ Towtra sir>

. . . K . s y , ! ! : I s a : , * " .. i.,SU. r*re(lT* with i l . llumi vp 1. n«r- ... . iv r a li: a sff


R A Z ^ L'E B . K I 'N S - _____ £ - —> 1 ® *

“ iT M ; were. T b it Urns youT* lo t i i f do the aasu. That’* order*.»r

old pet name, th * old r ing la “ fokie. and Hope was glad o t tb * T v

tfuskm tha t p re m te d tba need ^ Kuw trlng. r e r suddenly tbzongtx • Ured. happy, oontu*ed mind. W re rose a p letur* o t her old borne ^ w t*tebest*r. o t tb * brook tbat AW I beneath her window, and -the W iplng wlUowa tba t bent In the Jp- «M*. . . . O f tbe t in e * tba t tN Jcey would caU fo r ber in • m m * . — MS atrocity o t a ro«Uter. and tha t long ride t r c o tb * Ooontry ' lb to the JuaUoe o t Peace- ere she hsd foand ^ t b e r Jo*- ^I n « peace. . ._j__ ____BomethlBg bluel Yoo-bII must m ar sonethtng bluel" drawled * ^ e e ln h e re * r.A n d « m e '» *o a th - FOj 1 leg went up to b * stripped of * OP e*« tln garter. 1 ~Something M .“ Hickey piped u he drew the oork o f a wine

ile . T m aomethlnff old. u d by mder, 1 ought to do fo r any wed* n n

XeVs get started.'' suggested U :key as he sUpped his father on I Shoulder and nearly splUed the le. "We c u drink *U the to uU er. Come on, Hope." ^■Oh, Lordyl” walled MUlle u ahe . isped the arm o f her we*temer. T ra in 1 d watched Hope and D ltkey head »p~’n pm the corridor. " I -Just bare a

ppen.7!*!*Now I t t ’t th a t too sUly, - S S t X c u ' t help It. It 's like a pre*mlUonl"•Shut up. fo r heaven’s s*ke.” ipped Judy u she followed T ra U i:dmy. "O r tb ere ll be murder a t ______

. T t* ianight a lte r f l l ^ t they cUtnbed, OT i whole gabbling cRW, Joined by sy- pereoa they -recognised, -o r .A nite i o had known Hope and Dlekey. Leaves Bed by everyone. Uiat U, but Arrivei U u To«, w bo -w u perched-^n * Le*tea lie In tbe bar, swearing that she Arrivci ended to sue Hope fo r alleaalloq Leaves affectiona. . . .W U>* narrow twUUng staircase ~ rtve i at led up to the captain'*, room. ckey com m uded Uie party to U. t ip he w tn t Wmselt to u - unce t te exclUmeiit. u d to r t - eat the captain to make way for ^ , ^ 7 wedding.PV3T the longest Urns he w u gone. > ^ v li i me behind the door o f tbe cap* J T j “ In's room. While ftt tb * foot o f , B staircase stood Hope u d ckey, side by side, b ru tb le u , ird lus. lU tu tn g to aU tba t w u id. u d grinning IdloUcaUy.The nflbutea dragged. A sense BetunreiUeaineu r u through U>*______

swd. Tighter became Dickey's Leave Ip on Hope's clammy h u d . . . . ArriveAnd a t l u t the captain's door ______I* flung open u d Hlckay ap* ared. A eresttaUen and ead>eyed and H .ekey.' ga jtog down en them. Is dyy IU»-tbe-e*pl*ln-emtilng-tnrt=k*>- o the i- behind him. Inherl'

"You c u oome up,“ annouaced doome £key aorrowfully.-!fbut you .n n 't treme

--------------------------------------_ . r l * g « iDased. Dickey u d Hope looked , each other. n ted i

"Why," ahouted Dickey from tbe eaptai ot o f the staircase. {ulThe oaptaln pushed hU way to , e front. Explaining, most apolo* ,u ,_ , UcaHy. Uiat stories, tales and ro- ' Mice* no iF llhs tud lng , be could )i read a marriage servlee for i " ? , ” em. Not even conaldering t te * " * ! lendshlp he fe lt fo r bo tt Dickey's — ' ' - oompl

- I — — — I wou

i'^ord P u z z le 3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - tain's


day's PuB l* ». v» it ’ ’ l». Wlnaflo..-r

P l f P g ] i-dS*’ "w?-!?n ttTM il.H ti--------Lflv*-J

■ ■ S lR n iN TH beUU ..g jR I i af ‘ twoV'g 1 1 1 1 1 „ fe irw

i j H i l I i j : s E « ; S ; "

^ 0 ^ l i p i | JL

r | J h U |z S I I . OlS“ m*'«iIr*

DOWN . ,»n; »c™unl "wn X ' ' , v . . K

19®1 « . K«mou« r- / the cTht whU* 4t, M fm n iiu i-vp ,

« n ..OtmU UtUr 4t. Bind •munil foUia

________________________________ agreeI 7 W [ / « \n 1 right

' ___ . __________ AndJ


■A U «TR *a .lA -a k > in A *» 4 o » rr

B IM AWD i j KMO-ntlR « H B I P

VJIUU L A M D - * ” i P

TW W R VOVAAE ^ ■■l|lllf?7Zlil J L

_ 3 H * l» £ ^ O y L 'y —HO PS NOW OI*E V KR W NW Nfc - S m .M L U E A U f f i - ' 'W IL l- BE WW6M THCYOiETOPP \•THE

•m K BOAS' J L M 7I * O O C K B P - V > «=3 i W ' /

THCY A W t6 0 lN 6 , / / : ^DOWN 'THK 5 .1 .^ ' H v W

tm M C , P L A N K - < ' U \


TIMETABLES \Scbed*lea et ra u e a in I ra ls s aad * M er Basses rasataig T h r « ^ Twta aOs] =

OSEGON SnORT U N B — Eulbeood n i

ra ln M le a r fa _________l;50 P . M.rain 6M leaves----------- 7s00 •- l i .

WeatbeiuUIrain >3 leaves ............. 11:3SA.M. __ _r* ln M3 leaves______ 3:J0P.W.

