3v3 Tier List Pt 2_in Depth


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  • 8/3/2019 3v3 Tier List Pt 2_in Depth


    Akali (2)

    - Very high early game dmg- Good escape mechanics (esp. with wards near creep camps + ult over walls)- Good lane power- Decent push- Good ganks- Good sustain / regen- Hard to pin down

    > Best vs. squishies, which are less common on TT

    > countered by oracles

    > Not very good vs. tanks

    > No jungle control

    > No cc til rylais, no hard cc

    Alistar (2)

    - Good CC- Very tanky- Moderate sustain- Moderate damage- Decent push- Amazing ganks- Hard to cc

    >weak move speed / escape

    >low late game damage

    >easy to beat in lane

    >poor jungle control

    > Best vs. squishies, which are less common on TT

    Amumu (4)

    - Good CC- Very tanky- Decent push- Can jungle- Moderate damage

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    - Moderately good ganks>easy to kite

    >low late game damage

    >mana dependent in jungle, esp. early game

    >easy to out jungle

    >poor/moderate escape (only bandage tossing to creeps, situational)

    >easy to beat in lane / 1v1

    >very poor sustain/regen in fights

    Anivia (4)

    - Wall is amazing in TT- Aoe slow- Can stall losing games with infinite ulti from fountain- Aoe stun- Egg makes her hard to focus in team fights- Good damage- Good ganks

    >poor jungle control

    >weak early

    >very low mobility /move speed

    >VERY mana dependent, usually have to delay building AP for tear/catalyst

    >very squishy, has problems with bruisers who have gap closers

    >skill shot dependent

    Annie (2)

    - Aoe stun- Good damage- Naturally tanky for a mage with E + RoA- Not mana / cdr dependent, can build straight for AP- Good lane presence- Good ganks- Strong from lvl 1 to 18

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    >poor jungle control

    >very weak escape

    >Can sometimes be shut down early

    >very poor for chasing or long duration fights

    Ashe (5)

    - good range- good kiting potential- good cc- long range ult- Hawk shot

    >VERY farm dependent

    >VERY weak in 1v1 lane

    >VERY weak vs. gap closers/cc

    >VERY squishy

    >low base move speed

    >no escape move (blink/move speed)

    >poor ganks

    >skill shot dependent

    Blitzcrank (4)

    - Pull- Pull- Good CC- Pull- Moderate damage- Fast as hell- Good for chasing or kiting- Pull- Remains moderately useful from early game to very very late game- Good ganks

    >has a lot of tough 1v1 lane matchups

    >no jungle control

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    >very difficult to take someone down alone (no tower/allies)

    >Does not have the damage of a typical bruiser

    Brand (2)

    - Very long range- Very high damage- Situational stun- Can deal most/all damage over walls- Can frontload damage (read bursts well)- Good in lane- Good ganks

    >VERY squishy

    >high mana costs

    >no escape (move speed buff/blink)

    >no jungle control

    >gets destroyed by cc

    >highly based on skill shots

    Caitlyn (5)

    - Good range- Traps- Short-range blink/slow- Passive has good synergy with TT- One of the better ad solo laners- Long range ult

    >countered by charge/blink on bruisers

    >no jungle control

    >needs farm badly

    >rather poor midgame damage

    >very squishy

    >cant gank

    Cassiopeia (3)

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    - Amazing lane control- VERY good early game damage- One of the best champions for taking a 1v2 lane bot- FAST- Good cc- Short range compensated by lower cds/more mobility- Very good vs. melee- Not mana dependent, can build straight for AP- Good ganks- Can give vision


    >falls off late game

    >no jungle control

    >very weak vs. cc / silence

    ChoGath (3)

    - Very versatile (tank, ap, ad, true dmg)- Can jungle well- Best dragon/red secure in game- Good base dmg / hp- Good regen- Strong in lane- Strong early, mid, and late game- Good cc- Lots of aoe

    >skill shot dependent for combos

    >need your ult off cd a lot

    >very poor escape/mobility

    >can get shut down early

    >easy to kite

    Corki (2)

    - Has a blink- Good natural move speed and hp- True damage

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    - Very good poke, harass, and farm- One of the best early game ad carries- Hybrid damage- Can hold a lane 1v1- Good kite- Armor shred

    >mana dependent

    >poor jungle control until midgame

    >still farm dependent

    >no cc

    >not as squishy as most ad, but still easy to take down if cced

    >all skill shots

    Dr Mundo (3)

