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  • 8/14/2019 278570


    Effect of a Dunaliella extract on growth performance,

    health condition, immune response and disease resistance

    in black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon)

    Kidchakan Supamattayaa,*, Suphada Kiriratnikoma, Mali Boonyaratpalinb,

    Lesley Borowitzkac

    aAquatic Animal Health Research Center, Department of Aquatic Science, Faculty of Natural Resources,

    Prince of Songkla University, HatYai 90110, ThailandbDepartment of Fisheries, Kaset Klang, Bangkhen, Chatujak, Bangkok 10900, ThailandcCognis Australia Pty Ltd., Lot 6, Weston Road, Pickering Brook, WA 6076, Australia


    The effects of commercially available Dunaliella extract (Algro NaturalR) on growth, immune functions and disease

    resistance were determined in black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon). Trial I was performed in small shrimp (12 g body

    weight). Shrimp fed 125300 mg of the Dunaliella extract/kg diet for 8 weeks showed higher weight gain and survivalcompared to the control. There was no significant difference in total hemocyte count and phenoloxidase activity among

    treatment. Shrimp fed 300 mg of the extract/kg diet exhibited higher resistance to WSSV infection than other groups and also

    became more tolerable to the stress (low dissolved oxygen condition). Color intensity of boiled shrimp was highest in groups

    fed 200300 mg of the Dunaliellaextract/kg diet. Trial II was performed in juvenile shrimp (1215 g body weight) fed the same

    diet in Trial I for 6 weeks. Total hemocyte counts were negatively correlated to the increase in Dunaliella extract in test diet

    (r=0.97). Phenoloxidase activity and clearance of pathogenic vibrio from the hemolymph were not significantly different.

    Total carotenoid and astaxanthin levels were highest in shrimp fed 200300 mg of the Dunaliella extract. In conclusion, the

    Dunaliella extract showed beneficial effects as a shrimp feed supplement.

    D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Dunaliella extract; Beta-carotene; Black tiger shrimp; Penaeus monodon

    1. Introduction

    In shrimp culture industries, color is one of the

    major factors, which determines the market price of

    black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) in the interna-

    tional market. Supplementation of carotenoid pig-

    ments into diets has been demonstrated to yield

    0044-8486/$ - see front matterD 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


    * Corresponding author. Tel.: +66 74 465102; fax: +66 74


    E-mail address: kidchakan.s@psu.ac.th (K. Supamattaya).

    Aquaculture 248 (2005) 207216


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    higher pigments in shrimp. Moreover, carotenoid pig-

    ments have positive effect on the immunological and

    stress response (Latscha, 1991; Estermann, 1994).

    However, synthetic astaxanthin is still expensive foruse in aquaculture. Several attempts have been made

    to find alternative sources of astaxanthin and other

    carotenoids such as yeast, Phaffia sp. (Sanderson and

    Jolly, 1994), and many species of algae (Liao et al.,

    1993; Sommer et al., 1991; Boonyaratpalin et al.,

    2000). In black tiger shrimp, the color is provided

    mainly by astaxanthin as the free or esterified form

    (Tanaka et al., 1976). Black tiger shrimp are unable to

    biosynthesize carotenoid de novo but can converth-

    carotene and synthetic canthaxanthin in feed to de-

    posit in the body as astaxanthin (Boonyaratpalin et al.,2001). Therefore, price and efficiency are used for

    determining the sources of pigment use in shrimp

    feed. Moreover, carotenoids are known to enhance

    immune function and disease resistance in higher

    animal (Bendich and Shapiro, 1986; Jyounchi et al.,

    1993; Thompson et al., 1995)., but little information is

    available for aquatic animal especially in shrimp. In

    this study, different levels of carotenoid extract from

    the green alga, Dunaliella was used in shrimp feed

    and the effects of this material, at different levels on

    growth performance, health condition, immune func-

    tion and disease resistance in black tiger shrimp were


    2. Materials and methods

    2.1. Test animal

    2.1.1. Trial 1: small shrimp

    Ten thousand PL-15 P. monodon were grown on

    commercial shrimp feed in two 5-ton tanks for one

    and a half months until weight attained 0.51 g, thengraded to the same size and stocked in 5010050-

    cm aquaria with a density of 15 shrimp per aquarium.

