4 12 12 Fax to SBN OBC Complaints Grievance FOIA NRS 239 Screening Panel and Kern Attached to 9 8 12...


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  • 7/30/2019 4 12 12 Fax to SBN OBC Complaints Grievance FOIA NRS 239 Screening Panel and Kern Attached to 9 8 12 and 4


    Zach Coughlin, Esq.Nevada Bar No: 9473

    PO Box 39!"ENO, N# $9%&%'el: 77% 33$ $!!$(ax: 949 7 74&)


    PE-E NO/E /0E NE1 C0-N2E O -"E -BO#E/05 5 - "EEO6 O 5NO"6-/5ON -C/ "E8E/

    O5- -N - "E8E/ 6-E P8"8-N/ /O /0E NE#--OPEN "ECO" -1 8NE" N" )39


  • 7/30/2019 4 12 12 Fax to SBN OBC Complaints Grievance FOIA NRS 239 Screening Panel and Kern Attached to 9 8 12 and 4


    Please note I have a new SCR 79 Public Address and a new PO BOX that I have identified

    as my referred mailin! address" I have attemted to ma#e these chan!es via the $Portal% at

    www"nvbar"or!& but the website is not allowin! me to ma#e them" Please accet this writin! as a

    communication meant to effect such chan!es"

    6 C" 79 -ddress should Ae:

    Zach Coughlin, Esq.

    94% 1. !)'h'.

    "eno, N# $9%&3

    6 ;re(erred +ailing address and PO BOF address should Ae:

    Zach Coughlin, Esq.

    PO Box 39!

    "eno, N# $9%&%

    6 ;uAlicl lis'ed 'ele;hone nu+Aer should Ae 77% 33$ $!!$.

    6 ;uAlicl lis'ed (ax should Ae 949 7 74&).

    5 =ould li?e a co+;le'e, signed, co; o( all 'he grievances (iled agains' +e, and an o'hersi+ilar s'le =ri''en or oral co+;lain's including 'hose 6r. @ing eludes 'o (ro+ 6arch )), )&!) o( 'he"eno 6arshals (or 'he "6C. 5 a+ reques'ing a co+;le'e co; o( an an all +a'erial suA+i''ed along=i'h 'hose grievances or co+;lain's, again. 5 =ould li?e an indica'ion, in =ri'ing, (ro+ Bar Counsel as'o =hen 5 +us' res;ond 'o each o( 'he various co+;lain's and or grievances A. 5 do no' Aelieve 0illsGgrievanceH should Ae 'rea'ed as o((icial a' 'his ;oin' given he (ailed 'o sign i' and (ur'her, he lac?ss'anding 'o +a?e 'he co+;lain's 'ha' he +a?es. -ddi'ionall, Dudge Nash 0ol+es lac?s s'anding 'o;ur;or' 'o s;ea? on Aehal( o( all o'her "6C Dudges, in addi'ion 'o unna+ed Dudge Pro /e+;ores. 5 as?

    (or a =ri''en indica'ion (ro+ Bar Counsel as 'o =he'her or no' such de(iciencies ;reven' an suchcorres;ondences (ro+ a;;ro;ria'el Aeing dee+ed GgrievancesH calling (or an res;onse on + ;ar'.

    Dudge 1illia+ 2ardner has no= re(used 'o recuse hi+sel( (ro+ a case =herein 5 a+ a ;ar',des;i'e receiving +a'erials aAou' +e (ro+ his sis'er, des;i'e his Aeing e+;loed A 'he "eno Ci'-''ornes o((ice as recen'l as )&!& 5 have curren'l ;ending li'iga'ion agains' 'he "eno Ci'-''ornes O((ice and or li'iga'ion =hich is reasonaAl li?el 'o arise in 'he near (u'ure, and des;i'eDudge Nash 0ol+es (iling a grievance =i'h 'he 'a'e Bar o( Nevada a;;aren'l in res;onse 'o;ro+;'ing (ro+ Bar Counsel Pa'ric? @ing, as she a;ologies (or I'a?ing '=o das 'o ge' ou 'he+a'erials ou reques'edI in a le''er 'o 6r. @ing =herein Dudge Nash 0ol+es ;ur;or's 'o (ile 'ha'grievance on Aehal( o(, a+ongs' o'hers, "6C Dudge 1illia+ 2ardner.

    5 have suA+i''ed Ao'h a O5- and a Nevada O;en "ecords a= reques' 'o 'he 'a'e Bar o(Nevada (or co;ies o( all +a'erials su;;lied 'o 'he 'a'e Bar and Bar Counsel in connec'ion =i'h 'heseIgrievancesI and have had + reques's denied and or 'he have gone unres;onded 'o. ur'her,re'urned'o +e onl 7 das a('er 'he "6Cs 3)

  • 7/30/2019 4 12 12 Fax to SBN OBC Complaints Grievance FOIA NRS 239 Screening Panel and Kern Attached to 9 8 12 and 4


    0ol+es and 'he Ci' o( "eno 6arshal seiJed (ro+ +e inciden' 'o =ha' cer'ainl a;;ears 'o Ae a;re'ex'ual arres' allo=ing 'he+ 'o conduc'd a search inciden' 'o arres' in connec'ion =i'h + crossexa+ina'ion o( "eno Police e;ar'+en' argen' /ar'er concerning "P O((icer Chris Car'er ad+i''ing'ha' "ichard 2. 0ill, Esq. =as AriAing hi+ 0ill (iled 'he ini'ial Aar grievance agains' +e and BarCounsel @ing, des;i'e have a ;uAlished decision o( 'he Nevada u;re+e Cour' in Cars'ar;hen v.6ilsner (ro+ 6arch )&!) in =hich 6r. 0ill =as o;;osing counsel and des;i'e 6r. @ings ;revious

    shared e+;lo+en' =i'h curren' "eno Ci' -''orne an 1ong 1ong and @ing =or?ed (or 'he-''orne 2enerals O((ice a' 'he sa+e 'i+e, des;i'e all 'ha' 6r. @ing (ailed 'o disclose an such;o'en'ial con(lic' and a;;aren'l re+ains on 'his +a''er


  • 7/30/2019 4 12 12 Fax to SBN OBC Complaints Grievance FOIA NRS 239 Screening Panel and Kern Attached to 9 8 12 and 4


    "egardless, 6s. @erns recen' argu+en' in her O;;osi'ion 'o + 6o'ion 'o -l'er or -+end 'heOrder o( u++ar Evic'ion in "DC "ev)&!)K&&&374, deserve a Aar grievance. 6s. @ern and or herclien' P//0O- sen' an individual =i'hou' a la= license, ue @ing, o=ner and +anager o( 1es'ernNevada 6anage+en' 'o '=o di((eren' hearings 'o ;rac'ice la= on Aehal( o( 2ale @ern, / andP//0O-, in addi'ion 'o on Aehal( o( 1es'ern Nevada +anage+en'. /his is 'he unau'horiJed ;rac'ice

    o( la=. ur'her, 6s. @ern is held 'o ?no= =ha' her o=n agen's, 'he secre'ar (or 'he P//0O- Becci,5 Aelieve is her na+e and ue @ing, O=ner and O;era'or o( 1es'ern Nevada 6anage+en' 'es'i(ied 'oas 'o 'he ex;ress a;;roval ;rovided 'o + (or+er house+a'es and do+es'ic aAusers Chris'o;er GErinHErvin -llaAac? and aura oreshee ne Pe'rone, and +ore recen'l, ne 0arrison allo=ing 'he+ 'oinhaAi' 'ha' ;ar'icular 'o=nho+e (or over $ +on'hs ;rior 'o + +oving in 'o i'. ur'her, @ern is no=;ersis'ing =i'h 'his evic'ion under an evic'ion No'ice 'ha' =as No Cause, onl 'o, 'he da o( 'hehearing, (ile an a((idavi' 'ha' indica'es i' =as a Non Pa+en' o( "en' evic'ion. /his is clearl ana''e+;' 'o ge' around 'he ;rohiAi'ion agains' using su++ar evic'ion ;rocedures agains' a co++ercial'enan' =hich 5 =as, given 'he loca'ion =as + ho+e la= o((ice, a ;er+issiAle ;ro(essional ho+eo((ice use exce;'ion 'o an a;;licaAle Joning la=s and 'he dela =hich =ould have Aeen a''endan' 'ocorrec'ing 'he de(icien' original Evic'ion No'ice. /his le''er cons'i'u'es and o((icial grievance and

    co+;lain' agains' 2ale @ern, Esq., and 2ale @ern, /. "oAn Ba'alado, =as 'he P//0O- (or1es'ern Nevada +anage+en' =ho+ received ex;ress a;;roval (or+ 'he P//0O- Board o( irec'ors'o have -llaAac? and oreshee inhaAi' 'ha' 'o=nho+e in exchange (or so+e (or+ o( considera'ion. /o'he ex'en' 'he considera'ion =as no' a +one'ar ren'al ;a+en', 'he su++ar evic'ion ;roceduresunder N" 4&.)%3 are i+;er+issiAl a;;lied in li?e o( 'he 2laJier v Dus'ice Cour' ruling o( 'he Nevadau;re+e Cour'. Bo'h @ern and 0ill have viola'ed "PC 3.4. ur'her, 0ill ;ur;ose(ull (iled =ha' heAelieves 'o Ae + social securi' nu+Aer is a ver shor' (iling =i'h 'he "DC so+e'hing (or =hich 0illand Ba?er ac'uall received sanc'ions on Dohn 2essins Aehal( in 'he cases involving 2lade 0all, Esq../his is a viola'ion o( s'a'e la= and clearl a hos'ile ac' A "ichard 0ill.

    0ills allega'ion =i'h res;ec' 'o an service issues, and and inaAili' o( Bar Counsel or 'heCour's 'o send +ail 'o +e, or (or +e 'o receive such +ail, necessaril i+;lica'es 'hose +a''ers, in

    addi'ion 'o 'he in'er(erence =i'h + +ail A 'hose agains' =ho+ 5 =as a=arded Orders o( Pro'ec'ion in#!)K&&!$$ and #!)K&&!$7, + (or+er house+a'es. 5 de+ons'ra'ed a grea' deal o( diligence ina''e+;'ing 'o +ain'ain a viaAle +ailing address, in(or+ cour's and Bar Counsel o( 'hese issues, and+ain'ain clien' con'ac'. 5 have ;roo( o( + (iling o((icial Changes o( -ddress and aler'ing o;;osingcounsel and 'he cour's o( 'he sa+e.

    5 sus;ec' Bar Counsel @ing is col re(using 'o 'ell +e i( he has received an +ail asIundeliveraAleI or so+e o'her si+ilar designa'ion 'ha' he has a''e+;'ed 'o send 'o +e.

    5 a+ (or+all reques'ing 'ha' Bar Counsel in(or+ +e, in =ri'ing, via (ax or e+ail a' 'he e+ailand (ax lis'ed Aelo= and on + o((icial con'ac' in(or+a'ion ;age as lis'ed a' ===.nvAar.org as 'o 'heexis'ence o( an undelivered +ail 'ha' 'he 'a'e Bar o( Nevada has had re'urned 'o i' a('er sending i' 'o

    +e. 5 =ish 'o ;ic? such +ail u; i++edia'el and 'o re'ain all o( + righ's 'o res;ond 'o an suchgrievance or no'ice o( 'he 'a'e Bar o( Nevada. PE-E NO/E 6 NE1 PO BOF C0-N2E O-"E -/OP /05 E//E". PE-E EN -N P-/ 6-55N2 /0-/ 1E"E"E/8"NE - 8NE5#E"-BE /O /0-/ -"E, 5N -5/5ON /O COP5N2 6E ON/0E6 #5- -F -N E6-5 -N PE-E EN - 8/8"E 6-55N2 /O /05 NE1 POBOF -/OP /05 CO""EPONENCE.