    - Dat regen- Very good base damage- Good jungle control with % dmg cleavers, aoe, and high ad- Spammable slow- Versatile (jungle, ad, tank)

    >gets destroyed by ignite

    >can get outlaned early

    >Needs lvls

    >forced into certain builds

    >can be cced

    >can be ignored if pure tank

    >uses hp to push

    >needs farm

    Evelynn (5)

    - Stealth- Slow- Good steroid from ult

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    - Opponents might not try hard if they think youre trolling>way low damage

    >very squishy early

    >very difficult to jungle

    >very, very weak 1v1

    >tough time pushing

    >not good early or late, scaling is mediocre

    >worst champion in the game

    Ezreal (5)

    - Blink/dash- Good poke- Global ult

    >farm dependent

    >narrow lanes make skill shots over minions difficult to land

    >very weak vs. bruisers/gap closers

    >very weak vs. cc

    >lower damage than most ad carries


    >poor jungle control

    Fiddlesticks (3)

    - Very good sustain- Solid aoe damage- Makes opponents paranoid- Great dragon control- Forces extra wards- Good cc

    >VERY vulnerable to cc

    >needs a blue buff, jungle very difficult to get rolling

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    >poor ganks pre-6

    >hard countered by tanky bruisers with regen or cc (aka most of t1 or t2)

    Galio (4)

    - Great aoe- Great vs. Mages- Good cc- Good chase/escape- Moderate damage- Good shield /speed buff support

    >not build to fight ad

    >can get worn down

    >no jungle control at all

    >VERY skill shot dependent

    Gangplank (2)

    - Great jungle control- Good damage- Anti-cc- Good move speed- Team buff- Aoe global ult- Good at farming / pushing- Spammable slow

    >low base hp

    >weak vs. spammable/constant cc (Mundo Nunu singed etc)

    >no burst

    Garen (3)

    - Great early game damage- Naturally tanky- Good finisher- Good escape with move speed + anti cc- Good damage soak- Lots of bushes in TT- Good 1v1 laner

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    - Good regen>falls off slightly late game

    >cant jungle

    >no hard cc/ slows

    >fills a role most junglers already fill

    >pretty poor at long 1v1 fights, pretty combo based considering hes ad

    Gragas (2)

    - Great burst- Great poke- Blink- Hp/mana sustain- Good laner- Good positional tool- Low cds- Not mana dependent, can build for ap- Strong from lvl1-18- Naturally tanky- Good cc- Good escape- Naturally high ad

    >melee mage

    >Weaker vs. tanks, can get worn down

    >skill shot dependent

    Heimerdinger (5)

    - Good push- Can dragon at lvl4 with smite- good poke- Armor/magic reduc. from turrets


    >mana dependent

    >Most damage is situational

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    >can smite turrets

    >no escape

    >slow move speed

    >turrets, rockets, and grenade are all situational damage

    Irelia (2)

    - True damage- Great sustain- Anti-cc- Great chase- Great move speed- Moderate jungle control- Very tanky- Naturally high damage- Good push- Good at farming without requiring much- Good in lane

    >needs levels

    >skill dependent for an ad

    >can have mana troubles

    Janna (5)

    - Great cc- Anti-initiate- Shield- Fast

    >not much damage

    >not much push, even if AP

    >if built AP, still mediocre damage and squishy, easily cced

    >if built tanky, can be easily ignored

    >no jungle control

    Jarvan IV (3)

    - Can jungle

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    - Has a blink- Can block paths- Good team buff- Decent cc- Good base damage

    >Loses 1v1s to most junglers

    >mediocre in lane

    >requires lots of farm to do anything mid-late

    Jax (1)

    - Requires 1 item + boots to be able to 1v1 near any champion in the game, even if they have 3- Passive makes him incredibly tanky, without any stats used from items for hp- Very high damage from 1-18- Very good regen- Incredibly fast push- Very good vs. ad (dodge, auto attack steroid)- Very good vs. ap (MR from ult, regen, high hp)- Very good vs. tanks (high damage, hybrid, great regen, tanky)- Aoe stun (about half the range of amumu ulti and half the duration, on a ~5 sec cd)- Good laning- Mediocre jungler- Good escape with ward jump/offensive or defensive minion jump-

    Low mana costs

    >Can get kited by select champions

    >directly countered by sotd

    Karma (4)

    - Moderate damage- Good utility- Gets very strong lvls 4-5, 9-10, 14-15 due to ult mechanic giving her an advantage when

    opponents still have 3 skills or have lower rank ults.

