2nd ed basico 3 new


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  • 8/18/2019 2nd ed basico 3 new




    - second edition - Units 5 - 6

    NAME:  ____________________________________________________ DATE: ___________ 

      Teacher: ________________________ 

    A. GRAMMAR 1. Compete t!e "iao#$es %it!& do' don’t ' "oes or "oesn(t (6 x 2 = 12 points)

    Example:  A Do you live in the United States?

    B No, I don’t .

    1. A: __________ Carlos live in Mexico City?

    B: No, e __________.

    2. A: !at __________ yo" #ant $or l"nc?

    B: %, a sanic, please. ' __________ #ant pasta.

    . A: !at __________ Anna ave $or rea*$ast?

    B: +e as rea& or croissants. +e __________ ave es or sa"sae.

    -. A: __________ people in yo"r $aily &rin* a lot o$ co$$ee?B: /es, tey __________.

    0. A: !at tie ____________ yo"r sister o to scool?

    B: +e ___________ o to scool. +e #or*s in a store.

    6. A: 'nri& li*es tea, "t +e _________ li*e co$$ee.

    B: _____ yo" li*e co$$ee?

    ). Compete t!e emai. Un"erine t!e *orre*t %or"s. ( x 1 = points)

    +. Un"erine t!e *orre*t %or". (6 x 1 = 6 points)Example: My daughter likes / like her class.

    1 Kathy "oes not , "on(t work2 Ji a!" Lia ie # ies th$ir %o&'.( Li'a a/e , as )o*r &roth$r'+ Th$y "on(t # "oesn(t work o! Sat*r"ay., Joh! 0nis!s # 0nis!es work at +-(./ Mario a!" hi' wi)$ spea # speas S0a!i'h E!3i'h a!" Ita3ia!.

    . Rea" a2o$t 3oan(s a*ti/ities. Compete t!e senten*es %it! t!e *orre*t 4orm o4 t!e/er2 an" t!e appropriate a"/er2 o4 4re$en*. (0 x 1 = 0 points)


     T*$ 4$"

     Th* Fri Sat S*!

    Eat &r$ak)a't 5 5 5 5 5 5 54at6h t7 5 5 54ork 3at$ 5 5 5 5 5R$a" th$!$w'0a0$r8$ 3at$ 5 5 5

    1 Joa! 9999999999 9999999999 &r$ak)a't.

    2 Joa! 9999999999 9999999999 T:.( Joa! 9999999999 99999999999 3at$.+ Joa! 9999999999 99999999999 th$ !$w'0a0$r., Joa! 9999999999 99999999999 3at$.

    i, +opie3 4an*s $or yo"r e5ail. o yo" #ant to *no# ao"t y $aily? !ell, #e __live__  (live) in a i o"se

    &o#nto#n. My oter (1) _______________ (#or*) in an o$$ice near ere an& y t#o sisters (2) _______________ (ave)

     7os in te city. Me? ' () _______________ (not #or*) in te city. My oter (-) _______________ (not li*e) er 7o, "t '

    (0) _______________ (li*e) y 7o very "c. '8 a teacer3 !at (6) ________________ (&o) yo" _____________ (&o)?

    () __________ (&o) yo"r "san& _______________ (#or*)? Bye $or no#. 9aes

  • 8/18/2019 2nd ed basico 3 new



    1. Compete t!e p!rases %it! t!e *orre*t /er2. (0 x 1 = 0 points)Example: live in a house

    1. 99999999999999 T:2. 99999999999999 'o"a # %*i6$ # wat$r(. 99999999999999 *'i6+. 99999999999999 Fr$!6h # E!3i'h,. 99999999999999 !$w'0a0$r' # aa;i!$'

    2. Compete t!e "es*ription %it! t!e *orre*t 4oo" %or"(0 x 1 = 0 points)  Example: his is a cold drin!. "e usually have it #ith $ast $ood. S o d a

    1 Ma!y 0$o03$ "ri!k thi' i! th$ir 6o

  • 8/18/2019 2nd ed basico 3 new


     E. R!T!NG

    1. Ans%er t!e $estions a2o$t meatime %!en o$:re at %or,$ni/ersit. 7rite 4$ans%ers. (- x 1 = - points)

    1. 4hat ti$ "o yo* ha7$ &r$ak)a't 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 

    2. 4hat ti$ "o yo* ha7$ 3*!6h wh$! yo*r$ at work # *!i7$r'ity

     9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 (. 4h$r$ "o yo* ha7$ 3*!6h wh$! yo*r$ at work # *!i7$r'ity

