3hr Class Outline and E-book


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Introduction to Raw Food 

3hr Course Outline & Recipe E-Book

ntroductionMeet and Greet

Why Raw Food?Approaches and Expectations

SmoothiesAlmond Milk and its uses: Chocolate Ginger & Vanilla Chai Smoothies

Green Smoothies: the benefits of Greens, Detoxing and eating on the


Simple All Purpose Pie CrustChoco-Banana Filling

Working with Thickeners, Emulsifiers + tricks and tips

Main DishesLasagna: multi-purpose Tomato Sauce, Cashew Cheese, Veg-Herb M

Pizza: cooking with colors, creativity and convenience

Basic Dehydration and SproutingPrimer on dehydrating & sprouting

Prep:Night Before: Soak 3c Almonds & 4c Cashews separately, freeze 6 banan

Day Before: Make Pizza Crust, instructions on next page

1 hour before: soak 3c Dates and 3c Sundried Tomatoes

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Smoothies!-Home made Almond milk

-Vanilla Chai Shake


-Pink Drink

Almond Milkaking almond milk is simple and provides a satisfying, fun and ethical alternative to cow’s

eep in mind though, Almond milk will only keep for 3 days in the fridge.

quipment: -nut milk bag (fine mesh bag, leggings make an ok substitute too)


rocedure: -Night before: soak 1/2c almonds (if not overnight, soak almonds at least 6 hou

-once almonds are soaked, discard the soak water

-place almonds in blender with 6 cups water and blend till there are no more pe

-strain mixture through the mesh bag, reserve the pulp for other use

-reintroduce the milk into the blender and season to taste (suggestion: cinnamo

vanilla, 2 dates and a pinch of salt.

Vanilla Chai Shake3c almond milk

2 frozen bananas (or Mango or peach)

1 tsp vanilla extract (or 1/2 tsp powder)

1 cube ginger

1 tsp garam masala or chai spice mix

superfood pairing: Maca

Chocolove3c almond milk

2 frozen bananas

1 tbsp Cacao powder

1 tsp cinnamon

optional: 1 pinch cayenne or ginger

superfood pairing: Hemp Hearts

Pink Drink3c almond milk

1/2c Strawberry

1/2 mango or peach

1 frozen banana

2 tsp lime juice

superfood pairing:coconut oil

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Green juices and smooth-Deep Cleanse

-Tasty Greens

-No Pressure

-Smoothies vs Juices

Green Drinksreen juices and smoothies ought to be cornerstones of any raw food diet. One must not

nderestimate the importance of consuming fresh vegetable juices and smoothies in regardetoxing and gaining the full array of benefits available to those pursuing the raw food lifesty

deed, it is easy to eat poorly, yet be 100% raw, if these essential items are omitted. Eating

alads frequently can serve as a replacement but with these recipes you’ll be gulping down

eens in no time!

quipment: -will power!

-blender or juicer (I recomend the Hurom or the old champion models)

rocedure: -throw your veg in the blender and away you go!! juicers are usually pretty simp

Deep Cleansecucumber

/2 bunch parsley


cube ginger

stalks celery

inches burdock root

uperfood pairing: E3 Live

Tasty Greens1 grapefruit

1/2c chopped fennel

1/2c spinach

1 apple

1/2 water or OJ

No Pressure1c Spinach

1 clove garlic

1/2 cucumber

2 carrots

1/4c herbs (dill is good)

superfood pairing: wheatgrass

Smoothies vs Juices

The benefits to drinking green juices and smoothies are about th

same: High Chlorophyl content, TONS of minerals, vegetable

protein, increased alkalinity and, of course, hydration.

The difference lies in how your body will deal with the foods. For

examples, a green smoothie contains all the fiber of the

vegetable. Therefore, the body will break down this fiber andthe fibers will then pull toxins from the walls of the intestines

and colon as your body digests it. This takes a little more

effort for the body but for detoxing purposes, is highly

effective. A juice, on the other hand, will send the

nutrients directly into the bloodstream, will barely tax

the body at all and will generally serve to detoxify by

means of your body flushing out toxicity as opposed

to dragging it out with the fiber.