    - Pretty good sustain- Good synergy with melees who have gap closers- Good at clearing waves a few (waves) at a time

    >runs out of mantra quickly in long fights or when pushing more than 2 waves (when holding a tower,

    split pushing, etc)

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    >Very short range

    >can be manipulated into choosing between harass or cs with mantra

    >has trouble with fast pushers who have regen - morde, rumble, Udyr, noct etc

    >low damage late game

    >very poor vs. mobile or high hp targets

    >no jungle control

    Karthus (5)

    - Good poke- Aoe global ult- Slow wall- Fast push- Great aoe- Passive compensates for squishiness(sp?) if opponents are not mobile

    >can be mana dependent in long fights, needs tear or cata first

    >very skill shot dependent

    >very weak vs. bruisers

    >gets hard countered by shields / regen / cc / mobile targets

    >easy to gank

    >ult not as effective as in SR

    >pretty short range, easy to focus

    >no jungle control

    Kassadin (4)

    - Ult blink- Very high dmg- Good cc- Good at kiting- Hard to chase

    >very weak vs. cc

    >hard counters mages, which are less common on the map

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    >very weak in lane

    >has to build mana before AP

    >very vulnerable to ganks pre-6

    >needs levels badly but is rather poor endgame

    > No jungle control

    Katarina (5)

    - Good escape- Good sustain- High damage- Chains kills very well

    >weak vs. cc

    >very difficult to land a kill alone on bruisers or tanks, or anyone with regen

    >no cc

    >no jungle control

    >hard to push fast, BB doesn't 1 shot creeps

    >designed to kill squishies and then move on to the bruisers later. Not very many squishies in TT

    Kayle (5)

    - Armor/mr shred- Good utility (heal, move speed, slow, shield)- Good push

    >If ad, squishy with q and w much less useful

    >If AP, can be easily ignored or focused

    >no jungle control

    >poor ganks

    >weak vs. cc

    >Needs levels and farm badly, but not strong in lane

    Kennen (3)

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    - Scales very well with recent buffs- Aoe stuns- Fast- Tanky for typical mage with E and rylai- Very good vs. bruisers- Very good at kiting- Good poke- Strong in lane- Good early, mid, and late- High damage

    >Skill shot dependent

    >all cc is situational and delayed, even with charges ready

    >poor jungle control

    >weak vs. silence / cc

    Kogmaw (4)

    - Crazy late game damage- Long range poke- Aoe slow- Can scout- Good ganks


    > Poor early game

    >no escapes

    >weak vs. cc

    >weak vs. gap closers

    >weak in lane

    Leblanc (4)

    - Amazing burst- Good escape- Strong in lane- Blink- Good cc- Good ganks

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    - Great vs. mages>Falls off badly late game

    >very weak vs. cc

    >skill shot / combo dependent

    >cc is delayed

    >if she doesn't land a kill with first combo, hard to finish anything

    >VERY weak vs. tanks and bruisers

    >no jungle control

    Lee sin (1)

    - Q can be used as an escape move- W can be used as an escape move- E can be used as an escape move- R can be used as an escape move- Very high base attack speed- Very good 1v1 duelist- Very good jungle control- Dragon control- Multiple blinks- Great for chasing- % dmg finisher- One of the best kiting champions in the game- Very strong vs. bruisers (aspd slow, ms slow, % dmg, fast aspd)- Great pusher- Great ganks- Strong from lvl 1 to 18- Good cc and utility- Ward jumps- Very versatile in build

    >skill shot dependent

    >very high skill cap

    Leona (5)

    - Amazing cc- Passive damage increase

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    - Naturally tanky>Loses lane to most 1v1s

    >requires a teammate to land a kill

    >Needs farm, isnt great at farming

    >mediocre early, mediocre late, always bad in 1v1s

    >poor mobility

    >poor jungle control

    >no damage

    Lux (5)

    - Long range- Good cc / utility- Good damage- Good ganks- Good at countering ganks

    >very squishy

    >can be mana dependent

    >very cd based

    >very weak vs. cc

    >very weak vs. gap closers

    >weak in lane

    >mediocre damage early

    >Weak vs. bruisers or tanks

    >weak vs. high regen/sustain champs

    Malphite (5)

    - Good cc- Aoe damage- Can blink with ult- Good vs. ad- Can farm well

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    >Long cds

    >low sustained dmg

    >almost impossible to land a kill alone

    >weak in lane

    >very weak in jungle

    >needs farm

    >weak early game

    Malzahar (4)

