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3PL TodayPromoting Best Practice in Modern Logistics

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The past year has been a challengingtime for the logistics industry with thefall out from the recession and ongoing

doubts over the Eurozone continuing to havean impact across all industry sectors.

And yet there are opportunities: therecession has forced companies to undertakea root and branch review of their businesspractices and, as a result, many have come torealise that it makes a lot of sense to focus ontheir core activity and outsource other elementsof their business to specialists.

I am pleased to say that UKWA has notexperienced any significant drop in membernumbers throughout the recession. In fact,year-on-year membership figures show amodest net growth.

Paradoxically, many of our membershave come to see the sustained economicuncertainty as having a positive impact onthe 3PL sector. They contend that, while as anation we continue to rely more and moreon imports, 3PLs will be ever more indemand to store and deliver the goodswe’re importing.

Certainly, the services that a good 3PLcan offer to a company – regardless of theindustry sector in which it operates – can beinvaluable.

And, driven in part by the onlineshopping revolution, the type of servicesavailable from a 3PL have evolved waybeyond traditional pallet storage.

For example, there is a growing belief

that after sales and customer service will bethe next business disciplines that forwardthinking companies will choose to outsourceto specialists and the third party logisticsindustry is ideally placed to capitalize on thistrend.

One particular UKWA member recentlyreported that it has developed the after salesand reverse logistics services that it offers tothe extent that some 30 per cent of itsannual turnover is generated this way.

The company offers a call centre to fieldclients’ customer queries, a product repaircentre where faulty or damaged goods arefixed and returned and a rapidly growingonline resale operation that uses the tradingwebsite e-bay to sell returned items directlyto the consumer.

Service is keyThe ability to offer a quality service is thecornerstone of any logistics business and,while users of 3PL services are, of course,cost-conscious, a recent survey by Eye forTransport highlighted that most shippersplace quality of service higher than lowestprice when it comes to choosing a logisticspartner.

Interestingly, the 3PLs interviewed for thesame survey believed that their clients weremore likely to be driven by cost issues – apoint which may go some way to explainingwhy large chunks of the industry continue to

Continued on page 4

It could be argued that the recession has had a positive impact on the 3PL sector,says Roger Williams, chief executive officer of the United KingdomWarehousing Association

Positive thinking

“One UKWAmember recently reported that ithas developed theafter sales andreverse logistics services that itoffers to theextent thatsome 30 percent of itsannualturnover isgenerated thisway”

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Continued from page 3operate on very narrow margins.

But encouragingly for the sector, the Eyefor Transport survey found that most usersof 3PL services rated their 3PL partner’sservice offering as ‘outstanding’ or ‘higherthan expected.’

ChallengesOne of the more obvious challenges facingthe 3PL sector in the UK is the acuteshortage of good quality, affordablewarehouse and distribution space that is theresult of the lack of speculative propertydevelopment in recent years.

Over the past three years the supply ofnew build or refurbished industrialaccommodation has fallen steadily to thepoint where it now represents just 11 percent of all available stock. Currently 84 percent of all available storage space in the UKis classed as second hand.

This paucity of decent facilities in primelocations is driving above inflation increasesin rents as landlords seek to cash-in, which,in turn, is putting additional pressure on thealready tightly squeezed margins ofcompanies operating in the UK’s logisticsindustry.

It would appear inevitable that anyincreases in rents will result in priceincreases across the supply chain – whichwill not help the broader economy as itseeks to recover from doldrums.

The situation is unlikely to ease in theimmediate future as uncertainty arising formthe Euro crisis seems certain to delay thereturn of significant levels of speculative

development activity and the lack of goodquality accommodation is leaving many3PLs with little alternative but to put offdecisions to take space rather than takepoor quality stock. In many casescompanies are reconfiguring their existingfacilities to accommodate new or growingaccounts.

Looking further in to the future, the issuesraised by our increasingly congested roadsand the spiraling cost of fuel, are unlikely toever be far from the top of the logisticsagenda.

Needless to say the rising cost of fuelmeans that the transportation element ofevery supply chain is facing increasedscrutiny. And there is growing politicalpressure to use more efficient transportoperations, with the European Unionrecently stating that transportation over300km should ideally not be carried outusing the road network.

To reduce transportation costs thelocation of hubs and distribution centres,taking into account primary and secondarymoves and consumer market density, isbecoming increasingly important.

This is all leading to a growing beliefthat the so-called port-centric model - whereDCs are based close to a port rather than ina traditional centralised location - makessense for companies looking to reduce thedistance goods need to travel by road.

It seems reasonable to assume, that withlandside transportation costs – particularlyroad transport – now such a large part ofoverall supply chain costs (and likely togrow further still) anything that allows coststo be reduced through the elimination ofunnecessary links in the supply chain islikely to find favour with supply chainprofessionals.

As a result, ports such as the new LondonGateway development (opening late in2013) and Liverpool and Port Salford, arelikely to have an increasingly important roleto play in the evolution of future supplychains as they come to be viewed as animportant inventory management location inthe end-to-end supply chain.

For further information about the UnitedKingdom Warehousing Association and itsactivities contact: UKWA, Walter House,418-422 Strand, London WC2R 0PT. Tel:0207 836 5522 www.ukwa.org.uk

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With the economic outlook uncertain, an optimised supply chain is more important than ever, writesRoger Williams, CEO of UKWA

Get ahead with a 3PLBecause most companies have a major

percentage of their costs tied up intheir supply chains, supply chain

management - once seen as something ofan add-on with no real bearing on abusiness’s ultimate success - has beenelevated to a key board-level discipline.And, with economic outlook uncertain anoptimised supply chain is more importantthan ever.

The approach to supply chainoptimisation has traditionally focused onone piece of the puzzle at a time. Thesecan include sourcing goods and servicesstrategically to strike a balance betweenlowest material and transportation costs;maintaining the right mix and location offactories and warehouses to serve customermarkets; and, using traditional logisticstechniques to maximize distributionefficiency.

However, since the 1980s there has beena sharp upturn in the number of companiesthat choose to outsource logistics and supplychain management functions to third partylogistics service providers – or 3PLs.

Typically, 3PLs specialise in integratedwarehousing and transportation servicesthat can be scaled and customised to acustomer’s needs. The kind of serviceoffered will be based on a client company’sown unique market conditions and thedemands and delivery service requirementsfor the goods that company produces andsells.

