^ 4 A....


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4 A. H. Edlllon '

T HyOL. 13. NO. 210 •

ebS IS ens suni IBillSEVCI

■ Former Denver Judge Pie Not Guilty to Disordi Conduct Charge Result From Scene In Cathed

..(DyTh# AMWljted P rta)■ktEW YORK. Dec. 8 J V Bishop WiJJfam T. M

' ninjT of the Epiaco i ' dioccse of New York wo-i «i Z > pocnaed Into today us a v

' ness for Former Judge I Lindaoi*. Dcni'cr, ivJio ycst day woa cjcctcd from I bfshop’a church — the cafi dra] of St. John the Divine

The bUbop m a ti ; bo«e<l ■; proeeu len er htnded him tbe t potw. TIieMnlceWokplBceia rtctorr idioLnLnB tbe cithM when Llniiujr, in (ht prtunee aUQ momlflt vonhlppen jreiten: «}}«j tftt tlia dnstnd i Jer » c tunn

, repljr to BUhop UtnnlngTi pulpll corUUon of hi* T ien on compani' ■te marrlait.

Amlmed todsj,' U odier pleu not pUlly tnd bU caw w a'contl ed untU Prtdijf. The (cchi^ chtrge U dlwrderljr eondueU

PoUccmui WUllAm t . lit ;* , on( the pltln clothcimcD who retci Lbul(.e); from k crovd of u is r r p Uhootn which (truck uu l Ucked i and threw hbn m i o( the eathcd ;fi«n he aUeniDted (o apeik< t l i

.^..^uaUym ornJniterflee,appeared ^ th V l^ ^ t ia i i * WltneM. He i

untbirio undenund wbr MtgUtr Ditret cranted a «ontlj

- anoe." ft erjbody u w him Jump up i

thoul t l tho blihop, “the otfleer i Jfcttd, “JW pltln wJ»t he did « I don't Ite whr Uie c au can't

^ Arthur Otflleld nty*. atiomey th# /onner Jud^, u ld he would n

. tbe quetUon thal a m ta with tui • f l 'n i p?ovcca.U;. h-;.— T.rflt •peak oul in churth and wwW m

r poena Blihop M aO T ^to thow th

blihopl atuck oaUDdwyj chan tcr. eoDtalntd In aermon. .

nine and u ld if luch a' coutm i AteUvi npoa he.weold r e t ^ i tereey Samuel-DBtermyfr. ■

Untennyer Itwcd a tuiem enl i hoUloK the rltbl ot SUhop Mannl to erltlcUe Llndaey’a book on eoi paniooate mtnlKe. but decUred:

"If, howtTcr, a t I uniSetsUnd. t true Itory of the OoIenUo pertec tion of Judse Unduy had been ooi rau&lcateil to SUhop Manning, h td no rl«bl (0 broadcui fm n I polplt a penoMl attack « jd thra

• deny Judge Undiey the, rlghl a i ^ r It tben and Ihered


eriean tomoirow will publUb a tls cd atory by CUrtnce Oatrov <ayb

I In part;1_______ .*Th# aellon ef the coowegiUon.\ the cithe<lrtl'6f 8t.-JMin the Dert

In beating Judge Undiey (form ' JudfeB raU nduy.D rnnr,w hoir

ahouted down and ejected from U cathedral Sundty) t h o n that the

• were no ChrUtUn* In lhat cburch 1 that time.

‘Tnagtne Jeiui ChrUt Mng an: thta* Uka thatj. .

*Wh«ther Fomer Judge Undti had a tegal right to demand a heai

. .■ lag belm S U to w rnm T. Uat g n la t cQ Bonday in the buhop'i cn I cbnrch U debaUble, but he mott ce a talnlydld bare a moral rl|b L * * » ^ ‘Aa I UDdenltfld Judge Undiey

A ' teachloga, he vanla aU'petJou t M»e happUy-and that, afler aU. fundamenUl.

• • • I doat believe the clen . , u o n u tir to c o n ii^ lh s th o u g h u i

\ anyooa; t ^ . are eertalnly fn k enough In glTlng their own vlewi 0

any oeeaiioei."


Ingot tbe lUte Democratle commit teemen and oounty chabman lo mee

I In BoUe December IS wia lent ou I today by T, A. Walten. Caldwell

U Itale chaiman. n Although the aubject of the meet I f mg V ll not anoounced. tt w u gen H enlly uadentooii that a t thU Dset'1 1 tag all poulble candldatea for Tarl<P oui (tate ofltcea n u ld be dUcuuetI • aad the reeommendtloai of the coun^I ty ell aubmllted to Ooreroor-elect 0I Ben Rou.I d ' Al yet no announ^enla o( a»n leetloDi for lUte officei haye beean made by Mtyor Rota althmub It wajf l eraecW they irou^

} ^ r Rou U Kheduled la ba ta BoUe a l Ihe Une ot tha meeUng but It w u not knom whether he would bepreeent.


OMOAtICDB.*ir7. Dec. 8 MV-A t trloofnbbenarm tdw liham achtai

L ' weiring maiki tield up theSeuaucui. fire

as automobUe wlU)

\ Uje threo were operaUng ta

K ^^hU foufp theraw lthgnni drawn at ^ curt tn » BO-:

[E T ’ixaaco in n i im a x n o r

waocMTiD p npa


J OF DECREED PRAYtO P M N O n iS riu , Dee. 8 (/

11 n r ^'R L L pti Ja MaltMO Mxld be (OBIIHUL to Sondir BeTlea with

pnyer,S« tor the (Inl Use ta yeai

’le a d s ftUnlooD hid S u d ty mwriiyalerdiy u d thtn It w u wlU

rdcrly am Ui« belp or cltiycmtn. Tl city eeuc iri dlctoa tbat prt]

UltlriQ *t no it tin t b« elfertd w u Ij nored. Cornicllman, headed I

led ra l ^ ^ A- noihai.depted the prtyer proTUtoU. wetk. bat n» one. ervn Ibe n i j or rould Ilay t« make tbe prt]

. tf . Tbe msyor btd a pretehlr8 —- cnxatcmrallna&otbertow&M an- Ifim ,m ort Sunday* art «Blicopal J« t to the rro»I»Ion. lo whkI iiub. "SKca In uklng, wi* monUinfBnniliyihointonli W it- Cbri.tmu charily,L , *1!' U enben ot Uie Elki charil ? s (c r. commltue «t<« ntattd oa ib 1 the gronnd lhat Uielr prayer* wei aChc. Tttentd tor church and h»mi

Stayer Hutart lald the morle mltht be •faoim daring the ipe

•» » cUlfd Ume. with pnyer. U pM e I aible. and «llbeat ll. It no eo f f ltw ol ____~erday. ------------------------------------—

SOLiGDLDIiEi S liBilPfone ol -------

g Hidden Treasury Tapped h K g ^ ^ ly Sixties Contlni ^ . to Yield. Precious CUtrate ___

BOISE, Dcc. 8 (.r) - A 50.poi ^ gold tagtit on dUplty ta a locil bi

:p tn d SuUdlns todty marlEed tho-fUiee: monUj ef rc-openlnj of Uie '

and Geld lUa mine a t Qaartibargdn n t go 3oiM buln. during vlilch Umo iS>

000 worth of bulUoa h u been tal iey for out.IraUe OperaUon of Uie mine by the t tuffl. Itc^ie corpDrallpn. decUred to rnt to wleiyo»nedbyA.aBurTougha. i aub. opentor. b u marked a new dep .there tore ta mining ta Usa tu ta t! . Uie gold w u ta k u outat A depth r t

er.UuuiHOfeet..Ih e mine, lln l opened Itt th te )

« w ot Jt, howeter. aboro ttie JOO-I “ AV. ie „ i , t which old time miners i . elared gold ptaehed oul ta Uie baj

iwtag been abandoned lo r ' mtny ye> Burroughi pumped Uie water out

«l: 11 a« l u n k a to TM lecl whtro

ILo5l55uM-"»to^^o“com. exhibit have been Uken out. and t g. he mtae bw been lunk to >50 feet, n hU Tho Ingot, ameited tato 111 pr ■ta lo ent lorm. !s about 3 loj*ei 4eep I to tachca wide, and B laches long.

The mtae w u operated by U)o ll Governor Jamea H. Hawley who reported to have rua Inlo a rl pocket from which ho extract

Am* tl«O.OOQ ta a lew daya.

S S dUTY on SUGAR RIS! . L m c !m o n iM ;rD ic ..* .» t-T

^ (Oremmtnl loday pUccd a lupp: ^ mentary duly on a g a r . ' ' •

r DF IBiemown —

Convention al Boise Heai " 'ti -Pleas for-Stiorter Worf ^ Ing Week and Brief DaU of ’ ____ ..

BOISE, Dec. 8 Mv-WlUr tbo ali ’ of boUi Improving Uie condition (

U)( laborer and tacreaalng the nun ber employed, ihorler houn and

> ■ ihotler working week were'urged w • in day by ipeaken a t Uie convenUo NU oltiie Idaho SUle FedenUon otLa

bor.'eet* Several ipeaken addreued lh alt* convention which opened thUnoTD aeet tag for a Utree.dty tesilod. On Ui out program were C h ttlu S. TayUn

rell, Jutlott, and Ray McKalg, Bobe. rep rctenlaUva ot Uto orange. Joe

eeU Brown ot tha iUt« taduilrtal aed mt* dent board, 0. 0 . Young. Tacomi set* repreteaUUre el ti» Amaleta Ftd arl* eraUon M Labor, and Ed Bigelow Ited SealUe, dUtrlcl organUtr for Uii un- Fraternal Order o l l^ le t .. 0 . Brown tald there were leven

tm endm uu neeeauiT to Uu work' ae- men'i compenuUoa act to taeludt een a fnate r nage ef tam ed withta IU n i acope.

uld peniloQ law. and f to en ll rcrleweil >rogttu made ta thU country ta the

ftOtttTbcra w u genenl dUcoukn ol

p ro ^ te g U U U o n to reduce work- (K in* h « n t ^ m t a and tlx a minJ.

mum aaU>7 but Uie latter w u de- _A dared by aeveral dciegatea to h tn I ^ n uncpniUtutional Con- ‘2* tncU betwees U bQ .ofantaU oof

aad Induitry wete oiged u tucct«> !JS lol nhiUtuies. . .

A aerlM of eommlum woe ap- potaUd. on t ta oontlder a griit et

. propo»e<t legUlallon under' dUcua- In tipn,” Tonlghl the delegaie-. aboul M ta n>- number, were [ueils ol Uie Eaglet at

« m rp tu a ,

T H E o m


r Dm W l lS DF.FIfEjnErtan.*rfe* Promfnent Engineers H' S i ' S uprem e P ena lty Deer

K - a n d R cjolce L a te r 0

i j A Decision of CommllBiir- --------

• iSy The Auoclaled PrtM)T Tvyroscow. D c c . 8 - 1IVI e n g i n ethkh w ho n t m idn igh t lietig » a fulcfiil vcrcHct of four n iie jirgnic c o u r t jiidRcs dc»

■ they m u st die fo r pfoUiiiff " y J terventioii in Soviet Rus were w crc mado Joyous today b •me. comm iitnlion o f tb c ir sc

to 10 ycnrs’ impriaJ S - ment., one Tliree olhen, condemned lo

yean’ (mprlJonmeaC by tho ter-------- ! aller i great pubUe trial Uiat= lu iedW ce November »,• were g:

Mcommutailon to eight yean* lm; onment. AJI are deprtred of dfli thlp rlghll for life yean and t properly will bo confbcaled.

^ a i r n **l* ¥ l» « « • I«oW fl»nuln, leader of U l . l coniplraion; Alexander Fcdo n I u oldttt of Uie group, who had beg

piteouily for mercy Ihroughoui hearing; Victor Uulfher, lin t

. J in lU un t to Ratniln: Nlcotal Chatr :ky and Ivan Kallnlkov,

tinues Thow whoM ImpriMnmeal reduced Inm IB yean <o eight a

O re VUdlmlr ochkln. 30 yean old i yotingeit of the band; Sergei K rianov and Xenophan Bllnta.

■pound The commutation w u decided ll bank the ccntnl execuUvo commltlce lleenUi the Union ol SoclalUt Soviet Rep

d n ^ i (Continued on Page 5, CoL 4) iJSOO,. ’

rfOISONEISOUPW! B Li8iP30 5IiDiJ t ta t _____ ^

BOMBAY, IndU, Dec. a WVTTi

f f l

lo-lool eaten v u p Inlo whlcb a poUou rs dl- Uard h ^ fallen.

They dropped ta quick lucceui i .v i r ft faw mlnutu aller they had f

Uhed Uielr noon meal. The cook a ” prepared U ie«up aUo died. Phj

^^*1° cUns lound the lUard In Uia ac rno on ■Jd the P*tal poUontag by deadly rtpU *1. of UlU kind U not uncommon ta ] p ra - dU. but UlU U Uie fln t caie ta wbl

eep, 3 «wh a thing happwird Jn a »« g, rtguUled taiUluUon like Uie mUil 10 Ule tchool,lho U _______________I rich = — flcled I

D o N o t !

ISES-T he _____ - ______ ■jpple- . .

! i i J r J i :RS Iw^me ars

Day ^

-» ■n d a L : = L / Y - 5 a Z / r ^ B

Itlon: u -

S 1 - ^rep- s Joel I-------------------------------------57

_____ V v . .

X ■ —


ua- q • a

ta . •:at - . . fvmm



f[8 Producers o; Ufg Over-Prolr r n n 'am steh o a m , dc«. aI >•) S Irm 0/ augar ovrr-producUon In I L l U Weitem world and tn tho I V 1

waj aoh-ed today by an agreen belween tho Cuban-Americwi e

„ ml»lon and the Dutch Eait l uH ear iruu.

Alter more Uun a week ot nc ecrecd lUUon. almo>l marked by fal

I yulerday, tbe opposing grou pi rei nvAri<^ <“> undentaniUn* lor.lim its

lof lugar exporta lor five year*': mltlno 1= ^ Kgretatlon and grad m ittee (mperul or iwcki on hand, '

agreement itlll U tubject to Uie proval of tho Dutch producen

M) Java, however, ^- Five ' “ «nca wlUi their wotk. comple lni>or« Ihe Cubans and Americana went incerj<, yujlienrd iin«iinff tomorrow for wotld ru t

u r Sll- 'llon. 'ilie Dulch ere rxpecled U Jcci'ci': iwtiorrow mornltig.

• The point which nearly btwi "ff lallure iciterday w u the auggel tussln. by iho Western group lhat a ct f by n mUilon be appointed to deicrm

.(.nt vhtlher an actual Incrcue of o . X I Mimpiloii In the tMr E u t w u « >*13011- JJ ,0 jiuuty an lacrcaie In Uie i

puat export quoU of Java, Thegn“ = ^ = s = = ^ = =verd(:i ■

S S T . I M McJfUen-

: : : D F i iR B E i•oflhe'cdolov, . --------S T Hiss Jennie Bishop, MIddI

Aged Spinster, Answe 1 For Year-Old SlayliIt were — . _ .Id and 'I Kup. 8T. ANTHONY. Idalio, Dea 8 1

-Ta-,!lve }uron had been paued I . . . eauK late UiU aflemoon u Uie ta

°1'. of lelecttag a iury In Ihe trUI of U ; Jennie BUhop on a charge ot murd opened In dUtrUt eourt hero todi

r i P " l One o tlhe 13, however, w u excu red wJien ihe lU tf exercUed « pe

■■A (tmplorychallenge. Thedefenaeai IIU ; pruecuUon each have 10 aueh chi | l i ] ' I lentei and 11U n tt expected Uie Ju

will be aelected unUt after tome

f s '°M lu BUhop U Charged, with U ^ murder of Qavid R. JenUni. She . aUegcd to have ihot Jenkins he

.TTilf. aboul November W, ltJ3. lUa.boi n mU. found In an IrrigaUon ditch L died i month Uier. DUcovery by Div

Jeaklna ot Mlu Blahop and Jot .f ioM I’JrsXba^tili brother Jn a cdmprveil Mnoui tas IltuaUon U alleged by Uia lU

: lo have rtaulled ta thealaytag. Jot , 'Jenkins Uier GommlUedaulclde.

THe middle-aged aptaiterhubw htw ta the Fremont oounty JaU aim

® her arrest a ytar ^ o . EfforUtoot Uta her freedom on bond were di

> “ UP nied by Uie court.Tho opening of Uie trial w u ut

epUlea eventful, the crowds whleh packi ta In- Uie court rcom leaturlng Uie day. which In-hU quoUonlng ol Uia Uleimei

weJJ. II. o, Jlarrti, prosecuting attorer. lUilon gave no Indication u to wheUier i

not he would u k Uie deaUi penally,

; Despair. Let 01’ Doc Chri Your Tongue

j r - l L , ....L ft

{ ^ jw tw w e - s .U Puoe.-.rA»KT ^ A»RTiTe-.No«e

t e al i t




of Sugar Sol- e Dliuction Problei- F i t* - would have been compoied of 0 I I n t te an-Amrrlcan and Dutch Eart ln< IT E u l rtiirejcDUtlm, with it dUtatera eemcat uunj party. The Dutch obJecte< 1 r a - luch a commUdoa but guannt iDdUn In the agretment announci loi

Hut (he "exceu export shall be t t-nego- Ited In accordance wlUi tho ael failure Incfcas* in coniumpllon demand

Java's natural oullet (Uie Far Ea

tn-A«.S COilSlENTS The SALT U KE CITY. Dee. 8 04

the ap- The understanding reached ta t en <n itrrdnm toiby 6y repnsenUtlrei

Ihs Cub,m-Amerlcan and Du ipleled. EaJl IniiUn sugar producen lor ent to- port llmlintlon ol Rigar le r I jfgJn Jl .'fsrj saa flMratleriwd as * ■'m reitric- lorwjnl In tho Intem t of aUblllI Uxre iioii rf llu- tiiEir Induttry,’* by S.

I,flvp. iirKlilent of llto United SU awignt iJuciir ItfH aisoclatloft. leslMn "ll::tricilon ot exporiatlon liy t com- »uwr vroduclng countrici. parUi •rmJne larJj- Jrwii Java and Cuba, woII co;i- >k1|i Ilm slluatlon materlaUy,” aaueJi mil. '•Ila*nee. iJie attempt tt. iie an- Ull; tlmihir ailcmpts In the i>: •group hav! i«il«l."

I Mi lls' m IS egsEsjiiuiddlc- Thctisands ol Persons' Jou wers ney to Mount Olive to Pi lying Labor Crusader iiomai

8W1 M otm r OUVE. n u , Dec. 8 w> (d lor -ilothcr- Mary’Jonu, ehanclcriai e tuk . u the Joan ol Arc of Ubor. w u la rU tu to eternal ru t here today.■urd« The UUle . woman who devolj icday. negriy so ol her 100 yean ot Ule

Uoprovlng Ubor condlUona and h ' J » : iplring men and awofn to tight t,

Uio uuse ot organlted labor, wi eW - buried at noon today ta tho ualc > W mtaen' cemMcry ta a gravo ladr

UiemteumenlcreitedtoUiojamli eta, called by 'MoUier' Jonea hi “bnve boyj.” who gave Uielr llTea I

U u „ Vlrdm riol ol t i yeata ago. : hen ^ iiij, *.|,iei, ltd lo the elght-hoi

,*«<*>' day ta Illinois mlnea.“£ , 5 . ffhe lu t rllea lor “Mother" Jow ^ » « tlmple and ta aceonUnce wll ^ « S ^ U , .S b a d U d M h e r b a i S f : MHyitUvIlIe.MaoI«rt. near Wilh j t t o tagton; November 30.

An old peraonal Iriend. Uie R«i been ^ th e r J. W. R. McOulre. preilder alnee of St. V(aO>r coIJfgo a t Kankakc, oob- llUaol*.conductM Uie aenlce a t lh . dc- ChurchoimeAicenslonanduldUi

Iu t pnycr a l Uie gnve.I un- Thouiandi of pmoRs came hrr icked Irom aU pttU ol Uie counUy to pa; •y. homage to Uie ipectacular cham men, plon ot organUed labor. Repreien mty. laUvu Irom vlriually evtty Ubor Or er or gaaUaKon In Uie Walled S U tu a t Uy,, leaded Uie funenl

iristmas See

W ''



D A I L!R g, 1930 __________

n iiw f ii l F B ' l i S HinUed, ' ____loday»Bm- Business Men From Westeiactual*E?si‘" Listen to Pn

dictfon Regarding Ne; : Great Regional Enterpri:s Am-Ire* of —

IDy Tlifl A/iftclaim Pffsa)' f” e . n ^ * ‘T ^'A N D .U cc ,8 -l{ tis -move K nc.< s men from 11 Wea bllUa- crii KtnlM henrd th e pn

tlcvetoimicnt c th e Cohimliiu r iver will bo ti;

>y all nex t bitr ciKcrpnVe in (ii irUcu-

N. Djkih. a!i.soc/.i( ' m»y ed ito r o f tho rortliiiiil Join

vast twl. t o l d (IcIcKntr.i l» th elBlitli WMtern dlvUlowl nitftliig i

— « Uie Unlica'BTatea Chamber ol Coit------ mcrre plant for llie fulure of tbe C<n \ f lumbla ba»ln ihould bs prtpared f< l l y a popuuiionof to,coo,ooo.UI Paul Shoup, vice prealdeni of tt

dlyUloaand prtsjdentof t l i e ^ U f l j p emPaclIlccompiny,epenedlhetw I l l n day seulon. T h e primary purpoi U lU ol the fflNllng,’' ho aald. "U lo git

Ihe WeiUm builneu men an or portunlty to expreu Uielroplnloasa

,, Ihelr woblema.Herbert a Macl.lll]aa,prcaldentc

Q ' , the CallfotnU OU and O u aasoda ray llon, loid Ihe gaUiertogUieflhermaj anll-trust law w u oaa ot Uie rta lane loni lor unuUilaclory oondlUon wlUiIn Uie oU taduiUy.

'When the federal oU comerva W V tion board w u lin t appotaled (b rUed. Prealdeni Coolklgo In 1930 Uio lou I laid itonge itocka ol petroleum producl

Ja IhecwjBljyamounW toJlWOCt roted 9®® “ I'I- 'I nfe to cooccited conterI (CoaUaued on Pago 9. CoL 4)

s M l l lH i lS ’ S liiGHIEfilSCp

tONOSEACH.CaI, D<C, « t f J - n . . . K, L Kayo today IdenUfled a bo^

llouad oa a vuaat lot SaUirday u ^ U u to tbU iUter,Hlldred Kiye. 33 S f y<ar-cWnur*e»-who eamo herB'r*' “ “ eenUyAlroB.Kema>ertr. Wyomtag „ TheBlrlhadbeenmUalncilnceFrl-

day, ShaU tbe daugbUrol U r.a u Mr*. lUnm Kaye, Pocalello; ldabo>'

‘‘ W. invntlgaton M d iba cooimJtte< ' we tulclde. A pUloI w u fotud beildi

Uie body.Kaye aald hU titter received a let*

here ter Wday. Sbo would not ihow hta pay lbe letter bul cried all aftenwon. Ir

am- Uie evening the lell Uie houi;, tay- ien- tag ahe tna going to a drug atore Or* She never relunied. The- letlei at- could'hot be found among her.ef*



NEWPORT NEWS, Va.. Dec. 8 Wl Wllh a boltle of water collected

— Ifom Uu aeven eeai. Mn. Herbert I loow will chriiten Uie iteamihlp, •PreaJdwt Jloorer." Uie U rju t Amerlcan-bulll merchant veuel. when It U Uunched here al U A. M. temorrow.

The * tP ^ e n l Itoover" U Uio fln t ot two 18,000,000 turbo-elcctrto Unen ta be built a t Newport Newt lor Uie DoUar Ltae; Tha ihlp wUl be turn­ed over to lU ownen next June for Paelf Jo aerrlce. .

The chrUUalng water Uken from Uie AUaaUc. Faellle aad IndUn oceani. and Uie China, Arabian. Red aad Mediterranean acta, will repUee Uia prOTtrblal fUgon of wtae.


one bullel.i punctuated, the l u l re- marka today of Jf^JioUi (Cheeki> UicUno. betnyer ot ‘Uie Diamond dang."

LucUno, 38. w u Uieonly one ot'alx perpetralon ol a |OWO Brooklyn robbery aeven yevi ago, ta ’whleh two metiengcn were iltta, to go tin- punUhed lor Uie alme. Hla letumony u Itar wlUiru for the lUte helped to tend (hree of h;i conffdcnte* to Uio electrie clulr and Uio<> to_prt»nforUfe. ..

n u body KU found on Uia floor of a ’deacrted -social and aUileUe club" oa the lower E u l Side UiU momtag by a pollctnmn wlw heard Uie-muined lound ol sliou and Ute barktag ol two chow dogi.

The proprlcior relumed after (be imole had cletnd away and told police Luciano had been drtnUng wllh a group ol men and women wlien tm young


BOISE, Dec U ^A n o U ier anow- tlorm will ltad Uu aUU depanmbtl el public wotkbwiui more toow r - raoval equipment than ever belcn. Perry Oxley. mtlQlenaBca esgtaeer, u ld todiy. '

The lu t Ilom, comlag euly. caught Uia depattment wlUi tnaay o( IU plowa to Uie proctu of beta* eoo- n n e d lor aummeruu ta wtater uu .

Much of thU work h u sow beta- completed, he uld.

BoUj ntaiT »nd wedge plot* h t n . betn~8utribaled ovtr Uu a u U 'ln

Y N Iuxuocn acDtr otrnuff

o r canoouTtoHa '



»^ \ ‘ FaUier Jcrvma S litu BIc. I ard. knovn u tha T trde el I Uie Bafna." died (onlgfil a t (bt ' Unlvenlly of 8inU CUr* In-

tlRoary after a long lltana. Ilc ww 80 y n n eld. Dealh wai

{arfi cawed by h eu t IfeoMe.Tha Urt abHloUon of Uw

3- . chwch w u admtaUtered by ' rC- ralher Joieph SLOorgen abort. , , ly betore dealb. t m FaUier Rlnrd wat (amou ler

U dUcevery ol inaUier fore.rize br "I wm ipeU,

He had been nnnected wltb 5aola TJan enlrenll/ tn nearly 60 yeara.

„ , Ho w u bom at PlaUUni, ‘ISI- Drome. France. Januuy « . eat- lUO, onA ednnlrd at the hl|h nrc. »>»>«> ftt Turin. lUly. and the ! Jeiull navitale at Monaro.• AtUr eomlnr le Ihe I'nlled the KUlea he w u a ilodcnt ai (JlC Il'MdilorJc reJIfre. iUrrUai.

Hd Uier beeame a Icaehrr ot , , phlloiephy and elblci at KanU faJo CUn.)lir- tVhen he expounded hU the- tlio OT ot wrallier (oreeaiUng by

ton ipoU, Iriendi eenlribuUd If Inndi which aided In eon ilnc (S i Uon ef lbe unlvenlly Ubcn.

1 for I __________


llolda- —

O r. R aym ond B. Culver DeIons

livers Closing Addres Tby and Installs Officerout 'icU I ------- .

Ao oDINO, Idafw, Dec.« (flpedi to The Newa)-Soulh Central Idat Older Boyt' confertnee came ta

, cloae here Sundty wllh aummariea I coalerence itudUi. tailalUtlon i

■ new olfleen am aalnnlrinsaddiei by Or. Raymond B. Culver. FOiUaai exeeutlre lecrtltry of Uie NorUiwei

^ council of Uie Youag Mtn'a Chrii Uan auocUUoa. I t e flnat acaalo w u h!ld a t ths high Khool audlloi lum. from 9:30 A. M. to 13:30 P. U

Dr. Culrer who w u ta eharge < the entire cootowwe. and who 1

M7 a gnduaU ot Yale unlvenlly and u eUiunale of Ohariea Tklt. acc or Ul

33- late OUef JutUce of - Uie ■ Unite

s;Tt* wuv ft-eomprehenilve aommanr., ( ind- Itudy ta an addreu on tba lUbjH >*' of “Ule'a Adventure."

The-coafenaee doted b r .t te la lUUaUon ot Uia new emctr»>Cyr Adklni. Filer, u pnCdent;. "Bud

*t- Smedley. Buriey. Tlto pretldent itfo u d leooard Shadu, Buhl, u tec in retaiy-txeaimer. T tw e olllctt

w - iuccetd OUrer KuykendaU. Twl » . FtlU, Ron Uoiley. FUer. and Oharie ;ler cotatr.Twta'FaUi.u prtaldent. Tit (>’ prealdent and aecretary-treuura

napecUvely. Tlie niw otlleen .wl . arrange lor next year'a meeUng.

The findlnga of the alx,dUcuitl# gitwpi wJilfh heJd aetiJoiu durta Uie lln l two dtyi ot the conferenc* P wero reported by the lecreUriet c Uie groupi, led by Uia teachera e

Jf, Ihe BouUi Idaho high achooU repre

Jrt T^plci ol the conferente. whlel

— toonunwd on Page 8 Ool-» - '-

f i i i i D E l R § DRiSiJFEIERW“ Ju ry H olds P e a rl O 'Loiiglillt

Guilty o f S lay ing 10'

D Year-Old S tepdaug lite i

■£ . . ■.—DENVER, DM. T «V-A dlitricl

y- court Jury tonlghl namrt Pearl •e- OXoujhlln a i Uie tUyer ot h tr 10- J> ye*r-o/d slfpdaujJilcr. tecna. rtd The woman who had u t UirougH

10 dayi ol her trial wlUi hardly a \ix Ihow ot emotion received Uie vcnllcl yn aod walked from Uie room ta U» eh prUoiicr'i dock unauUied.' n- Jutlse Htnlci- A. Calvert received ny Uie vcrdlct from Uie }ury foreman, ed p, K. Tousley. intoned ttie Itading to ofthsllm rnRndprsnouncedaien- PO tence ol lilt Impruonmenu

The Jury w u oul three houn and or 3t minutes belore It rapped on the Je door to Indkale It had rcaehed ft de< lU cuioii.rd Judte Calvert gavbJolui M. Kcat- M' lag. clilrt rouiucl lor Mrs. O'Lough-

Ita 30 day» ta whleh ta (lie a mollon He for a new trial. £hoiiM Uut be de­id nltd. KeaUng lald he would take an ig appeal ta Uic tu ie lupreme court


. PALO A tT O .* ^ DfC. 8 («? -

N iCaUileen Norrli. nonlUt, today itrongly erlUclttd Bta B. Ltadiey. tompanionale marrUge adToeate, ta r- ft talk befort a Pannt-TMcher eon- tl g te s and thanclerited tbe formtr

e- Denver Judge u 'D O t fit tabs allow- e, ed ta apeak ta tny Amerlcao elty.": r. Uadiey.ahrfuld.wouldmakemaT-• rlige a maUw ol t a atooa, - ta -

r. lUad of the tried and trutled and• lempenu Uitag Uiat laiU on m - !• U .middle Ult." .t. The formwioritt. ahe added, wtth a etie hand wonld gtve to gIrU

feet tiMdocD ta th tft lexnal rela- f tion.” and wlUi'UweUier would glva s thtm 'Uie m o r t 'd a a ( tn a '( ia U

'J O D A Y : 'F a i ^

E W S_________ .8 PAGES — t CENTS

p i l l CIF, :V,E)(PECISPiEflF ? iEiliyiiCE.H e ____w u _

P rcspcc flvd C orsum ptloa o f

. i ! 2 3 6 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Bushels ol Ifor B read C erea l, b y S to ck

P rom pts L egge’s F o re ca s tt»r .......... ..............

(By The Auoclaled P m )T T T A S H IN G T O N , Dec. 8 -

iiih • y V C hairm nn Leggo o f th e “>« • fnrm board, w m op tim

isUc toniffht over tho catl- a i m ato of th e deparim cn t ol

>b4 nifrfcultufo J liat 235.000.000 ■ « busliels o f w licat would d iaap-

p e a r th is y e a r th rou jrh t h o ’ he- feed* tro u sh s os a s a ln s t 90,* by 000,000 bushela a y e a r ago .

Aa to Uie price, he auerted em- phatltaUy U ul “wheat U not going to go down." Instead, ‘if ws 4»ep

I Uieie p in working lUtaluUy" ha — believed Die price would go up.------- The dspartment^ eiUmato o l .j p w h ea ^ jertln g U g g ed tee rib ed u

|L ‘i t wUl nm higher ihan Uut." he taJd. “auumtag U ut Uie ootmal re-U t t o i ^ M t o prlco 01 wheat and


De* (By Tba AiaecUtcd F n u )


cere -Senate erallmed WlOUn N.