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Deserts!-Basic Crust

-Choco-Banana Pie

-Cheese cake

Let them eat Cake!eserts are the most fun raw food creations out there. Sweet, engaging, crowd pleasing; the

shes take some time, effort and resources but are always worth it. Let’s start with an allurpose crust and then look at some fillings.

quipment: -processor

rocedure: -process ingredients to desired consistency, generally leaving a few pieces

-press into a spring form

Easy All-Purpose Crust2c-3/4c Date paste

c nuts (can be soaked or dry)2c coconut flakes

tsp cinnamon

tsp vanilla extract or powder

nch of salt

ptional: 1/2c almond pulp (sub flakes)

Choco-Banana Pie4c soaked cashews

2 ripe bananas

1/2c cacao powder

1/2c date paste

2tsp cinnamon

1 pinch salt

1 tsp vanilla

-combine all in food processor then add: 1/2c

Coconut Oil

process thoroughly, pour onto crust and let se

in refrigerator

topping ideas: cacao nibs, coco flakes, ginger

cashew cream, raspberry coulis

Coulis: combine 1/2c water and 1tbsp agar

bring to a boil, add 1c berries, 1tbsp lemon

 juice, blend, pour on top. Sets in the refrigerat

Say Cheese!

c soaked cashews/2c water or agar blend

tsp vanilla

c agave or honey

tsp cinnamon

pinch salt

combine all in food processor then add:

c Coconut Oil

rocess thoroughly, pour onto crust and

et set in refrigerator

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Main Dishes

-Essential Sauces


Les Entréesthe raw food world, many enjoy emulating their favorite cooked foods in a healthier and

timately more satisfying way. Often, ones first entrée is a lasagna because it does not requehydrator and actually tastes like the original! Here, I will use the components to provide yo

th some sauces and mixes that should always be in your refrigerator for quick meals.

quipment: -processor

rocedure: -process ingredients to desired consistency

Tomato Sauce & Ketchup2c sundried tomatoes (soak 1hr)

2 fresh tomatoes

1/4c date paste

1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

1/4c basil

1/4c date paste

2 tsp salt

2 tbsp olive oil

Savory Cheese Spread2c soaked cashews, or unsoaked pine nuts

1 lemon, juiced

2 cloves garlic

handful basil leaves

2 tsp chives

2 tsp salt

1 tsp turmeric

optional: 2 tsp nutritional yeast

-If using pine nuts, simply pulse a few times

in the food processor to make a great feta

Perfect Pesto2c basil leaves, packed

1 lemon, juiced

1/2c pine nuts or 1 avocado

2 tsbp olive oil

2 garlic cloves

1 tsp salt

1 tsp fresh ground pepper

Lasagna AssemblyUsing a peeler, thinly slice zucchini to make the

lasagna noodles. Season with salt, pepper, olive oil

and arrange 2 by 2 on a plate, cover with a sauce,

place 2 more zucchini, repeat as needed. Garnish

with cheese and fresh basil.

An additional layer can be made of chopped veg

for some extra flavor and

nutrition. I like broccoli, redonion and yellow pepper!

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Dehydration and Sprouting

-Basic Bread


Dehydrations you explore the world of raw food, you’ll probably come to oggle the seeming marvels th

e fashioned with the help of a dehydrator; a box that keeps food warm and circulates air ca

e water to evaporate without damaging the nutrients within and creating carcinogens.

quipment: -Excalibur Dehydrator

izza Crustmedium Carrots (peeled and chopped)

Red Onion (peeled and chopped)

stalk Celery


4c Olive Oilclove Garlic

Tbsp dry herbs (basil, oregano, coriander etc)

tsp salt

dd all ingredients to food processor till uniform

en add 1c ground Flax

rocess to combine thoroughly

pread mixture on one teflex sheet and put in

ehydrator for 2 hours at 145 degreesay another tray with no teflex on top and flip

ut into 9 equal pieces

ehydrate another 6 hours at 115 degrees or until

e bread is firm. This bread can be left over night

ecause pizza crust should be firm enough to hold

p toppings without folding.

uccesful Sprouting: A Raw Food Essentialrouts are truly living foods and offer a host of minerals and

amins. Store bought sprouts are inexpensive though not

early as fresh and loving as ones grown at home.

oak seeds in filtered water up to 12 hours

rain water and place seeds in a mason jar

over jar with a cheese cloth or mesh and screw the outer ring of the cap on

urn over and let the remaining water run off the seeds

wice a day, fill the jar with water, turn it, and let the water drain off

arvest when tails are the appropriate length for your seeds