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For the partial fulfillment of Degree of Master in Human

Resource Management from MAHARISHI DAYANAND


Submitted by

Hardeep Saini

SMDRSD College of Computer Science And Technology


Certificate –I

This is to certify entitled

A study of

“ Employee Welfare”

Submitted on partial fulfillment of

The degree of

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Maharishi Dayanand University


By Hardeep Saini.

University Roll No.

Has been prepared under my supervision and guidance and no part of it has been submitted

for the awarded of the any other degree and that the work has not been published in any

journal, magazine or book.


Miss. Reena Sharma,


SMDRSD Institute of Computer Science And Technology Ptahnkot-145001.

Title of Training report: Employee Welfare

Name of the Student: Hardeep Saini

University Roll No

Major Subject: Human Resource

Name and designation of Miss. Reena Sharma

Project Supervisor: Lecturer

Degree to be awarded: Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Name of the College: SMDRSD Institute of Computer Science

And Technology Ptahnkot-145001

Name of the University: Maharishi Dayanand University Rohtak.

Total Pages in Training report: pages



Nothing in this world happens single handed it is the collective efforts of many persons

who put in together to set the things done. So does this project work.

It will be completely unrealistic, if ‘I’ do not acknowledge the persons who have

directly or indirectly helped me a smooth sail through my undertaking.

Hence I take up my nerves to utter a word of thanks to all those who’s sincere advise

made my training period real educational and pleasurable.

I am highly thankful to Ms. PRODHIKA GUPTA; Manager HR & ER of D.M.C. &

Hospital for giving me the opportunity to do the project work in their esteemed


In addition, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to our esteemed Director, DR.

H.S. SANGHA for providing me an opportunity to do summer training.

I also express my sincere gratitude towards my project guide Miss Reena Sharma for

guiding me in my project.


Hardeep Saini


Practical training is important suffixes to theoretical knowledge. Classroom lectures

give us the fundamental concepts of management. One cannot rely upon theoretical

knowledge to succeed in today’s fierce business environment. Classroom lectures must

be correlated with practical training to make the learning realistic.

Practical training plays an important role in developing ones skills in the field of

business management and administration. This handbook covers things like employee’s

facilities, benefits, work practice, pay scale, promotion and all many other facilities.

To successfully apply my theoretical concepts in real life situation,I have undergone a four

weeks training at Dayanand Medical College and Hospital.


Table of contents

Chapter I


Why The Study Of Employee Welfare……………………… 10

Why At DMC&H……………………………………………….…… 11

Chapter II

Introduction To The Subject

Meaning Of Employee Welfare…………………………..….… 13

Principals Of Employee Welfare………………………….…… 14

Objectives Of Employee Welfare……………………………... 17

Concept OF Employee Welfare……………………………….. 19

Scope Of Employee Welfare………………………………..…. 20

Chapter III

Introduction To Human Resource Department……………… 22

Functions Of Human Resource Department…………………. 23

Chapter IV

About The Institute

Profile Of The Institute………………………………..………… 27

Authorities Concerned For The Study Of HRD…………....... 32

Human Resource Department In DMC&H………………..…... 33


Chapter V

Research Methodology

Introduction………………………………………………………. 40

Justification Of The Study………………………………….….. 40

Establishing Objectives Of The Study…………………….…. 42

Data Collection……………………………………….…………… 42

Chapter VI

Employee Welfare In DMC&H

Introduction……………………………………………….….... 53

Definitions……………………………………………………… 54

Types Of Employees…………………………………………... 55

Various Benefits & Facilities To Employees…………...… 59

Allowances Given To Employees………………………..….. 79

Employee Development Activities……………………….…. 80

Administration Of Welfare……………………………….…… 83

Conclusion…………………………………………………....… 83

Suggestions……………………………………………………... 84

Questionnaire…………………………………………………… 88

Bibliography……………………………………………….…….. 93








India is a developing country. This means that majority of the population belong

to the working class. They have to struggle to make both the ends meet. In their struggle

for daily living, they loose sight of the individual development, productivity, self-

actualization etc.

There are certain special characteristics with regard to the Indian labourer, such

as coming from villages to city in search of work, being away from loved ones, having to

accept work at poor working conditions, low wages, etc.

The present scenario in India, is that the employers are becoming aware of their

workers needs and are taking effective measures to improve their morale and self worth by

the various Labour Welfare measures both the statutory and voluntary. The reason being

the increasing awareness created globally, by the initiative of ILO, and other organizations,

the charismatic leadership of some Indian and international labour union leaders like Shri

N.M.Lokhande and initiatives taken by the Indian Government to enact various

legislations concerning the good of the working class and to punish the defaulters.

In such a context, I thought it is worthwhile doing this project on the employee

welfare facilities provided in one of hospitals in Ludhiana.



The problems of the working class are to be taken care of, be it in a big

organization or small one. Each individual worker needs to be given opportunity to

develop his personality and to enjoy descent living for himself and for his household.

At present times hospitals are defined as industry. It has a large number of

employees working at different levels. Certain employees are employed at class 4 level

and many are working at class 1,2,3 levels respectively. Hence it is important to know that

what type of facility each employee is getting in the hospital. Being one of the most

prestigious institution in north, I feel it is important to present a view to every reader that

why this hospital has gained a reputation in the society. It is important for every body to

know that in case of such a big institute how the work is being carried out in a smooth

manner and each of employee is satisfied with whatever hospital is giving them.

Hence I thought it worthwhile knowing the opinions of a big institute like

DMC&H. This will give them a chance to know that their opinions are given weight to. It

would also enable me to know the problems faced by them.

In this study, I aim at knowing the various welfares both statutory and

voluntary, provided at DMC&H and how much workers are contented with these welfare









The term employee welfare means to fare well or to do well. It refers to

physical, mental, emotional well being of an individual.

Welfare is relative to time and space. The welfare needs may vary from company to

another company and from place to place, and from time to time.

Oxford dictionary defines welfare as “state or condition of doing or being well: good

fortune, happiness or well being of a person, community or things “.

“Workers or employees welfare should be understood as meaning such services,

facilities and amenities which may be provided within the vicinity of the undertaking to

enable them to perform their work in healthy, congenial surroundings and provided with

the amenities conductive to good health and high morale.”

Thus, welfare means state of living of an individual or group in a desirable

relationship with the total environment. It also means, efforts to make the life meaningful

for the working class. These efforts cover provisions of the amenities to workers over and

above the minimum working conditions.



Labour Welfare activities look forward to the betterment of the individual and

developing one's morale and personal fulfillment. On the part of the individual it helps him

to contribute better to the organizational objectives. There are certain principles to be kept

in mind while introducing Labour Welfare policies as well as administering them.


Labour Welfare measures cannot be a substitute for wages. Workers have a right

to receive adequate remuneration. In fact, payment or reward to the contribution made by

the individual is the basic and necessary welfare measure that an organization can take.

However, payment of high wages alone cannot bring in commitment and enhancement of

productivity for the simple reason that labourer is completely different from the other

factors of production and has to be handled very carefully. Thus welfare schemes coupled

with adequate remuneration can bring good results for a company.


A company has responsibilities to the workers as well as to the society. An

unhappy worker is a burden to the society, and the company has the responsibility to see to

it that such a phenomenon does not occur. Adequate welfare facility can convert an

individual into a less unhappy person. The company has to lead the employee out of

monotonous working and give responsibility as per his capacity, and thus motivate him.



Labour Welfare and Efficiency are very closely linked. Availability of adequate

welfare facilities motivate the worker and increases his morale, and this ends in increase of

the. Individual’s efficiency. On the other hand an unhappy employee, whose welfare needs

are not taken care of will slowly go backwards in efficiency and this will result in

reduction of the product in quality and quantity.


Wages and salaries are for the skill one has earned. To improve the morale the

management has to give incentives "like, attendance bonus, productivity linked incentive,

etc. Other measures like, attitudinal development exercises, fringe benefits, are also

important motivational tools to improve the morale of the employees.