Doak u accretuy e( Ubor. ,W fl f —Idaho ' B<ute agtlealtan eoiaalUae to ft HWtjm dm g h t r«-

dreu Beentary Adams lohmltMland. IU M M M naval oenitmeUes ^3wot propoul _> rto u - : - ■ ,Mion Senale pacaed 61H to 'is e to a - ' Ulor- U« batUethlpt New Mexlt^ H k-• U .| . ^ P P l ^ Idtbo. a t e«el of

!» U ... ' ' -ind ft no«M leak ap tba l4US3.eoo>rthc toterieg,*w w »riaUaa MUdiedTIR.' • • 'n i iin r 'iT tf ii ir t tW B in r t- ilhc £ e t t a W i t f M S S S r S i e S v =r ot Bou to tnttt-coBuM ofc -

- l S c i d S t a ^ S r i w l 5 « S S ^000 buihtU below la it ) lu -U wa

lo jt; don’t export anotherlbuthel.- The acol carryover u o l July l.w u uUmated

•tlK/W .OMbuahtU.' ' : - Twin ' .TheeiU m ateotU ie'de^lm entet larie* agriculture w u baied on talcnna- .Tlte tion obtained Irom IMMO queiUoBr urtr. &alrei,itnt to la m e n and 0.009

WUI queaUonnatreatamllU and elevatorst. and om tru ien of wheat, r - ........u lon Growen E ip n u Intentlou .- Jflor Wheat g m m . l t m j reporled, ta- tnce. tend ta leed 183.400,000 buiheU con- ' » or iured WlUl 57J00«0 buiheU » year n or ago. CommercUl poultrymen. othtr epn- fanntra and manufkcluRra ol Ittd;

^ who uicd J3.100W0 buihtU lu t year 'Wch n p te tto u se U W O ^ b u ih tli UiU f r n : ytar. Wheaj.gioirenjlOBeJudjred^

<0.7D0>» b~ u * h e U u p taN o m ^ »

i and expect lo m u addlUonal 121.- 700,000 buihtU.

The unuiuaUy heavy teedlng re- lulted Irom Uie turrent low p r im of

. w hat. Iffd P i ta l aud commereUJ I f t I feeda ta rtUUon to prlcu of hoUt' ilU l 'Urotock aod Uvtitock pHcea. con-I I I ! tklering leed luppUes.................

The-dtpartment crttaute plaeed Uie probato carryover, allowtag le r

Lil_ livestock leedint, iced rtguhemenU. nlin tOO.OOO«iorornourfordomesUocon-

aumpUon and Ior 70W « 0 buihtto f{/« already exported, a t 3M,OM,OOl?. No

HUmale w u glvtn lor probable lu- i t e r Uue expottaol UlU year’a ctop .’ • -

CALM k I b 7 i M ^ » 0 : tr tr t WASHINOTON, Dec. 8 (JO-Mi ^ appropriaUon ot tIUMOMO to en- . 10. able Iht larm board to carry out'ita-

bllbaUon and omer projctu w u rc - m .h quelled ol congrcu tcdty by P ru l- . ly B dentnoover.ixiict Thft chlei extcuUve u U tbe tum, tbe w u Ineluded ta the ciUmate of ex-

. pendXora Mon congreu u d dJd Ived not la crttu Uu eiUmaltd treasiirr nan, deficit •tUnj Already t3SO,000,000 ol Uie.tSOO,- len- OOO.mrrn>lrlBglundauUiorlttdhu

bten appropriated. - More Uua 8100.- and 000,000 01 Uito h u betn fxtended to Uie ellorts to ilabllUe grata ftod cotton de- markets. Mostof UitRmataderhad

been elUier lointd or eomalUed for cat- loan»toeooi>enUvB.marktUnf«iio- • ighr claUoni ■llon ] t U undecMcd by- Uie oommlUee de- whether the tfUmate wl3 :be eoo- ■ an aldertd wllh Ibe t in t ' t deficiency bill to be w p a ttd aoon. .

Kn-evtr. Chairman ^Vood ot Ui«.5 . house *pp»j>riaUoni..c«nmUUe„ ,

madoitxleftrU ut lucottUdarftUon RY would not be-iinrtrtakm lyftint tfil ■_

) _ by the houae.*” * " * . ■'iyy:.'.'. AU - in hUletler. Prttldent Hoorer a a ld ...

"ta otdrr ttu t important .opnftttaM ' •• to topt«wet;nM bo; -;

carritdUuotigh'profflpUy.ftddltlaBal, n t r ftffldaareteijttlfedatUiU-Uaft!"-'-.'' ^ Be dia not 80 tato-deUll boi'n ld;;-,

lar- ot

m - pHaUeiu t iR i i r i i n d . t o in M t ;^ ^ ^

>ta- m e n d e d , " / ' * - ; ‘>vf.“3 '

l i l i s i G i l l

Bev. B. D. Waller Contf ' Funeral Service lor I

Hildrcd Panllne Hi

OOODIMO, IXe. t (Spe«lil to Nfin)—Funeml «rvJ«J for Mlklrtd Pnultae Humf, > fom n Jdwt of OoodJDf. who wm Ift: h l|h u tn m bf friends and neltt litrr, RMl wtiote Irasle « f«J mtnUr In Ponitad. a In- nco wete hcW at the DapiUl eh liere Sunday atWrnean. Itev. 1 Walter, putor, eotiUucied the vlee.

Her death mulled vhen t -nt Portland club man. enamored b> tharoii. beeame Ituanely Jea

' and tier »'1U) }irr aultor • Jlll (tun to lemilnale the Urei

bolli. and lilmwlf. The tultor only «-ounded.

MIm Hume had-been employe Portland for time yearx AUU<

. her mother, N n . Lulu Hume. 0< . Ins. from thft rabbi oC itio lar

f;7>JS«u« In Ihe cJtr. »hojc ap ment* »ere In the place of busli Ihe urved, lald Uut aho « u i Tenally (noomed tiKiUM o(ter duitry and the hl|ti eitecm ber qualn’ o M held for her. Many f

■ ’ al Irlbulea tceompanltd tfio b ' from Portland.

Pall bearara, all/onner claumi - In aehool. Included MonKomery > ; k rr W. Miller, Earl Leukcr.Mayn

• . «i;i and VfrjH So'ant. .,. 8l>e lew ti to mourn her departi

members of her Immediate fam . »ho »ere pltmetr nildents of

elty her moUier. one brother. £ • Ooodln*. l«o iliUn. Mr*. Cl

Brolla and M n. Ida^Meirltlc, P« ■ Und, and a hoat of frlendi,

i M i i l i S p iFORSIIipillNlil

' Another forward itep for T« Falla American Li{)on poil'a Me: orial bulldlns prosram w u reco:

. tH >tat«rday w h ijrU cJea ot I ecffporstto] adopt«d tl» pMt ]j

' Movember 8 wtro cohtplettd a filed In the ottlce of tho county i corder here.

Under theu arUelw,. the t f o war ntcrani* oqtanUallon Is Inct

• poraltd a i & aocUl and benevole■ corporaUon under piovlalou of Id . {io.lavA I t It lo « i i t lor JOO yta;

Oflleers and dlreetora of the co : portUon are Teny Prater, pr«• 'dent: 'Paul IV< Kcrctar ' lUIph Pink. J . 3. WnUrholer. H. (

Uutcrbach, 8. IL Orovea and Du can Johnston.

ismoiaoisiii.■WEMT iie 'A m e rt i Fall) n e te m lr dl

M Irlct hold-Ila .regular annu election In Tnln Falls county ai tlx olher coutiUci today. H u pol open a t fl A. U . and cloee a t 7 P .) J . 11 BarJw. flaw, Bsd A J. Wllj Who hiTe aem d 00 tha board of d

' Kctora alaee lho orcanltatlon i tho dlrtrtct 'e ljbt yean t|o,-Bro (1 only noalneca ofi tbe ballota. Tl PtiUsf place bere U In the cou houn.' Tbere ore ToUnc places I Ul# city baU of Pller and the IL \ Ifennan ^ e e In Bulil.''

ttwopahtiessu™ —CLAIMSTOPROPERT

Two actions to qul«t tllli to Twt PWla pri(perty were Wed Jn dlttrlt

• eourt hero yeaterday.OnUlB M. Kelly, reprtaented ,b,

■ Wajtcra; P a irr and'Tftoaan, naa« Pred D. More. Lar'fihar InvettnuD

. cunpany and olbeia aa defendant In a lu lt to quiet title to lot 5. blocl

. . i . Senior-ddiuoa; •n .A Utach, reprteeoledby Swee

ley and Sweeley,’ iued, WUUan Boehm and others to quSet »Ue t< i r loU in BtcM Lakes aAlUon which ho h u held since Aujuit M


Nan>-^AnlnJi aad Oepartum ol Pller tu e iu and reildtnU durlnj thj l u t few daya w re as foUowi:, .

U lu Aims Jacobata KtunMd to Done Priday afler ipendlnc sererU days bere vUlUnr her sitter. Mbi

■ Annette JacolMoa, Tbe Mlsaci Belra S to lm ia and Leona Chapmao spent tbe week-end In Bobe u the guesu ot Ur. and Mr*. Elmer Btotaaan.

U2M Oeoola VcMaiUr was a gueat o t Kra. 0 . J. CbUds tn BoUe over* tbe week-end.

0 . J . OMltfi madi A fauilnesi trip , , to Boise M day afternoon aod ipeni

tbe veek<end tn BolM wltb his fsffl. Uy,

BEWARE THE ( ^UOtDSTMC oa^yiiiaaaU s liey h a i teaa- i

r i e w m ^ r « ( « MP t t a iM w w lib.O ea«U M .aa « d M i crecMtt Iklt ie yiiMtaS te uk& i C iw U e e «J 1 a S S l d£*ewT 1

^iFSeSrSiacndiwbteo- j

■ ,v i

: ' - n I

P8S9 Tff®

pHy T h e ' W e a thFOBECAST FOU TODAr

I I A r TOMOBBOW - Fair twUy. c

Minimum tempersture in ll c/ylty of Twfn F»!2t 5 d< above sero In tiie 3Vhour

ndUGls # r- M- yMitfdw- “««■to the report of «ie Kottrti

• Micc weatherobMrvtr'hrre-Msxlmu: the same period was Jl dejrwi

M ,._„ day w u fair, n u m e .H lshu t tempfrature on Su

waa 37 depfM and lowtJt wu,l2 day w u clear.

ItoTli# ■— -------------------

k B R E V I T I I:lghbor» • _ ____' I PortUnd-n. A.

nolds and C.V.lflnkie axe ftom? ^ehurrt J butlnen trip to Portland.

' H en oti VUit-Orant Bobler, C atallhv Callfomla, ion ot n . E. Bc

\tL a^ D- arrlred ye^itrdaj- fi f used "“ 'Ihere,Ivea ol ,w was Take Marrlaie Ucrntr-Wll

nJwJj. Jfrojne, and EJkabtlh Dl syed In Shoshone, obtained a m inlsj( (Uer to ceftse a t the olflK ol the counl) Oood- corder her* yrtterrfaj-.

a m ^ Leara sn Trip-Mr. and Mn usinus II- PBce left yeiterday for Sun P LS unl- by way ot Portlandi They lirrfn- •’iiHlnJImnlston. Ortson.andl i^ i t c ' land while en route.

atw aea o ln tt^ T . and ; ’ Prank Klelfner have relumed I

Bolso where they attended tbe i T Mil. test beCvwn Uie Botte foMltsI] (< imerd "od tbe levUlon Bentals. ot wl

leam their tm, -Syb- Kle«ner ««>«. . •

»f”wio Irip-M rTand Mn. A.g«.i Henson, accompanied by thelr.i

'c u r i Paul. wUl leave Thunday tor N« ^ .V ! Platttf. N ebntkt, to rlilt reJat

ot Mrs. Henson, Prom there t wUI go to Fayetterille. Arkansas, a Tlllt wtlh retaUres of Mr. ifen

I I I They wlU be gone about a monll

On WInalnr Team-Word i n r n been received here by Mr. and

,I"H IJany W. WslJaw, that tJ»lr i lULu Oerald WalUce. w u a member the Whitman Collete frtshman bate (earn wfileb dcfcaM (he t*

Twin wuhington. high ichool Uam I U en- Wednesday. Oertid w u a mem Korxl- ot tbe Twin Falls high school < it In- bale'uam Ust year.

and Back Coaat ~ Turner, ly » • Hackman, Twin FaUs attorney;

fumed w lp Mondar morolny fr Vorld SanPranelscowbetehaappeared! near* (o'o ibe United SUlea circuit co olent of appeals as eoumel fcr aprcUai Ida. In tbe lltlgallon b i ^ h t by pot

•MU* growers of tbe Twin Palls reg fOf. agalntt ibe staU ol Idaho on i

,rca|. tl'O •»<> narkin r law lasin l by tbe i m Mi

B, o ‘ legislature. _

r tlti 6mta A fW fs-P a tfffi w bo'uw sparks tlying out of l chimney ak tbe home of Mn. EU; beth Hibbard. 904 Elthth , aver eait a t 7:iS P. M. Sunday called i departoenfl w fab, bo

' i n i t <hat the sparks hM ceased to trouble. At A.

1U)I Mondar tb»><tepartatnt w u n l to the bridge beyond the Twin Pi county genenl hos^UI. wbete wl:

r dti. on (be motor car owned by O. mual WUUams bad'lgnlted. The fire «

and put out wllb negUglbln damage.

§ i l l s B n n ailliSEIlTKNlIl

wuit _____ 'KNUtt. Dec. 8 (SpecUl'to t :

Ne«)-Apparenllylbe«plrltofvai datum rated the minds of penoj wbo entered tbe Pleasant View scbo

----- here-aomettmedBilnrtheweek-etiTeacben who anived a t the scho {TY Mondaymocnlngfoundtbaloekprb

open. Tberaanudtnbadgabudei trance to tbe prtmary toesns whe

Wet 2 1 ® ^ depcjdalkBs were pe: . fORncd

I h- Consldenble damage was done 1

■ « S ' S i C A V v f f lreference booka and floon were nai rrdw ltblnk. SavtndwUidowpw

„ nogerprlnU 'hsT eibeen^toao J** a number of *r{Jch» tbat were band “ ® led. In an effort to locale the guUl



SIT Newal-Two PUer chUdten were re ported UJ bere today:

_ MnD.H.Showers,UUI a t the fam Ut Iwme.

Margaret Ann, 18-monlb-oV ' . daughUr ot Mr. and Mrs. 0 . G , « Bmlsh, U Ul wllh pneumonU a t tbt

f a ^ home soulh of PUer.

,ad KNULL SERVICES END:nd e>KNDLtv Dee. 8 (SpeeUl ta Thi md N8w»)-Revlral meellna and Ulus-

trated lectures which bave been glv- a e a a t tbe Knull BapUftcbureJi dur-

'Ue Ing tha lait two weeki wete broughl to a doea b tte Bunday erenlng.

rip Rer. Beatley. pu tor of tbe locaj !ni ehureh. h u been assUUd by Rer, E m- Tenple starker, paster ot tbe Twla

PalU Baptist church.


e lM ta wUeh eaoibe kbd fe ll t U ^ ia te a d a ra k s M asd «ep (be b-

f f i s i f f r l f f l ' s . " * : ,Ueed. ettseb tie smc ef iW tntU* ssd clwcks tbe growib ef tbe g« M

Cteeeakhn ll gesrtateed ealUse- tarr U tbe ttttte>e«( ef m ceUs, keadllU aad laliw I m el tm d U l Mutlem, aad la o e t iM

y f o w a . J H A T w r n m

t r AND . . • = -r: ■BOMS dW fM ------- .

Twin Falls Cilv CommlsVffimens _mum (or ers Call in Oulstarreea.,The <

sl2.Tlie --------In conneellon wlUi lU

adopUd bond refundlnf pn • X ^ r i Twin PiiUi city council in n

H . S seralon last evening adopted tt X j y j luUon caUing for redemption

' OMbondsandanordlnancepro- A. IKy- fer tiuanee of rclum?a/{fr bcndA

Bolh tAtuurcji were Inlteduc L. A. Cliapla. commUiloner i

irOIen- nance,-and adopted by unani , Dobler. vote ot all members of ibe couj irr of A, InUrest paymtnU a t lb# fi j* for'B 'Mi-aRd-6'i>tr cent on lhe.bon

be redeemed will cease Janut next. uRdrr terms oT (bs rool:

wiiliaiA Bonds to be redeem^ are to ’b X S llvered to T » l i i ^ ^ c l iy t re u i Isio 11.' offfce. and r e f u K ^ bonds be

ln W rfn a ltb e ra U > f,4 li ,4 « " 4H per cent will b e ^ e d t

Centi’al Trust company7'8a]j W. City, under tenns of an agree

11 Ptan. JntawblchOie.cltrrecentlrenl « y will Refunding bonds are to be rt idPorU during the period beginning Jtl;

ending iffC. Appmxiatctir 000 Is to be raUed esch year fot

I Mrs. purpote. According to the schi d from workedoul,theamounttobepa 30 con- Interest wUI, exceed tbat palII letm priritlptl ualU JWS. Tbertafle; : whtch terest paymenU wUI dImlnUh Iner, Is paymenU on principal will-lna

undi the entire debt Is wiped o Xllhougb $U9M0 bonds are t

A. 8. redeemed a tUO.OCO refun Ir.aon, bondUsiiehubetn aulboni«d.i Notlh Uiere Is avsllable In the city ti

rJstlres u rr wifflcJtnt funds to pay | e they bonds.las, for Bonds U> be redeemed are t» renson. out of a <119,000 paring bood It intb. IWMO out of a trSMO bridge I

Usue. end tOjOOO out ot M0/M91 d h u cr bond luue voted In 1010. (oge d Mn. wllh t75J»o paring and fXfiOO lr son, department bond Utue# rated ber Of inCk < .an de> — — .i

Pirais OllILT mSEEIlTiSPIl

:r. K ___ _W lh a dally average of «

J 13 indlgenU and 39 emplc ” a t Twin PaUs eaunty hosplUl t

inir November, lapaU enU were milted and 134 wete discharged d ^ ‘I'O nonlh, scconllng to re( submitted resterday tir Un. N

iikeU garet Austin. superinUftdeht.’Pll Idaho openllona wen perfom

• Deaths numbered U of whleh t wero surgical and eight medl

f " t i » ” 5be hospital's eamlngs for i EUxa. month, according to tbe. super ,nnue teiuSenfs report. tcUled UJ77. ed out Cash coUecttons amounud to i

109.1S. and there w u eUlmcd : had care ot oounly pallenu t u m i a

A. M. for care ot IndlgenU, 8M.30.

S p m l i O l i iOffEfliliCill

l i u A groupofTwlnFinryoungm i I , , , ; and women who;under the name

I 1 the UlUe Tbealre PUyen. preaen lULL ^ number of plays l u t staic

Jus reorganised this year as U ^ TWnen PUnp. tnd, wllh Tw The Palls KlwanU club u ipontor, w

:van. present “U t t That Otf," a Samu ^ French royally ptay, a t Twin Pil

:-end;thw l The inUro proceeds win be lun« pried oYtr to lb# AssocUted Charities. 5,*^’ Member* of tbe • organlaiJo

whleh U punning to give a nun P«* ber of p la n d u r l^ the seaion. ai . , Len Uarbertson, director; Toi

business manager: Lols Ui

ner, Fttd Banger and Pat Branli


BSfULD. Dec. < <Spedal to Tti :pf> Hew»)-0rad9 cards banded o u t«

the PleasaJit View school during th The u s t week show tbo foUowlng stu > n* denU'on tbe bottor roll: tUrJori

^ June VlcUr. Mildrrd Wsdd«a Jklsr HUen Orieve,-.Vb*lnta WaddeU. Vlt

*»* glnu Victor snd JIUlyEutmas.„ SiJjool wtu clots for.UieObrtibni

‘■oU hoUdays on Decembo » . PupJI • P- wiu; give a ChrUtBiu ptogram a tbe that time.

K IV l /L r raOENT ILI

Tbe K N um Deci^l "spectaj lo flu luf* New«-Bay WHght has been; serl;

ously Ul wlttt ootBpUcaUons faUow. (nc ta flaena a t fils borne Ii<re dap

Ighl in j the Ust W daya.

seal " • " 'J ■

- T u e s d a

S h a d e i D IS G O N



I C l u b N o w . Bei


_______________TWIN FALLS 1

S5. kociETlflisnission-1 1, ^ ■ i

Mfl. Tem .M e}t...JU !ii:.; landinB Thompson, Mn,.l..W..Vorhe»i

„ ^Jr^.^^.Wlllon Pockwerebos n e w lo the DaughUrs o f the^Ane

. RevolaUon Monday a t'th e ltin luncheon to d buslncsa' mteUng

[1 Ub.i<r a t the botne ot'Mra. Moses 6 U i J j i ^ M l n th i absence ol both the r

of the Americaa tiundlagLj^j, T ta ptcsram »as In 5^

Mrs, Thomas ftobertson and cor ed 61 several Chri.itmu carols b;

" ?* ” • ehflpUr with Mrs. Peek a t tbe i and Mr*. Molt and Mra. Wi

J * 7 . Edgar Ouest entUed. “Buying 1 ^ for Molher.".Mn. Peek sang ;

■"“ n! I. P in t Noel," and Mra. noljetUon aoJuUen. Apfffoaeh of Cbrtitraas,' A’be dc> Edgsrd Ouest. The afternoon Cl euurer-s » gUt excbange by tho s

‘i " Tbe CJly Council of the Pat t]t Lake ‘ij',ge),cr Association met a t the I

Howl Monday at one.lbbiy eoterea jn n e f i e o n . Va. Frtrik S » ton prfslded and 8uperlnUt>deo !*“ .£?* B. smllb told of Uis hot luncbei V «w .' tng serretf tC Ui» high tnd Ju ior thU High KhooU. and expreised tbe 1

Khedule that the Parent-Teacher group I paid u the grede schooU might begtn a P«M « Ing. itrs. John E lUyes spoka kller In- •w bst s Council Can Do Por Uh and to»Ti.-sa>-lnglnpartthattheprt Increase pal luncUon ot a council U to i rf out. r r out tho nallonal aod sU U 1 re to be gnm and to unUy tbe work ot ifuuUni; cat associations and Insure aga !d. since foAs of energy and dupUestlon r treu - eltoris. Final plans were made y IMOO the reception to be tendered

hundred and eight Uscben orI tn.000 Twin Palls schooU a t tbe homt dluue: Mr. And Mrs. T.Cylde Bacon Pri te bond evening. December twelfth. T hee IOS sow. Inj number w u a piano solo. "C oiether alltrt- Buitletas,' pUyed b r '2000 (Ire Catl Benaon. The Januaiy meet ited In will be a pot-luck luncheon at

home of M n. R. A. ButeUile 00 Ut Avenue.

Mr. and M nTiTR. Spafford iterUlned wllh the tlrst ot a tei

, of dlnntr parties Friday eventag ] | l the Orango LanUm in lUmberly

om aa^U ^T or tho U l ^ wh « pa- places were marked for twenty-i iptoyes « r e exQutslte chrysantheraunuII dur- pasUl shades. Pollowlng tllnner I ere ad- party relumed lo tbe Spafford bo

dur- on Seventh E u t whcre.the nmai report dcr o t'the evening w u spent v

. Msr- bridge, high score favors going Pllly. Mrs.Joe Johnson andDr, P. P.M ormed. Alee. Low Kore prixes were sward S two Mi». IV. R. Priebe ssd Joe Joh Qfdlcal ton and W. Orr Ohapmin teecli

Uie all cut prise. Dellelous pun ,f tho Kned (hrougbooC Ute errab

M UsJeanelUOi«omewubolb l^ 'T ' to Iho T rW Club Sunday aftemoo t . ' f z Mn. U i i r m m i o Ilili, Uvi pre U . I ? drnt,coAductcdtboj»eellnkatwbli

lime plans were dUcussed for the ai nual ch rts tm u pariy to be | 1«

fDecembff Jweoty'flftb In Odd Ptf , [lows.Uall and^atso for tbs gltt ei

, change a t tba home ot Miss Holt c ■ Ohrlstmas nomhig. Tho elub spot

niTU wr. Mn. P. M. McRobcrU w u prei n l j l 'e n t . Mrs. .Qroome served .refresl l l l I l menu atter the business ol Uu da

w u completed,

Mr*. Pearl Bun enUrtalned th Blue Lakes Boulerard Xlub Frida afternoon. Tlie presUeot. Mrs. A. J

’*7.“; Reams conducted tbe metUng an T M . nbu memben responded to toll ca!

Mrs. Ik bThewlls hsd charge ofth ; program which consUUd of interest “ “f* mg stories told by Ihote present. Dut

ing a socUl hour the hoiuss serve '“ ■w rotresmenU-Mn.IIaroldDunks.Mn — —D tU -Jake*ar-a«J-M n^Sbum sk tmcd vere g u p u ot the club- cs.' —— . 'lUon. 77w-Arart(eaa Legton AuxHUr num- met a t the homo of Mrs- lUrry Be I. are nolt Monday evening wlUi Mn. 0 .1 Tom Koster, Mrs. jack Tborp and Mn Me- M. OrooUt .presiding u hoiUssei

arold The regular butlness was transact War* ed with tbo president. Mrs. Ralpl anln. Leightonlatbecbalr.Anaouncemeo

w u nado UiU J ^ P, JL Tabe twouldtwrap C hrU lau package* fa

------a nominal sum, tbe proceeds to gotlICC the reterans'bofpltal at Boise. Atn

KosUr presenud tbe followbig prO' _ gnm : Beading; Mrs. R.UPlemelsel Tbe vocal solo. MU. A. WUton Peek;

lit a t reading and encore, Oaylord Ojeo1 th* The evening w u apent sewing car stu- pet r t n i o be sent to Uie veUrani

^Vlr j

icir>, '

a y N i g h t


l Y 'n i g h t

leing Organized

i.and Jo in


^ilEHECLflii Jti GlPPLiSfDilI ' ' ' — ; • .

BURLEY. De& 8-( N en^^TufsdJr «t'10 A. M. 1

B M ben ot ths BurltT-Declo BUH ,. A ., - clstloawUl m akea tour Tlci

s*s«Iatlon balls aod lo. vtsit o fthe memben'farms...Ttoun ilmlUr nature bare :b«.ij': mat

3 lE i is r . j . ' f f i 's ' . f f

' S K Memben wilt SrtLrtfcw tJftJ I jw4d ^ !<■ r'wt*- w tcM to 'dafa jnw .a g s ; W. W. Palmer; cttm tr-agw t.'I v S i K ilresoIlhBvaitttebtocfaiwinb

ipeeud,.as wtll aslam s of.ths c ^ l tW ilucUoa'ol auocUllon bUUs.'JA( Isbrtbe noonhcurJuncbwUlbesnveda MpUno CIubcaf».lnBurlcy,v(bcnMr.I Warren will giro a talk on mstteza peril wem by lo tl'» atsocUllon. . .]g OKU liUstatedbyCounlyAceotP u 'ThB er that therejae now 00 membe ion read ihe usocUUon. with herds aggtt las,- by ing3«co«'s. Tha farms of all n QClosed bersnowcarlngfortbeeercBbul emcffl- tl;e assocUtlon wlU be vUlled, SI

Ifig Ilnt t t Ihe' FrtiiTltiten p and tben proceeding tn th« foUo<

Parent- onler: the farms of U A. 0Ustt4 he Park C-Bortx, lunch a t (he Club cafe. r U '% r »ln Hanks. M. V. Middleton, y,

Boat- Emoutn and Bam Banner.

l l i i s l l M iB Blip SPE

Por lU _____BUHU Dec. 8 (SpecUt to ’

u SJ* N’eaD-lUght Rev. MVTBaniv of Iol Boise,’bUhop of Uw Epltcopal c

- ^ , 2 . eese ot Idaho, spoke hen loday ^ a noon luneheon ot the South

Idaho MlnUterial .assocUtlon ed tte T h« World Task of tba Chun Of Ult « » laptraU rtome ol tor unusual mUslonatr *Kort ftU»y The meeting, wblch w u aUea leclos- by 30 mlnUtert,'wu presided o , "cav- by the president Rev. Jsme* MU r u n . pastor of the First Presbyter leetlng church. Twli\ FaUs. Two numben a t the thU meeUng were sung by the Li Usplc don EnnegllstJe party .'

S PlilSTiSIl* o tn l

HAOERMAN. Dte. 8 (SiwUl flu In TJi«Wews)-JTuri»*lnHer Uie erman vaUey arc busy thU week g .home Ilng birds held orer ftom Thanksgmain- tag sales n a d r ta r On Obrlila1 Tith market, reduring most' tlockaing 10 those to be kept (or bttedlog pi*Mc- poses. . •raried The btrds held , over ore teporlJohn- to have ‘ fed out" well and to beeclied good condlUon for the Chrlstitpunch trade. v .


are making pUns for Chrtstmu’

^‘M r a 4 i ? o f ^ 8 * p t l s t M l ^ a i r ioclftr »UI be enurtalned 1 Park Lane on Tbutsday alumoo Dccembtrll. AChrisUnuptogn

iday 'is being arranged . . .PUns a n weU'under way t

ChrUtmu programs a t tbe Bapt , the andPresbjUriancburcbesoo'CTiftsriday m u evt.___________ _________A .a - — . - = = ^ =

hospital a t Boise. BefresbmenU TO ^ c ^ served by Uie botUisea.

rest- ; ' r -----------------=Dur- , • • — .—

SS |SIN U SIN F E O T 0Nhealed with .

liarr E lectrical | % ^ | B B«- T rca lm en ts w f f l B I

H ead N oises n W v ^ elim inated

>ipb ' ' Colon . i W m ^ ■ IrrigaUon 1 9 9

;'g DR. H. W.:HILLuo. P h m im O n rP iilo ii 'i^ -------------------------------------- ---

car- . ,ani’ ^

- SEE YOI . . i)K;f ; FOEECC


1926 Stadebidcer./ ' - C o u ] ^ -------------------------„ 1926.Chevro1ct- S c d a a ,------- ;-•-------------T 1D28 C bovrolet •

Coach ------------- -----------1 9 2 8 D u n m tCoupe --------------------1929 F o r d ' ‘

— SU odArdjCou p c --------- :- .-3 a 2 Q .S p n r t ■

: 3 9 2 9 F w ^ l i D r

1929 M o t i e l T / "-• F o rd 6r - l : . ^ .~ i . . . . .—

& y e ^ C a r s , M

Union ]y, y o n r F O I

. , , v Twin Pa:


is. iSTEMDEUESIii li.H E N g ii

l.toi-The BUUL, Dec. 8 '<Bpec^ .toI mem- Newa)-Many resldenU of Bul un «so- Uklng trips Ibis we3t; seven Tlcw.the Ilors bere retumed tb tbelr.l lit eome tod t number ol ptttoat t n u n o f a . ning trips durUgUia Chriitmu aadft by«.bu( MUsMaudBIsylock’.oceom se>vUlU c<l by h tr brothef. WalUt, h u lember*. t o l « Angtles tospend a montt U«, Joo an uncle. On Mr.Blajlock's r • •Declj. to Bubl he pUns to leare In Jai td py D.' /o r Oennanr. wbero b> vll] i VI, .and thrto y ta n u a mUsloniry froi

Dairy ,Latter W y 8alnU;cbutpb...?e nbe In- , ( u t several yean be b u Iwen b(.pn>- ployed by tho Sego' MUk tom .:Atthe plant here. NVhlla bi CaUfomU d a t lha .will also vUll6.M.Careirnndds r.Ptourt ten . a « i Pranclsco. Mr. Carey ertloent ed u m tptttr ol the S etom

sary here before leaving Buhl rei

ibe« of. Un. A. J. Sikes. Ptorenoe, 'Oo ^grtgat- do, aecompanied by her grandda UiMm- -ler, Pnaeea Sikes, baa betn.a i bulUot the U st week a t the hooieot l ,8 toU broUier-ln-law, C, ■ B.- 'Blkta Jpliee, /amllr. - • '-. . . i . , lUoMng U r. and Mrs. A. W.-Jotmsoa etto.H. oompanledbyMn,A.D:DavU,

Au-' retumed after a motor trtp to 1 ,W , B. Und^ W hUeontheOeuttbeyi

ed Mrs. DavU' daugbUr. Miss DavU. who teache* a t BaUIa On

lU ■ -WasblngUn. ' ^ '! || M rs.J^MlcboU,Ioi3gmont, '* ' orado. U making an ladeflnlto n r l l / wlthhtrd8uchUr,Mn.,R.B.Mi

rtflIV Volght relumed h' from Bp^gfltld.MUsouri. when

g in a VUlted tt broiher who Ustriouslj mveii I MUa Fanny Weaver.'a teacher III d ^ ' MeMlaovine, Ortgtaj., accoropa lav a t by her alsler. MUs Mstxl Weave

student a t LbinfleldcoUegei aod l ^ e r , Bobejt wba l/ttpeaUBg winter on the Coast, wUl arrive! soon to spend the Cbristmu i sonv lth .herpa«nU ,M r.aD d l

tended Johnson Weaver. . .M U sN on McPbenon : pUtt

leave in tbe near (uture (or Peril) wrbBe sbe wUlenUr tbe Ocod. martUn bosplUl for BUfse-l/ate

rS in - Miss McPbtnon U the daughtei Mr. and M n. 1 0 . McPhenon U a graduaU of the Buhl high scl

IP II with the c lu SOf lt7». ■

* tN ; . KIM BeW S I ^ V I S

! | F s KIMBERLY,*De^8. (Special ILLU TbeNe»'s)->AnlvaUanddtparti

' of Klmberlr resldenU snd • gui IjI during the l u t wetk were u i iHag-kget- ■ ■“ . ” ■

' t o u .'• to

pur* M

»rte<it e ln

5 'MSS •

111# ^ o S s yUons N W

I 7


f Worth while gifts rcflcclg ^ t credit on the giver, Somi

, of the many useful tind opj proprlate gifts are euggeati cdbelow:I BOOKS




j e w s BOOK ■ STORE , ,


„.$i25;00 $75.00 ;

.„^„..$265.00. $250.00 $350.0a E ^WOS $375.00) $425.00

Make Us An O ffe r . ; -

M io to r C q,9RD Dealer ;'aUs, Idaho . .- I

[NG, DECEMBER 0,1931) ;

ID: lERilflOmiEI! Tbe lUOERMAM, Dee. 8 .<Spe Sublare TheNewi)-AsftctntributioD nal vU* Children's Hone Finding , az r.bocaes ioclety a t Boise, HsgemanOc replan* to n b s r sp la a u d a /rn tu H a luboU* ner wllh all the trlmmlnp.

given al'Odd PtU m 'ball.W mponC- day tilgbl, i t h u bten-auu « r m e here. Tbe public U Invited an lib wllh gutst wUl be asked 'to eoni I relum chaiever amount hs may dei J a n w Ihe fund.i] spend 2n tdOllioa deu tioa i ma torn Uie .Uute atUndUig. money In the Ifit the luoAjt tbe lodge a t thU Ua: ien;em- • iompany - • . oU they Wws: • , ♦, dauih- V r. and Mrs. Cbartes Dunn. W W - deen,rt«t*d-Moodaysttb*b«

Mr. and Mr*. P. E. WUsoa. Mrs. Dunn's motbci, Mn. II PerklaKUobavalesdngafltri

Cblm - ^ IsdlgtsUon. - MUsMadeUnsUcey,atrivte

a BMit urday from New York, City 1 of Jur tfirec-«wlt vltlt w ltb'ber m ” Mra. Ethel Lacey, and sUtcr. ^ . Psul Hussey. • o i M r.andM r*.O.p.Tea(erao g“| ^ e "nd Mrs. Paris TeaUr wrivtd a Fort. Ssturdar .after an extended : ? b u ; wllh reUUm In Kanias.L ^ Mr. and Mrs. w . a pierce ai

Mme. —

I ***"“ I T ■/,; m i Ieresbe ■ / / f/,1 J" If IU- a i f l i f t ’l ler ncar . I

^ ■ 7 /M m S IS lFaver, a .^^SjtfJgSKmSU} . QdherBg tbe iV. j i / f f j Mlebeto S ^ n j m g k m

zi« C A R'ISIT^ E fB d M tljra lc cs Is

o f c a r W e ty , a n d

* f o r m o n th s w ith o

emergeacy comet,

• O n ly b y h a v in g j

in sp e c ted a t le a s t <

m s u r e y o u i c a r is

cm em en or.

i F R E E s

i v - B R A K E E

A sa s e r v ic e .to m o i . w e o f fe r fc e e ja s ,

F i te s to n e -C o w d ie ;

T h is m a d iio e

se t M B S M H I M



~ — S P E c iSTO? BRE

Wllb every 00 Cbaage at and Dress t

DEIVB T ^ 'T, . iH N o w i r r

. f o s s - f :, , s i s

!’A Department.Sio


t o w ^ C o s

y : Moscow; Idaho, and R e t u r n

W :T l u a ' t t h e d a y i ta t io n ^

to ^ i ta t io a r a t e . ' T e le*' p h o n e vjgitB w ith lona

— «n(f-d«ughtcr# .ja-caV - leg e a r e n e x t b est

\ ' ^ i n g ^ e m . V ^ r u 'g e . : T n th 'tb eo ) to c a I ] ) ro u ■ B c e r ta in tim e ,

w e e k c r t iro . - I ^ a • - v o i c e e o n ta d t l y o a

c a n ’t g e t b y l e t ^ « .


