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3rd International Conference in Human, Social and Applied


11 April 2019 Tirana, Albania


Book of Abstracts

Botimet “Ngjallja”Tiranë, 2019

3rd International Conference in Human, Social and Applied Sciences

11 April 2019 Tirana, Albania

Book of Abstracts

ISBN 978-9928-266-08-8

Botimet “Ngjall ja”

Website: www.kulogos.edu.alEmail: logosconference2019@kulogos.edu.al

Organizer:University College “Logos”, Tirana, Albania

President of the ConferenceProf. Dr. Nikoleta Mita (University College “Logos”, Tirana, Albania)

Scientific committee1. Prof. Fisnik Brovina (University College “Logos”, Tirana, Albania)2. Prof. Ilia Ninka (University College “Logos”, Tirana, Albania)3. Prof. Erleta Mato (University College “Logos”, Tirana, Albania)4. Prof. Aggelos Kotios, (University of Piraeus, Greece)5. Prof. Dimitrios Georgakellos (University of Piraeus, Greece)6. Prof. Giovani Arcudi (Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel”, Tirana, Albania)7. Prof. Roberto Perrone (Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel”, Tirana, Albania)8. Prof. Giovanni Lagioia (Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel”, Tirana, Albania)9. Prof. Alfred Josef Baldacchino ( Universitas Sancti Cyrilli, Valletta, Malta )10. Prof. Maurizio Rija (University of Calabria, Italy)11. Prof. Assoc. Filotheos Ntalianis, (University of Piraeus, Greece)12. Prof. As.Dr. Tefta Rota (University College “Logos”, Tirana, Albania)13. Prof. As. Dr.Remzi Keco (Agricultural University, Tirana, Albania)14. Prof. As. Dr.Ilir Kapaj (Agricultural University, Tirana, Albania)15. PhD. Georgios Gaitanos (University College “Logos”, Tirana, Albania)16. Dr. Steljan Buzo (University College “Logos”, Tirana, Albania)

Editorial Board

1. Prof. Erleta Mato2. Prof. As. Dr. Marsela Harizaj3. Dr. Emira Spahaj4. MSc. Irena Papingji

Organizing Committee

1. Dorina Minxuri2. Entela Kostrista3. Anisa Duka4. Laura Yzeiraj5. Xhiljan Spahiu6. Venian Mile

Graphic designer

Nikolin Hanxhari





The study of Religion in the Early Christian Literature

Dr. Georgios GaitanosFaculty of Human Sciences and Linguistic Communication

Department of Social Theology and Science ReligionUniversity College “LOGOS”, Albania

e-mail: gaitanosg@yahoo.gr

AbstractThis paper aims to search if there was any attempt in the Early Christian

Literature to apply a scientific or a regulated study of religion. A special interest through the interpretation and analysis of those texts comes up with the procedure of Clement of Alexandria and Lactantius, when they tried to study the subject “religion”. The first one promoted an evolutionary line for the development of religion in the world and as a result Christianity was the pick of this evolution. However, the second one mentioned the uniqueness of the truth only in the Christian faith, deconstructing the rest of the cults and attaching to the authenticity of Christianity holy and ontological characteristics that don’t have any connection with the human culture. The goal of the paper is to mention if there was any systematic study of religion in the Early Christian writers and I come up with the conclusion that these two ecclesiastic writers promoted and initiated a new meaning to the terminology “religion”, differentiating themselves from the general point of view, as they started referring to religion as a concept and not just as an action of worship or a specific religious tradition.

Keywords: Christian literature, religion


General characteristics of the evolution of Orthodox Worship:A Liturgical Approach (1st-15th centuries)

Dr. Georgios KeselopoulosFaculty of Human Sciences and Linguistic Communication

Department of Social Theology and Science ReligionUniversity College “LOGOS”, Albania


AbstractThis article is a synthesis of the knowledge learned from the multi-year

study of the research of the Byzantine liturgical type (Byzantine rite), mainly through an examination of the works of the two greatest liturgiologists of the last century, namely Robert Taft and Ioannis Fountoulis. The value of the article is the synthesis of a plethora of information about the Byzantine rite in just a few pages. It tries to present the existing Orthodox liturgical practice, with parallel references to the historical beginnings of each liturgical phenomenon. Finally, with the help of the comparative liturgical method, it gives conclusions that are made about the genetic rules that govern this liturgical tradition. Thus, this study concludes that when we see local elements of the liturgical practice of the Byzantine region became part of the liturgical practice of Constantinople, they then become common worship for the entire territory of the Byzantine Empire.

Keywords: byzantine rite, history-theology of Liturgy, liturgical tradition, Taft-Fountoulis


Human value and bioethical dilemmas

Msc. Thoma ÇomëniFaculty of Human Sciences and Linguistic Communication

Department of Social Theology and Science ReligionUniversity College “LOGOS”, Albaniae-mail: thomacomeni@hotmail.com

AbstractMan is the most important being in the world and consequently such is

his value. He possesses freedom, logic, and love, which according to Christian anthropology are indicative of “the icon of God”. Life extends to all three dimensions, beginning, continuation, and end. When these develop naturally, there is no problem, but the problem begins when man interferes with his limits and turns man into a mechanism, subject, and a measurable being, from an immature being. The topic discusses some major ontological, ethical and social dilemmas that arise from human intervention during life. Phenomena such as: artificial in vitro fertilization, para-embrional genetic control, improper use of embryos for scientific studies, their destruction etc. are discussed.

An important part is the continuation of life, problems and dilemmas after birth.Here we analyze the challenges of healthy growth. The theme closes with

the end of life, euthanasia, donation and organ transplantation. It is an attempt to approach concepts such as life, person, autonomy, freedom, human dignity by looking at and analyzing it from an ethical point of view. It does an analysis of life not being confined within the biological dimension, but expanding into the ethical, social and spiritual dimension. It strives to reveal thoughts by respecting the development of science and medical technology on the one hand and the value of the human being on the other.

Keywords: Life, human value, bioethics, human rights



Language and cultural studies, migration effects in Albania

PhD, Natalina HotiCatholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel”

e-mail: n.hoti@unizkm.al Abstract The phenomenon of migration in Albania is quite complex issue. We can

talk about different migration waves, each one with its own peculiarities. The appearance of this phenomenon has it’s beginning from the fall of the communist regime in the 1990s, when thousands of Albanians crossed the railings of the Italian, German and French embassies, followed by many others who went to Greece and in Italy by the sea. From 1992-1996 the migratory flow has decreased to begin in 1997. Another critical period for emigration in Albania has been 2014 up to now, the year which has seen the mass flow of Albanians in Countries like Germany and France.

During the communist regime it was allowed to study only Russian and French. After the 90s there was a boom in the study of foreign languages. Initially the most sought languages have been Italian, English and German. The phonetic features of the alphabet and the grammatical structure of the Albanian Language have facilitated the study of other languages in short time and in self-taught, accelerating access to schools, universities and various working areas abroad.

The phenomenon of emigration has made the country open to new realities, cultures, traditions and languages, but also to the risk of emptying from young age people, intellectuals and professionals. Social policies, European and International agreement have added the introduction of new languages into the school system with assessment and certification following the criteria of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Keywords: language, culture, emigration, exchange, intellectual




“Do women sit more than men at work?”: A diary study of sedentary behavior in Greek office employees

Filotheos Ntalianis1, Andreas Gkinis2 1,2 University of Piraeus

Corresponding author: Filotheos Ntalianis, filotheos@unipi.gr

AbstractRecent scientific research indicates that a high level of sedentary behavior

can severely affect one’s diet, body weight and overall health. Moreover, people who spend more time sitting have significantly increased chances of dying prematurely than those who are more active. Sedentary behavior is described as any sitting, reclining or lying behavior that results in energy expenditure ≤1.5 metabolic equivalents (METs). This means that someone who is watching television, driving, playing computer games or simply using his/her computer to accomplish work is engaging in some type of sedentary behavior. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether there is a gender difference in sedentary behavior among Greek office employees working in the private sector. Data were collected from 15 male and female employees who participated in the study for a period ranging from 11 to 18 working days. Sedentary behavior was measured using a portable tracking device (wrist smartband) which was provided to all participants at the beginning of the study. As part of their duties, all participants agreed to install a recommended mobile application in order to be able to upload and share their daily activity data with the principal investigators. As regards the steps completed daily, our results indicated that there were slight differences between male and female participants. The small sample size and restricted time period are the key limitations of this study. Future research should further examine whether there are demographic differences in sedentary behavior of Greek public as well private employees.

Keywords: Sedentary behavior, gender, office employees, smartband, Greece


The Merger as a possible solution to solve the business crisis

Maurizio RijaDepartment of Business and Law,

University of Calabria, Italy.Correspondence: m.rija@unical.it

AbstractIn recent years corporate crises have had a frequent and intense

demonstration and, for this reason, they have been the subject of many studies and legislative reforms. The state of corporate crisis should not be considered as an occasional fact to be traced back to a particular circumstance but is a recurrent phenomenon, no longer episodic, almost like a real phase of the life of the company.

The paper starting from the concept of crisis and, retracing the historical evolution and the various definitions formulated by the doctrine and the causes that can generate it, analyzes the possibilities for companies to use the extraordinary operation of corporate merger as a mechanism for resolving the crisis and preservation of corporate values.

Furthermore, an analysis of the main and last legislative interventions in Italy is carried out, from which the interest in identifying new solutions for crisis and insolvency management is clear.

The analysis carried out on two companies in crisis that carried out the corporate merger project led to completely different results. The first company managed to heal its financial situation and to start the recovery while the second one could not avoid bankruptcy.

Keywords: corporate crises, corporate merger project


The Economic Impact of Brexit-ing for EU; UK and USA and the Option of Brexin

Fisnik Brovina1, Emira Spahaj2

Faculty of Economics,University College “LOGOS”, Albania

email: brovinafisnik@gmail.com

AbstractIn June of 2016, many Britons chose through a referendum to have their

country exit the European Union in what is today popularly known as Brexit. Incidentally, the U.K. became the first member of the E.U. to have initiated

the Lisbon Treaty’s Article 50 that starts a withdrawal procedure from the union. On March 29 2019 is the due date for the scheduled exit. The British citizen’s votes cast on 23rd June 2016 approving Brexit opened new questions regarding the model that British and U.S. capitalism is likely to embrace in the future. Whereas globalization may seem to have posed no immediate threat to the country, Brexit it seems, might be different in this regard. The U.K. as such might find it harder this time to fully financial globalization benefits. Scholarly interventions have indicated that globalization might indeed have increased Britain’s bargaining power since the country seems to have improvement prospects in the future, thanks to globalization.

