3-20-16 Announcements A (Read-Only) - Clover...


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Passion Sunday

Worship This WeekWorship This WeekWorship This WeekWorship This Week Saturday: 5p5p5p5p Evensong Evensong Evensong Evensong Sunday: 8a 8a 8a 8a TraditionsTraditionsTraditionsTraditions

9:15a 9:15a 9:15a 9:15a Spirit BridgeSpirit BridgeSpirit BridgeSpirit Bridge

10:30a New Song10:30a New Song10:30a New Song10:30a New Song

NurseryNurseryNurseryNursery Available from 7:45a7:45a7:45a7:45a————11:30a 11:30a 11:30a 11:30a each Sunday.

Office HoursOffice HoursOffice HoursOffice Hours M-TH - 8:30a—4p Friday—8:30a—12:30p Sunday—8:30a-11:30a

Flowers Flowers Flowers Flowers The pulpit flowers are in celebration of Ed and Barb Kruse’s 30th wed-ding anniversary!

Today, Today, Today, Today, Palm Palm Palm Palm Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday

Youth Pancake Youth Pancake Youth Pancake Youth Pancake Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast 8:308:308:308:30----10:30a10:30a10:30a10:30a

Tickets on sale in the Tickets on sale in the Tickets on sale in the Tickets on sale in the South HallSouth HallSouth HallSouth Hall

Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! We hope you experience God’s presence today. If you’re searching for a spiritual home, know that you are welcome here. There is a time when those who have committed themselves here share an offer-ing in response to God’s goodness. You are welcome to participate, but as a first time worshipper please consider yourself our guest today. Please Please Please Please stop at the Welcome Center for more info. We’d love to stay in touch. stop at the Welcome Center for more info. We’d love to stay in touch. stop at the Welcome Center for more info. We’d love to stay in touch. stop at the Welcome Center for more info. We’d love to stay in touch.

Easter Egg Hunt, Sat., March 26, 1Easter Egg Hunt, Sat., March 26, 1Easter Egg Hunt, Sat., March 26, 1Easter Egg Hunt, Sat., March 26, 1----3p. 3p. 3p. 3p. Registration forms at the Welcome Center. Individually wrapped, peanut-free candy donations are appreciated. Drop off Welcome Center/office.

Coffee Hour TreatsCoffee Hour TreatsCoffee Hour TreatsCoffee Hour Treats————You’re always welcome to help supply coffee hour treats. Drop them off in the office, the Welcome Center, or simply put them in the freezer labelled “Coffee Hour.” Thank you!

Scan to GiveScan to GiveScan to GiveScan to Give————Quick, Easy & Appreciated!Quick, Easy & Appreciated!Quick, Easy & Appreciated!Quick, Easy & Appreciated! QR (Quick Response) Giving Has ArrivedQR (Quick Response) Giving Has ArrivedQR (Quick Response) Giving Has ArrivedQR (Quick Response) Giving Has Arrived————To make it faster and easier for smartphone users to donate, Edison Park is pleased to provide a

Quick Response (QR) code which is unique to EPLC and, when when when when scanned with a smartphone’s QR code reader, connects the scanned with a smartphone’s QR code reader, connects the scanned with a smartphone’s QR code reader, connects the scanned with a smartphone’s QR code reader, connects the user directly to our mobile donation page. user directly to our mobile donation page. user directly to our mobile donation page. user directly to our mobile donation page. Thanks for your support! It keeps our congregation a strong, and vibrant place to belong.. YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Coming Soon!Coming Soon!Coming Soon!Coming Soon!————In the coming weeks there will be a Giving Kiosk Giving Kiosk Giving Kiosk Giving Kiosk available here

where you may swipe your debit/credit card to give or pay online. Lutheran Social Services (LSSI) Lutheran Social Services (LSSI) Lutheran Social Services (LSSI) Lutheran Social Services (LSSI) brings healing, justice, and wholeness to brings healing, justice, and wholeness to brings healing, justice, and wholeness to brings healing, justice, and wholeness to people and communities.”people and communities.”people and communities.”people and communities.” For more information on LSSI’s advocacy ef-forts, please contact Barb.Hailey@LSSI.org or 847.635.4686.