.. forUa:oca*lon...t.'.,ISpeeUl to “ —tk n to lb e - • ■ —r and Aid ' ' lO ddPti*u ttj 'd b } - - >S8s..^tobe kI wednes. W Auuoimctd landeacb ■


^ ' ^ r o R . O V S R ' ' j

S < 0 Y E A R 'ly.tor a \ter“ ^ n jp t t f t i B l w n i a

' «nd eHldgnt.’ r and Mr. U R S S t^ Sved bone USE ' ' B a l f f B iB

S . ' S S p - i c J t " " - ! ' . ■ B K 8lr. p iem M r i f f f p t i n n w f s f f l w n ^ n with Uie j a B m t B w M M M n l W M

i l s t h e ^ t u t s i n ^ e e l e m e n t '

nd y etm any niotori<t« driveA o u t i o s p ^ o n . W h e n , t h f ’

leg, 8A acdden t'ig ifi^ tab^B .

lg y o u r b r a k e s s c i e n t i £ c ^ y .

is t once a m o n th can y o u b e

is s a fe a n d r e a d y f b r a n y

SGIEKTIFIC EXAMINATION .D Ctoiists o f th is c o n u au n ity t tf ls p e c d o n o n o u r £amou» ire y D y n a m ic 'B ia k e T e s te r , leasu res B io idng a b ility sci*

O T tif ic ^ y a n d dhow s B D b o w m a n y f e e t i t ^Q t a k e to s to p y o u r c a r . 'I W D r i v e i n t o d a y a n d E a l e t u s ‘ g iv e .y o u th e - | | 9 f a c t s d b o u V s 'o u y .

b n k e s .W A U A C n rs tK Z N T WORE

L-FOR O N E W E E K — ^ 1 - >RE8BIN0 OFFSKe and G r ^ Job, we wM wstetproef aslbeT ep/if.y«rear, .

' R E j £ i ! T O n S T O F I

FIRESTONE5RVICEUore fdfll’our Autpmtibile eSouth, , , ' ' Phonc75

i s t

PLliiiiiO F i l | | P

Associated' ;. Studenl!, o ■ University of-Idaho RsI Gilv'e. Qenerous Applausi ; Fram Delighted Audlenci

■ -■ m .M t e o t i o I W p n r a i to U .•udll^unt of Uj# W l* hljl »ehool enUiwluUc #ppnH nvin (or (be propvn pretenltd b; the AttocUltd atudrni* of (he Dnl vtr*«T of In the eon-c n t -Tbe VMdtleerj," In tbe lu- <UlQriun o( the Twin PalU hl<t

- echool l u t nUht, under the dlrfcllot ot Oiileton Cummlnt*. head of Uu muile deptrlaenc of Uie unlrenlty

>' The)>rocnm wunolednoleufoi IU exbUltloa of m e tilent thin foi

I the dlrem tr of forms In vhlch It wu- mulfeited; and lovets c( tniule a ' ' the doK of the (nw nm vera imta

- X ' linout In (heir laudatory exprualou i . Tbe program va i divided Into fir

partt (he llral of which waa pf^ * aenUd by aembera tn' fuU erenlns

dKtL n i t bicluM (he -Bom a- the Vttln«a.“ “DnfoW. Ye PorttU,"

TrUajlon aod SMCtai,- -DyJaby lonUD Ware." ."PUBrijn‘a. Chorui from Tannh*uaer.".aod the,"Hal JfJuJah a to m Irom ’The Meailah.

Tlis aaoood oumber on the pro- cram, ’RomaMe.” Pram tha PUUi Concerto of,WenU«»U.".»loUn »olc

I Ijf Mlaa •Helen- PaiTOtU-UknteddaushUr of Dr. aod U r i A. A. par rolt, was reeetred .vUh a n m u u ts i

. of applauM Indicating lh« aplrit In which aTvlnPalltaudlnice retpondi to a really Ilne pmenbitloa >9 on •oflu own atudenta.--

■me n n t numben. flpWJo OealL :inm " U rarorlu;! .and QuetU c - QiwlU from 'Rlgolettor. wue plvod by Mr. Cummlng ' 'Mexican' Smnide,"-bjr » mlie4 chorui fixJ “7T» OjptT jraiJ.". bj Paul RICft were.roUowed br a Span ]kh danc« Vli^lnla Blewaid. J(4ui ■Jennjr and Kenneth Kensle; aang a durt, “In Thia Solemn Hour." frooi “U Jto w del Dotlno," Dorolhj Predrltkaon and chorua rendered Habnera fronx ’Carmen," whll# Er- wtn Tomiinaon, Buhl, aon ot Ur. and Mn. R. Ui'Tomtlnioa, captured hb 'audience with hla floe baaa rolea lr "The Oandoltra" An lUUan aCrte aong from “Naughtr Marlettai." bj the chorus closed the third part 0 the program.

Bongi In cottiune coniUtuM the fourtii parl white aelectact ouaben br the men'a quartette, with "tand of Hope and Olotr." "Medley from th# South- and «lect«l tollege fonw

’ r by tlie mixed chorua concluded the % program.- The alngera appeared In ooaUunci

bedUltig the number In which prt aented aod carried off th# n e ^ r ;

day aitemoon. They will appear to , Rupert a t blgb achooi auembly to*

■ dayandatOurleyionlgbU Theyap* pear a l Malad December 10 ahd clote (heir lllnerary. a t ths Unlverslly or

- Idaho, aouthem branch.' Poea«Ito ! December II.. Th# conccrt here wuaponsored by

(he Puture Fannera of America un­der the direction or O .L . Minic. emJUi'ffoghea InatnKtv.


A retolutlon calUnjrupon thoOnll■ ; ed BtaUa go\trmnent to remore pop. { lar trees a t the rear of Twin PalU /pMtcNlM-Unt «r» b^acwd for oe*

! ! cailonal clogging of aawen Jn .lbe---------- rilcmitr.'W aapdc^ed by.Twln-Pallj

. I clly council - • ' .I Thli aetlon wns laken on adrlee i of Csploin P. W. McRoberti. Twin

Palls postmaiter, wbo sufgeited thnt 1 Ihe rtgular form cf notice Knxd by1 (he municipal itrect departDenl fo;2 (his purpoM was not entlrely'adc*! quate In deallng.wlth the federal

I A certified copy of the city onl- ' Inance'whleh authorized eondcmna- I (lon ot p(«Iar treei when (hey be>I com# nuisances. Is (0 be forwarded ( wtlh ( te retohiUoQ (0 (he iuUooaJ { capital .

■’ 4 > PASSENGERS TO TISE WOtELGSS . ROME tfl-PubU c wlreleu lerv-

I let t n a itiOtn c ir Unen ij lo be I Inaugurated aoon. The managemeoK - of eommerclal atr- Unu My pasen*

u sera gmtrally are boalneas men tn i | = a hurry or tourliU, and tbey beliere ^ tha fln t ealerxy of tnreJOT need

* wlreleis aerrlee ^vUM.aecond wlll appreclaU the norelly o( tending air muiagcs.

YoiemUe ralley wu'-r'litt*d Ihb r e u by iitfiet 'penona.

H o w M u c h W o u l d

Y o u L o s e

ff You Lost T h e m

ot.your pres«it'' lDCstlon

---- ------- placedT— — —USB AND OCCUPAyCY

IN S T A N C E • •Ib dcsljni to protccU'our i >5njty Jn 5uch,* CMO Aik Vs To la ln It

____I r r ig a ^ Lands Co.; Ja lirB . Eobetion.

^ 8«-




Il by 3nl- Wl* i u*


to PROFESSOR Carleto'n Cum for mings; head of-tho Unlver *“ sity of Idaho music depart j* ; ment, d irects tnd nev mi. mixed chorus, Th(i Idohi ftre Vandalcers, whIch.'wIU t«ui Tf* Bouthcm Jd a lio aoon.

similar group which Profes III," aor Commlnffiorganlrcd ai lv* Chicagc was fam oui

throuffhout tho M iddjt ■ West aomo years ajo. Tal

n - cnt fn the .Vandalecrs ft even better thnti jn his for.

SS • raer jroup, he says. — (/P; n,. Photo.

iilPiSiS I J i l l E i i^ Lodgenieii' and Friends

; Uiiite In Annual ‘Tribiitt gJ Iq “Absent Brothers’'Uld ■hlaj ln Two hundrtd Elki and Ibeli t e t friendi anemblcd M annual-Deia< br orlal aenrlces of the order In- the

■ 01 Hka here Sunday after- .. noon to pay a irtbuto of mtmorr M

U membera ot the Twin PalU lodg< who bare died tinee (be fodgo wai lnitl(u(ed her# 10 yean ago.

'em with an eloquent aod thougblftil n » memorial addreu delivered by-Wal- the Icr H. Clean. Pocatello: and with ta r

preai<r« ritualinle exerdr» sad au< nci Jlc. the Elks commemorated their >rt* “abient brothen." ■ ' ary signlfleance of the Elks' "myitlc

a & m v . s s ' s M i' Is thought thsl .-an Elk U never for* to* goUcn." Mr. Cleare dltcustcd abo ip* tho principles of (he Elka founded.*

*or ^ ( yIto, RIlualliHo.exereltea were, Inler-

- ipened wllh mutlc. a quartet com* by posed of Mn. 0. P. Duvali; Mn. Nel- m* lle.Oftrom, KetmetbllcndenoDand nic, Amea ReyDoldi, tinging tbrt# num*

ben. '■aeo4 Out Tlv figbt." "The Lord'b'M y'Bbepberd? and ‘tNo Shadowi Yonder.". . Mnl D. U Alex-

I ander was aecompanltl.' .• In the.rltualisUo tMrclics II. Q,

:S Uaterbich,.Hamen; patt .exalted n k r . look-, the part of (he-exalted

. ruler and o lh tn who (ook jiart were “ Leonard P.-ATant,'leadlflB'knlght!

0 .. A. Bailey, acting lo y j knight; Oeorga Paulson. leeluringiaiWnML C. Dtiu, secrelary. H. L. Maxwell.

f i. eberser, acting cinplalh; V/allcr ' r Z. Wearer, Inner guard;' 0 . A. To* [i'j ber.ofcanw^_______ ^

counsels 0*( a viatio n ,f WASniHOTON Ml - In-lta t in t

year aa a teparalo member of the bureau of fwtlgn afld-jtomeiUc conj-

,, mcrce, the aeronauUct trade dlrU- , lon.ha^ .evengtd M replies a week * lo special Inquiries aa aeronauUcaled •• • ................■

ThewalCT'tobe.Toipouhdwl by Hoorer dam wcaild eorer the at*U of

Jg Connecticut to a dtpU),orm /etl.

^ Kew Zealand b the l e ^ o a r- krt for Canadian pattenrraulomo*

^ — — r« •

S Flavor-Protected a. By New Methods

FlaT or'-P ro tccdoB . M 'J ’D CoffM u a tc f b c t t t tb w to a * o f its H i - lb t VMiomFl<Vo^ Piowetioii.; ' . . ■ S u r t ir ttb tU i M V f 'r i^ c r cafi« itoday .\


M V i ^ ^ ^ f r o u p e

. London P a r ty Arrives Fron

Biihl fo rT w o Weeks Meet Ing a t N a^arlne Churcl

'.1 1 ) # naUonally k n o w n Londoi , ' avaogetliUe party, wbo hare jut L doted a t u ^ u l rerlril a t th■ . Churth or tbe Naxarenaal Buhl; wll■ begin a two w e ^ ' rarlral here a■ tbe Churth of tbe Nazarene. Th■ party Ii-coQjpoted of PTCftiior aflj I Mn. A. a London and thelr.aon. Ihi I Rer. Holland Uutdon a ^ hit wife f. epeaklng’of the party. Rer. Maeke;

Brown, Twin PalfiTtild jetterday: "Profetior London Is not an or

dalned mlnUler, but k a noted cdu eator. lecturer and.tloger. Por 1 number of yean ho w u connecUt

' with th# coUegte of bU dcnomlatloi an t was a t ont Uma pretldent ol ihi

- Brete« N utatu eaUtft a t Ifutcb Jm« isoa.Kaniaa.Ai a lecturer Md writ /e r- er on Sunday ichoot woit u wel •rtv. M Olher themea, Profetior Londot

has endeartd hlmKlf to the publl, lew throughout (he country. He h u de oho llrertd bit famous leeturo on "Thi n u - Csutes Tbat U d to tba Hlckmat

. Crime" to.upaelty audlenccs, am will dellrer It while In Twin Palb.

fes- "Rer. Holbnd Loodon. a*ytar*ol{ I a t rrangrUif,baforcefufspeatrTanc

has mel with pbcoonenal iucce34 , 'i ‘ as an erangelbt. Mr>.'-A. S. London i } e Istbeplanltlaod-logetberwllbMn fg l. Holbnd London. Profetior Uaim.

u |s d n»r. laaoD. slot thote touib- *® em tplrituab or.melodlei which li

tor- one of the moit Intcreitlng faturei (/P) or their work. TTiey WUI broadcait

orer KOIQ hen ImmedUtely aliet the tervlcet eacb Tueaday night aj

= welt u n u t Sunday at-ths church a tU A .M .

"Senlces wtll4>e beld eaeh erenlni during Iht week a l T:« o'cloct Rer, Paul Worcetier. local Naartne pu-

' tor,-txttnds a eordbf tnrtUUon (o

A (ho publlo (0 attend th t terrlcei."

. ANNOUNCEMENTSThe Junior Womens ChrbtUn

rj s Temperance Union will meet a t Ibe country hone or Mrs. Ed Walto to.

lilp dty. Canw lurearotheFlntM eth. “ I® odbt EpUoopal churth al M i P. M.

rhOM’atlendlng aro requetUd to ^ bring pretenla tor lh# Cblldren'j

Home, Bolte.

beir AU metnben of ib# MtgU Y club r tw wbh to ait«nd a hoUday daos*

•hA l»S *111 >ot<t the bomo of Carol Chadwick. W Uilrd arenue

" L north. Wednesdsy erening promptly a t « o'cloct, _____ ,

.TheBoandfio'chibwiUmeetWed. Detdiy: aflemoon s t the homo or Mn. P. A..carglU on.Pouilh avenue

-Tb# Momlngtlde club will meel tbb aflemoon wllh Mn. Vera Hol- ;at)d. There wilt be * ChrUtmts pro- ^ and tbe utual exchange ot g^ it

Community cburch lad ltt' Aid to. ^ cleiy ■wUl th# church pir*

Iim Wednesday aflemoon wltb Mr*. 1““ V, M. Buab, bottcty.-

in*' Tlie M 8 and.O'club will meel wtlh Mn. Maty Hamilton a t Cutiy Wed*

l*‘;; netday a t 3:30 o'clock. There will ' 1° ' ' be lho annuiU Chrbtmu gift ex* jO* ebange and Toll call retpontes will fS* be ."The PIni ■Chrbtmu I can Re* £ • j _

. Womens Progreulre club will meet with Mn. 0 . A. aatet. 1U6 Nlnlh am ue eu t We^tnitf. Dtetmiti

te<l 10. Rolt call lb be aniwered wltb fa* w rorlts Bible.rertes. ht; . .hi: r ST. LOUIS U SES ITS OPERA IL BT. LOUIS tr>rAU atlendaiKe

arxl ticket tale recordt wtre bnken ^ duriasiht.tweUlta.««uaitf J h s J t t

LouU reimlclpal optnk thb yetr, 'A ^ idtal of e t s jn pe rm s wllneued as

performances, and Uekel talet toui*— edM«,CS. ■

_ AnnuU purchases of U ra and ^ tuba for rtpUcemenU on wtom»-

Ulea ot tbe-federal goremment aro ^ estimated t o ' . ^ ’nearlrllJUMW.

only e a t f te t tpecUlUt la Twto «* Fans PJwsa m Dr. F a c ta .. Mt.

! THE HOJ" ■ - . EdlWr-^F

== • Chief PUoktr^

i Vol. 2 Tuesday, Deco

l s | HOW D y;K tK S - T tbo repcttTH#. ChOitmai U a p u toeo l t

n tlm a.o f p e t c e on Clausei anf l earth'aaagood:irUi:io- ttrikaforhl■ Nothing'-I1 tald a a d non- 3 » b « t - th o - w o m a n wbbken.1 ihop^er.-; .

m i'r • W# kBo» ft girl *0 . - Bhy

dumb tbat the'tbloka i f y o u r mEll WbUnty'f cotton tweet• S S k u S f ArouDdtbU

: ’ " D o n tle ttt■ J- If

- SUodart.-Orto:a-tOB- - r e u o n _ I

“ . , . Our . 'lUa A a ta a m ,b e t t e d that hardcs

aparta<Dt'b-ftt)lac« arterieaUIiwbere you bara goota creta, oo -tfleah bccatae tba iani* ranb. tor wean wool onder*wear. ~

, . • , _ T ta Wh

- n e t* I* 0 0 ^









weeks* revival a t th e loca! tdu" d a y niffhf. T ho een'Icca <r a th rouR h th e w eek w ith , t

M ..3 P .M .n n d 7 :4 6 P . ^

isTDCKlESifI CHKFiillb. ____

^ W. A. OUs, Twin Falls, Sues£ Richard Alien Mining Cem-£ pany to Repay Customers t» buret -------cu t w . A. Olbbi, Twin Palb,. mining Iter man and tlock talesaan, eouldnl I as Mil 5-cent ttock for N ^n U a th tn irch snd uUify h b cuitomen. 10 Im

broughl tu ll In dbtrlet court here '■og yesterday for (2:00 damagei trom th t iter. Richard Allen Mining company, an )u* Idibo corporaUon, and for annul*' ‘0 ment of the eonCracl under wtilch hc I

tcgtged In teUlpg tbat corporaUon't I ilock., , ■ (

He charget mbrepretenUUon on, the part o | tbe company In IU deal*.

I ,.. Ingt w»b hia.'aod ajks fI200 <Un* X sgti to relmbune him for paymenti

to (Uuatltfled tulucribert. and IIOOO ipecUl damages for Utne and’labor

y,' spent In ttlUng tbe tlock during tbe ■ ” • period beginning June JO and end*

'? in* Auguil 13, bsl.Under hb contract. Olbbs auertt,

he w u to buy for. re-tale tbe com* pany's common ana treatury thtrei Ior K cents etch, the company

, agreeing to mtke delivery of 'the L,,. tharet on or before Dectmber 1 to

U)e Olbbi' customen. Olbbs cnttred Into the contract, he tayi, wllh Uie asturance of the comtiaoy's manag*

.rf Iflg dlreetor. Claud Pinch, (ftat the ttock. which w u valued originally a i 9 centa a ilirre. had betn advaoc* ed in prica to t l JO a tliare.

Olbbs tayt lhat Iw lold MOQ sharrs ef ihs tlork. .

'When delivery w u made by the la, company, he tayt, the iiock w u not

a t bad betn rtprtKnled to hbn and wat Ulcgal. be asteru. for (he rcuon

^ Uitl 11 did not thov tho number and clasa of iharei rtpreienled aod the

Hf. total number ot par value aharea to ij. be Istucd. and for tbo further reajon

thal (he ttock delivered waa’not-or $159 par talue but S>cenl par ralue.'

rltb ’ SuEuerlbert rtfused to accept (iie ttock, Olltbs tayi, and called upon

irllt him to restore their money, and ex. ihreslcned him wUh action In the «rtll courtt.[{e. fn th b utlon Qlblu b npresenua

by J. IL Bimci, Twin t^ lb attorney.

JS GIRLS’ - CLASS-’ MEETSber -------fa* o irb of the KIng'a Henld clau ot ' Ult MeUiodtti Epbeopal chun:h mel

' Saturday a t the home ol Minnie Ei>A te p .,wltli «w n memben prcssnL IKe .Tliere w u Bn-'InterttUng leuon, fol* cen lowed by rflrethmenls served b ; Ihe i t c reftttbment Mmmltlec. _ •A . ■ —

i as ' NET t18.MO.000 IN FISH Ul* WASHINOTON tn -- Textile neU.- coating 116,000.000, are retponilble

for’more (han U per cent ot (he an* u d nual-catch of commercUl fbhtrlcs a*, of Uu Unlled SUtea. The bureau of. aro Ibbtrlcs values Uie net catcli all m. about, ITJ,oou,OM. - •••

llto O alr oae fatt tptdalbi In Twloi Sr. Fana. Pbone Ht. Or. FocUr. Adr.

M INEWS--^Roywood ' ' ttrlw .-p.-N aylor ‘ *1

eciimber 9, 1930 *■ ' No. 651

•art - tha t 1 de- T cIom nlns.I store S anu . —are going on . rhlgbcrwigea «-lnfUmable

/f 'B lo to ia Angus UeOathwa(er ; sfx, "Many b safely

iw eetle ta tra pin n,erj■V. *POWlUllty t h a n a^ C h r is tm u p n ie n l ."

i ft tweep TOO • "*tr feet,; Then jia t twotrr-lhere '* -*- •ilndt-of.p«)pU-Tboi«.---------------------^wbo_drlnk_to_b»DliH

- care and Uute wbo care (0 banbti d rln t

ttocc.U dnka _ •

? U % ig M n t .Berb.Ormafid tayt.> tb t boole* "Bell hath t» fury llkt

•.womta io * bugala .• baiement.-

W h lte telb«6er8oelefa- v e 'r e gladj2 « i ; o r r » p ittird o M .



I E v a n g e l i s t s CC o n d u c t R e v i v a l

LISTIC ivirti who begin a bvo wa! Churcli of Uie Nnrareno Tucii* cca Mil! be heW at 7:45 P. M. h. three Kcrvicea Sunday nt 11 A. *. M.

' i i i l i i i rII) CONFIiMSSnTlilrteen penont wers confirmed

In Awenilon EplKopal church a t Uie res lmpr«alvo II o’clock moming terr-

lc« by Ri. nev. M. S. Bamwell. D 11, D., DolK-.'bishop ot Idaho. Ths con*

Rregailon pretenl waa unuiually ir» larse and filled the church almoil lo ■'* orerJloalne.

Btihop Uamwell ipoke on the , nua:tlng ot conflnnatlon and re* lQ| mlDdfil thou who received ll lhat In inl a ipfclal maimer thry wetv pledged i n a t loldlrri of Jsiu t Chrbl In spirit* Im ual (oiilllei. The tuU choir sang an ere amhem. Uo w u eelebnnt at-the

communion ter»'lce a t j A. M. and •n dellvertd the termon Uiere.Ul* Sunday-afttmoon. Hbhop Dam* he well eonnrmed * t b u of aeven In n t Calvary church. Jerome, atter which , be and hU. party wen Undered a M reception a t (he home of Mra. Itaac U’ Hopple. In the evening ha ipoko to n* a Jirgo congrcgattoR a t Cbrbl « J church In Bhoshone. He was ac- W companled lo Jerom# and'Shojbone » r by Mri. flamweU, Iler. Emeit R.' M Allman, rector of lbs EpUcopal « ' tburthes In Twin PalU. Jerome and

' Shothone. and by Mrs. .\Uman and t*. children.m* ----------------------


Arprcllmlnary Iiearlngs before Ha Juillcs of (he Pcace J. C. Oales at lly Buhl yesterday, one man w u held

to aaw er.ln dlilrlct,eourt lo a drunkin driving chine., and an­

on oUier man w u released from » fel­ony choree ot fumlthlng liquor to

>,« . E. A. Dummlt. Bultl. w u held un* Li d{r,»MO bond to a n iw - lo the gn tUHnkcn, driving clurge.Rrt Beach. Buhl, waa releasedI,* wben tho wKneu on a-ltom th« tlat« to coanled lor evidence loKcurt a con­gn vlcUonoffurnltlilnj liquor to mlnori. or repudiated a t the preliminary bear-

Ing a tlaleminl that he wai auerted f,s to b m ilgnrd »-J»n rbaijcs BfsJnst )n Beach were tllc l Id E. E. Babcoek. depuly proiecutlng 1,, allomey. appealed for the tUle In

bolh cuei. rf W, L Dunn, Twin Palis, w u at*

omey for Beach.

‘ CARD OF THANKS S ■ Wt Wllh In UlU way to thank our

many friends and nclithbam tcr the „[ klndncM. tympaUij- and beautllul ,1 lloral oftcrlnBi extended to us ai thb 5: (ims In our sorrow, a t the loMoI our ,L dcar'buibandandfaUier..1. M na HANNAH UlSTELf,« MR.ANDMRS.At.BCRT

DtBTELI,-------- MR.-AND ^fRS^RAyMOND—


“ Cltts Thai Art PraeUcal and Bti Dllferent

New and OrlgiMl OrteUng Ibrdi

J FDteaiDE OIFT SHOP [^1 ' . tnStiMhoneat.No. |

S o m e C h o i c e

B a r g a i n s i n R e a l

: E s t a t e -

- J ,TIiRt-room bc«e en Urge tei," llgbU and water for fWO.00 with

| 1»M0 cub.

Oeed (In^reom nedtm boste. fBmbbed. clett In. toftd'garage 1 for only lUOOJO. . ,

A nice aIx*rDota itriclly mod- 1tra beat! la Eut U m AiiUha, , alt bardwood floon. ceaent baw-mtnl and g o o d garage tor I

^ tnM M wltb KMM eaab. I

r A good flre-acre tn e t to tn d r I. for r a U a e a property la dly. ,

‘ l l l aerea In Kimberly dWrW. ( well Improred. wlUi M acres ot i cxttDeat farm tand and Uie bal­ance geod Matare. An Ideal itotk ■

I fana. priced ter «elek tale at 1. 4 M 0 a e e ^ g e e d J e n a s _ ______

} — W »tr*t:=-ExcepUoBaUrwt«- te p rm d ia tbt DfeMeb difirid. TbU la an geod ta ra bad aad fa m baa iwo teta ef laprere-

. BtaU . M o t be aold a t once aod,I is belag. o rrettd’ for Ue u*I ircmtly.leir |wk« of tU .00 per

acre. I t wlK pay yoa to lavttU* gaM Uds.

I -W a'alas bare a geod tweaty a m tract aod a good forty for teat, eaab r n t

! DeW itt & Haney ..■ . PHONE 43




D.-darlng lhal Improiwr llitlili may cost Uie lllo of tho drlrer who h u Ihem on hU car. Theodore J. Ooeck- ner, itate traffic officer, itreued ihe law in_« talk on thb lubJect y«- urday. Mr. Ooeckner lald:

"Everyone operaUng a motor car on tlte hlshwayi wbhei to have hit porUon ol the road 10 drive on. and as he gMS on he lomtllmet tliidi

» penoni mecUng him vho drive riilit at hlm,w. In oilier wordi. ‘Hog the road.'

-In Uie grtaleit number ol ca«t of thlt w rt ot lllght driving, tt li your o»-n fault; It It }uur lighd Im* property adJuUtd. cau. liig a glar­ing light. Which Jn time wilt rcwlt

bCJt JO k«p from running Into thr dltcli. In conicqucncehs w lll'crail’ }-ou or meet you headon. You are

''0 t«iulr:rt by law to have jour Itghli ;n* tested end carr}' an InipecUon rer-

ilflMie, BeildM ll will wvc you ilie cnly neck yeu have."

= SOraii'SiDSE [[Gi lLlGSraE

Nnclr 100 memben ot Uie Soulh- em Idahn uglon. liu 'el Order of

Moote; from Ilvo toB-)is. auembled t l i'e a -frolic- In Twin FalU Sunday to '

confer Uie teeond rfegre« of tlic or* ' D. der upon a clau ol eandldates, and «• to wind up the day wllh a banquet lly The Legion, knoan a t th# “Mooie

pbygrowxJ," bas for to ipecbl ob- hs jecllrs Uie malnUnanco ol ttie f Mooio homo for aged memben at In Mooeehaven. JackMnvllle. Florida. ed Tlie next meeting U lo be held al It* Jerome next February, in A. C. Parker, Twin Folb. grett he norUi mooee, presided a t the leulons nd liero Sunday. Speaken e t the ban*

quet Included Earl P. Kennedy, Jer* n* ome; U B, Redford. Rupen. Pay In Lawrence, otenni Perrr. P. E. Dnke. ch Twin Falb. A trio o t Rupert mem* a bert, T«eed. Read and Redford. mth

ac Plano, banjo and violin, conUlbuled to musical numben to the program.UI LaBTf»ceMuip)jy,TwlnPalb,had c- charge ot arrangemcnta tor the ban- ne quet. ___________■ ■


Mr.. J U r t t . V K hit,. K n u r , taparaleij lor more than 10 yean

^ fron her hwliand, Paol VIehaer,S Twin Palb. trom whom the was dl*

Torced In dlitricl court bere threo monllia ago, l iu tiled notice of ap-

” peal to the itoie tiiprem# coun. No* « llto was fJlttl on the Jott day of lbe W M-day period a t lho explraUon ot* which no appeal could have b:en• laken. Judgi w . A. Babcoek in dU*

}• trlcfcourt hire yesterday, heard 10 argument on the movo for appeal, j

and dlrwltd Mn. Vleliweg’a nttor*>* neyt to lumbh bond, pending hU

decblon on the molloa

id Only one'toot tpt ailv ta Twin >« r^Ht. l^o n t MJ. Or. roster. Adr.