    2.1.2. Trial 2: juvenile shrimp

    One thousand healthy shrimp with a weight range

    of 1012 g were purchased from a shrimp farm where

    no severe disease outbreak has been recorded. One

    hundred and twenty shrimp were stocked in each 10-

    ton concrete tank equipped with aeration. Each con-

    crete tank was covered with black plastic blanket to

    control the temperature in the pond (2930 8C). Five

    tanks were used in this study. Shrimp were acclimated

    and were fed with commercial shrimp feed five times

    daily until satiation for 1 week before start feedingwith test diet. Sediment from the pond bottom was

    clean. Water exchange was done daily with 10%

    changing rate, and water salinity was kept constant

    at 1.5% throughout the experiment.

    2.2. Test diet

    2.2.1. Dunaliella extract

    Dunaliella extract was provided by Cognis Pty

    Australia. Dunaliella salina was cultured in saline

    water. After harvesting, the natural h-carotene wasconcentrated by a physical process without petro-

    chemical solvents. The natural h-carotene concentrate

    was then spray-dried and concentration of total car-

    otenoids was controlled as 2% w/w.

    2.2.2. Test diet and feed processing

    Five isonitrogenous test diets were formulated to

    contain 40% protein and 8% fat. All diet have the

    same composition except the level of the Dunaliella

    extract (Algro NaturalR, provided by Cognis Pty

    Australia) added to achieve 0, 125, 200 and 300 as

    mg h-carotene/kg diet 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively.

    NaCl 0.9% was added to diet 5 as another control

    group of Dunaliella extract (Algro NaturalR powder

    contained 0.9% NaCl) (Table 1). Composition of the

    test diets for trial 1 and 2 are the same except the

    pellet size.

    Ingredients were ground, weighed according to

    each formulation in Table 1, and mixed in bowl

    mixer for 5 min; then oil was added and mixed well

    again. After that, 350 ml of freshwater/kg feed was

    added and mixed well for another 5 min. Then, passed

    through the meat grinder, the spaghetti-like feed wasbroken into pellet and dried in an air flow oven at 60

    8C for 46 h or until the moisture was less than 10%.

    The dry pellets were kept in two layers of plastic bag

    in the refrigerator until use.

    2.3. Growth performance analysis

    For the experiment in small shrimp, the stocking

    rate was 15 shrimp per aquarium ( m)

    and each treatment contained six replications. Shrimp

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    was fed to satiation five times daily for 8 weeks. Data

    for growth performance were recorded such as

    growth, weight gain, survival, feed conversion ratio

    (FCR), and body color (score from color fan). Data

    recorded was determined every 2 weeks for the

    8 weeks experimental period.

    2.4. Immune function analysis

    After 6 weeks culture period of juvenile shrimp in

    trial 2, body color of test animal was examined byusing a color fan. Immune functions and disease

    resistance were performed in the test group of juvenile

    shrimp as follows.

    2.4.1. Total hemocyte count

    Hemolymph from each shrimp was collected by

    using a 1-ml syringe with 25 G needle from the base

    of a walking leg. After withdrawal, the hemocytes was

    immediately diluted with 0.5% trypan blue in 2.6%

    NaCl and hemocyte was counted using a hemacytom-

    eter and calculated as number of blood cell (total


    2.4.2. Phenoloxidase activityTwenty shrimp from each experimental group were

    collected on week 6 for PO activities determination.

    PO activity from hemocytes was measured by the

    following methods.

