29/2012 12th September 2012 - Saint Mary's Catholic College 2010/T3 W10.pdf · 29/2012 12th...


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12th September 2012

Wednesday, 12th September

Indigenous Health


Years 10-12 Ten Pin


Monday, 17th September

Year 4 excursion

Wednesday, 19th September

10-A-side Rugby League

Years 4-7

Prep and Year One Excur-


Orchestra Performance at


Thursday, 20th September

Year 3 Sleepover

History Excursion Years 2

and 3

Futsal Competition at Peter

Claver Riverview

Friday, 21st September

Benedictine Awards 2pm

Term Three Finishes

Monday, 8th October

Term Four Commences

Sunday, 14th October

P&F Working Bee 8am-12

All Important Dates are now on our

College website: www.saintmarys.qld.edu.au

Dear Parents, Carers and Friends of Saint Mary’s,

At this week’s assembly, our Year 3 students performed a beautiful rendition of “Mary said yes”. It was

beautifully performed and a wonderful opportunity to chat with all of our staff and students about saying “Yes”

like Mary to doing the right thing, even when facing challenges.

I also spoke about our other patron Saint Benedict and a story about a beggar coming to his

monastery to borrow some oil. (http://www.moodycatholic.com/Saints_St_Benedict.html)

In one story of Benedict's life, a poor man came to the monastery

begging for a little oil. Although Benedict commanded that the oil

be given, the cellarer refused -- because there was only a tiny bit of

oil left. If the cellarer gave any oil as alms there would be none for

the monastery. Angry at this distrust of God's providence, Benedict

knelt down to pray. As he prayed a bubbling sound came from

inside the oil jar. The monks watched in fascination as oil from God

filled the vessel so completely that it overflowed, leaked out beneath

the lid and finally pushed the cover off, cascading out on to the


As the end of the term draws closer staff, students and families are showing signs of being tired and run down.

My challenge to staff and students was to be like St Benedict and not be afraid to keep doing the right thing and

looking after others, even though they are running low on supplies themselves. All of us need to trust that in

giving, even at the hardest times, we will receive back in abundance from God’s great grace.

For nearly a year, the College Board and Saint Mary’s and BCE staff have been working on our Education

Brief, which is nearly ready for publication. This brief outlines possible future directions for our College. I am

very grateful to everyone who has had some input into this document.

Just a few of the future whole school projects (there are other ones for each Teaching and Learning Community

TLC e.g.. P-6 TLC) suggested in our Education Brief are:

Whole School Implications for Facilities

Increased access to sporting facilities required at all levels including: cricket nets, handball and

volleyball courts.

Shutters for the roof of the Maryknoll centre to keep in heat for winter events

Seating for the Benedictine square

Purchase of a 25 seater bus to assist students to access sporting, cultural, religious education activities

Wet weather walkways from bus to Prep to Year 1 to Resource Centre

New lockers to replace old and damaged sets

Withdrawal room for ESL, Indigenous and special needs students

Poorly designed Home Economics, Music and Art Room upgraded to meet the curriculum needs

Air conditioning for student and staff areas

Bitumening carparks and entrance roads for easier access

College sign to identify our community

Yours in Christ

Mr Michael Nayler


From the Deputy London 2012 Paralympics

I was awestruck when I watched the

women’s medley final recently. The determination shown by the last Australian swimmer

(who entered the water 6-7 seconds behind first place)

was something I haven’t seen before. There was no way she was not going to give 110% in the final leg

and eventually she caught the Russian swimmer and

Australia won another Gold medal. On reflection I thought that this may be a lesson to us all. Just when

you think you have nothing left in the tank, you can

find a little bit more! These remaining days of Term 3 can be a little tiresome, but we can all put a bit more

effort in to get the results needed.

I found the whole Australian Paralympic team to be a great source of inspiration and I hope all Australians

will welcome them back from London and celebrate all their efforts in the manner that all the Athletes deserve.

School Wide Positive Behaviour Program

Mrs Radcliffe and Mr Cook launched two

competitions today to promote our new SWPB

approach to behaviour management. Flyers will be sent home this week for students to make a film or poster to

promote our 5 Bs. There are significant prizes to be

won and I encourage as many students as possible from Prep to 12 to enter both or one of the competitions.

Good luck to all those creative minds out there!

End of Term celebrations

School finishes next Friday, 21st September. The

Benedictine awards will be presented at 2pm in the Mary Knoll Centre. The Benedictine awards are

presented to students who uphold the values of the

College in an exemplary manner. School resumes Monday, 8th October.

Have a great week God bless,

Mr Sean Erwin

Deputy Principal

Uniform Shop News The Uniform Shop will be closed next Wednesday 19th

September and will reopen after the holidays. If you

need anything urgently come to the Office and we will assist you.