I. = = = . , J !

y O U G l V E A G I P l

, . £ | • ■ W H E NJ Gi ”1 ^ lip i

i For DadThe kind of Bl

' ^ >>B'd Cho

bloiM^l P a d i t c h T m e leal

aolc* and lie Hl-lo eo lbr-c


_ $ 1 . 0 0

% For GrandmotherS — -’ -J Tbs ribbon b» /A . j f t / on Uicse felt sl55 XTRi colorttk pom-pom makeS d e s i r a b l e ga W V R ' bo-*aiS i tB S B comfortable, aiK f . happy with t

_ I E —

g For Children_

9 cbUdrenuidUjW v a j y i ‘ “ oU«n> Give m ^ pair for C ^

g E L K S B L D G .



,'lLilSffflSl 2 ffliEl COilTiae Condltloas are still backward lr 1- VtnetueU. Ihougb prflgreulnc, Ml/i

Mnrgarcl Rudy, Bulil. itated In a »r talk a t the evening meeting In the ill F lnl Preibyterian churcli hero Bun- id day. Mlu RHdy.'who ipent tlve lU yean u a leacher In Veneiuela. tald lit that while Uie roadi In the country le were being Improved rapidly, meana

of getting lo olher Soulh American ct countrlet were poor. II lakea about ll u long to gel Into the neighboring i> nation of Oracit a t It does to gee t- from Venesuela lo the United Slates, :lt Ihe tald.____________ __

|'SANTA"CLAUS'VISITS-----;J TWIN FALLS RESIDENTS!* The fln l eaiiia Cbui celebrallot

of the Chrlitmai leaion look pbce on Satunfay ahrn old BU Nick ap

[ A n o t h e r

5 (


For 50c plus the grease used, you thoroughly greas

f , steam heated plan

Drive in early i ; these specials usu■ pacity—and the oJ■ time only, :

; LINDAUTOMOl;; j The Finest and Best»Etiu

Offlcc and Shop Phone 20 i OltleUI BOieh Magnele Sales

tnd Scnlce SUUon


ye-L. jpers j sasdsaaiS!

Come to Ward'a for that gift 0: Youll find smart styles for yot every phlr nn outstanding valuo

oup. FINE KID D’(S m o t h e r -

S AND SISTER!** ® Choose n pair lo, ^

9 nmtch their nilk robes or loufiifinK; / linjamas. C 0 m-

■ forluble padded Uln ■ «olc.<. A gift fo r^^ ^

■ aJij>* tJjoir Ic Jsu 'rcfe^ ^hours, ^

S $1.59 Ia n d .

Women’s Felt Slip. KID TRIMMED-Ideal:

Softly padded soles and

Red Top Rubber B

■wooi.“ K n c c 1 ^ h ~ f o r t r 6 t e c t i

3«- Black Rubber Boo roB riG unoiHBii - Exceptional values.

^ P h S ! ? 2 9 ^ ' ^ 5 v J

r “$1 Gift Bargain

it peared on tbe ttreeU ot Uw elty be*, . 1 hbdaUaaoffam ouaaStddogiacL ’ drore Durlly up and dows Uuougli n t l the butlncs* tecUon whilo' crowda I N lined ths tldtwalka and exieoded intoU ll ihetlnels. ..........

CUy police baited c n n i t n t t trar- tie and htld Uh crowdt In Una. Cbll-

L,,^ drtn cheered tuiUly aa tbe cavalcade puu d while tones of happy iw»l- lecllon.wreathed tbe fa«a ot ths grownupa aa Santa, In chancter.

fil« awung hit whip and wared hb greet- ^ 7 lags to Twin Palb.^ Tbs tem jaade a nm of aerenl 1'1^ mllea and attracted much attenUon.

The perfonnance w u itaged and iponsored by the Idaho Department

ring «o«-get = s = ^ = = ; •


UEAD COLDSI J f t« t i s < w ^ m l b O r ~

. rapenr alto asaff ep oot*,

1 4 V l S I j s“ OVlWmUOHJAWVSlDTUHilr

OcA.SINGICIAL.IND’S:hc actual amount of u can have your car ased in a m odern an t •f as the response to . sually rushes our ca- offer is for a limited

OBILE COMPANY.Equipped Garage In the West m Tarts Phone 298

es TIakm, New Oepartare and Uyalt BeMing^BUWbaton

t of comfortaUpper*. K young feet nnd old and e ueat our-low prlcca. g


lippcrs............ 89c i .!al for warmth and comfort g , and heelfl. Choice of colors. C ;

: Boots.....' . 5 1 . r a i _

r 4 r ~

o o t s . . . z : . . . . ; i . i ? i f e | i 'I — AbMloUIy, mlmprbot;

vm PAlia PABO^- •

' Pago Three

On* » m *qnjw

Dittfttf $t McoiM CIU* oau m ttApni a laii. tt uit Mutnc* t t t«

’ rillt. l«tb& uBdn u* trt e( Umb irat_________________ _-

Tft"arK ,??sw .‘iS r

" K iM B x ito rA ito c u n o n m Tbt MteelkIM m tt u ticlutlHj; «UUM (9 (At UM fw BVtllaUBO «f i■M«i oupttcbn atditci] .ta it> or e

tiiVt « w RlinUcn -tf-ipmi-41pttehti bttUs iM rttm rt.

nwM'iutaattta fT«^~' 7lH >rirt ji i o m 8 « eTtftililM Dumu el CtmuttUM. froa tmern ■ jBtamtUiD u U dTCuiitlao tntii bt oi tiu t4 upoo t^ letlloa. Dtttlltd li tomttioB tupplM leetiir upon t>qu«" Ho-rMOU^tT^u'w tuatd {« u a n oi UDieliatiM ffluuiertpii, pbov

■ roflmVu“ a‘ to MSiSus la I tiiiu 'ud lUuid M coonaid iBpla ol cucnst iRimi ts t^M a w

rtiunM uoiMt tctomptDiM b> dk<itt:? paLU*____________ _ _ _ _


Ktw rm t. Chictto- 9>a manMo. u M tJ n 8M1U*

• CONCKESSIONAtACJIIEYKMEN- - The tevcnlr-flril Confreu, nov li

lta cluing leulon, “Jiu compldti 8 verjr Urge uw uni or fmporlani IrsUallcn." u id (he Pmldenl li hli annuil m u u te , Kc lUtedUii lollovln;;

T h e tJUbllthmenl of the ftdtra: P*n» Hoard; fixing tongnulont. reipporUonment; rcrblon o( the lir* irr. Including Ihe flexible provUloiu snd A reortinlutlon of (he Urltl commlttlon; reorguUntion ot Uit rnRTcommlsilon; tewiiBita tta ro l (he f e d e n ^ w e r eommlulon; tx- panilon o { ^ e « t prlwni; reor- ffinlatJon of puoI« and probetloR ■j-itMi la (edenl ptUoni; expuuion ol velertn*' hoipiUto; c*Ubliaunen( or dlubllltjr lU ovuuei to n tm M ; eonioUdtUon oT re U ru utlv lllu ; eon»lEditlon tnd ttrenfth tnbs ot prolilbltlon enforcement acUfltlei In the DepirUnentof JuaUce; ontn iu*

' tlon or s nireoUcf frureiK; rvge m* ptntlon or rivm u d h u to n lm< pioremeatAi uibituitlU lo c rtu t In federal hlgh«!tri; enlantcnent of publie buUdlnp conitructlon pro* snm . snd tho nUilcaUon 'or tbe

• London naval treatr."Feir CltUens could tlv* u accuraU

an account of (hb tegUtit(on aa ther could ot the ua im 'a foolball itrate- (lea and TWiilta. Ttiert U natural dlugreemenl u lo Uie relaUre mer< lu or the varloua lim a. Yel It a lrh t U w u 1/ critics n u ld mlnde inUi their complaints about Con* tTCM terlout and Uioushlful eonsld* ctalTm of lU actual achlerenKnl,

.MOSCOW WITCnCBAPr Former Prealdesl Polnure of

rranee, with mueh of Ihs rest of the ■ world, irujha a t 111# UieaUlcal trial

ct Uie aileied Soviet coniplntora In Moscow, a /lo g ;

*Ttie menial cxUtTacancts of . 4he floTlet tlo not evea merit a

shruf o/tlJsahouWna. WheUjerProleaior lUmsln and oUitrnem* bera of lh« Induitrial partr eon* ' ip tred-a jtln irtw 'to rem m ent-of-

/ . their country I do nol know, nor do 1 u re . Qut If Uiit consplracy occumd, no ons In Franc* vas i canoenmt wlUi It. I

"Nteetaarllr thtre mutt be tone cmtulous people In Mokow It Uiere ; aremll7an}rwhobtUeve,orhave . bfllered. these Jalry talcs Uiey re*.!

"Enouih of Ulls humorl i t i us ‘ - quit Ihfl world of Uio (ntsns and

return to the world In which n . live.- • • ■ • ,TJif ffnfral nm el WBluaeflt In

Europe and America apeea with' Poincare. I t is admitted that Uie eight enslnecra on trial m t; have been opposed to Uie Borlef ngtme and done many Uilnga agalnsl It. . Men or Uielr type woald naturally havs.been so lncUn«]. But It Is In* crtdlWe U ut Uterm Uts lUntt thty htve confetsed to, or thal foreign sutesnen should hive conspired wlUiUiem as Uiey ssy; j

I t Is unthinkable that any .u n e European tUlesman since Uie 6oviet*> rrgtaiB eame Into full control or nui- sU haa warned to Inrade Uiat ooun* try sod ths( iIllM porers h s n d sought to carve It up among Uiem- V selves. They hare betn opposed to ^ the Soviet, and som« or Uiem would y like more territory. M l Uiey a n fed up on war and they know frao his- vl toiy Uial united Ruitla U not to bo [f ctrved by outsiders. , .

ITie trial Is natarkOy comptml in pl . /meric* wlUi our own colonial witch

wa kiww-hpwnhrwltehcraft ^ '' dHuiloaatrecled Uie nu id t or public i,

and prlsonera alike, aod tww accui* hi fd p e iw u gllbly'eeetcoed to an i ' jnrla of abturtUUes. There may be ' um t Keb sbnormal cr«n] psycho- A) lonatw ork taU oecow . wIUi the « ahrewd b ra lu In comgiand or Uie r- govuiun'ent using It tor Uielr own m purpsses. T

. .iwrs Ani'snntT JA Udy arU lw daierlbM u "an Tj

. AttiCratlta t t t n t fly«r” iC«rM f to o i'' i . l l i r in a lo n y to MUo!. Florida, iu f *

: desiiitaUeD was a couple of huadrcd' J 'JhUm to l|M BOrtii.' T&tn btppcoed {uj

I’aw Four

TWIN FALLS OAlLriWEW:JV S Wbe some wtad, TheU djfoim l‘___ ftl up wlUi it somehow, tnd land

on an Uland In the Oahtmu sbe j s » (Iiree huntlrtd mltrs eue o( Mis;

The curious thing sboui ll li lli*t < - t f lindliif, Jhe thought »i-.t itttti. Mexico, whlcli ts leveral liiinllr

miles w n t or MlamL » r !g i to n s « « W to htve betn

ISUI. a lats to sccount tor the Udy'i a UbV vIv»I »htre the anived. Tlie »'lw,___ tflrecUcn mlglii hive betn olwrni•n and Its speed ttUmtKd- Tlitre t & w n‘»P>-as'te 0 ^*''xO"I“'’iliubl(ers hsve »lmHi ~ UJ tliKlcully In comprcbendlng h<

nitbt. Noiii}iTm(h''»wa i«u. about the matter, however, txctpl r< Uie lady-avUlor's subsequent m u

5, ui euvers. Sbe endurM co.isl*ra6.hanlshlnlniN'itlniftoartdlosWilo

lutti nhtre slie could ccmmur.lnte k'II r s Ihe world. Then, wlun die fslsl;

Uihttl pubUelly conlaci, Ihe told Ul tUea t ta r Ol her tdrutluzu lo s pre ” '2 sjTKllcate for firicen hundred dollw 5 3 ; and reluied lo speak lo any oth* I Dfli correipondent. She aUo rffu.'etl i Kn- meet pliotographen, pending Ih___ signing ot a pronuble wntfict lo■ exclusive picturea. **. La JJobody likts to nppMr ungsIUn

t l a rsdy. Wet^rtheJws It wn-'l b — gtnlly Iniltttd lhal ledy.avUtcrs o ENT Ulls brand are not mucli ef sn awe

j„ to avitllon In general, ami are no doing feminine aviators any goad,

lant -


:ar- 'ons JEROME, Deo. e (Special to Thi rui Kews)—Puneml ttrvlcei lar Rub}

Roberts, 20, daughUr ot Mr. anC »trs. A. R. Roberts, wl» died fnm

r t f nnirnmonte-FTidsr* evening, wtn tx* held aundsy a l 3 p. M. a t ihe Chris- „ tlsn chureh, R«v. WUllsm Olbbt, ^ pastor, oftlelalcd.

Urban rorte. JUrold Cook. LoueUa lon Kays and Vllhv Jaue Oerard, wlUi ent Mrs. Charles Kays a t the plsno. fur> . . . RUhed Uis mutle. M lu Aoberu waj

bom In iBlO'ln Oklalioma and at lu; unded Atoka scliools In that staU ot up to the time ot her tenlor }tai

, In high sehool when she came to ' Jtrome wllh her parenla.“ * She Is survived bjr. her parents. »* Uiree listen and two brothers. ' m* 8ho w u’a mtmber of Uie,ClulS' In Uan church and oi Uie graduaUng " cJattofW .

^ ■ Inlermenl was In Jerome cemeltry.

IfflilM E S T^ 'l i iN S H iSral _____ ,:r* SUIIU Dcc. B (Special to- Tho a Ktwtl-Mra. Emily Golden, :M,

mottitrotMr».P.E.n*lma1ter.JliSl, died al the home or^her daughter a l

*»• # p. M. jesterday.Id* Mra. Oolden. who lived In Inka,

llllMli, hsd b n n vltlUu; wllh hrr ' dsughltr h tn foi some Ume before

htr deslh.' She U survived by four sons In addlllon to her daughftr htre. Theso.isare; L.A. Oongtr.Msrldl*

of an, N. F. Oongtr, Miami. Florida; j.C.aonger,lnka. lUlnols; 8. R. Gold*

'® en. Esrt St. louJi. Mf*. OeUm wts lil a member ot the MethodUt church In Tiie body Is a l Uie Joliiuon under

Uklng parlon here, and will leave by , trsln lomorrow morning (or lUlnols

where luneral sen lces and burial wll 5 Uke place.


! , nn. ABcn airtcHDiBoN.‘ " 11. 11, a , IW ,! ! . n n r i ,. ssw SarioB u real Uionph, ; ot Seltace..________________

* '

i<> .

'Up to a few years ur'o 't prac- 'H eed m y• profession In Seattle.• Wuhington. where t had a large , and lucraUvo pracUts. On aceounl , ct poor hrtlUi I was /creed lo r t- ' Ure.

'For four years my slrtngUi and . vitality dtcUned sUadlly. 1 traveled , trom place lo place In stftrth ot

healUi but conUnualty gTtv wone.T h e Sargon TtuU nenl com­

pletely restored my healtli, Ttu way It restored m» enerw and vlUllty Is notMng ^ o r t ot *

iiid aUrlbute my prtsen t' good healUi to Uils great medldne. 1 re­gard 11 as a real triumph of 8cl- tnet."

Dr. Autehlson now rcsldei a t Palo Aluj. CaUfomU. ~-Sehr»mm*JohB- son, Dfi«», *genU,-*Adr.

THOXINETi;o;Man'« a-UR Slorjs. Tain

f^Us, J « n s f aad OoMilnr. Idsho, u d tU o U ie rio e d d ru c itw tt. ^

r J H o w W o u ilisml. I„ton ............. BY-MIL’nlirrf* on C(»n(

The third of the SMflo >irw4-. 0 broadcast over Slatlo:

nt 10130 P.M. Four ouU . diKerent utatcs will pari ' ■" Milton C. Work. Mlsi J ,, occupy tho South potitloi

Wnilam J. Wall. Ottawa, -pased by R, R. IHchard r

I said C.'Byori, San Anu to rman* -The baniU they will ho: rabfflatlonWllh Advance H 1 Uie Bridipress *illira luodiy CnalIther w ax td io «»M

Ihe “Not t Iw

. »tw if. DiuDonilt

lUnl • aub t

n.ii.iucHAaos —

, P J

s r . . . 1 s 1 . _Clubt A Q V


-seuis,-115 .. r:Dltmends

The « “»•;uby ■

' .........fom ------------------ — -rere p —

Iur* (,

i iS "W A Y FOn-A-S#=^OR>’—


n |j Flaying "low-brow" roles in talk - IM Is mucb hsrdtr tban aeeamplU^

Ing similar characUrUaUona In sl g : t a l m m t

‘ John OlUurl and WalUc* Beer _ dlKQvered this during rehearsals o

Ihelr roles in -Way fee » BaUor, . Oilbert's U ltil stanm f Tclilcl r which will open m e m * a t ib

Idaho thetire.Nol only did they bar* to kan

n p ibelr dtslcvue tcr Udi prutueUoi n h but Uvy had lo .bt tau ih l to tp til

U»s IlnM wllh t ooeknty tecant u keeping wlUi the naiura ot theli

Dm ehsracltrUalloni. thal Of twc M. -hardbolled’ sslloa on u '^ lU l i

■ a l The adora wer» assisted in ieara- ing the Umehouse dltlecl by. Jltti

ilu Tully. tho hobo-AUlhor who mak« his inllUl tciTta appeamnce In thU

ore picture and.who picked up the Cock* our ney accent durine ona ot hU many

' J production w u adapted from Albert ,ld. Richard Wetjen's well-known sea n u yarn and was dlreeted by Sam Wood. tU, In tlw c u t. beildM Qllbeit, Detry

and Tully are UUa llyams In the ^ temlnlns lead, Polly Moran . and

"The Slg Trail," the Idaho eunenl attraction, clo»s lonlght.

------ Roal-Estatc-Translcrs-

rv sb h td t ) Ull I n u m e u u ta -ffUs aoaraati Ceopaoy

S E C ^ K B •Warranty D.*-F*y Cox to R. O.

Wilson et al, 11. E ti BEM 1118.Warranty D.-Oeo. B. Carrico to

OK). D. CarMco et al, t l . l« ts R, 10, 11, B lk .m , Twin Palla.'

Warranty D.—Wm. WartKrg to Oeo. B. Carrico, t l al, | l . Lot a, BUc Hi. T. P.

Warranty D .-J . C. Beauchamp lo Emen Egan. 118,000. SE » 10

.Quit CUlm D.-Twln FalU Coun* ly to J. A. Vandtnbark, M.M. Lel 10, aik 3. Nart's Add to Twin Falls.

Qull Claim D.-J. C. Rltchen .to J .a K e tl . t l .S ! i3 0 )2 l6 . ' I

Quit Claim 0 ^ . B. Ke«l to Jsm ci. Stewart,' II. 8H SE X 13 19.

Warrtaly DW ames Stewart to O ulon Falor, 11. BK OS 30 13 18..

•Warranty D .-O uioh Fator to jlenry Ovcrgsrd..|l, 8>i BE 30 »

‘ Only ooe fMt tfHUOtt la Twtn Fallk Pbsns SM. Or. Fost«r. Adv.

KWDUXO WOOD '■ At Twin Fans Fttd & Ice Co.I Phone l9l.-Ad».'•

You ean JwSge a csrd



imU- I

JLD Y o u P l a y ?IL T O N C .W O R K —

^nlract and Auclioii Bridge)

iflon’it brid(re-by-ntdia f a m e s wl!l Uon K G IQ T uesday . D cM inber 0 , ut^ tand lnff p layers fro m a s n a n y larticlpatc under th e dlroctfon of I R osam und V ahcy , B oston, will lion AS dealer. H er p a r tn e r w ill be v a , C anada, a n d th e y will be 'oi>. W e t f Q i t i i n th e W est a n d M r^ Antonio; la fa i} In -the E a s t

ho ld follow :

H a n d s f o r R a d i o

d g e G a m e

rtalB:, iej» r. St.. KOiq


Horth,- htldi:I J 7 S

IJ f « J ndt 4 } *

e » 4 3

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ «IlS. WUitAU 0. UTAH■ 'atn Anwnla. T tu t

•cut," hcldtii V O . 3 Bpsde, 10 tspol 4

lltttu J 1 " ■ ■ - DIunOBdt 7 4 4 2

a u t t J igsipot 3

nosAuoND VAiirr

Iht dttlir. haldt:A K Q »

4 r ■

a T B E S P— i THE SILVER HORDE’ -. - :XT APPEARS AT ORPHEUftlalk- Packed with all Uio stetl-tlilcd ac ilUh* lion of Ihe original story. JThe 811 I sl. ver Horde," Rsdlo Plcturt/adapU

lion ot'the famous Rex S e n h nove Mrv eoR>t> to U>b screen ol the Orpheur

thestn as ono of (he out Jor- standing outdoor dramas, lilcle All the gUmor and romance o the tha orttliiti Jiu been rtlalntd li

the Ulklng piclure varslon, aC' lam cording to advanco reports, and > ^ Dlghly cast ot scretn ravorlUs h i ^ been auembled U> bring the ramou: t w Beach eharacltrs to Ute. heir Evelyn Brent, one of the forcmeii two dramaUe actresses and crestor of a :Uiti score of powrrful roles, U seen

‘ ■ Cherry Mtloli^. Louis WoUieim ira* Joel U eC rn. Raymond ]!sllon,J(ai Jim Arthur, Blanche Swett, Oavln Gor ik« doh.-Pumtll Pratl and Ivan Unow this round oat the notable cast, ek* Dlrtetor Oeorge Archalnbsurt (ook any Ills eompany ot more than one liun*

dred'players Into lha heart ot Aiat* lytr ka,'Where itro months wera spent Ia >en shooUng Uu setnes ln ihelr actual s ta localt. The pliotograplilc ttfects are Kd. said to be UQUiual In ihelr beauty try and splendor.the “The SUv« Uorde" U perhaps the snd mott powerful or all Rex Beach

stories. The norti eonnnu stt epie eni smigglo among th e . sledce-flsied

Alukaii salmon flshermeii, high* lighted by an unusual romance

— Thero la gripping aclion and brealh- tAklng tuspenie aammed Into scores

— . oLscenea..toppedJ>( orthegUmoroosJoatle.

The producUon U upected .to . attract large crowds to ths local

Uieatre duriog lU allowing, ilatUof Thursday.

-lE iM ’Sm iS : SElECTHOffillS

ItA aaatA K Dee 8 iBpeels] lo 10 The Nswtl—ElecUon of oltlctrs held 10

ID*Jji*- r - - —•‘ 0 r r ^Sure«*: H erto J | B k O'

to Bhi

: J

. .— — — ■ ■

_______________________________!!T oday ■

.“ T H £ J ) I G . H

T R A IL ” ■■ Lelli

B latlnee w p1:30 - 8:90 “* 0 ^ . 4 0 # - 1 ^

E v en in g | »■7:00 . 9:25 ^1 8 < • A P


TlBlElf'SliEI : P iS l-IL Il

JIJ Body B acks M ove to E r

9 , F e d e ra l - B uilding . e

5 t C assia C oim ly C s a r l to i111. ' _____

'uunLSY, D ta I ISpeelal to : > Ktwsi-AcUon, which It Is beUt 'K ' wlIlnotonlyaldlnraUBOngUiei

employmtnt situaUon, but wlU i resull In Improving eondlUons

I Cstsls county, h u reeenUy bten b ' tn by Uift board ot dlreetars ot ' Hurley Chamber of Commerce.I Prtsidtnl Roy Davidson has i I pointed committee* to urge the ti , (fan of a rederal bulidlng i t the ex U-. poilble Umt. and to confer w

' the board or eounty commtsilonen '/rgMd lo biiUdlng a eourUiouie.

. I m support of Ult federal and pc clllce building project. 11 U poln oul Uiat leveral federal bureaus rridy luive their offloet In Bitri

,The poslofflce U not only dolnt ' \Try coMldtrable buslnets, irut I

Sflntdska forest serrlee hat IU o;/} . here, u wtU u Uie rtclamaUon » (let. The federal building comm

I Ire Is made up cf Kowaid Kun “ Dick Mis, PoUer p. Ksward. H

.PalnierandR . C. Rich.I ArgumenU In (avor ot a com .building ar* that the 10*year ti rental period graeUd to the couc by Uie cltjr ot Burley tor Uie use

3 lu city hall for county orrices, h txplrtd. The clly, ll la tald. net the building tor lu own usea. T foujily is now w in g KM a mon rental ot city haU oltlccs. u well

rrenUl for otflces In oUitr buUdbi Suliibly locattd ground, ib Is said,

1 avallsble Ior Uie locaUon of a'coun I building. On the county buUdli commltlee ate WUllaiji Rcper, W.

___ afttsr, John itsxbier and Henrr------ Dworshat

n a i m i r8 IDIIllGEflil

nORLrY. Dee. t fSpcclal to Tt - . N ewsi-Usl rllei-wtr* h tld - hei

t t u Sunday for Btrion Bair, 18, In U U "' I), E JoJmson oiertusry cbspcl, ur

■ dtr tho auspices of Ute ChiUUa lae- Scltncesociety.811- Mr. Bair w u one of tha earllei pla- tttiltrs on the Soulh Side Mlnldok ovcl. prt))ret. having .come here befon ws itum ttr lisd betn atlivered by the gov out- emment. l i t was a oaUre ot Sout

CaroUna. Ito U survived by hi ol widow, JulU, and by a ton, Charlti •), s'lio rulde in Burley, and by lou

ac. daughUrt. Mts. 0 . W. Thompioi 1 a Tulire, CaUfomU: Mra. 6. E,'Jonei h u Sacramento. Callfomla:'Mrs. Wll

JOUI Virginia; tnd Un. O. £McBride, Wlnnemucu, Kevada.'

:C l lS i™ iE , i c i iN c ^ i S i i iook . RUPERT, Dec. 8 (SpeeUl to The ■n* K m )-a irlsU nusea lieU Ingcsm - >5 paign begtn today In Mlnidaki

eounty wltli « trtU orfaaited'can mlltet In ehargtf

»f* Mrs. C. A. Jones, Rupert, la chair, '‘■y man or Ul* committee; U n . William ... IL aibMn, secretanr: W. H. Disney

U euunr; Miss BuUia Nulling eounty school supcrlntetjdent. In

f ‘S charge ot sehool sales: and Mrs. N K.Jensen.dlrtclororUiestaleboard.

ThecamptlgnwUlextendUirough- ;«• oallherwjnly. floeUl otjanlxatlons

and tchoolt wlU be Ul* ehler medium


a t the l u t regular meeUitg of the i. ‘ Hagerman Rtbekaht plattd Mrs.

(n ia BlacUiesrt In the elllet ot no* bit gnnd: Mrs. Ethel JoBta, tIcf grand: Mrs. Zoe Hastings, corre*

. ipondtog secretary:-Mr*. Florrle Stark, financial teerelary, tn d Mrs. Flotile Marsh, treasurer, '

C Twenly;4lx membert were present.

MEAT IN CUUNE8 and SALOME • apples going fait hoir a t Uio Apple

lo Store, 331 Mala Aw, iJedh. a ,a lid Parga-Adv.

lire! He'U If That’s the / WOnly W ay...

Just a n o t h e r Shei A nd I h i * T h fS f} lauer's been rid-

she*thlpa'aU ^ V U r ,— o v e r Uie world

SSfrm.? “ ^H e r e ’a l« s ly

o 'o m sd y t h a t ■s p e a k a whai 11 ^Uilnks rlghl out ' *iwdi

J O H N G H J B E R TS M k la r Laimnc» Bulling*' ramUhtd Dialog to * New and

Dllferenl Rind e t Beltl . .• |



ella Hyam5 • Polly Kloran . Jim Tally


I rm aessl-FB blli.TbtB lre •'


Eiiiiisffl i . F i w i nErect Harry L. Harpsteri May ■ and Proposes Meelino of 10US8 Interested Orga;!l;ati(

a Vta DDRLnr, Dtc, 8 '(Speeial to : ;U*ved Hewsl-Ltadcrs of msny organlie un* Uons Interested In welfare wcrk ' U also meti in the basement ot (he cla In Ufe hen Tuesday trenUie'a t 1n tak* to coosldtr plana for coordlnatot the «U « work. It U announced by u

. or U m r U Harpster.u BQ. meellng h u resulUd from, agiuilon under consldenUon.M.II. »QU Ume, to work out a plan (orr wllh e&»rtU« Program. A efl

" mltlee h u alnady been appointed Ihe Elks to curry out organised

. lort. Other organlialtaiifoKrei LCfi: • " M Um Red Cr.olaW u t t t r Day 8alnU ReUef socUty, i w U* woman'i club, aad oUmt3» limey, n h u b ttn proposed Uitt es img a club, soclcty or fralemal organl ll ttie Uon Inltresled be represtnltd or tllleet board or exteullve eommltttt. t n str* UiAl Ulls board lundle aU wtlfi nmlt* and retlef work during Iho comi :untu, winter. In this way, Jt is thoug

Roy no worthy caro requiring atustai , ' s',ovcrlooktdjihd consldera

ounty dupUuUon can be avoided.

i i P E i i i l l i i T S VANDAlEERS’CQilCEIIe U u ■____ _

ROPERT. Dec. 8 (Bptclal lo Tl Newij-idabo Vandaleen, slude muslal orgsoluilon of Uie Unlvi

«UW lUy of Idaho, comprising 18 rele ff. A. musicians now tourtof BouUi Idsi >7 C. Iji th« interest cl Uu ielm l will i

. in Rupert Tuesdsy, Deetmber », h u been announeed by a D. An s l r ^ , prlnclpU ot Rupert Wi

The'eonoerl wUI be giren free wii r r n tho pubUe as well as Rupert hit p H school studenu t i gdests. and wi LLH begin a t l:iS P. u . . aeeordlng <

The eoneen will be given in tl Ruper t high Khcol auditorium.

i s l f l l l i M I N 2 IlfllLEl'PllSlElgov. ' -------wUi . HAILEY, Dec 8 (Speelil io Vi

Ws N e« i)-ln district court here Btl ■rits. urday llie case' of Aaron Boultj lour versus Ja m u Ttifcr, seeking dam xoQ. ages to pu ture and destrucUon I

property w u dcclded In favor of th WIU plalnUft and damagu to (he amoun .S. o{ t w wen »diaig«f. The amoun

iued (or wax ta>00. T ht pteullo; twist of Ul* cue w u Uitt Jamet Pit

‘ msn made homstead eUIm on Uu Und, leiMd 11 to Aareti Boulton, thtr

’ released hU elalm on (he land; Tellti QT iiasturedhUsheeponllandOoultbr HI consequenUy sutd for damage* from •• ‘ Ulls ireipaai.

^ i s i E l i P t i iCilSIiSCElEfliUIi

lanr — > -uy, ' 6II08RONE. Dee. 8 (Special' t< ing. The Newsl-Bhothone Masons madi

m plans for Uu annual communlli N. Cftrtitmas'tree and ceJebraUwi a l

inL Uielr rtgular metUng htre UiU wttk. |h - A dt»>nlcd trt* wUl be placed In ons the business section of town a few um dtyt before Cbristmu tuid a pubUo

tnwritlnmenl wlU bs held oo Chritt-

~ *"lw'^«mn51(l<rin“c2iifg^of‘th9' Ihe event Is composed of Y/. II. ilurphy, l a 0 . S. SmlUl aad T, II. Coodlnr, Jr.

g T O D A Y A N D

* T O M O R R O W

= RICH JEW ELS!k This rich gtrl had every* ’^ ' thing moneyewiW bay, bot

' wUh*Dt lor* her heart w u an aehtag retd -new eeeld

the (Ind happiness!^

I C O W i T A N C E f ^ y J


U t-W IHC ■ u w . IWUKUI

I A pUlBre wlUi aa Bs'usal plei, brffl(an< dtalegw* and a baekgvwnd ef hmllneas rtvallnf an Arabian ^nghU

/a n lu y - d w l a lts U.Also Comtdy . Comedy

— Jftinch-Hoow-B/ucs” *' Pathe Rerue snd

Novelty Acts Mallnee 10« and SCT6

Evening S8«,30« aod 40^

>10. DECEMBER 9, 1930 - ;

" U s h o s h o n e ; Dee. a . ispecU n n u The Ntws)-Word w u receive l u l i ShMhonfl Ulll week o( Um mar i n i l ot u u t Sarah Price, (ormer i

ographer (or Unooln oounty p ■ rutmgattOTieraoddudeat.ha

Samuel oardoer, Lo* Ang*l«s, ai a v o r At Uie bridt'i moUitr,

' OUdys PrlM, Lot Angelea. r .All The'young couple wtQ resld ' Long Beach.