  • 7/30/2019 4 12 12 Fax to SBN OBC Complaints Grievance FOIA NRS 239 Screening Panel and Kern Attached to 9 8 12 and 4


    5n 'he (ollo=ing cases 'he cour's 'oo? 'he vie= 'ha', under 'he ;ar'icular disci;linar rules

    o( 'he urisdic'ion, 'he a''ornes (ailure 'o coKo;era'e =i'h disci;linar au'hori'ies does no'cons'i'u'e an inde;enden' ground (or disci;lining counsel. O?la 'a'e ex rel. O?laho+a Bar -ssn v-da+s !99%, O?la $9% P)d 7&!-l'hough reec'ing an a''ornes asser'ion in a disci;linar ;roceeding 'ha' 'he cons'i'u'ional;rivilege no' 'o Ae a =i'ness agains' hi+sel( a;;lied since 'he a''orne +ade no asser'ion

    'ha' his res;onse 'o a ques'ion in 'he ;roceeding could Ae used agains' hi+ in a cri+inal;rosecu'ion, 'he cour', in "e 2eur's !9$& )9& Or )4!, )& P)d !373, held 'ha' 'he accuseds(ailure 'o res;ond 'o 'he Aars inquiries did no' cons'i'u'e grounds (or disci;line =here 'he Aardid no' sho= =ha' legal or disci;linar rule 'he accused viola'ed A (ailing 'o res;ond 'o 'heAars inquir. /he disci;linar revie= Aoard had (ound 'ha' 'he accuseds onl res;onse 'o'hree le''ers reques'ing a res;onse 'o a clien's co+;lain' =as a 'ele;hone call s'a'ing 'ha' hehad +ailed a re;l and =ould send a co; o( i'. 1hen no co; =as received, 'he Aar a;;oinK'ed an inves'iga'or =ho =as in(or+ed A 'he accused 'ha' he =ould (urnish hi+ =i'h ei'her aco; o( 'he original le''er or a ne= le''er ou'lining 'he suAs'ance o( 'he original le''er. -s 'heinves'iga'or =ould no' acce;' a ne= le''er and 'he accused 'es'i(ied 'ha' he did no' ?ee; o((iceco;ies o( his le''ers, 'he a''orne s'a'ed 'ha' he (el' 'here =as no ;ur;ose in re;ling 'o 'he inves'iga'orand hence did no' re;l. 'a'ing 'ha' i' did no' i+;l a;;roval o( noncoKo;era'ion=i'h 'he ;rocess o( inves'iga'ion in'o co+;lain's aAou' a la=ers ;ro(essional conduc', 'hecour' reasoned 'ha' i( noncoKo;era'ion i'sel( is 'o Ae +ade a ground (or i+;osing a disci;linar;enal', 'he rules o( ;ro(essional disci;line +us' give (air no'ice o( 'he 'er+s and li+i's o('he oAliga'ion and 'ha' 'he did no' do so a' 'he ;resen' 'i+e.-l'hough 'he disci;linar revie= Aoard reco++ended a 3&Kda sus;ension Aased on 'hea''ornes neglec'ing a legal +a''er en'rus'ed 'o hi+ A (ailing 'o ;roceed in a dissolu'ion o(+arriage and (ailing 'o res;ond 'o 'he Aars inquiries, 'he cour', in "e Conduc' o( "udie !9$!)9& Or 47!, )) P)d !&9$, held 'ha' 'he a;;ro;ria'e disci;line =as a ;uAlic re;ri+and =hereno'=i'hs'anding 'he cour's ex;ress disa;;roval o( 'he a''ornes (ailure 'o res;ond 'o 'he Aarsinquiries, 'ha' (ailure =as no' i'sel( clearl conde+ned A a disci;linar rule, inde;enden' o(=ha' Aearing i' +igh' have on 'he +a''er under inquir. 5' no'ed 'ha' 'he a''orne (ailed 'o res;ond'o inquiries (ro+ 'he Aar in (our disci;linar +a''ers, and 'ha' he s'i;ula'ed 'o 'he accusa'ionssuAec' 'o 'he ex'enua'ing reason 'ha' his ;aren's =ere ?illed in an air;lane crash leavinghi+ 'oo ;reoccu;ied =i'h (a+il a((airs and e+o'ionall inca;aci'a'ed 'o (unc'ion e((ec'ivelin his ;rac'ice.5n a la'er ;roceeding involving 'he sa+e a''orne disci;lined in "e Conduc' o( "udie!9$! )9& Or 47!, )) P)d !&9$, su;ra, recogniJing 'ha' al'hough 'he (ailure 'o res;ond A+a?ing an ans=er or a;;earance 'o disci;linar charges +a no' have Aeen a viola'ion o( 'hedisci;linar rules, 'he cour' held, in "e Conduc' o( "udie !9$3 )94 Or 74&, ) P)d 3)!,'ha' i' de+ons'ra'ed a lac? o( an i+;or'an' ele+en' o( ;ro(essionalis+ and 'ha' 'he disci;linarrevie= Aoard did no' dra= an un=arran'ed in(erence (ro+ 'he accuseds (ailure 'o a;;earin 'he disci;linar ;roceedings'ha' is, 'ha' i' sho=ed 'ha' 'he accuseds ;roAle+s =i'h AeingaAle 'o accord his conduc' =i'h 'he require+en's o( 'he code o( ;ro(essional conduc' =ere o( aI+ore serious na'ure.I /he cour' ordered 'ha' 'he a''orne Ae sus;ended (or 7 +on'hs and un'ilreins'a'e+en' on an a((ir+a'ive sho=ing o( (i'ness 'o Ae read+i''ed =here he =as (ound 'ohave, in'er alia, conduc'ed re;resen'a'ion o( his clien's =i'hou' ;re;ara'ion adequa'e under 'hecircu+s'ances, in'en'ionall (ailed 'o carr ou' a con'rac' o( e+;lo+en', and neglec'ed a legal+a''er.0olding 'ha' an a''ornes re(usal 'o coKo;era'e =i'h 'he e'hics co++i''ee canno' Ae used


  • 7/30/2019 4 12 12 Fax to SBN OBC Complaints Grievance FOIA NRS 239 Screening Panel and Kern Attached to 9 8 12 and 4


    as an inde;enden' assign+en' o( cause o( disci;line, 'he cour', in Co++i''ee on egal E'hicso( 1es' #irginia 'a'e Bar v 6ullins !97 !%9 1 #a 47, )) E)d 4)7, ordered 'he inde(ini'esus;ension o( an a''orne =ho (ailed 'o ;er(or+ 'he services (or =hich he had Aeen e+;loedand +isled his clien's as 'o his ac'ivi'ies in 'heir Aehal(, Au' reec'ed 'he co++i''eesde'er+ina'ion 'ha' his lac? o( coKo;era'ion =i'h 'he e'hics co++i''ee should Ae in'erec'ed asa charge agains' hi+. /he co++i''ee had (ound 'ha' he (ailed 'o res;ond 'o all co++unica'ions

    (ro+ 'he o((ices o( 'he execu'ive direc'or o( 'he s'a'e Aar and 'he chair+an o( 'he co++i''eeon legal e'hics and (ailed 'o a;;ear, ans=er, or o'her=ise res;ond 'o 'he charges agains'hi+. /he cour' s'a'ed 'ha' 'he a''orne in a disci;linar ;roceeding has an aAsolu'e righ' 'o reac''o charges agains' hi+ as 'o Ae considered uncoo;era'ive'ha' is, he +a +a?e a de(ense,e+;lo counsel, 'es'i(, or re(use 'o do an o( 'he (or+er. /he cour' no'ed 'ha' such uncoKo;era'ive a''i'ude 'o=ard 'he e'hics co++i''ee is under'a?en a' 'he a''ornes ;eril, and +aco+;el 'he co++i''ee 'o acce;' as 'rue all allega'ions o( (ac' on =hich a co+;lain' is Aased.0o=ever, 'he cour' oAserved 'ha' an a''orne +a conduc' hi+sel( in a disci;linar ;roceedingin a +anner 'ha' he dee+s 'o Ae ;ro;er, and his +anner o( doing so canno' Ae used as aninde;enden' Aasis (or disci;line.C868-/5#E 8PPE6EN/Cases:-llega'ions in ;e'i'ion A irec'or o( O((ice o( a=ers Pro(essional "es;onsiAili' (or'e+;orar sus;ension o( a''ornes license 'o ;rac'ice la=, =hich alleged 'ha' a''orne had(ailed 'o coo;era'e =i'h irec'ors (ur'her inves'iga'ion and 'ha' a''ornes (ailure 'o coo;era'ehad ;reven'ed irec'or (ro+ i+;le+en'ing ;roAa'ion, =ere dee+ed ad+i''ed, and 'hus 'e+;orarsus;ension o( a''orne =ho had ;reviousl Aeen ;laced on ;roAa'ion =as =arran'ed,=here a''orne (ailed 'o ans=er irec'ors ;e'i'ion (or 'e+;orar sus;ension. %) 6..-., a=ersPro(. "es;., "ule !c. 5n re isci;linar -c'ion -gains' Dellinger, 3) N.1.)d 4&6inn. )&&!.-''orne could no' Ae sanc'ioned (or (ailure 'o coo;era'e =i'h coun' Aar associa'ions disci;linar;rocesses, =here a''orne =as no' +e+Aer o( volun'ar coun' Aar associa'ion ands'a'e a''orne general had no' reques'ed assis'ance A associa'ion. 'a'e ex rel. O?laho+a Bar-ssn v Bol'on !994, O?la $$& P)d 339.5n disci;linar ;roceeding, a''ornes (ailure 'o coo;era'e =i'h grievance co++i''ee in i'sinves'iga'ive ;rocedures concerning (iled co+;lain's received (ro+ individual ci'iJens =asno' se;ara'e, inde;enden' ground (or disci;linar ac'ion, Au' could Ae considered in de'er+ining;unish+en'. 'a'e v 6alone !9$%, /ex -;; Beau+on' 9) 1)d $$$, la'er a;; /ex-;; Beau+on' 7)& 1)d $4).-''ornes neglec' o( +ul'i;le clien's i++igra'ion +a''ers, including (ailing 'o (ile a;;lica'ionsand (ailing 'o ?ee; clien's in(or+ed o( s'a'us o( cases, 'oge'her =i'h his (ailing 'o;ro+;'l (urnish a =ri''en res;onse 'o disci;linar counsel reques's, =arran'ed '=oKear sus;ension(ro+ 'he ;rac'ice o( la= aggrava'ing (ac'ors =ere no' su((icien'l egregious, nor =ere+i'iga'ing (ac'ors su((icien'l co+;elling 'o us'i( de;ar'ure (ro+ ;resu+;'ive sanc'ion o(disAar+en', Au' ;resu+;'ive sanc'ion o( disAar+en' =as dis;ro;or'iona'e 'o +isconduc' inligh' o( ;rior disci;linar decisions involving si+ilar +isconduc'. "PC !.3, !.4a, A, !.%a,!.!%d " ).$. 5n re isci;linar Proceeding -gains' -nschell, !4! 1ash. )d %93, 9 P.3d!93 )&&&.

    "ule 'ha' disci;linar ac'ion +a no' Ae ordered (or invo?ing righ' agains' sel(incri+ina'ionQCu+ula'ive u;;le+en'R

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    5n 'he (ollo=ing cases 'he cour' held or recogniJed 'ha' disAar+en' or o'her disci;linarac'ion agains' an a''orne +a no' Ae ordered (or ;ro;erl invo?ing 'he a''ornes righ'agains' sel(Kincri+ina'ion.8;evac? v @lein !97 3$% 8 %!!, !7 Ed )d %74, $7 C' )%el"e @enned !9$), el u; 44) -)d 79