WELL8 BBANCK A ll \ Soattbeaad

Dally Xxcept Bunday raUi SM leaves ____ l:OOPi(.

r* ia »40“ a r r l« s _______ 3:90P.iI. p.UNION FAC inC STAGES

Cailtmmdn iv M ________________ g;13 A .-U . MILKsaves-------------------------A. M. ow jjarrives____________ :___ J:OT P. M. --------javes^ - - ^ - . ............PrVL TOR-rriVBS______________ 13:«0 A. M. phoeaves....... ..... .............- :-.00 A. M . --------

Wfalttooad HAYrrtvea ______________ 9:05 A. i J . E»Ueavea ZZT.. ..... .........0:15 A . M. -------irlves _______________ 8:15 P. M. iM BeavM ________________ 8: « P. M. quaiT lv e *_______________12:55 A. M. Mooneaves_______________ 1:05 A. M. ---------Tbe euUxxind sUge arriv ing a t MAC!

;1S A. M. u d the westbound stage for rrlTlng a t 0:lB.P. M. trsvel by way J«Ue t Jerome. Wendell u d Ooodlng.

O TH tR BTAGB U N I * ^TW IN PALL8-8B08D0KC „ • * »

«avf ________________ 9:00A.M. D ‘ vU»t«ra ------------------------ 13:00 NooB 7 - r :«av* _________________3:00 P.M.le tu m _________ 8:30 P.M.

T W IN PALLS-WELLS«m ve_________________340 P.M.jr lv e _________________13:30P.M. yoR

you 1nd Hope's fathers. Only when one have I dying and wishes lo marry an- Moor

iherlted. or when the ship, w u W H* oom ed toslnk.on ly ln 'caseso fex-remo emergency w u *ueh * m ar- ^ •lage.penntialble. ----- ---------“ 'S i^nTo the selected few who were In- _ .

Ited up a few momoments lster. the pORaplaln ven t on to placate the dole- nat111 lovers. tom 1“ I t Is not a n illnff o f the stesm- vator

hip companies," he sighed w ith 1 milrue sympathy. ~ !t U « land rule. rou>e -no. Idea how m an yrtq ue su - -

have fo r wedding semces. And10 Idea o f whal troubles and en* uglem ents I t would mean If IompUed. Just f lM ^ fo r yourselfl WA^ wouU Ilka nothlrig belter t h u to Wr

"Wen.” Hickey filled In U»O u k alienee tha i foUowed the cap- Ain's ulUmslum, " I t ’s only four-«en hours unUl landing time." ___

Hope and Dickey gazed a t esch MEM Jtter tragically, Uo

“ Oee." Dlekey breslhed heavily. 1|??J ^e -ve walled so long. Dam near

*'8sy. whal's the m atter w llh you SJjjj LwoV' Hickey grumbled with reigned Irr iu ilcn . "Here you kidsu v * -* -h a p p y —e n d ln g r -a n d -s t l l l -------rou're not salUfled. You're worseLbsn the ahow buslneeal"! ------

" I Juat knew 111" Millie's i-olce jf. poured ItM lf eortly throush the room. " I Just knew »omethlng ter- In U rtble would happenl" Ju

win «>m»tw4y .» p Tdllhthat?" pleaded Tom Poat nen*ously. 1 "Judy, do you ra e u to te ll me w t 1 ' caa3Hlet-rt<^-<> - !u Je luiUvUU . 1

"W elt," DlcKey grinned u he ac-' hj, eepted a. specUl froaled g lau from q i the captain. "Thla makes twler I've been done oul o f a real wed* u , dine. Believe me. tomorrow «e're 84le going to make the round*. We're coui going to gel married civ il, church and every way they serve l l . " whei

Hope Jooked-wiiifuity n Dlekry. ere* eloa« beside her. " r n j game.” she lend agrwd. "B ut what wouldn't I give try . right now fo r a nice chaplalnr in JAndXdonXm ean-Charller --------- Dlst

(Copyright, Once Perkins) l air « — ta in

TOT o r a ......... ............ated




M THAT » 6 A .0 r FACEfc A V K ^ T H K R S D 'T O W R THE SRR1VE> T H U W NO \M p r .B E K U T lP U L . M M L LIE ^ /

l » OOT• T " K / V W / 7 / P * ^ WEtCOWE b e n . I T V &U^ ^ P MO'AB -

T H E CROWD c * n T » ✓ N O T RtC0<s.N»7.

H IM IN W y %AJ » u i r -


PER INSERTION■ •____________________ _ er Oil

A ll W u t Ads ftUv* and aoUve aad—Ibey brtag tb * boyer. sa itli,

" » * * * ” r o K l................... I I I .B I I I ■! “ I'lTrSFor Safe Mlsceffaneous

------------------------------------------— ^ CHICKIILK-iW -PB R -Q U AB T. PBOIW .8JJ8. •

O R -S A LE -= rK AY DKLTVXIH DrPhone 030(K1.:X______________ ^

AY FOR BALB-OETTER T REAL ” ? ; , l Estate. Phons 338; Residence 1>SW. 'j,'

» BUfillEL OATB. 3 MILES BAflTT quarter north from Hansen, b e s t

loore Dros. bsty

lACKAY'S LIN IM E NT — GOOD Hitelll for j l l pains and aches a t M s- tjdche

mUc Pharmacy.__________________ ed em

5 TONS ALPALPA HAY AND n r n \ aboul 35 acres b e u straw. A. A- pjjone

lavU, Uler, Phone 347J18. Twin ,

UTO D O O R ,GLASS, W IND- shleldi. ahd window glaai. No — ...

harge (or xelUng glass. Phone S. loon'i paint and Furniture Store.

OR 8A L E -C im U )A D ~ o F MOR^ eseo Kalwmlne in bulk. Buy what

ou wsni u d bring back whst you lave left. We loan a bru ih fr««. ,a8 KT toon's Paint Prlcss Reduced._________ >.»»