““ if liE flir iic i I M T S f OFFICElating B0RLE7,Dee.tlSp*cl*l'to Msy* News)-Oeocie Patterson w u el

td rhalm an ot ibt »oler din nnan ot Soak* River CouneU of boy so I (or a l a meeUng h*Id here Friday i [o rtn nlng. DUxr otdeUla thoeen i com* Oeorg* Harding, s*ere(«ry. WUl

ledby ^ Ceytr. treuurer, A. U. Bud id el* camp director, and WUUam Rob wiled district scout cvamUiloner, Crou, Otorge IL nholer, reUring co y. th* cll chairman, p resld^ and Adi

^ NeUjcn acted as stortary, A k each nusun ' Uralnlng tehool U Aw

> 1^ ’ progreu here. Sessions are b< on .a |,eld etch Mondty tvtnlng al

• high tchool, with £ RusteU 6c tu tre TwjnFBUs,tcouttxecullvt,lnchai

CfOUCTMASOBEhlKaCAR inAlt annow'btlngdIspU y*dttU i*(

Book SMreQutUly Gift Shop. A

" III The precaui^ .you ohsem.

hot biscuitivir- is the o n t observed in tltct

f t f o a s tM g l \ j j j

Z B R O S C O F P E ihiiii

to You don 't throw a ll tbe ingrcd

th ; ents in the bowl a t oace. V< combine them « littli n a ih aad nuke a perfect, spoagy douji

Hills Bros, roast their coflcc by

jJT cootinuoui pn>^eji—i fw f im i l I t t a r/nr—never in bulk, ^ di

velop * flator tuch as bo othi

3tt* colTec h u . ’l t » j '

^ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ■

I J ^ L n o i i e r ;

stole— J o I J e s e r v e p t

S o ...I th td htppened to her,too. D eserted by .tier husbsnd.for aoocberwooufl. the'/deal vifel tbew onuQ w hohtd

' slaved tn d ttru u le d ta d ticri. ’ £ced( v h o u d fcofiixi t t

wives-who couldn't bold their huibaodi' lore. • '

A n d n o w ..,d ik C u t uide. A n o b je ao fp l^ io d ia im . yer^fd b r tbe n s n vbcm eren now, tbe still loved.

' . SitPliea hsd been t good bubsoJ.W4«

P ' t f i i . ' s ' c a t t abeto 10 tniel to Ut wile tad bU two tdotiotcfalldrta?

w A b n Sa itd , "Ihopttolieiveolorrerst*

y —■ rwtniltlvPBaE-beiB~-r» ■ U Bail

could S n ritsf hm bttntniertolK t InToUl husbind. “He hsd BO o h t«

S J .S . t . t e •“ '5 ^laio Olhtr womeo's tUtnM ti inns, M rtou r

S ‘-mimJomuiry - . '

TrueS^ A t A U K w M t o i

l ig EX*SHOSHOjJ£GlRLWIWEDS - - c ny.K•ecUl lo • lelvtd Inmarritg* , S ,'« rten- / / iy prote. f I \

« ,a tU it I . l & tr, Mrs. I M 'a f p l f i J l W r

eslde hi li, i V j P t t ,

“ Lnpfovedlilrlci

Y our GameWUUam . ,

M i l t o n C W o t ic IAdonU

A t t c d 'o i t a n d> being ^ t,**^11; C o n t r a c t B i i d ^charge.


= 10:30 P.M.

^ P U V B B Sw il, ■■ S o u /K D a to l-M a B M o iu r f


. £«tl~M rt.W U lU m aR nii,8aa _ _ Aatedo, Teiai.

^ 1 O l tV t iI o o a

E E . . “ 7V A O l. , W-l-E'O A K Jieit 7 * « T I« S

You • ,

| / ; « | ' , . i i , such. ' iU SouUi. with how many Spade* .**- would you open Uie tdddlog a t

:b y » AueUcn? At Contract? Wte b e - . . . . . . i . tomes Dedirer? How many cntrlc*

eanDeeUrermaketoDummy?PUy tUs band oow your wty, then hear

o th ir b id d ^ ^ ^ b y U i l to o C .^ o M

i W faat'tY ourSrtdgoH andkapf


” woman.

ly h u s b ^ dp i i y ..........o r h l a m e ?

00 KtidtUiwoato'sunflladilaacoir*

k dicri. ibelovesblois? W boiito bfiis*14, w heohtahudiitr^? Wh»th«yoa

r - s«•ellaortwolM ^mta^«<^otBo.miirinl, this tnuulof t m sw ^ wUl

'lO 'cX i^tttn thr^D n 'ta lu ltt De- $10,(ib0.00CasbEveiTM oatli ren -h rS ltH n T b s tY O V

Catt Writt!

s S l S SFor bejjaalas witb tb* alendii

ffim o o o ty p s J d t i im o o th fo r i tS a


JIO .000 .00 I b

i t t f t w i t f e ---------------------------------------hUDIsItiu* w * / i f e r i » t U ^ (

^ ^ Owa

pot it ots

s s g r S I :------ ^ ' 'OntNow!

S K W l r ,

b a B d * : - O n > 7 2 5 c . , , ‘

^ A r m y C


Of Tough Tussli' “Bill InBranTHas Devciope

a Smoolli-Running Al tack Which Is Perlccll Coordinaled," Says Sass

(Bt Tbs AnecUled rm i)

WEST PO IN T. Nc\ York, Dec. 8-Uuneh itif prnctice N ay ii

preparation for the bls.cjiar Ity same wUh ihe Navy li New York on Saturday. Ma

/ jor lUIph I. Sasse, Am^ foot —* tx ba]] condl. sounded a wamlni

(hot 'Ue Nary Is JW per cen ■better than at any prevfoui tlmo tWi aeason.” '

U lt l . J n r im /h u drf*top»d i tniooth-nuolnf ttUek which U p*r fcetly eoortlniUd." mW-Smw, wh u v Uw la Uielr dtcUlve Tlctory oter Penn m 8«tur dny. “Uifl eIiTlousUi»t Ult tetm h» round llMl{.: ••“OaUi«derenseUjeN»Tywu«lerM d iiro n i. AnoUier phoe of th cune which Uuy b«vo r a u t ^ i b;ockJw«(fUekJJ«. TTJjJntCTftx cncQ look out ItA men p ^ tcU j thowlng nno Uunwork. t&d Ui u'eUlof v u hjud u d o im .

*7h(r« b no douM th i t next S tt urdiy Ihs Amy will meet ono o( tb itron fttt K u u In Uis E u t U so the m nitr."

Su m w u pvtkuUrly Imprcaw by “Xlni. ft ( u t buk ; TulUs i t ctn ler: Bowjlrotn. lacWf, and WUJlam ■t qmiterbeak.'’

"Bontrom'a nunUns,” 6um uk! . ovMtaUoi usd W U iau 'm

teetlon o( p l tn w u exetUenU Pur Ihtmore. U Nary h u »ny not* »ub AUtutcs like Hurley, who rtplice Kltn, we will b( in for VI unpU uu tttemoon."

The Army, M>}or Sum u ld . "un cotiKloiuly reietifd (U vttk t tr Ut Notrt Duns gams a t Ohlueo. Ti

•keep the «)u#d from going state. wi broke training a fu r Uiat game lo three dajt. tfow wo are tn ^ g t bulld up. „

"Wo will certainly be' unabts b out our fuU attengUj on the /IcM

L BebuUan, fine itring hattbaek, 1 ■ ^ dellalulyoutforthereatofuie*ea

aon. Thli looming I vUted A m ationg. Malloy, Trle«.-KUlilnger m

. SumnerfeU In Uie hoiplUI. All Uiea men are regular playen and Uiel ahunce D»( Saturday'WUl be soret; lelU

'Carlmark h u ntrer fully reoo*' ered from hit tnlurie* Incuned In Uu Yate game. Sleeker and fttnlce are alao on Uis Injured lUt. ItvU be , a good game. Uiough." .•


(OOTUcued Prom Page Onel’

;bad for ttl slogan ’■Dsreloplnr Pe^ sonallly," were: "i;4fe'» VocaUoni- M uter what n u liko to do It In youi

.’powA- and fo^vyour'apUludes and ^tutea.". . Significant queitlins of OhrUUan- . Ity answered by the confercneo wers:

- .....- — “Where did-wo cow -fron t—WhatI are we heto forT And wbere are c tI goUigr

. , 8te4y Economies ' pioblemi 01 Konomlcs and m o r^ were brought to light. .Tho boys ez> pressed confidence In lloovera un> emp1o>‘ment relief program and de* veloped a slogan, “help the fellov that Is dowa" The crime - wave problem, lit causes aod miaturu tcr

Ideals o r girl cmpantonihip and "leadlni ef clean Ures" woe oUw

diieunloa ot tbe prohlblUoo I quetUonderelopedaome/mtiOTeriy., and denloped no defM e stand

V among ihe b ^ Dr. C ulnr brought > out, T b o loud acclaln now' being

made by U» propaganda of Ihe 'weta' would scaioety be heard wert t t ao t for Uw paxalonate desire ot eome men to make easy money sell>

\ A^ ’ 'Tm gWng U» best l*re got and

1 waat you to eateh Uie meaning and ^ tho secret ot We,- Dr. C ul«r de-

cleared. Ke t«ad from scripture Uw parable ot Uie nobleman wKb gare

- eaeh ot 10 serranti a talent to trade n wlU>, one ot vhom burledJils talent J n It w u Uken from him. %ow

( nany ot you young men are going V. lo make good wltb wbat Ood b u \ giren you-htalUi, talenlrprlrltege.

\ educaUcn. trlends. ttcettraT"Cites AdJastmenU '

m Ute there are thrte adjust* • — menu ImpenUrely neetssanr.'' eon-

• Unued Dr. Culrer. T hey are duUes lo one-a self, to olben and to Ood." In adjusting one's self, eertala In*

I sUneU m nu be mastered and heldIn eontrol-eueh u eurloi|ty. fight­ing, desire tor rerenge and sez. Lite's

I adventure vUl bt a tragis talhue,I . uBlesa tbese InsUncu are directed

‘'Unielflthnesa and Uu KallaaUon ot Uw UghU ot oUien are tralu wa must detelop In'making our adjust* menta. No man erer can thake ott

• the memoTT ot loweitd Ideals.''he cdnUnued. “in the third adlurt* m e n ^ e must lesm U ut Ood U


, MEilSJOIN , r i r W i S S *

I ^ ioMani,Y, ac. ■ (ipriu to ' The Ne*s),.Jrwo beniflt gaUntlngt

vere ouMkBdtof emtt ot Kiabett;

jQach Rf. 6UCLlt>T MAS C U C U v 'MS - 1 ALUJKV6 r** IHOUSHT 6UCUW VM J _ A a o o K - u i H w a ^ y ,


t l m mlar*In ----------------------------


ilnjr ny Bass, PhUsdelphU. lunlor tlgti

Ick. also ot PhUadelphla. In a l l nund battle a t Uie arena tonlgt

I a Bast weighed 1» : Jadlck isa. Bai ptr* UUe w u not a t ttake.wbo _____

HEBRCRA WINStur*h u pnTBOURait. Dec. 8 M>-Toi

Herrera, is7'.i, Chlesgo, w u glren lien ]0.round deeUlon o m Cowboy Edd the Anderson, ISt, Wyoming, here ti

d is n lih t•tir* JeUnnr Duns. New K u tUy. Ington, Pennsylvania. outpolnU Uie iiomcr Donan, 1 » » , Newark, Ohi

In eight.Sat* -Sonny Jlm'tMcVey. i n , PiUi U« burgh, knocked out Walter Keleht» t IB , Detroit. In the teeond round i

^ tiU^nmdbouu___


Johnny Dstto, Cleveland teaUici a\d. Might, scored a four*round technic « • knoekemorerChrU{fJUrt.Boe}M

ler, hero tonight. U artw uunab to answer Uie bell tor ihe tourl

»«{ round beeaust of a deep cut In li

'’^tothe tU.round seml-flntl Wesli ‘un* Ramey,ChIenK,wonath-roundd' Uie clsion orer fitm ifickett, Toms TO lightweight. ____

'to r KAUrSIAN'WTNS I to

WASHINOTON, Pt.. Dec. 8 W> 9 to U rry Kaufman, m » . Uultvlll IcM. ITMtofk}-, MfpelaWd Towmy War

14 liS.PllUbui^h, In eight rounds he

^Sd ^ ntED lA N SCbltBSCTIOAOO. Dec. a tP igJohnr

Mlsse Ramm, Bmden, In the eight th . round final bout a t White City U

,i»i night. The decision WM rn t populi im WlUl the t tn t who clamored for

“ draw, intheelglit-roundteml-llna . Edgar Noimaa Norway, gained 'Ui

verdlet over CharUe ArUiur, Bosto • heary .


tOOtSVItLB. Ky, Dec. 8 Wl *— PitddyUltler.m.ClnclnnaU,knock >er* cdout'Utbe-'nuUt.mH.LoulsvlUi I I - In Uie second round of their sehed our uledtO-roundboutheretonlghUTh md deciding blow w u a sweeping left t

. me Jaw. RuUi w u knocked dow en- twice for ths counl of nine befoi« : being PHt to sleep, b it ■»*■ • . m QREENLEAF. WINS.

NEW YORK. Dee. S dn-Ratpl rail Oreenleat, UUe holder, defcalei a . Thomu DoaUnan. PorUand, Oregor In- In the tin t maleh ot lho world' de. thrte*cusbfon filUtrds cfuunplon lov Uilp toumsment here tonight. Th ir< icore w u i;s to IB In eight Innlngi fCf _ ;______________

g FARH WlARD CHIEF ^ — EXPECTS PRICE OF ■■7. . WHEAT TO, ADVANCEmdmg (ConUnued Prom Page One)U» eernlRg Uie operaUons in protpectert ‘ Chairman Legge said Ult I1M,000>ot OOO would be used In continuing Uii

s'l* rtgular farm board program, irt* • The program, he said, Included

^ loans 10 cooperatlret In furtherim IheesUbllshmentofmarketlnRSEen'

‘Od tle i I t would also apply to Uie tu*

£ S S . S ' . ' S . S C S S ' J S‘I* Ing In wheat,^ -H e u ld Uie board now htd a_tt<,*

HZ alderable-otllUconimlltedioloana S f n t i portJen ot the ertdJt balsnee

eommltled to loans barring altera- Uon ot Uie commitment, must be beld for Uie borrowcra. " '

st* = ^ = = = = = ^ =

during Uie laiter part of Ihe week. An One Of (b t f a n ^ erowrf* « w to g. assemble in Klmberty alUnded the .M church tesUval and baiaar on FH-

day evening, Dinner w u sened ' from 8 Id i p. u . Prooeeds from Ihe ” dinner and u le of goodt were IIM, J tnjptalnm ent w u provided by

c n T h u rsd u atternoon Uie Amer* „ lean Ugioa AudtUrr met a t the

hoato tU n.R aR aond Butler, near Hansen, MUt l l m tm btn’ picMnt.

^ The early aftemooa w u devoted to Z tearing and sewing ef carpet rtgs for

Uli vecerans'tkxplUf to Solse. A/(er “ a short session o t gamu, Uwiioateu

served a dainty two-couae lunch- , eon.

The Ladles' Pioneer club vUl meet Thurtday afternoon At tbe country home of Urs. R. B. Randall. Urt.

C B .E P B tU rw lK hifeclitig»oftA e J program enUwsubiectot'‘oommuo*

ItyevTloe.* u n .w .M .A no idw iii- giro Uw aagaiine renew, AssliUng to h o r te s s e i^ b t Uesdame* B. T. gs Wnt. 0 . stauihn, a P, Jiasen ly and J. a Poe. ' , .

eaiizes 1I Football Coaches p On Western Coasl ^ Arrange Schedul|A Only One KItch Marks Coi[ | (ercnce's Annual Mcc^ ing to Determine Gr^ Games for 1931 Seast

Dy PAVL ZIMSIEBBIAN(Aiioclalcd' Press SporU Writer)

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 8 * - Only one hitch marki the Pncinc coaal confc

— cnce’fl nnntlal meetlnjt whlc opened here today for a thrc

.Den* doyHlnnd.Unlvenilly of S.outhci

Cflllfomin and its youn 1 10- nefRhbor, Univeraity of Cai algtit. fomla at Los Angele Bass reached an Impaue on selecUon a dale for Ihelr annual gamo and

will nol meet on Uie r id tion IMl. /

Ths Trojsns hetd out tor the ope t r ; wme of Ihe season, with t:

* »* seuon., The upshot w u Uial Bout e m , California will meet Coa. "BUp" Msdlgan^ sfroog St.

?wu «>e«n hero BepUmber a«. ' 'SU InlenecUonal gamee mark tl

schedule ot conference Uams. 6U P>»y‘ns Minnesota a t Palo Al

e5«“; October 10 and Dartmouth a t Dc « lon Novenibfr a leads tho tUt

(he5e. T n and possltity th m mo are In Hit offing.

The olhen were:Boulhem CaUfomla Venus No'.

^ Damo at SouUi Bend. November: U»«' Oreson «rius Now York unlveni '1^“ * al New York. Oclober Sl.'<*«■ t/nlrersliy of CaUfomia i t t Mble An*el;s versus Northwcitera

Eraniion, Oclqbcr 17. n lilt Ortgon SUte venus Colorado

resley &hl^Se?brison fitaisaid lie was awalllng a call from i Eijtem leam which he decUned mention, recardlne anoUicr gas Coaeh BIU Spauldiiiff, Unlrenlty California a t Los Angites, « v

np. Uk market, for ono or more oppo;IS ;;.Vnrd, Gforjlan Vntttcky■*’*” ■ OeorgU officials, htre In quest!

a coast conqueit, had no tuck toda althoush ll was understood Bouthei

• CaUfomla may schedule a game wl'

S K f f S 'over . Oregon wlU be Ihe traveling Ua Itht-' felt vlUi only one game a t E f to* gent and only two In the stale, juiar o ‘T>>e tnnual conference dinner w ^ a tield tonight. Tomorrow baMbi l^ i l schedules wilt be framed.I .tha ‘His l» n Paelfle cou t foolbi

tchedule tollows: .•, . Bcpumber 18-Wesl Cout Arr <. a t sunford.

September as-Olymplo club sunford; Bt. Marv'a a t Southei

P) — CalltomU; Banta C lan at Callfo loek* nla; Oregon BUU versus Cotorai vlUe, at Portland: UUli a l Washlogton. bed* October S -^an t» C lan a t Stai The ford: Oregon SUI& a t Bouthei ft to California; Bl. M a^s a t Callfoml lown Oregon renus Idaho a t Portlani cfore Unlvenlty of CaUfomla a t Los An

eles a t Washington'aute; uonu i

October 10-I.IonUna al Idah< . Oregon a t Washington: Mlnoeso:

t 'Ph a t BUoford; 01>mpU club a t Cal ated (orois: Washington Btate a t Soutl

em Callfomla. rid s October n -Id a h o al Washingtoi

Oregon StaU a t Suaford: CaUfoi ,Ttie nUvenusW asmngtonSUUitPor ins*- land:-Oregon a t Southem CaUta

nla; University of CallfomU a t Li Angeles, a t NorUiwesUm.

October 2i-W uhlngton SUte i Montana; sunford a t Wuhlngtot BouUitm Calltomla a t CaUfomla.

October Sl^MonUna at,Calltoi ICE nU; Wbltman a t Waihlngtw; n n

m slty ot Callfomla a t Lot Angeli I t SUntord! Origon a t He* Y «

___unlvenlty; waahlngton StaU a t Onm t. gon SUU; Oonzaga a l U aha I00> November 7-WashlngUn a t Cal the IfomU: Btanford al SouUiem Cal

tomU; Idaho a t Washington BUt Ided November I t ^ n U n a a t Soutt ring em CaUfomU; Washington SUU i •en. WasMngton; Idabo a t Stanforc Sla- Orecea at Oregon S U u: Nevada i « ln CaUfomla.ict- November M-Oregon a t Unlver

< ilty.ot CallfomU a t Loe Angelea. November Sl-CallforoU a l Stan

« !• rocd; BoiUiem CallfomU v tm uia. Notre Dtme a t South Bend.,Dce Novemlftr ss—Oregon venus 6 <ra- M arn :a tS an P n n ctsca

be November, s s-su n fo rd vem DtrtmouUi a t 8<wton.

' Dtctmbtr-' 6 — Waahlngton .a


tkeleionofanexUnctrhlnoeerotaa netrly compUU skeletons of an an deot lu n e aod a taolr*Uke anlma

JJJ hive been unearUied tn WyomUi brttlentUU'^Bt SmlUuoaUn IntU

— • ■-ier* ■ ■ ........ I I.the ,«ar

l lo ^ R e a l l e u , ^

reer ^

“ I .-“1ItS m oet wholeeom# p[rs. yon n15* G o o J for yoof.Stoi

^ . 'I t r e U e rc iCi | K P l » - l l d n

lea — ■ »


I DO Per ln N a v y A t t r i b u t e s

T r i u m p h t o R e s

ISt C ^^B U ?In iT aia^ f We Nary, biUevlng Uie Ihree weeks' coajMrtUi

I r t i t whlrh hU regulan had befoi l l l o the Penn game last Balurday dl U l v then more good thsn a rough*anc

lumbU prepantion progrtim.' starttd to prepare for the cbani game wlUi the Army In New To: Con* on Baturday »1lh a llgbl wotkout.i

Ingram betlsrea his ngulan hai IflAf. rtachtd the peak of Uielr strengtl

having rteovered from th# baturic recelred In live hard games in

uH d rev in> mid-season with UtUe n____ lilacemenl materUl to r t t t hli vfcason llty. Ju it enough work to ketp U

T an in shape w u the program i the academy for ihe three wecl prior to the Penn gsme, which Nai

t „ , " ' • “ ' I ! : . __________

i M D e l l ’s ? o w l e r s

hieh L o s e i n M a t c l

Hemenway and Moser clgtr etoi bowlen won from Dcll't Uam, tv

tic m tismeatoone.lnacommercuncsgi u n ff w iss a t Uie Slone aUey btre U

evening.Call- pjuiioa, WlUl u a polnU cbalkt l o s , up to his cndll In the thret*gani on of terlet, w u high Individual tconr. Jld M IIE.MBNWAY AND UOBEB•n In Paulson .:------------ .171 i n IM »

Ptrrlsh _________IM 178 IM Mopen. Anderson'- ..--------1781« 183 <t“i i K Q ish ----------------- «th an ( ^ e U ------------ tU IH 117 ti

^ h * Totals_______ .Tn 713 833 3<Q:oach DELL-Sf tr j 'i K!illMr--------- _ _ ! « 138 JU «

McDonald_______m 183 IM Uk the f^ rg o ----------------li# a a w s:sun* Benoit -------------- W IM JOI il} Atto t\9rd, J . ------------- ieo,it« i n t iOoi- ----- --------------

s t of Tota ls ....... .-.-7g6'7taT78ai


vallon commenced, the total sUng “ Mocfc-i had amounUd to 0<,000«

barrels, or In oUier word! Uity htl almost doubled and were Increuln

S m in atirming dllly imouaU. f? “ T hU increase repreienUd pro

ducUon tn wceit of demand over ?, pteduclloa Tha Mat ol earryln

Itiue storagt atoekt and Uia lost b eripontlon, wuU and ofUnUme f lie, nm t Into tnmendous aumt. ao^ tooner or laUr, npreKnU loa to lh

V, producer or consumer or boUi.' I t 1 S “ ono ot Uie wasteful methodt Uia

thould be etlmlnaud.PrevenUd It Un

' lil anUitruit Uwt pcrmllUd Uie neces iKrfigfecRieilU and coopenUva ef

ii-un agreemenU' whUli Tould b beneflelal to aU and harmtul v

MacMIIbn said thete agrtement Lhin thould exist between. Independen

and major producers on,Uie u le o olbair guollne U one anoUier and cUe<

Jfgal tuthoriUes. who h td held, ii >rtnv eases Involving Other Industries Sim'

lUr agreemenU wtro ot a necessit; s toprescnebulncuaUbUlty, . th„ „ Dana cited poUnUal figures In

cludlnell,000,«)0 acrettu8cepub1eb

d e v e i o p i w n t o ^ f o o ^ ^ them irlbularict.

He ateo outlined Uie navIgaUon d^ velopmenlpoalblllUetofUieColum'

T ^ . Wa and Willamette riven. • ■ ,7 .7 . A reioluUon w u adopted asUnj

nltntOa m t ot the lllululppl fa laho; "lO" aWrteuvfrateifor'ium. iJo u mer tourist tnvel to Uie w nt coast

and asking euUm Unes for'on ex- Mth* Untlon of the wtsUm lumber ntes

Includmg n U s on Uie manufacUiret

S ;t>or;* Spokane and SacramcnU appar Uror* enlly were leading conUnden fn

UielBJtehamberuislto. Thtmett- tag pUce will be aelecUd tomonow.


. OF FIVE PLOTTERS(Continued f t w Page One)

5 ^ - liet..whlch declared that since U« Call* itefcadanu tisd contested and re- UU. ptnUd. the Soviet power could nol ^th* Im guided by a mere desire for rc-

'em: wu'conctuded a JudleUl In- U >t vMUgatlon which v u somewhat lc

tbe nature of a great pubUe show foi iTer* two weeks, l l w u held In ihe old et. ball room of the house of eolumnsi tan* where arUtocnUc Udles and gentle-

i m i mtn of th t Curlii regime paraded tn rich .raiment,vand every sitting

I St. w u packed with proletarian mas:ei of Uw new RussU.

tsu t At each defendant confeased his crime he spoke Into a microphone

'I t and hit words wtre broadcait Uiroughout Uie m l a p in ie of the

0 . ______________ -3lete GATHERS RADIO STATISTICS and WASHINOTON OT) - The census•n* bureau h u taken ovtr Uie work‘'ot

Imal gaUisrtng quarUrly ndlo tUllillet nUig ttom dealen. This thu formerly dontitU* by the electrical equipment division■ - , ef Uie departineBi ot commerce..

N e r r o u s ? —M k

'‘F i c g o ^I p ^ l e C o f f e ^ M tn U

ST0 hadiitomuh and J w jV e m t

■ C c tu tip ftliQ dlIwajv p tjr t to bo^ tl)« Beet


C e n t I m t

jg j D ra ft R ule Gets -

"Jr FurtherThough»Uve • •etorc —

Mid-Winlcr Mcblins of Ns tional and American lt i guc Opens With DIspul

ngth, _____^ “5 NEW YORK, Dec. 8 ‘ ( ^ T l

rt- well-known diiift conlroveny can var- to the rcKue of harassed ba«ballP

> Ihe iw ten covertng the mtd-wtnt m at meetings of Ihe Natlona] and Ame reckt lean lesguoa today and gave the: Nary something to write about.

Whllo major league club owtie: and managers Indulged bi tplrlU but IrultlcM conversatlont In U lobby of Uie Hotel Commodore. It commliut of nine from the Urn C lu t AA LHguet, IntemaMoni

. v l l Pacific coast and American assocli tion. wenl Into a huddle on Uie twer

tlore >leih tloor and finally came fort , two with lbe announcement Uiat a coi 'Siue ference with Ihe m ijon on the dra ' luL piDtileffl vould be beld In tha Hot

KnoMvell a t 10 o'clock Wednesds

rama Originally an informal confereni bflwten the rival groups tiad bee

B u t for 1 o’clock, but It w u aban don^ chiefly, ti w u u ld , becaui

4M419 —t i t

i m

SM '4 u 1 A * J ktio


JUt, ' ^ex- •

stet, ured Chl*

»" T h e y tie D e c id e s

;rsAnd s o i t is wit

^ t o t f O % o f a l i n :

Ml . f i r s t few m i n u t e

o r d J i u ^ o i l s d r

A B u t C O N O C O

. . a l w a y i o n g o a

■> a w a y , p e n e t r a

S i ( d a m i t a r & g i

his ' A gtep o n th e g ta rt tm a w arts , a n d ic is t

ui» r i a y e a r m o to r . B y

. periods , o rd in a ry oil


S ' i

Jon- tO O K I N G FO:

~ / U N U S U A L G

Do t k oao im l. . . for] nacmbftoces for once I

: 'a to i t acceptable l i f t .C O N O C O Cbrisim i Books....C oitss|;.O O i Memben of fsmHy, sad: xeoemberyourtbcMjbtfitime tb ir fill up v itb tln a a tf e ta boy ia r t . ^ o { L . . G o o d a c ^ i eUyuigtbtCONOCQKi


proveme- Brigham Eleven—

R eacto Island!f h i ItONOLULU, Dec. 8 U>-Tlie foot

ball team of the Drigtiam Youn , unlvenlty arrived here today lo pla

the Unlvtnlly of Hawaii Wcdnti day. Tlie game will start al 8 P. M Na- (loiM P.M . PacUlo coast tlmt.l

Coach Ott Romney said tha play .ea* ers from Proro. Utah, were In goo' condition. They- worked oul tvlc today and wlU practice again tomor

-Tbe the American teaguB was'not repre came sented.II r4- ' After that failure anollier effar Inter w u lo have been made lo gcl th mer* l«'o parties- lo Iha disnuU togethe Ihem *t < o'ctock but before (hut hepperw

reptesenUllves of Ihe eommlltea o nitrt nine came fortti wlUi Ihelr an rtted nouncement and added that nothlni

tlte vrould bt (lone In the matter untl . the Wednesday.,Ihree Juil who wat to represent the ma onal, /or letgutr at (he drsfc confennci k U* w u pr^ltmallcal tonight, nor wx iren^ H known juu hov or by whom the] [orth •'ould bo appolnled. It was Intlmnt' con* ed, lioa-ever, that Jolm J. McOrai draft ol tbe Ntw Yotk OlstiU. and Wll lloul lUm L. Veeck ot the Chicago Cubs sday. «w ld torm pan o t the Natlona

league delrgatlon, for l l w u genet' tnce ally beUetid that they wtre behtnc been Uie movement to have th« trouble, ban* some quetUonUirished oul once aad ause for a ll .

e t in th e f f H o w L o hr i tH y o n r m o t o r . . . * 4 0 %

m o t o r w e a r M c u r s i n t h e

i te s a f t e r s t a r t i n g ) b ^ x x s e

I r o i n a w a y i n i d l e p e r i o d i .

I p G e r n t '- P r o c e s s e d o i l i t

l a r d d o t y , n e v e r d r a i n s

r a t e s m e t a l s a r f a e e s , r e -

j w e a r .

irter always takes ordinary oHs is then rKat mnrr danugc occurs J d ra in in g aw ay d u r in g idle oils " let down tbcir guard” and

llL ...G i.. S T fO i m u CoupoQOO aad 110.00. S R S S i sJfriendiw aibtfnlacnenrjr ~ - S r ? T . _ itb e b (s (tb s t m tt

■IK e d T t^ S k L — _ ^ -


?nl In NajJiaggBansHocp

Clash in ChicagiPlaynts* —-

Originator of Tournamer ood Declares Purpose of Ar«lce

nual Allair Aocompllslio

OHICAOO, Doc. 8 uv-UntverslI of Chicago's naUonal intenchotai

, . Uo baskelbalt tournament—Uit worl t"* series of the "prrp" eourl game-ls

UilDg ot Uie put.Amos Alonso BUgg. sr.. wbo orli

InaUd the toumamenl which annu I e* ally drew enlranu from almost ever

SUU. tonlghl announced Uial Ui I'ng event would not be renewed, "u .l ntu apparenUy h u ser>td lu purpoi

In inspiring Interesl In high schoc na* bukttball to a pouit where a na nco ttonat (oumimicnt no longer It nee was cstary."hey The loumfmeat lin t w u held Ij ml* 1817, and h u been lield annuall raw WlUl Ult eueptlon of IDIB and 181 tfll* when Uie war Interferrcd. llowevei ibs. tl w u atucked by Uie National Fed 'Htl ertlon ot Hfgh Sc2ioo] Athtetfe uso >cr* cltuooi end Uie NorUi CenUal con tnd ference of colleges and seconder: lie- schools, tind a commutee w u ap lad pointed tast sprtng by vict Pretl'

dent Prcderle Woodward, to decide 1

P U M S HF ir s t F ew t g T h e y I I3 le E y o u ^ o to r in f o T s c y c r c ] . w H cfl^teccion Is vitidly' o(

O n the other hand, Germ has its guard up. I t ’s film pei

• erery working p a rt while tli

I The fim m otor revolucioo I tion guarding every clearane

of Tcarwhich m ight hare ta ' eyerih iftagearbgu ln tan tia

Thousands o f motorists Ii > .improTcd m otor oil prolongs I better a ll- ro u n d p e rfo r ;n I CONOCO Gcrm*Processed 1 you sec the C O NOCO Red


m af A K A f f ! >


jvyleamIt should be conUnued.

n AqucstiA nntlrew uteotloarep. I t resenltUva number of ilgb tehool principals Uirouglioul the country

and about M per cent replied. Elgbty- kfTA abandoning Uie loum*m u ament oo Uie ground-Uial tUU O iDumamenU supply aU Uia compeU*

Uon ntceuary. ITilrty voted fer con- Unuance and 18 men were undecided.

^ c n t siISb S u Shat uJo iS u f n W to i . scholastlo track end field champto* A n- slilps.anawiual-prtp-fe«turoiiaee

•r. . UOJ. would bo continued and nimM SllOCi May a tnd :o u Uie dak i ter Uie

1931 renewal.

g College Basketball- Is a iniMla U. Depainr' 15. '

8L Uuii U, lewa K. orlg* Otkosh Nomal so, M Ie h lg a a nnu- T «h 18.every Neln Damo 38, KaUmaiee 15.1 Uie .................... I


Tlie Twin PWls tehool beard met l u i n(ght Bt Uie offlee of W. B.