This principle emphasizes that the concept of Labour Welfare must spread

throughout the hierarchy of an organization. Employees at all levels must accept this total

concept of Labour Welfare programmes and they will never really get off the ground.


This means that a person wishes to learn, and acquire knowledge. If opportunity

is given, he will give more result. If management finds out the capabilities and trains him,

he will be an asset to the organization, and will find his self-development.



There is always a communication gap between employer and employees - the

more the gap, the more the tension. This means the message should be passed without

addition and edition, so that communication gap is filled to the maximum.


The more welfare, the more interest from the workers. The more is interest, the

less is rejection. If lesser is rejection, higher are profit and the government gets better

revenue. Thus labour welfare enhances national prosperity.


Productivity is a qualitative measurement and production refers to quantity. The

person has the capacity to higher productivity, but has to be given opportunity. The

management has to play the key role here to enhance the productivity of the employees to

the better growth of employee and employer.



Labour Welfare aims at the whole development of the person of the working class.

The Labour Welfare Policies of any organization should keep in mind the following


1. To increase the standard of living of the. Working class: The labourer is more

prone to exploitation from the capitalists if there is no standardized way of looking

after their welfare.

2. To make the management feel the employees are satisfied about the work and

working conditions.

3. To reduce the labour problems in the orgnisaton: There are various problems

affecting the workers, problems like absenteeism, turnover ratio, indebtedness,

alcoholism, etc., which make the labourer further weak both physically and

psychologically. Labour Welfare looks forward to helping the labourer to

overcome these problems.

4. To recognize human values Every person has his own personality and needs to be

recognized and developed. It is in the hands of the management to shape them and

help them grow. The management employs various methods to recognize each

one's worth as an individual and as an asset to the organization.

5. Labour Welfare helps to foster a sense of responsibiJjty in the industry: A person

works both in a group and as an individual. If the person is given responsibility he

will act better or else he will be only a slave to the direction of the superiors and

will not show any initiative to prove his worth,


6. Labour Welfare improves industrial relations and reduces industrial disputes:

Industrial dispute in any industry is a sign of unsatisfied employees. Labour

Welfare measures act as a preventive tool to most of these disputes.

7. To retain the employees There should be fixed policies: This calls in to prepare the

policies, to conduct different training programmes, to have various motivational

schemes, to create interest in the job. The employees who feel secure in an

organisation, backed by fixed welfare policies have less chance of looking for a job


8. To show up their positive mind in the work: Positive mind refers to the

development of one's attitudes. This is to change the negative attitude into positive.

9. To influence over other employees: This means Labour Welfare helps to change

one's personality - presentation skills, communication skills, inter-personal

relationships, etc. This is best achieved when their morale is kept high by the

different welfare schemes.

10. To increase the bargaining power of the employees: Bargaining means to

systematically extract something from the opponent. The better bargaining power,

the better influence on the opponent. Labour welfare measures like formation of

works committee, worker's participation, Trade Union, etc., will surely help them

to have better bargaining power.



1. Social Concept: The human person is a social animal. Therefore, Labour Welfare

measures should see that a worker, his family and community needs to be looked after

besides the wages, even socially. It means caring to their ego and social status. The

government should look after the social interests of the working class through social

Security legislations.

2. Positive concept: In order to establish the concept of productivity and attitudinal

development, experiments need to be conducted with the help of behavioral sciences. By

this, intrinsic abilities and capabilities of the employees can be developed and this will

contribute in helping better interest in the job, thereby cause improvement in the quality of

the work and in personal satisfaction.

3. Relative concept: This helps to ensure that the employee is relatively changed as for the

time. There needs some advancement, technological in nature by the management. To

understand that either training, change in the job, and generating awareness about present

scenario, if done more results can be given by the employees.

4. Negative concept: Creating a fear in the mind of the employee towards the work. This

is a negative motivation - transfer, demotion, etc.



The scope of employee Welfare cannot be limited, since it differs according to social

customs and the degree of industrialization indifferent countries and at different times.

They have to be elastic and flexible enough to suit the conditions of the workers, and to

include all the essential prerequisites of life and the minimum basic amenities. The laws of

every country highlight directions to specific application to the working class, the

necessity of securing just and humane conditions of work, for them. However, what these

conditions actually imply cannot be specified in rigid terms for all times and situations.

Thus, the subject of Labour Welfare is fairly wide and is not limited to anyone country,

region or industry. Writers and institutions have described its scope in different ways and

from different angles. The line of demarcation cannot be very precise. But what should be

common is that a welfare measure should enhance the working and living conditions of the

workers and their families and make their lives better worth living. In other words, Labour

Welfare policies should "Enable workers to live a richer and more satisfactory life". Thus

it should:









HRD can be defined as "a planned activity for overall growth of an individual or

group of individual by providing them with the relevant learning experiences". The role of

HRD assumes a significant part in contributing to organizational health. It is continuing

attempt of organization to self renew through process of building strategies to meet ever

changing demand. HRD plays an effective role in:

Developing individual to realize his potential as an individual to maximum


Developing the individual capabilities for performing present job efficiently.

Developing capabilities to handle future roles.

Maintaining high motivational level.

Strengthening superior-subordinate relationships.

Promoting inter-team collaboration.

Developing organizational health and climate.

Strengthening team spirit among different teams.

Inspiring to have a constant desire to learn and develop.

Conducting surveys and renewal exercises and researches periodically.




Human Resource Planning is the process of analyzing and identifying the needs

for availability of employees. HR planning is process by which an organization ensures

that it has the right number and kinds of people, at right places at right time, capable of

effectively and efficiently completing those jobs that will help company achieve its overall



Recruitment is process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating

them to apply for jobs in organization. Recruitment is likely to achieve its objectives if

recruitment sources reflect the type of position to be filled.


Selection involves a series of steps by which a candidate are screened for

choosing most suitable persons for vacant jobs in organization. The objective of selection

process is to determine whether an applicant meets the qualifications for specific jobs and

to choose the applicant who is most, likely to perform well in that job.

Training and Development:

Training is an organized activity increasing the knowledge and skills of people

for doing specific jobs according to their need for development in their roles and

competencies. Proper utilization of people by good placement and on-job training ensures

their retention in the organization.


Performance Appraisal:

Performance appraisal is also called merit rating, personnel rating, Employee’s

appraisal and performance evaluation. It has been used as control mechanism for salary

administration, rewards, promotions and actions. It aims at guiding employees for

improving their performance.


When a new comer joins an organization, he is an utter stranger to the people,

work place and work environment. He/she is really apprehensive regarding his/her work in

the organization. To put new incumbent on ease and to acquaint him with the structure and

policies of the organization, Induction is very necessary. Induction is the process of

receiving and welcoming an employee when he first joins a company and giving him the

basic information he needs to settle down quickly and start work. It is the technique by

which a new employee is rehabilitated into the changed surroundings and introduced to the

practices, policies and purposes of the organization.

HRD is an integrated function and is related to all people oriented processes. An

effective HRD system not only ensures present performance but long-term survival and

growth of organization. It also includes everything that has to do with people i.e. their

recruitment, induction, retention, and welfare. Appraisal, growth, training, skill

development, attitudinal orientation, compensation, motivation, industrial relations &

separation are the important function of HRD.


Once employees have been recruited and selected, the next step is orientation

and training. This involves providing them with the information and skill they need to

successfully perform their jobs. Employee orientation provides new employees with basic

background information they need to perform their job satisfactorily, such as information

about organizational rules. Orientation is actually part of the employer's new-employee

socialization process. Socialization is the ongoing process of instilling in all employees the

prevailing attitudes, standards, values and patterns of behavior that are expected by the

organization and its departments.

Orientation programs range from brief, informal introductions to lengthy, formal

programs. In either, new employees usually get a handbook or printed materials that cover

things like working hours, performance reviews, getting on the payroll, vacations as well

as a tour of facilities. Other handbook information typically includes employee benefits,

personnel policies, the employee's daily routine, organizational structure and operations

and safety measures and regulations.