Whereas the political impact following a Brexit scenario would be difficult to quantify, it is obvious that the European Union would be faced with a financial market turmoil period with collateral damage as a result of weaker trade, bank exposure and FDI’s (Foreign Direct Investments). In the event that the divorce might be friendly, the Eurozone’s economy would likely undergo a cumulative percentage loss with the Netherlands, Malta, and Ireland taking the largest hit. However, more negative situations with longer and greater GDP impacts are not difficult to envisage. This paper shall thus seek to answer a few questions regarding the impact of Brexit for the U.K. and capitalist nations such as the U.S and what the options of a Brexin would entail to the E.U. The micro and qualitative viewpoints have also been highlighted as have the various pros and cons in the event of a Brexit.

Keywords: Brexit, financial market


Internationalization and family business: A case study of a company that internationalized in Albania

Tonia Tassone1 Francesca Aura2, Caterina Aura3, Rosetta Pasqualina Miracco4

1Corresponding author: PhD, University of Calabria, DISCAG, Rende (CS) Italy, tonia.tasone@unical.it, Via P. Bucci 87036 Rende (CS) Italy

2PhD, University of Calabria, DISCAG, Rende (CS) Italy, francesca.aura@unical.it, Via P. Bucci 87036 Rende (CS) Italy

3PhD, University of Calabria, DISCAG, Rende (CS) Italy, caterina.aura@unical.it, Via P. Bucci 87036 Rende (CS) Italy

4PhD, University of Calabria, DISCAG, Rende (CS) Italy, caterina.aura@unical.it, Via P. Bucci 87036 Rende (CS) Italy

AbstractInternationalization has become a relevant strategy for family firms to deal

with the challenges and to exploit opportunities of globalization. The drivers of family businesses’ internationalization consist of a jointly working factor set. Notwithstanding national and international researches have long confirmed the importance of internationalization processes for family business, the issue is still debated with conflicting positions. Even though different theories and empirical researches in the family firm field were carried out, it is still not clear to what extent the family factors of the firm have an effect on internationalization strategies. This may be due to the “uniqueness” of relationships among the components of each business owner family. The aim of this work is to contribute to the debate about family business research, by answering to the “how” and “why” questions of this contextualized phenomena. Thus, a single descriptive case study of an Italian family business that internationalized in Albania was carried out. The insights prove that investing beyond the national boundaries was, in this context, a winning strategy. The work is organized in four sections. In the first section, a review of existing academic literature is conducted. In the second section, we explain the methodology of the research. Subsequently, we analyze the case, which represents our unit of analysis. Finally, we discuss our findings and conclude.

Keywords: Internalization, family business


Undeclared work in Albania:Dimension and consequences

Emiljan Karma, PhDCatholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel”, Tirana (Albania)

Faculty of EconomicsResearch Center on Developing Economies

e-mail: e.karma@unizkm.al

Undeclared work is a widespread phenomenon that can be observed in all countries, both developed and developing countries. This form of employment with long-term negative consequences varies from one country to another, referring to its rate of spread and the forms and sectors of employment affected by such a phenomenon.

Albania, where the formal labour market coexists with the informal market, has a widespread dissemination of undeclared work.

The high level of undeclared work in Albania means that government agencies, responsible for labour market regulation and other social actors interested in the phenomenon (representatives of employees, representatives of employers, non-governmental organizations, etc.) did not effectively materialize existing policies in the field of informal employment. Likewise, the current form of the labour market organization in Albania creates spaces in which the employer-employer relationship is sufficiently interested in undeclared or under-declared work.

The experience of different European countries shows that there are organizational forms of policy-making structures and diverse mechanisms that can be applied in a country like Albania.

The purpose of this article is to highlight:1. Characteristics of undeclared work in Albania;2. The efforts made by government agencies to combat it;3. Identification of efficient ways of contrasting undeclared work. As a conclusion, this study tries to analyse the aspects of informal

employment in Albania as well as ways of contrasting. The undeclared work in Albania can be fought in several ways. In addition to the classicalrepressive way, other synergy forms should be applied which push or encourage businesses and employees to formalize.

Keywords: Employment, Undeclared Work, Labour Law, Albania, Western Balkans.


PPP in Albania, an analysis of costs and benefits

Msc Iva Sulaja, Msc Klejda Gabeshib

a, b Ass/Lecturer, Finance Account Department, University College “LOGOS”Corresponding author: Iva Sulajemail: iva.sulaj@kulogos.edu.al

AbstractA public-private partnership (PPP) is a long-term contract between a

private party and a government entity, for providing a public asset or service, in which the private party bears significant risk and management responsibility, and remuneration is linked to performance.

When the government is short of funds for a much-needed project, a public-private partnership, which benefits from an injection of money from the private sector, is a promising option.

Since the beginning of the transformation of the Albanian economy from the centralized economy system into a market economy system, the states weight in entrepreneurship has been decreasing to leave more space for private entrepreneurship. The model of market economy that is pursuing Albania with an ever smaller state sector, makes it necessary to set up and strengthen a partnership between the state and private sector, especially for strategic projects.

However the increase of PPP-s lately, without the adequate analysis of costs and benefits and competitive bidding process, is subject of criticism by civil society, economics experts and International Financial Institutions, which claim that these contracts lead in a further increase of the public debt and other fiscal risks.

Keywords: International Financial Institutions, Public Private Partnership, Public debt.


The Econometrics of the ‘Market Model’: Some Empirical Evidence from the United Kingdom

Msc Klejda Gabeshi a , Msc Iva Sulaj b, a, b Ass/Lecturer, Finance Account Department , University College “LOGOS”

email: klea.gabeshi@gmail.com

AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to study the links that are established at the

financial and banking market of the United Kingdom. In order to achieve the above objective, were used data from the London Stock Exchange, precisely the daily closing prices of three quoted shares and respectively the FTSE 100 stock index price (The Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index).

I have chosen this topic to study the econometric testing of the market model in a developed country, such as the United Kingdom, because the London Stock Exchange is the largest in Europe, with listed companies worth billions of Euros.

A sample of data from three LSE listed companies was used for the regression models, linear regressions employing monthly information from January 1, 2015 to October 30, 2017, the dates in which transactions took place, composing a total of 34 observations. Data processing was done in Excel and Eviews. From the research it was concluded that even if the models were statistically significant, there were other factors too that can affect the total shareholder return (TSR). The models that also included the control variable, namely the interest rate, were better ones, with higher R square values and coefficients and lower residuals.

Keywords: Econometric Testing; FTSE 100 Index; London Stock Exchange; Market Model; Simple Linear Regression; Total Shareholder Return.


The effects of Brexit in bilateral relations between Europe and Great Britain

Msc Elvis XhoriFaculty of Economics,

University College “LOGOS”, Albaniaemail: elvisxhori@gmail.com

AbstractIn this paper we will focus on the recent evolution of the events in Great

Britain and the inevitable effects that may come as a result of Brexit in the EU, Northern Ireland and the Great Britain itself. Despite having her negotiated EU withdrawal deal soundly rejected in the House of Commons in this time, British Prime Minister Theresa May is still in charge of the Brexit process. To avert a disastrous “no-deal” scenario, the bloc’s leaders must continue to work with May on a compromise solution, whether it likes it or not. The European Union will not shatter in the wake of Brexit, and it will also overcome the economic fallout from the UK’s departure. But Brexit will damage Europe’s role in the world in a way that Europeans currently seem unable to grasp.

The parliamentary defeat of British Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal means that all options are on the table. By addressing Britain’s longstanding concerns over intra-EU migration and its attendant costs, the European Union could both set the stage for a reversal of Brexit and shore up its own long-term stability British Prime Minister Theresa May’s strategy of threatening a no-deal Brexit requires a hard deadline that forces her opponents to capitulate. Most politicians on the left and the right – including Prime Minister Theresa May, who before the Brexit referendum was in favor of Britain remaining in the EU – know that leaving the European Union without an exit agreement would be a national calamity. So why have almost all refused to do anything to halt the slide toward a catastrophic no-deal Brexit? The philosopher Bertrand Russell believed the Cold War nuclear standoff resembled a high-risk game played by “youthful degenerates.” British Prime Minister Therea May is playing a similar game, and if her Brexit brinkmanship goes wrong, the victim would be Britain.

Keywords: Brexit, intra-EU migration, increasing costs, civil war, deal no-deal


Is start-up the engine of Albanian Economy?

Prof. Asoc. Dr. Blerim Kola , Dr. Jehona Gjermizi 2

1 Faculty of Economics, “Aleksandër Moisiu “ University, Durrës

2 Faculty of Economics, University College “LOGOS”, Albaniae-mail: jehonagermizi@yahoo.com

AbstractThis article aims to highligt the importance of start up in Albanian

Economy. There are made so many searches, which show that there is positive relationship between start-ups and economic growth.

In this context the article is based on this question: Is start-up the engine of Albanian Economy? The article is organised in three parts as shown below.

The first part of this article brings theoritical point of view of start-ups and a summary of some empirical searches.

The second part is about some important datas of the development of start-ups in the Albanian Economy, such as historical data and the percentage in every economic sector.

The third part is an attemption to compare the development of start-ups in Albania with other countries in the region.

As the conclusion of this article we can highlight the fragile development of start-ups to our economy and the necessary to create a better environment in their development.

According to our searches, we have ideas, but very few of them result sucessfull. The lack of stability in our economy, mainly as a result of fragile political situation and favourite climate in the neighboring countries, has prevented the growth of start-ups in Albania.

However the positive aspect is that the awareness for their contribution on economy is raising up.

Keywords: Start-up, Albania, Economy


Developments of the RRT and an analysis of a case study

Denajda Çibuku1 Olta Petritaj2 Entela Kostrista3

1. Tourism Department, Economics Faculty, University College “LOGOS”2. Applied Informatics, Faculty of Applied Sciences, University College “LOGOS”

3. Department of Science Research, Faculty of Applied Sciences, “University College “LOGOS”Corresponding author: Denajda Çibuku, email: denajdacibuku@gmail.com

Objective:A half century ago, in 1965, Warner proposed the randomized response

method as a survey technique to reduce the bias due to nonresponsive and social desirability when asking questions about sensitive topics. While numerous methodological advances have been made, surprisingly few applications of this promising survey technique is measured. In this article we will describe developments of this technique (randomized response technique) through years and give some reasons that explain why this survey technique has still low respondent’s trust, even though there have been done some recent improvements.

Material and methods:To illustrate this technique, we did an original survey among female in

Tirana about two sensitive questions: “Have you ever been physically abused?” and “Have you ever done an abortion?” It was chosen a random device such as, a flip of cards, with unknown probability for the interviewer. Each participants of the survey must give one of four pairs: (yes, yes), (yes, no), (no, yes), (no, no), as an answer of two given statement.