Id In Smitli. superinUndent, aUowed Uw ually Usual grbt of bills end-dlseusted m it vartous matten/ot tcliool actlTlUea

rever, *IUioul leUng on them.Fed* -------------- —mo- NoosR tfiviTz m a m o s ^ con* Twin FaUs Moose lodge h u In* dary vltcd neighboring lodges to alUnd a np- meellng wlUi InlUaUon and enUr*

real* talnment progrwn to bo heldln Odd de If Felloiv haU here Uilt evenlcf.

W ~ r - ' . /

I M E N TI M in u t e s W ill L u s ttre^^Ilmeiit at a time r 'a te 'd ^ . . • ' •

rm-Proccssed oil alwaysand to . .

! tlie m6tor is idle, rion finds ready lubrica- ancc. The 40% to 60%;: taken place before you itially rrfuced. ,3 have found, that'this Rgs inotor life and res r;nance. Yon can find.«d Motor Oil'whereyec cd Triangle. ......

OCOLM ' ,N B A t 6 r <

a O I L , ' *

m i i M i i i n '--- IvJrl

Liquidation of FriendlESs Railroad -Shares Carries Entire List Lo«cr ftgain » |

Harl<ets_aU GlancefTOV YOnK. DfC. 8 l'5>- oenSWfW: WMk': iwdlns 9 l«

Iom 3 S polnu. , stMiUonrf*: Wtak: rails nnd Indiu- cIo«

IrliM ftt JCM'* lo»i. Ul Cuib: IU»v)-; »Tn»Jl l« « i

Uiilly rwovcrtd. _ ff»-Fordsn exclwns»: Flm : Ca- it k

M filnn I.Cotwn: Loner: Boulhem »ell- *nrt

“i m t ; E i.« lr, « • ' r ra i" '- w '

" m S w S S .!<■«. OTJ

S E S - , : b—corn: Firm: C tatutd m i s w

anilllfmCMlimiirkft*. . SUICilUe: Weak to lo« r. cl>w

. ________ jtw JOHN t» COOLEY u i*

(AssocUted Preu Plnanelil TretNEW YOUK. D «. ®? J [ f ’

6( U16 ttkw lleumany oJ which « n t to new IBM for Trci

lncrc»«<l. bringing ule* to 15D,8«0 rt ihMM. Ihe largest volume »lMt Ho- d;

'^^M Uon niJM In the bond mar- 3 lo• VcV,-where nUroad «ibU»»UoM « t e tx>i

DsrUcuIarty prMtd. VVheatanil com sUAd; and both endnt the day

Jilahtr. ba l cotton ilumped »hen the na tS n rSduc^n In Ihe Bovfrnmenl umcrop ctlmale /«»td to itir up lurcwh«nUu!iuece«or»UblllMUonne- nEoHitlona aniOTis Cuban and Ja»-»n PmInltrwU.beeanieknom 115.

Altliough there * u nolhlni In the tn e n ta c*um spceUI preuiw m fg iin it Ihn carrier- cgultlci. Ihli i, m u p waa haltered ptnWenUy. Eaastock* like Atehlwn,Mltaiofe,Ne» zYork Ccntrnl *nd Union P ^ f lc anti akidded 9 points, maklns ut»U r t- a

In the group embraced. In iddltlon to tho llr*t Ihrra ot Ui# abore lour, Ptteeo, a m i Northern- pteieered. h Erlf. Nlektl Pislf. «««l SouUiem vtr

Q lU lnTrc^bt.• oill*lwhad'lhelrlroublti.Anlne- u

month Income lUttm eni ol nlcli- „ Held Oil dlielostd Utal llllle more

ly tS the necessity ot purchMlns at, the markel a Urge proportion ot tla mp

S«5rom *»ham ^ V t»w ilw f»Jn - Jf!' cludtd 8laniJardofCalUomU.Plcrce rtili prcfcntd, phllllpj. Prolrl# Oil. and

^ t t ^ * ' l ' « t Uie unlllled tonnage , f aUiltm tntofllieU nlltdSU lfiB tetl eorporaUon.duijat nw n Wednesday. ^ would show » Itnall Incrtaw itfad- u,o led Ult atctl stocks. Many oflhe In- iok diulrWIeadef».*lUi(WBhhe*\T.?on-


, 'T w in Falls Markek dU BscitmeBs a r e u rq k u n u t j- TO ACCEPT A8 P W .a THB QUO- J , TATIONS APPEABIHO W TlUb COm&UJ. TAB FJQUBE3 OIVE^ „es ARE THOSE! BUPrUED TU THE SEWS EACU UAV BY B U V m tS «

-------ALL-LlKC8'q U 0 nCD.-nUT-tN-A —GBEAT MANV CASES DUYER6PAT M o a t r o a b o ti» u v e - i 8T0CR ANU PRODUCE THA.N due TIIE OUOTATIUNS TRET OIVE POO TO THE HEW8. AND SElXtB# tRE ARE URQEO TO KEEP THIS FACI ^ IN M lN a . .. T&» »»» r»ll. «U«1M tn - Wdi> «** U >Nlawn' »mi

U intort . ni.Uhi buiciiftm i« 10 *10 ii»—-• n .'iuti<ifr»ti«ixv puichm. I».IW Ihi. M.ii hor

. IIr»)f M K i___ orci

m w - Z Z ^ Z Z r Z T u w S u S VfH Cll»c» ------t^OOMto.W pou

. 1*0rr/;i« -Y in5-55t= :dS rtvrl.i*hi htni. undtr l ' i pounfli K her

' " " ^“ tll* IBlllW.Vo. I loni.-------------------- se INo. I rouni tien. -------------------- iee gOiajomt _ ------- IK

tHniM fStkrji IllKKo. I (om.---------- ----------------- » JISUNo. 1 iirni_______________ ......iW nZ 'S Z :...... ...— = z !g

n*» 18’.t : j p -------------Nonm i,« .t ---------------:.cnorrr. Jiuii*------------------------ )»«ciotft. r«l }>; cOfimft'iiiuti^a , j i ei o; y n « onm w n r t Tm fxii

BDPt-WBoleult ,1„H!!'.* T - 1,,4 «c<

nuutu. »8. I------- — -----25cmwfi*. No. . ----------w

s s : ; a a r 1 = : — : s s < S

ud 'u u i-rtrf »«•'**'

DKxk toed. SOO-lb. leU _ l l .M N

s s ; r s z » r i = r = ; b ,.r'I " ...?*”’ ooon— ' A

— ___ . . a cho

Ooioo*. yuBfl Clio

- - -‘iiasg

- i n a m ^Dolt«r, c r ^ ^ — I '

. Coal, WtaU .tmspk MO — ■ » { ^

Pnjre Six

. ..

s to c k M arkel A v e ra g e s ' |

i~?lito^pr!'»ut!1vi5° atsii'ixa uuii»..0 comptnr) - j : j M I

toT .iH o-'!B ^ i® « }«55; ^

ij*» ' ” !“ 5” ! ;

11I I i s aow tr a ."n u # 12T?Uu’‘M'fiTwilW Ihsiw.

lncdthelrlM S«loapoim <.r lr« awUere was. however, a J-|»i»t droi> gj}5 1 American Can. Oencral lectric.icneral Molon. Radio, Uiillfd Swles iiur■l«I. ami Bfthlelicm 8 i« l avcrajtetl rj^ Ixjui \ of n i»lnl luwcr a t Ihe lowUtilll llie lott hnll-tiour ftliarc cm

rico diiplnyfd no liordciiini: iw *. |;‘2fS, llul the Improvemenl. such na q ni was. failed to rcRivIn Ihe earlier chrwc*. aitu two or Hirer rxcrpllons. Cwi nrt Ihc absence of any tuppori Intie rails senl the Usl (l«»nward corr caln at Ihc close. Union IMcH c golack 3 polnU of lu lot*, closing - g?" “wtr. DalUmore and Ohio, and New■ork Central rtcovcfcil IracUon- i>i

____ _____________ mil'OOVERN.'MKNT nONUS

NBW YORK. Dtc. 8 1-1>-Unlled DielUlM government bond (juolallons ohi

j'Srty J 'is M -n -----------I I6IJJ QHdJberly first 4iis 3 2 - « .... -.5105^3 OoleJbcriy Jourth <Ui 3308 ......110331 0“iberly fourth reg 33-3B I103.ISteasury I'.tS 47-S3 _______$113.30tcasury is « - M ------------ llOa.lS =Ttasury 3« l « - M ---------- 1108.15tcasu rjsss -------4103^

' MONEY , „ to','NEW YORK. Dcc. 8 (,T) - C»H ,

Mnty; Steady; 2 jwr ccnt all day. , jTime Loans: Easy: 00 and £W day* , to 2'.i: four monllu 2'i : five awl

lx montha i'.i to 3 ?iprr ccnLrrlmo commercial paper 3?i to 3. u,,Bankets' accepiancts: Unchang- *„

d: 30 dsy* s to f!i: 60 nnu 00 days K ,; to n«: four months 3 '..lo 3; live ^luiindsIxmonUis3i; lo3S. ,o.:

METALSNEW YOtUC. Dec. 8 i/TV-Coppcr: , 7 .

Jnwttled; olecwolytlc, ipol and fu- and ure lie to 13c. tg jIron: Quiet: No. 3 f. 0. b. eutem (•

'tnnsylvanla IIT to 818: nuflalo ,,.i 1155) to tIS; Alabama 8I0.M to tM. «„,)

Tin;Euy:s[Htandntat«yt29.13; |,ij| luture 13337. • »■«

Lf#d:SleadKspotNe»YorkW,10: j«ueastSi;Louli$1.9S. iea

Zlnc:'SlcAdy: Easl 8t, Loula spot ,(,i|mti ftiUire 84.17 lo tl.30, mu

AnUmony 87.1010 87,13. HKQuleksllvcr 8100. tan

UAR SILVXR NEW YORK. Dtc. < tfl->-Dar sll- t i ;

ICT 34C. (0

SlIoAa al" NEW YORK. Dcc, 8 (,P)-Raw sug- tie

ir was qultl agalu loday wllli rc- che Ilner* sliotflnit no vtry kftn mutest, oco svldcntly ftwaitlng Uto final outcome ui Dt the confercnce abroad. In the u tneanUmo buslneu li only of a flit- ((« ing-ln character with u lea confirm- |g j ed «r 30,000 bags ot Cuban afloat to u j a local retlner a l 8333 and DOOO bass y„ of. PhUlppInti for F«btiiar>--March f e uhlpmtnt to an outport rtflncr a l jot 83.43. . sto

Early adrancts In raw futurrs as got a rtaull of Ihe rtporl* Ihnt Ihe Cu- j 7 ban and Jaran InterHla had arrlv- f td at a satUfaclory agrctment for lai: the aUblUtatlon ot sugar wera fol- tan lowtd by rtacUons. wlUi the matkci g« closlns nel unchanged 10 3 points rrr lowtr. Approximate u ita OJOO tons. f«v Cloilng pricta: December 81 J8.Jati- 78 uary 8 tJI, Martli tl.<0. May tl.48. tiul July 8IJS, Stpltmbcr 81.03. mo

Refined was urichanjctLal 81.7S for wj fine granuUttd. WlthdrawalsT)n old >or contrncta wtre fair, but new biuI- in ntsa w u Sim ot limited proporiloiu ta.: and supplied llirough seconds liands ;ae at from 81.63 to >l.73!i. •_______ tt.l

LOS AN<!CLE.S PRODUCE « • LOS ANOELES. DtC. 8 lfl’)-P ro- lid

Suce txcliange rtwlpl*: Bulter 213,- wo poimds: chtcse 40,300 poundi: tggi none.

Butter In bulk 3Se. 1^ g s : Extras :8'.jc: t in t frtih Ai

2lB',c; c.i«toum31c; mediums31c; net (mails Sle. on

rouUr>-: Broilers I to I'.i pouuJs poi »>c: ortr l ’i to3S pounds 34c: Its- 87,’ liom fr)’tt33!i lo3 poundaro: col- 87J orcd 30c; roasltn 3 pounds and up .C 2Ce; l«hom4icn»-imdcr3!l pounds 1* I8c; 3<; lo 4 poundi 17c; o ttr 4 ste pounds I'c ; eolortd hem 4 po‘jnd.< Ios and up ;cc. Durki: Yocng 19c; o!d bcS I4c. OttM IJc. Turkeyi: Young loms led ArtMHl3poundi36c;13poundi3:e; sic tirns :6c: drtMcd 39c; under B pounds i]ui IJc; old toini »c ; dresMd ISe. w


PtdtralatalemarketnewsaDdgrad- ly : Ing service quolallons net wholtjale upt prices: tilt

Butter: 03 score 3<c; 90 icort 33c. sh<: >Xcs: No.' 1 tu rn smallpee-wtts )ll

IB'jc; No. 1 cnudlcd extra 38<ic; !{o.lcandtfttu:lramtdlum22Uc. lo

Cltecte: Cnllfomal fancy flats I6c. $3/------- »io

CHICAGO PRODUCE $81 CUICAGO, Dcc. 8 (,«■) — Buttrr: u|r.

nectlpu 10.818 lutei; weak; creamery t rxtns 3 l':c; Mandanli 30’ic : extrn tra flrsU'SOc 10 31c; lin ts 38c to S)c: ab; 'ccondi see lo Sic. 87.:

Eiss: Rctrlpu 4913 cases; iteady: _ rxira firsts 38c; fresh graded fltila ^ iSc; rtfrlgeralor f ln u 19He; r tltls- g . iraior cxiraa lOSc.

Uve poultry: RtctlpU iwo car*. •iRhi tnicki; fowU ISe lo 18!ic; iprlngi 18c; rooaten 15c; turkeys , , !4c; duck* 16c; gctio I4c • _ *

DRIED FELTT <5NEW VORK. Dtc. 8 m-E>-*por- - /

lled apples: Sieady; cholc* 8Me to " lOc; fancy Il'.ic to 13c. ?-

Pnint*: BtcAdy: CaUfomU 4c to •; >c; Ortgon 8c 10 7?ic. >

Apricots; Steady: itandud Oc / :holce Itc; extra cliolce 13c.

Ptaclies: Sltady: sUadard 7Kc; Uiolce 8c; txlra choice BHc.

RalsJns; Firm; Ioom muicateb IHo lo 6c; choice lo fancy lecded SH eto8'.ic:ietdIeu5K e. ■

iiiiiT f. ----------------------------U *


aep i'W eM pU Jom iBClutUng 2 5 ,- '^


AI cnrm^l: the W IlIliioU CfOUil Aiii,^cij.i.... . , ' » j;ji

A m : « ’J KennlaKl'cip^Am Bnirllkncl . M KoIiKr n4u1lo .....

S | SAH»Mnu" cow»f 3»'j AWhUcn T A IISi!? illiow i ^cm o 'nJlhlThrn. H1..I'.:.: m ;. Piiutttjuxii* A di..... m ;#tUumn'l'lli*-!. ■; «>L-tnullin llfinc . , 4l‘i

“ 'i N M & U t -8 !• * ‘P Pf ■ W }!e-“TSlx'’cfmr.

O RI J p KY NH *m ta..cmTilrf COIP-----Wi KSnhrfiTrtciiiecolum <1 k r. : z i - J l 'i MoWf -I Z '• z : ' l i 15?.mh " l l i -com Oil 01 i v i 10; . ^ n " 7,.co

S r 'u .w ,rih 'r___m iim infte —tvi ti HHflMD — m .. pu;,* o » --------

S'! uniold.-T0b « -

o « ! S S i r : : : : ! ; s o r lQfn Uolori-------- 3« Jhel^nion —nollfD'iul M'.i Bineuir Con oTQoodrtcii n r ____J> , giin'y O','Of»h*m Pall*___ 3‘i Bou*" C»l0;01 Norm ny pt-. C9\, Bouilimi rwltie

JOO direct; opened 8c W lOc higher gw lhan rrW ayi average on welfhU y j over ICO poundi: closed acUve. 10c led to’J8c higher: llchler welghU ileady lo slrong; top 88.40 for eho cd IM

r & r S i r . M ' f S S ?

ICO to 200 pounds 86i 0 to 88.40; me- ngdlum wflghl 300 I4 '2i0 poundi 88.30 01 to. 58,40: heavy welghta 230 to 310 Ina ^ und i 88.10 to packing mwi. loinMlum and sood 273 to SOO poundi C87,10 lo 87.65; slaughter pigs, good goland cholco 100 lo 130 popndi 88 lo ilciJBJ3 off

Caltle;|ves2000: on'strictly good and choleo tcd itetrs buland ytnrllngJ closed strong to 3^ ttahlshtr: oUitra vtry^unovcii. niMlJy bulwtak to 35c lower: extreme Wp 692- ier fuund mixtd ycarllns* 813.73; bestlienvlta 81340: Inrgcly ahorl ted run j j j selling Bl m down to 88; 18J7-pourJ bullocks 88JO; aome horned t , ;I710.pondi 81015: levtral loadi Mon- £tana grasi ile tri 88,10 to 88iW, Kal-

R . 3 ! ; OTliolr M lftn n . a ,Sto 88.35; jtiT llin Ilockera oul of Montana up if 883S: atocktni iltadyat J7iOdoWio89JO; Ilaughter cal- .lie nnd vfaltt*: ilt tr s . good nnd *tholct 600 to 000 pounds 810 lo8t3,75; A>- OCO 10 110 pounda 810 to 813.7S; 1100lo 1300 poundi 80J0 lo 8I3J3; 1300 onto ISOO ^ur.d i 89.50 to 81355; helt- »tett».goi)dnn0cholee550lo850pounds 1«*,88i0io8l250:toin.goodamlctiolcs 89;'8540 lo 8740; euttera 83 to 84; bulls, loyearllngi txtludtd. good and choice coribtcf 8355 to M40; vealer*. milk ftd. cnlgood nnd choice 8040 lo 811.50; doislocktr nnd feeder callle: ittcn . levgood nnd choice 800 lo 10» poundi (9J87 10 89. on

Shetp: Recclpis 20,000; tloslns £lalrly acllve. mostly sieady; fttdlng dy;tambs ilrongi lendcncy tilghcr; bulk Ungood to 'choice nallve nnd ftd West- iwirm bmba 88.35 lu 83.65; to packers. locfew 88.75; numerous loads nvcrasc r a78 to DO pounds 10 ihlppcn and clly |bulchtrs 88.75 to 88.a3: nallve bucks dr moilly 87 lo 87.75; throwouU Inrgtly83JO to W: good choice MonUnai Jj; sorted ofl fttder siring* 8740 In 89 In kllltn: shorn S3>pound nallvts>8.35; tholce led yearllngi 17; nround ,36e higher: one ouutaiidlns load . 87.a; fat.twt* moilly 83 to 8340; «» ’T.i,7SrTtnugh:-fecdcrs-87-to- o -87,33; *ome wlilie-faccd Montanaai ^ held at 8740. unaold.


'Al - Hogs: Receipts 9M0; talrly me nctlvc: Ileady to tCe hicher: up 89.10 88: on 100 to 310 pounds; bull 170 to 290 |7: pounds 88 lo 88.10; 130 lo 160 pounds «|n 87,73 10 88; packing aoan 86,73 lo cSC 8740: stock pigs aleady. 87,23 lo 83, toi

'C iiilti Ittcelpta 23JH0, ealvts nic l9l»; few tarly sales b tlltr kind ftd 1.-

istetri nnd ycarlhige steady: bidding uir I lowr on ijiort feds; vco' Huw on In- yc, 'bcUftn klndi; llghl ytarllnsi.-and j I fed helitrs: slnughler co«s,and bulU ,1,] 'jitarty; italcrt sieady; iPwdMlrablc ™, nunlliy cocjldcred: Ulklng lowrr on I weighty MaugliWr cnlves. large pro- ! portion ilocker*:-early tmde slocktrs and fteden iloit, sltady to 3Sc lower; good yearling iieen ta r­ly 81140; choice long yearlings htld upward to 813; bulk short fed itetr* tliclbit 10 tell around 8S.35 to 810J2S;. He sh in [oail jtnrllng litltcn up lo roi JI140; bulk buiclier cow* 8123 lo 88. 13.50; low cullen anil cullen 83.73 8« lo 8440; mtdium bulla up«-atd lo * 83.73; most vtalcrs 89 down: bulk 80) oiockers and feeder* eatly *8840 lo itc $860: choice ytarllng ilo tk tn htld htt ui«a;itto89. fpli

blietp: ntctlpU 7000; Iambi gtn- 932 trally iltidy to itrong; odd lots ih tf ii: an abam sttady; tarly lop wooltd Iambi 1 Im 83.75; somo .held lilghcr; bellcrj87.


m u s h w e b s h i '{ ' l o - . I tOLOJ6.THKr

V .^ IS ^ .-p Y '^ W lT H VOU % /m i I u t t i - e o f C / ^

V / / f i


N [■: W . Y In T u K .

' ■ - J i ' 10,75a ISII) if««i'

driv-tlUEU . It 8l“ 'l nncitU____t7‘i____B u n a o u * B e (i_ o

nl T! oisnd Ull C il___ « 'i......... S7*; BunrtOIIHJ_____Sl]-, ON. ju v ' t ? ^ S5w»rt w m T z ." Ili* 51°'^......- J l l i fl!uiI«b»»rr'Con>_ a ■?« ',optt.. UU T tu i co tp____ as% inaci....... I TUnX*i» nail D w _ ii _ piun

mT— MTi ■iKidmiS^ENioiCM'*Tnb D UU Un U«tblfl»--------»>i Pn""UU . . UuOUotC4l____ ]l>; 17.13........7i',i Union Psdtie____ IT» u«rd

r ...... ...........uniKl Alrmfl — *7U------ is 't uniirt 0 * im p_ n

tic n>i U 8 Ind Aleobol___ (I • Ca' . " ' z ! ! ' : s t a y -------- ,V!li S ''; '------- Iji.k v»nwSlum____ __ l l ’k-------K n Wnlmi Union Tti HUi abouA— M'4 wntlnshouM U K -H Jfoni------- J 1 wuiTt Otfiund — wtakat — g 'l w w lw o n h j^ - ... » ’i ivf., nUai TlSOli CUIIB UX«KCT «"d,

----u i ; M T /T O H X .O K .im i'f* '

- - = » ! ! ! ! ;“ • '

"■'■'Zlsjsiino— a ' i S S u M iX e^ZZr r i ------- JJ.'I KiU I n m u n J j i fh" '

”c E ‘i K ' s r a , ; . " 5 = i:i & ^ . T s a z S '-;=,«: f :

" .'i i* ; Com Boulh w m u ^ IV, toiMti... ««i unlwdOM«rrni4_ a • w83 •Iflt... n'.» Corp Uuit 8b»fM_ «». mixt — = 1 = : = - ^ = = ^ = = = = : grades naUves and f«* Umbi moil- ly 8740 to 87,75; bMl clipped »7,7S; p£ Jcd yearling wcUicn 8040. • ,|c^,


ST.JOSEPH.DtC.BW’llO B O A ) -Hogs: Rtetl|)U5000;acllTe.mNl-'"*J ly lOe hlghtr; spoU 15c higher; lop 88,15 sparingly for cholcfl heavy, , '; hofci: bulk’pood nnd cholco offer- c j Ings 180 pounders up 88.05; fesr 140 to 1*0 (wundcri 87.B3 to 86; pigs nom-.Inal: MOT Iltady to itrong; bulk 87,

'‘’caiiie: Receipts 3oo. cajyes 600; igoing Ilow on Ilaughter steen; prac- ukbUcally no good cr choice yearllngi dfji, offered: Indlcallon* iteady to weak jniti onincdUimshortttdsbulcherilock; bulli and vtaltm fully Mtady; In- u :u itAiicM IJc 10 ::5e hlsht/ on bo«j>; 'rarl] bulk betf cows 84 40 10 80; low cut-1 Sh len and cullers mosUy 83 to 81; ipca mtdium bulto up to 85; top vtaltr* stcac 8940; stocUrs and. feeders active. . steady; numtroui toads itocktrs 80.70 to 88; no choice grades offered, BC

filte.'p: RecclpU SOOO; slow Indl- and cations and fen-ulcs nround Ileady; thei Jive loadi Texas dipped Iambi 87.00; iinui noUiIng done on fed wooltd lambs; are ’ native drivelns 87.75 down. lie 1


LOS ANOELES, Dec. 8 (-T) lU Si> f A)-OaltIt: Rtctlpli 1700; atllr.'; steady 10 250 higher; advance moitly on ileern; two loads good C o lo rado ',^ steers 8954-U) 8940; bulk medium to low Intermountaln s l t tn 8840 to . 89; Arlwinu 87 lo 88.t0; htlftri 88.15 lo 8740; good com’S 8J lo 8540; bulk commoil to medium 8140 to }}.75; cDlter.8rades 340 b 8133; bulls JMO down. Calve*: Receipts 500; slow; lew sales ittady; native milk ualcrs 8940 to 313; ftw 810.45; nothing done on VJUlhwttltrn calves. \

Shtep: Recelpu 700; aetlvt; f i t s . , dy; iwo decks good 83 pound Utah < Umbs 8T40; pari deck 79 pound 87:.Iwo decks 70-pound Icedtr* t«: few;IOO pound >-earllngs 85; Uo dtcks, ' good m pound cwcs 81.

tiocs: Rectlpu 1300; aeUvt; Itea-! dy; top 89.SS on six loads 189 to 203 i l<ound eaitcniJ; two loadi Idaho* d i 89.7S; load lOI'pound Ixal ftd* 89.40; ma few racking u v t 8740 to W. No,


.D.Al-Uoes:_RtetlpiaJ7C0;.dlrceU___500; fully sieady; tight load* 135 to | , 180 pound Idaho* 89.50 to 89.73; few _ ‘ 225 iwundtn 8935; I t s packbij tows

CatUe: Rfctlpls.flOO; dlfecl78; ?!jJalow, abou iw iii- ; five loads Inler- J*; mountain l«? lo IlOO paund liters 88J5lo8«.COnoadeommonOOOp5und87.23; short lu d cuiltr sictn 88:73; I , ,she stock iteidy; package mcUluin j . ' CSO pound helftn 8840 to tetd lol; lour leads 1000 lo 1075 pound Inter-; mountain eows 8605 to 88 65; all cut- ltrslnacllve;do«n 1370 pound mtdl-um bulls 8540: calres ilradv: odd DH

. vealers 811; calrts quoted 8940 down, liI Shttp: RecclpU 9M; dirtct 200; “; fully steady; four dtck* 73 lo 80 iwund norUitm CaWornia*. 87,15 stnlght; two dtcks mtdium 83 pound Umbs 87; cwcs tcarce; QuoItd 8340 to 844C.

bcDKNlivESTOCK Ne« OODEN. Dcc, 8 M7 <U 8 D A >- oCjl

Hogs: Rtetliiis 999. Including 110 Ing for marktt: tarly m Im btst drivelns ofa 8JJ5 to 88.40; mlJtd underwelghU m t88 to 83.25; odd packing m ’l 8040. O

Catlle: Rtctipu 1135,.lncludlng B<801 for markel; slow, ouallly she one stock Improved, strong lo>lully 25c Llhlshtr; othtr* ileady; sittrs mostly lowi

;-pIaln; load 007 |»under.i 8740; load car*: 935 pound dairy tred 18.75: load good • -0and choice #55 pound helftrs 8740; twoload 950 poundtrs 8735; part load can

j87J5; scTtral Iou mtdium and,good.can

a .to m ' - t o o o


5 13 87; thort load good and 'choica fl B«.i 85 to 8540; lew common and , icdltiin 83.35 lo 8440; package lov U iittttA 83; medium and good bulls t to 83; few vealers 88 lo 80 snecp: ReeclBti 33,194, Including

tt,70 for market: lU decks weighty rtdtr Ismb* 80.60; patkage mtxed rlvtlrw 84.M, ,

OMAHA UVESTOCK*: \ Wfll OMAHA. Dec. « Ml lU a D A l-

to£«; flecclpU 104C0; mo*Uy 10c to y Sc higher to shippers; big packen 'lactlvc; top 88.15 on 250 » »0 g •iund bulchtn; early ules 180 lo “ GO pounds 88 40 88.10; 169 t o '180 niiiid* 87£0 lo 88; packing sows 7.ti to 8735; *moolh llghl lowi Up- ,ard to 8740; Ittder pigs 8 7 ii to (Aj 1 .WCalUe: RecelpU 7500, calres 500; thoc

rttcr grade fed ileari and ytarl- but IRJ Iteady lo ilrong; other# iksw, week bout sieady: sho slock iteady to day. rons: bulls about itcady; vtalen Inst .rak. Ilocker anrf feeder ileen act- reetj te. slrong to 25o lilghtr: fed steers prlm •„riyfBrllngsmostly8840to81140; Urgt ew loads llghl liters 811.78 to 81340; gron lioltc low poundi 81340; short t ^Ifllfrt 8840 to 810; few loU 810.10 ton. ,•> III; bulk betf cow* 8140 to 8840; ^ liolee lou 80.75 to 8740; eutler Ici rade* 83.25 0 84: mtdium bulU 1440 Co !t « : pracUcal lop v ta ltr i 8®! ««P 1 liolct lou to Indtptndtnls 8940 lo ^han 10: ilocktr and fttder iwer* moit- W . ' y »755. to 88.75; ytarllng* 8940; cUoe 5«k calvei 8840 to 81040. UmIi Shttp; RtctlpU 10;000: tambs op- in

nlng steady to 10c higher; sheep Just teady; feedtrs 15c to 35o higher; ac a arly ulcs and bids by packer* on alUe c r s'ooJed Jsah j upward lo 88; top theli n shippers 88J5: slaughUr ewts up w o'«,73: feeding Umbs 88.75 to 8735; Uon ilxtd fat nnd fttdlng Umbs up to oUi*;


PORTLAND, Dtc. B l/P) (U a D A) lojs: RteelpU 1000, including 97 dl- ““j" tci; ncllve: killing clasies 3ie high- r: (op and bulk 100 td‘200-pound itiiehttn 8940; only early sales fttd - rs small package tholt# unffWlOO «iids 8940 nnd pacUge itronger itlghli 80; looks itfjidy wlUt Ust

'calUc^celpts2£n4.1ncludlngl79 Hrough. calves 103; tarly lalts ifcn look 25c to 50c hlghtr; shs ^ tock sieady lo slrong: lo-eral loads ^ nedlum to good under 1100 pound te tn 87»5 to 8840; ono Jort » ; jkUiK 89 for oUien; few loids less irslrable down to 8735; ons load iilrly good htlfcn eScli nl 87 and 7J5; small lol good tniektd-ln eows

no bulli, calves or veslen sold arly. 'Sheep: Recelpu 1330; noUiIng lo ^n,,

ptak of sold early; gtneraliUUc icady. jSJ

nOSTONWOOL ■BOSTON. Dec. B WV-The 5B-60J corr

.nd finer territory w l s tomprlie. he bulk of currtnl ulcs which eoo- jja: inue vtry moderate In rolume. Prise* j,jj re wry iltsdy. Recelpls ol domes- juji Ic wool a t Ootton during tho week oati ndlng December 0 nmounied to 3.- ptc 01,400 poundsascomparcd with 309.- jij; 00 pounds during the previous w e tt Ma


ihttp: Rectlpts 25,000; run Includes c i.boui 4000 Uirough; uUblo supply no. 1 noslly feeden: few. early sales la t 7su, ambs about itcady wlUi. Friday or a llghUy hlsher Uun Salurday; load 1 «(airly good C9'pound fal lambs 87X0; 107. laUves up lo 87iS; evci itrong to oiIlgher al 83.19 to 8340'; no early ac- 3 lon 01) feeding lambs; undtrtone R]irm. • a

.S i lP Ifutu

---------------------------------- - • 70?iIDAHO MARKET hart

IDAHO FALLS, Dee. 8 <U S vhll DA) — Poutocs: Dtmand poor; spdi market wtak: Riusels No, l j i r T T< No. 2 43c la 50e, mortly SOc.

TWIN FALLS — Dtmand poor, msrktl weak: Russets No. 1 80e l« . n B5t; No.: around 48c. PII

CHICAGOTHAttlCET--------- —CHICAGO. Dec. 8 (A <U S D A) f

PoUloti: Recrlpti 111 earloadi: |Oli In tk 230: 1«UI Unlled SUtta t, shlpmtnis Balsrdsy 734, Suiday 33; aboflt lUady, tradlag J u t (air:laektd, p tr ent.: WUcontln roand 81Wbllti 81iJ lo 8L45, faw y 8145 Thato 8LC0; Mlnntspta ronnd whiles onu8135 lo 8L40: Idaho RbsuU No, 1 |er81.70 lo 81.90: No.’ > 8LZS (0 8145; htrtordinary 81.15 lo 113#.; Ol

■ ' Buh

WOES [ i 1ST El EiFH iSiillTSS

. Mn------- Tl

BUIIt. Dtc. 8 ( B ^ a l lo Tlie ^ew*)-PoUtocs led Uie ihlpmenu itjirtJduccfromUieBuhtstallondur- j j - , ,ng Novtmbtr wllh 183 carloads ou )f a total of 333, records al Uie dtpol = x-vtal.