VELL LOCATED T O ^ LOTS and certified Dlcklow wheat, these q ic K

xe safe u d profitable Investments, a to .t to n .IU lu rc j. .C . a.-Fargo. Phenc •bone 45«. , _____

"OR S A L ^ A NEW 33<M IN7TR- national Tractor w ith a three bot* oat*.

om plow. klM a 13-foot field CulU- phoni s to r at 0 reduced price. A. M. Welch, _ _ mUe south of Hansen._____________ OOOI

_________________________________ loeiO. PO

H e lp W a n te d !L ^ ?-------------------------------------- ---------- -- ONTO

VANTED OOOD SALESMAN - -a^id Write Box 33. Care News. 1

itOirSEKEEPER UNDER, « TOR *****” * one m u . Please give fu ll parUcu-

srs and wages expected in answer, r in . iVrlte Hoc 30. Care News.

MEN WANTED TO LEAKN AVIA- Uon, at imaU coal, wiUi nationaUy

tno«'n m u u fa c lu rtn . M utt have VER^ tood riferencea. Please lU te age. [lfcrene«,Jrad_e_a»i<l_BtS»tnt_l>«Ui [nation. Addresa P. O. Box 7. Idaho «» r v r a ^ Idaho. ,hone

, ■ ■ Phoni

LetwrAcivertlscmerits ~— —-------------------- --------------------- aj,ow,

NOTICE o r S K E R irr s SALE 'pouwIn tbe DUtrtct Court of t te Eleveath Phom

Judicial D lslrlct of the Bute of _ _ Idaho, in and for the County of Twla ' ~ -Faiii:--------- ; -------------------- ------------- a u uW. A. Babcock. PU in tlff, scribe------------------------V r-------------------------------nOeorge O. Moves and Ada Moyes, Soui

husbud u d wife, Michael A. and O raff and Barbart Graff, hunband half and wife. DefenduU. 1 8 ' jUnder and by virtue of an Ordrr o[ tl3>

Sale. Issued out of Ihe above entlUed of | Court, In ihe'sbove enuiled acUon.j the: dalod the 30th day o f February. 1933. wherein the piainUff obuined a de- j ptU) cre« against the above named de- singi lendanli, on the SOlh day of Febru-' men ary. 1833. said decree-being recorded' beloi In Judgment Book_FUieen o f ^ I d talnl DU trtefO ourt.-on-p*ge-l« th e reo frrp ro f I am commaVidrd (0 aell a ll Uial cer- PU tain lot. piece or tvircel o f land situ- G IV I ated Sn tbe County oi -Twin Falls, M art

R A F T -M A .T I ■ ^ ^ ^ I ’L L -S A V e '

^ G U M P S - H O M

7e e W /'A 1 « TW m . A X > ViAw /w . S A .V T T H R O N 6. O il

, T M K lR . HOP6 » ^A.Wi/m ^ 1 t H K r A M Lu e w t tu f

j js 're A itA s aCUT TO ^BENJAMIN« - B U T w J a m m ha> D O K ^ ~

d s - B a r g i

-^ o r Sale—Poultry WaaV y " CHICK. OTAimSNO"^MA«i W a TT* ConUlnlng s r. M ilk and Cod Llv- Hunli • Oil tl.05 c»t. Hayea HaUbery,

OR SALE — HEALTHY PURE cows, brrd R I. Red baby chicks. Phono — m u , Kimberly. Mrs. B. Walter. W A ^

hone 0303JS. WANTI--------------------------------------------------- StockHICKS THAT PLEASE AND SAT* Evans;Ufy,-Oe-to-lJc from-HI-Standard, ------—loodtrsted flocks. W rite or phone WANT] >6. Jtrome Hatchery^ _

LOOD TESTED ROOKS. REDS, ;----- —WhUe Rocks, Orpingtons, lOO- WANTl

1.15:' Kesvy Asoried gS.TS; Not ship- <Icd here, hatched locally; Prepaid: whole, j ve delivery. Colorado Hatchery.-envtr. Colorado.

IE SURE WHEN YOU OHDER »bsby Chlx lh a t you are going to GTIiTn

et quality atock. The sturdy Chlx / I v Istcheryu strictly a state accredited alchfo'. AU flocks are blood test-d and mated by extension depart- WANTI nenl of the University of fdaho. D«intIrs i hu«;h March 7, 1933. W rit* or hanglni 'hone Meridian produce Cnmpuy. pumlU;V in Palli. Idaho for price list and _ _ _iformaUon on ChU. WANT

and-------------------------------------------------- Dengel

For Sale—Seeds ^rREBI SEED BARLEY. ALVIN Meyerhol, Edtn. Phone 13F34.I -------

4-ROOJICKXOW SEED WHEAT FOR t r « t sale. • ! per 100. C. B. Lindsey. e * ,,T t


lEED GRAIN - DICXLOW ANDFederaUon W hfat. Barley u d cali Nc

)at*. Tw in Falls tve d and Ice Co., ---------■hons 191.________________________ Pj

lOOD NFTTED OEM SEED POTA- ------ --toes. Blue Tag stock. Issi year. H. ONE

J. PoUy.-3-mlle» north;-one we«. -roomi norib frocn Five Points. Buhl. <W O N eE ED TuM ITED S D I^ Y Of Sweet SpuU h Onion Seed,

Vhlle u d Yellow. John L. Peterson.‘hon* H J4 Klm btrly. 5 5 1 5

SESS6 - HIGH P in trX T RED nuceClove.-. Alsike, Common Alfalfa. = 77=

> m ile d Orimm and Cossack AlfaJ- V Also pastura grasses. Tw in FaU« "■^ed and ice Co. Phone I9I. ^ ^

nERY UOOD LOT RED C LO V c iseed, stale test 99AO. Aleo CerU- --------

led-PeaersUon-Whe*i<-May-be-eeen ---------I t Denzel and Smith Co.. 344 Sho- ihone West. Henry N. Champlln.»hone. 0391R13.aa iT IP IE D P E D E R A T IO N MARH

W lie it, 1st premium Slate Seed ^ *' Jhow. gdo per bu. CerUficd Blue and ” led Tag U d ln o Clover 60 to BOcpound..,Oco. .IL . Jolinion._FUcr------%one 01 a l Dengel and Smith Co. „

■ - - - SUU of Idaho, and bounded u d de. pari < r ^ d s* foUows . lo-wlt: j or pa