In today’s price sensitive market, theneed to drive cost out of the supply chain isoften cited as a major reason for usingthird party logistics service providers.However, perhaps a better reason forengaging outside experts is the in-depthknowledge, flexibility and added value thata specialist contractor can provide. In short,as well as helping companies to achievesignificant cost savings, a good 3PL willenable a business to enjoy shorter ordercycles, better customer service andimproved all-round business efficiency.

There is no question that an effectivelymanaged supply chain can positivelyinfluence business performance and, ifcompanies are going to succeed in anincreasingly competitive and unpredictableenvironment, every link in the chain mustoperate at optimum efficiency. That’s whyany company that finds its fixed logisticscosts are having a negative impact on itsbalance sheet simply has to consideroutsourcing to a 3PL.

Value addedMembers of UKWA – the leading tradeassociation for the third party logisticsindustry - undertake an exceptional rangeof warehousing and added value services,from animal feed storage through bondedwarehousing to e-fulfilment but, regardlessof the areas in which they specialise, theAssociation’s members all share adetermination to drive up professionalstandards in the warehousing sector. Youcan find a UKWA member capable ofmeting your logistics needs by visiting theUKWA site – www.ukwa.org.uk

Gain an advantageWhat advantages should a company expect and look forwhen considering entering into a third party logisticsagreement?• A healthier balance sheet - switching to a 3PLremoves the requirement for capital investment inwarehouses, materials handling equipment andtransport fleets, and the up-keep and maintenance ofthese assets allowing financial resources to beconcentrated on other core business areas.• Operational flexibility - a 3PL will have the resourcesto meet changing needs and the ability to respondquickly to changes in the market place.• Cost savings - from economies of scale, more directrouting, additional expertise, stricter inventory controland, with improved technology, a reduction inemergency shipments at premium prices.• Freedom to focus on core activities - a 3PL providerwill help to develop a company's long-term strategy toimprove customer services, reduce costs and improveefficiency leaving the company to concentrate on it whatit does best.

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While Chancellor Osborne’s recentannouncement that all newly builtcommercial property completed

between 1 October 2013 and 30September 2016 will be exempt from emptyproperty rates for the first 18 months is tobe welcomed, the rules relating to emptyproperty rate rules are still hindering thelogistics industry.

The previous Labour administrationchanged the tax position relating to emptywarehouses by making unoccupied facilitiesliable for empty property rates at the samerate as occupied buildings in Spring 2008.

But, with the recession making itincreasingly difficult to fill warehouses,many warehouse owners simply demolishedempty buildings to avoid paying the tax.

And, as speculative new-builddevelopment projects have dryed up sincethe start of the recession, the logisticsindustry is now facing an acute lack ofgood quality, affordable warehouse anddistribution space.

Ministers originally sought to justify thechanges to the Empty Property Tax rules onthe grounds that the reforms would providean incentive for owners to re-use, re-let orre-develop their empty properties.

They also argued that the changes wouldresult in an increase in the supply ofcommercial property available to new andexisting businesses, thereby helping toreduce rent levels which burden thecompetitiveness of the UK.

Neither of these things happened.Because the tax has encouraged the

early demolition of older empty warehousebuildings and made developers reluctant toembark on speculative construction

projects, companies looking for warehouseaccommodation – be they retailers,manufacturers, importers or specialistlogistics services businesses – are faced witha shortage of available warehouse spaceand are being forced to pay higher rents asland- lords seek to cash-in on the paucity ofdecent facilities in prime locations bydemanding above inflation increases inrents.

To make matters even more frustrating,anecdotal evidence suggests that the taxhas not brought in anywhere near as muchrevenue as was originally forecast. But ithas clearly had a very negative impact onthe warehousing sector and if it is notaddressed it will continue to haveimplications for the broader UK economy.

Of course, Chancellor Osborne’schanges to the rating system are an attemptto encourage new property developmentand for that he should be applauded, butUKWA urges the Government to applyempty property rates relief to olderproperties as well. The grace periods forcommercial and industrial premises shouldalso be extended beyond the three and sixmonth periods which currently apply too.

It should also be remembered that thisrelief does not apply for another year –which is less than helpful.

John Maguire is chairmanof the United KingdomWarehousing Associationand sales and marketingdirector of Flexi NarrowAisle Ltd

EmptygestureChancellor George Osborne’s announcement in his Autumn Statement that a longer grace period for thepayment of empty property rates for newly completed buildings will be introduced next year is too littletoo late for the logistics industry, says UKWA chairman John Maguire

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Yusen Logistics is a world-leading provider ofcontract logistics and air/ocean freightforwarding. Offering a truly global, total logistics

service, we supply warehousing, distribution, freightforwarding and supply chain management services inone package – providing solutions which range fromstand-alone operations to global supply chains.

Working with manufacturers and retailers across alarge variety of market sectors, we have specialistexperience in the automotive, consumer electronics,pharmaceutical, manufacturing and retail sectors.

Understanding that every profile has uniquecharacteristics, we tailor our services to create a robustand cost effective solution. Information systems areconstructed to meet the particular needs of each clientwhile extensive warehousing and multi-modal transportoptions are provided both in-house and across aportfolio of strategic partners. At the same time, we are

building on our established infrastructure, rolling outnetworks to serve supplier bases in emerging marketsto mirror clients’ changing sourcing patterns.

With regional headquarters in Europe, Japan, EastAsia, South Asia & Oceania and the Americas, ourinternational network covers almost every country in theworld. This helps us ensure the timely flow of rawmaterials, components and finished products –regardless of where they are sourced – as they movethrough the supply chain.

Yusen Logistics (UK) LtdYusen Logistics creates solutions based on warehousing, distribution, air and ocean freight forwarding and supply chain management services.

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An Association with a long and proud historyWith its origins in 1944 the United

Kingdom Warehousing Association(UKWA) is Britain’s leading trade

organisation representing the third partylogistics sector. The Association has over650 member companies operating nearly100 million square metres of warehousingfrom around 2000 depots across the UK.

3PL companies belonging to UKWA havebeen operating viably for at least six monthsand have demonstrated the higheststandards in warehousing - two factors thatshould bring peace of mind to users of theirservices.

While the membership of UKWA iscomprised predominantly of third partywarehousing and logistics service providers,membership eligibility criteria is no longerrestricted to companies operating in thethird party logistics and warehousingsectors. This means that retailers,manufacturers and wholesalers are free tojoin UKWA and compare best warehousingand logistics practice with the leading

companies in the logistics field.Furthermore, UKWA also welcomesmembers from outside the UnitedKingdom's borders into its membership.