Conclusions:44.5% of the sample had neither an abortion or had been a victim of

physical abuse 19.7% of the sample never had an abortion but might had been a victim of physical abuse 31.3% of the sample had an abortion at least once but had never been a victim of physical abuse 4.5% of the sample had an abortion at least once and had been a victim of physical abuse at least once Women who were single and belonged to the 15-34 age group had the prevalence of having abortion 0.5.

The result we got was exactly as we were expected: respondent’s understanding was significantly high but respondent’s trust was low.

Keywords: RRT, sensitive topics, survey, respondent’s trust, abortion.


International communication tools: Corporate blogs, Community marketing, Guerilla marketing and Viral marketing

Msc. Enxhi Marku, Msc. Erion ShehuFaculty of Economics,

University College “LOGOS”, Albaniaemail: enxhimarku@gmail.com

AbstractNowadays the marketing landscape is undergoing a dynamic evolution

and is utilizing an ongoing array of channels to better reach and influence the customer.

Not only companies and products vary, but also the consumer landscape. The individual customer is more and more in the center point and the

balance of power is shifting continuously from the company to the customer. This is determined by the market saturation of many products. Added to

this is the fact that more and more communication channels are emerging, and consequently also the advertising has changed. The paper focuses on how best to meet these current trends, and, above all, how best to profit by incorporating the ever communication tools such as corporate blogs, community marketin, guerrilla marketing and viral marketing.

Keywords: blog, communication, channel, CRM (Customer relationship management), Guerrilla, viral, marketing


Statistical Methods for the Identification and Analysis of theRelation between Education and Labour Market in Albania

AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze an appropriate model

that can help us study the links that are established between education and the labour market. We have chosen this topic because the relationship between “education” and “job in the education field” is a real challenge in Albania, since there are a lot of vacancies but no skilled specialists to fill them. In the other hand many graduate students in Albania claim that they can not find a job in their education field. In order to assess the Albanian reality and make this study have a useful impact, a survey is built in order to find the best variables that can significantly influence that relation. The focus of the paper is to identify and analyze different statistical methods in order to find out which is the most appropriate one to do the relationship evaluation. An overview of the country profile, economic development and the Albanian market are represented in the first section. The methodology section includes literature review, the main concepts and methods that are used to conduct this research. An appropriate descriptive and inferential analysis will be used to evaluate the type of available data and to determine which is the right statistical model to be employed.The sampling method in this case is a probabilistic one, the simple randomization. The methods used to reveal the sample are mixed mode (CATI-by phone, CAWI-online and face to face- F2F).

After identifying and doing an appropriate descriptive and inferential analysis, is used a Generalized Linear Model, with logit link, to provide a common approach to a response modeling problem. The Decision trees approach is often used as an alternative to methods such as Logistic Regression and the analysis based on tree diagrams allows to identify homogeneous groups with low or high risk, to have a job out of their education field or to be unemployed.

Exhaustive CHAID technique proved to be more efficient and accurate than others to predict students who are more likely to not get a job in their education field.

Keywords: Education, Exhaustive CHAID technique, Labour market, Logistic Regression,

Msc. Klejda GabeshiDepartment of Finance and Accounting

Faculty of EconomicsLogos University Collegeklea.gabeshi@gmail.com

Msc. Entela KostristaScientific Research Center

Faculty of Applied SciencesLogos University College



Legal Regime of Companies Under Romanian Law No.31/1990

AbstractNeither the law 31/1990 on trading companies, nor any any other special

law do not contain a definition of the company, which is why we refer to the provisions of Article 1881 of the Civil Code.

Article 1881 pragraph 1 of the Civil Code provides that by company contract two or more persons agree to cooperate in performing an activity and to contribute in money, assets, specific knowledge or services in order to share the benefits or to use the revenues which might be obtained.

The legal text reveals the three aspects of partners’ agreement to the effect that by the respective contract they agree to join several assets, to set up an economic activity and to the mutually share the results.

On October 1st 2011 a new Civil Code (Law no. 287/2009) came into force, and the new vision of the lawmaker to unify private law and the loss of autonomy of commercial law, resulted, naturally, in the waiver to the objective theory, centered on trade facts, in favor of the subjective theory, that has a reference point the person, that is professional.

Thus, the commercial provisions that justified their specificity compared to the civil ones precisely because of the nature of commercial relations, not only they disappeared, but they have been extended to all private law relations.

This conclusion may be easily observed from the way in which the derogatory rules of commercial obligations have been taken by the new Civil Code from the Commercial Code in 1887.

In this study, we aim not only to identify some of the most important provisions of the new Civil Code ( which is the common law regarding the companies), but also to outline the status of the companies in terms of Law no.31/1990(special law).

Keywords: Trading companies, special law,common law, joint venture, partnership, limited, joint stocks,cooperative, european companies, joint-stock company,shareholder, legal personality

PhD. Lucian SauleanuFaculty of Law

University of Craiova, RomaniaDean of Dolj Bar Association, Romania

PhD. Bledar IliaFaculty of Economics

“Logos” University College, Tiranabledar_ilia@hotmail.com



“Learning Project in Preschool Education”

Prof. Dr Erleta Celmeta (Mato) Faculty of Human Sciences and Linguistic Communication

University College “LOGOS”, Albaniaemail: erleta2009@hotmail.com

AbstractLearning with the competencies of the 21st century is achieved through

the curriculum and the work that the teachers should do together with the children for learning by doing.

What is the learning project and why more and more teachers in the world are using it?

The learning project refers to the design, planning and achievement of a result produced and publicly exposed by children in the form of a product, publication or presentation. What is important to mention when talking about competing learning and when trying to illustrate it through the learning project is that in this methodology, learning is not a reproduction of knowledge but an activity involving conceptual recognition, creativity, hand-work, and discussion of the product publicly. The mention of public exposure in today’s conditions is a high motivation for children in the process of knowledge. What are the reasons for expanding this methodology in use by teachers of preschool system?

First, digital technology makes it much easier than before running serious research, producing high-quality work, keeping track of the entire process, and sharing child-teacher creations around the world.

Secondly, we know more and more about the value of project learning, as we can positively evaluate its effectiveness. This paper tries to bring together strategies and protocols that pre-school teachers can use for a better quality of understanding of curricular concepts on the part of children as well as beyond.

Third, project learning is quite inclusive. This study has shown not only by the teachers at work, but also by those who are students of the faculty of teaching that during the project development can be clearly seen and learned how the learning project can become part of the group and individual learning, according to the predispositions that they have, even children with disabilities.

Today, teachers around the world are designing projects for preschool children because it is this methodology that sparks a passion for sharing ideas for learning together with children and teaching staff, reinforcing a wide level


of skills (such as managing time, collaboration and problem solving), the competences that students need in colleges, universities or workplaces, and that they can complete them with skills and learning in accordance with their needs.

Keywords: Learning project, curricula with competencies, workplace, creativity and problem solving.


“Some practical tips to teach vocabulary in EFL classes”

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marsela HarizajFaculty of Human Sciences and Linguistic Communication

University College “LOGOS”, AlbaniaE-mail: marselaharizaj@yahoo.com

AbstractForeign language teaching is becoming a necessity for everyone. The

attention has moved on ways how do learners perceive a foreign language. English is an important part of the whole system of education in the

Albanian context and has been given a priority. But what does it mean to speak English language? Based on the Curriculum of Foreign Language Teaching, teachers should use Communicative Language Teaching to teach language to their own students.

CLT in itself requires the learner to have enough skills to use the language. To be fluent in English means to posses all the necessary competences

that are needed to use the language communicatively. The issue does not stand just in the fact of understanding the meaning of the new words, but using them appropriately as well.

We teach our students to learn the language in the context, this due to the fact that if is leaned in another way there may be a misunderstanding of the meaning of the new vocabulary, as many words are poly- semantic.

What difficulties do our students encounter with the new words? How should vocabulary be taught in the language classroom? What techniques should be used? How much do our students know? How much time should I give to vocabulary teaching? What kind of practical activities should be used in the language classroom? These are some of the research questions that this paper brings in focus. Foreign language teachers need to use effective techniques to teach vocabulary. Some useful activities to enhance effective teaching and learning of vocabulary will be suggested at the end of this paper.

Keywords: enhancing vocabulary, effective teaching, practical activities, learning in the context.


Intercultural Education - the new approach of the Albanian school system

Edlira BejkoItalian Language Professor at Catholic University “Our Lady of the Good Counsel”

Email: e.bejko@unizkm.al

AbstractThe school plays a fundamental role in shaping the experiences of the

childhood and adolescence which allow the young people to develop the necessary skills for their transition to adulthood. It is also a pivotal institution not only for the actual social integration processes, but also for the future because the skills acquired today will be the assumptions on which society will stand in the next few decades and the foundations of future social cohesion, as well. The school experiences daily the operational and emotional complexity of the confrontation with the differences and their management in the name of interculture. The frequency of the number of students with different nationality backgrounds and different linguistic and study paths has increased and has placed the school system in Albania in front of policy choices in which interculture has become a goal to be achieved.

Intercultural education is a precise project aimed at the acquisition and development of open, flexible and critical thinking; a thought capable of “migrating” to other cultures to recognize and understand the differences and similarities. The article deals with the issue of education and cultural mediation in schools, as a methodology to be used in a structured way, in order to transform the school in a place of coexistence and mutual enrichment and capable of organizing the “proper” welcome, to encourage the inclusion and integration of the pupils with different educational and cultural backgrounds.

Starting from an analysis of the social context in Albania and highlighting the limitations and difficulties but also the resources and synergies of the Albanian school, we intend to demonstrate the importance of the promotion of enhanced actions of scholastic support and cultural education, in order to make the school an inclusive socio-educational space for all.

Keywords: Intercultural education, cultural and linguistic mediation, teacher training, new educational technologies, inter-institutional cooperation.


“Teacher Talk and some practical tips for Trainees & EFL teachers”

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Veneranda HajrullaDepartment of Foreign Languages

Faculty of Human SciencesUniversity “Ismail Qemali” of Vlora


AbstractTeacher talk has to be clear and adapted to students’ level. According

to Nunan (1991), teacher talk refers to the language used by a teacher in organizing the class in language teaching. But there’s no point talking a lot of English if the students don’t understand most of it. It becomes just a flood of incomprehensible noise, and all they learn is that English is incomprehensible!

Teacher talk is an important tool for teachers in implementing their lesson plans, managing the classroom, organizing and maintaining ongoing learning. So it’s indispensable that teacher talk must be of high quality so as to create an effective classroom atmosphere for teacher-student interaction; otherwise, classroom teaching becomes monotonous.