    Hemolymph was collected from each shrimp

    using a 1-ml plastic syringe. K-199 medium (Itami

    et al., 1994) with 3% l-cysteine was used as an

    anticoagulant. After the blood was withdrawn, the

    hemocyte was washed three times with K-199 me-

    dium. Hemocyte lysate was prepared in a cacodylate

    buffer pH 7.4 by using a sonicator (Vibra Cellksonicator and material, USA) at 30 amplitudes for 20

    s. Phenoloxidase activity from hemocyte lysate was

    measured by the modified method of Smith and

    Soderhall (1983). l-3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine (l-

    DOPA) (4 mg/ml in cacodylate buffer) was used as a

    substrate and enzyme activity was measured at 630

    nm. Protein content in hemocyte lysate was mea-

    sured by using Lowrys method (Lowry et al., 1951).

    Phenoloxidase activity was defined by the increase

    of OD /min/mg protein.

    2.4.3. Bacterial clearance ability

    At the end of the 6 weeks feeding period, 20

    shrimp from each experimental group of trial 2 were

    tested for their ability to remove the foreign particles.

    The ability of each shrimp to remove bacterial cell

    from the blood circulation system was measured by

    the modified method ofMartin et al. (1993). A bac-

    terial suspension was prepared from 24 h cultured of

    Vibrio harveyi. A bacterial suspension of 0.1 ml

    (2.7107 cells/ml) was injected into the tail muscle

    of each shrimp and were then kept in aquaria

    equipped with seawater and aeration for 3 h. Hemo-lymph was collected from each shrimp without an

    anticoagulant and 30 Al of whole blood (without

    dilution) was dropped on TCBS agar. A two-fold

    dilution of whole blood was made using sterile

    2.6% NaCl solution. The number of bacteria was

    counted on the TCBS as above. The bacterial cells

    in the hemolymph of each shrimp was reported as cfu/

    ml. Hemolymph from five of sham-injected shrimp

    were also performed for the initial number of vibrio in

    the blood.

    Table 1

    Compositions of test diet

    Ingredients g/kg

    T1 T2 T3 T4 T5

    Fish meal 280 280 280 280 280

    Shrimp head meal 100 100 100 100 100

    Squid meal 50 50 50 50 50

    Wheat gluten 60 60 60 60 60

    Soybean meal 100 100 100 100 100

    Wheat flour 200 200 200 200 200

    Rice flour 101 97.45 91 86 92

    Fish oil 20 20 20 20 20

    Lecithin 20 20 20 20 20

    Cholesterol 5 5 5 5 5

    Vitamin-mixa 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3

    Choline 3 3 3 3 3

    Vitamin E 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5Vitamin C 1 1 1 1 1

    Mineral mixtureb 40 40 40 40 40

    BHT 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

    Zeolite 15 15 15 15 15

    Algro NaturalR (2%) 0 6.25 10 15 0

    Salt (NaCl) 0 0 0 0 9

    a Vitamin mixture (mg/ kg diet): thiamin 22.5; riboflavin 20;

    nicotinic acid 36.7; Ca pantothenate 24; inositol 98; biotin 0.5;

    folic acid 1.68; vitamin B12 0.005; menadione 13.28; vitamin A

    1150 IU; vitamin D3 230 IU; BHT 1; PABA 20.b Mineral mixture (g/kg diet) KH2PO4 1; CaHPO4 1; NaH2PO4

    1.5; KCl 0.5.

    K. Supamattaya et al. / Aquaculture 248 (2005) 207216 209

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    2.5. Stress tolerance

    At the end of experiment, in trial 1, 20 shrimp from

    each treatment were transferred to duplicates of stress

    test chambers (50-l glass aquaria). Low dissolvedoxygen conditions were maintained by stop the

    water flow through system and aeration, using a plas-

    tic sheet overlying on the water surface in each stress

    test chamber. Dissolved oxygen was linearly de-

    creased to 0.81 mg/l within 10 h. Dissolved oxygen

    in the test chamber was measured by an oxygen meter

    (YSI model 57). The stress condition was carried on

    only in the daytime for 10 h (7:00 a.m.5:00 p.m.) per

    day and then returned to normal condition in the

    evening. Shrimp was stressed under this condition

    for 10 consecutive days. Mortality of the shrimp ineach group was recorded for 10 days period.