The HR specialist, who explains such matters as working hours and vacations,

usually performs the first part of the orientation. The employee is then introduced to his or

her new supervisor. The latter continues the orientation by explaining the exact nature of

the job, introducing the person to his or her new colleagues, familiarizing the new

employee with the work place, and hopefully helping to reduce the new person’s first day

jitters. This handbook strives to provide an ambiance where joint efforts of its employees

synergies into landmarks. This induction manual is one more step in improving the work







A devoted personality, Dr. Banarsi Dass Soni, Ex. Capt. I.M.S. with a

missionary zeal for medical education and patient care, conceived the idea of providing

much needed medical care to the people. This noble idea bloomed in the form of Arya

Medical School in the year 1934. It was started in a rented building in the Civil Lines,

Ludhiana. Admission was limited to only 20 students in the beginning.

In 1936, the management was handed over to Arya Samaj, Saban Bazar, Ludhiana,

under the aegis of Arya Pratinidhi Sabha, Punjab. A separate Managing Body nominated

by the Managing committee of Arya High School, Ludhiana managed the Medical School.

It was shifted to its own building (now Old Dayanand Hospital) in 1937.

The medical school was recognized for LSMF (Diploma of the Punjab State

Medical Faculty) in 1938 and also for running a hospital attached to it. The following

year, the Managing Body decided that the Ludhiana Medical School should, in future, be

called “Arya Medical School” and the hospital attached to it “Dayanand Hospital”.

It was only in the year 1964 that, consistent with the policy of the Government, the

Arya Medical School flowered into a full-fledged MBBS College, which came to be

known as Dayanand Medical College. The management of this college was taken over by

a galaxy of prominent people of Ludhiana, who formed an organisation known as the

“Managing Society of Dayanand Medical College & Hospital, Ludhiana”, a minority

Institution and Late Shri H.R. Dhanda, a prominent industrialist of the town, became its



The college is recognized for the MBBS Course by the Medical Council of India

and is affiliated to the Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot. It admits 70

students every year to the MBBS Course.

The College is also affiliated to the Baba Farid University of Health Sciences,

Faridkot for the Postgraduate courses in anatomy, Physiology. Pathology, Pharmacology,

Medicine, Surgery, Obst. & Gynae, Pediatrics, Dermatology & STD, Ophthalmology,

Otolaryngology, Orthopedics, Anesthesiology, Radio-Diagnosis, Psychiatry and Social &

Preventive Medicine. Most of these subjects have been recognized by the Medical

Council of India and for the rest; either inspection has been carried out or requested for.

An imposing complex of the hospital building situated at Tagore Nagar in the

midst of beautiful and natural surroundings presents the look of an admirable monument.

It has bed strength of 1100 and is equipped with all kids of modern facilities for providing

proper care to the patients and training to the undergraduate and postgraduate students. All

the clinical departments alongwith the diagnostic laboratories are functioning and

providing round-the clock service at this campus.

Super-specialties of Neurosurgery, Neurology, Plastic Surgery including micro-

vascular surgery, Pediatric Surgery, Urology, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Nephrology,

kidney Transplant, Oncology, Endocrinology, G.E. Surgery and Transfusion Medicine are

also functioning at this campus and are providing the most modern care to the patient. The

hospital had set up the first Haemo-dialysis unit in Punjab. All these departments are

managed by fully qualified doctors who have at their disposal, the latest sophisticated

investigative gadgets. We have on faculty, 30 DM and M.Ch doctors. The hospital


possesses all kinds of state of art investigative facilities like Fiber optic Endoscopes

including upper as well as lower GI Scopes, Bronchoscopes, Nasopharyngo-laryngoscope,

Colposcope, Hysteroscope and peritoneoscope, apart from Biochemical Autoanaluysers,

Blood Gas analyzer and auto cell counter Somatosensory Evoked Response Testing Whole

Body Spiral CT Scan, Ultrasonography, Echocardiography, EEG & EMG etc.

DMC Hospital is the first and the only institution in India having, in its

Department of Orthopedics, the facility of a unique technique of external fixtures perfected

by the internationally renowned Prof. Organesyan from Russia.

DMCH is the only institution in this part of the region which has the intensive

care units (ICU) in most of the critical care area, notable ones are: ICU, Stroke ICU, Burns

ICU, Pediatrics & newborn ICU’s etc.

The Institution has well-developed urban & rural field health delivery systems,

with residential facilities for training of students and interns under the department of social

& Preventive Medicine. Models for health care delivery & Community Oriented Learning

have been developed in these areas in addition to research on community health problems.

These have been widely acknowledged.

Completion of the multipurpose Dumra Auditorium has added a new dimension

to the curricular and extra curricular activities of the students and staff of the institution.


DMCH College of Nursing has admitted the first batch of 50 B.Sc. Nursing in

year 2003 and has been acclaimed one of the most modern and well equipped college of

nursing in Punjab with excellent on job training facilities.

The process to introduce DM/M.Ch courses in Gastroenterology, Cardiology

and Plastic Surgery has started and by starting these Super-specialties course Dayanand

Medical College will become the first college in Punjab having this type of facility.

The aim of the Managing Society of Dayanand Medical College & Hospital is to

develop the entire institution into a modern and unique place capable of imparting the best

medical education and providing the best opportunity for growth of an all round


Newer methods of medical education are being experimented and the changing

face of medical education is visible. DMC&H has become the most sought of institution

for U.G & P.G. studies in Punjab.

This institution has come up by dint of hard work and sincere efforts of the

management, staff and employees and also the co-operation of the students. The public of

Ludhiana and other places have always been kind in extending their helping hand in

building up this Institution. Above all, Central and State Governments and many of the

dignitaries deserve gratitude of the management for their co-operation.


Our medical and paramedical, teaching and non-teaching staff members come

from various States in India. The Govt. of India and the State Govt. have continued to

show their interest in the development of the college and the hospital.

In deed DMCH is one of the unique institution where:

No Compromise is done on Merit,

No weightage is given to cast, creed and color.

Will commitment and holistic concern for environment, ethics and society are the

beacons to escort the humanity in right direction.




Mr. Roshan Lal Sharma Sr. Personnel Manager

Ms. Prodhika Gupta Manager HR & ER

Mr. Bhawani Prasad Supervisor Grade II

Mr. Jagtar Singh Head Clerk

Mr. Samuel Sr. Clerk




In any industry where the end product is through a series of operations, the basic

requirements are capital, machine and the man behind the machine. Hospital is a service

industry where the most important part is the human behavior of the different categories of

workers, Para-medical staff: technical staff: nursing staff junior doctors and the

Consultants. It is, therefore imperative that the human resources are not only properly

selected after thorough planning, a properly managed Interview process to include testing

but also the necessary skill assessment be carried .out so that every single person selected

fits into the job for which he or she has been selected. It is equally important thereafter

that the Human Resources inducted into the organization are properly received, oriented,

guided, trained, nurtured and made useful members of the organization. To do this

function we need Human Resource Management par-excellence.


For the Hospital, a separate Cell of Human Resource Management

(Development is part of Management) has been recommended and the members of this

Cell are qualified, experienced, and have the necessary spark to carry forward the normally

neglected but the onerous task of Human Resource Management. The Chief Administrator

and Co-coordinator has been recently nominated for the job in addition to his present

duties but will require two more qualified staff members as part of the.


The following areas are studied and A programme for orientation is made out to

implement with the co-operation of the concerned Head's of Department for specific

services, advice and coordination:

I) An assessment and planning for the future needs of the staff.

II) Recruiting and selecting process including interviews, tests and skill


III) Analyses the task, duties, knowledge and personality as part of job analysis.

IV) Lay down Standards of Conduct and Results to be achieved for all categories

of staff. Since this will entail a long process, prioritising will have to be done.

V) Improve the existing system of performance appraisal so as to get Higher

Performance through proper feedback, guidance and advice.