Southcu l quarter'^ iN E '.iS E li* .and the south half ol the. S o u t h --------ha lf Of the Northeasi quarter (SK o'clock 8 ' j NE’ i) A ll In ecc:ion Twelve said d <13» Township Eleven i l l ) South the Ci Of R ug o Nineteen US) East of iTwinJ the Boise Meridian. TosriUtT wllh obcdle; 71Ji>lJharc*.ot stock. ia . ite Tw in - ths-al PaUs c u a l Company, ami all and ealbtfy singular the tenenifnts, tieredlU- e tl Uv menta and appurienancrx-lhereto that h belonging, or tn any vise aK>ff- the hi talnlng. »nd-Uie-rtnU, Imuc* u d moneyp ro nu thereof.---------------------- DaUPUBUC NOTICK IS HEREBY IhU tt

GIVEN: T l i i t on Uic lH h dsy of March. < im , - a:- t he - hw r of-3;00 Sherifi


IM £ A T L A S T -

. D I ^ P f E A R -

^ i T u v s -

mJifW f '

m | f

,W -* \ U T W U .I* ,a L j g ^ S H B P B G U l- • ■ ■

|a in s -0 ]Wanted—Miscellaneous f

'A N tV ^ - T roU LTR Y . H. C. J S u i Hunter. Phone 903W. Pbc

rA N T E D '^ O L D HORSES~AND TORI cows. Pox Farm. lllO -W . Mai

rANTED-SHEEP PELTS. R lO H - ROOI est market price. Bert Langdon. 7lhhw eJM ? -------'ANTED S7T EL STANOKIONS. Hoi Stock t u k , da iry scale*. W. H. ransi ROuU S. . T W tl— -------------------—ap iWANTED — HAY BAUNO, HAVE —— ■

***'ANTED — CUSTOM GRtNDINO u y day. Popular prices, w# grtod hole. com. Hayes Hatchery. PLEA'A NTED-W HEAT. BARLEY ANO osu to clean and treat. Tw in FaUs ^ eed and les Co. Phoos 191. hqqj

WANTED HORSES AND C A T T l* , lo naslureTor aummer. tood water. * ” • * •ed, long experience.. Call I113J.

WANTED CARPENTER WORK, painting, kalsomlnlng and paper

anglng. Phone 5, M o o ^ Paint aod non; um lture su re .

ITANTED—W HEAT TO 'CLBAN and treat. D ry treaunent u|ed. t h iu

■engei snd Sm ith Co., 344 Shoshone

F o r R e n t— F a rm s NEW- — . mo OR RENT.-FOU11 AORSB XN batt. H ltM tcd V lrw tdd lttoo . ; nwcM tM «

38*w:-------------------------------------------- neatBroom s, p o r c h e s , » * a o rk r m tract. Inquire upstair* large bouM roc

u i.R jc k crusbcr, ---------- Satui;HOICE t l O f t n WEAR MUR-laugh. Must-be abl* to tlnsnc* sclt. ------

!sll No. 1. MOrUugb. LOHi

For Sal^Real Estate)NE ACRE 6 r C H A M '" a Nd " 4 ^ -room -m odem _-bous*-*dJolBlBc 2 2 i Juhl, C ity w * t* r aod good location.>rice I I BOO. Se* H arry Batty. B uhl

~ 7 Wanted to Rent £55^ C T O > A l3 d s rW A N T S _ ! ! i l

tA aarts w tth sonw pu tM K. n * LOff lu c e seU. W riU Box 44. Care News. Wi

• lo N<w a n t e d TO RENT—A OOOD U ------

or more, h a t* b*st o t *quipment. WTU U n gtv* rtfe rtnca*. W rite Box 36,- suli :are News.' High


_____ S llu a t ln ia J W a n te d =

iTAN TED -HO KE LAUNDRY ORwork by hour. Phon* #73J. ------

______________ PTAfHARRIED' U A N W ANTS WORK gui

on farm, one m il* «aM, on* south, ------lair eait of Kimberty. O. J. SUwart. FUR:

--------------------- - ■ ■—MIDDLE AGED R IX IA B L E WO* •— - m u w in u w « r o r u y k ih d . - W U l ttW i[ive reference. W riU Boa SW. Burley. ^^Ws

hTNOORAPHtat, R K L I A B I.C ~ pari lime fo r ren t o t good house, USE1

ror n^ lcu la ra w r it* Ba» t m ra _ca t 'fiw t; and I

■ Palni

>'clock p. M. (M ountain Time) of laid day. at the East fron t,door of , , i l he Courl houu o f Uw Couniy of rwin J'alLi. e u le of-idabo; r w u r in >bcdlence to said Order of Sale, lell ihs-ftbo»e-descrtb*d-property -10 lor ratUfy PUlnUfrs decre® w lt t Inter- Uekii i»t Uiereon, together .with *U cosU irpriii ha t have accrued o r may accrue, U your he highest bidder fo r cash, lawful ■ =i»oney.0Mhc U n llfd S tite fc-;.--------

Dated s t Tw in FaOs, U abo on FOriiU t te 30Ui day of r tb n ia ry . 1933. ___

E. F. PRATER,_ _ GEM Jhm ff.'-Tw W F»T Is*'.C ^ly . Idsho. Kt

I W ■M A T E V P / - r : ^ 521■ B V

m B A «a v-< W A .i

H IB . 1982


^ 'TMOiKsH

BF —


tpportvuFor Rent—Fuml ed I

o u R R o o M r u i i i r u is D m v a MPbotn i i i * w . ........... ' I I

VRNISHED APARTMENT. « 5 1 1 Main Avenue Nonh. ' ^

:00MS 'BOARD IF DESIRED. 131 ______7th North. Ptieo* m . '

lOOD CLSAN ROOMS 4 ‘t'ATAM T House «LM per wvek.

HREE R O O U FTOUnSHKD -----------apartmentrPtmie'ISTSy, " ^lOOD ROO10. OARAOS. M A B O i w w t f destr«t.-^>oog-W .W . ~oUU»

OARD AND ROOM. FORNACK heal.C loeelo.R»*tombl*. 117Q.M. ______

LEASANT FRONT |tOOM, FUR- - naco heat, SU Snd Aveaue East

^to o n . SUTTABLB FOR TWO. ^****^ '

V ltN IBHED ROOM AND BOARD,33. Also gara««. 353 TWttf Av*. N. ---------■bon* 364-J. ______

lO U SIS FURNISBID AND U H - * 2 ” ® fumlahed. Oettert Real BR*(*.