    - Good aoe- Great cc- Great damage- Great laner / pusher- Great 1v1 duelist- % damage

    >Skill shot dependent

    >combo / cd dependent

    >Can be mana dependent

    >very weak vs. cc

    >no escapes

    >weak vs. ganks

    >no jungle control

    >If no kill from first combo, hard to finish kills

    Maokai (5)

    - Decent cc- Aoe dmg reduction- Can check brush- Good for initiating and chasing

    >needs farm

    >kind of weak in lane

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    >cant kill anyone alone

    >skill shot dependent

    >mana dependent

    >low damage

    >no jungle control

    Master Yi (4)

    - Very fast jungle- Very fast push- Very fast- good damage- Good chase / escape- Can counter burst

    >runs out of mana quickly

    >weak vs. hard cc

    >Weak in team fights, can be focused down

    >item and level dependent

    >needs farm

    >needs to snowball

    >easily shut down

    >jungle is proc - dependent

    Miss fortune (5)

    - High base move speed- Good damage- Good aoe

    >farm dependent

    >weak vs. cc

    >weak vs. gap closers

    >weak in solo lane

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    >move speed goes away when hit


    Mordekaiser (2)

    - Naturally tanky- Good vs bruisers- Great regen / sustain- Great push- Great farm- High base damage- Low skillcap- Very strong 1v1 duelist- Good jungle control past level 3

    >Low range

    >weak vs. cc

    > No cc

    >easy to kite

    >short range

    Morgana (4)

    - Anti-cc- Good cc- Good farm and push- Good sustain- Moderate damage

    >skill shot / combo dependent

    >Hard to land a kill alone

    >weak vs. tanks / bruisers with regen

    >all cc is delayed

    Nasus (4)

    - Very good snowball champion- Naturally tanky- Good regen/sustain

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    - High damage- Good vs. ad (steals ad, slows aspd, reduces armor)- Moderate jungle control

    >weak in lane

    >weak in jungle

    >no escapes

    >takes a VERY long time to build up items/levels

    Nidalee (5)

    - Fast- Long range poke- Passive has good synergy with TT- Good chaser- Good map vision

    >recent nerfs

    >poor sustain in lane now

    >Very poor early game

    >mediocre damage

    >mana dependent

    >weak vs. cc

    >no cc

    >poor jungle control

    Nocturne (3)

    - Jungles fast- Moderate ganks- Fast move speed- Good aoe- Global ult- Good damage- Anti-cc

    >mana dependent

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    >not very good vs. mobile targets

    >not very good vs. tanky targets

    >mediocre duelist, loses to most bruisers

    Nunu (3)

    - Aspd buff- Multiple slows- Naturally tanky- Good jungle control- 2nd best dragon secure- Very consistent jungler- Is a yeti

    >Recently nerfed, HARD

    >Poor ganks early game

    >weak in 1v1s, hard to secure a kill alone

    >weak vs. cc

    >pretty low damage

    Olaf (5)

    - Fast jungle- Spammable slow- Anti-cc- True damage- Great regen- Moderate damage

    >VERY mana / cd dependent

    >skill shot dependent

    >easy to counterjungle

    >no reliable cc

    >very weak til 6, mediocre after 6

    Orianna (3)

    - Good damage

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    - Good utility- Good cc- Good range- Good poke- Good push / farm- Good kite- Hard to catch- Low cds

    >mana dependent


    >weak vs. cc

    >no jungle control

    Pantheon (5)

    - Global ult- Good poke- Ranged stun- Good damage

    >poor jungle control

    >weak duelist

    >combo / skill based ad

    >no sustain / regen

    >no escape

    >easy to focus

    >weak vs. cc

    Poppy (3)

    - Great burst- Fast- Can dive / tower tank- Solid from 1 18- Naturally tanky with her passive- Anti-cc from ult- Situational stun

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    - % damage- High base ad from w- Hard to focus- Ap or ad

    >poor sustain

    >weak in lane

    >no jungle control

    >can be item dependent

    >stun is easy to avoid for opponents

    Rammus (4)

    - Can jungle- Good vs. ad- Great ganks- Fast- Good for defending towers- Can push fast- Solid aoe- Good cc

    >easy to counterjungle

    >cant solo dragon very well

    >mediocre dmg

    >weak vs. blink / mobile targets

    >very difficult to land a kill alone

    Renekton (2)

