3fR-~~~~...Date of Interview: 29.09.2016 (Day 1) Sl Name of the candidates Percentage of Date of...


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'.. ~~3fR-~~~~-1; ,'(j '" * CSIR- CENTRAL LEATHER RES~ARCH INSTITUTE~ " ....,~.flf".CV~ ~~=~.rfl~~iflcr~ 3{'j'iiiR'lifl ~mrr ~Council of Scientific & Industrial Research

.3fS<lR,~, c=rfJi~ ,mw Adyar, Chennai-600 020 Tamil Nadu- India

No.5(540)/2016-EI Dated: 31108/2016


Sub: List of shortlisted / non- shortlisted candidates for interview for thepost of Medical Officer (MO-01-UR-Male) - Reg.

Ref: CLRI Advertisement No. 2/2016.

It is notified for information that interview for the post of Medical Officer (Male)advertised vide CLRI advertisement referred to above have been scheduled on 29th & 30th

September 2016. Names of the candidates who have been shortlisted to be called for interviewfor the post.. of Medical Officer, and the names of candidates, who have not been shortlistedalong with reasons thereof, are given below:

Post CodeDetails of applications

MO 01 (UR)

Number of applicants registered online & 163

Number of hard copies (of the 92application submitted online) receivedNumber of candidates recommended to 24be called for interview

List of Recommended and non-recommended candidates:

Post Code Recommended Candidates Non-Recommendedto be called for interview candidates along with

reasons thereofMO 01 (UR)(Male) List -I (S) List -I (NS)

Interview call letters to the shortlisted candidates will be sent separately/shortly.

(PShY~Section Officer (EI)


C~ ADYAR,~/CHENNAI-600 020.


List of candidates shortlisted to be called for interview:

Name of the Post Medical officer

Post Code MO 01 (Unreserved, Male)

Date of Interview: 29.09.2016 (Day 1)

Sl Name of the candidates Percentage of Date of birthNo marks1 Dr Amit Kumar Singh 68.29 16/05/1984

2 Dr Bandaru Lokesh 67.26 13/0511991

3 Dr Bhargava Pujari 71 0510411989

4 Dr Chichili Manoj Kumar Reddy 66.33 06/07/1991

5 Dr Deepak R 65 0211011990

6 Dr Gireesh Kumar 81 28/0911987

7 Dr John Bennet 72 10/0611987

8 Dr Kanak Lashkarkar 65 29/0911992

9 Dr Kunam Venkata Ramana Reddy 68 27/0811988

10 Dr Madhan R 65.2 16/04/1992

11 Dr Madhu kumar V 66.49 17/0811989

12 Dr Mahendran J 70.48 08/0511987

13 Dr Mani Sundaram P 70 18/07/1991

14 Dr Manohar Reddy 67 1811011989

15 Dr Mayurkumar Mansukhbhai Rank 79 05/0511990

16 Dr Pagdhune Avinash Rameshrao 65 08/0311985

~'m1T 3tftICfilt1 I S~CTIO~ OFFICER~ -:qq. ~m-;:r ~


Date of Interview: 30.09.2016 (Day 2)

Sl Name of the candidates Percentage of Date of birthNo marks17 Dr Prasad Kalagani BB 65.9 11/0611990

18 Dr Rohini Kumar Sunnapu 67 28/0611989

19 Dr Saravanan J 68 2711011992

20 Dr Srikant S 66.1 0911011991

21 Dr Sudharsan MVD 65 21/0811988

22 Dr Vignesh Kumar V 65.5 0511011991

23 DrVikram E 66.67 29/0511990

24 Dr Visweswara Rao Guthi 73.l 01/0511987

Note:1. Shortlisted names are given in alphabetical order.2. It may be noted that shortlisting does not confer any right for selection and it is subject to

verification of all certificates with original certificates which are to be produced at thetime of interview.

3. Any of the candidates found ineligible to comply with rules and regulations regardingtheir eligibility their candidature will be forfeited at any stage of recruitment.

.tIj-mrT 3lfu<tiI{1/ S~CTIO~ OFFICER~~~UR~



List of non-shortlisted candidates:

Name of the PostPost CodeAgeAdvertised qualification

Medical OfficerMO-Ol (UR-Male)35 yearsEssential: MBBS with 55% marks

Desirable: Diploma in Child Health/Diabetology .

Screening Committee Criteria MBBS with 65%marks and above

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Candidate Name ' ~, Date of' :~, , , , ':S.No "" , 77; '" , • 7 ,~7,~" Reasons for non shortIisted ~,Dr./Shri/Ms;Y: , I

'I ; ,',' '." j!0,Birth '~'7 ""'_~"''''*I'.''''' ;j 'lt8 ""', '. !~",.~~p.;;t, {' '''" )i'Y'~ Iii y!JI'~.1 d",,,, "'<y'P " ' " ,:I;\~'X'"~'i!"&" ,~~~;I,/ ""'/ C' Iltr~1 ss 14 '~:',f~:!M)10•>., \~

~ I " J »<'lI'rl ~ I , " "' h -I +'" u$A );at ;,. iill*Li;'1kf filii*14: j-!$ ff ~'" ~ );".,,'4 "~~~J4iL£f!:i",