Hons 333 er US-W. . i S S i

im ZX iR O O M f u r n T b E e d apariocnt. steam heat. N e* alee- r . A.

nc rang* and bath. Bungalow partmeaU. aecond Ave. E. m . t(EW S-BOOMED APARTMENT. --------modem, clea* lo . nicely tlnU w d. ---------

• t t . attr*cUT«: alao. slngl* *part> TW IN


room modem cottage. jB ^u li*

m week days a t Oasis ApartiBeats, .tumber 1. _________ y^RM^N O 'S AD — 6-ROOM FDRNIBR- =

ed I35JM: S>roem furalsbed g3Si»: ^ i-room fumlsbed tU 4» ; B*room F onodem *30.00J «*room modem $30: _____i*room modem 113.50. 10 aeres fo r anc R e n t. A ^ . - L o n g J h o n « . f tn ._ _ — - -m t f -

LostX » r-1 » -50 0 T IR E AND R W . R «-

wsrd. Pbone. 633J.

LO e r-L A D O S BULOVA WRUTt --------Watch, w ltti mesh band. .Return PROF

o Newa Office. R*w*rd.________• r**dTO X -THE PARTY WHO FOUND — 1 -

sultcsse on -the pa rtla c oppeslt* PRB-I Iflgh School return to Maxine Buck* n*n l a t l n, 353-tth-<Meoiw i m n n g f F FBBBg rtlve reward. ................... .. ' =

For Sal»—Furniture------------------- -____________________ SKOAnANO-FO ft S A IA -O R 'S S fT . ZIS ' w n

I t t Are. Eu*.- —. • TREB

fURNITURE AND HOUBSHOLO BUT goods, u rs . F>*d R *aM y. Baaien. per b i

i5 u :o ( i~ b U n o a lo w f u i y x r 30 a(Walnut Plano fe r 1100410. Pbooe wUl

153S*W. paymi

D 8 E D ~ n m N m m E , k t t c h k n w a n : - cabinet, stofesf tables cb*U». lUgC " W ind davenport* p r i t r t to len. Moon's hay ' Palnl and Puralture Store. Wsndi

SLIGHTLY USED REMINOTON WE 1 Upright PUno. Only 930M down, klnc

IIOM per moQtt. Falks Music Oe- ranga [lartfflcni. Twin. Falla....... Mooo'

(3£5 BUYS A'40 LB. ALL NEW COT*ton maUrras-wUh * good grade o f ------

LlcUiig. We buy maltnsses. beds, u d _____irprinis by tte csr load. Trad* In t x n n rour old msttr ess a l Mooc’s.' . p m” Z ----------_________________ -______sbooi

ForSale—Fruits, Vegetables th o s---------------------------------------------------DrU□ E M ^ U D S , I i i M IIiEB KABT ON pltase

Kimberly Road. D. B. Voaburf. Twin


j i r ^ ONUV A 3 T E I


. - . ______________________. . .

~ h g » w te < ■

s i r : —s — \ MpMft 5

j P

n it ie s

HP n f s a lo n i l

" ‘■’ ^ A T K a in n r i ” ' ^

C V W U » > T » r o w r » B B r i le r i - — :a a ix T * n m t R - U wm o e a - liO o e ^ -B ii lv n n i, - —-------

7 Business

K S r tV K B m o * S U T S N OO^-Shew R «ea aod aOMp*. »S ia « * i> . fh f la » a H .

L U U I1 T N I r L O X B lN G * [«*ttiK 0* i^ -eb *« l IM a l Works.

heagng tm ib U i. fh o m n i * w .

T B A N w rS r n C B O U l T IA M S m A trO B *>GB — o « m c « »wx*d datir.

U i m i i o i u r i r k A U o i c ^A. BOWAN - Pslnung, paper-

'e u C F b g o * 114W,

r a o T u v A n m o

ran FALLS la O B W T A IB IN O -

a fortaa tf tUxtbUtty. isasbetiloo*



V E R O O U APAW niEBT. lenolt Ap*rtmeeti.

Personalor. M ^ A R v n i T O v iS * tadlogs. Rogerson RetcL Pbcoe

c-BAsrnDn s pb o u^ r r u a -i*nts la. Orpheum Bewaty «MO--------

— ForSatrerTratft------OATB AND FXEDBV FlOfl. E. y rs im s. C*stletord._________ ~ -------

XBt StXD B A R lC r . R. Y. iu r r . Phon* Klmbefly 33J4. I lM ■ hundred.

ACBES N|:AB T ^ ^ F A u i s riU eooslder realdeoee ts pa rt ‘ rmenl. inquire TW » 4 Are. No.- -

M grfHt wntT {or goody wagon. Ad Moor W e s tp ^ t,tBdell__________________________

C TRADE BUY OR SELL ALL Unds of used fum ltun, •loves, u d igee. Oet our prices, phone 6, w s Paint a i^ FUffllture Store.

Miscellaneous .3IN1S " R A c k E r a " A B ^ m a . »rompt*errlce. I3.7J u w up. Bol*e OfttPg.OOOdi e g . .B ^._ ldabo .ibsE H A V lN a m T IL O E R JrUU belonging J o J-ll--Ol*odOB.— *se'nbiify him. SOft l ib St. North, i n FalU.


i l l i T r a i f fimSJIMIIIIDIIS I-Herbert p. Read, Long Time

Railroad Man and Lately , Magistrate Here,

A f l iu l tribute U t / b e paid at ' ^ runenX i^rrlces here Wednetdajr £ tfu m o o n fo r Herbert D»vla Read. A 75, Tctenrn Iowa railroad man. Twin Fall* county rtild en t for la yearn. and' Tw in FalU police naelfttrate for nearly el«ht year*, who died ear- "s, ly Sunday > afternoon at h it real- *

' denee. 436 Third avenue north, foi-lowln;: fl< h t veeka IlloeasJrom In* ' fluenta. _ _ .