OUirr slil|imtiiU wtre as foUows: —- DcBn«59f*rs;mlUt,24cnn;whtst. a.

ine car. hiLivestock ililpmtnu m e as fol-

lows: Slitep. sU can; liojs. three a n ; caUIt, cne car. 0 ,-Other ahlpmtnls were: D*rlty, .

:wo can; oom. two can; apples, twoaus; onions, eight cars; seed, five a n ; castln. one c ar..

: THAT I W ON T - x r “WC TO'fOU



f c l P ric es C lose I r r e j - Repi

i i l ^ 1 - 8 l o a ^ S C en ts Up li

a n d O als P ro v e U nsleady S'

By JOHN P..DOUGHAN BU[AuocUted Prtis AUrkel Editor) NewsCinCAOO. Dec, B-aurprUo thal Dalrj10 eom vlilblesupfriyihfluld exhibit regulut 11.000 buiheU Incrtau for Uie .11tek ltd to a brlik Uto upturn lo- , , yly. The imalltneu of Incrtau was I , , ,I sharp conlrul *IUi Uio fact that J*'}‘ttn t rectlpu here and a t other “ J ,; rlmary marktu had betn much tn- iritd. Aggrtislve buying also w uromoltd by knowledge Uvat Uie A,armen' NaUonal Drain corpora- omt*on.agortmment»ponMrfd*geney. D.Sfad purchased com futuro dtllvtr- fromX mansComcloiedllnnatuearlyUieday* Rom.

>p Urei. >ic 10 10 a buihtl hlghtr jiian Salurday. Wheat elostd Irrtgu- fixitir. «o ofl to He up; oaU-at UC de- jodiline lo !ic ndvanee, aod proylilons mncnchsngtd to a rUo ot 13c. „„i,In Uic ruih ct specuUUvo buying S^,,a t btforo Uio closo com Jumped ^aU: a bushel. Hereloforo. farm bosrd ^ lUts were regarded u conftalni ^ itlropcrU onslowhest. andUiere w no evidence Uie grain stablUu- on corporaUon h id beta doing Uierwlie. Morecrvor, Uie farmen' allontl corporaUonI putchau of jm were described “Uio usuual >uiM e t business.- Traden were lert for posslbU important dertlop- lent as a rtsult of word that Presl-ent HooTcf had asked congrtu to hn t 1isko arallable 8150MO.OOO lo en- on thble Uie farm board lo undertake « /offtalncpewilcinscoirtempUKd. J («<•Buybg ord tn for old crop de- RVaverin of whtat eam* from,farm markoard alllts whenerer nMdtd to kttp erealIU whtat market Ued to a posl. sumplitre were advlcu also of unfavor- I t ' bU harvcK condlUons In Australia Uie bnd AtgenUna. July deUvery cf andi■heal here. represenUng the 1931 92. iomeiUccrop,wasalUmttdeprea- cmed howerer, by Uck of buying sup- mllkiart and temporarily touched a new mtn'i)w-prlce record for Uj# season, Oau me J 'tre chiefly rtsponilvo to com.Proi-lilon followed an adrance of

Mar. __.78',j 7Bli 7814 78‘i TiS ta y ___81 Bl>i Bl 81 M

___73'.; 73S 72H 73‘i

dJT ”__ 73',l 73H 71% 73'; 'Mar. ___7SS • 77U 75*i T7U BUMa? ___77'.i TOU 77'1 78’i NtwsJuly ___70 80?i 78!i 80'j cn'OlaU - tdUiDet. - - 3 4 S 35fl 34',; 3S»1 wnllM ar.__ 35*i 30 'j 35’i 38>» b»htMay „ .J O S 37'i sau 37H; .T»'July ___30 304 35% 30!i lield 1

CHICAGO CASH GRAIN from CHICAOO. Dtc .8 (,1-j - Wheat: n Itgl

10.1 hard79c;-No.lnortherniptlns will! JUc. • • • foldiCom;No.3mlxtd70cto70!je;No. nual yellow, old. 75c; No. 3 white 72^c Ma

0 74c. lo UllO aU:NalwW l?3Jcto33!ic;No. lobe while 35c to 35<ic. Iht 1Ryt: No Miei. agriciBarley 40o to 7le. *^lowTlmoUiy seed 88 to 8835. . . Utd t aover seed 815 to 22.75. ducU<

PORTLANU CRAIN llevtcPORTLAND,' Dtc. 8 M7-Whtat numl

ulllrtsclosed;DtccmbcrC7Uc.^Uy state one.'C ash: Big Utnd bluesltm. CUai lard white Bic; solt white, westtrn ;Utlc rhlte 69c; liard winter, norihtm An nilixrTO tem rtd 07c. comeToday's car rwclpts: Wheat 52. en ’ <

. al c


8HOSHONR Dec. 8 (Opetlal to ^ ■ha Ntwi>-Mtmben of Magic irange elected Sam Mulllntr m u- t r a i thtlr Usl rtguUr meetbj

‘o*iitr offlcen are: O rtn ttr. Clar- ^nee Oehrig: lecturer. Mrs. E. W. luhlcr; secretarr. Ivan Ttrry; K uurtr. A. 0 . Jackson; chspisin. in . T. B, Hunt; door kttper, John „ lehrlg; stewsrd, Cltm Ttrry; ai- ^ IsUnt stewards, LoU Mulllntr and o«* Jltn Hunl: Ceres, Mn. Cltm Terry: -Ad ■omons, Mrs. W. A. Calhoun: Flora, — .tn. Bam muUlner.The organisation mads p lau fof ■ ■

, party on De<«mber 19. IThe ntwly-tlected otfletrs will be I

nslallcd a t 'th o fln t mttting In I_____________________ I ^

I . . I RA. N. Bonwtfl. ot Corn, Idabo Ihubeevappololtd SALES KEP. IRESENTATIVE for Twin PsU> Iand Jerom* Co. for t te SUU IOsldoor BattrptlM Co. H wsnl- IIni tabblU on Ihe eoaln tt pUn I- - st« Urn, I

E M B p 9 , l? 3 p

i-Bllill Iis iin n s2porl 'of Jerome Coopera* Moi tive Creamery Reveals f Sound Financial Condition 't

BURLEY. Dte. B (SptcUl to n ie M■M)-Dlrcclonof the Mlnl-CasaU' N«wilrymen’s ' asioelaUon held Uielr we {ular annual (neetlng here Fllday.Ml dlreetora were present exceptV. Luke, who no* llres In.UUh. r f S

,rl Men was.appolnttd by Presl-nt Ben 0. Edwards to act as sec- ^ mry In place of Uio lormtr secrc-ry. Mr. LUke. X(l, U. Albee, presldenl of Uie Jtt* sentle CDoperaUve creamery, and Roy jaSmlUl. lU manager..wete prtsent tho)mJtromt.nsweIlasP.R.Waynts, jjen inagtrofthilocalplant.andC.W . u sM. Iltld man. dingU w u announced br'Uie Jerome i'ers! isllon th st Uio cooperaUre at- luUi )dallon was In good tlnanctal fho- jndlUon In spile o t Uie. prtsent ^ erlod of d l l l o n . Manager mllh. who had Jutt relumed f ^ « “ aUtomU with Preildent A l b t e . » lid U at In any oOitr year bul Uie rtscnl the outlook for butur rices woald bt /arorabJt. I I ^ ould seem, howew, thst from swunUlUiomlddleWJanuaiThU uea would b« that butter rdees 2 “ ould be Uio lowest for Uio winter. ^ lie said that arerage butler pritro jwtd Uiat U» Los Angtles and • 'S ir Yotk markets wero the two ^ It markets In Ihe country. Prices ^ ths Lc« Angtltsmarktt, bo u id . j . re ktpt up lamtly Uiroogh Uie , WU of Ihe Challeogs taoperatlve. was InUMled Utat Uie New York. irkti held up by reaun cf In- j ax >ailnf whole mUk and cream con- ji, mpllcn. . cd IIt w u slated that 43 per eent cf ygtr 8 buUer mado at Jtrome scortd 93 ,ion d Uiat only 14 per ceiK w u undtr uitd , Alio. Uiat 45 per ctnl or Uio Jer- trail le butler w u made from whole exls. Ikcrtam. The Mlnl-CassU D tit;- nod' ■n's usoelaUon Is 'affiliated wlUi two e Jtrome crtamtty. ‘ ' *” 111

' betn

l i l E P t e P l I FOIlllllSEIliili^

• _____ !wiii' 'Idol:

BURLEY. D ta B (flptcUl lo TTi8 slonn)xFrom Uio Idaho Wool Orow- nid,I 'oflltehtre.U hubctnannounc- ___Uiat Iho Uilrty-elghUi annual con- — nllon ot Uio Idaho iheepmen wilt htld al BoUe. JanuarrB.9nnd 10. r«-o y tan sgo Ihe wool growen |Id Uielr annual gaUiering in Bolw. • = th hundredi Of growen altendln; p im evtry part of the stale. .TWiU l r leglsUUve year and growen agato II hare Uie cpportonltref a*two- dplu«ure by atlendlng Ihelr. an- • a liii ie r iiig ln Uio capllal city.Many ImporUnt topics of Interest Uie producen ct Uie Induslry are bo ducuutd. During Uio lu t year . ih\:ep builneu, a* aome oUitr ricullural lines, has ihowii reUinis \ov Uie coit-of producUon. Uni- d ttfo ru 10 plsce Uie costof vsj- cUon below Uio rtcelpU: ol tho lurtry must be taken. I t U be- vtd for UiU reuon Uial a large U mber cl growen from over-the — Ito will bo present. sU tu W. 0. • aar. Burley, secretary et Ihe asso-

Among cHier Inltreilbg topics mes wool markeUng and U« grox- s’ cooperaUi-e drgonlaUon. Bcver-

c lflttn of UiB National Wool irkctlngujoclntlonwUl be present . addrtss Uie growers. AdvtrUilng

id mariiel txpanikin work on Umbs II be dlicuMtd and occupy a prom-inUpIio# onths-program.----------------


Pl’ On. Oregon Short Line 1.

ire and cne-thlrd fcr round t,ip om all 0 . 8 . L. slaUons to datlna- ins thrtiughout Uie west, and to any ru tem polnU. P^rdtlalUon P« Ie dates and rtUim UmlU. consult ql >ur iKal agtnU Union Psclfle [5 ilem.-^Adr.


lUDd dtoonUng; An Sludlos. tc vtr Ind. Meat Co. Phone 54WII Adv.


FOR SALE IAuto Door GIobs . . , nlndshields and windon rIosb. N o charge for set*

' llna

MOON’S ! :. Paint and

Furniture Store

k l l I C U r i M U 5H -


STBW MMoscow Selioor Reports 26

Por Cent Moro_ ABrloul- 'tural Pupils Titan in 1S2S

MOSCOW. Dec. fl (fipedai to TTio Hewsl-Incrtus of 38 pet eenl tn Oie entDllmeDC ot Onlrenlt}' ot Idaho coUtgo ot agrlculturo UiU rtar U mon mvktd Uun slmUar ases rtporttd a t Uie rteent saaust Btetlng of tand gnnt coUtgw and inlrtnlUts htld i t W uh^ton,- Doan E J. Iddlftgi. htad of the col- :tge. u k i on hli itlum. Ptortytlght •ducaUooal InsUluUoni wero tepre- lented a t Uh meeUng.

la mwt itcUoni ot Oie country ;ho agricuttunl counts ol luitrue- lion are elUitr holding Uithr om or . wo on an myward trend. Dean Id­lings said. EUewhere, u at ths tTot*«n lly et Idaho.itudenU In agricul-,;uUr dlrtilons tre maldng wider :holee of major studies duo to Uie increulngly wider field which hss .3« n open^,up I n ^ n t year#, by

Dtan Iddlnp aUended » e o n fr - '' k ;aet b ttm n rrpnscntatlrw 0/ U)» F land grant colltga orgaoluUoa and '* memben ot Ute fedeml Omn boazd. :hs(rman Letto pmidlv- Mr. litgte tipresitd 'hlm ielt'U pleastd rlU Uis cooptnUon glvt^ tba fsna • 3oard by Uio exleniloa tirrieu o f ;he various lUles. ptrUcuUrly in.. icQualnUng people ovtr Uie country rlU) Uie tundamenlal aims asd pur- x s « et Uie board. ,

Land UUntallon Land uUltuUon and

me of Uie major problems conftQnt> .Qg.'Ui»«grJcuJtur>iJn(tu*tTyortl:U ‘ »uniry. will be given esrly attention,. - soord memben Intimated. ■

Reports msde s t Uu meetUv<2ioV' xl U ul federal funds provided l u t • rssr u addlllonal support to cxten- ilon sm lcei of the sislc* had been ued 'tatgtly In s j ^ U n g men iralned In agricultural economics for ixisnslon work In tarm organtastloa md' marktung. AnoUicr month or ;wo wUl seo more Uian 8} such men nUio fldd. Dean Iddbgs n l d . '

He pointed ooe Uiat Idaho hsd )«(«-a id ed 'b /'th eu funds whjfh’ ^ B _ p ^ b le^ thB ^p to jr |^ ^ t^ o f

Igent oV RioUlti cotmiy as spedal- st In farm organiutlon; He rectlr- d his adranca Iralnlnc a t; towa

In farm inarketlBS rill be added to Uie staff of Un Idaho agrlcultunl eztenilon dlrf- don betore January 1, Dean Iddlngt old.


—JhvoJiirgc.elcctrlcJMldi, J___Iivr outfits assure our cus­tomers prompt scrvice on - cicclric w cltiIng jobs—Inrgc or finiall.

Tire Oxy-acelylene d&. partment U equally ode- ' quatc. Spocla) consldcratloD is always Rlvcn.rush work. '. Portablo 'cutfits arc ' avallablo at all times for • florvicc dutiidc the ahoi>— telephone 1202.

Work GoanmittJ Oar IVeHlns Win Sure Yon :

Mo m , . ; ^


219-ua 2nd Are. 8 . n o n e UOt , Falriwnks-Mene Agts. '

Electrical SsppUes Onaraental Iron Wotk

T E E C A N D Y K I D ■


t o l i t o

s a , ' s £ ^ 2 s s

DTrUhMmtds tier m on Bobappr a lot5 r ^ . T l M P ^ > rla r ra awKT «1U> Kin. prmniune votk

CM I t t a dlTom Id Mm - start Im and b« «U1 n t" ” *S r iY ^ a W ber Utlte dan |b t« bllai

_____ S J



Darld had Uie /ancy to so to the babb . partr u th« ghost of Cttulea tlto «nou ^FtriW and etirltd blaek w l» /» Aunl

/ i i m d u a rltt Unt bm U ns ttia ‘Y -C u r td p a te n e u o fh li ta t ta irf th r o i . ; iho

-Dartd rvoil-rou IK too awluJI.wou Dont TOU d m eomo near to ." i meet eiKd * fm«;i jwUar-halred pl*Je. | j w

“Ju tt u you lay," a n m rtd Da- forth rtd. tnitchlns the pUle from her all r S t n « andV hlrlliS »«r Inlo the a lU

“ ■ ^ ' i ^ b w 'S n n l l n j ' i i U tha Dart

etU w and It had been Jonj »eeki W r alnta they had bad the opportunity. Ughl }leld cIoH In Darld'i im u. i«iylne door to K ^U im lstfa , p e rh ip he would the w h S S f r l f f l e i m e n t ^ t w uld kont S k a a r ltt In her depr«- els; llon, heal the aehe In ber heirt. then But he w u dancin* with iom« one w t <1K. : Tho 'feUow-hilred pUle - Urel ohartotte Blurdennt - wai youns mini a ^ s a y and Ugbtheaited: ahe kept It br aaklnc facei a t Dartd, pretendlnt. Hi to want to get away trom him. door And Darld w u Uujhlnf. _ ' ' | " l

Emily Bennett alwaya did .erenr*,peei Iblng beauUfuUy and her Hallowe'en ,or a party w u no excepUon. fiecauie to k

- STlU.dWance trom town the old,ed< place bouted no wch modem eoa-, tbe rcnlencei.u g u and electricity. » Tonlcbt Emily had lighted the up- the:

. tta ln .and down wllh « myriad of thlt waxcandK*. O re a t lo ( tjlf ta b ^ !p lb « In erery room; yellow.and whUe,llyi cryinanthemumt wen on erery,go I aanlelplece; the orcheatn had heen;uon ipeclally Imported from Phlladel- thi

,pWa: the punch wai brewed from ch« an old family recipe: th e n w u un- per limited cbaapacna a t topper,. 8t

Fanny w u nerer long alone a t u rr ft party. A ghoit and a ikeletoa'ec'i competed for her faron, and ?attny;the

r Unked armi and danced wlth-them:of( V both. Afterward It w u told, and n i t 'T retold and toJd again that Panny, '1

? r « t had nerer beea In better form iilbll than lbe w u that night, S h e t la n d quic

wtttf a sd gay,.flirted Mtrtgeouiiy. te o k 'tte Baton from the o ^ ea w * — leader'and ooedueted a humber, did an exhibition tango with Al Sorer;

When Dartd Jooked for Tanny. lat­er, u bo did balf a d9« n Umei. Ibo w u dancing or w u.ennied^tbree | |] or four'dince* ahead.'She bad lup- ||J ) per « the Italn la the mldtt of a laughing ebiturlng group; tbero w u no room for D iv ll

Not long itterwird iome one tug- gnted a ilioll In the p a ^ Four — H t out - Dartd, Helen Andenon, Ralph Dnnder and Boe' Peabody, n Darld w u loo engrosied with Hci- en to DoUce that Fanny w u lU nd- feu Jng In )he-hiU looking after him. ho (Ptrhapabe bidforgolten tbaV th it.uu . moming be hid pUnned with Pan- Dr. ny to lUp away and ibow her to the un l park by moonUgbt.) Ralph wore n jpo,

___ :ikeIetoa.iult.and-bU_lhln ti> o e i_ _w en toon wet by the dew. He and T Sue tumed back. ^

, Jlelen ind Dartd wenl on. Tempt- ed by tbe beauty ol the nlghl. tb e .««« tucetulon of lorely' rU tu tta t lured them ihead i t erery turn ng they walked for mllei and mUei. When tbey gol baek It v u a f«r 3 f ” and the party w u breaking up. No one had k w Panny rccenily-her W

• w np w u milting. EmUy Bennett w u almoit.certain Panny had left with tbo Sidney PbUbrlcki.

'A little ihamefaecd. a Uttle tulky. x Dartd drore home alone. lloii , Back a t tbe houie ha found no coU

^ f l» n o t Pinny. He telephoned the - ■^PfiUbrlcki; Panny w ii not there;

^ l u l th e r had been c( her the w u dancing. EmUy Bennett had Dn no telephone. Darld made the long [||]

, drive back to Bennelt Park far . M filter than the law allowed; the / I houte w u lti utter darkneu. Darld

tiim nt. h tl .car and went home . ~ u a !5 r Fan muit hare taken a

moonUght rtnU-heneUj -baU a „ « doun pMple might hare taken ber

home; undoubted tbey had paucd ™ CO tbo way. .®*

Wben he got within light ot hU 1“? mother’i u w t ta t t o dowBiUln w u ahlau wllh Itghti, and for tbe fln t tUne a premonlllnn ' ^ of dliu ter « l« d him. Bciroely » « waiting to lum oft hli engine he duhed up the front rtep t The « « tronl door knob tumed In h li bind w

• - le o n i . the cook, bad been watch- * Ing lor him, but tbe gare him no

* l n ^ Ubrary wt>e hU mother, hU couiln Emmeline Brownbeck. lelU. .Edward Phllbrick. CouUn

'• Loulu ind her buihMd. w u ,buddled^na^^^^^c^

I S^^HCTDioSer Itood** a UlUe a l» f Nn I htbemanulpltce.aiymbolotgloom of

ta ber tong dirk drtulng goim. wti Dartd had heart rated rdcei a m ^ e n menl befon, bul a t be came In the per door then w « a itark ilrident il- ln «

I lenee. They lU looked at him-- ed erenUlUiloppcdcr7U C him. '

“W hitiu -lt? Whtre'i PannyT H. Whal h u happened to PinnyT- , acm

. They gUnctd uncorafortably a t il*ione another. Edward FhUbrlek cSeir- ilei

\ ed hU throit, - ' f»K . “Ihey to gone," IcUa bunt out; forW . -theyre gene off together. Bob lel- galT l ftihoiied..He b a d , . .1 «

* n . “But Paaojr-wben tt Panny7“ bu

i Darld't Boiiitt eame forvard and 1 ( o e k h U B n T w i th t n ^

beauty:y N / m HOWE F A R M ^ [ I i

jterday'i Newi lijB ---------------7 -innk from deUmlng ihU death | [ | «w to her lon-tbe deith blow to Mia tl lore and pride and aU bit fine 11 vpei ot lupplncM. But they wen M l (pi^ibeeki. Better the than an- I UJ

11-Don't you undentand, my » n T " 'l | | u atked wlemnly. ‘Panny h u 1111 » e away with Robert DanleU. He % :l«phoned from Cnwfotdirtlle. >11; anny U dead to you. You muit ' 111 ber out of your life." |D trld ttared a t ber bUnkly, u n - , sllerlng. j■Tbit'i prepojteroui." he tald In, loud voice. He tried lo u y tome-j

itng elie, bul though hU mouth, otked no wordt came. He twirled. :arttd toward the front door,' no tea In hU head but to 'tla rt out;lladly and find Panny. n u Oouiln;dward, mUundcntandlng, angb t

been to Kdney'i." be la lil Sheila U all right. Fanny andi fobdldnot-bo thertbem «lruw |tn *—

Tlw iK ^ w u broken; they ^ “ abbled t t once. /LelU, itrangely SSgh, began quirreUng with ber unt Bnmellne.“You u ld I t would be all right,”

s«hhrf accutlnily. ^ * 1 ^ w ld n t lft me go to Prance .to Mrt S rt D o ir I t 'i your uu lt, U'l all PaU our fiuH." Bbe twayed back and S L - nw atlng, hy^ricaUy, "Il't S u r ”f2S l [ ! % ^ l l would be ^

'“a f t^ r get tier iome brandy-

3 ? » b i a ^ d S l S f d ^ 5 v T nId tumed and went up»laln to Wl T n

oncki. a n t-a-U t-U t on the pa,n- U: aomeone tried flrtt ooe door,« n the olher. Prewntly he tnide u l Leona'i Tolce uylng aulboriU- Irely, "Oavey, open the dow thbinnti.. Vour mama'i going to bare ^

ibrekedownlfyoudonX';’^ ^ ^ ^ • He got up Ihen and unlocked the

S f i K i J S r T i S K S £ nd off the UgbU and Uy down on U»

* m S S ' an hour Uter be jw art te* hefronrdooropenandeloM .be^ . h ite ean,itartlng one after the An liber, heard hU mother eome heav- Lei ^ u ^ V l U U n a t b U d o o r and An ;o to her room. He Uy there mo- te i lonleu, two lioun, threo ; beard h i milk deUvered. dogi barklw. the,■heerydUcordanlwhUUeofthepa- "x r boy,atSdenly.the front door ben n n g irgenlly-nng and rang. HU moth- ^it'i fooiUp* went beavlly down be a u in . There w u an Inlem l U i .t quiet. Then Xeona again w u An

D aw ." Ihe urged In a ilbiunt whUpe*. “Come downtlaln ^ mlcki MU' Pannyi bick-and your rai

(ConlUiued tn Next Im e) An

■ u m s j i i T iNEWlllOFUIW li

IMOSCOW, Dee. C ( Tho N«'

fewi)-Tli« Oem itite 'i fln l pro- t>n■eailonal legal pubUcatlon. The Ida- anu Law Journal, will be nady for y»he.pren about January 1, nporti lor3r. W, E. Mutenon, dean of tbe J«Jnlrenlty o f Idiho coUege of Uw. mo .poMor of the new journal. . -The-ftnt-teM-wiU be-of-appriRd-n iuty 100 pigea. WeU known law- ^'en and law profeuon arc conlrlb- .Itlng artlelet conccmlng legal prob- j . iemt ot Intereit ta the lUte and to - _he. legal profetilon. lUe Journal ^i.belng publhhid by tbe Unlrenlly ^ If Idaho college of law, with an edi-orial board composed of the Uw col- ^ege faculty and repreMnUtlre mem- nn K n of the Itate b ir auUted by a Itudent board, compoied ot out- Handing law itudenti.

Thrto Iwuei ot th i new pubUea- Ma;lori a n tAanntd for the im-1931 MrroUego year. Jei" ■ Ro<

imm M illllli = ■ l l lS H iN E -

------- InBHOSHONE. Dee. 8 (Special to J

Tbe Newtl-Sboehone Rotary elub , 1 made arrangemenU for weekly < 1 luncheoni and beard pUni for r ^ O r ealrtng lU charter, at It* weekly .

weekly luncheon and programi a t a the UemorUI oalldlg, beglnnUig D e - , r cember IS,, memben announced to- c

lise club will reetlra 111 charter In ° January. S



Kewi)>0 n'theoeeailonoflnltuuon r of the niwtyeleeted offleen of Hope- • WtU Orange to taka plaee Tueiday o ertnlng, December 9. an oyiter w p- « perwUlbeaened,E.BowminwboU ( lnchargeofairangementt.announc- i Id today. ' . I

OfflcenHlect to ba bducted to c officei a t lhat time a n : . Uaiter, U, ; H. Blayney; oteneer, Ohariea WU- i ton: lecturer, Mrt. Chariet .WUioa: I tllward, Cltnt Motjani' u au tan t ( tleward. John Hunter; ..chaplain. - « P nnk Peoloj: treaturer, J. B. Bed- • t ford: lecntary, Mn. D. D. W lU on;.'^ gaU kem , Out Oumeugea; lady grt |[itliUnU ^lm rd.M n.0U n]«B ba- ani

meeting wUl be b*M la Orfage wbaa i*“


^ \ ' 'y y \ ? iy r r

J ' 7 ^ ^“TlMETABIfS 1

SebedslMefFuienger T n la asd < Metet Baaea Pawlag Throagb Twto

OMOO.V s n o i l U N I I— Eutberad . (

I taln M learei________SM P. U.Itala lU learei________7:10 A. U.

Weittoasd . .rraln a le ive i______ «!5S P. M.m in 155 leavei — ^ 3M P. U. ^


Italn »9 le ivu_______la o P. M. —Nortbbemd

r n ln SM am wt--------- a ;M p. U. _ncKWTCK m o u ' r o t

E uu ra BebedoU . . niLeare Eattbound______ 12::o A. U. all iArrtre from Eatt-----------S:M A M hen

Wnlem Sebedale cmUave Weitbound — — 7:00 A. M. oreiAnlve from Weit______ 13;01 A. U onlj


Arrive------------------------ 8:00 A.M. =Leare----------------- .— 7:00 A M.4 f r iw i----- M.ji, p.U are------------------------- BilJP.M. ~

C u lb n a l ™ Arrive______________ 11:« A. U. ^

DOISE LOCALUare;------------------------I.-jO p . u . EXArrive, , , , ,B;15P.M. ~ d

. TWIN FALLS-BLISS —Leare------------------------ v.oo A. is. ~Arrive----------------------- ll:« A .M . Jui


TWIN PALU-SHOBnoNt PttLeave--------------- m A. M.R e lu m -------------- L -.10:» A. M. *unL eare----------------------- J ;00 P. M. .Uflnetunj -------------- t:3D P. M. pie

TWIN FALLS-WELLS llBL « r e ----------------------- fitJO A. M, wUA rrin ----------------1;18 P. M. pri

MisiiysoraiN iIliilTiESPillEllip, da;

ROPERT, JDee. > (flpecUl ( • Hie NewD-MUilonuy Bundiy w u celc- j braUd hen by the Women'i MUilon-' ary uclety or tbe Chritttan chunh yMlenlay. Her. O na Onhood. pa*. ^ tor onhoehttreh, ipoko on the tub- 'J*. Ject, -The Field U tba WorW," ta tho„ j'*' momlag. At the ttguUr erenln* R* hourm mlulonuy pageant.,"TeUlng, -

prtJCTled undtr m - perruion of M ri.-DrTrCa«»on-and-^ Mn. VlifU King. ’ stI

Mutlo w u furnUhed by Dr. A. E. I Johnna m d D. L. CtrUon who lm- dei penonated"A aUttn"aj)d‘AWao- u t ^ e r . ” A women'i Quartet. Mn. tnPred Scheupbach, Mrt. O.M.Mltcb. cUfU, M n. Nlna BUry and Mn. n , L t*} OarlTO. uoompanled by M n 'O n a Orahood, eontrlbuled th« aong thi tbeaM and U n . Nellie Raadolpb. Uu gave the reading. St

Chancier parta wen Uken by Bb

Jentin. Mn. TofA Beech. Mn. Alta nn noe, Mrs. Anna UcPflv.Un,Ang«Io - j Prtneh aad Mn. Virgil K lnt

T hen w u a llrgB attendance. Ad----------------- 1

, Legal AdvcrtiselnentsSUMMONS la

, frarPsWleaUw) ' Ila the DUtrtct courl ot the EUrealti l

JudlcUl District Of the SUt« of In f “J* of. J

OrrtUaM.Kelty, PUIntlft, 8 .*■ n 's i j

h t d D. Man aod Hanlet L. Mon, api b u ^ u d wift. ptnoniUy and nu u T n t le t t A r TTie UBitu la- tO

. rettnen l Company, a Colorado ib< Oorpontloa. and lU ttockholden pn or memben; j .E .u a h if ,E . a w e - m rme, Hugh O. MeyUlfc M. E. U - 5 S h u aad otber. penont unknown 94t a i 8<cekbolden and memben of fa; The Inrettmeni Ooo*' wp a n y .a o o l^ o w p o n tlo n n ijo th< XAofuur 'IQreatoieai Company. ( Uometimea written aa Tha U Sbar go m n to e n t Co.) a Oolondo cor> ipt pontton, aM U defunct u tuch 301

rUl; Hugh O. Nerffle, U. E. LaSbar, and other pe n o u tujkaown u lU — olflcen, dlreetoii aad managtn lo office, u Traiteea for n c h Cor>

the Unknown H tln and ta Onknown dayUeei of any defend-1 i a n t abore turned, tba Unksewn i cUlmanU by, through, or under la W d a f e n ^ t abort named: the i Dnkn^wn Owners OUlmaaU »aJ • j Parties ta ln le ro t of or 10 lo t Fire Rii (S) In Block One (1). senior Addl- Dl

- to Twla'PHIU.a(' Oovnty. Idahb, Defendaati..'. ' u i .THE 8TATB OF IDAHO teadi 'ta

gw ticg iie (6eebofeiumeddi:end« Ur

Y » . « benby netlfM tbat »- «s' u ap ta lo tb u b ee n fiM ig itn tty D a pn [la (ba D totM O o ^ ot lbe n m a t l i , ^



r H E G V M P S -



PER INSEBTIOM ’A nW aalA dtaU naoaaetlnaaa

.4bey bring tbi buytr, — » « * • -«


number Of promUlng gnde beUen,111 agti, wUl trade for tleen. Onr E ut. tierdtlreUptorlngaremirkableta- :reate la hia daughUn' production »e r thelr'dami. We i n ntalnlcg ^ miy legUt^red a ^ i U . E. J. Hunt ^ ds Boo, phooe T B j , mile weit ot r jcj Pearey. Ci!


Pryi. Pbone MM.-' = Co:

HElp Wauled . Se w H ien cedI tenoorapiS ^ . detlreipMlllon. Phone I2J8-W, »

U ^JudlcUl OUlrict o tthe Btate of Ida- f o r ho, ta and for Twta Palll Oounly, by clo the abm-e named plalnUlt, and you good are hereby dlrwled to appear and pbpr plead to tha aald oomplatat wllhta - - twenty dayi of the lerrlw of thU HAY lummoni; and you are further no- ba Ufled th l t unlut m <0 ippcir and 8t« , p l e ^ '^ Mid bmpUtal withta tbe Boot time hereta tpeeUIed. the pUtatUf wUl tiko Judgment igalntl you u , ™ “ prayed, ta tald oompUtat. ^

Bald aellon U one brought to ob-1 ” > tata a decree Quieting ta pUtalllf agalntt the cUlmi of aU defendinla IheUUeloLotFlvelBJtaBlockOne ~ < I), Senior Addition lo Twta FaUt, t a : Twta FUU Oounty, Idaho.' 'dtys

WITNESB My hind and the teal -grou of the u ld Dldrict Court, thU Ith offlo day of Dectmber. IW. , 01

HARRY 0. PARSONS, gene; (SEAL) Clerk, ipecl

By FRANK J.B M m i, » lh Deputy. .