Thank you for Hunger GiftsThank you for Hunger GiftsThank you for Hunger GiftsThank you for Hunger Gifts————We raised $ for New Hope Food Pantry at the Hunger Bowl, along with bags and bags of food. Thanks to all who helped.

6626 N. Oliphant Ave., Chicago, IL 60631 + www.edisonparkchurch.com + 773-631-9131 Mission: To be a people living, loving and serving as Jesus did...so that all may know Him.Mission: To be a people living, loving and serving as Jesus did...so that all may know Him.Mission: To be a people living, loving and serving as Jesus did...so that all may know Him.Mission: To be a people living, loving and serving as Jesus did...so that all may know Him.

March 19/20, 2016March 19/20, 2016March 19/20, 2016March 19/20, 2016

W E L C O M E T O E D I S O N P A R K ! Public Prayer 3/20/16Public Prayer 3/20/16Public Prayer 3/20/16Public Prayer 3/20/16 ⇒ New requests New requests New requests New requests are generally left in the

weekly announcements printing for sev-eral weeks.

⇒ A more extensive list A more extensive list A more extensive list A more extensive list of ongoing is availa-ble at the Welcome Center, and will be

included in the monthly newsletters.

◊ Kenneth Stuart

◊ Tony Smart (Duane Smart’s brother)

◊ Mae Dumas

◊ Curt Sears(Richard Sears’ brother)

◊ Abbey Kunneman (Paul Specialle’s niece)

◊ Betty Foss

◊ Tony Ciminello (Rosalie Greco’s brother)

◊ Graham Bulawa

◊ Carol Bulawa

Remember to pick up your complete listing of Remember to pick up your complete listing of Remember to pick up your complete listing of Remember to pick up your complete listing of prayer concerns at the Welcome Center prayer concerns at the Welcome Center prayer concerns at the Welcome Center prayer concerns at the Welcome Center today.today.today.today.

Upcoming Changes to Upcoming Changes to Upcoming Changes to Upcoming Changes to Newsletter MailingNewsletter MailingNewsletter MailingNewsletter Mailing

With the increased accessibility of newsletters and communication updates online, we will be transitioning how we get the newsletter out. It will also be a cost savings in printing and postage. BUT, we won’t change the cur-BUT, we won’t change the cur-BUT, we won’t change the cur-BUT, we won’t change the cur-rent process for those wanting it mailed. rent process for those wanting it mailed. rent process for those wanting it mailed. rent process for those wanting it mailed.

1. 1. 1. 1. Those who want the newsletter mailed Those who want the newsletter mailed Those who want the newsletter mailed Those who want the newsletter mailed will need to sign up with the office/will need to sign up with the office/will need to sign up with the office/will need to sign up with the office/Welcome Center by Easter Sun., March 27.Welcome Center by Easter Sun., March 27.Welcome Center by Easter Sun., March 27.Welcome Center by Easter Sun., March 27. 2. All others, if you give us your email address, will receive a link to access the newsletter online the day it is published. Sign up through the Welcome Center or office.

3. Some copies will always be available at the Welcome Center.

3. In addition, it’s always on our website—www.edisonparkchurch.comwww.edisonparkchurch.comwww.edisonparkchurch.comwww.edisonparkchurch.com

Work Day at Work Day at Work Day at Work Day at Lutherdale?Lutherdale?Lutherdale?Lutherdale? GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES brings supporters of the camp together to work joint-

ly on projects. Besides helping the camp it brings together families and/or groups from church to serve. Interested in being part of a group some 3rd Saturday of the month? Groups can go up Friday evening and stay over or go Saturday morning. Fri. dinner, and Saturday breakfast and lunch are provided. Half day or full day Saturday is an option. Contact Pr. Sparby

Are you enjoying the new Coffee Are you enjoying the new Coffee Are you enjoying the new Coffee Are you enjoying the new Coffee Maker? Maker? Maker? Maker? Still seeking donations to completely cover the cost of this great addition to our hospitality ministry. Thanks!