    - Great sustain- Great push power- Naturally tanky- Very high damage- Good vs. ad- Short range blink / double blink- On demand stun- Good aoe ad- Very strong early and late

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    - Good burst, and good sustained damage- Moderate jungle control

    >cooldown based ad

    >can be kited

    >needs lots of farm

    Rumble (2)

    - Great aoe damage- Very high damage- Multiple multi-target slows- Very good sustain- Very good push- Near-global ult- Fast- Naturally tanky

    >weak vs. cc

    >relies on combos

    >skill shot dependent

    Ryze (5)

    - Becomes tanky late game- Low cds- Good damage- Only needs 1 stat- Moderate sustain- Good pushing power

    >very weak early

    >very weak vs. cc

    >weak vs. gap closers

    >weak vs. high sustain champions

    >no jungle control

    >VERY item dependent

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    Shaco (3)

    - Fastest dragon ability- Hard to catch- Multiple ccs- Built in red buff- Clone buffed by showing inventory- High damage- Free wards- Good jungle control- Blink- Great ganks- Can backdoor

    >Needs lvl3 to gank


    >best vs. other squishies

    >weak in teamfights / vs. tanks

    >very weak vs. hard cc

    Shen (5)

    - Global ult- Taunt- Moderate regen- Short range blink

    >poor jungle control

    >weak early game

    >very low damage

    >weak in lane

    >weak vs. cc

    >easily kited

    >hard to land a kill alone

    Singed (1)

    - Really fast

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    - Ult steroid on low cd giving near every tank stat- Good damage- Good utility and cc- Good chase- Naturally tanky- Great push- Great farm- Great aoe

    >weak pre-6

    >countered by spammable slow

    >poor jungle control

    Sion (5)

    - Can go ap or ad- Naturally tanky- Good teamfight regen- Good help for fast dragon- Good push- On demand stun

    >very weak in lane

    >very item dependent

    >easy to kite if ad, easy to prevent damage if ap

    >very weak vs. cc

    >no escape

    >cant jungle

    Sivir (5)

    - Passive dodge- Good ult steroid- Great pushing power- Good aoe- Spell shield for anti-cc


    >weak vs. gap closers and aoe

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    >short range

    >easy to focus down

    >weak early game

    >poor jungle control

    >weak vs. bruisers

    Skarner (5)

    - Spammable slow- Moderate regen- Speed buff- Drag- Shield steroid

    >very low damage

    >Needs to get to his opponent in order to do anything

    >easy to kite

    >not very tanky

    >not much utility

    >weak vs. cc

    >weak jungle

    >mana dependent early

    >loses a lot of 1v1s

    >tough to lane

    >hard to land a kill alone

    Sona (5)

    - Aoe stun- Passive team buffs- Doesn't need farm- Pretty fast- Ok damage level 1

    >no jungle control

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    >very squishy

    >cant land a kill alone

    >very poor ap ratios

    >very poor solo lane

    >very poor mid-lategame

    Soraka (4)

    - Mr shred- Armor buff- Heals- Solid damage- Not that mana dependent- Can solo ok

    >short range

    >no escape

    >very easy to gank

    >very weak vs. cc

    >cant gank

    >hard to land a kill alone

    Swain (5)

    - Good aoe damage- Good cc- Moderate regen- Naturally tanky

    >no jungle control

    >VERY mana dependent

    >poor early game

    >weak in lane

    >low burst, with low sustained damage

    >no escapes

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    Talon (3)

    - Great aoe ad- Great burst- Kites fairly well for a melee- Has a detector- Good cc- Ok escape- Moderate jungle control

    >easy to gank pre-6

    >item dependent

    >best vs. squishies, which are less common on TT

    >has trouble vs. tanks or mobile targets

    Taric (5)

    - On demand stun- Armor shred- Naturally tanky- Ad buff- Armor buff

    >low damage unless he goes pure ap

    >weak In lane

    >weak late game

    >poor push / farm ability

    >poor jungle control

    >AT BEST moderate damage even pure ap

    >very cd based

    >very weak vs. bruisers and tanks

    >easily ignored if he doesn't go ap

    Teemo (3)

    - Free wards- Has a blind

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    - Very fast- Good push- Counters several high tier picks- Very good at kiting- 2 sec delay stealth (eves and twitches are 1.5 l0l)- Hybrid damage- Can safely push (hard to gank)

    >weak vs. cc

    >poor jungle control

    >weak vs. gap closers

    >weak vs. ap

    >faily short range

    Tristana (4)

    - Long range- Aspd steroid- Multiple ccs- Blink- Good damage

    >ap ratios (riot =|)


    >weak vs. cc

    >poor jungle control

    >weak vs. gap closers

    Trundle (3)

    - VERY good duelist- Anti-cc- Fast- Stat thief (ad, armor, mr)- Good jungler- Ok ganks lvl 2- Good damage- Naturally tanky- Fast dragon (top 5?)