     9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 +. 4hat "o yo* ha7$ )or 3*!6h


    . READ!NG

    1. Rea" t!e te;t an" *ompete t!e senten*es %it! t!e *orre*t name or names. " $ %.# & 3 '(i)*+,

     In business with mom and dad 

    Bo !rit an& is #i$e iane are $ro Cicao "t tey live in +an rancisco #it teir &a"ters

    ina an& Molly, an& teir son 9ac*. ina is 21 an& Molly is 22. 9ac* is 1@. Bo as a i co$$ee sop in

    +an rancisco. C"stoers &rin* co$$ee, tea, an& ot cocolate. 4ey eat sanices an& rea&

    ne#spapers an& aaines. 4e sanices are very oo&. 4ey are i an& tey are ceap. Bo isnt

    te only person in is $aily in te resta"rant "siness. e as t#o "siness partners an& tey are is

    &a"ters3 ina #or*s in te *itcen. Molly is oo& #it people. +e spea*s to te c"stoers. ina an&

    Molly al#ays #or* lon &ays. 4ey start #or* at seven $i$teen in te ornin an& tey $inis late at

    nit. 4ey "s"ally eat rea*$ast, l"nc, an& &inner at #or*.

    Bos son is a "niversity st"&ent an& e &oesnt #ant a 7o in te co$$ee sop. e #ants a 7o in an

    o$$ice. e &oesnt live near te co$$ee sop, "t e #or*s tere soeties on #ee*en&s.

    E>a03$- Bob and Diane ar$ )ro Chi6ao.1 9999999999999999 i' Dia!$' h*'&a!".

    2 9999999999999999 i' Gi!a' 'i't$r.( 9999999999999999 work i! th$ 6o

  • 8/18/2019 2nd ed basico 3 new


    AE/ T115 1. Listen to San"ra an" A"am tain# a2o$t A"am(s 8o2. Un"erine Tr$e or Fase.(0 x 1 = 0 points)

    1@ A"a work' at a )a't )oo" r$'ta*ra!t.

     Tr*$ Fa3'$ 2@ A"a "o$'!t 3ik$ hi' %o&.

     Tr*$ Fa3'$ (@ A"a i'!t arri$".

     Tr*$ Fa3'$ +@ A"a "o$'!t ha7$ a 6ar. Tr*$ Fa3'$

    ,@ A"a *'*a33y work' o! Mo!"ay.

     Tr*$ Fa3'$

    A)+-er 6e7 BA/!C !!! AE +ec()8 e8i*i(). U)i*+ # 9


  • 8/18/2019 2nd ed basico 3 new


    1. oes&oesn8t

    2. &o&on8t. &oes&oesn8t

    -. o&o

    0. &oes&oesnt

    6. &oesnt &o


    1. !or*s2. ave

    . &on8t #or* 

    -. &oesn8t li*e

    0. >i*e6. &o&o

    . oes#or*  ________ 

    1. oes not

    2. li*e

    . as

    -. &ont

    0. $inises6. spea*  


    1. al#ays eats

    2. soeties #atces

    . "s"ally #or*s

    -. never rea&s0. 's soeties

     __________ VOCABULARY

    1. #atc

    2. &rin* 

    . listen to-. spea* 

    0. rea&


    1. il*  

    2. es

    . veetales-. $r"it

    0. 4oast

     ____________ 1. "se"

    2. ospital

    . resta"rant-. store

    0. o$$ice


    1. o"se2. very

    . orane

    -. o

    0. l"nc


    1. aD++i+Dtant2. h(+DpiDtal

    . poDliceDan

    -. acDtoDry

    0. +ale+DperDson __________ RACT!CAL ENGL!/0

    1. E"arter to eit

    2. E"arter a$ter 4en

    . 4#enty $ive to nine

    -. +even tirty al$ past seven

    0. 4#enty to t#o __________ R!T!NG

    1. Ans#ers #ill vary

    2. Ans#ers #ill vary

    . Ans#ers #ill vary

    -. Ans#ers #ill vary _______________.


    1. Bo

    2. Molly

    . ina, 9ac* an& Molly

    -. ina0. 9ac*  

    6. 9ac*  


    1. B

    2. C

    . C-. A

    0. A

    6. B

     _______ L!/TEN!NG

    1. alse2. alse

    . alse

    -. 4r"e

    0. alse

    1. salesperson

    2. taxi &river  . st"&ent

    -. #aiter  

    0. $actory #or*er 

     __________ RONUNC!AT!ON

  • 8/18/2019 2nd ed basico 3 new