In this paper, we specify ‘teacher talk’ as the language used by the teacher in an EFL classroom from beginning to the end of the class. When it comes to ‘teacher talk’ in English classes in Albania, no direct research has been carried out. Few teachers have analyzed discourse types, proportion of teacher talk, techniques of feedback, types of interaction, etc. Students have high expectation for teacher’s talk in English classes, because it bears strong interactive features and in many situations teacher talk is the only source of spoken English the students have. Our aim is to offer some practical tips, for our trainee teachers, in keeping teacher talk at necessary proportion, using it as a helpful tip even in student-centered contexts.

Keywords: teacher talk, interactive features, student centered, practical tip, classroom language.


Foreign Language Teaching in multicultural context in Albania

Msc. Elona Mehilli (Kolaj)English Language Professor at

Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel”Email: e.mehilli@unizkm.al

AbstractEducation in Albania aims to prepare and encourage students in a rapidly

changing world and to encourage and motivate students through creative teaching and pedagogy. Developments in the delivery of education is allowing individuals to explore new areas of learning and thinking. They are discovering knowledge through inquiry and experimentation rather than memorizing facts in a teacher dominated classroom setting. Language and culture are closely linked to each other. It is also the central means by which we bring our cultural worlds into existence, maintain them, and shape them for our own purposes.

Foreign language learning should increase students’ intercultural competence which would allow them to see relationships between different cultures, mediate across these cultures, and critically analyze cultures including their own (Chapelle, 2010).

The paper aims at increasing students’ intercultural global awareness towards the target culture and other cultures. The study addresses to English Language teaching at Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel”, to students approaching the end of their course of study and getting ready to enter the world of job-market. In this university there are students from different nationalities such as: Albania, Italy, Kosovo, Greece etc. Students in their interactions with others use language not only to refer to or represent their socio cultural worlds. Findings of this paper show that intercultural approach stimulates students’ thinking, helps them better comprehend how to immerse and how to become global citizens able to deal effectively with multiculturalism in their future work environment.

Keywords: foreign language, intercultural competence, english, multiculturalism.


Teacher motivation of students in teaching processes, an important factor for achieving positive results

Msc. Armanda Xhani Baça“Aleksander Moisiu” Durres


Motivation in itself represents the first step towards action or towards desired behaviors. In a way, it takes the form of an internal processor, with its own complexities, from which numerous components are introduced into physiological, cognitive and emotional ways. All of them in their entirety realize the motivation of the individual and enable him to be ready to take an active part in the activities.

In this study, we will analyze the impact of motivation in the learning process during the educational process. The main purpose of this study is to identify the impact of motivation in the teaching and learning process. Second, identifying problems, needs and opportunities in this area.

The scientific tasks of this study focus on three main directions:• Present the way students conceptualize motivation.• Analyze the factors that influence student motivation.• Make recommendations on how best to be motivated by students.To carry out this study, it is based on the experiences of the managers,

teachers and pupils of the two 9-year schools: “Bajram Curri 2” and “Fllakë-Fshat” Fllakë, Durrës. These schools have been selected to see changes in town-to-village results.

Students are motivated in different ways, some of them motivated by the environment, teachers, the family, others have an internal motivation, the teacher should praise the projects and the students’ progress, teach the students that they are responsible for raising tire intellectual, let students take tire mistakes as tools to learn, and adapt the material to life and tire goals, but above all to strengthen their self-confidence.

Based on the results of this study regarding student motivation by teachers, we recommend that teachers can organize round-table discussions at the school level to familiarize themselves with the best student motivation practices. Meetings with teachers of various schools with motivation of students by teachers. To organize hours of internal qualifications in the school regarding the ways or techniques that can be used by the teacher during the educational process to motivate the students. To carry out trainings for teachers and executives from related affiliations with the motivation of students in the classroom.

Keywords: Teacher, Pupil, School, Motivation, Communication, Evaluation, Punishment.



Effective evidence-based psychosocial interventions for persons with disabilities with co-occurring mental illness: case studies

Suela Ndoja 1 , Dr.Kledi Bala 2 , Dr. Valdet Hoxha 3

1- Clinical Psychologist, Italian-Albanian Association “ProgettoSperanza” Shkoder, Albania2- Psychiatrist, Communitarian Centre of Mental Health, Shkoder, Albania

3- Psychiatrist, Regional Hospital of Psychiatry, Shkoder, Albaniaemail: sundoprospe@gmail.com

AbstractIntroduction: The National Strategy for Disability is a significant social

policy initiative designed to provide disability supports to people in Albania with permanent support needs due to physical, mental and/or intellectual challenges. It is based on principles of choice and control and takes a lifetime risk profile to its understanding of support needs. Despite this, the necessary interventions in regard to psycho-clinical mental health practice are not still well developed, its implications in regard to psychosocial disability services are not as well understood. Despite advances in antipsychotic medication for mental illness, it has become clear that medications alone are not sufficient for recovery and adaptive adjustment. (Slade,2013 ) Effective psychosocial interventions that enable persons with mental illnesses to cope with the disabling aspects of their illness and achieve personal goals are a necessary complement.

Aim: To present effective evidence-based psychosocial interventions for persons with disabilities with co-occurring mental illness by following golden principles of psycho-clinical practice.

Methodology: Two case studies (followed by a 5-year period)are described and analyzed according DSM-V (APA,2013), accomodated in homes family following effective psychosocial intervention for their functional recovery Results: Clinical cases (followed for a period of 4 years) demonstrate adaptive behavioral changes based on the principles applied throughout psychosocial interventions. Meanwhile, components such as individuality and the way of applying principles seem to yield useful results.

Conclusion: These are interventions that promote improvement, or prevent decline, in psychosocial functioning when used as continuous intervention.. Principles play a major role in understanding and treating in an effective manner the persons with disabilities with co-occurring mental illnesses. However, the findings remain to be discussed widely by mental health providers if the given


practical guidelines based principles can produce effective intervention in general psycho-clinical practice or for cases with certain characteristics.

Keywords: clinical practice, guidelines based principles, psychosocial interventions, persons with disabilities with co-occurring mental illnesses, case studies.




A recombinant avipoxvirus expressing the env gene of Zika virusas a novel putative preventive vaccine

Carlo De Giuli Morghena,b; Carlo Zanottob; Chiara Mandellib; Francesca Briviob; Antonia Radaellib

a Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel” Tirana, Albaniab Department of Medical Biotechnologies and Translational Medicine, Univ. of Milan, Italy

Corresponding author: Carlo De Giuli Morghen(c.degiulimorghen@unizkm.al)

AbstractPurposeZika virus (ZIKV) was first isolated from rhesus macaques in 1947 in

Uganda. It belongs to the Flavivirus genus and contains a single-stranded, positive-sense RNA genome of around 11 kb.

Although the virus may also be sexually and vertically transmitted, bites by Aedesaegypti and Aedesalbopictus mosquitoes represent the main route of infection. ZIKV infections are mainly asymptomatic but, in spite of the generally mild self-limiting symptoms, neurological complications may occur, such as microcephaly in the developing fetus and Guillain-Barré syndrome in adults, as the virus can infect human neural progenitor cells. Since it was introduced in Brazil in 2015, ZIKV has been declared a public health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO), as it may represent an international threat. Therefore, also considering its easy transmission from asymptomatic patients and the absence of any antiviral therapy, we designed and tested a recombinant immunogenic based on the genetic background of the fowl pox virus as a safe and effective vaccine.

Material and methodsHere, we report on the construction of a novel fowl pox-based

recombinant (FPzenv) that contains part of the capsid (c), the pre-membrane (membrane precursor) (Pr), the membrane (M) and the envelope (E) genes of ZIKV (cPrM-Env), and evaluated its safety and immunogenicity in a mouse model challenged with an epidemic ZIKVMR766 strain. For the assessment of transgene expression, the recombinant has been used to infect different cell lines (CEF, MRC-5 and Vero). Protein expression was verified by Western blotting and immuno fluorescence.


Results and conclusions1. The env gene of ZIKV is expressed by the FPzenv recombinant in

replication-restrictive mammalian Vero and MRC-5 cells2. specific humoral immunity is elicited in mice primed with DNAzenv and

boosted with the FPzenv recombinant3. interestingly, a significant increase in antibody titers was observed after

the T4 boost, corresponding to the FPzenv boost by the i.n. route In conclusion, we demonstrate that DNAzenv prime followed by FPzenv mucosal boost is safe and immunogenic. In vivo experiments in the mice model are in progress to verify the protective efficacy of this immunization regimen.

Keywords: avipoxvirus, env gene of Zika virus, vaccine


Folic acid and neural tube defects in women of reproductive age

Bianka Hoxhaa , Malvina Hoxhab , Bruno Zappacostab

a. Catholic University Our Lady of Good Counsel, Rruga Dritan Hoxha, Tirana, Albaniab. Department for Chemical-Toxicological and Pharmacological Evaluation of Drugs,Catholic University Our Lady of Good Counsel, Rruga Dritan Hoxha, Tirana, Albania

Corresponding author: Bianka Hoxha, email: bianka_hoxha@hotmail.com

AbstractIntroduction: The folic acid insufficiency is now a well-established risk

factor associated with neural tube defects(NTDs) globally.Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate the folate levels in women of

reproductive age (WRA) based on a recent recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO) for optimal blood folate concentrations for the prevention of NTDs. As a sensitive biomarker of long term folate status, red blood cell (RBC) folate concentration, has been directly related to NTDs risk in WRA.

Results: Birth defects affect 1% - 3% of birth, with an estimated NTDs prevalence of 0.75 - 3.12 per 1000 total births. 400 μg of folic acid daily for at least one month before becoming pregnant can prevent up to 70% of the NTDs cases.

Conclusion: Standardized surveillance protocols need to follow the proposed cut off at a population level, for RBC concentrations to be above 400 ng/mL (906 nmol/L), for achieving greater reductions in NTDs.