    2.6. Disease resistance

    2.6.1. Virus stock preparation

    For preparation of viral stock, normal and healthy

    shrimp weighing about 1215 g was injected with

    white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and kept in a

    250-l tank until they showed signs of the red disease

    with white spots and positive by PCR (polymerase

    chain reaction technique). Viral stock used for injec-

    tion was prepared by withdrawing the hemolymph

    from the moribund shrimp and diluted to 1:2 with

    PBS and stored at 80 8C until use. The diluted

    hemolymph was further diluted at 1:10,000,

    1:50,000, 1:100,000 with sterile 1.5% NaCl and 20shrimp were injected with 0.1 ml of each dilution of

    viral suspension. Mortality was recorded for 1015

    days and LD50 was determined by using probit


    2.6.2. Challenge procedure

    At termination of the experiment in small shrimp,

    the shrimp from each treatment were transferred to

    duplicates of 150-l glass aquaria with 10 shrimp per

    aquarium. Stock virus was prepared in sterile 1.5%

    NaCl and diluted to a certain concentration. Eachshrimp was injected intramuscularly on the sixth

    segment with 0.1 ml of viral suspension at the

    concentration of LD50. The negative control group

    was injected with sterile 1.5% NaCl solution.

    Shrimp were fed regularly as normal condition

    with 20% water exchanged daily. Moribund or

    dead shrimp were removed each day and the cause

    of mortality examined due to the virus by polymer-

    ase chain reaction technique (Takahashi et al., 1996).

    The mortality was recorded everyday for a period of

    15 days.

    Table 2

    Average weigh (g) of small shrimp fed with experimental diet for 8 weeks

    Week 0 Week 2 Week 4 Week 6 Week 8

    T1 (control) 1.22F0.01 2.17F0.18 3.25F0.26 4.25F0.48 5.35F0.59T2 (125 mg h-carotene) 1.22F0.01 2.32F0.14 3.56F0.39 4.70F0.35 5.76F0.38

    T3 (200 mg h-carotene) 1.21F0.01 2.16F0.10 3.41F0.33 4.49F0.36 5.46F0.18

    T4 (300 mg h-carotene) 1.22F0.01 2.29F0.18 3.49F0.39 4.85F0.63 6.00F0.73

    T5 (0.9% NaCl) 1.22F0.01 2.23F0.17 3.38F0.19 4.33F0.50 5.35F0.61

    MeanFS.D. from six replications. No significant difference was observed in mean (PN0.05).

    Each replication contained 15 shrimp per aquarium.

    Table 3

    Growth performance of small shrimp after feeding with experimental diet for 8 weeks

    Weight gain (%) Survival rate (%) FCR

    T1 (control) 323.32F41.89a 88.89F3.44b 1.98F0.19

    T2 (125 mg h-carotene) 372.85F29.52b 100.00F0.00

    c 1.68F0.14

    T3 (200 mg h-carotene) 351.81F16.41ab 100.00F0.00c 1.80F0.09

    T4 (300 mg h-carotene) 392.40F58.98b 100.00F0.00c 1.72F0.23

    T5 (0.9% NaCl) 323.95F44.46a 86.67F0.00

    a 1.85F0.28

    MeanFS.D. from six replications. Each replication contained 15 shrimp per aquarium.

    Means not sharing a common superscript are significantly different ( Pb0.05).