The Association is also open to suppliersto the warehousing and logistics sectorswho can join as Associate Members. It isUKWA’s firm belief that by maintaining closeworking relationships with all aspects of theindustry, UKWA will maintain its position atthe very heart of the logistics industry.

“The UK logistics industry is an essentialpart of the country’s economy and plays apivotal role in domestic and internationalcommerce. With its remit to serve both both3PLs and those companies that operatetheir own warehousing and transportfacilities, UKWA is a powerful voice of thewhole industry,” says Roger Williams, chiefexecutive officer of UKWA.

“With its remitto serve bothboth 3PLs and those companies thatoperate their ownwarehousingand transportfacilities,UKWA is apowerful voiceof the wholeindustry”

“Over the years, we have become part of our customers’ businesses and we aren’t afraid to re-shape our services to deliver operations that are just right for them”

Stephen Basey-Fisher,Managing Director

Our specialist logistics services go beyond that of any other service provider – integrating seamlessly with your operation to provide professional warehousing, distribution, logistics, after sales and customer care services.

Innovative returns handling, repairs, rework , Q.A., ecommerce stock clearance service, allowing you to concentrate on your core business.

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Conditions of ContractThe UKWA Conditions of Contract cover abroad range of services such as freightforwarding, haulage and, of course,warehousing. Member companies do nothave to prepare three different contracts toencompass these distinct areas of theirbusiness - one document is sufficient.UKWA’s Conditions of Contract are ideal forthose companies that provide haulageand/or freight forwarding services inaddition to straightforward storage facilities.Those firms that provide a full range oflogistics-based functions have the peace ofmind of knowing that the UKWA Conditionsof Contract cover all of the services that theyoffer.

Legal Help DeskUKWA’s 24-hour legal helpline offers membersfree legal advice on subjects such as companyand employment legislation, landlord andtenancy agreements, insolvency, Conditions ofContract, insurance claims etc

Human Resources AdviceMembers have access to advice onemployment law as well as a full range ofHR issues. A complete range of clear andlegally compliant HR letters, forms, contracts,an employee handbook and customisablepolicies is available online. Meanwhile,confidential, friendly, pragmatic and highlyprofessional HR advice is available bytelephone or email.

UKWA InsuranceIn partnership with Willis Limited and AllianzInsurance UKWA provides an insurancepackage specially designed for members.

UKWA Members have access to a wide range of businessservices – all of which add up to make UKWA a vital component for success

Partnersfor success

UKWA PublicationsUKWA produces a host of informativepublications within which members cansource all sorts of interesting information.For instance, Fire Precautions – Guide toRisk Assessment is a 12 page spiral boundguide compiled by the Association’sOperations and Safety Committee. It is acomprehensive guide to the warehouseoperator’s fire risk-related responsibilitiesunder the law and features a number ofeasy to use check lists to help you to ensurethat your operation meets its legalobligations.

Operational EfficiencyUKWA’s partner Utility Watch is the marketleading Business Utility Broker in the UK andUKWA’s Utility Watch scheme can providesignificant time and cost-savings formembers who upgrade their gas, electricityand telecommunications. One UKWAmember recedntly reported saving £84,000per year on electricity through the scheme. UKWA has also teamed up with leadingindependent fuel card supplier ForecourtFuels Ltd to guarantee that UKWA memberspay the lowest possible rates for on roaddiesel -both in the UK and throughoutEurope.

Property InformationUKWA members can receive very useful adviceabout a host of business rates and otherindustrial property related matters as part oftheir membership package on a specialhelpline operated in association with leadingproperty consultants Lambert Smith Hampton

Specialist guidanceUKWA members have access to a group ofhonorary advisers covering a broad rangeof specialist skills – from pest control tohazardous chemicals storage. They can becontacted by telephone or email and arehappy to give valuable advice on a broadrange of logistics-based topics as well asgeneral business issues

Networking opportunitiesAnyone in business knows the value ofcontacts and occasions such as the UKWA’sregular regional meetings and the UKWAAnnual Luncheon and Awards for

Continued on page 15

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One call 0870 850 1409 or one click at www.toyota-forklifts.co.uk takes care of all your materials handling needs.Toyota Material Handling UK support leading warehouse and distribution companies and associations throughout the UK.

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WarehousingWith 776 facilities inmore than 120 countriesand 31 million sq. ft.UPS provides a widerange of services for ourcustomers fromdedicated to multi-userwarehouse operationsmanaging their supplychain globally.

Within the UK UPS SCSoperates multi-user sites(pallet and carton storage)providing operational andcommercial flexibility which allows us toreact to the changing business demandsthat our customers experience within theirindividual business sectors.

All facilities provide value added servicesranging from, container receipt, product re-work & re-labelling, contract packing &product customisation and Qualityinspection. All facilities have directaccess to UPS Distribution and UPS SmallPackage services.

DistributionFTL & LTL palletised distribution is via UPSresources providing the full range of nextday and date specific delivery servicesthroughout the UK. Within the UK UPS hasa relationship with UK retailers’ which hasdeveloped over 25 years, providing LTLcollection and FTL delivery and shipment

visibility at purchase orderlevel, from point ofcollection through to finaldelivery to a retailersdistribution centre.

Our Retail distributionservice ensures ourcustomers inventory is inthe right place at the righttime in order to maximisesales opportunities for ourcustomers and retailers.

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user solutions tailored to our customer’sindividual requirements, ensure that ourContract Distribution product deliverstangible benefits for our customers. WithinContract Distribution we provide fullydedicated solutions in customer livery,through to a mixture of dedicated & shared-user solutions, depending on our customers'requirements.

All services are managed by dedicated UPSemployees, operating from either ourcustomers facility or alternatively from acentral point within a UPS facility. OurContract Distribution service is highly flexibleand designed for those customers with asupply chain that requires a bespoke solution.

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Continued from page 12Warehousing Ceremony, offer fantasticopportunities to meet new businesscontacts, leads, clients, customers andowners or decision makers from manyother businesses in the sector.

HealthcareA range of competitively priced privatehealth and dental insurance packages isavailable.

Business adviceThrough our partner, Peter FarmerAssociates Ltd, UKWA can advise memberson a host of business issues includingcompany sales, mergers and acquisitions.

Annual conferenceOver 100 delegates attended this year’sUKWA annual conference of UKWA.Feedback from delegates was very positivewith the relevance of topics scoring highlyas well as the quality of the presentations.