Keywords: folic acid, neural tube defects


The prevalence of auto antibodies and HLA- DRB1 alleles in Albanian patients with rheumatoid arthritis

1Margarita Kurti, 2José Manuel Nunes, 1Zamira Ylli, 2Alicia Sanchez-Mazas, 1Genc Sulcebe

1 Laboratory of Immunology and Histocompatibility, University Hospital Center of Tirana, Albania,2 Laboratory of Anthropology, Genetics and Peopling History, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Corresponding author: Margarita Kurti, email: priftimarita@yahoo.it

AbstractThe prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis and of its specific auto antibodies vary

in different populations. This variability depends on the genetic polymorphism of the immune response genes among which the HLA system plays a major role. In this context we studied the frequencies of HLA-DRB1 and -DQB1 alleles in 100 Albanian patients with RA and taking into account their RF, ACPA and ANA serologic subgroups we compared them with the respective frequencies in a population of 191 normal Albanian individuals. No differences were found between the controls and the RA patient group as a whole but a statistical difference was found at the DRB1*04 locus between the controls and ACPA+ (P = 0.006), RF+ (P = 0.006) and ACPA+/RF+ (P = 0.004) patient subgroups, in the DRB1*11 locus between the controls and ACPA+/RF+ (P = 0.01) and ANA+/RF-/ACPA- (P = 0.05) patients and in the DRB1*13 locus between the controls and RF+ (P = 0.01) as well as ACPA+/RF+ RA (P = 0.03) patient subgroups. An inverse relationship was found in the European populations between the RA predisposing DRB1*04 and the protective DRB1*11 alleles (r =-0.703 ; P = 0.001). The relative low DRB1*04 and high DRB1*11 allele frequencies in the Albanian population could explain the rather low positivity rate of ACPA and RF antibodies among Albanian RA patients.

Nevertheless, the statistically significant correlations found between some HLA-DRB1 alleles and the different RA patient subgroups classified according to their specific autoantibody results can serve as a starting point for a further more detailed high resolution characterization of the relationships between HLA genotypes, RA clinical phenotypes as well as the disease progression.

Keywords: HLA- DRB1 alleles, rheumatoid arthritis.


Validation of a High-Performance Liquid Chromatography method used for the determination of Mycophenolic Acid in Renal Transplantation

Mikaela Kolaci*, Leonard Deda***National Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices, Tirana, Albania,

mikaela_kolaci@yahoo.com**Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Tirana, Albania,


AbstractBackground: Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) and its active metabolite,

mycophenolic acid (MPA) are immunosuppressive agents used in transplantation for the prevention of acute rejection. The inter-patient variability in MPA exposure is wide compared with the therapeutic window.

Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) for mycophenolic acid (MPA) levels in renal transplantation has been suggested to optimize outcomes by reducing rejection or drug related toxicities.

Method: A simple, rapid and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography method combined with protein precipitation has been validated for the determination the concentration of mycophenolic acid in human plasma. HPLC analysis was carried out using the chromatographic system Agilent Technologies 1200 DAD. Samples were injected manually and the compounds were separated on a C18 analytical column. The mobile phase was 45:55 (v/v) acetonitrile-buffer phosphate, pH 2.5, flow rate of 1.0mL/min and column temperature at 30°C. Detection was performed at 215nm.

Chromatographic run time was about 8 min. Precipitation of plasma proteins was performed by the addition of acetonitrile. Naproxen was used as internal standard.

The method was subject to validation.Conclusion: The method showed appropriate linearity for MPA with

correlation coefficient greater than 0.999. The precision and accuracy of intra-day and inter-day of this HPLC assay is suitable for routine therapeutic drug monitoring applications. This HPLC-UV method for the determination of MPA concentration in human plasma is simple and suitable to be used for therapeutic monitoring. This method was successfully applied in the analysis of human plasma from renal transplanted patients followed at the Hospital Center of Mother Theresa.

Keywords: mycophenolic acid, HPLC method, renal transplantation.


Impact of national policies on the use of antibiotics in the hospital sector in Albania

Silvi Bozo 1 , Eftiola Pojani 2

1,2 Faculty of Pharmacy, Catholic University ‘’Our Lady of Good Counsel’’, Tirana, AlbaniaCorresponding author: Silvi Bozo, s.bozo@unizkm.al

AbstractObjective: The irrational use of antibiotics is one of the key factors for

antibiotic resistance which represents nowadays a serious threat to public health worldwide. National policies in the hospital sector, through Antibiotic Stewardship Programs (ASPs) are considered to be essential in order to improve clinical outcomes associated with antibiotic use, minimize toxicity and other side effects, reduce public health costs, and limit the spread of resistance. The aim of this work is to investigate the presence of national and/or local guidelines and target antibiotic control interventions in the hospital sector in Albania.

Materials and methods: A systematic literature review of studies on antibiotic use in the hospitals, antibiotic prescribing practices and consumption in Albania was performed. Studies included a Point Prevalence Survey conducted by the authors in the University Hospital Centre ‘’Mother Theresa’’ in Tirana, Albania for the same purpose.

Results: Our study as well as other studies in the last decade, show that data on antibiotic use in Albania are scarce and fragmentary. The prevalence of antibiotic use in the Albanian hospitals is relatively high. On the other side, there is a lack of guidelines both at national and local level.

Therefore, prescription of antibiotics was often performed based on the physician medical experience, through the consultation of international guidelines and in some cases simply following the advice of an infectious diseases specialist.

Conclusion: Data of our study as well as those of previous studies conducted in Albania, identify important areas that need interventions in the Albanian hospitals. A national policy should be undertaken in order to address all factors related to antibiotic prescription, especially at hospital level such as periodic surveillance of antibiotic consumption, design and implementation of local guidelines, development of education programs and collaboration with organizations operating in this sector at regional, European and global level.

Keywords: antibiotics, national policies, hospital sector.


The importance of pleural biopsy in diagnosis of its diseases

Prof. Dr. Gojard Cerga 1 , Dr. Daniela Xhemalaj 2

1 UniversityCollege Logos, Tirana2 Universitary Hospital Shefqet Ndroqi, Tirana

Corresponding author: Gojard Cerga cergag@hotmail.com

AbstractIntroduction: This study was conducted to highlight the value of pleural

biopsy in recurrent pleural effusion of unknown etiology and pleural mass or thickening.

Material & Methods: This descriptive study was conducted during one year period in the Universitary Hospital “Shefqet Ndroqi” in Tirana and included 1050 cases with pleural effusion. For each case anamnestic data, clinical examination and reason of biopsy were analyzed. The obtained materials were placed in 10% formalin container and sent to histo pathological laboratory.

Routine stain was hematoxylin and eosin.Results: The most frequent of pleural effusion was tuberculosis infection

(22.16%), indeterminate chronic infection (19.21%) and meta adenocarcinoma (14.28%).

Conclusion: - Biopsia e pleures eshte nje procedure invasive e lehte e sigurte e cila ka

nje vlere diagnostike te madhe ne rastet e efusioneve pleurale sidomos ne eksudatet e zgjatura dhe te perseritura me etiologji te pa qarte.

- Biopsia e pleures aplikohet me sukses ne rastet e trashjeve te pleures apo masave ne te.

- Rezultatet e larta ne venjen e diagnoses kane lidhje me kuadrin mjekesor te kualifikuar qe mere biopsine si dhe nivelin e larte te specializimit te histoipatologut.

Keywords: pleural biopsy, lung diseases


The value of testing with anti-gliadin, anti-endomysial (ema-iga), and anti-tissue transglutaminase in diagnosis of celiac disease

Anila Mitre, Migena Nezha, Sonada Daja, Elfrida DemceIntermedica Laboratory, Tirana

Corresponding author: Migena Nezha, email: migenanezha27@gmail.com

AbstractCeliac disease is known as gluten-sensitive enteropathy. It is caused by the

consumption of foods containing gluten. Considerable amounts of gluten are found in wheat, rye and barley. The disease is inherited and genetic sensitivity is associated with a unique HLA marker. The purpose of this study is to show the diagnostic value of the immune tests used to detect celiac disease.

The groups in the study include children from 2 to 14 years diagnosed, or suspect Celiac disease from Albania and Kosovo. Immunological blood tests that are used to diagnose and monitor this disease include Anti-gliadin, Anti-endomysial (EMA-IgA), and Anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies. Method used to measure anti-endomysial(EMA-IgA) antibodies is indirect immunofluorescence, as well as for the measurement of anti-tissue transglutaminase and anti-gliadin Elisa . After statistical processing, the following conclusions were reached: Tests with the highest specificity and sensitivity in the diagnosis of celiac disease are Anti-endomysial (EMA-IgA) and Anti-transglutaminase IgA. Anti-gliadin antibody test has lower sensitivity but is the test ideal for monitoring this disease. We recommend to alternate all three tests to achieve the highest efficiency.


Implementation of a quality management system in Clinical laboratories. The role of medical staff on improving laboratory performance.

Dr. Ridvana MediuFaculty of Applied Sciences

University College “ LOGOS”email: tridvana@yahoo.com

AbstractIn the last decade, the development of technology and the automation

of laboratory testing processes have marked remarkable progress in the field of Laboratory Medicine. The realization of the role of the medical laboratory as an support in clinical diagnosis, patient monitoring by means of quality and accurate laboratory tests requires the implementation of a total quality management system in medical laboratories. Identifying quality indicators as a basic tool to ensure quality in the Laboratory is a decisive step that enables user training to ensure reliable results. The Total Quality Management (TQM) implementation involves coordination of Quality control (QC), Quality Assurance (QA), Quality improvement (QI) and Quality plan (QP). Quality is the responsibility of laboratory staff, clinicians and primary care physicians.

The education, training, competence and motivation of the laboratory's technical personnel are key factors in this process. Active participation by everyone involved in the system is necessary to meet quality standards and to continuously improve performance in medical laboratories.

Although the laboratory has an important role in providing high-quality patient care, there is still no agreement on the protocols used on quality control at all stages of the testing process.

Keywords: clinical laboratories, TQM. implementation, performance,

quality assurance


Immunization program in Albania; identification of efficacy indicators

E.Pojani 1 , S.Bozo 2 , I. Mehmeti 3

1,2,3 Faculty of Pharmacy, Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel”, Tirana, AlbaniaCorresponding author: EftiolaPojani, e.pojani@unizkm.al

AbstractIntroduction: Vaccination against infectious agents is one of the most

widespread and important approaches to the primary prevention of diseases in the population of the world. Equally important is the close monitoring of the immunization program itself. Surveillance system as an Epidemiologic Method is invented to monitor trends, detect problems and raise hypotheses to be tested furthermore. Immunization level rate as measurement provides as well the information needed which leads to the understanding of the actual progress of vaccination program.

Methodology: To accomplish the purpose of this study, we referred to epidemiological methods such as a detailed analysis of the National Surveillance Database of vaccine-prevented diseases and a qualitative control of the national immunization program database.

Results: The reporting of diphtheria or tetanus diseases in the population of Albania remains below the level of 2 cases per year dropping to almost 0 cases after the application of the pentavalent vaccine in 2009; whereas Pertussis, follows a different trend, with high incidence rates encountered every 3 to 5 years. During the evaluation of immunization rate with three doses of DTP vaccine, an increase in coverage levels was observed; from 20% in 1980 to 70% in 2000, 83% in 2012 to 96% in 2016.