1 PRIYANKA B 24-Jan-92 Female candidate.

2 MUDESANDEEPKUMAR 2-0ct-91 Less than 65%NAIK

3 SHY AM KUMAR ADAPA 13-0ct-89 Less than 65%

4 SANTHOSH 10-Jul-91 Less than 65%

5 SATY AJIT MA THIV ANAN II-May-91 Less than 65%

6 ASHOK P 19-Jan-87 Less than 65%

7 PRA VEEN SHANKAR R 9-Apr-92 Less than 65%

8 ROSHAN RAMESH FULZELE 9-Apr-88 Less than 65%

9 YESHANTHULA VENKATESH 26-Apr-86 Less than 65%

10 GANDAM SANDEEP KUMAR 4-Jul-87 Less than 65%

II SOMASEKHAR D S 19-Jun-88 Less than 65%

12 MAKESHW ARAN J 26-Apr-88 Less than 65%

13 PETCHI SEL VAM K I2-Apr-9 I Less than 65%

14 RAGHAVI 30-Apr-91 Female candidate

15 NAVEEN P 27-Apr-90 Less than 65%

16 RAKESH C A 23-Jan-87 Less than 65%

17 ABlRAMI 07-Nov-84 Female candidate

18 PRA VEEN PRABHU G I-Aug-82 Does not meet essential qualn.

~l.-J '''il~~ / SECTION OFFICER


~ADYAR. ~/CHENNAI-600 020.

19 ANTHONY SAGAYA PANDIA 15-Aug-81 Less than 65%RAJA

20 SARANSH RAJA 9-Nov-86 Less than 65%

21 MANISH KUMAR 31-Dec-84 Less than 65%

22 SHESHUKUMAR BHUPATHI 10-Jun-85 Less than 65%

23 SABYASACHIACHARYA 6-Jul-84 Less than 65%

24 HARIKUMAR 10-May-88 Unsigned & Less than 65%

25 ALOKJHA 14-Feb-77 Over age

26 RIYAZ 16-Mar-87 Less than 65%

27 BHASKARM 28-Jun-88 Less than 65%

28 CHANDRAL SESHAN 14-0ct-89 Female candidate

29 NIRMALA KURUGUNT ALA 17-Jun-8l Female candidate

30 NANDEESW ARAN K S 29-Jun-92 Less than 65%

31 RAJKAMAL R 31-Aug-84 Less than 65%

32 JARAPALA SATISH KUMAR20-Sep-86 Less than 65%NAIK

33 VENKATRAMAN 18-May-83 Less than 65%

34 THILAK K 17-Nov-79 Less than 65% & Over age

35 PRAVEEN PARNA 6-May-84 Unsigned & Less than 65%

36 AJAYKUMARK 14-Jun-88 Less than 65%

37 SAI MANGA PRASAD K 20-May-86 Less than 65%

38 AMITH KUMAR V 28-Apr-88 Less than 65%

39 RAGALA SUJA Y 15-Aug-89 Less than 65%

40 QAZI MOHD IQBAL 12-0ct-79 Less than 65% & Over age

41 MADHUSUDAN M 28-Jun-84 Less than 65%

42 TAMILMANI AJ 19-Jul-75 Less than 65%

43 MANIGANDAN 14-Nov-9! Unsigned & Less than 65%

44 PACHIGALLA A M KUMAR 14-May-89 Less than 65%

45 BANDARU RAJESH II-Aug-88 Less than 65%

46 SHIV AKANTH C 13-Aug-88 Less than 65%


-lilT ~ I SECTION OFFICER~ ~~~m-l~


47 DEEPAK ACHARYA 17-Apr-90 Less than 65%

48 KISHORE KUMAR 0 10-Oct-90 Less than 65%

49 RAJIY DHAS M 24-Aug-84 Less than 65%

50 SHRA YAN KUMAR SAMALA 17-0ct-88 Less than 65%

51 KEERTHANA K 24-Aug-91 Female candidate

52 ARUNKUMARB 15-Jul-90 Less than 65%

53 CLEMENT ROY 3-Jun-91 Unsinged & Less than 65%

54 DEYANATHASARMA 9-May-90 Unsinged & Less than 65%

55 ARUNMANICARA YAN N 16-Mar-93 Less than 65%

56 SRI CHARAN CHAGANTIPATI 5-Apr-86 Less than 65%

57 HARINI 7-May-92 Female candidate

58 KARTHICK ARJUNAN 10-Jul-86 Less than 65%

59 SlY ARAMAKRISHNA Y 7-Apr-85 Less than 65%

60 PRITHYI B 22-Jul-85 Less than 65%

61 THOT A RAMESH 10-Jul-86 Less than 65%

62 LAMIENO SELLADURAI L 19-Aug-92 Less than 65%

63 KARTHIKEY AN 20-Mar-80 Over age

64 SABARIGIRIY ASAN 22-Dec-85 Less than 65%

65 SANKARANARA YANAN B II-Nov-84 Less than 65%

66 JAGADEESW ARAN YU 17-Sep-83 Less than 65%

67 KIRTHIKA 26-May-90 Female candidate

68 CLEMENT ROY3-Jun-91 Less than 65%(Repeat at SI No.72)


Section Officer (EI)~ rrr ~ I SECTIO~ OFFICER

.J ~~~m;:f~