    5ll"e Zisoo? !9$! $$ 5ll )d 3)!, %$ 5ll ec 7$, 43& NE)d !&37, 3& -"4'h ))$, cer'den 4%7 8 !!34, 73 Ed )d !3%), !&) C' )9) a;;aren'l recogniJing rule6ich'ernAerg v 'a'e Bar o( 6ichigan !97! 3$4 6ich %$$, !$% N1)d 39% recogniJingrule6iss6ississi;;i 'a'e Bar v -''orneK"es;onden' in isci;linar Proceedings !979, 6iss37 o )d !79 recogniJing rule1is'a'e v Pos'orino !97) %3 1is )d 4!), !93 N1)d ! recogniJing rule/hus, reversing an order o( disAar+en', 'he 8ni'ed 'a'es u;re+e Cour' held, in ;evac?v @lein !97 3$% 8 %!!, !7 Ed )d %74, $7 C' )%, 'ha' an a''orne =ho, in reliance on'he ;rivilege agains' sel(Kincri+ina'ion, re(used 'o 'es'i( and re(used 'o ;roduce records de+andeda' a ;roceeding 'o disci;line hi+ (or ;ro(essional +isconduc' is no' suAec' 'o disAar+en',since 'he sel(Kincri+ina'ion clause o( 'he i('h -+end+en' (orAids 'he i+;osi'ion o(disAar+en' as 'he ;enal' (or re+aining silen'. /he cour' no'ed 'ha' 'he sel(Kincri+ina'ionclause o( 'he i('h -+end+en' a;;lies 'o 'he s'a'es, and 'here(ore 'o s'a'e ;roceedings,'hrough 'he our'een'h -+end+en'. 5' ex;lained 'ha' under 'he sel(Kincri+ina'ion clause o('he i('h -+end+en', a ;erson has 'he righ' 'o re+ain silen' =i'hou' su((ering an ;enal' (orsuch silence, s'a'ing 'ha' I;enal'I in 'his con'ex' +eans 'he i+;osi'ion o( an sanc'ion 'ha'+a?es asser'ion o( 'he i('h -+end+en' ;rivilege Icos'l.I /he cour' oAserved 'ha' 'he 'hrea'o( disAar+en' and a loss o( ;ro(essional re;u'a'ion and s'anding are ;o=er(ul (or+s o( co+;ulsion'o +a?e a la=er relinquish 'he ;rivilege agains' sel(Kincri+ina'ion. 5' added 'ha' la=ersare no' exce;'ed (ro+ 'he =ords Ino ;erson shall Ae co+;elled in an cri+inal case 'o Aea =i'ness agains' hi+sel(.IQ!7R5n 6ississi;;i 'a'e Bar v -''orneK"es;onden' in isci;linar Proceedings !979, 6iss37 o )d !79, al'hough recogniJing 'he rule in ;evac? v @lein !97 3$% 8 %!!, !7 Ed)d %74, $7 C' )%, su;ra, 'ha' an a''orne +a no' Ae disAarred si+;l Aecause he +ade avalid asser'ion o( 'he ;rivilege agains' sel(Kincri+ina'ion, 'he cour' held 'ha' a disci;linar;roceeding does no' require Alan?e' i++uni' as in a cri+inal case, Au' never'heless, having'a?en 'he =i'ness s'and, 'he a''orne +a, on a ques'ionKAKques'ion Aasis, +a?e valid asser'iono( 'he i('h -+end+en' ;rivilege as 'o 'hose ques'ions 'ha' =ould 'end 'o incri+ina'ehi+ o( a s'a'e or (ederal cri+inal o((ense. /he cour' reasoned 'ha' a disci;linar ;roceeding,=hile concededl having ;enal ele+en's, is no' a cri+inal case and 'ha' an a''orne, unli?e ina cri+inal case, +a Ae co+;elled 'o a;;ear and 'a?e 'he =i'ness s'and.C868-/5#E 8PPE6EN/Cases:Privilege agains' sel(Kincri+ina'ion ex'ends 'o a''ornes, and a''orne +a no' Ae disAarred(or invo?ing ;rivilege in Bar disci;linar ;roceedings. 8..C.-. Cons'. -+end. %.'a'e v. ;iegel, 7!& o. )d !3 la. is'. C'. -;;. 3d is'. !99$, rehg denied, Dune !&,


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    !99$ and revie= denied la. Nov. !$, !99$.OneKear sus;ension =as =arran'ed (or a''orne =ho (ailed 'o ;ursue legal +a''er on Aehal(o( clien' and (ailed 'o res;ond 'o disci;linar au'hori'ies. 'a'e Bar "ules and "egula'ions,"ule 4S!&)A, 'andards 44, $. 5n re Zoo'a, )7) 2a. 49, %3) .E.)d !&7 )&&&.Pro'ec'ion agains' sel(Kincri+ina'ion did no' a;;l 'o, and 'hus did no' excuse, a''ornes(ailure 'o co+;l =i'h reques' A 'a'e a=ers -ssis'ance Co++i''ee -C 'ha' a''orne,his ;ersonal ;hsician, and -C +e+Aer +ee' 'o develo; alcohol de;endenc 'rea'+en'

    ;lan (or a''orne no incri+ina'ion =ould have occurred, as ;ar'ici;a'ion in alcohol de;endenc'rea'+en' =ould no' Ae ad+issiAle in a''orne disci;linar ;roceeding, and such ;roceeding =ould no' Ae cri+inal ;roceeding. 8..C.-. Cons'. -+end. % Cons'. -r'. !, T !)O" 9.%4% Code o( Pro(. "es;., " !K!&3. 5n re Conduc' o( 1llie, 3) Or. )), 9%P.)d 9%! !99$.

    e(ending a=ers in isci;linar Proceedings, 3! -6D8" /"5- 33:

    T )4. /he role o( re'ained counsel in generalNego'ia'ions =i'h Aar counsel

    ui'e o('en Aar counsel =ill Ae a =ellK?no=n ;rac'icing a''orne =i'h a large, ;ro+inen' la=

    (ir+, 'ha' is, an a''orne =ho can a((ord 'o 'a?e 'i+e o(( (or AarKrela'ed ac'ivi'ies. 0e is li?el 'o Ae+iddleKaged, =eal'h, conserva'ive, and qui'e Aus =i'h his o=n ;riva'e ;rac'ice. 0e is also unli?el

    'o Ae s+;a'he'ic 'o an unre;resen'ed accused a''orne, and =ill (ind i' di((icul' 'o unders'and 'he

    ;roAle+s o( oung, sole ;rac'i'ioner, (or he cus'o+aril re;resen's cor;ora'e clien's, insuranceco+;anies,

    and Aan?s. 0e =ill ;roAaAl do no divorce or cri+inal =or?, and he is li?el 'o Ae highl s;ecialiJed

    in his o=n ;rac'ice.Q3!R 0is goal =ill Ae 'o dis;ose o( 'he +a''er as ;ainlessl and as quic?l

    as ;ossiAle, and he =ill resen' lac? o( coo;era'ion or a hos'ile a''i'ude. B 'he 'i+e re'ained counsel

    en'ers 'he case, 'he accused a''orne +a have had '=o or 'hree Ai''er con(ron'a'ions =i'h 'his a''orne,and he +a have given hi+ no coo;era'ion nor sho=n an con'ri'ion. /he a''i'ude o( 'he inves'iga'ing

    a''orne is li?el 'o Ae guarded, i( no' hos'ile.Q3)R

    /he consideraAle ;o=ers o( Aar counsel should Ae unders'ood: he has 'he au'hori' 'o (ile (or+al

    charges and se' 'he case (or hearing, or he +a dis;ose o( i' =i'hou' (ur'her inves'iga'ion. 0e +a si'

    on a case inde(ini'el, or he can see 'ha' i' is 'horoughl ;rosecu'ed, even ge''ing assis'ance o( 'hea''orne

    generals o((ice or 'he local dis'ric' a''orne. 5ndeed, occasionall Aar counsel +a coordina'e

    his e((or's =i'h 'he local 8ni'ed 'a'es -''orne or dis'ric' a''orne (or 'he ;ur;ose o( ;rosecu'ing a;ar'icular a''orne (or ;erur or (or so+e Areach o( (iduciar du'. 0e +a even sugges' 'o 'he dis'ric'

    a''orne 'ha' 'he case Ae ;resen'ed 'o a grand ur.

    5' is 'here(ore oAvious 'ha' earl in 'he case, re'ained counsel +us' co++unica'e, in a (riendl

    =a =i'h 'he co++i''ees a''orne. 0e should (irs' de'er+ine =he'her 'he clien' has o((ended hi+ and


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    +a?e necessar a;ologies, al'hough 'his cour'es =ill no' al=as (all on rece;'ive ears. 5( Aar counsel

    is irreversiAl o;;osed 'o 'he clien' Aecause o( ;ersonal ani+osi', ho=ever, he +a Ae a+enaAle 'o

    re;lace+en' A ano'her a''orne. /his should Ae reques'ed in a 'ac'(ul =a.

    -s a general rule, 'he co++i''ees counsel =ill Ae ;leased 'o sugges' ;ro+;' +e'hods o( se''le+en'.

    5( he +a?es s;eci(ic sugges'ions, 'he should Ae co+;lied =i'h i( a' all ;ossiAle. /his is 'rue

    even =here 'he resolve douA's in +a''ers o( equi' in (avor o( 'he co+;lainan'. /he inves'iga'or has

    'he ;o=er 'o see 'ha' his =ishes are en(orced. Concre'e s'e;s should Ae ;ro;osed and e((or's +ade 'o

    de'er+ine 'he Aar counsels a''i'ude 'o=ard ;ossiAle rehaAili'a'ion 'hrough -lcoholics -non+ous or

    ;scho'hera; 'rea'+en' or =ha'ever is a;;ro;ria'e o( a +edical or educa'ional na'ure.

    Ever'hing 'ha' should oAviousl Ae done should Ae done ;ro+;'l. or exa+;le, i( a re(und o( a

    (e= hundred dollars is clearl in order, i' should Ae done s;eedil. 5' is =ise 'o coordina'e such e((or's

    =i'h 'he co++i''ees s'a(( ;ersonnel.

    o+e'i+es a ;ro;osed =ri''en agree+en' (or an i++edia'e s;eci(ic re(und, or a''endance a' e'hicsse+inars or re+edial courses, 'o Ae co+;le'ed =i'hin a given ;eriod o( 'i+e, =ill Ae (avoraAlreceived.

    /ric?er or (ailing 'o live u; 'o agree+en's +ade are al+os' cer'ain 'o have Aad resul's.

    /here(ore i' is ;ar'icularl i+;or'an' 'ha' an res'i'u'ion ;ro+ised Ae ;ro+;'l ;aid. Occasionall,

    'he cura'ive ac'ion is si+;lici' i'sel(, and a reques' (or a le''er o( a;olog 'o 'he co+;lainan' or 'he

    i++edia'e 'urning over o( a (ile 'o suAs'i'u'e counsel should Ae ;ro+;'l co+;lied =i'h. 0o=ever,

    'he +os' i+;or'an' ;oin's 'o +a?e =i'h 'he inves'iga'ing Aar a''orne, =here 'here is no de(ense under

    'he (ac's o( 'he case, are con'ri'ion, coo;era'ion, and correc'ive +easures./here =ill Ae cases, ho=ever, =here 'he clien' has co++i''ed no =rong(ul ac' and is innocen'. 5'

    should Ae ex;lained 'o 'he Aar a''orne 'ha' innocence =ill Ae 'he de(ense and 'ha' i' =ill Ae vigorousl

    ;ursued. 1ea?nesses in 'he co+;lainan's case, his or her ;as' cri+inal or ;schia'ric his'or

    should Ae ;oin'ed ou', and an inquir +ade as 'o =ha' s'e;s are necessar 'o se''le 'he +a''er under

    'hose circu+s'ances.

    5n so+e urisdic'ions, 'he inves'iga'ing Aar a''orne is a (ullK'i+e e+;loee o( 'he s'a'e Aar associa'ion,

    'he a''orne generals o((ice or an e+;loee o( 'he local udicial dis'ric'. /he a;;roach in 'ha'

    case =ill ;roAaAl Ae so+e=ha' di((eren'. 1hereas 'he co++i''ee +e+Aer ;ar'ici;a'ing in 'heinves'iga'ion

    is seldo+ co+;ensa'ed (or his =or?, counsel e+;loed A a s'a'e Aar associa'ion or 'he a''orne

    generals o((ice al=as is. /he onl exce;'ion =ould Ae a Is;ecial ;rosecu'orI a;;oin'ed 'o

    handle a ;ar'icular, and usuall qui'e s;ec'acular, case. /his is rare, Au' =hen i' does occur, i' usuall


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    involves a ;oli'ical (igure or a udge.

    -n inves'iga'ing a''orne =ho is e+;loed (ull 'i+e 'o inves'iga'e and ;rosecu'e grievances =ill

    Ae harder 'o deal =i'h. 0e is less li?el 'o Ae s+;a'he'ic 'o 'he accused a''orne, ;ar'icularl i( he

    has a record o( ;rior disci;linar ac'ion. None'heless, +os' o( 'hese grievance co++i''ee ;rosecu'ors

    have +ore 'han enough =or?, and 'he 'end 'o concen'ra'e 'heir e((or's on 'he =ors' o((enders, 'hose

    =ho have Aeen leas' coo;era'ive, or 'hose =ho have o((ended 'he+.

    "e'ained counsel can ex;ec' closer coo;era'ion =i'h (ederal cri+inal or s'a'e and local dis'ric' a''orne

    inves'iga'ors i( 'he inves'iga'ing co++i''ee a''orne is a s'a'e or Aar associa'ion e+;loee.

    Co++i''ee counsel ac's as 'he ;rosecu'or, and he +a have had consideraAle ex;erience =or?ing

    =i'h 'he 5n'ernal "evenue ervice, 'he ederal Bureau o( 5nves'iga'ion or co+;araAle s'a'e o((ice,

    and he +a have Aeen a (or+er ;rosecu'or hi+sel(. 5( such an inves'iga'ing a''orne is handling 'he

    +a''er, a quic? de'er+ina'ion +us' Ae +ade o( 'he ;roAaAili' o( cri+inal ;rosecu'ion, and ;ossiAl

    serious, adverse 'ax consequences.Q33R"egardless o( =he'her 'he inves'iga'ing a''orne is a co++i''ee +e+Aer or a s'a'e Aar or a''orne

    generals e+;loee, 'he du' o( all inves'iga'ing or ;rosecu'ing a''ornes is 'he sa+e: 'o do us'ice.