It is time to order uniforms from our supplier for 2013. I’m sure you can appreciate that this is an ex-

pensive exercise and we can’t carry too much surplus

stock. To avoid disappointment if stocks run out, we

are asking existing families to either place an order or

give an indication of what they may be ordering

for next year. There is an order form with the newslet-ter today. Please complete the order form with the

items you think you may require for 2013 and return

this to the school. There is no commitment to purchase these items if you change your mind, and payment will

not be required until you pick them up.

Kind regards Mrs Cathy Nitschke

Uniform Shop Convenor

Sport News Quiet week this week! It seems things have been full

on regarding Sport this term with teams

travelling, athletes representing etc. Next Wednesday sees the Taabinga 10-a-side Rugby League Gala day

being held. We have four teams participating and are very excited to 'tackle' the day. Much of this

enthusiasm can be attributed to the efforts of Steve

Belsham from the Australian Rugby league Foundation who has just completed a program with the P-6's over a

three week period. Steve completed drills and skills

based on Rugby League (outside of normal HPE classes) in the aims to get kids more active and in-

volved in the game. So if your child is in years 4-7 and

is representing the school next week I encourage you to come down to Taabinga and cheer us on!

Yours in Sport

Mr Mark Holmes Sports Coordinator

Tuckshop News Friday’s extra choice menu

Morning Tea and Lunch Savoury Mince Roll $3.50

Lunch Bag System Only Hokkein Noodle Salad $3.50

Orders only - no orders will be accepted after morning

tea on Friday.

A reminder that there are no pies,

sausage rolls or party pies

available on Fridays.

We are looking for volunteers to work in the tuckshop

or to donate ingredients. If you are able to spare some

time to work in the tuckshop or to donate ingredients

please contact me at the College on Monday,

Wednesday or Friday.

Kind Regards

Mrs Michelle Davis

Tuckshop Convenor

Counsellor News Positive vs. Negative Emotions

Emotions (aka feelings) are a normal and

important part of our lives. Some emotions are positive. Think of happiness, joy,

interest, curiosity, excitement, gratitude, love, and contentment. If you're like most people, you seek out

these emotions. And, like most people, you are

probably wary of negative emotions: Feelings like sadness, anger, loneliness, jealousy, self-criticism, fear,

or rejection can be difficult, even painful at times.

Just as positive emotions can create a sense of well being, negative emotions can be stressful. That's

especially true when we feel a negative emotion too

often, too strongly, or we dwell on it too long.

Negative emotions are impossible to avoid, though.

Everyone feels them from time to time. They may be

difficult, but they don't have to be stressful. Here are three steps that can help you manage or

prevent the stress that may come with negative


Step 1: Identify the Emotion

Learning to notice and identify your feelings takes

practice. In addition to focusing on your feelings, check in with your body, too. You may feel body

sensations with certain emotions — perhaps your face

gets hot, for example, or your muscles tense. Be aware of how you feel. When you have a negative

emotion, such as anger, try to name what you're

feeling. For example:

That guy Ian in my study group makes me so mad!

I get so jealous when I see that girl/guy with my ex. I feel afraid whenever I have to walk past those bullies.

Don't hide how you feel from yourself. You might not

want to broadcast your feelings to other people (like your ex, for example, or that guy in your study group

who is making you mad). But don't suppress your

feelings entirely. Simply naming the feeling is a lot better than pretending not to have it — or exploding

without thinking.

Know why you feel the way you do. Figure out what happened that got you feeling the way you do.

For example:

Whenever we do group projects, Ian finds a way to take all the credit for other people's work.

Our teacher thinks he's the star of the team, even

though he never has his own ideas. When I see my ex flirting with other people, it reminds

me that I still have feelings for him/her.

Even though the bullies don't pick on me, I see what they do to other people and it worries me.

Don't blame. Being able to recognize and explain your

emotions isn't the same as blaming someone or something for the way you feel. Your ex

probably isn't seeing someone new as a way to get back at you, and the guy who takes credit for your

work might not even realize what he is doing. How you

feel when these things happen comes from inside you. Your feelings are there for a reason — to help you

make sense of what's going on.

Accept all your emotions as natural and understandable. Don't judge yourself for the emotions

you feel. It's normal to feel them. Acknowledging how you feel can help you move on,

so don't be hard on yourself.

Step 2: Take Action

Once you've processed what you're feeling, you can

decide if you need to express your emotion. Sometimes

it's enough to just realize how you feel, but other times you'll want to do something to feel better.

Think about the best way to express your emotion. Is this a time when you need to gently confront someone else? Talk over what you're feeling with a

friend? Get out your frustrations by yelling into your

pillow so only you hear? Or do you work off the feeling by going for a run?