Monthly magazineUKWA members receive the Association’saward winning Warehouse magazine

entirely free of charge. Published ten timesthroughout the year Warehouse not onlycommunicates news of the Association’sactivities, but also keeps the membershipup to date with developments in the widerwarehousing and logistics sectors.

Business generationUKWA uses all means to promote a highprofile for the Association and its members.Our message is clear: As the third partylogistics services sector becomesincreasingly competitive, customers lookingfor high quality warehousing and a highstandard of service – no matter how largeor small their requirement – have the peaceof mind of knowing that companiesbelonging to UKWA can demonstrate thehighest standards in warehousing.

Find a 3PL onlineUKWA’s website - wwww.ukwa.org.uk -provides buyers oflogistics services with a host of valuable information. Forexample, vistitors to the site can search by geographicalarea or type of service that they require to access details ofrelevant suppliers who meet their needs quickly and easility.

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UKWA will have a high presense atall the major trade shows for thelogistics industry in 2013.

In February visitors to the LogisticsLink event at Sandwon Park are invitedto visit the UKWA stand, while a monthlater one of the key attractions atMarch’s IMHX 2013 will be the UKWAthird party logistics (3PL) Pavilion.

The UKWA Pavilion will showcase theproducts and services offered by UKWAmembers and associate members.

The Pavilion will be centered around ahospitality area where visitors to the showcan learn more about the workings of theUKWA and the benefits of joining theassociation. The facility will also besomewhere where visitors can discusstheir logistics or materials handling needswith UKWA Pavilion exhibitors away fromthe noise and bustle of the exhibition.

Among the third party logistics servicesspecialists exhibiting within the UKWAPavilion are: Paul Ponsonby, DHL and

Onward Holdings.Suppliers to the sector with a presence

within the UKWA pavilion include: FlexiNarrow Aisle and Gemini Data Loggers.

In May, UKWA will once again have apavilion within the Multimodal show -which, like IMHX, takes place at the NEC.

The Association also plans to exhiibitat a number of shows serving key‘vertical’ markets throughout the year.

Visit UKWA at key trade shows in 2013

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The Aisle-Master range of very narrowaisle articulated forklifts enableswarehousing and logistics operations toincrease storage capacity, cut costs, speedup the handling process and improveproductivity.

The ingenious articulated design of thetrucks allows them to replace a combinationof reach and counterbalance forklifts, andto work in very narrow aisle widths for avast increase in pallet density. This candouble the amount of storage spaceavailable in a given area whichconsiderably reduces per pallet costs. Extraoutlay associated with renting additionalwarehousing can therefore be avoided,reducing overheads on rent and utilities,lowering the carbon footprint and energyconsumption.

Aisle-Masters are fitted with large superelastic tyres for versatile indoor and outdooroperation, so are able to offload in the yardand take loads directly to indoor racking.This eliminates time consuming doublehandling for much faster proceduresoverall. There is also no need to invest insuper flat floors in the warehouse, unlikeoperation with other traditional types ofVNA turret trucks.

The trucks can be customised toindividual requirements and the rangeencompasses AC electric and LPG poweredmodels with lift capacities of up to 2.5t andlifts heights to 15m. Robustly built, they areproven to cope with intense, round theclock shifts. AC technology, incorporatedas standard in the electric powered modelsoffers benefits such as reduced wear andtear on components for longer life

Aisle-Master articulated forklifts –Increased storage, reduced costsand improved productivity

Aisle-Master LtdCo. Monaghan, IrelandTel: 00353 47 80400Email: info@aisle-master.com www.aisle-master.com

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Established in 2000, is the largest transport and logisticscompany on the Isle of Man, operating from a central UKhub in Lancashire and 2 depots on the Island. Employingover 100 staff and operating 120 trailers and 50 Vehiclesthrough it’s centres, TDL specialises in freight services andlocal deliveries to over 200 retail outlets and the majorwholesalers on the Isle of Man. Amongst the services provided are:Food & Drink Warehousing and Distribution -Both ambient and temperature controlled services departdaily from the UK to the Isle of Man. Goods are shippedovernight, speedily cross docked the following morningand distributed to the wholesalers and stores across theIsland.Home Delivery – Whether it be a kitchen, bathroom,

bedroom or an appliance, TDL operates a home delivery and installation service, for both local and UK leadingbrands throughout the Island and has recently been awarded a contract to operate a similar service throughout theUK.Warehousing - Operating from more than 150,000 sq.ft. of warehousing, providing stock control and picking services for a range of products including, beers wines & spirits, grocery & confectionary, white & brown goods,telecommunications equipment, kitchens & bathrooms and refrigeration & air-conditioning parts. Their Skelmersdalesite incorporates a 400 pallet cold store allowing consolidation of chilled and frozen goods for distribution throughout the U.K. and Isle of Man.Logistics - With expertise in the full range of logistics services, TDL are capable of managing all aspects of your company’s distribution requirements and are often called upon to provide a cost effective, high standard, bespokesolution to numerous Blue Chip Companies. If you’re moving product regularly to Regional Distribution Centres ordirect to Store, TDL can provide support during peak trading periods, or a total solution including warehouse management, transport management, software support through it’s self developed “TrackIt” planning system, distribution network and a hands on consultant support program.

Managing Director Steve Pickett, with over twenty years experience in freight and logisticsproject management, commented on the Company’s progress to date. “It has been a remarkable transition from our early days of supply chain management, shipping, warehousing and distributing our customers’ goods to the Isle of Man, to a fully functionalthird party logistics provider both here and in the UK”. What has been the key factor of success over the past ten years? “I have the privilege of working with a truly first class teamof operational and business development executives, backed up by a solid capital investmentprogram and back office professionals. We continually appraise our performance and aretotally dedicated to customer service of the highest standards. The retention of our customer base provides the foundation to deliver our vision and drive our businessfoward”

Trade Distribution wins major UK logistics contractTrade Distribution Limited, the logistics business of Heron and Brearley, has secured a major contract with marketleading UK Kitchen and Bathroom design and manufacturing company, AKW.“This contract is not just a significant piece of business for TDL” said operations director, Vic van den Heever “It isalso an opportunity for TDL to demonstrate its sophisticated parcel delivery system”.AKW supply showering, daily living and kitchen solutions to the majority of local authorities, housing associationsand contractors throughout the UK and logistics is therefore an important aspect of their overall customerexperience. All of their own products are manufactured in the Isle of Man.Steve Picket, managing director of wholesale and logistics at Heron & Brearley added “Although the UK logisticsmarket is highly competitive, we have a culture of high standards and proven service levels, which has contributedgreatly in winning this contract. It is particularly pleasing for us, as a Manx company, to continue to build on oursuccess in the UK, by adding a further blue chip account to our customer portfolio.