    /he are Aound A 'he code o( ;ro(essional res;onsiAili' us' as o'hers are. "egre''aAl, 'he do no'

    see+ 'o eno hearing 'ha' (ro+ de(ense counsel, and re+inding 'he+ o( 'heir e'hical du'ies =ill Ae

    irri'a'ing. None'heless, +os' o( 'hese inves'iga'ing a''ornes have a heav =or?load, and 'he do 'end

    'o concen'ra'e 'heir e((or's on 'hose a''ornes =ho are 'he +os' oAnoxious, 'he +os' in(a+ous, and

    'he leas' coo;era'ive.

    "e'ained de(ense counsel +us' also +a?e an earl de'er+ina'ion on =he'her 'o su;;l evidence

    'ha' +a Auild ;ar' o( a cri+inal ;rosecu'ion in 'he ho;es o( gaining lenienc Ae(ore 'he Aar associa'ion

    a' 'he ris? o( +ore severe de'ri+en' 'o his clien' i( cri+inal charges are (or+all ;ursued. uch

    decisions are never eas.

    5n an even', i' is generall good ;rac'ice a' 'he Aeginning o( re;resen'a'ion (or an a''orneKclien'

    accused o( ;ro(essional +isconduc' 'o con'ac' 'he grievance or hearing co++i''ees counsel and advise

    hi+ 'ha' he +a ex;ec' (ull coo;era'ion (ro+ counsel and 'he clien', an undelivered (ile =ill Ae

    (or=arded i++edia'el 'o 'he (or+er clien' or suAs'i'u'e counsel, an in(or+al or (or+al re;l, as


    =ill Ae ;ro+;'l suA+i''ed, and so+e inquir aAou' se''le+en' or so+e o'her dis;osi'ion o(

    'he +a''er =ill Ae +ade =i'hou' 'he (iling o( (or+al charges.

    T )%. /he role o( re'ained counsel in generale''le+en' or dis;osi'ion =i'hou' hearing (or+

    o( release


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    e''le+en' is 'he ideal goal in ever case. eldo+ can an good co+e (ro+ having a hearing.

    Even 'hough 'he accused a''orne clai+s co+;le'e innocence, 'he co++i''ee +e+Aers +a =onder

    =h 'he +a''er =as no' dis;osed o( earlier. /he are qui'e a=are o( 'he (ac' 'ha' such +a''ers

    do no' ge' 'o 'he hearing s'age =i'hou' 'he reco++enda'ion o( 'he inves'iga'ing Aar a''orne, =ho

    +us' have (ound evidence o( =rongdoing 'o us'i( (iling (or+al charges. /hus, 'he de(ense is

    (aced =i'h a sus;icion o( so+e ac' o( +isconduc'. ogicall, 'here(ore, 'he goal o( avoiding a

    hearing is 'he +os' desiraAle one, and 'he a;;roach 'a?en should Ae one 'ha' is leas' li?el 'o lead

    'o a hearing. 5' +a?es li''le sense 'o se' ones goal (or a hearing =hen 'he use o( di;lo+ac can

    avoid i'. e''le+en' is ;ossiAle onl u; 'o a ;oin' ;rior 'o 'he hearing, ho=ever. Once 'he hearing

    co++ences, i' is usuall 'oo la'e (or 'he accused a''orne 'o se''le =i'h 'he co+;lainan'. /he +os'

    sa'is(ac'or and Aene(icial se''le+en's are 'hose reached =i'hin '=o =ee?s o( 'he (iling o( 'he


    /he ;o'en'ial (or various se''le+en' ;ossiAili'ies are ;len'i(ul, Au', un(or'una'el, 'he are usuall;redica'ed on a co++odi' in shor' su;;l (or +os' a''ornes: +one. O('en i' =ill Ae necessar

    (or 'he clien' 'o con'ac' (a+il +e+Aers and give ;ro+issor no'es (or loans in order 'o Aargain

    =i'h cash 'ha' +a Ae easil re;laced, ra'her 'han his license, =hich canno'.

    5' should Ae no'ed 'ha' =hile i' is une'hical conduc' 'o IAu o((I co+;laining =i'nesses, nearl all

    s'a'es ;rovide 'ha' i( 'he dis'ric' a''orne ei'her a;;roves or encourages a civil se''le+en', 'hen

    disci;linar ;roceedings +a Ae avoided. "e'ained counsel +us' +a?e cer'ain he viola'es none o(

    'he canons o( e'hics hi+sel(. /he ?e 'o avoiding 'rouAle is 'o Ae o;en and candid =i'h all concerned.

    "e'ained counsel should i++edia'el +a?e clear 'o 'he accused a''orne 'ha' he is 'o 'a?e no ac'ion

    =ha'ever (ollo=ing re;resen'a'ion, and a care(ul inquir should Ae +ade 'o de'er+ine =ha'

    ac'ion he has 'a?en 'o da'e. 5nvariaAl, s'e;s =ill have 'o Ae 'a?en 'o s'raigh'en ou' 'he har+ 'ha'

    he +a alread have done.

    /he single +os' i+;or'an' ingredien' (or success is 'he a''i'ude o( 'he accused a''orne. 5( 'he

    grievance co++i''ee receives 'he i+;ression 'ha' he is +erel in'eres'ed in a IdodgeI 'o avoid 'he

    consequences o( his ac's, 'hen grea' di((icul' can Ae ex;ec'ed. 5( on 'he o'her hand 'he accused is

    genuinel con'ri'e, Ao'h in his =ords and his ac'ions, (e= co++i''ees are li?el 'o 'a?e severe ac'ion,

    even in serious cases. On 'he o'her hand, so+e a''ornes +a a''e+;' so+e sor' o( coverKu;.

    /he +a lie 'o 'he co++i''ee or +a o'her=ise do grea' disservice 'o 'heir o=n cause =hen 'he

    are no' re;resen'ed.

    5' should al=as Ae ?e;' in +ind 'ha' a con'ri'e a''i'ude A 'he accused a''orne is a di((icul' one

    (or a grievance co++i''ee 'o resis', ;ar'icularl =hen i' is cou;led =i'h a clear and de(ini'e ;lan


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    o( correc'ive ac'ion.

    Con'ri'ion, ho=ever, +us' al=as Ae cou;led =i'h coo;era'ion, and coo;era'ion +us' al=as Ae

    cou;led =i'h correc'ive ac'ion. hould one o( 'hese ele+en's Ae +issing, a good resul' canno' Ae

    ex;ec'ed. Once de(ense counsel 'a?es 'he clien' (ir+l in hand, direc's a correc'iveKac'ion ;rogra+,

    and, +os' i+;or'an'l, es'aAlishes and +ain'ains a good rela'ionshi; =i'h Aar counsel, he

    +a ex;ec' good resul's, even in serious cases.

    /he ?e 'as? (or 'he re'ained a''orne is 'o coordina'e 'he de(ensive e((or' =i'h 'he goal 'o=ardreceiving

    (or 'he accused 'he leas' a+oun' o( ;unish+en'. or exa+;le, 'he inves'iga'ing a''orne

    (or 'he grievance co++i''ee should Ae in(or+ed 'ha' 'he +one in dis;u'e has Aeen re'urned, and

    'ha' 'he oung a''orne is (acing consideraAle 'rouAle =i'h 'he dis'ric' a''ornes o((ice (or 'he

    drun?Kdriving, collision, and 'he +ariuana ;ossession. 5' +a Ae a;;ro;ria'e in such case, 'o sugges'

    'ha' 'he co++i''ee 'a?e no ac'ion un'il 'he cri+inal +a''er is ex;osed o(.

    5( 'he clien' is uninsured, and +an =ill Ae, de(ense counsel should see? 'o se''le as +uch o( 'he

    case as he can A 'he +ere ;a+en' o( +one as o;;osed 'o disci;linar ;roceedings. /his, o(

    course, does no' +ean (raudulen' clai+s should Ae ;aid. 5( 'he clai+an' co+es in'o 'he hearing

    roo+ =i'h unclean hands, having a''e+;'ed 'o ex'or' an un(air cash se''le+en', 'he co++i''ee is

    en'i'led 'o ?no=. 0o=ever, in 'he given (ac' si'ua'ion, 'here is a clai+ (or a large su+ o( +one

    'he co+;lainan' allegedl los' in ;ro(i' (ro+ 'he sale o( 'he ;iece o( ;ro;er'. - (ull inves'iga'ion

    +a Ae required. id 'he co+;lainan' have (ull 'i'le 'o 'he ;ro;er', (ree and clearU 1as 'here a

    Aona (ide =ri''en o((erU id 'he co+;lainan' have 'he righ' 'o sell 'he ;ro;er' =i'hou' 'he a;;rovalo( o'her heirsU - +al;rac'ice carrier +us' cer'ainl ?no= 'he ans=er 'o 'hese ques'ions Ae(ore

    ;ar'ing =i'h an +one.

    /he dis'ric' a''ornes o((ice should Ae a;;roached =i'h a si+ilar o((er: IBecause o( 'he 15 and

    +ariuana case, 'he accused a''orne is in 'rouAle =i'h 'he grievance co++i''ee. 5( a civil se''le+en'

    =i'h 'he ;ersons =ho sus'ained da+age in 'he car =rec? can Ae reached, =ould 'he dis'ric'

    a''orne Ae =illing 'o dis+iss 'he caseUI 1here changes o( +isconduc' involve 'he(', i' is Aes' 'o

    +a?e 'he dis'ric' a''orne a=are o( se''le+en' nego'ia'ions and secure his ;ar'ici;a'ion 'o avoid

    ;o'en'iall serious ;roAle+s in a rela'ed cri+inal ;roceeding.

    /he ;erson +os' i+;or'an' 'o an overall se''le+en' =ill Ae 'he inves'iga'ing a''orne. /he ?e 'o

    success is 'o decide a' an earl s'age u;on a s;eci(ic, reasonaAle, and achievaAle course o( ac'ion,

    and 'o s'ic? =i'h i'. 5( ;ro+ises (or ;a+en' o( da+ages or re(unds 'o clien's are +ade, 'he +us'

    Ae honored, 'o avoid dis;leasure o( 'he grievance co++i''ee. Plans should Ae +ade 'o raise 'he


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    necessar (unds, and an overall ;lan 'o solve all 'he ;roAle+s o( 'he accused a''orne in one se''le+en',

    i( ;ossiAle, should Ae +ade. /hese ;lans o('en include requiring a''endance a' -lcoholics

    -non+ous +ee'ings, ;scho'hera; =i'h a ;schia'ris' or clinical social =or?er, or, in cases o(

    negligence or ex're+e ignorance, a''endance a' legal e'hics classes, con'inuing legal educa'ion

    ;rogra+s, or o'her re+edial or cura'ive ac'ivi'ies. 5n such cases, 'he sooner 'he correc'ive ac'ion

    is under'a?en, 'he +ore li?el good resul's can Ae had. 6an o( 'he Aes' ;lans are i+;le+en'ed

    +on'hs Ae(ore 'he hearing.

    Persuading 'he inves'iga'ing Aar a''orne 'o ;ro;ose a solu'ion acce;'aAle 'o all 'he ;ar'ies is'an'a+oun' 'o a success(ul de(ense. /hroughou' 'he a''e+;'s a' se''le+en', 'he Aar a''orne should Ae

    in(or+ed o( 'he s'a'us o( nego'ia'ions, and 'he ;osi'ion o( 'he accused a''orne should Ae sho=n

    as one o( reasonaAleness. 5( 'he inves'iga'ing a''orne is +ade a=are 'ha' 'he co+;lainan' is see?ing

    'housands o( dollars =hen he los' onl a (e= hundred, he ver =ell +a sugges' 'ha' onl 'he

    (e= hundred Ae re(unded, and +a agree 'o a dis+issal o( 'he grievance.

    e' (or'h Aelo= is a sugges'ed (or+ o( release A 'he co+;lainan' on recei;' o( 'he a+oun' agreed

    'o in se''le+en':

    or+ o( release:


    @NO1 - 6EN B /0EE P"EEN/:

    /ha' 5, >>>>>>>>>>>>,Qco+;lainan'R o( >>>>>>>>>>>>QaddressR, in considera'ion o( 'he su+ o(

    >>>>>>>>>>>>Qa+oun' o( se''le+en'R 'o +e in hand ;aid A >>>>>>>>>>>>Qa''orneR, 'he recei;'

    o( =hich is hereA ac?no=ledged and con(erred, and recogniJed as adequa'e A 'hese ;resen's,(or +sel(, + heirs, execu'ors and ad+inis'ra'ors, release and (orever discharge 'he said

    >>>>>>>>>>>>Qaccused a''orneR o( and (ro+ all +anner o( deA's, de+ands, oAliga'ions, liaAili'ies,

    sui's, and causes o( ac'ion, =ha'ever, agains' hi+, 'he said >>>>>>>>>>>>Qaccused a''orneR,

    in + o=n righ', a' 'he 'i+e o( execu'ing 'hese ;resen's.