Induction training for all new workers so as to instill in them a sense of

belonging, pride in the institution and orientation with various systems and procedures so

that the new staff member fits into the team smoothly. In this, the important aspect is the

attitude of the colleagues and the superiors so that the newcomer feels wanted, made

welcome and is considered an important part of the system. This training to include:


a) Orientation to the organization and different departments.

b) Training in his own area of work.

Test for fitness for the job.


For the exiting staff: it is imperative that there should be continuous up

gradation of skills, capability and expertise to fit into the next seniors lot as part of

promotion system. At a later stage, the Skill Standards will also have to be laid down and a

Certification System evolved.


We already have a Training Team but it has been functioning without a qualified

and experienced officer. There is a need to upgrade it that the training is better organised

with proper Training Aids and the training made more interesting, useful and result

orientated. The Training Team will be part of Human Resource Management. Some of the

areas which .may require action are.

Personal Development in an environment of enthusiasm. Positive thinking vs.

Negative thinking (Pygmalion effect)

Making Decisions.


Monitoring tasks directly and indirectly.



Following needs to be done:

Design and implement Development programmes.

Building effective teams in each department.

Career plans for development.

Review of system of appraisal including self-appraisal.

Compensation and benefits.

Employee/Union relations:


Discipline and Grievance handling including that of the female staff.

Procedure to handle grievance of Sexual Harassment and violence against women.

Safety, Health and Insurance.

Communication forums inter and intra departments.

Human Resource Info base.

Design and implement employee communication system.


We all know that customer (patient) is always right and we are all there to

satisfy his/her needs. However, it is emphasized that employee's satisfaction" high morale,

work-culture and climate of complete faith in each other will result in better performance

at all levels and convert itself into better satisfaction of the customer i.e. the patient and

their attendants.



It is equally important that every member of the staff should have a clear idea

about his job for which he is responsible and what are the standards of efficiency laid

down for him and the authority to whom he is answerable. It is to include who, what,

where, when, why and how the job will be performed.


It is also a known fact that in a competitive' world the middle rung and senior

administrators are likely to move horizontally due to global competition. Whenever

offered a better package, security of job, better environment, more percentage of such staff

members is likely to move out to the competitive organizations. Such wastage, if

quantified, is likely to be a heavy drain on our resources. It is, therefore, essential that our

staff is kept satisfied and there is a need to design and implement programmes to improve

personal management and administration. It may also be useful to analyses the reasons

when a good staff member leaves the organization, the causes and the attractions of the

alternative job by informal socialization and it is a must to carry out Exit Interviews for



Some specific steps are given as under:

Good Leader with professional Managerial skills and a enter- pre-neural manager.

Professional Management - need for reorganization and orientation at the top level

of Administration.


Clear defined goals and missions to be widely shared with employees at successive


Encouragement of staff at all levels by more communication at

Formal and informal forums. This area needs special emphasis as most of the

problems raise their heads due to lack of

Communication by the main functionaries.

Mechanism to facilitate continuous learning - Interest of staff in self-development.

Use of superannuated consultants as visiting faculty.

Mechanism for interaction with-clients groups- e.g. big Industry, University,

Village/Town Reps., NGO's, Lions/Rotary clubs etc.

Flow of Information - feed back - surveys.

Delegation and Decentralization combined with measure of

Financial autonomy.

Professionalism - The job of administration is as technical and

Specific as any technical stream. Therefore adherence to set of

Professional norms for the staff in the administrative hierarchy must be oriented to

their professional competence.

Innovative and Adaptive Organization - Where no set solutions are forthcoming,

there is need to innovate at all levels. The organization also must adapt with the

passage of time, change in circumstances and work environment.

Structural Charges: Down sizing need, out sourcing (contract

System) re-engineering (redesign to improve quality of service

By the Service provider to the user department) cost reduction

And efficiency achieved through Benchmarking.








The word research refers to finding the truth about something through a

systematic study.

Research may be done to

-Gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights into it:

-Portray accurately the characteristics of the particular individual, situation or a group:

-Determination the frequency with which phenomenon occurs or with which it is

associated with another:

-Test a hypothesis of a casual relationship between variables.

Justification of the study

As already mentioned in the introduction, I have taken up to do this study, first

of all, considering the importance of employee welfare both in the life of the employees –

for they constitute the largest population of the country –and important for the employees

as well, since their concern to have the employee morale kept high and productivity kept

high. Besides the morale of the employees are kept high their loyalty gained, if only the

management is concerned about the welfare of the employees.

It is in this context that I decided to study the aspect of Labour Welfare at the



Establishing objectives of the study

First and foremost, it is important in a research study, to have the objective(s) of

the study clearly in mind, i.e. what the researcher looks forward to study. This may

require that the researcher do an extensive review of available literature on the specific

topic or similar topics. It also requires that he discuss it with colleagues and experts.

The Main objective of the current study is:

To find out if Dayanand Medical College & Hospital, Ludhiana being a big

institution takes adequate cares of the Welfare of it’s Employees, and how the employees


This objective may be further explained/subdivided as follows: -

1. To study the different welfare facilities provided in this establishment and

how the employee feels satisfied about it: Any industry is bound by laws of

the country to provide certain amenities for the welfare of its members. The

companies also give extra welfare facilities in view of the good of the

employees and to improve their morale. This study aims at finding out those


2. To find out if the facilities provided are satisfactory for the employee: Any

Management can project themselves as providing the various welfare

facilities to the employee. However, this may be only to fulfill the

obligations towards the employees and the government. This may result in

dissatisfaction of the employee and the welfare facilities resulting in not

improving their morale. Therefore it is both important to find if the facilities


are given to the employees and also to find out if they are positively

benefiting them.

3. To know the extent of awareness of the workers regarding welfare facilities.

The workers need to be aware of the various facilities that they can avail

from the organization and from the government and conditions for getting

them. If not, they may not be able to enjoy the privileges which are their

rights and those organizations is willing to give to them.

4. To appreciate the organization for the good that it does to the employees and

to suggest to remedial measures for bettering the morale of the workers.


Data Sources:

For the purpose of study both primary and secondary data was needed. The data

was collected in two phases.

In the first phase, secondary data was gathered, i.e. Background analysis was

performed to grasp the real situation about existing policies, the rules and regulations

followed in DMC&H. For this extensive reading of various literatures such as Service

Rules of DMC&H, Bare Acts was carried out and also some help was taken from books

regarding Human Resource and Development. Along with reading, discussions with

numerous individuals, both inside and outside of the organization were done.

In the second phase, to prepare the Handbook on employee welfare, primary data

was collected from various sources:


Personal Interviews of Potential Respondents:

A lot meaningful information was be obtained by simply interviewing all the

potential respondents. Since potential respondents are likely to have a direct experience

with the situation involved, their information provided was the most insightful view of

various aspects of induction manual. Informal interviewing was followed to obtain full


Authorities (i.e. Potential Respondents) contacted for the purpose of collecting

information: -

Name, Designation &Department

1. Ms. Prodhika Gupta (Manager HR & ER HRD)

2. Mr. R.L. Sharma (Manager Personnel Main Office)

3. Mr. Ohri (Fire Officer, Fire& Sanitation Department)

4. Mr. Bhawani Prasad Supervisor Grade II HRD

5. Mr. Jagtar Singh (Head Clerk, HRD)

6.Mr. Samuel (Senior Clerk, H.R. Office)

Others: Certain other interviews were also made with the supervisors of various

departments to study the level of satisfaction of workers towards the management. Various

people involved includes Mr Bahadur Singh, (sanitary supervisor), Mrs. Rajwant

Randhawa & Mrs. Navraj Kaur (staff nurse), employees involved in sanitary, nursing and

other departments etc.


3.2 Research Design:

To prepare the handbook on Employee Welfare the descriptive research design is chosen

with the use of crossectional approach keeping the time constraint in perspective.

3.3 Time Period of the Study:

The study was conducted in the month of June-July 2005

3.4 Limitation of the Study:

Nothing is perfect in this mandate world and this study is no exception. Hence there are

some limitations of the study so that the findings of the study may be understood in their

right perspective: Due to constant change in the standards of living, government policies,

amendments in laws etc. this study may not be accurate in the future.