18 3PL Today

To request further information please contact:Hubert LowrySales DirectorTel: 01695 722031Mobile: 07836 616513Fax: 01695 51803 Email: hubert.lowry@tdl.co.im

TDL finalist in theCompany of the Year,Isle of Man Awardsfor Excellence 2012.

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Companies and individuals across thewarehousing and third party logistics(3PL) sectors are rewarded for

excellence at UKWA’s Annual Awards forWarehousing ceremony, which takes placeevery year at London’s Dorchester Hotel.

In 2012 the Association received arecord number of entries in all categories.The winners were chosen by UKWA’sAwards Committee, which comprised PhilCulling, Chairman of storage systemsspecialist Redirack; Mel Grainger, a pastchairman of UKWA; and Roger Williams,the association’s Chief Executive Officer.

Roger Williams commented: “UKWA’sAwards are established as symbols ofachievement in the 3PL sector andemphasise the importance of logisticswithin today’s economy. The high numberand quality of the entries we receivedunderlines the professionalism that runsthrough the modern logistics industry.”

A total of nine awards were presented in2012 and the winners were:

Young Employee of the YearWinner: Joanne Dolan – PaulPonsonby LtdThis new award was open to any employeenot in a supervisory or managerial roleunder the age of 25 and was won by

Joanne Dolan from Paul Ponsonby Ltd. Inher first year with the company, Joannerecruited nine new accounts, redesignedPaul Ponsonby’s website and compiledcompetitor analysis and market positioningreports.

Environment AwardWinner: Elddis Transport (Consett) LtdThe Award to the company thatdemonstrates the most significant andsuccessful application of ‘Green processes,procedures or monitoring’ during the yearwent to Elddis Transport (Consett) Ltd. Thejudges were impressed by a number ofgreen initiatives undertaken by Elddis,which included employing a leading vehicleaerodynamics expert to design a bespoke‘spoiler’ to fit to its vehicles, which has hada significant impact on the company’s fuelconsumption.

Team of the YearWinner: Amethyst GroupThe Team of the Year award – for thecompany or depot that demonstrates anoutstanding team effort during the pastyear in their warehousing operations – wentto Amethyst Group. The company’s FradleyPark distribution centre near Lichfield in

Continued on page 22

Saluting the best of theUK’s logistics industry

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In today’s marketplace, returns of merchandise can bea significant expense to the retailer, which in the longrun can equate to thousands and sometime evenmillions of pounds from their bottom line. Studies haveshown that an average of 4% to 6% of all retailpurchases are returned and in the current economicclimate it is more important than ever for retailers tofind solutions to this ever-present issue.

Torque is a specialist in the field of reverse logistics– over the years the company has worked closely withmany of its customers to reduce the amount ofdiscarded stock and turn merchandise back into profit. Unsold Items – Transporting Stock

Seasonal trends, individual and/or popular opinionhas a dramatic effect on whether a line sells well ornot. Most retailers will have issues with their ranges atone time or another. This is where a knowledgeablelogistics partner can come into play and assist aretailer in either strategically placing stock in locationswhere the item in questions will have a better chance ofselling or diverting it to another trading channel, suchas an outlet store. Torque is the expert in carrying outthis particular type of reverse logistics and knows thatto deliver an effective solution, time is of the essence. Make and Mend

No matter what the industry, returns will always bean issue. Torque works closely with its clients to monitorreturns by quickly and efficiently logging the reasonsbehind them as well as highlighting any fundamentalproblems with the product. In fashion if quality andpresentation is in question, Torque has a specialistteam and a state of the art processing centre toexpertly refurbish and return a product to its original, ifnot enhanced, standard. From sewing to dry cleaningand pressing to ozone treatment, there are many costeffective services available to restore an item and bringit back to stock.

Case Study: Daxbourne International When leading hairpiece specialist, Daxbourne

International, expanded its multi channel revenuestreams, retail, wholesale, e-commerce, mail order andTV shopping channels, the growth of the businessmeant that it needed to increase its supply chainoperation. With such a complex product offering,Daxbourne required a supply chain partner thatspecialised in reverse logistics. It was also vitallyimportant to Daxbourne that this partner reallyunderstood its business and its customers. Torque,renowned for its meticulous attention to detail andbreadth of processing services, was able to offerDaxbourne the perfect platform for its growingbusiness.

Due to the nature of the hairpiece market,customers will always need the opportunity to try andtest the product. This means that there will always be ahigh percentage of returns and these will requireprocessing and quality checking. On winning theDaxbourne contract, Torque recruited two teammembers with experience in hairdressing, to qualitycheck all returns and provide refurbishment serviceswhere necessary before items are returned to stock.Once each item has gone back into the supply chain,Daxbourne receives an automated report detailingwhich customer to credit. Torque also provides thesoftware to produce a stock rectification report, which issupplied every evening and calculates Daxbourne’sstock levels per revenue stream against the end of daystock levels at Torque, to ensure both figurescorrespond.

Torque has a portfolio of clients it has worked withto successfully reduce their returns issues and in turn,has added huge value to their overall business. Forfurther information on reverse logistics and Torque’swide range of services, visit www.torque.eu or call 0800 085 5510.

Torque adds value with reverse offering

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Make adate for20132013’s UKWAAnnual AwardsforWarehousingpresentationceremony takesplace in theBallroom Suiteof theDorchesterHotel, ParkLane, London,on Wednesday3rd July 2013.Further detailson how to enteror reserve atable areavailable fromJacquieCorderoy,UKWA, WalterHouse, 418-422Strand, LondonWC2R 0PT Tel:0207 836 5522or email:jcorderoy@ukwa.org.uk

Continued from page 20Staffordshire recently increased throughputby 25 per cent.

Warehouse Manager of theYearWinner: Steve Nelson – BougheyDistributionThe judges were looking for an individualwith excellent personal and professionalqualities and Steve Nelson from BougheyDistribution fitted the bill.

Steve was nominated by Boughey’sWarehouse Director, Bernard Murphy, whosaid: “Steve’s management style iscollaborative and he understands theimportance of involving the team in hisdecisions. Since Steve joined there has beena significant improvement in the efficiency ofoperation and productivity within thewarehouse and the team has become moremotivated.”