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    2.7. Carotenoids analysis

    After 6-week periods of feeding trial in juvenile

    shrimp (trial 2), 10 shrimp from each treatment weresampled and analyzed for total carotenoids by the

    method described by Sommer et al. (1991). Thin

    layer chromatography (TLC) from the method de-

    scribed by Yamada et al. (1990) was used for the

    analysis of free astaxanthin, astaxanthin mono-ester

    and astaxanthin di-ester.

    2.8. Statistical analysis

    All data were subjected to analysis with Duncans

    new multiple range test (Duncan, 1955).

    3. Results

    3.1. Trial 1 (small shrimp)

    3.1.1. Growth performance

    During 8 weeks of feeding period, there was no

    significant difference in average weight of the shrimp

    among each treatment (Table 2). Weight gain, percent

    survival and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of the

    shrimp in each treatment are shown inTable 3.Weight

    gain of shrimp fed diet supplemented with 125300mg h-carotene/kg diet was significantly higher than

    the shrimp fed control diet (T1) or diet containing

    0.9% NaCl (T5) (Pb0.05), as well as the percent

    survival, which was lowest in the group fed control

    diet (T1) and the diet supplemented with 0.9% NaCl

    (T5). However, it was not significantly different in

    FCR among each treatment.

    3.1.2. Body color

    The body color of each treatment could be distin-

    guished by the naked eye in week 3 after feeding withtest diet. Shrimp in treatments 1 and 5 looked pale

    blue, while dark blue or dark brown was observed in

    T2T4. The color in T4 was more intense than the

    others. After 8 weeks of feeding trial, color score of

    boiled shrimp in T3 and T4 was highest and the

    lowest score was found in T1 and T5 as described

    inTable 4.

    3.1.3. Blood parameters and disease resistance

    There was no significant difference in total hemo-

    cyte count and phenoloxidase activity among each

    treatment as shown in Table 5. The percent survival

    after challenged with WSSV (1:106) is shown inFig.

    1. After 15 days of challenged period survival of

    shrimp fed with 300 mg h-carotene/kg diet was sig-

    nificantly higher than the others (Table 5).

    3.1.4. Stress tolerance

    During 9 days of stress period, the survival of

    shrimp fed diet containing 300 mg h-carotene/kg

    Table 4

    Color score and visual apparent of small shrimpa in each treatment

    after boiling for 3 min

    Color score Visual apparentT1 (control) b20 Lightorange

    T2 (125 mg h-carotene) 26 Orangered

    T3 (200 mg h-carotene) 27 Orangered

    T4 (300 mg h-carotene) 2728 Orangered

    T5 (0.9% NaCl) b20 Lightorange

    a Eighteen animals were visualized from each treatment (three

    animals were sampling from each replication).

    Table 5Blood parameters and survival after challenge test of small shrimp fed experimental diet for 8 weeks

    Hemocytes county

    (104 cell/mm3)

    PO activityy

    (U/min/mg protein)

    Survivalyy (%)

    T1 (control) 6.83F1.85 396.51F224.73 10F0a

    T2 (125 mg h-carotene) 7.22F2.63 421.19F163.38 16.7F4.71ab

    T3 (200 mg h-carotene) 7.30F2.30 334.57F167.96 23.3F4.71ab

    T4 (300 mg h-carotene) 7.64F2.88 474.80F162.82 33.3F12.47b

    T5 (0.9 % NaCl) 8.05F2.51 452.72F323.31 10F8.16a

    y MeanFS.D. from 15 shrimp. No significant difference was observed in mean ( PN0.05).yy Survival after 15 days of challenge test with WSSV, meanFS.D. from three replications, means not sharing a common superscript are

    significantly different (Pb0.05).