WALTERS, PARRY ANDTHOMAN ——J. R. KEENAN.Attomeyi for PUtallff,Retldlng a l Twin FaUt, Idaho.--------- ------------------------------------Nt


Ettate of a ia H. Bett, deceaied. ered NoUce U hereby given by the un- clalr

denlgned admlnUtnlrix ot tha ei- cxbl tate of EUa H.Ottt. deeeued, to lbe vouc credlton of and an penona haring.the cUlait against the tald deceaied. to ' to th exhibit them with tbe neceoary|0f B 'rouchen, withta lU mcntbi, after;Bldg the flnlllSBftEgttonof thU notice to Stal the laid admtalitnUlx a t the offlee, lixK ot E. L. Albion. Pint NatlonU Bank neii

'Bldg^atyandOountyotlWinPaUi, Di s u te ot Idaho. IhU being the pUee lUed for the transaclloti otthe busl- Ada neu of tald etute. N. • Dated December #.1#M. —

, CLARA L. PAJIKS, AdmlnUtntrix of tbe eiUte of EUa

H.Beil, Deeeued.____________ EsU


la the DUtrlet Court of. tKs United ol Pi SUtet, for the DUtrict of Idaho, cftd soutbem DlvUlon.

In the MaUer of EUner S. Reoua, exhl Bankrupt.Notlee.U hereby given, that Elmer f l ^

6. ReQua b u filed in tha Onlted Uie BUtei DUtrlct Court for Idabo, hU In tt appUcaUon for dUcharge ta bank- of Truptcy.. and that lU credlton and SUtl an penoni ta tatefetl a n rtQolred to llxecIbow eauie If iny they b in , why the n w pnyer of tald peUUon ihookl.nol be Dt granted by enttring their i p p ^ c e taaaldproceedlngi,oaorbetonthe 3<tb day ef December, IJM. aad wilh- S * f ta tea day» thereafter, filing tbe par- Atto t l ^ groundi et thtlr oppoilUoata — tha'olflce of Uie aerit of laid Court.

O ln a tmdir Ue authority of the gtnwal orden of tald Court, aM by ^ fpecUl order of the undenigned, thU 30tb day ot November, ino . In U-----------— OOY-LrJaHWCTi------- PWI

Referte ta Bankruptcy, i n t---------- --------------------------------- - Gl

IN BANKROPtOE NO. itttt a the DUlriel Court of Uie United of t

I SUtet. for tbe Dlitriet of Idaho, glre Bouthem D irtilcn .. , ofE

l a tbe Malter of R, A. Btak- ^

- M<Slee U benby glren, Uiat R. A. CouRing h u med ta.tbe Ualted SUtei potaDUtriel court for Idaho, bU appU- prwcaUon for dUcbarii ta baakruptey. dec(aiid Uut aU credlton and aUpenooi caU

'ta ta ten tlan rtQ ttW to ibw icau ie a »

i u p ^ ^ * e ^ » t b B g ? S i S S r Pwa t e ^ Utelr appeinnee ta lald D preeeediagt, oa er beton Ui» 3tu>

;S j t f D A e r .U N ,u d v U b ln ( e a

S - S W E E T H E A R T

f aoM&-

; \^ \ 'rH^T I

A AI NO'W \ ■ S s^ B o u T ^

' ' ' ^

ds-BargFor Sale Miscellaneous J

-■ ■ ■, , noo i!A FOODS EVERY OAY. PUBUC jgi;

------------------------------- . £ 5 aiRES8ED PORK FOR SALE- Avt

______________- K56AY FOR BALE »1J. DELIVERED, :«1 Phone Jerome W Wll zzr,— ............. I " STRIABY BEEP ORDERS TAKEN POR apo Quinenorhilvee. Public Mirket. • ,

_ ROO.EBUILT UNDERWOOD TYPE- gu *7tUr good coodliton, CM Jrd Are. —

- - — mei RESH MEAI IN CHUNKS AT People! Marliet, next to BowUng l i o i UW;__________^ICHMAN'S CLOTHES WJO. FURI Clil I t TourUt Hotel, room 31. pre^ 9 R M ; __________________)0~ACRE8 BEAN , STRAW ^ TWO ulelH m lleiiouU iof BuhL Pbone me IIRI, 0 . P. B. Petenon pUce. E «it

ACRfFlCE - WHITE ELECTOIO POR Console. Uke new, 150; drop heid . Lu tagtr »6. CotUge 32 Clly Auto Phon

_____________ FOROR SALE-BEEP BTEAK W TO ed a c lb. omer cuU aecordlnily, ment

W ^lonehunkt. While Clly TVur-

OR SALE - BLACK BROAD- mon cloUl Ensemble fur trimmed coat Eut. ood u new. WIO lOUi Avenuo Eut. —bgne SOW.___________________[AY FOR BALE. ALSO GENERAL price baUlng.Jl8Xhaultag’a ipeeUlty, over

<« ,u i before buytag hiy. Olen — Boderly Tnntfer. Jerome. Phone 37.

O a SALE-WIND SHIELD ANO gani door gUu. Auto topi and eurUta Apar npatr, canvu and canvu re^fitr- ^

ig. Thomeu Top and Body Workt, ack of Dancelind.

iyathenafUr,flltagUiepirtIeuUr ^ roundi of Uielr'oppoilUon In Uii fui (flee of Uie Clerk of u ld Court. for I O im under Uie auUiorlty ot Uia bdtli

enetal orden ot u ld Court, and by pboi McUl otder ot Uie undenigned, UlU - - om day of Norember, 1030. WN. . ODY L KINNEY, ,»•«

Refene In Bankrupley. ^ • roorr


UUU of Carrte N. Stone, deetued. me Notice U henby given by Uie un* fum:

lenlgn^ admlnUtntor of Uie MUte new. X-Carrie N. Stone. deeeawdrto Uii.popi redlton of and all penont haring ond lalmi igalnit Uie u ld deeeated, to = xblbll Uiem wlUi Uie necetsary ■ouehen, wiUiln tlx monUu iller oq, he f ln t publltttlon of UiU notice. oUiBialdadmtaUlraloratUieornee <f E. L. Aahton. Fln t NaUonil Bank i lldg., City and County of Twta Falli.! tgo lUte of Idaho. UlU being Uie place k, Ued for Uie traniaetlon or tbe bud- ouy leuofialdetU le. * ISCDaled Norember » . 1930. —

' CHARLES M. STONE, 30 A idmtaUtntorotUieeaUleotCirrie Ce N. Slone, deceaied. prop


:sUte ot Frank 0. WUlUmt, de- — eeaied.. FOCNotice U henby given by Uie un- SI

lenlgnedadmtaUtntorofUieeiUU ion, if rrabk O. WUUama deeeued. to U».l ^ Rdlton of and o i l pertuni hirtng >001 lalma agalnit Uie u ld deceaied. to I ,>*< xhlUt Uiem wlUi Ute necMury •oueheta, wlUUn alxmonUu after Uie I in t pubUcaUon of UiU noUce, t o , ^ he tald admtaUtntor a t hU office ^ n Uie Moorman building ta Uie Clly I Twta PftUi, Couaty ot Twto PaUt,IUle of Idaho, UlU betag Uie pUce IxedforUjatnniacUonofUiebusl. leu of aakl esUte.Dated December flnt, ItJO.


Iweeley iu d SweeUy. ittomeya tor AdmtaUtnlor.


:a Uie ProliaU Court, county Of Twto

a Oa Malter of Uie EsUte of A. E OuUt. deeeaaedPursuant to an order of Uie Judge

A tald Court, made oh Uie aUi dty If Norember, U30, notloe U benby [Iren U ut Wednoday, Uie l7Ui day If December. 1B30. a t lo o'dock A. U If a id day, a l Uw Court Room or tald ^ourt. a t Uie Court Houie ta Uie amnty o t Twta PaUi. h u been ip- Mtated . u the Ume and pUce for iroTtng'Uia WUI otaald A. E.OUUI, leeeaie^ aad for hearing Ue appU- uUco of a P . McNealy for Ull U a- laee la b la o t letten testamentary rhea v>d w hen asy penoa may ap- m r and eoatait Uie tame.

Dated N m m ber MUi, i mC.-A .BA ILEY ,_



r , C O M E B A C K

t i i TO w °°;

\ ^ A .T ■

jains-0-— ' ' ■ — ' ~

ForRenf-TrFumlshed FiM M S -n i m i NORTIL PHONE - r ; -

_______________________3ARD AND ROOM AT IM m i • _

[>0 U AND BOARD CLOSE IN. 315 eonU 2nd Art, North. . New.

m i ^ Y MODERN FURNISHED BESTapartment, 319 3rd North. ___ Nor

DOM. FURNACE KWT, BOARD, girage, close lo. Pbone 473J. j o i r m id" b o a r d" FOR TWO Pl;"; men. 200 flUi E u t. Phone ton , " i S .

foHT llOUSEKEEPmb ROOMS.1/Mt and b ith .W 3 ad Are. North.

JRNlfiHED ROOM, o' eNTIEMEN preferred. 353 3rd NorUi. Phone-- --------------------------------------- b a c 'WO ROOM FDRNISHED APART- tu a menloverCllyCafe. OeltertReal per i Itate. quin------------------ IdihcOR RENT-PRONT BEDROOM. = Ladles' preferred. AUo gange. heneW J. - W}R RENT-3-R00U FURNISH- ed apirtment. Bungalow Apirt* . . enta, Zod are. euL _

LEASAKT F R O N T BEDROOM for. rent. Lady preferred. caU omtag. Phone 1326W. 103 eUi Avc, CHA!uU___________________ ' bw

PECIAL BALE OP HOTEL AC< ^ oommodatlona. 7 * 9 people for tbe kta H eeofoneatUieTw taPam H oUl - - - rer Tom'a Cafe. _______ WANJR RENT-FORNISHED APART. «hUlmenu and roomi, beat, light, water, Uge, tnga. attraeUre price. Cnbltt9 partmenU. Phoni 1104W.URNrenEDCOTTAOEAPT.NTW bougChUdnn allowed 4th Are. AUo to Kearn heat, fumUhed apU Adulti. - - -tUfWiUa Apti. f h o a e im . WWOOM ANO BOARD' FOR TWO, Sucofurnace b n t . plenty of bol waUr ston ir baUi, ta congenUl home nearu lneti dUtrtct. 318 3rd Are. North. IW .tm , 1I7M I.\ ____________ONO-S AD-4-R00M HOUSE, 3 i; Phota-roon modem partly fumUbed iieuouie nlU bU for roomen liS ; S ' —= m fumUbed n m . Phone M3..W .I«ag . __________ _ALIFORNIA-BOSTON A PA R T . menu, tteun belt, eleetrio cocking; jmUbed, no tta ln to cUmb. AQ — ew, one block north ot Potl Offle*^ S l» opuUr-prleai-FbonUSaS.aM.6 fC. 7» nd Are. NorUi. and

FoTSale or Trade ^IOOD FORTY ACRES NEAR PlL. :— er. Would conifder (own or n b ' rban property. Phon^ PUer » l J t i

M ACRES LAND IH .YTOTERN n Nebnika or wUl take Tirin PalU —

llty property ta trade. Write Bcec w u9_C «K e»»__________________ ^0 ACRES OP WELL.IMTROVED “ A; Centnl CaUfomla Und for Idaho

nperty. Mn. A. E. Qeailey, Jer- mq me. Idabo. pen. Del. „

For Sale—Livestock m« r " BALE - r a O R b u a m R n ) Shorthorn bull calt^ Chrii Peter-

en. Roek C re tt________________ J J JM EWES COMING 4 YEARS WILL WAUmb.ta January going a t aacrifica Bt

Uo 4 MUk COWI frtib toon. Ed ^ *ngholf, Roule 3. Twta PaUi.Pboofl2 5 5 _________________• ’ lOJIlAY MARE, WEIOBT AROUND ^1000 poundi and bay colt a t Farm. ^

n'corral], Twta. wlU be loid Satur.January 9, OQ Uia aale giQUBdt ^

grw ta.______________■. WA

Oil. ■ l a i

WANTED iJean -^ I

Cotton I RAGS I

N E W ^ '



. fBER ff. IMO

T O ME_________ ;


^RLINCr-VOU M^'^ FtR6 AW &Y-O T ! S P e ^ K P R H l lY -

f tH F fiR W T M e I WA» EVER Jt> BXtK WMBM YbO y t b HiNb YOO WM^rSO t o IPEAK AB»

r -<00 yNhHX to a b o u t .

>pportuF o r S a le— Real E sta te *”

f T s A i J w r A C R M 'f i n i S P ^eiiofTw taPilU . Pbone 517R5.

R SALE-AN EXTRA OOOD Ighty Clou ta m tl Inptovtd might aider good twenty. Box at. Care Mn . ___________________OT LOCATED ACREAGE OM forUi Bide trac t Ctty UghU asd ler, good houte, fair buUdlag*.al Dairy Location, $1000 down -----ance to aulU Few Cows go wlUi oe. Addreu Box J, 0 . L., Caro sOA

Office._____________________ tolT 8 A i ^ m 4 ACRES. 3 MILES a C « il of Ooodtog on olltd road, — der American PaUi dam. About JOn lUea of abeep fence, d*roc«n houte, ll.w iodm m .itongeunteoneftu = = ter trough, eoncnle gnaanr, 3000 , caoaclty. All ta aUilti ta MOD- ^ la wblta bean dUtriet Prlee »78 f kcn, MOOOO down, termi.- In­ln further 0 . B. Heu. ooodlng. — . lho. P. O. Bax MT. ___--------- r - ---------------------------- DOSWanted—Mlsoellaneous ■

INTED-POOLTRY.aaUONT-t Pbone M3W.__________n ,

(tNTED - CORNSTALK CUT- ^ ;er,. Phone S08R3. , tAS. UNDERWOOD. POULTRY jJ=S iuyer. Phona 74. Kimberly. ’ANTO)-POULTRY O f ^ ttadi. J . A. Plynn. Phoni l im * . . ANTED-PWCES POR YOTOO nea to work f « boird and room lUe attending OnggBBtlaeu Col:

^ JTN ANTED-QDANTrrr OF BEAM itnw Ul feed cn p U » , u tm ^ ^^t^w im waler. Pboai locaUoa „

ANTED-CARS TO WORE FOR Uie wtaUr. c a n O. Benaon Oo. ; » «ceiaontoW art)erfTnBiferaod 2 ! !ange Oo- Phone m PO:WANT CALVES WEIOHINO 1 » ^ Ita. to 400 Ibl. D oat bara to be .1. WUI-buy fny »nr_tlme.une erentan « i$Rt Leo Beck* ^Md.Twta PalU.. AU

Personal ' ; .”PIRITEir ADVISOR MESSAGE ^ «eetlngTuwday8 P.M.Idahc«ne. ^

flAMPOO AND FINOER WAVE m O TSc, Maalcon Me. Deaow.Faee * Id Scalp tnatm enfby experieooed — )cntor. Boom B over Penneya. p a

S itu a t io n s W an ted 5 5

n r a b MRS. PRANK T A o 'o ^ . ® Phone 14TM. "?OMAN- WANTS W O R K ' BY OU hour. Phona 578W.UTOlNITy N D R SIN O . MAS mil Henon. Pbone 1483._________ . —

ioiX lE S H I ^ MATERNTIT a nunlag. Phone 4S7R4. ttu

E S S w r o S im d o K c A H D r a ^for Chlldret}. ■PbeceloaJJ. ^

[RS. EMMA OAMMmR. PRAO- — m i nune. Pbone 11S9W

W n x D - FAWniniAUNDRY or work by hour. Pbone TOJ. RC

WNTED - TYPING. BERpiA -Tlce, 222 eth Are. Eatt. Phone W

D3I. JEb%RT DRESSMAKINO A N D ^ PCmodeling. Beferencei. 3 0 5lh are. 1

______________ sVANTED — OENERAL HOUSE* Iwork or houtekeeptag. Phona —

3 4 8 M . __________________;JIDY WITH LnTLB GIRL WANTO pohoutework or any work. Fhore —

MJ4 FUer.__________ . ■D ^ IE N C E D WOMAN WANTS or houaekeeptog work by -Uy or hour. Phone 4WR5. «

HEADY, BOBER. RELIABU tnif)« ir« min. wanU work ta TiMn —

sffiP ^ P o r Bubi:' w m n g r - rortc detlnd. P. 0 . Box H T M

- _______ - «QtPERIENCED MASSEUR WANTS .'Uaehm.itenognphera.cletkiand pbiousewlrei,callforappolntamUl*; -.vtta hoor ot eight \nd tea A. U- O;jSSM l-R .M n.PaanU StOioa.- ^

:ot Sale-Frulls, Vtgelaliles fPDR SALERNO. 3-A SPUDS AT A

PtUce Saad aad Onrel.’ . ■ - i m s s AND N a s o sm spuds,

lK :a ilJ te e a t tu .S t in lw |;R ^ ; . .u ^ C IO tT S A F F U S i^ aR A D E S . U ^ ji^ 'a o iU b Of Bliabtrt^^ ^

’’ 1 1 Ii li ffl" -v J l l "

y r M \ 9 '


i i i. Prolesslonal


lOAD -flODOIN, Rooma 4 sad I ,Uank aad Trutt B i^ la s . Pboae ft

i. a UalM )Ttr Clea’ Book 8 t ^

OHN W. GRAHAtf-Uwyir. Bask aiul Trutt BuUdtag. Pboai W».W.

IWEELET A BWEELET-Uw OffleeiMoorman BuUdlng.


BOME~PLUraiNa * . HBATINO C 0 ,-8ho« Room m d S b o M .m .

nilrd atiL Pbone 30. .

MLLANTTN8 P L U H B IN Q » / 1 HmUag Co.-8b(ei UtUl Werka, , ’

W heaUng Uoobki. phona a i.W . .


lUTO i N S U i ^ c E - ^ c a rv a g ^


WAEBEEQ * U N « n » * 8W » ^ .AOB OOr-Ooal aad wood. Pticm

I t t - ..ftTNICBbLB T M N S m * S I ( £ ' '

AGB -> Oatbagi banled daUy. Pboaaaoo. ■ ' • '• •


^*tag^m?kaUo8i!atng. W Ctb «r«. w t . Pbona 134W. ■ •


; UU 610TBA 0aEft.,S B S e S F T f s S o m ^ aS S E S S ,

TloUBteacher.: P t o n > j i > a - i _

■ ' .Loans ' .F A ^ MAWa^-OTni f t CO. ■ ‘***.. MONEY TO tO A N -P a n it t UBAL .

e t u u . ' _______

FEDERAL FARM LOANS » “ or34yean. J.W .M cD ow elL^B

6TU1. 1 .MONEY FOB S n tA Io a t lOASB

oa aodem booiea ta Twla F ^Arthur USw tm 'ftO a. '. •;■■■.'

OUR TEN YEAR FARM LOAM. OF- . f e n th a b e i to tto tB e i tn U ia a d

lapaymtat prlrtlegeft Ko eaib cao - mUilpa.' LeUeb ft WUUama ■ ■ .

I AU o f pe b w o a' v er t o h m ?aad detlrable farm tu a I tb ta k u

Uia b « t firm loiB propflrtttoa artfoffered on Ull Twto Pant t r te t B will pay you to lei me befon ptodag

Irmirloan O A - '

" For Rent-Unrumlshed^ M FOR R O T -« 0 4TH AVB.

Weet__________________•- •^ROOU MODERN H0T7BX,

Phone WT.__________ " ■.FOR MNT-O-ROOW HODBS

Modem. PhoneMSML • . ..

FOR RENT-3-B00M H O ^ ^ .

FOR RENT-FIVE-IIOOU MOD^ V , em houte with Urge - aleepta*.

porch. Phone 457W., . :POR RENT-«-R00M ONFUWI..-

U h^,bouse.wlUitaeltyUmiU(a- r , .KlmlierlyRoad. fbcpe743-W.


r a w o i T O H m T r B ^ « « ™ ^ v <•.applied towaid pttrehawr^ ^ tto . . - , - ; .

pU aoU ttr. B w w a i« a ld f lg a .. ;>;.-;:^: t t o . s c H w n a E R -B iW U B a^ 'i j i .S

H, North of Uie W « $ i6 » t< y * e ^ T -M i


- iiiPiiyFiiiL'■ | B B

Frien d s and Form er Associ­

a te s Jo in In T rib u te a t R I te s .F o r H . S . Hoovor

trnlUss In II llnti Ulbute to Mwy B .n ^ .T . ln P m is r « W e n l to H YMH DuL ftod Ul ouUUOdiiit iisuroiT S e rifM of fomwrcM eilua- UoQ In WctUro «utM (or miinr i(S « . of the MtlhodUlihwdiuKtoItheKUMnlclixljosnd fludenU ot the Omtj DwUi m t«I-

. i^ s that v u founded here by Mr. lloovcr Uye»r» »go, met with friend* Md'fonficr neighbor* to pay Jhelr , m pecu Bt funer*! Mrrlee* a( the Methodist ehuich here Monday ili- cmoon. Sfr. Iloovtr i3W luridealy J« t PTldiy. Ke WM M rear* old.

Bm-lee« t t Uie church were eon- ducte<l br the paalor. IHv. Cetll P. : nutow. tnd included »lnglng ol Ivo . numbera'by a quartet c o m ^ of Dr. 0. D. Wetver. E E. CrtbUte. J. I E. White and Oeorgo W. Blee, wllh . Mra. C. IL flUnxin. tfwmpanlji at the organ.C. D. U nd«r. «« •’«■• /

ciricer« ot the Muonlo lodge, ex* J empUflM the burial rite* ot the Ma- ‘ HDlc order a t the grarulde In Twin PalU cemeUry. '

Pal Ibearen. vho .were memben ' both ot Uie Methodlat churth tnd o(

the Maunie lodge, wero E J. Pinch,P. E. Drake. J. W. Bouton. IL L. Dlnkelaeker, Lester 0, Walker. M. J. * Keumtnn ,

Durinj the period of hli wldenee ^ Jiere Mr. Hoover v m teUwlr Iden- ® tilled with the MeUiodUt church and “ aerved In It In a number of potl- | tlcna of 'tnu t and reaponatblllty, lie beeamo a raember ol Uie Miwnlc "

. . order t few year* ago. "- • He cam# to Twin PalU Iron Salt « . U ke City M year* ago to beeome ^

head of Twin PBUi Wgh »chool tom. mertltl deportaent tor two yeaa, = and retlied from that poaltlon to ea. ’

' ttbllih tbs QrtCT Biulneaa college which heeonduelod penonally there- aflcr iwtU UiB day of hla death, en-

relllnc more Uian 3000 atudenta dtv- IflC Uiat period, maoy of whom left hll Kbool to rUe high In bu*lneu and efflcla) iphrrei.

Prior ta coming to Twin FaUi ho eoDduetfd butlnea* tc llitu a t Spo­kane. Colorado Sptlago and salt Lako City.

Besldu h it iridcw wbo w u u iu


CIo8ln{T out our entire stock of dolls at LESS than cost!53.00 Dolts ____ 91.48$3,75 Dolls______$1.98S5.S0 Dolls______$2.98 ‘$9.00 Dolls. ______ $4.98

'only___________ 91.98

voIUB Doll Bag^Tor

J7,00 value Doll Bn j^ fo r only------ :---$4.98510.00 value Doll Bu Ry, C for $^75 1«


$2.00 Steam Shovels $1.48 $5.00 Stean Shovels $3.95 — —

J (L I

for--.._____— $ 1 ^ 1612.85 K id d le Cars witb on noiseless robber tires, for $7

' oaly. fi.9 8 on

5 i;

-;Pago-EIaht • __________•

1 Willie WiUis' By EOBEET QUnXEN

■ T m Iryin’ lo leara one Ihlnr ever’’ day. an* loday I’lcarnrd If you take

triHlln’ off or the aide ef a rake ' wKb a f tr t . U looht Ukt nti d « »


) NeUle lUnchlUfe, to whome he V u ‘ manled In Twin palls i : year* tgo,• Mr.IIooTerlaiunflvrtbytwodaugh- , ter*. KaUierint, 10, and PhyllU, S.

SCfilitESiNIN'; SlDENrSLIlSIflllES■ Mbf9 Ihin 30s TtrJn Ftih hlgii• Khool atudenU alUnded funeral

tervlees a t Twin Pali* ChrUUan church eaturdojr aftm oon, joining oUier Wendi and bereaved relaUvei In a final tribute to EmmeU Earl Dllnger, ion cf Mr. and Mr*. J. 0 . Eillnger and a member cf the high tchool freahman claaa whote deaUt occuTRd lut'Saturday tollowln«-an' operUIon tor appendicltU wllti which

' he vas ttricken lait Tuesday. £twIrDl< oeeuplni the bslrony tnd

By Paying A SM A^ DEPOSIT NOW Von Can'llold Anythins: In

Our Store UbIU Chelstmts


B L E Prest O N A BLE :

w m o if s m \ S k a te - J S hoe


$S.85 Shoe Skates ..$4.48 ^

I 31,-iu .Mcas. spcelol ^$1.7.'iSteerin(rS!edtr.fl.39

, $2.25 Slccilhg Sleds $1.78

Buy him a. Real.Tractor. S Will <to anywhere 08^


5?RuC te Oul Vd«lpi!da at less than wholesale prices. ” $5.00 Velocipedes .. $3.60 — $5.50 Vcloclpedes .. $3.2S a $7.00 Velociredes .. $4.50 J

SU A . M

B l ' bollH iH L Jail

$1.00 Boxin? Gloves $Z08 ^ $5.00 Boxlns Gloves $3.98 M $6.50 Boxing Gloves $4.48 $7,50 Boxins Gloves $9.98

Punching Bags $5.00 Punching Bags, for ' ]

$6.00“ i "n^to^'Bigs, foronly ..................$4.48 *7.5$7,50 Punching Bags, for ball, only ^---------$iM8 rem.

D H A R D W i^

X "onelecllmVr'tljVtowff iioor.H Ilev. Olen W. Hutton, paitor ot thi B church, had charge of the aervlcei B Vld delivered a termon on the tub- I Ject. 'Priendthip With Jetus."I quartet composed of Mr?. Glen wJ

Hutton. Mitt Cltrlco Saunden, Ken- neUi Henderion tn d Jtm et Itein- oldt, u n g “I Know My Hetvenly Father Knows." and ’Sometlfflo Wtik Undentand.” and "Where ‘IBey Kev-' er say Ocodbye."

Palt bearen, choten from among ichool matea, were Reed Souden. EJdon Patrick. Paul Brewer. Monroe iiay t, Itooald Pierce and Charle* Allea

Boro In Cedar counly. MUsourl, Oetober 33. lOH, Eart Eillnger eame

. to Idaho vlUi hU parenu 13 yean ago. He w u irraduled from tho

■ elghUi grade a t Mountain View tchool l u t Iprlng and last (all en­tered the high Mhool here and be­came an honor ttudent.

y He beeame a member of th# Chrli- le tltn churth April n and w u ke otUvely Identified wllh tha YoCng M PeopJe'i Chrlitlan Endeawr aodety.

and (be hlgb tehool Sunday Khool _ d tu .- Betlda hU parents, he U turvlv-

ed by ono broUier, Chester, and cne g litter. Wllma: hit grandparenti. Mr.

and Mr*. aeorge Bland. Twin PtlU. and hU anndmcUier Eillnger, Uv­lng \a MUiouri.

5 Christmas• Candy Canes, Com Balls, Fancy Boxes,’Cedar Chests

Broken Mixt. 15 Ib. Crimp Mlxt, 1S« Ib.

Chocolates ^rlb. boxes 25« Mb. boxes 45<i; 5*lb, boxes.

$1.49 ....

Varney’sPhone 1569

Cor, 3rd and Shoshone I , North ■


jents at Prices

ErectorSetsBoys we havo Erector sets ‘. from 89fi to $19.00

Also Transformers, Elec* trie Motors. Chemical Sets


$150 Red Wagons w ith Rubber Tires, only $2,48 $3,95-Red W agon with Rubber T lre fti^ .. $2,9857.50 K ed ,.^ o l Wagon, roller bearings, t>nly $4,98

[Joys, we certainly have iTonderfnl %’alues in foot- lalls, basket balls, boxing iloves and striking bags. '51.25 Football____.™.98<13.50 Heavy Leather Foot- ■oil, buckskin lace ..$1.9815.00 Heavy Leather Foot- ■.all, for only---------- $3.9817.00 , Goldsmith Footballvlth valve only ___^.00mou wilsfitrOffldaltoot- ! alU or____ -___ $7.0014.00 W ilson Khute (pckne laced footbal!, for niy :____ $9.98

Big Basket Ball Special

7.50 heavy leather baaket all. official In size and a emarkable value .. $3.98



i i H | |



tw^ n!■I f ■ p ^ii i » 1

1S I t i i E

i H H

HE c if i)fu5ion abound in this sb it every purse. We want y e pleased. .


ndkerchief Gift Set

1.49silk in striking pat-

ickcd in gift pox.


8PAT8 - It'a a (Ul . he vsntal Prtaented a t nluB price* of

$1.45,'*$1.95 f ?

fc $2.95 ■SUIn Floor Sho«


PAJAMAS2.98selected tor their eye ap- ilr wearing quality. _

ilKk of Initialed men'a

_____5 0 c ^ ?— ;r - r :t---- On.en Hosiery .o,

C a n d $ 1 . 0 0 S ;) many iock»-Inlcrwoy- fcrbetter and look better. Th:--------------------- ---- -------1 ■ $2.------ --- ■ in

BATHROBE . ' j - r : - SETS . L

$3,981!!These bnt i robes

' arc made of. ex- . ceptional quality—of-Ioiig*wearJng---------

woolehs in beau­tiful pattcm s 3B, with house slip.Jters to match.

Main Floor Men’s Slora we

— -------------1 wltl_________________ _ heerain LeatherI Belt with J i Klilver Plated ^------ickle i

. ■ ',. , or blac will OA I '.

B V O T ^H E L P Y O U I



lo D e p a r t g

R IS T #itore—your home store, i tyou to see what we have



$2.98 ^Repfular v a te ^

Here are the sizes:3nc, ago nine: 3, ngo 11! 3, iiBc : S, aga 13; 6, ago 14; 8,.age 16; ige 16; 4, age 17; 2,'ftge 18; ' Another doac-out enables us .to fcr you thcao record brooking valu rhink of it—all wool and ai oj $2.98, If your boy’s'sizo Is Inchic in tho above INVESTIGATE.

Men’s Store Boys’ DepL.



)ne of the best house slipper valu i'c haVD eeen In a long time. Cre 'Ith bow ovtf Instep.:<ovcrcd Cub

icel—juatu illu stra ted . Bialn’FlMr Shoe DepL

LEATHER GLOVESit Are Carefully Chosen to Meet tl Desires of Good Drcsscni, 98c up

-sl leatherrt in ahfldcs o'f tan, gn lack. Lined with silk ^

Main Floor Men’s Store


p a r tint} ilii^ :b o n i0

tECEMBER 9,1930

n e p t Store

. Gifts for every nterabt re planned for you this i

J TiFin Falls', Largest

Stock ^Hondlicr- y

chiefs for y /L90' Ladles ^

and VV Children ^

Hindkcrchleft,,'.'w e chooae from . . . for I: . . . thal »o iuggert j

- - ................yourself how *tunn|nj

; s s . h . . i , - 2 5 c. . single.

handkerthlefi —

4:PIECEGIFgg\ - ^oatiit-packcd iti sJf sists of Toilet wateI . Perfumo and powdr extmordinary. value

W' I /.

^ B A T H T O ^

69Novelty Jacquard cc towel'and wash clot

g r e n a d in eHOSU

ilues. chl

IllS We

:ED Dusting: Powd Salts in Novelt;

69iThrifty Christmas a! this value—makes ■« too.



S9.Sjban Regular' $12,4

Pendleton mills wero these—that’s why w. them lo you at this Ii ful pattoms,

_____ _ .Ready*to.Wc


In the Econom Hundreds and hu

i ' COB kinds of toys f(^ ' o f everj


ent St«

>R E '' Iiber of the family is Christmas—We'

we h a n u very many to kor her . . . for everybody m fs l you come aod tre Ior ^Ing they are., . /T f

5c, 39c, 49c ^ 5c!: I

D T SETS, 79c'-I ®fi gift box—set con- ^ ater.' Eau do Cologne ^

SiTt."... 79c ^- 'Stationery ^

. Always Blakes IRI L ' aMost ^9n Delightrul'GIft ^

98c. .I ^ BeauUfuUy boxed,

whlto and 'pu to l f^ m ~J] Ihadet. Some leU /

haK lined enrel-

.. PCCT)WELSETS,., . 1 ^

i9c ^1 colors in large size f / J ^ ;Ioths to match.


■ JI.98 ... ®6.stnuid,-4S/gaugo W K ^ eXit'a.fiifs grade f j t m chiffon with super- for wearing qual- . W /]m Itlcs becauao. they ■aro Grenadine. This hoslory.always. pleaaea, ...

fder and Bath----->Ity Gift Boxes ^

9c ' ms alioppera welcome /JL.^ a'aflne, ^


M I[2,46 Values-. ’ ......ero over stockcd on rM f wo aro able to sell Is low pricc. Bcauti-

W<arDcpl. E 'k

TOAHO’S ® ■'TOYLAND! ^ j|lo’i^ Basementhundreds orvarl- ^B for boys and girls ^ery'age K

, Bradley • ZS Sweaters

Make Very ^Acceptable W

1 Gifts «$3.95 I

AU colori. Pull- £ “ C T f f T T r lJ U tto i r — P / M — front,


>re / ; I