    Qa'e, suAscri;'ion, and o'her (or+al ;ar's o+i''ed.R

    is+issal o( 'he hearing should al=as Ae a ;ar' o( an se''le+en', and all o((ers should Ae +ade

    ?no=n 'o 'he inves'iga'ing a''orne and suAec' 'o his a;;roval. /his =ill insure his good =ill

    onl rarel =ill he in'er;ose an oAec'ion. 0o=ever, 'he de(ense a''orne should no' 'a?e u; 'oo

    +uch o( Aar counsels 'i+e. Bar counsel is usuall Aus =i'h his ;riva'e ;rac'ice he has his o=n

    cases 'o handle. 0e =ill no' a;;recia'e leng'h discussions =i'h 'he de(ense a''orne over s'ra'eg

    or 'he ;e'' de'ails o( 'he loo?ed (or solu'ion.

    6an urisdic'ions ;rovide (or a Ile''er o( cau'ion,I =hich is so+e'i+es no'hing +ore 'han an in(or+al


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    Ii(Ki's 'rueKouKshouldKno' haveKdoneKi'.I 5n o'her =ords, 'he Aar is si+;l ;oin'ing ou'

    'ha' 'he accused a''orne is on 'hin ice, has go''en 'he a''en'ion o( 'he grievance co++i''ee, and,

    =hile 'he +a''er +a no' Ae serious enough (or (ull inquir, his conduc' could and should i+;rove.

    5n so+e urisdic'ions, 'he inves'iga'ing a''orne hi+sel( has 'he au'hori' 'o issue a le''er

    o( cau'ion.Q34R

    5n so+e urisdic'ions, ;revious le''ers o( cau'ion +a Ae used 'o enhance ;unish+en', in o'hers

    'he +a no'. 5n so+e cases 'he le''er o( cau'ion +a Ae issued =i'hou' a co+;le'e inves'iga'ion,

    Aased onl on 'he co+;lain' o( 'he (or+er clien' and 'he ans=er o( 'he accused. - le''er is (requen'l

    issued =hen 'he accused a''orne is no' coo;era'ive as 'o a +inor inquir. O('en 'he lac?

    o( coo;era'ion is 'he cen'ral 'he+e o( 'he le''er o( cau'ion. None'heless, 'he le''er o( cau'ion (alls

    in'o 'he +ilder end o( 'he disci;line range ;rovided A la=, and +an a''ornes can =i'hs'and receiving

    'he le''er =i'h onl +odes' =ear on 'heir nerves. 8suall 'he issuing o( 'he le''er is 'he

    end o( 'he +a''er.1hen Ba'es v. -riJona Bar -ssocia'ionQ3%R =as decided A 'he 8ni'ed 'a'es u;re+e Cour',

    +an adver'ising 'aAoos (ell (or 'he legal ;ro(ession. /he li+i's =hich 'he adver'ising +us' oAserve,

    ra'her 'han all adver'ising, 'hen Aeca+e 'he issue. 1hile adver'ising under cer'ain circu+s'ances

    =as held 'o Ae ;ro;er A 'he 8ni'ed 'a'es u;re+e Cour', i' did no' a;;rove o( solici'a'ion.

    1here adver'ising leaves o(( and solici'a'ion Aegins is unclear in +an cases.

    -''ornes =ho adver'ise see+ 'o have (ar +ore grievances lodged agains' 'he+ 'han la=ers =ho

    do no'. Because o( 'he conserva'ive na'ure o( 'he +e+Aers o( 'he grievance co++i''ee, i' is usuall

    Aes' 'o a''e+;' 'o se''le an adver'ising grievance A ceasing an ac'ivi' 'ha' is ques'ionaAle. 5(

    an adver'ising viola'ion goes 'o 'he grievance co++i''ee, harsh ;unish+en' +a (ollo=.

    0o=ever, Aecause 'he la= is uncer'ain as 'o legal adver'ising, so+e grievance co++i''ees +igh'

    Ae =illing 'o (orego disci;line i( 'he accused a''orne agrees 'o discon'inue 'he ac'ivi'ies disa;;roved

    o(. /here is a ques'ion =he'her such agree+en's are en(orceaAle, Au' Aecause o( 'he uncer'ain

    s'a'e o( 'he la= i' should Ae assu+ed 'ha' 'he are en(orceaAle. /he agree+en's should Ae

    dra=n u; =i'h s;eci(ici' 'o indica'e 'he ex'en' o( adver'ising 'ha' =ill Ae allo=ed.

    #. e(ense o( or+al Charges

    -. Pleading and Prehearing Procedures

    T ). 5n general

    5( i' a;;ears 'ha' an earl se''le+en' or dis;osi'ion o( 'he +a''er =ill no' Ae (or'hco+ing, counsel

    +us' ;re;are (or a s'ou' de(ense o( 'he (or+al charges agains' his a''orneKclien'. 0e needs 'o ;re;are

    a 'hough'(ul, e((ec'ive ;lan o( ac'ion, i( one has no' e' Aeen +ade,Q3R analJe 'he co+;lain' and


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    (or+al chargesQ37R and ;re;are an a;;ro;ria'e res;onse 'o 'he+,Q3$R ;re;are his clien's de(enses 'o

    'he chargesQ39R or +a''ers 'o o((er in +i'iga'ion o( ;unish+en',Q4&R conduc' discoverQ4!R and +a?e

    a;;ro;ria'e ;rocedural +o'ions,Q4)R and Aegin ;re;ara'ion (or 'he de(ense o( 'he clien' a' 'he (or+al

    hearing o( 'he grievance co++i''ee. /hese s'e;s are all discussed in 'he (ollo=ing sec'ions.

    T )7. Co+;lain's (or+

    #ir'uall all urisdic'ions require 'ha' grievances Ae (iled in =ri'ing. 6an require 'ha' 'he co+;lain'

    Ae s=orn 'o. /he are usuall ra+Aling, inar'icula'e, and Aarel legiAle. 5( 'he are =ell

    =ri''en and +a?e s;eci(ic re(erence 'o viola'ions o( ;ar'icular canons o( e'hics, 'he de(ense a''orne

    +a logicall conclude 'ha' an a''orne is aiding 'he co+;lainan'.

    - ';ical clien' co+;lain' agains' an a''orne, Aased on 'he (ac'ual Aac?ground o( 'he ;resen' ar'icle,

    +igh' read:

    6 na+e is >>>>>>>>>>>>. 6 +o'her ;assed a=a aAou' 'hree ears ago. 5 =en' 'o

    >>>>>>>>>>>>Qa''orneR 'o have hi+ ;roAa'e + +o'hers =ill. 5 =an'ed 'o sell 'he real es'a'e.0e charged +e M>>>>>>>>>>>> and 'old +e he =ould 'a?e care o( ever'hing, Au' 5 have no'

    heard (ro+ hi+ since. 5 have called his o((ice a' leas' '=en' 'i+es, and he has onl re'urned '=o

    or 'hree o( 'hose calls. 1hen 5 (inall 'al?ed 'o hi+, he had done no'hing.

    ur'her, aAou' a ear ago, 5 =en' 'o his o((ice 'o ;ic? u; 'he (ile so 5 could go 'o ano'her la=er

    and he =ould no' give i' 'o +e. 0e =ould no' give +e 'he =ill or 'he o'her +a'erial so 'ha' 5 could

    'a?e i' 'o ano'her a''orne. -no'her a''orne has 'old +e 5 have an aAsolu'e righ' 'o ;ic? u; +

    (ile. 5 =an' + (ile so 'ha' 5 can ge' so+eAod =ho ?no=s he is doing 'o (ile 'he =ill 'o Ae ;roAa'ed.

    0is dela cos' +e 'he sale o( 'he house and + los' ;ro(i' =as M>>>>>>>>>>>>. 5 de+and an i++edia'e

    hearing. igned: >>>>>>>>>>>>.

    /here is usuall a s+all ques'ionaire a''ached =hich 'he co+;lainan' is ex;ec'ed 'o (ill ou'. -

    ';ical one =ould read as (ollo=s:

    Na+e o( 'he a''orne co+;lained o(: >>>>>>>>>>>>.

    0o= +uch did he charge ouU M>>>>>>>>>>>>.

    id ou ge' a recei;'U QR es QR No

    0ad he done an =or? (or ou Ae(oreU QR es QR No

    -re ou =illing 'o Ae a =i'ness and o((er s=orn 'es'i+onU QR es QR No

    - co; o( 'he co+;lain' =ill Ae sen' 'o 'he accused a''orne =i'h a le''er (ro+ 'he chair+an o( 'he

    grievance co++i''ee 'ha' +a read as (ollo=s:

    ear >>>>>>>>>>>>:

    -''ached here=i'h ;lease (ind 'he co+;lain' o( >>>>>>>>>>>>, =ho has (iled a (or+al grievance


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    agains' ou.

    5' has also co+e 'o 'he a''en'ion o( 'he co++i''ee 'ha' on >>>>>>>>>>>>, )&>>>, ou =ere arres'ed

    (or 'he cri+e o( driving =hile in'oxica'ed and negligen' collision in viola'ion o( 'he ;enal la=s

    o( 'his s'a'e. ur'her, i' has co+e 'o our a''en'ion 'ha' =hen ou =ere arres'ed, a quan'i' o(

    +ariuana and cocaine =as (ound on our ;erson, and 'ha' cri+inal charges are ;ending agains'

    ou (or 'hose 'hree o((enses.

    /his case has Aeen assigned (or inves'iga'ion 'o >>>>>>>>>>>>, an a''orne o( 'his ci'. ou are

    required 'o (ile a =ri''en re;l =i'h hi+, =i'h a co; 'o +e and a co; 'o 'he co+;lainan',

    >>>>>>>>>>>>, =hose address is >>>>>>>>>>>>, =i'hin 'en das o( our recei;' o( 'his le''er.

    ailure 'o do so +a resul' in disci;linar ac'ion agains' ou. ou have a righ' 'o an a''orne and

    'he righ' 'o Ae heard. - hearing (or 'his co+;lain', i( necessar, =ill Ae held a' a la'er da'e. ou

    =ill Ae advised o( 'he da'e o( 'he hearing. O( course, in accordance =i'h 'he secrec ;rovisions o(

    'he 'a'e Bar -c', =e =ill no' discuss 'he o'her +a''ers =i'h >>>>>>>>>>>>, 'he co+;lainan'.eel (ree 'o (ile se;ara'e re;lies 'o each +a''er.


    5n 'he (ac'ual Aac?ground o( 'he ar'icle, 'he co+;lainan' has gone 'o 'he dis'ric' a''ornes o((ice

    'o (ile 'he(' charges agains' 'he a''orne, under 'he 'heor 'ha' his a''orne acce;'ed +one, did

    no =or?, and =ould no' re'urn 'he +one. /he dis'ric' a''orne has, a' 'his 'i+e, reec'ed 'he

    charges, and =hile i' is unli?el 'ha' 'he =ill Ae acce;'ed (or (iling in 'he (u'ure, i' does give 'he

    co+;lainan' an added o;'ion 'o 'he de'ri+en' o( 'he accused a''orne.

    QR Prac'ice No'e: #enue. 6os' s'a'e Aar ac's ;rovide 'ha' an a''orne +us' Ae disci;lined in his

    ho+e dis'ric'. 6os' s'a'es are divided in'o a nu+Aer o( Idis'ric's,I usuall corres;onding 'o udicial

    dis'ric's, and co+;lain's are (or=arded 'o 'he accuseds ho+e area (or ;rocessing. /he onl

    exce;'ion is disci;line Ae(ore a (ederal cour' and con'e+;' ;roceedings, =hich are conduc'ed Ae(ore

    'he cour' =here 'he +isconduc' 'oo? ;lace. hould a co+;lain' Ae (iled in 'he =rong area, a

    +o'ion 'o dis+iss or a +o'ion 'o 'rans(er or a ;lea in aAa'e+en' is in order.