Training AwardWinner: Briggs EquipmentThis award is given for training achievementand can be awarded to an individual,organisation or jointly to both.

Briggs Equipment impressed the judgeswith their forklift service engineers’apprenticeship scheme. The company hasheavily invested in a national apprenticeshipscheme to train and educate school leaversinto becoming fully qualified and multi-skilled engineers and last year, Briggswelcomed six new recruits who are now fullyintegrated members of Briggs’ team ofengineers.

Technology/Innovation AwardWinner: Redirack LtdRediRack collect this year’s UKWATechnology and Innovation Award for itsrecently developed automated palletstorage, retrieval and sequencing solution.The judges felt that the Redirack systemrepresents a major step forward inwarehouse design and operation bycombining new and innovative technologywith advanced storage systems to providegreater efficiency and substantial reductionsin operating costs.

Customer Service AwardWinner: Century Logistics LtdThe judges sought evidence of customerinsight and a customer focused culture

within an organisation and were mostimpressed with Century Logistics Ltd’s entry.

Century’s managing director, StephenBasey-Fisher, said: “The whole ethos ofCentury Logistics revolves aroundpartnership. If a customer finds a task notpart of its core business and/or wouldbenefit from specialist skills, Centurydevelops a bespoke service to undertakethat task.”

Best New MemberWinner: Williams Shipping LtdThis is a corporate award given to thecompany showing the highest professionalstandards of warehousing on joining UKWAand this year it went to Southampton-basedWilliams Shipping Transport Ltd.

Chairman’s AwardWinner: Richard HuntThe UKWA Chairman presents this Award toan individual or company who has made areal and lasting contribution to the logisticsindustry.

UKWA chairman John Maguire of FlexiNarrow Aisle Ltd chose Richard Hunt. Bestknown, perhaps, for his work with theChartered Institute of Logistics and Transport(he was the CILT’s first national chairmanand subsequently became President of theInstitute), Richard was Chief Executive of ExelLogistics Europe before its merger withDHL. He has worked with CranfieldUniversity and the Highways AgencyAdvisory Board and was awarded the CBEfor his services to Logistics and Transport in2004 .

Over 400 UKWA members and theirguests, together with suppliers to thewarehousing industry, attended UKWA’sAwards for Warehousing 2012 ceremony.

The main sponsor of the event wasJungheinrich UK Ltd, while individual Awardswere sponsored by: Lutterworth EcoLightingLtd, Redirack Ltd, Knapp UK Ltd, ToyotaMaterial Handling UK Ltd, Clarion EventsLtd, Briggs Equipment UK Ltd, Psion (UK)Ltd, RedPrairie Ltd and Hoppecke IndustrialBatteries Ltd

You can see the highlights of 2012’sUKWA Awards for Warehousing -including an interview with all theAwards winners on You Tube. Log onto the UKWA website -www.ukwa.org.uk - and click on thelink on the UKWA home page.

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InBond operates a warehouse, storage anddistribution facility in the North East ofEngland. With over 20 years experienceproviding premium logistics services, offeringdedicated bespoke solutions.

The company offers a range of logisticalservices, including:• Ecommerce Solutions• Pallet Storage inc.General/BondedWarehousing• Bespoke Pick and PackServices• Full UK Distribution• Freight Forwarding (importand export)• Document Storage

InBond takes great pride in keeping up todate with the latest trends. For example, ithas been identified that online sales is a fastgrowing market and the requirement for areliable ecommerce solution is key. InBondhastherefore invested heavily in developingits systems and processes to fullyaccommodate e-commerce solutions and

provide a premium service for premiumproducts.

The recently updated warehousemanagement system allows full systeminterface via the client’s website, allowingseamless order fulfillment to the end

customer. The system is also capable ofcreating bespoke documentation i.e. a

delivery note can be designedby InBond’s clients; this wouldthen travel with the order tothe end customer.

As part of InBond’s continuousimprovement and commitment to its client’s,the company strives to deliver the bestpossible service to meet their requirements.With this in mind InBond is now in the finalstages of updating its systems and processes,to achieve the BRC Global Standard forStorage and Distribution & ISO 9001:2008Quality Management Systems Accreditations.Both accreditations will be in place early2013. www.inbond.com Tel: 01642 355645

Are you using a UKWAmember? If not, why not?

As the third party logistics services sector becomesincreasingly competitive, customers looking for highquality warehousing and a high standard of service – nomatter how large or small their requirement – have thepeace of mind of knowing that companies belonging tothe UKWA have demonstrated the highest standards inwarehousing.

A determination to drive up professional standardsunderpins UKWA’s activities and by joining UKWAa third party warehousing services companydemonstrates its commitment to best practice inevery aspect of its business.

UKWA members undertake an exceptional range of warehousing and added value services. Find out more byvisiting www.ukwa.org.uk

United Kingdom Warehousing Association, Walter House 418-422 Strand London WC2R 0PT Tel: 0207 836 5522

Premium logistics services and bespoke solutions

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For all enquiries please contact: Mr F Solomon on 01698 835834www.malcolmgroup.co.uk

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3PL Today 25

A rapidly expanding supply chain specialist,Seafield developed from its roots as asmall southern Irish textile manufacturer inthe 1940’s. Today’s dynamic company wasborn four decades later when investorsbought the original Irish company andoversaw a series of acquisitions ofindependent transport and warehousingcompanies.

Further acquisitions have strengthenedthe business and it is now wholly owned byprivate venture capitalists, BridgehouseCapital.

With an ambitious growth target,Seafield has four core business activities –logistics, warehousing, distribution andcontract packing. The Head Office islocated at Worksop, Nottinghamshire andthe company has operating centresthroughout the UK.

Distribution Seafield operates a modern fleet of vehiclesunder various commercial arrangements tomeet the individual needs of each customer.Flexibility is fundamental whether on adedicated or shared user basis. Seafieldalso provides a 4PL overall solution.WarehousingSeafield have 450,000 sq ft of dedicated orshared-user warehousing. All ouroperations are managed by an advancedwarehouse management system providingaccurate control over all warehousingactivities.