Serrtcei'w lll fe held a t the White > mortuary a t 3 P .'M . Wedneaday. do t

nnd w ill be conducted by Dr. EU- _____Jah H u ll Lonfbrake o f Twin Pall* M ethodljt church. HollUler lodje or M awnf, of which Mr. Read wa» a

-------fh s rtftf niember.'wm hBTBchfcrBeof ^Ih r burial aervlceK of the order at , the srarealde In Twin PalU ceme-

• , " lery. Membera of the order wltl-as--5fmble In the Mawnlc Temple hrre nt 3 P .M; Wednewlay, to attend lhe funeral.■'M r. nead came to Idaho In 1913 = from Shelby, Iowa, where he wrved i« Ktfttlon a»ent fo r the Rock Inland M rallrr>ad for- more than 30 yeara. He nuent ‘aU yeara In derelopment of rarm property near HollUter. and ^

- moved to Tw in PalU tn 1919. enter- i ln« ‘ 1ho *mpIoymenl o f t h e 'then ^ West»m Auto company, and later T belnir appointed police de*k aer- v , ceant and subsequently police mag- j t

‘**i"^Bn(it>y BP. Hemo aerreq lo r ~ | - aeven years a t m aiter of the Ma- ^

aonlc lodfft. and w u Toted a life • meaiberahfp In recoKnltlon o f his d servlcu to the order. ' S

M r. B « k l waa bom at Jamaica. g “ Vem ont. AUWK 19, l«M .'*nd Hwd —

there untU b« w u . IT years old. — when h#.w»rt to lUlnoU. and in 18M

to Shelby, Iowk; H» nuinled. tn ~. 18M. UUa JulU -WUico. wbo. w ith

two daughtm . Ura. J. W. Bouton and Mrs. A. a. Reams, both o f Tw in ^ FalU. survive him. He leaTcs alao / mie sUter, Urs. E. B. Doolittle. Sler- ' rm U adrt, California.

U em btn e f tha RollUter and Tw la TalU Maaenle lodges wUl be active pall bearer*, and members of - ^ the poilee force w ill be honorary pall bearers. I t was announced last evenlDf. Active pall bearera w ill be O. P. Duvall. O. B. Undaey, J. A. Keefer and D. W. Jenklna, Tw in ^ PalU. and Al Rakaw and H. J. «• Swalm. RollUter.

Honorary pall bearera w ill b t Har- ' » ley S. Rayburn, municipal streets Ruperlnteodent. and WllUam Taylor. 4 Thomas Russell, Date Adooek, E. E. j Bums aod J. A. Bmpey. memben of the police force.


Under atup lcn of m , L« tU r D iy Balnla church, fu u ra l atrvlcts w ill

rrr;:;be^held-a t-th*-Bvan8-and Johnson —■ funeral home at 3 P ."U . today'fo r -

Q. A.Odeklrk. 8«. Twin PalU coun- ' V resident Im U-years »a i t Uu-

_ mer owner-of the Keith rooms. TwinPalU. who died Ust eaturdky a t the ; county general hospital here where 'j he had been a patient fo r aeveral ‘‘ months. I n le ^ n t w ill be tn Twin

------ Palis rrm ptfry heilde t h e - g r * v & ^ __Mr*. Odeklrk who died bere In 19».


Appeal to a ll persona who have yards to cUan up la aatletpatiOQ U the ^ D ln f f ot sprtngr to send tn their names to the federal employ­ment agency a t the Tw in PalU Oharn*

. ber o f Commefpe h u d g n f ty w « a d __engage aa Id lf Uborer to do the iob. waa Usued yesterday by E. B. WU> j Hams.' federal employmcni agent, I

______ The appeal reads:____________ ,“ Do not forget that there a r e ~ i

number of IdU men In town wbo • {

"T iBoiHniRnrH iUT — NErntcTST)ir==‘

KELLOSG’S ALL-BRANI ta “ B u lk " an d V i ta m in B

H e lp R e lieve C onsU pa- t io n ; A la o H a s B lo o d -

b u i ld in f f I r o n

N ew la b o ra to ry experim ents demonstrate that Kclloirs’a Au.- Bu n h u eufflelent "b u lk " to ex- erels* the inteatlnes. as welt aa V itam in B to help tone the In tev,

■ - t ln u - tra e t.------------------------------------ ----In addiUon. Kellogtt’s Al l -B ran

nupplle* twice as much blood-bulld- injr Iron as an equal amount by weight o t beet liver.

Now you can overcomo common constipation by thin pleasant “ cere-

--------- aL»ai](.” Aadban lih -the headaehe(i. -• - backaches, toss o f appetite and

energy th a t so trequently result.N o Deed to w o rw along w ith pUU

-- and dm n.'w h lcb often lead to harm- - fu l haWs.

I n r t e ^ ju s t eat two tahleipoon---------- fu ls d a lly 'o f KeUoffg’s»AU/>BuN

— v U q u ta fo r m is t types o f « n - atipatien. I f your Inteatfnal trouble is no t re lie ve th is way. see your doctor. The “ bulk'’ in A U ^B bam U much liko lh a t o f lettuce. Inside tbe body. I t forma a so ft mass, whicb gently clears tho Inteatines

______ fl£-w «sU fc- ----------------------------------Special proeeseea m ale Au ^Bm n

Aner. to /te r. more palatable * I t is T a t-h ib ttsT o ra lo *.- -JSquanr ta s ty -

W i l f i e m i J i s IIV B o a a n Q v n u a i I p |||

rha l msn made a sicker oat e t ^oUUme. lie said Gslaea p in mnlU- d ,. plied fa it aB' l get a-patr to help wita » r ‘ritbmetle aa ' they don’tdo nothin* bu t have yoM g ante.- ing i,| = = = = ^ = = = r = = farmlould appreciate a few hours' work, him theue men need, work very much. his.pind w ill be glad to pu l In a few houn ing t< i M cenu an hour. Vour yard wUl Twin gfd some »-ork done on t t thU nlng. aive" these good pe n a To3ge, unce by telephoning me a t the pal cl w in FalU Chamber o f CoDaercc.' He