Conclusions: The downward trend of infectious disease incidence (treated in this study), as well as optimal vaccine coverage levels are convincing evidences of correct use and effectiveness of vaccination program in Albania.

Keywords: Immunzation programme, efficacy indicators


Adverse Events Following Immunization in Albanian Children: A comparison between Albania and other countries

Irsida MehmetiDepartment of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel”,

Tirana, AlbaniaSilva Bino

Control of Infectious Diseases Department, Institute of Public Health Tirana, AlbaniaCorresponding author:Irsida Mehmeti, email i.mehmeti@unizkm.al

AbstractPurpose of the study : This study aims to compare Adverse Events

Following Immunization in Albania rates in Albania, type of events reported, frequency of serious cases and comparing them with other countries and with WHO background rates of each event, especially of serious ones, in the vaccine information sheet for each vaccine.

Methodology : Through a systematic review of published studies which documented the AEFI rates in different countries at regional or national level, in different surveillance systems: active surveillance and passive surveillance, a total of 31 articles were chosen for full reading of the content. The articles documented AEFI reporting rates at national or sub national level. The included articles were in English or Italian language and included reporting rates of AEFI by vaccine, category of reaction or age. Reporting rates were dose bases or population based.

Reporting rates were calculated using either the administered doses or distributed doses as the denominator.

Results: The Adverse Events Following Immunization in Albania were ; 3.9/100, 000 administered doses . This value comes closer with that of Switzerland which has a rate of 2,7/100,000 distributed doses and that of Zhejang Province of China which had a rate of 9.2/100, 000 administered doses. Serious events in Albania represented about 21% of all reported AEFI cases. The range for serious events in other countries ranged from 0.7%-14.2 %. Fever was the most reported event in Albania. This was consistent with studies from Denmark, Singapore, India, Italy , Democratic Republic of Congo, Cuba , Spain, Australia and USA.

Conclusions: Albania has the lowest reporting rate of all countries and regions reviewed. AE reporting rates vary among different cultural differences in various countries

Keywords: Immunization in Albanian children, adverse events


Laboratory data on subclinical hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism

Hamide Sefa, Ndok MarkuUniversity Hospital Center “ Mother Theresa”, Tirana

email: ndok.marku@yahoo.com

AbstractAim: To evaluate laboratory findings of subclinical hypothyroidism and

hyperthyroidism on outpatients, their frequencies, gender and age distribution and their causes.

Methods: We performed a prospective cohort study including 144 outpatients, mean age 50.11 +- 18.65 years, for 4 months from September 2018 to December 2018, with abnormal values of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). The patients were tested for anti-thyroglobulin (TG) with ELISA assay.

Results: Subclinical hypothyroidism has a frequency of 12.5% while subclinical hyperthyroidism has a frequency of 8.4%. Subclinical thyroid diseases are found more often in females with 87%, and the ratio male/female is 1/6.8. The mean age on subclinical hypothyroidism is 46 +-18.1 years and on subclinical hyperthyroidism is 56 +-17.49 years. On both diseases prevail mild forms respectively with 88.6% and 68%. We measured 91 outpatients for anti-Tg and got 21 positive tests, including 11 tests positive for anti-TPO the autoimmune disease is present on 27.4% of patients, multinodulargoiter on 9.4%, iatrogenic cause on 9.4% and don’t have data for 53.8% of patients.

Keywords: TSH, anti-Tg, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, subclinical.


The value of Troponine I in the identification of myocardial infarction.

Anila Mitre, Ina Mulla, Iva Myrta, Ina ToskaIntermedica Laboratory, Tirana

Corresponding author: Ina Mulla, email Inamulla1991@gmail.com

AbstractIntroduction: Myocardial infarction occurs when blood pressure drops or

stops at a part of the heart and this causes necrosis of the heart muscle in that area.

Objectives: The purpose of this study is to show that Troponina I is a valuable marker in identifying myocardial infarction and comparing its values with those of other highly sensitive and specific Troponin T.

Material and Methods: In this study, 141 patients with age 40 -80 years are analyzed for both Troponin I and Troponin T markers at the Intermedica laboratory. The data obtained underwent statistical processing EXCEL and SPSS, one-factor analysis of variance, ROC curve and Box plot.

Results: After statistical processing, the following conclusions were reached: Troponin I is a valuable marker in identifying myocardial infarction. Its sensitivity and specificity are comparable to those of troponin T.

Keywords: troponine I, myocardial infarction


Vitamin D deficiency in healthy people and its relationship with gender and age

Sidorela DervishiIntermedica Center Laboratory

Email: sidorela.dervishi70@gmail.com

AbstractVitamin D is a group of fat-soluble secosteroids responsible for increasing

intestinal absorption of calcium, magnesium, and phosphate, and multiple other biological effects. In humans, the most important compounds in this group are vitamin D 3 (also known as cholecalciferol) and vitamin D 2 (ergocalciferol ).

Vitamin D deficiency (VDD) is a public health concern in people worldwide and many studies are being done to find the causes of vitamin D deficiency.

There is considerable controversy and conflicting studies on relationship between serum vitamin D in healthy individuals and ageing. The aim of this study is to test the relationship between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin vitamin D with age groups and gender in a group of Albanian healthy individuals. In this current cross-sectional study, 200 healthy individuals were selected. Serum vitamin D levels were measured using Cobas 6000 .The age of the participants was 20-70 years, 122 of them were females and 78 were males. In this study, 69% of individuals had vitamin D deficiency, 18 % had marginal deficiency and 13% had a normal vitamin D levels. This study showed a significant relationship between vitamin D and age of subjects(r=0.23, P=0.02).

Conclusion: High percentage of vitamin D deficiency in the participants of our study requires more attention to this public health entity. A direct relationship between serum vitamin D level and the age of healthy individuals requires further investigation.

Keywords: Vitamin D, Deficiency, Gender, Age


Specific Relevance of Laboratory Examinations in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease-Our Experience

Admir Nake 1 , Elizana Petrela 1

University of Medicine, Tirana, AlbaniaEmail: adi.nake@yahoo.com

AbstractIntroduction: Main causes of different chronic lesion and liver cirrhosis are

alcohol and viruses.Indicators of fibrosis and some other laboratory examinations find

application in different stages of liver diseases. Comparative selection of these indicators is irreplaceable in treatment, monitoring and prognosis Aim: Features of selected laboratory examinations as cholesterolemia(Chol), triglyceridemia(Tri), bile canalicular enzymes, such as ALP (alkaline phosphatase), GGT (gamaglutamil transferase) in patients with chronic liver lesions including cirrhosis, and observation and usefulness of index of fibrosis that takes into account ALT and platelets.

Material and Methods: Fibrosis index is calculated in 30 normal patients, 16 patients with chronic alcoholism, 26 with alcoholic cirrhosis and 24 with viral cirrhosis. Also, we compared Cholesterolemia, trigliceridemia, alkaline phosphates and gama glutamil transferase among these groups.

Results: Fibrosis index: Control group:0.188±0.1, ethyl cirrhosis 0.998±0.877( p<0.0001); Cirrhosis 2.11±2.6 compared with chronic alcoholism 0.463±0.385(p=0.0014);Ethyl cirrhosis compared with chronic alcoholism(p=0.034); viral cirrhosis 3.27±3.29 compared with ethyl cirrhosis 0.918±0.877( p<0.017); Chol:chronic alcoholism=186±48.9; ethyl cirrhosis 117±41.7(p<0.0001); viral cirrhosis= 99.9±53.2;ethyl cirrhosis(p=0.24) Tri:chronic alcoholism =80.3±32.9; Ethyl cirrhosis=92.9±55 (p=0.47),viral cirrhosis=78.9±35.2, ethyl cirrhosis(p=0.32).

GGT chronic alcoholism=119±122, ethyl cirrhosis=98.3±86.8(p=0.51); viral cirrhosis compared with ethyl cirrhosis(p=0.27);ALP viral cirrhosis=160±87.5 ethyl cirrhosis=124±46.4(p=0.089) chronic ethylism= 67.8±16.8, ethyl cirrhosis 124±46.4(p=0.0001).

Conclusion: Index of fibrosis and Chol but not Tri, ALP but not GGT, reflect histopathological status of liver diseases. Index of fibrosis, give us additional information to medical decision making in chronic liver lesions, including cirrhosis.


Determination of total calcium in the bloodstream by the contemporary photometric method with Arsenazo III chromogen

Dr. Steljan BuzoUniversity College ”Logos”

Email: steljan.buzo@kulogos.edu.al

AbstractIntroduction: The determination of calcium in the blood stream is

increasingly required in everyday medical practice. Today it is a necessity for the implementation of osteoporotic treatment protocols, a problematic pathology for today’s medicine.

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the determination of total calcium in the blood serum by the modern photometric method with Arsenazo III chromogen. This method is simple, fast, economical, and can be implemented in small healthcare labs.

Material and Method: The study determined the concentration of total calcium in 50 serum samples, obtained by receiving venous blood in gel tubes. Samples were analyzed by the end-point photometric method with Arsenazo III chromogen. The measurements were made with the programmable BTS-330 photometer. As a reference method, the calcium ion-selective electrode method, ISECa, was used.

The measurements of these same serums were performed on the automatic Sinova 005 electrolytometer. The data obtained were statistically processed using the ANOVA method. Mathematical-statistical elaboration pointed out that between the studied method and the etalon method, there is no substantial change (significant).

T-test resulted in p = 0.19>0.05, the correlation coefficient r>0.99 and regression equation y = 0.83 x + 1.4Conclusion: The total calcium determination method with Arsenazo III is

equivalent to the etalon method with a non-selective electrode. The method is correct, only uses a ready-to-case analytical reagent, economical and fast. It can be used in any medical lab that owns a photometer. The method allows the diagnosis of calcium metabolic disorders and the monitoring of osteoporosis therapy.

Keywords: Arsenazo III, Iono-selective electrode, End-Point method, total calcium


Folic acid and vitamin B12 levels in Albanian population

Ina ToskaIntermedica laboratory, TiranaEmail: ina.toska@yahoo.com

AbstractVitamin B12, which is also known as cobalamin is the largest of the B

complex vitamins.Abnormal low levels of Vitamin B12, recognized as hypocobalaminemia,

signal a breakdown of these biochemical processes, resulting in reaching biochemical and life consequences. Recent researches have pointed out connections between Vitamin B12 deficiency and folic levels, and have also clinically implicated in many conditions such as Megaloblastic anemia, Pernicious anemia, Sub-acute Combined Degenerations of the spinal cord, Peripheral neuropathies, psychiatric manifestations. The correlation between Vitamin B12 and the above noted complications seems to be the failure of the one-carbon-cycle due to Vitamin B12 low levels.