Contract PackingThe contract packing division complimentsthe warehousing sites enabling us toundertake the customer’s returns

Seafield Logistics LimitedUnit 1, The Point, Coach Road, Worksop, Nottinghamshire,S81 8UGTel: 01909 475561www.seafield.co.ukBusiness contact: Natalie HoltEmail: natalie.holt@seafield.co.ukFacilities available: Seafield operates warehousing anddistribution from sites at Worksop, Ashbourne, Aylesham,Leeds, Winsford, Scunthorpe. Distribution is UK andEurope with ROW deliveries provided via our partner. Seafield has circa 130 vehicles mainly 44 tonne articulatedvehicles, tankers, tippers and tautliners. Rigid vehicles atvarious sizes most equipped with tail lifts. Range of services offered:• Warehousing, dedicated or shared user• Design and build• Transport, dedicated or shared user• Added value services including: Waste management;Call centre management; fulfilment/e-tailing/mail order;Quality Control; Co/re-packing; Inbound consolidation;Supplier management; VMI stock• Freight Forwarding• Bulk Tanker TransportWarehousing space available:Seafield has 450,000 sq ft of warehouse space across three locations.

An expanding supply chain specialist

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Manufacturing has gone global. Butthis is not globalisation in the senseof simply outsourcing the fabrication

of goods to distant places where wages maybe lower than in the West. The whole notionof the way products are designed and madehas entered a new and exciting era, wherenetworks of niche players collaborate andwork together across widely dispersedgeographies. Products may now bedesigned in one location, built in anotherand assembled from components sourcedfrom anywhere in the world.

These are some of the ideas andobservations of one of the leading writers oncontemporary manufacturing, Peter Marsh –a journalist for the Financial Times. His newbook ‘The New Industrial Revolution:Consumers, Globalisation and the End ofMass Production’ describes how Westerneconomies are learning to love

manufacturing again by leveraging theexpertise, skills and design excellence foundin abundance in niche manufacturing firms.Using new technologies and global supplynetworks, niche enterprises are able tooperate on a global scale by connectingwith partners in other parts of the world tocreate new and unique products.

Interestingly, he explains, it iscommonplace for companies with particularskills and expertise to develop in closeproximity to each other, creating clusters ofniche companies. Remarkably, in Poole, UK,there are two of the world’s largest makersof air spindles - highly specialised devicesthat use bearings formed of gas moleculesand which are used in small electric motors.These companies are exploiting their nicheskills on a global basis.

Another phenomenon he eloquently Continued on page 28

Niche companies going globalThe world is becoming a smaller place and in 2013, nowhere will this be moreevident than in manufacturing, says Bernard Molloy

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For more information about our approach to manufacturing and logistics please visitwww.unipartlogistics.com

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28 3PL Today

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Continued from page 26describes is how we have moved from low-volume customisation to high-volumecustomisation, and how we are nowentering an era of ‘mass personalisation’.This new phase in manufacturing offers theability to produce not far off uniqueproducts, made to precise personalrequirements, and done so on a largescale. Such a paradigm shift in the way wemanufacture places a heavy emphasis onthe creative structure and ‘knowledgebased’ operating capabilities of the supplychain (network).

Clearly, there is a tremendousopportunity for niche companies to projectthemselves onto a developing world stageof manufacturing. But the key will be indeveloping supply chains that are alignedto a more networked way of working. Thesesupply networks will have to be agile,flexible and easily connected to new partnerorganisations as opportunity prescribes –but critically, they will have to be capable ofmeeting needs on a global basis.

However, niche manufacturers looking tomove beyond domestic markets need notbe constrained by a lack of global supplychain infrastructure, IT capability or theexpertise required to effect the movement ofproducts between partner sites. Thesesupply networks exist already.

Unipart Logistics has a large global

footprint established over recent yearsthrough managing the distribution andfulfilment of manufactured goods, parts,repairs and returns for a growing numberof industry sectors - including retail,technology, consumer products, automotiveand defence. We have the ability to serveother markets from a single distributioncentre, thus creating multi-market hubcapabilities.

Over the last 20 years Unipart Logisticshas worked with Jaguar Land Rover toprovide a full automotive parts service -including sourcing, storing, processing anddespatch of parts from 17 distributioncentres across the globe to over 850 Jaguardealers in more than 60 countries. Ourteams provide dedicated customer service,procurement, pricing, parts marketing andfinance support, to ensure that the rightpart is in the right place at the right time,24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Partnering with a logistics serviceprovider that has an existing globalfootprint of multi-user sites and hasthe knowledge to bring collaboratingenterprises closer together, gives anyniche company a global footprint of theirown and a capability to do business werebusiness takes them.

Bernard Molloy is global industrial logisticsdirector at Unipart Logistics.

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For more information about our approach to manufacturing and logistics please visitwww.unipartlogistics.comwww.unipart.co.uk

1x10-6mbar/l/s – the pressure of sealing and delivering

Ravi Sangha is used to pressure– he can’t work without itWhen you are manufacturing fuel tanks for the world’s most prestigious and high-performance cars there is always pressure to perform – but we take it one step further.

Every fuel tank is pressure-tested using helium – which is about 1000 times more sensitive than tests using light. And like everything at Unipart, it is carefully and accurately measured, to leaks rates of 1x10-6mbar/litre/second.

Then, having sealed them, we deliver them. Right on time.

Unipart Ravinder ad [d3a].indd 1 28/11/2012 10:18

30 3PL Today

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At a ceremony held in Spain, CEVALogistics, one of the world’s leadingsupply chain management

companies, named materials handlingsolutions specialist Jungheinrich as itsNorthern Europe Supplier of the Year.

Jungheinrich won the prestigious awardin recognition of the seamless highstandard of service and support it suppliesto CEVA across multiple geographies.

The award was accepted on behalf ofthe Jungheinrich Group by Joachim Kiel,Vice President Key Account Management ofJungheinrich AG, and Tony Porter,Divisional Sales Manager of JunghenrichUK Ltd.

Jonathan Morris, Jungheinrich UK Ltd’sSales Director - Corporate Accounts,commented: “CEVA presented us with thisAward because our account managementapproach and structure allows CEVA tobenefit from the same high levels of serviceand customer support across internationalboundaries.

“We are able to provide this because

Jungheinrich has a well established directnetwork of International Key Account teamsoffering high quality products andprocesses globally.

“Therefore we retain ownership of ourdownward supply chain and are able tooffer a uniform standard of service acrossCEVA’s business.”

Launched in 2011, CEVA’s GlobalSupplier Awards are designed to recognizebest practice and excellence among CEVA’ssupplier base worldwide and to honororganisations which support its quest forImpeccable Execution.

This year’s event, was hosted by CEVA’sChief Operating Officer, Bruno Sidler, ChiefInformation Officer Peter Dew and ChiefProcurement Officer Simon Boggis, tookplace in CEVA’s multi user eco-sustainablesite in Ontigola, outside Madrid and wasattended by approximately 50 suppliersfrom around the world.