    T )$. or+al charges

    QCu+ula'ive u;;le+en'R

    or+al charges o( ;ro(essional +isconduc' should no' Ae reco++ended A Aar counsel =i'hou'

    no'i(ing 'he a''orne =ho is accused o( une'hical or illegal conduc'.Q43R /he no'ice need no' Ae given

    i++edia'el, ho=ever i' can a=ai' 'he ou'co+e o( 'he Aars inves'iga'ion in'o 'he allega'ions.Q44R

    ollo=ing 'he inves'iga'ion, 'he ;roceedings +a Ae dis;osed o(, =i'hou' (or+al charges Aeing


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    (iled, in one o( 'hree =asQ4%R all o( =hich require 'he reco++enda'ion o( Aar counsel and 'heconcurrence

    o( 'he chair+an o( 'he grievance or hearing co++i''ee.Q4R ! /he ;roceedings +a Ae dis+issed

    i( 'here is insu((icien' ;roAaAle cause 'o Aelieve +isconduc' has occurred.Q47R ) -n ad+oni'ion

    +a Ae issued i( 'here is ;roAaAle cause 'o Aelieve 'ha' +isconduc' has occurred Au' 'he ;roAle+

    is +inor and isola'ed.Q4$R 3 ProAa'ion can Ae i+;osed, =i'h or =i'hou' an ad+oni'ion, i( 'here is

    ;roAaAle cause 'o Aelieve +isconduc' has occurred (or =hich ;roAa'ion is a;;ro;ria'e.Q49Rur'her+ore,

    i( 'here is a civil or cri+inal ;roceeding ;ending in =hich 'he res;onden' is a ;ar' and =hich

    involves 'he sa+e suAec' +a''er conduc', 'he disci;linar ;roceedings +a Ae s'aed i( 'ha' isa;;ro;ria'e.Q

    %&R - s'a =ill Ae a;;ro;ria'e =here 'he res;onden' =ill su((er ;reudice in 'he ;ending

    ;roceeding should 'he disci;linar ac'ion ;roceed i++edia'el and =here 'he grievance co++i''ee

    hearing +a Ae ex;edi'ed A evidence adduced in 'he cri+inal or civil +a''er.Q%!Ror+al ;roceedings agains' 'he accused a''orne are =arran'ed =here 'here is ;roAaAle cause 'o

    Aelieve +isconduc' has occurred =hich is nei'her +inor nor isola'ed and ;roAa'ion is no' a;;ro;ria'e

    or =here 'he res;onden' does no' agree 'o a reco++enda'ion o( ad+oni'ion or ;roAa'ion.Q%)R /he

    charges are ;re;ared A Aar counsel =ho is required 'o (ile =i'h 'he disci;linar Aoard and serve on

    'he res;onden' a =ri''en s'a'e+en' o( 'he charges giving a (air and adequa'e no'ice o( 'he na'ure o( 'he

    alleged +isconduc'.Q%3R Once 'he (or+al charges are (iled, 'he ;roceedings are no longer con(iden'ial

    and are o;en 'o 'he ;uAlic exce;' (or deliAera'ions o( 'he hearing co++i''ee, disci;linar Aoard or

    cour' and in(or+a'ion 'he hearing co++i''ee has ordered ?e;' con(iden'ial.Q%4R -('er 'he charges

    have Aeen (iled, 'he +a''er is re(erred 'o a s;eci(ic grievance or hearing co++i''ee.Q%%R

    C868-/5#E 8PPE6EN/


    No due ;rocess errors occurred during 'he grievance co++i''ee ;roceedings inves'iga'ing an a''ornes

    Aehavior, =here a''orne alleged 'ha' no'ice o( 'he hearing =as un'i+el and charges agains'

    hi+ =ere vague, Aecause grievance co++i''ee ;roceedings are ;rinci;all inves'iga'or andco+;araAle

    'o ;roceedings Ae(ore a grand ur'he are nonadversarial and 'here is no righ' o( con(ron'a'ion

    or crossKexa+ina'ion 'he a''orne under inves'iga'ion is no' en'i'led 'o a Aill o( ;ar'iculars un'il

    'he grievance co++i''ee co+;le'es i's inves'iga'ion. 5n 'his con'ex', a' a reasonaAle 'i+e Ae(ore a

    (inding o( ;roAaAle cause is +ade, 'he a''orne =ill Ae advised o( 'he conduc' under inves'iga'ion and

    'he rules =hich +a have Aeen viola'ed in addi'ion, 'he a''orne +us' Ae given all +a'erials considered


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    A 'he co++i''ee and an o;;or'uni' 'o +a?e a =ri''en s'a'e+en' regarding 'he alleged +isconduc'

    under " "eg la Bar 3K7.4g. 5n an even' 'he no'ice ac'uall given =as su((icien' =here 'he

    a''orne received no'ice o( 'he rules allegedl viola'ed !3 das Ae(ore 'he hearing =as scheduled, and

    he =as re;resen'ed A counsel a' 'he hearing and had an o;;or'uni' 'o crossKexa+ine =i'nesses. /he

    lorida Bar v. =ic?le !99!, la %$9 o )d 9&!, ! 1 737, la'er ;roceeding 8 !!7 Ed )d

    !&!, !!) C' 9)9, su;; o; 8 !!$ Ed )d )&3, !!) C' !%%).

    Evidence su;;or'ed 'he (inding o( ;anel o( 'he @ansas Board (or isci;line o( -''ornes 'ha' a''orne

    engaged in illegal conduc', as an aggrava'ing (ac'or (or ;ur;oses o( i+;osing disci;line, even

    'hough cri+inal charges =ere no' (iled agains' a''orne a''orne ad+i''ed 'ha' he ex;osed hi+sel( 'o

    ad+inis'ra'ive assis'an' (or dis'ric' cour', s'a'u'e de(ined le=d and lascivious Aehavior as I;uAlicl

    ex;osing a sex organ or ex;osing a sex organ in 'he ;resence o( a ;erson =ho is no' 'he s;ouse o( 'he

    o((ender and =ho had no' consen'ed 'here'o,I ad+inis'ra'ive assis'an' =as no' a''ornes s;ouse, and

    'he -+erican Bar -ssocia'ions -B- s'andards did no' require 'ha' an a''orne Ae charged orconvic'ed

    A la= en(orce+en' Ae(ore his or her conduc' could Ae considered illegal. 1es's @..-.

    )!S3%&$a). 5n re e;e=, )37 P.3d )4 @an. )&!&.

    isci;line o( a''orne =ho engaged in conduc' adversel re(lec'ing on (i'ness 'o ;rac'ice and

    ;laced ;ersonal in'eres's aAove 'hose o( clien's =ould Ae li+i'ed 'o censure =here +edical evidence

    sho=ed he su((ered (ro+ +ild neurological ds(unc'ion due 'o cereAral aneurs+ a' 'i+e o(+isconduc',

    ears o( exe+;lar ;rac'ice ;receded a((lic'ion, he ac?no=ledged +isconduc', and he de+ons'ra'ed

    =illingness 'o 'a?e a;;ro;ria'e s'e;s 'o ;reven' recurrence. "e @ile !99!, 4'h e;' !7&

    -;; iv )d 9&, %7) N)d &!.

    Q/o; o( ec'ionR


    T )9. "es;onse (or+

    QCu+ula'ive u;;le+en'R

    1i'hin a ;rescriAed ;eriod o( 'i+e (ollo=ing service o( 'he (or+al charges, 'he res;onden' should

    (ile a =ri''en re;l or ans=er =i'h 'he Aoard or co++i''ee and serve a co; o( i' on Aar counsel.Q%R -llega'ions 'ha' are no' dis;u'ed should Ae ad+i''ed 'o narro= 'he issues a' 'he hearing and

    denials o( (ac' should Ae se;ara'el s'a'ed. 6oreover, i( 'he res;onden' chooses 'o re(use 'o ans=er

    an allega'ion on cons'i'u'ional or o'her grounds, 'he ground o( such re(usal should Ae ex;lici'l

    asser'ed.Q%7R Counsel should no'e 'ha' 'he (ailure 'o ans=er 'he charges 'i+el +a Ae


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    'rea'ed as an ad+ission o( 'heir 'ru'h.Q%$R

    5' should Ae ?e;' in +ind 'ha' 'he re;l i'sel( is ad+issiAle in Ao'h civil, cri+inal, and disci;linar

    ;roceedings. /he records o( 'he grievance co++i''ee 'he+selves are no' usuall suAec' 'o discover

    ;roceedings, as 'he are al+os' al=as allo=ed 'o Ae secre' A s'a'u'e. 0o=ever, 'he accused

    =ill Ae required 'o send a co; o( 'he re;l 'o 'he co+;lainan', =hich +a Ae in'roduced, in

    evidence a' a suAsequen' civil 'rial (or +al;rac'ice, or a' a cri+inal ;roceeding.

    6an urisdic'ions require 'ha' 'he re;l Ae s=orn 'o, and so+e ;rovide 'ha' (ailure 'o (ile a

    'i+el re;l is in i'sel( grounds (or disci;linar ;roceedings. -' 'he ver leas', 'he (ailure 'o (ile a

    'i+el re;l =ill irri'a'e 'he inves'iga'ing a''orne and 'he co++i''ee, and 'his conduc' =ill Ae re;or'ed

    'o 'he co++i''ee and +a Ae vie=ed as lac? o( coo;era'ion. 1here (ailure 'o re;l is in

    and o( i'sel( an ad+ission 'ha' all charges are 'rue and correc', 'he s'a'e+en' o( charges alone can

    Ae 'he Aasis (or disci;linar ;roceedings.

    - good deal o( 'hough' and e((or' +us' go in'o 'he re;l, and a =ellKdra('ed ans=er +a resul' inno (ur'her ac'ion A 'he inves'iga'ing a''orne. or exa+;le, legal research in'o 'he various issues

    +a resul' in (inding cases 'ha' exonera'e 'he de(endan' in 'he ;ar'icular (ac' si'ua'ion. - +o'ion

    'o dis+iss should 'hen Ae (iled =i'h 'he ans=er, ci'ing 'he a;;ro;ria'e au'hori'. 5n ;re;aring 'he

    re;l, counsel should a''ach 'o a +o'ion 'o dis+iss ;ho'oco;ies o( i+;or'an' (avoraAle cases or a

    Arie( in su;;or'. 5( no research is o((ered, none =ill Ae done A 'he co++i''ee on Aehal( o( 'he clien'.

    -n a+aJing nu+Aer o( a''ornes are una=are o( 'he (ac' 'ha' 'here has Aeen consideraAle li'iga'ion

    over 'he ears regarding =ha' is and =ha' is no' une'hical conduc', and (or+al ;uAlished e'hics

    o;inions have Aeen issued A +an co++i''ees (or decades. /here is a =eal'h o( au'hori' 'ha'

    can Ae ci'ed. 6oreover, +os' s'a'e Aar associa'ions have on (ile advisor o;inions (ro+ 'heir e'hics

    co++i''ees. /hese can so+e'i+es Ae o( i++ense use, es;eciall =here 'he accused a''orne

    ac'uall +a have relied u;on a ;rior e'hics o;inion in 'ring 'o con(or+ his Aehavior 'o 'he righ'

    canon. /he ;roAle+ is 'ha' advisor o;inions +a no' Ae Ainding, and au'hori' (ro+ o'her s'a'es

    or urisdic'ions +a Ae ci'ed onl as ;ersuasive au'hori'. inall, 'he -+erican Bar -ssocia'ion

    has issued nu+erous o;inions over 'he ears, and ;rovides +a'erials 'ha' +a Ae ;urchased (or

    e'hics la= research. /he Aar associa'ions o;inions carr consideraAle =eigh'.Q%9R

    2enerall, 'here is no required (or+ (or a re;l. - ';ical and acce;'aAle +e'hod is 'o go 'hrough

    'he allega'ions and ad+i' 'hose 'ha' should Ae ad+i''ed, 'o iden'i( 'hose as 'o =hich correc'ive

    ac'ion has Aeen 'a?en such as re'urning 'he (ile 'o 'he clien' or 'o his ne= a''orne, 'o den 'hose

    'ha' should Ae denied and 'o den (or lac? o( in(or+a'ion or Aelie( o'her allega'ions as a;;ro;ria'e.

    - re;l si+ilar 'o ans=ering reques's (or ad+issions or in'erroga'ories +a Ae a;;ro;ria'e.


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    /he second ;ar' o( 'he re;l should consis' o( a Arie( on 'he issue o( =he'her 'he conduc' co+;lained

    o( is a a cri+e or ac' o( +oral 'ur;i'ude or A conduc' 'ha' nor+all =ould suAec' 'he

    accused 'o disci;linar ac'ion.