Q.NO. 1

Are you satisfied with emoluments provided to you?


Are you satisfied with various allowances given to you by the hospital?



Are you satisfied with the increment policy?

Q.NO. 4

Are you satisfied with the medical facilities?


Q.NO 5

Are you satisfied with the promotion policy (please mention reason)?


Are you satisfied with the pattern of leaves?


Q.NO.7 Is management considering your participation?

Q.NO.8 Are your suggestions are given due consideration?


Q.NO. 9 Do you want any change in the policies related to employee welfare?

Q.NO. 10

Do you want to add any policy to the existing policies related to employee welfare?


SAMPLE SIZE=200 UNIT (where units refers to individuals)




1 Are you satisfied with emoluments provided to you? 58 42

2 Are you satisfied with various allowances given to

you by the hospital?

62 38

3 Are you satisfied with the increment policy? 72 28

4 Are you satisfied with the medical facilities? 82 18

5 Are you satisfied with the promotion policy (please

mention reason)?

78 22

6 Are you satisfied with the pattern of leaves? 82 18

7 Is management considering your participation? 70 30

8 Are your suggestions are given due consideration? 40 60

9 Do you want any change in the policies related to

employee welfare?

46 54

10 Do you want to add any policy to the existing

policies related to employee welfare?

44 56



Hypothesis is a summary temporary and imaginary related to the subject

of study. A research hypothesis is a predictive statement, capable of being tested by

scientific methods, that relates an independent variable to some dependent variable. Its

main function is to suggest new experiments and observations. In fact, many experiments

are carried out with the deliberate object of testing hypothesis.

Characteristics of a good hypothesis are-

1. It should be clear and precise.

2. All concerned should state it as far as possible in most simple terms so that it is

easily understandable.

3. It should be consistent with most known facts.

4. It should be related to performed theories.

5. It should not be expressed in an exaggerative language.

6. It will be useless if not related to available methods and means.

7. It should be limited in scope and must be specific.







Employee welfare has an important and positive role to play in the organization

economy. A proper organization and administration of the welfare facilities play an

important role in promoting better working conditions and living standards in the of the

employees and thereby increase their productivity for the organization.

DMC&Hospital considers the welfare of its employees as one of the top priorities

of the institution. The institution has taken special initiatives to look after the welfare of

the employees. The institution with about of class 1 employees and about

class 2, 3, 4 employees respectively. The institution provides welfare facilities and benefits

not only on the guidelines of Medical Council of India but it has its own Service Rules

formed by its dedicated team of HR manager la

These Service Rules apply to the all employees of Dayanand Medical College

and Hospital, Ludhiana, Nursing College including Rural Health Centers, presently

working in the institution or are appointed after the date of commencement of these rules.

It supercedes all the earlier circulars and rules applicable to the employees of the

institution from the date of its commencement.

These Service rules are an integral part of all employment contracts with the



Various definitions have been defined as follows under these

service rules. In these rules unless there is anything repugnant to the context,

the following words would have the meaning as assigned to here under: -

“Employer” means Dayanand Medical College and Hospital, Ludhiana, Rural

Health Centers and Nursing College.

“Employee” means any person who is employed for wages in any kind of work,

manual or otherwise, in connection with work of Dayanand Medical College and hospital,

Ludhiana and who receives his wages directly from Dayanand Medical College and


“Institution” means Dayanand Medical College and Hospital, Ludhiana and all

the associated departments, Rural Health Centers, Nursing Colleges.

“Managing Society” means the Managing Society of Dayanand Medical

College and Hospital, Ludhiana.

“Governing Board” means the Governing Board of Dayanand Medical College

and Hospital, Ludhiana.

“Pay,” means the basic pay only.

“Salary” means the total emoluments except where otherwise defined.


“Family” means the employee, his spouse, unmarried dependant children and

parents living with and wholly dependant on him/ her.


The employees of the institute are classified into the following categories.


The permanent employee is one who is employed against the permanent post on

permanent basis, which includes a probationary employee who has satisfactorily

completed the probation period to the entire satisfaction of the management and who has

been confirmed by an order in writing. The service of the permanent staff can be

terminated as result of disciplinary action.


Probationer is an employee, who is provisionally employed for a permanent

post, declared as probationary by the management and has not been confirmed. At the

initial appointment, all the employees will be appointed on probation for the period of one

year. The probation period may be extended further at the sole discretion of the

management. Unless confirmed in writing, the employee will be deemed as a probationer

after the earlier initial or extended period of probation.


A temporary/Adhoc employee will include a person who is appointed for a

limited period mentioned in the appointment letter, or :


a) Who is appointed for work of an essentially temporary nature not intended to be

carried out on a permanent basis, or

b) Person employed in connection with the temporary increase in work of a

permanent nature, or

c) Person employed to work provisionally for a limited period in a post till permanent

arrangement for filling up that post are made, or

d) Person employed as a substitute in place of a permanent or probationary employee,

who is either temporally absent or is on long leave but not for a period of one year.

The person employed against temporary post will not be entitled for annual

increment or privilege leave.

Daily wages:

Daily wager means the employee who is employed to fulfill unexpected

requirement due to unusual pressure of work, which is of casual nature. The employee’s

wages are fixed on daily basis. The person employed as daily wager will not be entitled for

any kind of benefit as available to the permanent employee such as leaves etc.


The persons employed for the purpose of training shall be called as trainee and

will receive only fixed stipend and will not be entitled for any type of appointment after

the completion of the training period. The training period will not be counted for seniority


or any other benefit. However they can be considered for the regular appointment on the

sole discretion of the management. He will be bound to comply with all the terms and

conditions stipulated in the contract of employment letter. During the training period

he/she will not be entitled to Privilege Leave, increment etc. However the Medical benefits

shall be allowed for self only.

Part Time:

A part time employee means an employee who is employed for work for less

than the normal period of working hours. Part time employees will not be entitled to get

the benefits available to the other employees. They shall be entitled to such benefits only

as are determined by the management.

On Contract:

Which means the tenure of employment for a specified period of time and the

employee is entitled to only the benefits specified in the contract of appointment subject to

the prior approval of the management. Such contract employee shall not have any right to

claim permanency or regularization of his employment in the institution after the expiry of

the specified period. Unless terminated earlier by one month’s notice or pay in lieu thereof,

such appointment will automatically come to an end at the expiry of the specified period

and no notice or any kind of compensation will be payable. A person appointed on

contractual basis will be entitled for only 10 casual leaves per year except Nursing Staff.

The Nursing Staff shall be entitled for 20 casual leaves per year. However the Medical

leaves will be allowed to them equal to the regular employees. Medical facilities will be

allowed to self only.


Classification of staff:

All the employees employed in the institute can be classified into four classes

i.e. Class-1, Class-2, Class-3 and Class-4.


The following employees shall be classified as Class - 1 employee:

Principal(s), Vice Principal(s), Medical Supdt. (s), General Manager, Manager

(s)/ All officers/Administrators, Head of Departments, Professors, Associate Professors,

Assistant Professors and Sr. Residents, Ward sisters, Nursing Supdt. Nursing Tutors,

Engineers etc.


The following employees shall be classified as Class - 2 employees:

All Nursing Incharge, Supervisors, Head Cashiers, Head-Clerks, Computer

Programmers, Hostel Warden Office Superintendents, etc.


The following employees shall be classified as Class - 3 employees:

All clerks, computer operators, technicians, Staff Nurses, Drivers, Storekeepers,

electricians, floor-In charge, Cash Supervisors, Welders, Sanitary Supervisors, Tailors, and

Carpenters etc comes under this group.



The following employees shall be classified as Class - 4 employees:

Security Guards, Fire men, Ward Helpers, Lady Ward Attendants, Daies,

Sweepers/Cleaners, Peons, CSSD Helpers, Lab./O.T. Attendants etc.