P olo types, Sw anky Roi

;u s t tm p ickedt H----------- ------------- Zesdttl elyUs fo r J

Scarf c o lla n , (man the f ls tte r ln f «z(fxs<l T lN C n V E l You’ll

• Penney’s' w i l l -hole o ’ c l o c k the evenin,

, c o m p l e t e l y rearrar be O n D i s p l a y i n al •store and inspect .t

J . C . P


_____ MrsW ith funeral services at tbe

i t e t h o ^ EpUcopal church bere at i;30 P. M. today, a fina l tribu te wlU Z u 9e paid to D r. Bamuel Edgar Zioece, K i , n . retired Iowa dental surgeon and rw ln FalU county resident to r IT Tl rears, who died early Sunday m om - mor ng a t bU farm home on Elisabeth Mulevard. Twin PaUs. fo llowing i l l- p i i ness o f six raontlu durattoa 8 e rT « ,^ ^ lew w lll be cond iR tR rbrD r.-E n jah — Kull Longbrake of the UethodUt episcopal church, and Interment vin be In Tw in FalU cemetery. P<

Pail beareh, chosen from among ntlmate friends, w ill be Dr. Robert " • S. Parrott, Vemon W. Scribner. W ll- lara Ruge, Charles Keefer. J. W. Bouton, Tw in FalU, and E. H. Leney, flollUter. “ 5”

Dr. Leece came to Idaho In 1914 ^ rrom Fonda. Iowa, where he prac- ^ ;lced dentUtry fo r 19 years follow. ' ng hU g ^ u a t lo n from tbe Chicago r ?_ DenUl college In 188S. He began ‘ farming when 111 health required B< llm to retire from active pracUee o f U si Ills.profession. Ho cngagcdln farm - o o r ing for six years, before moving to rw ln PalU In 1930. . C

He was a member of the Masonic WS, [^ge. and ol me M2afoaisrzpUCD^ sal church for 43 years. B

He . was 4 » m -a t Argyle. WUcon- Sprl

e o A "g i . w r i o » |

8, T w eeds for Sj ouGH W oolens f

The smactest Spring eoaU we’ve ever [or M isse s-m o re coi»«rvstiv« models (mony havt gay, uparcte teatfi), rich rfra-fittcd silhouette mark esch coal as 1 rou’l l never find iraarter ones s t these pri

lold-open house from-eis ling of March 16th. The ranged and new spring me 1 all departments. Be sure ct the new-merchandise a'

P E N N E yT W IN F A U ^

...........f - . -

r w I N P A L L S D A m Y C T

H e^surv ived hU widow, Mrs.Busle Leece.-and one daughter. Mrs. WO rrln A. Puller. 'Twin PalU. He ^leaves also one brother. WIU Leece. ^A ip ln , WUconsln. and five alsten. ^Mrs. LlB le Drown. Oelweln. WUcon- %aln: Mrs. ElU Compton. Manchea- ^ter. Iowa; Mrs. Ida Barker. Argyle, VWisconsin; Mrs. Anna Hawley, A r- ^ gyle. Wisconsin; Mrs. Kate BensKm,Warren. IlllnoU. ■ k

The body rests now at-tbe Draka wmortuary here. J


Funeral services w ill bc held ia %the Twin FalU mortuary chapel at ^3 P. M. todny for PatrlcU Mae Oor- ^don, two-yrar*oId daughter ot M r. kand Mrs. Roy S. Oordon. Eden, who ^died at the county general hospital kbere at j):30 A. M. Sunday from opneumonia following scarlet fevtr. %Bervlees will be conducted by Rer. ^C. XTHawley of the Eden Presbyter. •U n church, and Interment w ilt be ^tn ' Twin Falls cemetery. - ^

Besides her parents. Patricia Mae WU survived by her older sUter. AUeea ^□ordon. seven years old. _ . % _

Charles P. Larsen Coal Co. fbooe 438, Csitle Gale CpaL Aflv. ' i . '

Drink pure Spring Water. M l . ^ SpHog W sltr Co. Ph. 13. Adv.

T S - - |

t t i

M l

i J fm MA A


S p o r t . . . . ^

fo r Dress ^

I[els for-wom en____________________ich l in in p and ^as NEW— DlS- ^! p r ic t t l ^

eight u n til i^irte'"-' - . Vle store is being ^merchandise w ill ^ire and v is it the k! aVydurJeisiire. I j

Y C O . ^

N E W S , T W IN F A L L S , m ^ O . 1

5 Id a h o ^

5 New and InlS ^ Our BuyiiJl_____ ^ ____ chases”. !| | • Stocks I


^ ____________________ L m L.


W iic re mon and younjr men Iil thoy know thc>; a rc alwayB

style and value do a L ion nnd ^ COMPAl


^ M EN ’S ST5 New Tweed Top% ---------------------------------T h e s a ^ r lv e d -k Sm art, all-wool top coat.<i w it! J lined. They comc In English t) ? |___ the new demountable cuffs ...^ :- - - -^ Dress GIovc;^ \ The lowciit pricc ^ U / A ' ' / 1L glovc.5 and incidi


l ^ n -akin stock we h;

lYl "jJ ............

^ , M EN’S SI2 A B ig Shipment of ^ Featuring Gladstom5 ------------------ L ife tim eG i^ $13.95 to I% You take no r isk when you b i iJ atones. There is a life tim e jr 9 th a t the leather w ill not pull

^ $13.95 toJ TheThriiring-Re y _________ Departi» han certa in ly been busy thi.s

have been added durinR the


N New Woolen Suits, S $18.95k A CompMe'New Showing^ SulU are d lffe x tn t. th u year , am ^ more widely popuUr. The giglli W waUt. broad-m llltary nhoulders ant

mixed color tone* are ai] new fea ture*. Two piece and m -t g Q g strictly U U ored..... w I O « 9 c

^ b e a d y -t o .w k a r

^ The New Polo Coats S Arrived, $9.90

— i"hCM coatt are-the-T frr isst won IJ In poto-rtats. Tweed mUiurei in al « shades. Scarf trims, m l l l t a r ' kk tailored stltchUjg and some <ery nev

Ideas In the treatments of -»ieeve a ll oombine to produce a q very'lovely garmenu . . OV»uK.