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    - Hard to kill- Can block pathways

    >item dependent

    >mana dependent early

    >poor burst

    >can be cd reliant (cant 1v1 without ult)

    Tryndamere (4)

    - Very good scaling- Blink- Ad debuff- Heal- Can tank towers, soak damage- Invulnerable ult !!- High damage

    >still crit dependent

    >easy to kite

    >squishy, even with 2 lives

    >weak early game

    >hard to gank without lvl 3

    >gets DESTROYED by spammable slows

    Twisted fate (5)

    - Global ult- Vision- Delayed stun- Can go ap or ad- Good push / farm

    >item dependent

    >very low damage

    >hard to land a kill alone

    >weak vs. bruisers and tanks

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    >no escape

    >poor jungle ability

    >weak vs. cc

    Twitch (4)

    - Stealth- Aoe ad- High damage- Good range- Aoe slow- Makes opponents paranoid

    >very squishy

    >very weak late

    >very weak lane

    >needs to snowball

    >poor jungle control

    >weak vs. cc

    >no escape

    Udyr (2)

    - One of the best pre-6 champions in game- Naturally VERY tanky- Fast jungle- Low mana costs- High damage- On demand stun- Fast- Hybrid damage- Very good regen- Very strong in lane or jungle- Very good duelist- Early dragon capability

    >no ultimate

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    >no range

    >easily kited

    >weak vs. spammable slows

    Urgot (3)

    - Great poke- Naturally tanky- Armor shred- Spammable slow- Good chase- Good ganks

    >no escape

    >skill shot dependent

    >weak vs. ganks

    >mana dependent

    >poor late game

    >farm dependent

    Vayne (4)

    - Situational stun- Good kite- Ad aspd ms ult steroid with stealth- Very high damage- True damage- Great chase- Short blink

    >farm dependent


    >weak vs. cc and gap closers

    Veigar (5)

    - Very high burst- Can block paths with stun- Scales well

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    - Great vs. ap>very low sustained damage

    >no escapes


    >very weak early game

    >no jungle control

    >weak in lane


    >counters low tier picks

    Vladamir (5)

    - Good sustain- Good aoe- Damage increase debuff- High damage- Naturally tanky- invulnerability

    >VERY long cds early

    >weak vs. a lot of lane opponents

    >poor jungle control

    >needs farm and levels

    >no escape- easy to gank despite pool

    >weak vs. hard cc

    >low range

    Warwick (3)

    - Very consistent jungler- Suppress- Detector- Aspd buff- Good regen

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    - Early dragon capability- Hybrid damage

    >very poor ganks

    >mana dependent early

    >rather slow jungle

    >easy to counterjungle

    >bad duelist

    >easy to kite

    >weak vs. cc

    >not much cc

    Wukong (4)

    - Armor shred- Aoe ad- Moderate jungle control- Stealth- Strong late game

    >weak in lane

    >easy to gank, even with stealth

    >minimal cc (only 1 sec knockup)

    Xin zhao (2)

    - Fast jungle- Sustainable, consistent jungle- Very good lvl 2 ganks- VERY good duelist- Multiple ccs- Naturally tanky- Low cds- Very good damage

    >no escape

    >weak vs. cc

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    >can be kited after charge

    >weak vs. tanks and thornmail

    Yorick (1)

    - Very good lane sustain- Multiple ranged harass- Good pushing power- Very good duelist- Very strong teamfight (passive so good!)- good utility- Fast- Good vs. everyone- Moderate jungle control- Strong from 1-18- Fastest tower killer in the game?- 100% dmg steroid on highest dmg teammate- Revive

    >weak vs. cc

    >has trouble vs. consistent aoe late game (morde / rumble / Anivia)

    Zilean (5)

    - Revive- Aoe damage- Good utility- Long range

    >VERY weak vs. cc

    >squishy if ap with mediocre damage

    >no damage if tanky

    >Weak vs. bruisers

    >weak vs. gap closers