For example:

It won't solve anything to show my anger to Ian — it may even make him feel more superior! But my feelings

tell me that I need to avoid getting in another situation

where he takes control over a project. I'll hold my head high around my ex, then I'll put on

some sad songs and have a good cry in my room to

help me release my feelings and

eventually let go.

My fear of being around those bullies is a sign that

they have gone too far. Perhaps I should talk about what's going on with a school counsellor.

Learn how to change your mood. At a certain point, you'll want to shift from a negative mood into a

positive one. Otherwise your thinking may get stuck on

how bad things are, and that can drag you down into feeling worse. Try doing things that make you happy,

even if you don't feel like it at the time. For example,

you might not be in the mood to go out after a breakup, but going to the mall or watching a funny movie with

friends can lift you out of that negative space.

Build positive emotions. Positive feelings create a sense of happiness and well being. Make it a

habit to notice and focus on what's good in your life —

even the little things, like the praise your dad gave you for fixing his bookshelves or how great the salad you

made for lunch tastes. Noticing the good things even

when you're feeling bad can help you shift the emotional balance from negative to positive.

Seek support. Talk about how you're feeling with a

parent, trusted adult, or a friend. They can help you explore your emotions and give you a fresh way of

thinking about things. And nothing helps you feel more

understood and cared for than the support of someone who loves you for who you are.

Exercise. Physical activity helps the brain

produce natural chemicals that promote a positive mood. Exercise also can release stress buildup

and help you from staying stuck on negative feelings.

Step 3: Get Help With Difficult Emotions

Sometimes, no matter what you do, you can't shake a

tough emotion. If you find yourself stuck in feelings of

sadness or worry for more than a couple of weeks, or if you feel so upset that you think you might hurt yourself

or other people, you may need extra help.

Talk to a school counsellor, parent, trusted adult, or therapist. Counsellors and therapists are trained to

teach people how to break out of negative emotions.

They can provide lots of tips and ideas that will help you feel better.

Source: http://www.gordontraining.com/

Kind regards,

Mr Graham Turnbull

Guidance Counsellor

Library News Lexile Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have

received Lexile awards!

Blue Award (3 Books) Abby Perrett, Lindsay


Red Award (5 Books) Alex Dunemann, Naomi


Bronze Award (10 Books) Tia Kanay

Return of Library Books

There will be no

borrowing next week as

it is the last week of term.

Please ensure that your

child returns all library

books before the end of

term so that their books

do not become overdue.

Kind regards,

Mrs Melanie Burr

Teacher-Librarian/7-9 Curriculum Coordinator

Year 12 News Movie Night

Friday, 14th September our Year 12 students are holding a movie night located in our

Mary Knoll Centre. Gold coin

donation entry.

Session One

Family Screening

3.30pm - Under 15years The Lorax

Session Two

6pm - 15years and older

Hunger Games

Popcorn 50c

Poppers $1.50

If you are available to come and help with the

supervision of students it would be greatly appreciated. Please collect your children from the

Mary Knoll Centre at the end of each session if you are not able to attend the


All funds raised are going towards the Year 12


Kind regards, Miss Tamara Poole

Year 12 Homeroom Teacher

Young Scholar’s Program A huge congratulations to our Year 11

students, Claire Anderson and Eline Beijsens on being

accepted into the Young Scholar’s Program at The

University of Queensland. The UQ Young Scholars

Program is designed to nurture and develop

exceptional students while they complete their

secondary studies and provides a unique opportunity

for extension and enrichment. They will be joining

more than 200 talented and like-minded

students who have been selected to participate in the

Program and will have the opportunity to discover,

learn and engage with the University's academic

community and a team of UQ Student Mentors. The

Program comprises two key components: A five-day

(four night) residential camp at the St Lucia campus

and a two-day (overnight) residential camp at the St

Lucia campus. Well done to these fine students from

Saint Mary’s!

Kind regards

Mr Gary Curran

Pastoral Care


P&F News

Working Bee

Come along and help us clean up the

gardens and plant some new trees on the slope of the

lower oval. Bring the kids along too. Free LandCare sample bags with water bottle, stickers etc. for all.

This project is supported through funding from the

Australian Government’s Caring for our Country.

Sunday 14th October

8am-12 noon

(Free BBQ lunch provided by P&F)

Date Claimers

Motors in Motion

We are looking for volunteers to help out at the P&F

sausage sizzle at Motors in Motion on Sunday, 27th October from 9am to mid afternoon. Please contact

Fiona on 0407 629 570 if you are able to help out for

an hour or two on the day. Year 12 students will also be conducting a cake stall, face painting and lucky

dips to raise money for the Year 12 Valedictory.

Cakes/slices/lollies can be dropped off at the aerodrome from 8am to 9am on the day of the event.

SMCC Trade Training Centre students will also be

showcasing their talents on the day.

Mark your diaries for Sunday 4th November for the Death by Chocolate High Tea.