This laboratory observation studies Vitamin B12 levels amongst the Albanian population and the possible relation between Vitamin B12 and folic acid by examining the serum folic acid and cobalamin levels in a group of Albanian individuals.

Blood samples records of 2360 Albanian individuals were analyzed by determining biochemical parameters of serum Vitamin B12 and serum Folic Acid. The results show that the majority of patients had normal levels of both Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid. More specifically, 9.4% of the population had Vitamin B12 deficiency and 5.4% had Vitamin B12 sufficiency.

Keywords: folic acid, vitamin B12


Escherichia Coli, infection of surgical wounds

Zahide Sulejmani Md Phd, Eugena Erindi Md Phd., Dr. Xhilda QyraInstitut of Public Health, Tirana, Albania

Email: sulejmaniz@yahoo.com

AbstractBackground: Surgical Site Infection (SSI) is the most common healthcare

associated infection that could be averted by antibiotics prophylaxis against the probable offending organisms.

As Escherichia coli has been playing a substantial role in the etiology of SSIs.

Methods The clinical sample was collected from patient suspected to be suffering from SSI. The sample from the post-surgical wound was inoculated on Builo-9 ml sterile buffer after that on Blood agar and MacConkey’s agar. The plates were incubated aerobically at 37 o C for 24 hours.

The colonies suggestive of Escherichia Coli was identified by standard procedures.

Results: In this case presentation the patient, appears on 25.02.2018 at the QSUT surgical clinic with abdominal pain. Once the surgical intervention is performed, Neoformacion colon dextra.the patient starts the antibiotic treatment. Cefazoline 250mg, Amikacine 2x500mg, Metronidazole 3x100 ml. After 10 days the second oblique intervention is performed for:

Obstructive Mechanical Ileus. The second postharvest wound was more well, with wind blur, yellow, with rash and irritation of the skin.

The microbiological examination resulted in Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia Coli: with the corresponding antibiogram: Imipenem (R), Amikacine (S), Gentamicine (S), Cefalexine (R), Acid Nalidiksik (R).

Conclusions: Surgical antibiotic prophylaxis should be initiated at the moment of anesthetic administration and continued for 24 hours. Escherichia Coli being the predominant organism causing SSIs.

Keywords: wound, post-surgical, nosocomial infectio, prevention.


Correlation between thyroid ultrasonography and thyroid function tests

Minxuri. D, 1,2 Kostrista. E, 1 Budo. L 3, Rota T 1

1 University College “LOGOS”, Tirana2 Endomedika Clinic, Tirana

3 Faculty of Medicine, University of Medicine, TiranaCorresponding author : dorina.minxuri@kulogos.edu.al

AbstractThyroid disorders are frequently seen in clinical practice. Thyroid

ultrasonography (US) is commonly used in the diagnosis of thyroid diseases.Aim of this study was to evaluate the use of ultrasound examination of

thyroid gland and its echogenicity as a screening method in early detection of thyroid dysfunction especially subclinical hypothyroidism.

Methods: Testing included 112 patients examined for thyroid disorders during 2017-2018. All patients underwent ultrasound examination of thyroid gland and blood was taken for determination of FT4, FT3, TSH, anti-TPO and anti-TG. The patients were divided into two groups. Group 1 with normal echogenicity of thyroid gland in ultrasound examination, and Group 2 with decreased echogenicity. We also assessed correlation between antibody activity and other ultrasonographic parameters such as heterogenicity, pseudo nodular infiltration, thyroid volume, vascularity, thyroid nodes or cysts.

Results: TSH, TPO antibodies and TG antibodies positivity and their mean values in Group 2 were significantly higher compared to Group A, p<0.001. Heterogenicitya nod pseudo nodular hypo echoic infiltration were associated with significantly higher TPO antibodies activity. There were no significant correlations between the other sonographic variables examined such as volume, cysts or nodules with the TPO and Tg antibody levels.

Conclusion: The ultrasound screening of thyroid gland plays an important role in early detection of thyroid dysfunction. Decreased ultrasound echogenicity represents a significant marker of altered thyroid gland function.

Key words: thyroid ultrasound, decreased echogenicity, anti TPO, thyroid function


The frequency of Cryptosporidiosis during the 2018

Valbona Gjoni (PhD) Control of Infectious Diseases Department

Institute of Public HealthE-mail: gjoni_valbona@yahoo.com

AbstractsAs an enteric pathogen parasite the coccidian Cryptosporidium spp. is

worldwide spread.It localizes onto the intestinal cells causing acute or chronic diarrhea in

pediatric cases and immunocompromised patients especially.Objective: To evaluate the level of vulnerabilitythrough the combination

of microscopic and immunological methods and the protocol efficacy of Cryptosporidium diagnoses.

Methods: During 2018 were examined samples. According to the patient schedule we collected data for any patient including age, gender, place of residence, presence or not of diarrhea , fever cramps, nausea, vomiting etc.

Stool samples were divided into two parts. First part was processed by sedimentation technique (formalin ether centrifugation). The diagnose was achieved by visualization of red oocysts in blue field of microscope (x100) stained with modified Ziehl Neelsen technique.

The second part of them was analyzed by Elisa R-Biopharm AG (RIDASCREENCryptosporidium) qualitative enzyme immuno-assay test.Conclusions: Cryptosporidium spp. as a waterborne zoonotic parasite must

be considered a emerging pathogen and not to be underestimate during the treatment. The combined use of laboratory methods undoubtedly improves greatly the establishment of a precise diagnose and theprofilaxis too.

Keywords: oocyst, pathogen, chronic, diarrhea, immunodiagnose.


The importance of Medical Veterinary control and care of Stray dogs

Florian Gjoni (MSc.) 1 , Valbona Gjoni (PhD) 2

1 The Consumer Protection Agency, Veterinary Sector Tirana Municipality2 Control of Infectious Diseases Department Institute of Public Health

E-mail: floriangjoni1981@gmail.com

AbstractsZoonotic infections are widespread all over the world and play an important

role in public health.The reporting data of stray dogs control are sporadic and the used

strategies in our country needs to ameliorate.Objective: To assess the general health conditions and the parasitic burden

of stray dogs, in Tirana area, introducing with our integrated activities and avoiding the risk of re-infections.

Methods: After the staff of experienced and trained veterinarians, examined dogs for any sign of illness, clinical stool samples were taken. During 2017-2018, there were 250 cases of urban dogs, analyzed for gastrointestinal parasites especially.

According to our data: the age group was ranged from 4 months to 13 years. We combined the concentration, and the sedimentation methods. Diagnose was made by identifying the adult worms with free eyes and trophozoites, cysts, eggs and larvae by microscope.

The prevalence resulted at 31.2%. Tiny puppies below five years old were most at risk. Males were most infected than females. The positive analyzed samples displayed the common presence of infestation by Taenia (32%), Toxocara canis (26.9%), Ancylostoma caninum (21.8%), Giardia (19.2%) etc. In most cases was observed the presence of combined infestations.

No strong infection seasonality was observed.Conclusions: According to the available data this period performed that:

Gastrointestinal parasites are spread widely in stray dogs. It&#39;s very important the systematic control, appropriate and regular medical treatment, care on cleaning and disinfection, and prevention of the animal diseases. Every institutional and individual subject or factor should contribute with their important role managing and get proper funds for stray dogs control and care to have a clean environment.

Keywords: parasitic burden, zoonosis, age group, prevalence.


The assessment of the needs of mental health professionals - the psychiatric ward, Tirana

Msc. Ermelinda SatkaLecturer, Agriculture University of Tirana, Faculty of Economy and Agribusiness,

e-mail: ermelinda-satka@hotmail.com

AbstractThe health system is facing various challenges related to the health care

quality. One of many factors that contribute to the quality of services has to do with health professionals who deal with a variety of needs and problems in the work environment. For this reason, the purpose of the study is to identify and assess the needs of perceived mental health professionals who work at the Psychiatric Ward in Tirana. The qualitative method is used to realize this study.

The main instrument used for data collection was semi-structured interviews with 15 health professionals working in the psychiatric pavilion.

Data analysis showed that the needs of professionals (psychiatrists, nurses, psychologists and social workers) in the Psychiatric Ward were from the most different and biggest ones. In a synthesized way , their needs dealt with insufficient number of professional staff, lack of continuous training and specialization, the risk exposure, the violence, the stress and the lack of their management. One of the most important results of this study was that the relevant structures provide a little opportunities to support and accomplish the needs faced by the professional staff. Work environment needs, were as similar and as different between the professional staff, but the one required and highlighted was referred to the improving and addressing of these needs.

For this reason, it is recommended that more studies should be conducted on this topic and on the need of a strong Department of Human Resources in Psychiatric Ward.

Keywords: Mental health, health professionals, need care, mental health, mental disorders, multidisciplinary teams



On the Importance of the Turing Test

Ilia NinkaApplied Informatics Department

University College “LOGOS”, TiranaEmail: ilia.ninka@yahoo.com

AbstractThe significance of the Turing Test does not lie in the test itself, but in

the encouragement and impetus it has made to walk boldly on an unknown ground. Though computers in 1950 were like fingers, the item in question served as the yeast for the conception of search in a new field that would then be called Artificial Intelligence. The true value of the Turing Test lies in the energies it liberated to move to an unexplored ground before, which led to the emergence of a new direction from the most enthusiastic in Informatics, that of Artificial Intelligence. The original question “Can Machines Think”, which focuses more on the machine, can also be put in another form:

Is Man a Machine ?, focusing more on man. In conclusion , we can say that the Turing Test can ‘t serve as an Artificial Intelligence Measurement measure. Today it is difficult to say whether machines (computers) can or can’t think. Nor can it be said whether man is or is not a machine. What arises today in artificial intelligence research is the renunciation of the philosophical discussion of the terms “machine”, &quot;thinking”, “man” and the focus on building software, equipment, robots that are incredibly useful for man and who perform jobs that he is unable to perform without them. And apparently this remains the best answer to the question posed by Turing: Can the machines think?

Keywords: Turing Test, machine, think, man, artificial intelligence, Loebner Prize, chatbot, imitation game


Modeling of medical data with regression methods

Luela Prifti 1,2 , Denisa Salillari 1

1 Polytechnic University of Tirana,2 Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel”, Tirana

Corresponding author: Luela prifti email: luela_p@yahoo.com

AbstractThe regression methods describe the relationship between a response

variable and one or more explanatory variables. In a logistic regression model the response variable is a binary one. The choice of a parametric model and the assumptions reflect the difference between the logistic and linear regression.