    K. Supamattaya et al. / Aquaculture 248 (2005) 207216 211

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    diet (T4) was the highest as shown in Fig. 2. More-

    over, survival of all groups fed h-carotene supplemen-

    ted diet were significantly higher than control groups


    3.2. Trial 2 (juvenile shrimp)

    3.2.1. Blood parameters

    At termination of experiment on week 6, total

    hemocyte were significantly higher in control and

    the shrimp fed diet containing 0.9% NaCl

    (Pb0.05). Total hemocyte counts were negatively

    correlated to the increasing ofh-carotene in test diet(r=0.97). Phenoloxidase activity was not signifi-

    cantly different among treatments (Table 6).

    3.2.2. Body colors and carotenoids analysis

    The difference in body color of shrimp in each

    treatment was first observed on week 4, the shrimp

    fed pigment supplemented diet exhibited more

    dark-brown color when compared with control

    and the group fed with 0.9% NaCl (Fig. 3). At

    the end of feeding trial, color intensity of boiled

    shrimp in T3 and T4 were higher than T2, whilethe light-yellow color was observed in control and

    the group fed with 0.9% NaCl (Fig. 4). Color

    scores of boiled shrimp fed each experimental

    diet are shown in Table 7. The carotenoid content

    Fig. 1. Survival (%) of shrimp in each treatment after challenged

    with 1106 WSSV for 15 days.

    Fig. 2. Survival (%) of shrimp in each treatment during 9 days of

    stress period.

    Table 6

    Total hemocyte counts and phenoloxidase activity of juvenile

    shrimp fed experimental diet for 6 weeks

    Total hemocytecount

    (104 cell/ mm3)

    Phenoloxidaseactivity (U/min/mg


    T1 (control) 7.04F2.70bc 553.42F228.44

    T2 (125 mg h-carotene) 5.87F2.95abc 547.67F171.14

    T3 (200 mg h-carotene) 5.45F1.97ab 537.56F175.79

    T4 (300 mg h-carotene) 4.91F2.17a 595.53F184.45

    T5 (0.9% NaCl) 7.91F2.00c 605.91F129.42

    MeanFS.D. from 20 shrimp.

    Means within columns not sharing the same superscript are signifi-

    cantly different ( Pb0.05).

    Fig. 3. Body color of juvenile shrimp after fed each experimental

    diet for 6 weeks.

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    of the shrimp is summarized in Table 8. Total

    carotenoid was highest in the shrimp fed with

    125300 mg h-carotene/kg diet. However, free

    astaxanthin was highest in the shrimp fed 300

    mg h-carotene/kg diet.

    3.2.3. Bacterial clearance ability

    At 3 h post injection of V. harveyi suspension,

    vibrio count in the hemolymph from shrimp fed

    each experimental diet ranged from 2.153.90104

    cfu/ml (Table 9). However, vibrio counts in hemo-

    lymph were not significantly different among treat-

    ment. The vibrio counted from sham-injected shrimp

    ranged 812 cfu/ml hemolymph.

    4. Discussion

    It is considered that penaeid shrimp cannot

    biosynthesize carotenoids from mevalonic acid,

    but can alter dietary carotenoids by oxidation anddeposit them in their tissues. Tanaka et al. (1976)

    reported on the metabolism of carotenoids in kur-

    uma shrimp and suggested that some of dietary

    carotenoid pigments such as astaxanthin, h-caro-

    tene, isocryptoxanthin, echinenone, canthaxanthin,

    phoenicoxanthin, zeaxanthin and 4-ketozeaxanthin

    were converted into astaxanthin in shrimp body.

    Especially, astaxanthin was the most effective sub-

    stance for pigmentation in shrimp when compared

    with h-carotene and canthaxanthin. (Yamada et al.,

    1990). However, Liao et al. (1993) studied the

    pigmentation of the black tiger shrimp by feeding

    the shrimp with diets containing different carote-

    noid sources, e.g., h-carotene, spirulina, Phaffiayeast and krill oil. A marked increase of caroten-