Group personal accident insurance policy from Reliance General Insurance Company

Limited is provided to the employees. It is meant to cover those situations:

(I) Where an employee meets with an accident during duty hours while doing the

assigned duty

(II) An employee gets handicapped during the time frame of duty or

(III) An employee dies while performing the hospital duty.

As a measure of social security the hospital has taken Personal Group Insurance

Policy for the employees employed in following depts. (1) Equipment (2) Gas-Plant (3)

C.S.S.D and Autoclave (4) Laundry (5) Hygiene (6) Wastage Autoclave (7) General and

Building Store (8) Purchase Section (9) Legal Cell (10) other employees doing outside

duty (11) Cash and billing (12) Accounts (13) Maintenance.

Under this scheme the employees are covered for Rs.1.00 Lacs.


If such injury shall, as a direct consequence thereof, immediately, permanently,

totally and absolutely, disable the insured employee from engaging in being occupied with

or giving attention to any employment or occupation of any description whatsoever then a

lump sum equal to 100% of the capital sum insured, stated in the schedule hereto should be

applicable to such person

If such injury shall within 12calender months of its occurrence be the sole and

direct cause of total and/or partial and irrecoverable loss of the use or of the actual loss by

physical separation of the following, then the percentage of the capital sum insured

applicable to such insured employee should be in the manner indicated below:

Loss of Body Part Percentage of Capital Sum Insured

Loss of toes-all 20%

Loss of toes great – both phalanges 5%

Loss of toes great – one phalanges 2%

Loss of toes other than great, if more than one

toe lost each


Loss of hearing both ears 75%

Loss of hearing – one ear 30%

Loss of four fingers and thumb of one hand 40%

Loss of thumb- both phalanges 25%

Loss of thumb- one phalanx 10%


Loss of Index finger- three phalanges or two

phalanges or one phalanx


Loss of middle finger – three phalanges or two

phalanges or one phalanx


Loss of ring finger –three phalanges or two

phalanges or one phalange


Loss of little finger –three phalanges or two

phalanges or one phalange


Loss of metacarpals 3%

Loss of four fingers 35%

Any other permanent partial disablement Percentage as assessed by a panel of doctors of

the insurance company.


In the event of death of the insured employee due to accident as defined in the

policy outside his/her residence, the Insurance Company in addition to the amount payable

under the basic scheme shall also pay for the transportation of the insured person’s dead

body to the place of residence i.e. 2% of capital sum insured or Rs2500/- whichever is less.


1) This scheme is a part of the Provident Fund Act.

2) The Employee’s Pension Scheme applies:

All new entrants to Employee’s Provident Fund Scheme-1952 (EPF) from

16.11.95 will be eligible for this.


3) The rate of contribution towards employees’ Pension Scheme is 8.33% of the

pay, which is diverted from Employer’s share of PF. The central government

also contributes 1.16% of the pay.

4) Nomination of the person(s) eligible to receive the benefits under this scheme,

is must In the absence of any nomination, the person(s) eligible to receive the

benefits will be determined as stipulated in the PF Act/ Employee Pension


5) Pensionable Service is the service rendered by the members for which

contributions have been received in Employee’s Pension Scheme, 1995. In

case members retires on attaining the age of 58 years and/or has rendered 20

years of pensionable service, two years will be added as bonus years in the

pensionable service.

6) The benefits available under the scheme are:

a) Monthly self pension payable to employee:

i) Short service pension: Where service is more than 10 years but less

than 20 years and age is less than 58 years.

ii) Retirement pension: Where service is more than 20 years and age is

less than 58 years.

iii) Superannuation pension: Where service is more than 20 years age is

52 years.

iv) Disablement pension.


b) Monthly widow pension payable to eligible widow.

i) Monthly dependent pension payable to children/ orphan


Every person selected for any appointment undergo a medical examination,

which is carried out free of cost. No appointment is finalized until the medical fitness

certificate produced by the concerned employee. A fresh medical examination is

necessary for all term re appointments.

Every staff member shall keep himself/herself immunized against typhoid,

cholera and small pox, such immunizations are provided free by the department of social

and Preventive Medicines of the institution.


The Medical Treatment concession is given to all-serving employees (except

faculty Members) and their dependants is as under: -

At the time of admission as indoor patient, all employees are required to deposit

Rs.50/- as admission charges for themselves or their dependents.

No payment is charged for any investigation, bed charges and any other hospital



All the employees shall bear the cost of medicine from their pocket and will obtain

the proper bills of the entire medicine. The cost of medicine will be reimbursed

after the discharge of the employee/dependent from the hospital as per the policy of

the Insurance Company.

The entire employees are required to produce the Medical book at the time of

admission as indoor Patients.

No concession/re-imbursement shall be made to any employee/their dependents for

treatment as out door patient.

All the employees shall declare the names of their dependents at the time of their

appointment together with the dates of birth for the purpose of medical benefits.

Subsequent applications for entering the name of dependents shall be made to the

competent authority.

All the employees are requested in their own interest to obtain the medical books as

soon as possible after the appointment and to maintain it regularly. The Medical

book as well as the bills of the medicine shall support all claims for medical re-


Any false claim shall be treated as misconduct and the entire cost of treatment can

be recovered from the concerned employee.


All the claims for medical re-imbursement shall be submitted to the personal

department of the hospital, within 10 days from the date of discharge. Otherwise no

claim shall be entertained.

All regular employees will be entitled for medical facilities including

hospitalization from the first working day and after confirmation of their service

their dependent family members will also be entitled for this benefit. The daily

wagers will not be entitled for this benefit. In case of hospitalization the amount

will be fully reimbursed. However the following charges will not be re-imbursed:

C.T. Scan, Blood Transfusion, Kidney Transplantation, out side Medication,

Tonics (Calcium and Iron) and Child Feed.

The Doctors are not entitled for the medical reimbursement but the investigations

and room accommodation will be provided free of cost. Their dependants will also

be entitled for free investigations and accommodation.

Dependents who are entitled for medical facility are defined as under:

For a married male staff member: His wife, two children under the age of 18

years and who are unmarried and not gainfully employed, Mother and Father who

are more than 60 years of age and have no source of income.

For a Married Female staff member: Her Two Children under the age of 18

years and who are unmarried and are not gainfully employed, her husband if he is

disabled or permanent medically unfit and as result of it he is unable to earn.


(Whether he is medically unfit of not it will be decided by the Board of 3 Doctors

duly constituted)

Medical facilities:

(a) All the Class-1 and Class-2 employees and their dependants are entitled for the

treatment in the private room.

(b) All the Class-3 and 4 employees and their dependants are treated in General


Students are allowed free treatment in Private room but the cost of medicine shall not be


4.LEAVE ENTITLEMENT: The various types of leave entitled are

Privilege leave:

Each employee on completion of one-year service after the confirmation

(except trainee and those employees who are not getting the benefit of vacation leaves) are

entitled to the Privilege leave as under:

Up to 10 year’s service from the date of confirmation 16 leaves per year.

10 year to 20 years of service 20 leaves per year.

20 years of service to onward 26 leaves per year.

The employees who are getting the benefit of vacation leaves shall be entitled to the


Privilege leaves as under:

Up to 10 year’s service from the date of confirmation 12 leaves per year.

10 year to 20 years of service 14 leaves per year.

20 years of service to onward 17 leaves per year.

The employees on probation, temporary appointment, daily wages are not entitled to this


The Privilege leave may be accumulated from year to year Upto the maximum

limit of 180 leaves. After crossing the maximum limit of 180 leaves, the unavailed

Privilege leave shall be lapsed.

The employee who wants to take the Privilege leave shall apply 7 days in advance.

Encashment of privilege leave

On retirement/resignation/termination of service, the un availed Privilege leave

shall be encashed @ 100% of the basic + D.A. + D.P. The Privilege leave may also be

encashed at the same rate were the employee applied for Privilege leave but refused by the

competent authority due to exigency of work. But it is necessary to keep 100 Privilege

leaves in the account of employee.