    Based on 'he (ac'ual Aac?ground o( 'he ar'icle, an a;;ro;ria'e res;onse 'o (or+al charges +igh'

    Ae co+;osed as (ollo=s:

    QCa;'ion o( (oru+, 'i'le o( case and o'her (or+al ;ar's o+i''ed.R

    -N1E" /O O"6- C0-"2E

    !. /he allega'ions o( ;aragra;hs >>>>>>>>>>>> o( 'he (or+al charges are ad+i''ed.). /he allega'ions o( ;aragra;hs >>>>>>>>>>>> are denied =i'hou' quali(ica'ion or reserva'ion.3. 5n res;onse 'o 'he re+aining allega'ions, res;onden' canno' ad+i' or den 'he 'ru'h o( 'he allega'ions(or lac? o( su((icien' in(or+a'ion and Aelie(. 0e 'here(ore denies 'hose allega'ions suAec',ho=ever, 'o 'he (ollo=ing (ac'ual s'a'e+en', =hich is o((ered in de(ense o( 'he (or+al charges andin +i'iga'ion o( ;unish+en' as 'o an charges and allega'ions (ound 'o Ae 'rue:

    a. 5 =as (or+all 'he a''orne (or 'he co+;lainan'. 5 advised hi+ a' 'he 'i+e 5 acce;'ed 'he case'ha' 5 =ould also need a con'rac'ual rela'ionshi; =i'h his '=o sis'ers, and he has never had 'he+con'ac' +e. 5 (el' uneas =i'h ;roAa'ing 'he =ill =i'hou' 'he ;ar'ici;a'ion o( 'he '=o sis'ers, and 5did no' ?no= ho= 'o ge' in 'ouch =i'h 'he+. 0e gave +e a re'ainer o( M%&&. -''ached here=i'h;lease (ind a ;ho'oco; o( 'he chec? (or M%&&, =hich 5 have sen' 'o his ne= counsel since he hasno= +ade arrange+en's (or ano'her a''orne.A. 5 ad+i' 'ha' 5 did no' re'urn his (ile 'o hi+ =hen he (irs' reques'ed i' Aecause 5 did no' ?no= 5=as required 'o do so. 5 have a;ologiJed 'o 'he co+;lainan' =i'h an ex;lana'ion. Q-''ach co; o(le''er.Rc. 5 ad+i' sending 'he le''er 'o 'he co+;lainan' re(erred 'o in his co+;lain' as 5 +is'a?enl'hough' 'ha' 5 =as en'i'led 'o hold 'he (ile un'il 5 had Aeen co+;ensa'ed (or 'he 'i+e 5 had s;en'on 'he case. 5 =as +is'a?en as 'o + oAliga'ions, and 5 have s'a'ed + regre' (or an inconvenience'his has caused 'he co+;lainan'.d. >>>>>>>>>>>>QO'her s'a'e+en's as a;;ro;ria'eR.Qa'e, suAscri;'ion, and o'her (or+al ;ar's o+i''ed.RPar'icularl =hen 'he de(ense a''orne has no' Aeen ;er+i''ed +uch 'i+e 'o ;re;are a re;l, or 'heaccused a''orne has (iled his o=n re;l, an a+ended re;l +a Ae a;;ro;ria'e. 5n +os' cases,'here are no Aar rules 'o ;reven' 'his. Occasionall 'he grievance co++i''ee =ill (ro=n on verla'e re;lies, es;eciall 'hose (iled us' Ae(ore 'he hearing./he Aes' use o( 'he a+ended re;l is 'o Aring 'o 'he co++i''ees a''en'ion legal ;receden's no'


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    ;reviousl sho=n 'o 'he+, and ;ar'icularl an legal au'hori' 'ha' 'he de(ense a''orne (eels is

    co+;elling. QR Prac'ice 0in': /he +one 'o (und an cos's or re(unds should Ae ;laced in 'he de(ense

    a''ornes 'rus' accoun', and a =ri''en s'a'e+en' (ro+ 'he accused a''orne should Ae 'a?en

    gran'ing 'he a''orne (ull and exclusive ;o=er 'o dis;erse 'he +one in se''le+en' o( 'he case, in

    his discre'ion.

    #ir'uall all urisdic'ions require 'ha' a =ri''en ans=er 'o 'he grievance Ae (iled =i'hin a cer'ain

    'i+e li+i'. 6os' urisdic'ions allo= a +ini+u+ o( 7 das, and so+e allo= u; 'o a +axi+u+ o(

    &. Nearl al=as 'he 'i+e A =hich a re;l +us' Ae (iled is included in 'he no'ice o( (or+al

    charges. 5n +an cases, ho=ever, =i'h as +uch as 3& or 4& hours o( inves'iga'ing and ;re;ara'ion

    'o do, a 'i+el ans=er canno' Ae +ade. "a'her 'han (iling a la'e ans=er, i' is al=as a;;ro;ria'e 'o

    call 'he inves'iga'ing a''orne and as? (or an ex'ension o( 'i+e in =hich 'o (ile 'he ans=er. 5'

    nearl al=as =ill Ae gran'ed. 5ndeed, 'his +a Ae a =ise considera'ion in +os' cases. /he Aarassocia'ion

    grievance co++i''ee is anxious 'o have 'he accused a''orne suA+i' 'o 'heir au'hori'

    and con'rol. "esis'ing i' invariaAl resul's in i's 'a?ing a harsher s'ance. /here(ore, a reques' (or a

    dela in (iling a res;onse has 'he advan'age o( allo=ing a +ore 'horough inves'iga'ion 'ha' =ill

    ;roduce a Ae''er and +ore de'ailed re;l and in le''ing 'he co++i''ee ?no= 'ha' 'he accused a''orne

    has suA+i''ed hi+sel( 'o 'heir co++i''ees urisdic'ion.

    - case +a ;resen' i'sel( =here 'he co+;lainan' see?s a large and unus'i(ied re(und (ro+ 'he accused

    a''orne or o'her=ise see?s 'o 'a?e un(air advan'age o( hi+. /his is no' unco++on, ;ar'icularl

    a+ong Icon +en,I =ho +a have succeeded in 'his ;lo in 'he ;as'. /he in'ervie= =i'h 'heaccused a''orne =ill so+e'i+es reveal 'ha' 'he co+;lainan' is an acco+;lished liar =ho is ade;'

    a' adus'ing his 'es'i+on 'o acco+;lish his goal. 5n such cases, a vague ans=er 'o 'he grievance

    +a Ae advan'ageous.

    -s a general rule, 'he co++i''ee does no' li?e 'he holding Aac? o( in(or+a'ion, Au' nei'her does i'

    li?e i's o((ices Aeing used (or ;ur;oses o( ex'or'ion. ur'her, 'he +aori' o( vir'uall all co++i''ees

    is +ade u; o( la=ers, and 'he are li?el 'o a;;recia'e good 'ac'ics. /here are exce;'ions,

    ho=ever, and ;ruden' ;rac'ice requires 'ha' 'he a;;ro;ria'e a;;roach Ae 'a?en.

    QR Case 5llus'ra'ion: - clien' ;aid his a''orne a (la' (ee (or de(ense in a (raud case. 1hen 'he li'iga'ion

    =as sa'is(ac'oril concluded, 'he clien' de+anded hal( o( 'he (ee Aac?, clai+ing 'ha' 'he

    a''orne had 'old hi+ 'ha' he ex;ec'ed 'o lose, 'ha' 'ha' (ee =ould include 'he cos's o( an a;;eal,

    and 'ha' i( 'he case =as =on a' 'he 'rial s'age he =ould give hi+ a %& ;ercen' re(und. e(ense

    counsel inves'iga'ed 'he +a''er a('er 'he de+and =as (irs' +ade Au' Ae(ore 'he grievance =as


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    (iled, and chec?ed 'he co+;lainan's li'iga'ion records a' 'he cour'house, discovering 'ha' o'hera''orneshad de(ended 'he co+;lainan' in (raud ac'ions as =ell. 0e con'ac'ed 'he+ and learned'ha' '=o had Aeen a;;roached along 'he sa+e lines one ;aid Aac? hal( o( 'he +one 'o avoid agrievance, and 'he second +ade a s+all adus'+en' in 'he (ee. - ;ur;osel vague ans=er =as(iled, and, a' 'he hearing, 'he co+;lainan' =as allo=ed 'o 'ell his s'or 'o 'he co++i''ee andcrossKexa+ina'ion solidi(ied i'. /hen, 'o 'he sur;rise o( 'he co+;lainan', 'he '=o a''ornes agains'=ho+ he had +ade 'he sa+e 'hrea' several ears Ae(ore =ere ;resen'ed as =i'nesses. ince 'here =ere '=o =i'nesses 'o 'he a''ornes e+;lo+en' agree+en', 'he a''orne and his secre'ar, and asigned =ri''en con'rac' 'ha' ;rovided as 'he a''orne s'a'ed, 'he (unda+en'als (or ;resen'a'ion o( a;erur charge exis'ed and 'he record =as 'urned over 'o 'he a;;ro;ria'e au'hori'ies. /he co+;lainan's;ro'es's 'ha' his ;revious ex'or'ions =ere ;rivileged co++unica'ions =ere overruled A'he co++i''ee.C868-/5#E 8PPE6EN/Cases:-''orne =ho on 3 se;ara'e occasions re(used 'o coo;era'e in co++i''ees inves'iga'ion o( clien'co+;lain's, un'il i' Aeca+e necessar 'o ;rocure suA;oena direc'ing his a;;earance (or exa+ina'ionunder oa'h, =ould Ae censured des;i'e +i'iga'ing (ac'or 'ha' he =as in +ids' o( 'er+ina'inglongs'anding+arriage during ;eriod in ques'ion, since (ailure 'o coo;era'e in inves'iga'ion o( alleged+isconduc' cons'i'u'es +isconduc' in and o( i'sel(, and =arran's disci;line. "e ei' !9$9, 3d e;'!% -)d $!&, %49 N)d $)9.Q/o; o( ec'ionRQEN O 8PPE6EN/RT 3&. 6o'ion 'o dis+iss illus'ra'ive (or+s/he sco;e o( +o'ions 'o dis+iss grievances is li+i'ed onl A 'he ingenui' and ex;erience o( 'hede(ense a''orne. /he can 'a?e ;rac'icall an (or+, Au' should, i( ;ossiAle, Ae su;;or'ed =i'hcase ci'a'ions and a Arie( in su;;or'. or+s (or '=o ';ical +o'ions, a +o'ion 'o dis+iss on 'he ground o( res udica'a, and A a +o'ion 'o dis+iss (or lac? o( s'anding, are se' (or'h Aelo=:

    6O/5ON /O 565 "E D85C-/-QCa;'ion o( 'riAunal, 'i'le o( case and o'her (or+al ;ar's o+i''ed.R/O /0E 0ONO"-BE 2"5E#-NCE CO665//EE:NO1 CO6E >>>>>>>>>>>>, 'he "es;onden' in 'his ac'ion, and =ould sho= 'he co++i''ee as


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    5./he co+;lain' o( >>>>>>>>>>>>, co+;lainan' in 'his cause, is suAs'an'iall 'he sa+e as =as(ound in her sui' (or legal +al;rac'ice agains' 'he res;onden' (iled on >>>>>>>>>>>>, )&>>>, and'ried 'o a ur on >>>>>>>>>>>>, )&>>>. /he ur +ade (indings en'irel (avoraAle 'o 'he de(endan'in 'ha' cause res;onden' herein and 'he cour' en'ered a udg+en' (or 'he de(endan' and 'axedall cos's agains' 'he ;lain'i(( co+;lainan' herein and said cos's have e' 'o Ae ;aid.55.Co;ies o( 'he ;lain'i((s ;leadings, 'he de(endan's ans=er, and a cer'i(ied co; o( 'he udg+en' in'ha' cause are a''ached here=i'h as res;onden's ExhiAi's I-I, IBI, and ICI, and are hereinincor;ora'ed(or all ;ur;oses A re(erence.555."es;onden' urges 'ha' vir'uall all issues ;resen'ed 'o 'his co++i''ee =ere ;resen'ed in>>>>>>>>>>>> cour', and resolved A 'he rules o( evidence and 'ha' 'he res;onden' =as sho=n asa +a''er o( la= 'o have Aeen guil' o( no ;ro(essional +isconduc'.5#./he co+;lainan' herein a''e+;'s a colla'eral a''ac? u;on 'ha' (inal udg+en' ExhiAi' ICI =hichshould no' Ae ;er+i''ed as a +a''er o( la=. "es;onden' res;ec'(ull urges 'ha' ad+inis'ra'ivehearings such as 'hose held A 'he grievance co++i''ee +a no' a''ac? (ac's conclusivel es'aAlishedin cour'.

    #.ur'her, res;onden' res;ec'(ull suA+i's 'ha' 'he grievance co++i''ee should no' se' i'sel( u; in a;osi'ion aAove 'he cour's and should no' disregard 'he (indings alread +ade.10E"EO"E P"E65E CON5E"E, res;onden' ;ras 'ha' 'his grievance Ae (or'h=i'hdis+issed =i'h ;reudice and (or all o'her (ur'her relie( 'o =hich he +a sho= hi+sel( 'o Ae us'len'i'led.Qa'e, suAscri;'ion, and o'her (or+al ;ar's o+i''ed.R-s a general rule, 'he co++i''ee is in'eres'ed in hearing onl (ro+ an a''orne =ho has discoveredune'hical conduc', la= en(orce+en' au'hori'ies, 'he vic'i+ o( 'he une'hical conduc', Au'no o'hers. 5n a sur;risingl large nu+Aer o( cases, (riends, neighAors or, ;ar'icularl in divorcecases, rela'ives o( 'he ;erson 'he see as aggrieved =ill a''e+;' 'o in'er;ose 'heir =ill. 5( 'ac'(ullhandled, 'hese cases can o('en Ae dis+issed qui'e earl.