First Communion First Communion First Communion First Communion Classes available Sun-Classes available Sun-Classes available Sun-Classes available Sun-

day March 20 at 11:20a or Monday, day March 20 at 11:20a or Monday, day March 20 at 11:20a or Monday, day March 20 at 11:20a or Monday, March 21 at 7p. Pick up materials now March 21 at 7p. Pick up materials now March 21 at 7p. Pick up materials now March 21 at 7p. Pick up materials now through the office and do lessons with your child. Parents decided at what age their child is ready. We have materials for preschool through adult. Please sign up at the Welcome Center. Community families seeking this for their kids are welcome, so invite them!

4444thththth Annual Preschool Plant SaleAnnual Preschool Plant SaleAnnual Preschool Plant SaleAnnual Preschool Plant Sale Order by Fri., April 29 Pickup on Fri., May 20 Order forms at the Welcome Center!

Thank you for your offerings! Thank you for your offerings! Thank you for your offerings! Thank you for your offerings! Your steady and generous support continues to make strong and growing ministry possible here at Edison Park. Whether you give in wor-ship, or online at www.edisonparkchurch.com, your gifts are life-giving and crucial for your congregation. Thanks!

Do you have the spiritual gift of Do you have the spiritual gift of Do you have the spiritual gift of Do you have the spiritual gift of Hospitality?Hospitality?Hospitality?Hospitality?

We need YOU! Hospitality is a hallmark of We need YOU! Hospitality is a hallmark of We need YOU! Hospitality is a hallmark of We need YOU! Hospitality is a hallmark of the Christian faith.the Christian faith.the Christian faith.the Christian faith.

Help with a shift for Help with a shift for Help with a shift for Help with a shift for Sunday morning Coffee Sunday morning Coffee Sunday morning Coffee Sunday morning Coffee HourHourHourHour once a month. once a month. once a month. once a month. You’ll be trained, and there will always be someone to cover when you’re away. Get a team of 5-6 people togeth-er and take on this vital ministry. It can always be covered when you need to be away. To learn more contact Phyllis Doyle, or sign up at the Welcome Center and we’ll be in touch.

Senior High: Senior High: Senior High: Senior High: March 22nd will be movie night during Youth Group. We will be show-ing a movie entitled, The Homestretch. The documentary will shed light on the fact that 2,000 teenagers are homeless every night in the city of Chicago, it will chronicle the lives of a few teenagers that have experienced homelessness and how they have not al-lowed it to hinder them from pursuing their dreams, attain-ing their education, and be-coming productive citizens that make positive contribu-tions to society.

Night Ministry Night Ministry Night Ministry Night Ministry Collection Collection Collection Collection ---- Imagine a day without the comfort of cleanliness!

We will be collecting Hygiene Kit items during Lent to benefit clients of the Night Ministry. The following items are needed and should be brought to the Welcome Center: shampoo mouthwashshampoo mouthwashshampoo mouthwashshampoo mouthwash conditioner lip balmconditioner lip balmconditioner lip balmconditioner lip balm small soap comb/small brushsmall soap comb/small brushsmall soap comb/small brushsmall soap comb/small brush body lotion disposable shaverbody lotion disposable shaverbody lotion disposable shaverbody lotion disposable shaver toothpaste small shave creamtoothpaste small shave creamtoothpaste small shave creamtoothpaste small shave cream toothbrush wash clothtoothbrush wash clothtoothbrush wash clothtoothbrush wash cloth deodorant moist towelettesdeodorant moist towelettesdeodorant moist towelettesdeodorant moist towelettes All items should be travel-sized. Thank you!