    oid content in the carapace was observed in the

    group fed with spirulina supplemented diets and

    suggested that zeaxanthin, which is the major caro-

    tenoid in spirulina, was rapidly converted to astax-

    anthin. Moreover, 125 mg/kg of synthetic h-

    carotene or 125175 mg/kg h-carotene extracted

    from D. salina (Betatene) have been reported as

    a pigment sources in black tiger shrimp and dem-

    onstrated that black tiger shrimp has the metabolic

    ability to converted h-carotene into astaxanthin(Boonyaratpalin et al., 2001). Such finding was

    correlated with our results, 200300 mg/kg of h-

    carotene from D. salina (Algro NaturalR) showed

    its high efficiency for pigmentation in black tiger

    shrimp. From previous reports, dietary carotenoids

    were converted into astaxanthin and deposited in

    the shrimp body in free form by the association

    with protein and exists as carotenoprotein and

    esterified forms which are predominantly a mono-

    ester and di ester of long-chain fatty acids (Foss et

    al., 1987; Yamada et al., 1990). However, the

    incorporation of astaxanthin esters in test diets

    seemed less effective than the free form as

    reported by Liao et al. (1993) Moreover, Barbosa

    et al. (1999) reported that astaxanthin in rainbow

    trout serum was increased with increasing dietary

    lipids levels.

    No evidence showed the positive effect of dietary

    carotenoid on growth and feed efficiency in black

    tiger shrimp is in agreement with Liao et al. (1993),

    Fig. 4. Color of shrimp fed each experimental diet after boiling for

    5 min.

    Table 7

    Color score and visual apparent of the juvenile shrimpa fed exper-

    imental diet after boiling for 3 min

    Color score Visual apparent

    T1 (control) 2021 Lightorange

    T2 (125 mg h-carotene) 2627 Orangered

    T3 (200 mg h-carotene) 2728 Orangered

    T4 (300 mg h-carotene) 2728 Orangered

    T5 (0.9% NaCl) 2021 Lightorange

    a Eighteen animals were visualized from each treatment (three

    animals were sampled from each replication).

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    Chien and Jeng (1992) and Boonyaratpalin et al.

    (2001). However, the antioxidant activity of caroten-

    oid pigments are involved in many physiological

    systems in the aquatic animal (Estermann, 1994;Hunter, 2000). Amar et al. (2001) studied the effect

    of carotenoids and vitamin A, C and E supplemented

    diets on bio-defense mechanisms in rainbow trout

    and found that serum complement activity in both

    beta-carotene and astaxanthin vitamin-supplement

    fed groups were significantly higher than control

    fish. Phagocytic activity was also high in the vita-

    min-supplemented astaxanthin and beta-carotene fed

    groups compared with control. Moreover, the vita-

    min-supplemented astaxanthin and h-carotene fed

    groups also exhibited better nonspecific cytotoxicity

    for the peripheral blood lymphocytes. Thus, among

    the carotenoids studied, h-carotene and astaxanthin

    elevated humoral factors such as serum complement

    and lysozyme activity, as well as cellular factors

    such as phagocytosis and nonspecific cytotoxicity.

    However, the concentration of h-carotene used in

    our study did not affect the immune parameters but

    enhanced the resistanceto white spot syndromevirus

    (WSSV). In addition, Thompson et al. (1995), who

    reported that the immunomodulatory effects of vita-

    min A and/or astaxanthin in rainbow trout weresmall, only serum antiprotease activity was increased

    by dietary vitamin A (18 mg/kg diet) or astaxanthin

    (100 mg/kg diet).