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    -s a ;rac'ical +a''er, 'here are no (or+al require+en's (or Is'anding.I -none a=are o( une'hicalAehavior +a re;or' i' 'o 'he grievance co++i''ee. 0o=ever, +os' co++i''ees receive co+;lain's(ro+ 'hird ;ar'ies 'ha' genera'e unnecessar =or? (or 'he+, and, as a general rule, 'he are no's+;a'he'ic 'o in'erlo;ers. /he =ish 'o hear (ro+ 'he clien' or a ;erson =ho clai+s 'o have Aeenvic'i+iJed A 'he a''orne.6O/5ON /O 565 -C@ O /-N5N2QCa;'ion o( 'riAunal, 'i'le o( case and o'her (or+al ;ar's o+i''ed.R/O /0E 0ONO"-BE 2"5E#-NCE CO665//EE:NO1 CO6E >>>>>>>>>>>>, res;onden', A and 'hrough his a''orne o( record, and sho=s as(ollo=s:5."es;onden' re;resen'ed >>>>>>>>>>>>, a ci'iJen o( 6exico, in li'iga'ion agains' >>>>>>>>>>>>,a ci'iJen o( 'he 8ni'ed 'a'es. "es;onden' had an a''orne

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    'he res;onden'. /o 'his, 'he co+;lainan' 'oo? grea' exce;'ion.


    "es;onden' 'hen (iled a +o'ion 'o =i'hdra=, giving 'he ;lain'i(( su((icien' 'i+e 'o +a?e o'herarrange+en's(or counsel. /he +o'ion (or and order ;er+i''ing =i'hdra=al as a''orne o( record isa''ached here=i'h as res;onden's ExhiAi' IC,I and incor;ora'ed herein (or all ;ur;oses. #55.None'heless, 'he co+;lainan' con'inued 'o asser' her =ish 'o con'rol 'he li'iga'ion and 'he oAliga'iono( 'he res;onden' 'o re;resen' =ha' had co+e 'o Ae, in her +ind, her case. "es;onden' re(used'o co++unica'e =i'h her, and re'urned 'he (ile 'o his clien' in 6exico.#555.Co+;lainan' re(used 'o acce;' 'he cour's order ;er+i''ing =i'hdra=al, and she has con'inued 'o call 'he res;onden' 'o insis' u;on a (ull accoun'ing o( all +one ex;ended, or an ex;lana'ion as 'o=h 'he case has no' Aeen 'ried.5F."es;onden' has never had an a''orneKclien' rela'ionshi; =i'h 'he co+;lainan', and he res;ec'(ullsugges's 'ha' she lac?s s'anding 'o Aring a co+;lain' on charges o( ;ro(essional +isconduc'agains' hi+.10E"EO"E P"E65E CON5E"E, 'he res;onden' in 'his case res;ec'(ull reques's 'ha''he co+;lain' o( 'his co+;lainan' Ae dis+issed =i'h ;reudice, and 'he (ur'her ;ras (or all suchrelie(, Ao'h general and equi'aAle, 'o =hich he +a sho= hi+sel( 'o Ae us'l en'i'led.

    Qa'e, suAscri;'ion, and o'her (or+al ;ar's o+i''ed.RT 3!. iscoverQCu+ula'ive u;;le+en'Ror a li+i'ed ;eriod (ollo=ing 'he (iling o( an ans=er, Ao'h Aar counsel and 'he res;onden' should Ae a((orded reci;rocal discover o( +a''ers no' ;rivileged.Q&R uring 'his ;eriod 'here should Ae a+u'ual exchange o( ! na+es and addresses o( all ;ersons having ?no=ledge o( relevan' (ac's, )nonK;rivileged in(or+a'ion and evidence relevan' 'o 'he charges or 'he res;onden', and 3 o'her+a'erial

    'ha' +a Ae sho=n 'o Ae relevan' and +a'erial. Pro'ec'ive orders should Ae availaAle 'o ;reven'un=arran'ed discover.Q!R1hile +an o( 'he s'a'e Aar enaAling ac's +a?e no s;eci(ic ;rovision (or discover, as a generalrule, a +ee'ing =i'h 'he inves'iga'ing a''orne =ill ;roduce all 'he discover necessar 'o ;re;are (or


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    'he hearing. ur'her+ore, no' onl has 'he accused a''orne an aAsolu'e righ' 'o a co; o( 'he co+;lain'

    lodged agains' hi+, and 'o all la'er a+ended co+;lain's, Au' in +os' s'a'es, 'he accused has a

    righ' 'o a lis' o( 'he =i'nesses =ho =ill a;;ear agains' hi+, and in +an s'a'es 'he Aar rules ;rovide

    'ha' a su++ar +us' also Ae given o( 'heir ex;ec'ed 'es'i+on. /he accused a''orne also =ill have

    suA;oena ;o=er 'o co+;el 'he a''endance o( =i'nesses, including hos'ile =i'nesses, ;olice o((icers

    and cour' ;ersonnel.Q)R

    5n a ;ar'icularl serious case, =here 'he s'a'e rules o( cri+inal ;rocedure ;rovide (or li''le in 'he

    =a o( discover, and i( i' a;;ears 'ha' 'he loss o( 'he accused a''ornes la= license is all Au' cer'ain,

    'he de(ense a''orne +a choose 'o +a?e 'he 'ac'ical choice o( using 'he grievance ;roceeding as a

    discover 'ool (or 'he u;co+ing cri+inal 'rial. /his is ;ar'icularl 'rue =hen an indic'+en' has Aeen

    re'urned =i'hou' 'he o;;or'uni' 'o conduc' a ;reli+inar hearing as ;rovided A (ederal la=, or an

    Iexa+ining 'rialI ;rovided A a code o( cri+inal ;rocedure in +os' s'a'es.

    5( such a +ove is +ade, 'he de(ense a''orne =ill o('en choose 'o have his clien' invo?e his i('h-+end+en' righ's, and he =ill no' 'es'i(. 0e canno' Ae co+;elled 'o 'es'i( i( 'here is cri+inalli'iga'ion

    ;ending. 5( a disAar+en' sui' is ;ending, his de;osi'ion can usuall Ae 'a?en, and his re(usal 'o

    Ae de;osed can Ae used agains' hi+ a' 'he disAar+en' 'rial, Au' no' a' a cri+inal 'rial. /he exercise o(

    'he i('h -+end+en' righ' +a no' Ae used (or i+;each+en'.Q3R

    5( 'he de(ense a''ornes s'ra'eg is along 'hose lines, he should reques' 'ha' 'he co++i''ee ;os';one

    i's decision un'il a('er 'he cri+inal 'rial is co+;le'ed. Even 'hough 'he reques' =ill seldo+ Ae

    gran'ed, i' can do no har+ 'o as?. 5( 'he reques' (or a dela o( 'he grievance ;roceedings is gran'edun'il a('er 'he cri+inal 'rial, and 'here is an acqui''al, 'his ou'co+e should Ae Arough' 'o 'he a''en'ion

    o( 'he co++i''ee i++edia'el.

    5n +os' urisdic'ions, even 'hough 'he inves'iga'ing Aar a''orne +a no' have an aAsolu'e righ' 'o

    ;reKhearing discover, coo;era'ion =i'h hi+ is usuall Aes'. 0o=ever, such coo;era'ion does no'require

    'he de(ense a''orne 'o Auild 'he ;rosecu'ions case, and ex'ensive coo;era'ion +a ver =ell

    resul' in 'ha' Aeing done. /hus, de(ense counsel +us' =al? a (ine line Ae'=een ;roceeding so as 'oirri'a'e

    'he co++i''ee A re(using 'o 'urn over docu+en's, or coo;era'ing and ho;ing 'ha' 'he +a''er

    =ill no' Ae ;rosecu'ed. 5' is al=as a di((icul' choice.

    C868-/5#E 8PPE6EN/


    -''orne =as no' en'i'led 'o invo?e ;rivilege agains' sel(Kincri+ina'ion =hen ordered 'o (ile lis'


  • 7/30/2019 4 12 12 Fax to SBN OBC Complaints Grievance FOIA NRS 239 Screening Panel and Kern Attached to 9 8 12 and 4


    o( all +one'ar sanc'ions i+;osed agains' hi+ A an (ederal cour' since sanc'ions =ere ;uAlic ordersand a''orne did no' ex;lain ho= in(or+a'ion could incri+ina'e hi+. 5n re 6aurice !99%, C-773 3d !)4.QN3!R ee, 6ur;h, 2rievance Counsel (or 'he PuAlic, ) N "ev ))! !9$!.QN3)R ee T $.QN33R /heore'icall, 'he inves'iga'ion is secre' in vir'uall all urisdic'ions, Au' a good dealo( coo;era'ion a+ong la= en(orce+en' agencies al=as see+s 'o 'a?e ;lace i( cri+inal allega'ionsare +ade.ec'ion )% oo'no'es:QN34R.ee T %9.QN3%R.Ba'es v. 'a'e Bar o( -riJona !977 433 8 3%&, %3 Ed )d $!&, 97 C' )9!, %! Ohio 6isc !,

    % Ohio O;s 3d &, ) 6edia " )&97, !977K) CC0 /rade Cases V!%73, reh den 434 8 $$!, %4 Ed )d !4, 9$ C' )4), Beasle v. Bur' !94 )&! 2a !44, 39 E)d %!.hadur, -''ornes 2uide 43 e' seq.ec'ion ) oo'no'es:QN3R ee T )!.QN37R ee T )$.QN3$R see T )9.QN39R ee TT 3)S 34.QN4&R ee T 3%.QN4!R ee T 3!.QN4)R ee T 3&.ec'ion )$ oo'no'es:QN43R -B- 'andards (or a=er isci;line, 'andard $.$.QN44R 5d., Co++en'ar.QN4%R -B- 'andards (or a=er isci;line, 'andard $.!&aSc.QN4R -B- 'andards (or a=er isci;line, 'andard $.9, $.!!.QN47R -B- 'andards (or a=er isci;line, 'andard $.!&a.QN4$R -B- 'andards (or a=er isci;line, 'andard $.!&A.ee T %$.QN49R -B- 'andards (or a=er isci;line, 'andard $.!&c.


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    ee TT 9, &.QN%&R -B- 'andards (or a=er isci;line, 'andard $.!&e.QN%!R -B- 'andards (or a=er isci;line, 'andard $.!&, Co++en'ar.QN%)R -B- 'andards (or a=er isci;line, 'andard $.!&d. ee also 'andards$.!7S$.)&.QN%3R -B- 'andards (or a=er isci;line, 'andard $.)!S$.)3. 1ha'ever ac'ion is 'a?en,'he res;onden' is en'i'led 'o no'ice o( an dis;osi'ion o( 'he +a''er (ollo=ing 'he inves'iga'ion.'andard $.!4.No'ice o( (or+al charges and hearing A grievance or o'her disci;linar 'riAunal, ) -+. Dur.Pleading and Prac'ice or+s, -''ornes a' a=, or+ )$7S)9& order 'o sho= cause =h a''orneshould no' Ae disci;lined, ) -+. Dur. Pleading and Prac'ice or+s, -''ornes a' a=,or+ )9!S)94.QN%4R -B- 'andards (or a=er isci;line, 'andard $.)4S$.)%.

    QN%%R -B- 'andards (or a=er isci;line, 'andard $.).ec'ion )9 oo'no'es:QN%R.-B- 'andards (or a=er isci;line, 'andard $.)7.QN%7R.5d., Co++en'ar./he (iling o( a soKcalled general denial, =hich is ;er+i''ed in civil cour' in so+e urisdic'ionssuch as /exas and O?laho+a, is no' considered a +eaning(ul ans=er A grievance co++i''ees. /he=an' ad+issions o( (ac's 'ha' are no' in con'rovers, denials o( ones no' Aelieved 'o Ae 'rue, ands'a'e+en'so( ;oin' o( vie=.QN%$R.-B- 'andards (or a=er isci;line, 'andard $.)$.QN%9R.ee T 3.ec'ion 3! oo'no'es:QN&R -B- 'andards (or a=er isci;line, 'andard $.)9.iscover in a''orne disci;linar ;roceedings, 7 -+. Dur. )d, -''ornes a' a= T 93.e;osi'iondiscover ;rocedures in disci;linar ;roceeding agains' a''orne, 9) -..". )d!3)$.


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    or (or+s o( in'erroga'ories 'o a''orne and (or (or+s direc'ing =i'ness 'o ans=er in'erroga'oriesin disci;linar ;roceedings, see ) -+. Dur. Pleading and Prac'ice or+s, -''ornes a' a=,or+s )9%S)9, )9$.! su;;..QN!R 5d., Co++en'ar.QN)R -B- 'andards (or a=er isci;line, 'andard $.3%.QN3R ue ;rocess considera'ions in a''orne disci;linar ;roceedings, 7 -+. Dur. )d, -''ornesa' a= T 9!.


    Zach Coughlin, Esq.