^ r e a d y -t o -w e a u

^ Separate Fu r Scarfs % ■ fo r Suits, $29.50 Up

S They Call Tbem Sommrr Nrfk Piee«

% T lie fo^e* have -^ -T lie se ^ r f

SS eome In red fo*. black tipped fo> and brown fox. Vou w ill apprecUi

- .:th a - ta lu e s_e w n ll_you are doubitu

^ S29'.50™

0 . T U E S D A Y a O R O T N G , M A R C H

3 D e p a r t“ I t I t Is n ’ t R igh t, i

[ntriguing Itenuylng Programme Did ^ i” ._H ertX im :ffiilL i:in iS Q ks and Assortments o f f


El S P R IN G Sw ill be held in:

WEDNESDAY EVENl, Bcginnins: Prom ptly

ca Logan’a O ixheaU^ W ill B« On^

PARTMENT TH AT’S T fEERENT_____________ Hen like to cong:rcirato becausc n

w u fu in and Lam b act together.


New H art Schaffner and Marx. Suits Just

Arrived 529.50- $35.00 - $42.50I t ’a hard fin ished wor.stcd.s m d-m .o4-O T-tw iB l» -fo r~ (liift- -ie«i lountry. M nn /how they wcn'r! . iVo bu tton models fo r men j ind young men. Q

829.50t»$42;50 I


New Stetson Hats,?7.00

[f I t ’s a s ie lfion , I t ’s the Best - Look inside a m an’s hat. Nine .imes out o f ten it 's a Stetson, . i it 's a hat in th a t grade, rhere m ust bc a reason. The ■eaaon is th o t i t ’s the best m t made. These.are Stetson’s jn lew t f> 7 A A mi U ylea.................... I - U U ab

8 STORE " "lop-Coats, $9.90Ived-Yeaterday____________________: w ith h a lt belts and colane.<ie

s $ 9 .9 0 1 r— " "pa

ifE N ’S STORE ^

oves o f Pigskin, $2.49

>rice In town on p igskin dress incidentally the clearest pig-^ ve have ever had. They arc"

...... $2.49 “ i

S STOREit o f iNew Luggage tone Cases w ith the(-Guarantee-------------------1 to $22.953U buy one o f thc.te fine Glad- ^ me guarantee w ith every one pull out from the frame. A i

; to $22.95 ' ■ KI ■ an

rReady-to-Weat---------Jjja r tm ^ tthi.s sprinj?. K x tra sales girls the week. ‘ “

!Pt ! ^

rs'and '


ed to*.‘ I I ■» In


iR C H 15,-1982

• tm e n t S1, B r in g I t B a c k ”

ms Ar^ ArriviNot Specify “ Depression

South Central Idaho’s La : New A ttractive Merchan tfPARE ^

S T Y L E S H Oin the store NING, MARCH 16THp tly « l 8 P. M.On^Hand ^ ^F u rn ls h the M usic

The D ry Goods Departmei "Haven This-Spring-of-E W anting to See Large SI

-NewThings-They4Iave* Much Abiou

DRY COODS DEPT. DRNew Combination Ne>

Compacts, 98c• Compact and Cigarette Case

-•Com bined Very convenient and quite dev- Campa er. Contain rouge and powder w lih a separate compartment tie. Th tor cigarettes. The coie U cov- keeps ered w ith Morocco 0 0 ^ f**® *"

- lea the r.... condUli


New Corduroy P iqThey A rrived Mor

Women nre Insisting on th is fa l jackets, sk irts nnd dresses. You w ments o f plains and funclcs. Colot absolutely fast. Wide wale cordurc


The New Mesh Hose---------- -------------------^Arrived-This W i

Th is w ill be a mo.Hh year nnd no ..ment-CQIliAilULii three. pew meshj■patiernsr A ll s ilk to top and----------fu ll fash ioned...................- ........ —



“RUSH ” -The T h r i l l o f the Season W

a ^ iA n en tire ly n .ew sandal, featured in French Beige kid . w ith brown k id t r im •'>« and fro n t strop. F u ll k id bln lined. Has new boulevard inn

-------- sol


A _new nautical Blue K id T ic. H a :s genuine python tr im on hocl and toe. A very sm art sty le ,.su itab le f o r

???;r“ !^:...$8.5a


-ANOTHER HIT” j||F eaturing the new narrow toe. W ith o u t any exceptions ^ the finest shoe on the m ar- ^ ke t a t $5.00. Genuine calf,fu l l ca lf lin in g i combination- -----last, a ll t h e features o f shoes th a t sell a t m uch ^


J to re I

ling Daily ^)n Pur- ^Largest . j .andise j j

) W J

-Eager-Shoppers J Showings o f the J

fieen-Reading-So— 3 —^ out J

DRY (iOODS DEPT. ^ ew Italian Balm, ^

29c . ^npana's g e n u in e Ita lianm. This U a regular 35c bot- «Tbe Ideal skin softener. I t ^

ps the skin of hands and v


New Punjab . JTrints,19c " 7—

cue A rrived Yenterdny & jab prin ts have ahvays ^I ahead o f the tim es. ^30 arc no exception. The erns aro rich w ith per- l i i l i ty and color- 1 Q ^Df s p r in g ....... X « 7 C


'iques,29c 5ilonday J \fabric fo r th e ir sport k TI w ill find large a.ifiort- ^)lors are O Q p ^u ro y ................BeFf: ~ feise Is In, 98c S

. Ino mistake. This sh ip- o ih designs in the small

9 S c - | ” -READY-TO-W EAR . ^

featuring Gossard W;;-----€orsets------------b

T ry This New f iCorset fo r S.S.50 ^

"TUMMIES" ^ • w ill not be sm art S

this seasdfrl-., SNot o thiglo foshion fofMosT opprovod o f 'Kimratos.* A i ^

Tf you wont lo lo S os iH h anew clothes w or* 3«sign«d ^[u it .(or you—you must d o %something about thot curra ^b« low yo urw a ls w l W * ^ /suggMt Ihb Cossord eom- %blnotbn bMovse tts » - lnd i 4lnn*f>belt has a w ay d f mok- W

rtnqrtinwonlad-abdoman a tBa _ g _____oppoor. Pink b focodo ond ^

Irfcol.. Model sMoi.'

1 1


gossard, ---