In case of superannuated employees re- employed the P-leave on the

consolidated salary and on purely year to year or six monthly contractual basis, the P-leave

shall be granted @ 16 leaves per year. In case the service is further extended, P –leave in


credit of the employee shall be carry forwarded subject to the discretion of the


Casual Leave:

Casual Leave is granted to meet special circumstances, which cannot be


All employees shall be entitled to the casual leave as under:

Up to 10 years of service 10 leaves per year.

10 year to 20 years of service 15 leaves per year.

20 years of service to onward 20 leaves per year.

The casual leave shall not be carry forward to the next year and the unavailed

casual leave shall be lapsed at the end of every year and shall not encashed under any


Medical Leave:

Medical leave is permissible to all employees’ Upto 15 leaves per year and it

shall be accumulated Upto 100 leaves. After crossing the maximum limit of 100 leaves,

the un availed medical leave shall be lapsed every year. The medical leave shall not be

encashed under any circumstances. The grant of medical leave shall be subject to the

approval of medical board constituted by the management for this purpose.


Maternity Leave:

The maternity leave is admissible to female employees after completion of 80

days continues service in the institute during pregnancy, delivery, miscarriage and abortion

(including induced abortion but not threatened abortion).

The female employee shall be allowed to the maternity leave Upto twelve weeks

(six weeks earlier to the excepted date of delivery and six weeks after the date of delivery)

according to the provisions of the Maternity Benefit Act. During the maternity leave the

female employees shall be entitled to the full salary. No female employee shall be allowed

to work during this period. If any female employee does not chose to obtain the maternity

leave before the expected date of her delivery by concealing the fact of her expected date

of delivery, she will not be entitled to full maternity leave and in that case she will be

entitled to only six weeks maternity leave after her delivery. To claim the benefit of

maternity leave, the female employee shall produce the certificate duly issued by the

Gynae Department of the hospital showing her expected date of her delivery.

Study Leave and leave without pay:

Study leave:

Study Leave is granted to an employee who has put in continuous service of 5

years’ for the purpose of education in side/out side of India, for an academic, technical,

professional education with the permission of the management. The leave cannot be

claimed as a matter of right. During the study leave the concerned employee shall not be

entitled to any salary /increment for the period of study leave. But before availing the


study leave the concerned employee shall be required to submit a bond that he/she will be

served the institution for the minimum period of 3 years after completion of his/her study

and in case he/she fails to do so, he/she shall be liable to pay the damages of Rs. 1 Lac to

the institution.

Leave without pay:

May be granted to any employee under the special circumstances on the sole

discretion of the competent authority.

Summer Vacation Leave:

Vacation leaves are permitted to the teaching staff only as under:

Service less than 3 months – No Summer Vacation.

Service more than 3 months, but less than 4 months-14 vacation leaves.

Service more than 4 months, but less than 5 months-21 vacation leaves.

Service more than 5 months, but less than 6 months-28 vacation leaves.

Service more than 6 months and onwards – 42 vacation leaves.

Duty Leave:

For attending the court cases, court summons, conferences and university

meetings, duty leave may be granted to the concerned employee, subject to maximum limit

of 10 leaves. No TA/D.A. shall be granted for attending the university meetings.



In case of tubectomy the female employees are entitled to a Special leave for 14

days as Family Planning Incentive.

In case of vasectomy the male employees can get a special leave of 6 days.

If any male employee's wife has undergone for family planning operation even then

he will get a 7 days leave to take care of his wife.

The leave starts from the day of operation.

If an employee (including his/her spouse) undergoes a family planning operation

then an incentive in the form of advance increment will also be given. The increment

will be given only on the basic salary.

This incentive (including leave) is given only when: -

a) The person has got operated in DMC&H.

b) The employee should not have more than 3 Children.

In case of Male employees the age should not be more than 50 Years. In case of female

employees the age limit is 45 years.



It is only permitted to the nurses, internees, Registrars, MBBS students and P.

G. Students.

Any other category of employees may be given accommodation depending on the

availability of accommodation and need of such employee to be present 24 hours in the


Were the Housing accommodation is provided to any employee, he/she shall not

be entitled to House Rent allowance. No one can construct on improvised accommodation

on the land of the institution.

Provident Fund:

The provident fund will is deducted and deposited with the provident fund

department according to the provisions of the Employee’s Provident Funds and

Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952 as detailed in Provident Scheme.

All of the employees are enrolled as members of Provident Fund Scheme with the

Regional PF Commissioner.

Provident Fundable Salary = Basic Salary + D.A. + D.P + Special pay (If any)

For Doctors P.F.= basic +D.A. + D.P.+ N.P.A.

The employees must nominate the person(s) eligible to receive the PF

accumulations. If a member has a family at the time of making nomination, the nomination

shall be in favor of one or more persons belonging to his family. Any nomination made in

favor of a person not belonging to his family shall be invalid. If at the time of making

nomination the employee did not have a family and later on he acquires a family, the


earlier nomination becomes invalid. In the absence of any nomination, the person(s)

eligible to receive the PF accumulations will be determined as stipulated in the PF Act.

The hospital as well as the employee contributes 12 % of the employee’s provident

fundable salary as provident fund. The employee may contribute a higher percentage but

he could not compel the Hospital to do the same. The accumulations lying to the credit of

an employee are:

Employee’s Contribution + Institution’s Contribution + Interest

1) The PF accumulations can be withdrawn to an employee's credit in following

situations: -

a) Retirement, both normal and voluntary.

b) Retirement, due to permanent incapacitation.

c) Migration from India for permanent settlement abroad.

d) 60 days from the date of cessation of service, provided the concerned

person does not take up employment in an establishment covered by PF


In case of death of a member, the accumulated amount is paid to the nominee(s)

in the proportion specified by the member in his Nomination Form. Incase there is no

nomination, the PF Commissioner has the right to distribute the amount among family

members as given in the company records or on the production of succession certificate/

letter of administration to the satisfaction of the PF Commissioner/ Trustees



Gratuity is paid to all employees who have rendered 5 years continues service in

the institute subject to the provisions of the Payment of Gratuity Act. However in case of

death this condition is not applicable as no minimum qualifying period is required. The

period of continues service includes any period of service interrupted by sickness,

accident, leave duly sanctioned with pay, layoff, strike, lockout or cession of work not due

to fault of employee. The Training period shall be excluded from the period of continues


The Gratuity is payable on Retirement, Resignation, Termination/dismissal from

service, Retrenchment from service, pre mature retirement or death during service.

The Gratuity payable to an employee shall be wholly forfeited if the service of such

employee has been terminated for his riotous or disorderly conduct or any other act of

violence on his part, an offence involving moral turpitude committed by him during the

course of his employment and an order of termination has been passed on the

establishment of the charge passed in writing.

The limitation for claiming the Gratuity by an employee, his legal heirs,

nominee is one year from the date of relieving from the duty by the institute.

The payment of Gratuity is made through the account payee cheque at the name of

concerned employee


Method for calculation of Gratuity:

Last Drawn Salary (Basic Pay + D.A. + D.P.) X Total period of service X 15


Note: As per the provisions of the Payment of Gratuity Act if the total period of service

after completion of the initial qualifying period, the service is more than 6 months, it shall

be calculated as one year and the service is less than 6 Months the same shall not be

counted while calculating the Gratuity.

The employee must nominate the person(s) eligible to receive the Gratuity in

case of death. In case of no nomination, the legal heirs will be required to produce the

Succession Certificate duly issued by the Succession Court and according to the share of

Gratuity as mentioned in the Succession Certificate, the gratuity will be paid to the legal

heirs of the deceased employee.


All the employees working in the institute shall be entitled for the holidays as

decided by the Principal of the Institute/Management from time to time.



An employee’s compensation package comprises of three broad categories:

(a) Monthly emoluments.

(b) Annual Increments.

(c) Retrial benefits.

(d) Medical Compensation

Doctors, Lecturers and above get the salary as per U.G.C grade. The

applicability, amount and mode of payment are as per the grade of an employee.