Kind regards,

Damo Martoo

P&F President

Sacramental News

A Sacramental Information evening for

parents of children who are interested in beginning the Parish Sacramental Program will be

held in the Media room at the College. This will be at

1.30pm and again at 6pm on Wednesday 19th September. The meeting will take approximately 60

minutes. Please contact Mr Peter Undery on 0401 289

922 or at the College on 4162 2011 or Fr John Hong on 4162 1958.

Kind regards

Mr Peter Undery

R U OK? Day Thursday, 13th September is R U OK? Day. This day

is about encouraging all people to look out for friends,

family and staff by regularly asking them ‘are you ok’. You don’t have to be an expert - we all have the

capacity to reach out and support anyone doing it


Bursaries The Music Bursary is available from the College office. Each year the College encourages

students across the College to access personal musical

tuition through one of the many tutors currently based at the College.

General information including the applications forms are available from Mrs Alice Hauritz. If you wish to

obtain an application please do not hesitate to contact

her on 4162 2011.

The Good Samaritan Bursary was sent out to families

who travel on our College buses from Cherbourg, Murgon district and the Nanango, Yarraman and

Blackbutt districts. This bursary is for students who

are moving into years 8 and 11 in 2013.

Both of these Bursaries close on Friday, 26th

October 2012.

Indigenous News Aboriginal woman shares story that led to family


Come and here how Aboriginal woman, Michelle Forster, adopted techniques that bonded her

relationship with her children so they went to school

happy and ready to learn.

Michelle’s life is now much easier and happier and

she wants to share how she made this happen with you.

She will show you a video and explain what she did:

10am to 11am at the Ration Shed,

Cherbourg on Tuesday, September 18th. A

morning tea will be provided and a $20 shopping voucher given to the first 20


1pm to 2pm at the Murgon Town Hall

Supper Room on Tuesday 18th

September. Lunch will be provided and a $20

shopping voucher given to the first 20 parents.

Should you need transport please phone Barambah Parent and Community Engagement

(PaCE) team (Emma Stewart or Marcus Priaulx) on

4168 2330, mobile 0403 002 306 or email marcusp@cherbourg.qld.gov.au.

Kind regards,

Mr Lauren Arrell Indigenous Education Support Teacher

Footy Tipping News Congratulations to the following people who won the

footy tipping competition.

First Place - $180 - Joshua Gronbach 112 points

Second Place - $80 - Zac and Jacky Walters 109

points Third Place - $40 - Tommy Schmidhauser and

Lachlan White 104 points

Last Place - Wooden Spoon- Alex Dunemann and Daniel O’Callaghan 75 points

Thank you to everyone who supported the footy tipping competition.

Kind regards

Mrs Trish Jensen



Every Tuesday Lunch

$2 Sausage on bread

$1.50 Popper

$3 Combo (sausage and popper)

Date Claimer Friday, 14th September Movie Night held by our Year 12 students - more

information to follow Monday, 17th September Year 9 Home Economics students cooking with

guest chef Jimmy Stephen Year 4 Excursion Wednesday, 19th September 10am Orchestra performing at Orana Nursing

Home 10-A-Side Rugby League Prep and Year 1 Excursion Thursday, 20th September Years 2 and 3 History excursion Friday, 21st September 2pm Benedictine awards in Mary Knoll Centre Term Three finishes Monday, 8th October School resumes for Term Four Tuesday, 9th October Whole School Assembly Sunday, 14th October P&F Working Bee Wednesday, 17th October FOGS Career Expo Monday, 22nd October Pupil Free Day Friday, 26th October Good Samaritan and Music Bursary due into the

office Art showcase Year 8 Immunisation Clinic

BIGGEST BINGO Saturday 15th September


Kingaroy RSL

Eyes down 1.30pm

Jackpots all in 90 calls

$200, $150, Aces High

The biggest one $1000

Icy Cups


Thursday Lunch

50c each



on our



Casual Employees


Evening and Weekend Work

Please contact

Morgan or Narelle

4164 0330

if you are interested.

Pauls Milk Collect-a-Cap

Families that use Pauls milk, please keep the specially marked lid. The collection box is located in the College front office.

As part of our ongoing commitment to the local community, Hotondo

Homes Kingaroy will donate $1000 to Saint Mary’s Catholic College

when you refer a friend who signs a building contract with us prior to

30th December 2012.

For more information please come and collect a form from the College

office or contact Caylen Cox on 4162 5385 or 0488 625 312

Kingaroy TAFE is offering training in First Aid and CPR

Thursday 8th November 2012

1 day training at Kingaroy TAFE

Full certificate (full day) 8.30am to 5pm $140.00

CPR Only (half day) 9.30am to 12noon $50.00

Enquiries and to enrol please contact Kingaroy TAFE campus on 4160 4400.