Testing for the significance of the coefficients is one of the main steps in estimating the model. This paper review the differences of linear regression and logistic regression and present an application of logistic model with medical data. The numerical model is given presenting the use of logistic regression and discussing the statistics and the associated p-values.

Keywords: logistic regression, test of significance, categorical data.


Information system in support of construction industry

Ana Ktona1, Julia Marku 2 , Gazmira Brahushi 31 Associate Professor, Department of Informatics, University of Tirana

2 Student in Informatics, Master of Science, University of Tirana3 Applied Informatics Department, LOGOS University CollegeCorresponding author: Ana Ktona, ana.ktona@fshn.edu.al

AbstractThe quality of construction materials is very important in having qualitative,

durable and safe buildings. Creating patterns to find the parameters that affect the quality of building materials requires expertise This required process results in a large volume of work that influences the effectiveness of determining the quality of the materials. Can Data Mining methods facilitate the process of quality determination for building materials? The objective of this paper is to answer this question through experiments. An information system that will support the construction industry in the process of improvement the materials will be built.

Keywords: Information System, Data Mining, Construction Industry


Using R to analyze the Albanian language features

Denisa Salillari 1 , Luela Prifti 1, 2

1 Polytechnic University of Tirana,2 Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel”, Tirana.

salillaridenisa@yahoo.com luela_p@yahoo.com

AbstractThe statistical analysis of the Albanian language features is one of the main

problems faced by the Albanian phonetics researchers. This paper aims to analyze the Albanian language features using statistical software R. A statistical analysis of letters and words in Albanian language is presented in this paper.

Analyzing the database from 107 Albanian texts with statistical methods in R, the distribution of words is defined and the interval estimation of the mean for letters in a word is also presented. The second order Markov chain is one of the models built for language features of Albanian texts. We compare this model with models of Markov chains of different orders built for Albanian texts. As result, the estimation of words distribution Zipf law, explains why the best model to fit the language features of Albanian texts is the second order Markov chain.

Keywords: distribution of words, interval estimation, Albanian language, Markov chain


Microfluidic and microchip design optimization based on nature vascular strategies

Msc. Marsela AbdiEmail: marsiabdi1994@gmail.com

AbstractNature has served as the basis for many scientific developments. There

are many examples where engineers are inspired by nature and they have optimized or solved many technical problems over the years. Biomimetics is an interdisciplinary field of study where ideas are taken from nature and are used to solve or optimize many technical problems.

The purpose of this paper is to study and analyze different ways of transport system of nutrients in nature to tissue structures using arteries and veins of the circulary system. In nature, there are optimized nutrition transport network designs, which consist of the best distribution of nutrients in order to save energy. Knowing and understanding how network system biology works, how vascular tubes are formed, and how nutrients are distributed in the development of biomimetic transport systems as found in nature, will help in understanding how microchip construction can be optimized.

By the optimized design the fluids are efficiently distributed in order to save resources. This model can be used in many biomimetic applications. The formation and design of blood vessels is complicated and its proper functioning is vital. Organisms like the human body cover a very sophisticated system of blood vessels, where we find similarities to that in nature. By using biomaterials, there is possible an observation of the distribution of hydrogel through the channels and we can also see how biology has optimized this network in order to save energy and create a better design for a full distribution in all branches.

Keyword: Biomimetics, Molecular Biology, Cardiovascular System, Microfluids


Web applications based on Laravel framework

Xhezmije Lulo1, Gazmira Brahushi2 , Olta Petritaj3

1,2,3 Applied Informatics Department, LOGOS University CollegeCorresponding author: Xhezmije Lulo email: xhezmije_palushi@hotmail.com

AbstractModel View Controller (MVC) is a method that supports different

frameworks. It is very important for web developers and project managers to identify the best MVC framework.

Laravel is a MVC web-development framework written in PHP and one of the frameworks for web application development that gives solution improving software quality and offering true code modularity. This paper discusses MVC frameworks based on PHP and explains why Laravel is proposed as the most suitable PHP framework for future web technology.

Keywords: MVC, laravel, PHP Framework


• The study of Religion in the Early Christian Literature ..............................Georgios Gaitanos

• General characteristics of the evolution of Orthodox Worship:A Liturgical Approach (1st-15th centuries) ..................................................Georgios Keselopoulos

• Human value and bioethical dilemmas .....................................................Thoma Çomëni

• Language and cultural studies, migration effects in Albania ...................Natalina Hoti

• “Do women sit more than men at work?”: A diary study of sedentary behavior in Greek office employees .............................................................Filotheos Ntalianis, Andreas Gkinis

• The Merger as a possible solution to solve the business crisis ..................Maurizio Rija

• The Economic Impact of Brexit-ing for EU; UK and USA and the Option of Brexin .....................................................................................Fisnik Brovina, Emira Spahaj

• Internationalization and family business: A case study of a company that internationalized in Albania .................................................................Tonia Tassone, Francesca Aura, Caterina Aura, Rosetta Pasqualina Miracco

• Undeclared work in Albania:Dimension and consequences .............................Emiljan Karma

• PPP in Albania, an analysis of costs and benefits .............................................Iva Sulaj, Klejda Gabeshi















• Learning Project in Preschool Education ...................................................Erleta Celmeta (Mato)

• Some practical tips to teach vocabulary in EFL classes .............................Marsela Harizaj

• Intercultural Education-the new approach of the Albanian school system ........Edlira Bejko

• Teacher Talk and some practical tips for Trainees & EFL teachers ............Veneranda Hajrulla

• Foreign Language Teaching in multicultural context in Albania ...............Elona Mehilli (Kolaj)














• The Econometrics of the ‘Market Model’: Some Empirical Evidencefrom the United Kingdom ............................................................................Klejda Gabeshi, Iva Sulaj

• The effects of Brexit in bilateral relations between Europe and Great Britain .................................................................................................Elvis Xhori

• Is start-up the engine of Albanian Economy? ...........................................Blerim Kola, Jehona Gjermizi

• Developments of the RRT and an analysis of a case study .......................Denajda Çibuku, Olta Petritaj, Entela Kostrista

• International communication tools: Corporate blogs, Community marketing, Guerilla marketing and Viral marketing ..................................................................Enxhi Marku, Erion Shehu

• Statistical Methods for the Identification and Analysis of the Relation between Education and Labour Market in Albania .....................................Entela Kostrista, Klejda Gabeshi

• Legal Regime of Companies Under Romanian Law No.31/1990 ..............Bledar Ilia, Lucian Sauleanu


• A recombinant avipoxvirus expressing the env gene of Zika virusas a novel putative preventive vaccine ........................................................Carlo De Giuli Morghen, Carlo Zanotto, Chiara Mandelli, Francesca Brivio, Antonia Radaelli

• Folic acid and neural tube defects in women of reproductive age ............Bianka Hoxha, Malvina Hoxha, Bruno Zappacosta

• The prevalence of auto antibodies and HLA- DRB1 alleles in Albanian patients with rheumatoid arthritis ...............................................................Margarita Kurti, José Manuel Nunes, Zamira Ylli, Alicia Sanchez-Mazas, Genc Sulcebe

• Validation of a High-Performance Liquid Chromatography method used for the determination of Mycophenolic Acid in Renal Transplantation ........Mikaela Kolaci, Leonard Deda

• Impact of national policies on the use of antibiotics in the hospital sector in Albania ..........................................................................................Silvi Bozo, Eftiola Pojani

• The importance of pleural biopsy in diagnosis of its diseases ...................Gojard Cerga, Daniela Xhemalaj

• The value of testing with anti-gliadin, anti-endomysial (ema-iga), and anti-tissue transglutaminase in diagnosis of celiac disease .................Anila Mitre, Migena Nezha, Sonada Daja, Elfrida Demce


• Effective evidence-based psychosocial interventions for persons with disabilities with co-occurring mental illness: case studies ...........................Suela Ndoja, Dr. Kledi Bala, Dr. Valdet Hoxha











• Teacher motivation of students in teaching processes, an important factor for achieving positive results .............................................................Armanda Xhani Baça


• Implementation of a quality management system in Clinical laboratories. The role of medical staff on improving laboratory performance.....................Ridvana Mediu

• Immunization program in Albania; identification of efficacy indicators ....E.Pojani, S.Bozo, I. Mehmeti

• Adverse Events Following Immunization in Albanian Children: A comparison between Albania and other countries ...........................................Irsida Mehmeti

• Laboratory data on subclinical hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism .......Hamide Sefa, Ndok Marku

• The value of Troponine I in the identification of myocardial infarction......Anila Mitre, Ina Mulla, Iva Myrta, Ina Toska

• Vitamin D deficiency in healthy people and its relationship with gender and age .....................................................................................Sidorela Dervishi

• Specific Relevance of Laboratory Examinations in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease-Our Experience ........................................................................Admir Nake, Elizana Petrela

• Determination of total calcium in the bloodstream by the contemporary photometric method with Arsenazo III chromogen ......................................Steljan Buzo

• Folic acid and vitamin B12 levels in Albanian population ..........................Ina Toska

• Escherichia Coli, infection of surgical wounds ...........................................Zahide Sulejmani , Eugena Erindi , Xhilda Qyra

• Correlation between thyroid ultrasonography and thyroid function tests .......Minxuri. D, Kostrista. E, Budo. L, Rota T

• The frequency of Cryptosporidiosis during the 2018 .................................Valbona Gjoni














• On the Importance of the Turing Test .......................................................Ilia Ninka

• Modeling of medical data with regression methods ................................Luela Prifti, Denisa Salillari

• Information system in support of construction industry ...........................Ana Ktona, Julia Marku, Gazmira Brahushi

• Using R to analyze the Albanian language features .................................Denisa Salillari, Luela Prifti

• Microfluidic and microchip design optimization based on nature vascular strategies ...............................................................................................Marsela Abdi

• Web applications based on Laravel framework ........................................Xhezmije Lulo, Gazmira Brahushi, Olta Petritaj


• The importance of Medical Veterinary control and care of Stray dogs ....Florian Gjoni, Valbona Gjoni

• The assessment of the needs of mental health professionals - the psychiatric ward, Tirana .............................................................................Ermelinda Satka









CIP Katalogimi në botim BK Tiranë

Universiteti “Logos”3-rd International Conference in Human, Social andApplied Sciences : 11 April 2019, Tirana : bookof abstracts / Universiteti “Logos”. – Tiranë :Kisha Orthodhokse Autoqefale e Shqipërisë, 201966 f. ; 17 x 24 cm.ISBN 978-9928-266-08-8

1. Sociologjia 2. Shkenca të jetës 3. Konferenca

316 (062)

6 (062)