Options for EnvelopesOptions for EnvelopesOptions for EnvelopesOptions for Envelopes Giving Envelopes—Everyone who gives has a number so we can get a statement to you at year-end. But, if you no longer use your en-velopes because you:

• give monthly;

• through Simply Giving;

• Online;

• soon through the Giving Kiosk;

• or through use of the QR (Quick Re-sponse Code in the announcements;

please let the office know that you no please let the office know that you no please let the office know that you no please let the office know that you no longer wish to receive envelopes. If it’s longer wish to receive envelopes. If it’s longer wish to receive envelopes. If it’s longer wish to receive envelopes. If it’s an expense that no longer serves you, an expense that no longer serves you, an expense that no longer serves you, an expense that no longer serves you, we’d like to cut it. Sign at the Welcome we’d like to cut it. Sign at the Welcome we’d like to cut it. Sign at the Welcome we’d like to cut it. Sign at the Welcome Center or email ced-Center or email ced-Center or email ced-Center or email ced-wards@edisonparkchurch.com. wards@edisonparkchurch.com. wards@edisonparkchurch.com. wards@edisonparkchurch.com.

Start collecting your “stuff” you no longer want or need.

The Lucille truck will be here Sunday, April 17. The Lucille truck will be here Sunday, April 17. The Lucille truck will be here Sunday, April 17. The Lucille truck will be here Sunday, April 17. Bring your stuff that day and they will take it off your hands. Lucille supports the work of Holy Family School.

W E L C O M E T O E D I S O N P A R K !

Sunday, March 20, 2016Sunday, March 20, 2016Sunday, March 20, 2016Sunday, March 20, 2016 PALM SUNDAYPALM SUNDAYPALM SUNDAYPALM SUNDAY 8:30a YOUTH PANCAKE BREAKFAST 10:30a8:30a YOUTH PANCAKE BREAKFAST 10:30a8:30a YOUTH PANCAKE BREAKFAST 10:30a8:30a YOUTH PANCAKE BREAKFAST 10:30a 8:00a, 9:15a and 10:30a Worship 9:15a and 10:30a-Book of Faith Bible Study/Discussion 9:15a-Sunday School 11:20a-First Communion Class 1:00p-Hugarian Reformed Monday, March 21, 2016Monday, March 21, 2016Monday, March 21, 2016Monday, March 21, 2016 12:00p-Staff Meeting 6:30p-Stephen Ministry 7:00p-Boy Scouts 7:00p-AA 7:30p-Families Anonymous Tuesday, March 22, 2016Tuesday, March 22, 2016Tuesday, March 22, 2016Tuesday, March 22, 2016 8:30a-Easy Exercise 9:30a-Opera Appreciation 6:00p-Senior High/H20 7:00p-Gamblers Anonymous 7:00p-Venture Crew Wednesday, March 23, 2016Wednesday, March 23, 2016Wednesday, March 23, 2016Wednesday, March 23, 2016 4:00p-Brickton Art Center Rehearsal 4:30p-Jubilee Ringers 7:00p-Sanctuary Choir Thursday, March 24, 2016Thursday, March 24, 2016Thursday, March 24, 2016Thursday, March 24, 2016 MAUNDY THURSDAYMAUNDY THURSDAYMAUNDY THURSDAYMAUNDY THURSDAY 8:30a-Easy Exercise 12noon12noon12noon12noon————WorshipWorshipWorshipWorship 4:30p-Cherub Choir 5:15p-Hosanna Choir 7:00p7:00p7:00p7:00p----WorshipWorshipWorshipWorship 7:00p-First Communion 8:00p-Al-Anon (men)