Monthly Emoluments includes the following:

1. Basic Salary as per scale

2. Dearness Allowance (DA) as per government rule.

3. HRA @ 15% of Basic Salary (not applicable if accommodation is provided)

4. Fixed Medical Allowance Rs.50/- p.m.

5. Fixed Nursing allowance:

6. For Ward nurses/ Tutors Rs.125/- p.m.

7. For Nurses Rs.85/- p.m.

8. Uniform Allowance (if applicable)

9. Rs.50/- p.m. for full

10. Rs.20/- p.m. for overall

11. Non Practicing Allowance (NPA) @ 25% of Basic Salary subject to condition that

Basic Pay plus NPA shall not exceed Rs.25500/- per month. NPA is allowed only


to the Medical Teacher (Lecturers & above) who is not allowed Private Practice

and or any kind of share.

12. Incentive for promoting the small Family Norms:- The rate of Family Planning

Incentive would be equal to the amount of the next increment due to at the time of

grant of incentive and will remain fixed during the entire service.

13. Two extra increments shall be allowed to a B.Sc. Staff Nurse.

14. Conveyance Allowance (if applicable)

15. Cycle Allowance Rs.35/- (applicable for peons only).

16. Rural Area Allowance: 6% of Basic Salary.

17. Discrepancy allowance.


(1) Any doctor (Sr. Resident, P.G., Non P.G. and Interns) can apply and get the paid hostel

accommodation subject to the availability of the room.

(2) For B.Sc. & GNM students there is hostel facility of 65 room

(3) For nurses there are 25 rooms. There is extra provision of Mess, TV Room, Guest



(1) 30 Flats are provided for faculty members of DMC& H as well as College of Nursing.

(2) The rent will be 20 % of basic pay subject to minimum of Rs.2000/- P.M.



(1) Hospital provides guesthouse for VIP's, examiners, outside faculty, auditors etc.

(2) There are 4 rooms with one kitchen and common TV room.


DMC&H has 8 Lines Exchange.

All of the departments are interconnected through the exchange of 400 lines.

The Hospital also has an internal paging system with approximately 300


There are 30 external direct numbers in the hospital.

A free number is provided near Care Ambulance. It is meant for local calls and

can be used by doctors, nurses or any other employee in the hospital.

Important Numbers for DMC are: -

Direct Emergency Line –2304249


DMC Exchange-2304242, 2304232 to 238,264 to 267

Fax- 0161-2302620

Email – dmchldh@glide.net.in

Website – www.dmch.edu




House Rent allowance is allowed to the employees @ 15% of the basic pay. The

doctors who are getting the share are not entitled for House Rent Allowance. However the

House Rent allowance is allowed to non-practicing doctors. The doctors and nurses who

are provided with free accommodation are not entitled for House Rent allowance.


All class IV permanent employees are authorized for the uniform allowance

payable along with monthly pay. All receptionists, social guide, security guards and

cashiers having public dealing, are paid uniform allowance monthly. All Nursing

Staff/ward boys/Lady ward attendants/Security Guards are given prescribed uniform by

the institution, which is worn by them on duty.


TA/DA is admissible as per policy laid down in the travel rules. it is paid

generally to the employees who perform mobile jobs such as purchasing etc.


Employees while traveling for hospital’s business are entitled to Daily Allowance

and other reimbursements (except in the case of doctors) as per the policy.




Training and development:

Internal Training Programmes:

Various departments to hone the skills of employees to enable them to perform better

in their jobs conduct regular training programs.

External Training Programmes:

The objective of nominating employees to external training programmes is to whet

specialized skills and knowledge when such skills and knowledge cannot be

imparted through in-house programmes, but are required by the jobholder currently

or in future.

To maximize the benefit of such exposure, after attending the programmes

employees are supposed to submit a report to his head with a copy to HRD.

Self Study Scheme:

This scheme is aimed at enabling our employees to enhance their knowledge,

competence and skill so as to perform their roles more effectively. This is applicable to

those who have put five years of service in this hospital.


Performance Appraisal:

In today’s competitive environment it is essential to harness individual

aspiration and potential and gear them suitably to meet business objective. To make this

happen both the parties i.e. the employee and the organization would like to know how the

employees have been performing and his potential for growth.

The objectives of performance appraisal system are:

(1) To be developmental in nation where individual grow with the organization.

(2) To integrate individual performance and contributions to larger organizational

goals and needs.

(3) To open greater communication between superior and subordinates.

(4) To ensure a realistic link between performance, recognition and reward.

(5) To provide core data for HRD

(6) To encourage innovativeness through unique contributions.

(7) To focus on employee contributions and not on activities.


The appraisal is floated on the completion / renewal of probation.

The appraisal is asked for at the time of :

(1) Placing the employee on regular grade after probation

(2) Extension of term appointment / renewal of contract.

(3) Due for Conformation

(4) Due for Promotion

(5) Revival of increment





At Dayanand Medical College & Hospital, there is adequate to machinery to see the equal

opportunity for each employee, avail the welfare facilities. The human resource

department consists of Manager, human relation and employee relation and Sr. personnel

manager who take good care of the administration of the welfare to the employees. They

take time to listen to the grievances of the employees, check if they’re provided with the

good working conditions. The personal problems if any of the workers are also looked

upon personally by the Manager HR&ER and a serious effort is made to solve the

problem. Though recently started HR Department, with a good teamwork it has proved its

efficiency and become an inevitable part of the organization.





It is to be acknowledged that the management of DMC&H takes pain to cater

the welfare of the employees. However, I wish to suggest a few measures that would

make the employees happier.


The female workers showed dissatisfaction on not having crèches in the

hospital or vicinity of the hospital. As they feel that they really find it difficult to leave

their small kids when they are out for work. Though the institution is not bound to

provide this facility to the employees, but I would recommend introducing such

facility. As workers are ready to pay nominal charges for this so it must be put into


Job rotation:

Studies have revealed that Head Of Departments of sanitary etc feel that

there must be a regular job rotation because having employed same worker at same job

for many years creates a bit of problem to them. This would also help in maintaining

an interest among the workers, as they would not get fed up of doing same work.

Workers participation in management:

This is a new concept in management that states that workers should also get

a chance to participate if not in major but some of the issues related to them. After

interviewing workers I have concluded that workers feel that some of their problems


remain unsolved as those are not conveyed to management and are left behind with the


Hence there must be some provision to introduce this concept in the

institution. This will definitely help in creating healthy relation between both the


Awareness programmes:

The management could organize awareness programmes about welfare

activities and how to benefit from it. This will help in making workers realize that they

get best of activities in their institution.


Though each person at managerial level as well as supervisory level is doing

best to motivate workers but workers if get a credit of doing some work feel that their

effort has been realised. So I feel that certain programs such as giving titles to the

workers for Best Employee of the Month should also be done.

Security department

Security department should be under DMC management. All the facilities provided to

various departments should provide to them also.



NAME_______________ DEPARTMENT______________


Q.NO. 1 Are you satisfied with emoluments provided to you?


o NO




Q.NO.2 Are you satisfied with various allowances given to you by the hospital?


o NO




Q.NO.3 Are you satisfied with the increment policy?


o NO





Q.NO. 4 Are you satisfied with the medical facilities?


o NO




Q.NO 5 Are you satisfied with the promotion policy (please mention reason)?






Q.NO 6 Are you satisfied with the pattern of leaves?


o NO





Q.NO.7 Is management considering your participation?







Q.NO.8 Are your suggestions are given due consideration?


o NO




Q.NO. 9 Do you want any change in the policies related to employee welfare?


o NO





Q.NO. 10 Do you want to add any policy to the existing policies related to employee



o NO









1. Goel, Pratibha Labour Welfare And Job


2.Kothari, C.R. Research Methodology, Methods

And Techniques. New Delhi:

Vishwas Prakashan,

3.Service Rules Dayanand Medical College And

Hospital, Ludhiana




