25 Things We Want Our Students to Know OTT Snap Shot 2012


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25 Things We Want Our

Students to Know

OTT Snap Shot 2012

God created everything.

God has a plan for you.

God has given us all things that we are good at.

Enjoy those things.

You are worth it.

Life is not fair.

Jesus Loves you.

Show people you like them.

You will be known by those you associate with.

Choose your friends with care.

Make Mistakes

Practice makes permanent

Do to others what you would have them do to you.

You choose who or what you worship?

With every right comes a responsibility.

If you want it; you need to put a ring on it!

Enjoy yourself.

Your body may be a canvas, but it will eventually stretch... a lot.

RESPECT: it starts with yourself.

Relationships take work.

You are limited only by

your imaginatio


Always tell the truth.

We will pray for you.