    Astaxanthin may serve as an intracellular oxygen

    supply for shrimp, allowing survival under the hyp-

    oxic conditions in the pond bottom (Chien and Jeng,

    1992). Chien et al. (1999) reported that black tiger

    shrimp fed diet containing 360 mg synthetic astax-

    anthin/kg diet had better survival when exposed to

    oxygen depletion stress. This finding agreed with our

    study and concluded that deposited h-carotene from

    Dunaliella extract may constitute an intracellular re-

    serve of oxygen in black tiger shrimp. From our

    results, the increase of dietary h-carotene reduced

    the total hemocytes of juvenile black tiger shrimp,

    while the phenoloxidase activity was not different

    from others, such phenomenon was not found in

    small shrimp. It is hypothesized that the large shrimp

    has a difference in physiological function from smal-

    ler shrimp. h-carotene may act as an antioxidant in the

    hemolymph of juvenile shrimp and reduce hemocyte

    production. Similar results have been reported by

    Nakano et al. (1995) who found that the activity ofserum glutamicoxaloacetic transaminase (GOT)

    was lower in rainbow trout fed a diet containing

    red yeast (Phaffia yeast) or synthetic astaxanthin

    when compared with those of fish fed control diet.

    Moreover, the decline in HSI (hepatosomatic indi-

    ces) has demonstrated that dietary astaxanthin has

    the potential to improve the function of the liver.

    Additionally, Rehulka (2000) reported that rainbow

    trout fed diet containing astaxanthin had significant-

    ly lower levels of red blood cells count, hematocrit,

    Table 8

    Total carotenoid and astaxanthin (mg/kg) content in juvenile shrimp* fed experimental diet for 6 weeks

    Total carotenoid


    Di ester astaxanthin


    Mono ester

    astaxanthin (ppm)

    Free astaxanthin

    (ppm)T1 (control) 8.29F0.91a 1.86F0.23a 0.12F0.16a 1.29F0.35a

    T2 (125 mg h-carotene) 19.43F2.98b 2.65F0.18a 1.69F0.23bc 3.42F0.33a

    T3 (200 mg h-carotene) 20.88F2.34b 6.94F0.86b 2.94F0.88c 3.27F1.54a

    T4 (300 mg h-carotene) 24.52F1.22b 6.23F1.45b 2.71F0.45c 9.93F1.51b

    T5 (0.9% NaCl) 11.63F1.79a 1.77F0.17 a 0.54F0.33ab 2.01F0.22a

    * Analysis was performed from 3 replicates of 10 animals from each treatment. Means not sharing a common superscript are significantly

    different (Pb0.05).

    Table 9

    Total bacteria count in hemolymph after injected with suspension of

    V. harveyi for 3 h

    Total vibrio count

    (104 cfu/ml)

    T1 (control) 2.15F1.62

    T2 (125 mg h-carotene) 2.88F2.81

    T3 (200 mg h-carotene) 3.44F2.58

    T4 (300 mg h-carotene) 3.90F2.52

    T5 (0.9% NaCl) 2.55F1.48

    Vibrio counted from sham-injected shrimp was 812 cfu/ml


    MeanFS.D. from 20 shrimp. No significant difference was ob-

    served in mean (PN0.05).

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    hemoglobin, triacylglycerol and Ca2+ in the plasma.

    This finding shows that dietary carotenoids influ-

    enced blood components.

    Several reports have demonstrated a positive effectof microbial products that improve the pigmentation

    in many aquatic animals (Gentles and Haard, 1991;

    Sommer et al., 1991; Sanderson and Jolly, 1994).

    However, Tangeras and Slinde (1994)suggested that

    the thick cell wall in Phaffia rhodozyma restricted

    pigment availability, because of the lack of enzyme

    able to degrade the cell wall components in digestive

    tract of salmonid fish. In the application of algae

    Haematocuccus pluvialis in rainbow trout, Sommer

    et al. (1991)reported that the astaxanthin level in the

    fish body was higher in fish fed cell wall disruptedalgal cells when compared with intact cell supplemen-

    ted diet. Moreover, a high supplementation of dried

    algal cells caused retardation of growth in black tiger

    shrimp (Liao et al., 1993) and striped jack (Watanabe

    et al., 1990). Thus, supplementation of concentrated

    carotenoids, which extracted from microbial cells, are

    more practical than the incorporation of whole cells in



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