Winners of other award categories includedTNT (Road Supplier of the Year) and CathayPacific (Air Supplier of the Year).

ABOVE: TheJungheinrichGroup's JoachimKiel, VicePresident KeyAccountManagement(centre, right)and Tony Porter,Divisional SalesManager ofJunghenrich UKLtd (centre, left)receive the CEVAAward fromCEVA’s ChiefOperatingOfficer, BrunoSidler (left) andPeter Dew,CEVA’s ChiefinformationOfficer (right)

Jungheinrich announced as CEVA’stop supplier in Northern Europe

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Magnum house, Valepits Road, Garretts Green, Birmingham, B33 0TD

If you are looking for a haulage company in Birmingham or indeed, nationwide, RGF Logistics are the answer. With a dedicated fleet of modern vehicles and four UK distribution warehouses, RGF Logistics are one of the UK'smost dedicated and professionalhauliers.

WAREHOUSING SPACE AVAILABLE:Up to 5000 racked locations in Corby

with 60,000sqft of bulk storage in Birmingham


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Bibby Distribution is one of the leadinglogistics providers in the country. Thecompany operates from more than 100locations across the UK, employapproximately 2,500 people and operate 2million square feet of warehousing spacewhich is strategically located throughout theUK.

Bibby’s core fleet travels tens of millionsof miles every year and is made up of anextensive range of vehicles to suit its clients’needs.

Bibby provide customers with contractlogistics, warehousing, distribution, systemsintegration and added value services. Thecompany’s goal is a simple one; to enableclients to drive full value from your supplychain.

Bibby have multi-sector expertise andserve a variety of markets taking into accountthe nuances and individual complexities ofevery one, including• Food & Drink• Food Ingredients• Paper & Packaging• Dairy• Automotive• FMCG• Industrial

Bibby Distribution Ltd105 Duke Street, Liverpool, L1 5JQTel: 0151 794 1074www.bibbydist.co.ukBusiness contact: Ian Firth Email: ian.firth@bibbydist.co.uk Facilities available: Bibby Distribution has 105 locations,2,400 road assets and 2 million square feet ofwarehousing space. Range of services offered: Bibby Distribution providesthe following services; Contract Logistics; Distribution;Warehousing; Systems Integration; and Value Addedservices. Warehousing space availble: Two million square feet

Two million square feet ofstrategically locatedwarehousing space

Bibby share best practice across industrysectors from Automotive to FMCG, and theway the company does business is always

the same - highlevels of servicedelivered bydedicated,enthusiastic, drivenpeople.

Many ofBibby’scustomers

have been with Bibby for 10 years or more.As their businesses have grown bigger andbetter, so has Bibby’s.

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Communications is the Key

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LocateIT from Clydebuilt Business Solutions is a firstclass warehouse management system that provides youwith complete confidence that your warehouseoperation is under control. Communications withcustomers is a vital component for on-going businesssuccess. As well as great warehouse management,LocateIT WMS facilitates better communications in manyways, from simple reports and information on demandto complex integrations. At the highest level, full twoway interfacing between you and your customer’s ERPsystem allows full synchronicity between systems in arobust, seamless, appropriate, and above all,automated way.

Clydebuilt is happy to support clients by providingadvice in this arena, giving valuable input that hashelped many of our customers secure significant newbusiness wins. Integration automation is a key forfuture growth, with all parties experiencing an increasein accuracy relating to business data, and a reduction inlabour costs attributed to saving time. This is invaluableas costs need to be driven out of the supply chainduring these difficult times.

Most recently Clydebuilt worked with SimmondsTransport to integrate their LocateIT system with NOM

Dairies SAP system. The successful project facilitates afaster, real time flow of information between the twosystems. What’s more, NOM are delighted with theimproved service they are experiencing and havereported time savings of up to 80% on receiving andunloading pallets and available within SAP!

Speaking of the integration, Neil Simmonds fromSimmonds transport said, ‘Fantastic. It’s the sort ofinvestment that not only saves the company money, butalso helps drive the business forward’.

The addition of the Haulier TMS to our productportfolio has strengthened our canon and allows us tooffer a first class WMS with a comprehensive TrafficManagement System, if required. The benefits of usingthe joint solution are immense, and you can be restassured that you won’t be compromising on the samegreat features as standard for warehouse control.

Clydebuilt Business Solutions Ltd supplycomprehensive software solutions to help streamlineyour warehouse processes.

For more information contact webinfo@clydebuiltsolutions.com .

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Airfield Warehousing Ltd., nearPeterborough, has been providing storagesolutions for over 30 years. This smallestablished company offers a personal andfriendly service.

AirfieldWarehousing has over110,000sq ft ofpurpose-built dry,secure warehousingspace with large areasfor outside storageand can offer longand short term storage contracts for bothpalletised and containerised goods, as wellas being able to arrange the transport anddistribution of your goods.

Airfield Warehousing Litd’s warehousehandling services include containerdestuffing and restuffing facilities. Thecompany has regular warehouse handlingfacilities for smaller jobs or those requiringultimate care and its skilful handlingoperators combine accuracy with care and

speed. Airfield use the latest computerisedadministration and stock control systems tokeep track of items each day.

Airfield’s comprehensive warehousetransport and distributionservices are arrangedwith preferred haulageassociates to suit eachclient’s requirements. Afully calibrated, ministry-approved weighbridge toprovide accurate systemlogged warehouse

transport information is used.Airfield provide safe, sound and secure

pallet storage as part of our comprehensivewarehousing and storage services. Thecompany fulfil your overflow pallet storagerequirements or large deliveries from withinthe UK or overseas and store pallets orbulk deliveries iwithin its open planwarehouses, pick the goods to yourindividual requirements for despatch andarrange the transportation as necessary.


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Roseland Business Park has unrestricted private access to the A1 from its rural yet accessible and central location. Flexible leasehold terms are available on units ranging from 3,000 - 62,000ft2, extensive areas of open storage and development plots

ranging from 1.5 - 24.5 acres.A permanently manned entrance provides enhanced security and discretion, while the 700-acre brownfield site allows for bespoke design and build. Whatever your requirements, we can help.

01949 842 464 www.roselandbusinesspark.com info@roselandbusinesspark.com

Roseland Business Park, The Control Tower, Long Bennington, Newark, Nottinghamshire NG23 5FF

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