SAVE THE DATESAVE THE DATESAVE THE DATESAVE THE DATE March 20 and 21March 20 and 21March 20 and 21March 20 and 21————First Communion ClassFirst Communion ClassFirst Communion ClassFirst Communion Class March 20March 20March 20March 20————Palm SundayPalm SundayPalm SundayPalm Sunday————Youth Pancake Youth Pancake Youth Pancake Youth Pancake BreakfastBreakfastBreakfastBreakfast Thursday, March 24Thursday, March 24Thursday, March 24Thursday, March 24————Maundy Thursday Maundy Thursday Maundy Thursday Maundy Thursday Noon and 7pNoon and 7pNoon and 7pNoon and 7p Thursday, March 24Thursday, March 24Thursday, March 24Thursday, March 24————First Communion at First Communion at First Communion at First Communion at 7p, 7p, 7p, 7p, though families can celebrate it when it works for family schedules March 25March 25March 25March 25————Good Friday Noon and 7pGood Friday Noon and 7pGood Friday Noon and 7pGood Friday Noon and 7p Sunday, March 27Sunday, March 27Sunday, March 27Sunday, March 27————Easter Sunday Easter Sunday Easter Sunday Easter Sunday 6:41a, 6:41a, 6:41a, 6:41a, 8a, 9:15a & 10:30a Worship8a, 9:15a & 10:30a Worship8a, 9:15a & 10:30a Worship8a, 9:15a & 10:30a Worship April 29April 29April 29April 29----Preschool Plant Sale Orders DuePreschool Plant Sale Orders DuePreschool Plant Sale Orders DuePreschool Plant Sale Orders Due May 15May 15May 15May 15————Affirm. of Baptism/Confirmation Affirm. of Baptism/Confirmation Affirm. of Baptism/Confirmation Affirm. of Baptism/Confirmation 10:30a10:30a10:30a10:30a May 20May 20May 20May 20----Preschool Plant Sale Order PickupPreschool Plant Sale Order PickupPreschool Plant Sale Order PickupPreschool Plant Sale Order Pickup May 21May 21May 21May 21----22222222————Musical at 5p and 9:15a and Musical at 5p and 9:15a and Musical at 5p and 9:15a and Musical at 5p and 9:15a and 10:30a.. NOTE *10:30a.. NOTE *10:30a.. NOTE *10:30a.. NOTE *8a Traditions will be regu-lar worship May 28May 28May 28May 28----29292929————Memorial Day Weekend wor-Memorial Day Weekend wor-Memorial Day Weekend wor-Memorial Day Weekend wor-ship ship ship ship at 5p and 9:15a and 10:30a Block Party Sunday, June 5Block Party Sunday, June 5Block Party Sunday, June 5Block Party Sunday, June 5————worship is Sat. 5p and Sunday at 10:30a ONLY

Friday, March 25, 2016Friday, March 25, 2016Friday, March 25, 2016Friday, March 25, 2016 GOOD FRIDAYGOOD FRIDAYGOOD FRIDAYGOOD FRIDAY 12noon12noon12noon12noon----WorshipWorshipWorshipWorship 7:00p7:00p7:00p7:00p----WorshipWorshipWorshipWorship Saturday, March 26, 2016Saturday, March 26, 2016Saturday, March 26, 2016Saturday, March 26, 2016 1:00p-Easter Egg Hunt 5:30p-Evensong Worship Sunday, March 20, 2016Sunday, March 20, 2016Sunday, March 20, 2016Sunday, March 20, 2016 EASTER SUNDAYEASTER SUNDAYEASTER SUNDAYEASTER SUNDAY 6:41a,6:41a,6:41a,6:41a, 8:00a, 9:15a and 10:30a Worship8:00a, 9:15a and 10:30a Worship8:00a, 9:15a and 10:30a Worship8:00a, 9:15a and 10:30a Worship 9:15a and 10:30a-Book of Faith Bible Study/Discussion 1:00p-Hugarian Reformed

Did you know? Giving Kiosk Coming!Did you know? Giving Kiosk Coming!Did you know? Giving Kiosk Coming!Did you know? Giving Kiosk Coming!

The Giving Kiosk, soon to be available here, will print your receipt, and an “I donate” slip you

may place in the offering basket?

This Week at EPLCThis Week at EPLCThis Week at EPLCThis Week at EPLC
